Role of Financial Market and Securities Market in Economic Growt1

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Role of Financial Market and Securities Market in Economic Growt1

  • 8/11/2019 Role of Financial Market and Securities Market in Economic Growt1


    Securities Market and its Role in economic growth

    A securities market is a place where the suppliers and users of capital meet to share one

    anothers views, and where a balance is sought between diverse market participants. This is a

    subset of financial market. It allows people to utilize their savings in a better manner as it

    provides a linkage between the savings and the preferred investment across the entities by

    channelizing them through securities into preferred enterprises. The securities market also

    provides a market place for purchase and sale of securities and thereby ensures transferability of

    securities, which is the basis for the joint stock enterprise system. It benefits both the enterprise

    for capital and the investors for liquidity. The securities market enables a person to allocate his

    savings among different enterprises as investments so as to diversify the risks among many

    enterprises, which increases the likelihood of long term overall gains.

    The securities market has two independent segments namely:

    Primary market ( new issues) which provides the channel for the creation and sale of

    new securities and and issued by public limited companies or by government agencies.

    Secondary market (stock market) which deals with securities which are previously

    issued and once issued in the primary market, it is traded in the stock market

    Securities Market and Economic Growth

    Savers and investors are not constrained by their individual capabilities, but enabled by the

    economys capability to invest and save, which inevitably enhances savings and investments ofthe economy. Thus the securities market converts a given stock of resources into a larger flow of

    goods and services which augments the economic growth.

    The securities market fosters economic growth to the extent it augments the quantities of real

    savings and capital formation from a given level of national income and it raises productivity of

    investment by improving allocation of investible funds. The extent depends on the quality of the

    securities market. In order to improve the quality of the market, that is, to improve market

    efficiency, enhance transparency, prevent unfair trade practices and bring the Indian market up to

    international standards, a package of reforms consisting of measures to liberalize, regulate and

    develop the securities market was implemented in 1990.

    The securities market enlarges the financial sector, promoting additional and more sophisticated

    financing; it increases opportunities for specialization, division of labour and reductions in costs

    in financial activities. The securities market and its institutions help the user in many ways to

    reduce the cost of capital. They provide a convenient market place to which investors and issuers

  • 8/11/2019 Role of Financial Market and Securities Market in Economic Growt1


    of securities go and thereby avoid the need to search a suitable counterpart. The market provides

    standardized products and thereby cuts the information costs associated with individual


    There are also other developmental benefits associated with the existence of a securities market.

    First, the securities market provides a fast-rate breeding ground for the skills and judgement

    needed for entrepreneurship, risk bearing, portfolio selection and management. Second, an active

    securities market serves as a tool for general financial development and in particular, accelerates

    the integration of informal financial systems with the institutional financial sector. Securities

    directly displace traditional assets such as gold and stocks of produce or, indirectly, may provide

    portfolio assets for unit trusts, pension funds and similar financial institutions that raise savings

    from the traditional sector. Third, the existence of securities market enhances the scope, and

    provides institutional mechanisms, for the operation of monetary and financial policy.


    A well-developed financial market and securities market lead to better decision making. This

    results in efficient and effective allocation of resources. This leads to economic growth.

    Economic growth creates demand for financial instruments, and, where enterprise leads, finance
