Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects 3.1-03 Release Notes 2015-01-23

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Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects 3.1-03 Release Notes 2015-01-23

Transcript of Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects 3.1-03 Release Notes 2015-01-23

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects

Add-On Instructions and Graphics

Release Notes

Version 3.1-03

Updated January 23, 2015

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 2

Table of Contents

REVISION 3.1-00 (JULY 22, 2014) ............................................................................................................................ 4

SUMMARY OF CHANGES .................................................................................................................................................. 4

1. New Instructions .......................................................................................................................................... 4

2. Source and Quality (SrcQ) ............................................................................................................................ 4

3. Not Ready Reason Bits (Nrdy_xxx) ............................................................................................................... 5

4. Maintenance Bypass .................................................................................................................................... 6

5. Faceplate Trends .......................................................................................................................................... 6

6. New Mode Features ..................................................................................................................................... 6

7. Display position enhancements ................................................................................................................... 6

8. Cfg_Tag Moved to Faceplate Title Bar ......................................................................................................... 6

9. Alarm Changes ............................................................................................................................................. 7

10. High / Low Select .......................................................................................................................................... 7

11. Drives Instructions ........................................................................................................................................ 7

12. P_PIDE .......................................................................................................................................................... 7

13. P_Seq............................................................................................................................................................ 7

14. Instruction Signatures .................................................................................................................................. 7

REVISION 3.1-01 (SEPTEMBER 5, 2014) .................................................................................................................. 8

SUMMARY OF CHANGES .................................................................................................................................................. 8

1. All Instructions and Graphics Marked V3.1-01 ............................................................................................. 8

2. SrcQ (Source and Quality) Used for Bad, Uncertain Input ............................................................................ 8

3. 1756 HART Analog Input Modules ............................................................................................................... 8

4. Certain Timer Local Tags Exposed as Read-Only .......................................................................................... 8

5. Not Ready (Nrdy_) Status Reset ................................................................................................................... 9

6. Dosing Instruction Simulation Logic ............................................................................................................. 9

7. Drive, SMC Stop Output Generation ............................................................................................................ 9

8. L_CPU_23 Instruction Added ........................................................................................................................ 9

9. Change to the P_Prompt Selection Display .................................................................................................. 9

10. Other Process Library FactoryTalk View SE Graphics Changes .................................................................. 10

11. Differences between FTView ME and FTView SE features: ........................................................................ 11 Navigation ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Global Object Parameters ................................................................................................................................................ 11 Simple Sequencer ............................................................................................................................................................. 11

REVISION 3.1-02 (OCTOBER 1, 2014) .................................................................................................................... 12

SUMMARY OF CHANGES ................................................................................................................................................ 12

1. Target Entry field on the P_AInAdv Faceplate and Quick........................................................................... 12

2. Color modifications to Communication Status Indicators .......................................................................... 12

3. P_Alarm and Alarm and Event Configuration Changes ............................................................................. 12

4. Steam Table Add-On Instruction Additions ................................................................................................ 14

5. HART Analog Input Module Objects for 1756-IFxxH .................................................................................. 14

6. FTView ME global object files added ......................................................................................................... 14

7. FTView ME functionality added to the P_Seq object ................................................................................. 14

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 3

REVISION 3.1-03 (JANUARY 23, 2015) .................................................................................................................. 14

SYSTEM FEATURES ........................................................................................................................................................ 14

1. New P_Din Quick Display ........................................................................................................................... 14

2. New L_CPU_24 Instruction ......................................................................................................................... 15

3. P_PIDE Quick Display Enhancements ......................................................................................................... 16

4. E300 Overload Faceplate Display Enhancements ...................................................................................... 16

5. L_TaskMon Faceplate Trend ...................................................................................................................... 16

6. Multiple GoToDisplay buttons removed .................................................................................................... 16

7. Common Faceplate Objects ....................................................................................................................... 16

ANOMALIES ................................................................................................................................................................ 17

1. Overload Faceplate Tag Changes ............................................................................................................... 17

2. Display Element Navigation Buttons .......................................................................................................... 17

3. I_EH_FlowMeter Faceplate Trends ............................................................................................................ 17

4. P_AIn94H Faceplate ................................................................................................................................... 17

5. P_DoseFM Animation ................................................................................................................................ 18

6. Dosing Tool-Tips ......................................................................................................................................... 18

7. P_PF753 Scaling Limits ............................................................................................................................... 18

8. Interlock Permissive Help Display ............................................................................................................... 18

9. L_TaskMon Faceplate ................................................................................................................................ 18

10. Prompt Button ........................................................................................................................................... 18

11. P_PF755 ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

12. P_ AInAdv-Faceplate .................................................................................................................................. 19

13. P_Motor-Faceplate .................................................................................................................................... 19

14. Bulletin 1756 HART Analog Input Add-On Instruction ............................................................................... 19

15. Motor and Drive Add-On Instructions ........................................................................................................ 19

16. P_ValveC Breadcrumbs .............................................................................................................................. 19

17. P_SMC Faceplates ...................................................................................................................................... 19

18. P_HiLoSel Faceplates.................................................................................................................................. 20

FUNCTIONAL CHANGES .................................................................................................................................................. 20

1. Control Valve Add-On Instruction .............................................................................................................. 20

SUMMARY OF FILES IN THIS RELEASE .................................................................................................................. 21

RSLogix 5000 Add-On Instructions (L5X import files) ....................................................................................................... 21 FactoryTalk View SE Global Object Files ........................................................................................................................... 23 FactoryTalk View SE Graphics Files ................................................................................................................................... 24 FactoryTalk View ME Global Object Files ......................................................................................................................... 28 FactoryTalk View ME Graphics Files ................................................................................................................................. 29

ADD-ON PROFILE INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................... 33

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 4

This document provides the Release Notes for the RSLogix 5000 Add-On Instructions and FactoryTalk

View Objects that make up the Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects. This version of the

Release Notes document (dated January 23, 2015) is for Version 3.1-03 of the Library.

Revision 3.1-00 (July 22, 2014)

Revision 3.1-00 is a major release and as such, it includes changes to logic and HMI files and


Summary of Changes Here is a summary of the changes to the Library going from Version 3.0 to Version 3.1-00.

1. New Instructions

The following new-for-3.1 instructions, and their graphic symbols and faceplates, are added:

P_E1PlusE: E1 Plus Overload Relay (EtherNet/IP)

P_E300Ovld: E300 Overload Relay (EtherNet/IP)

P_E3Ovld: E3 / E3Plus Overload Relay (EtherNet/IP or DeviceNet)

P_PF52x: PowerFlex 523 / 525 Variable Frequency Drive

P_SMC50: SMC-50 Smart Motor Controller

P_SMCFlex: SMC-Flex Smart Motor Controller

2. Source and Quality (SrcQ)

Input and Device instructions now incorporate the concept of source and quality. All information known

about either the Process Value or I/O is incorporated to assign an enumerated value (0-35) that

indicates the source and quality of that value or status. Overall quality can be either Good, Test,

Uncertain, or Bad, with the enumerated value increasing to indicate degrading quality status or a signal

source more removed from the original input. A value is assigned to indicate quality both to I/O

(SrcQ_IO) and to the primary instruction status or value output (SrcQ).

The SrcQ_IO parameter is used to animate the communications status indicator shown on the lower

portion of the faceplate operator (home) tab.

The meanings of the SrcQ enumeration values are shown in the following table.

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 5

SrcQ_xxx Quality Condition



Live Input, Confirmed Good

1 Live Input, Assumed Good

2 Has No Feedback, Assumed Good




9 Loopback

10 Entered



Live Input, Off Spec

17 Substituted, at Device / Bus

18 Substituted, at AOI (Maint Byp)

19 Shed, Using Last Good Value

20 Shed, Using Replacement Value



Signal Failure

33 Channel Fault (Declared by Module)

34 Module / Comm Fault

35 Bad Configuration (affecting value)

3. Not Ready Reason Bits (Nrdy_xxx)

Device instructions now include bits to indicate Not Ready reasons. Exact bits included for a given

device vary. The following table summarizes the Not Ready bits used throughout the Library.

Not Ready Reason Parameter Name Device Disabled by Maintenance Nrdy_Disabled

Configuration Error Nrdy_CfgErr

Interlock Not OK Nrdy_Intlk

Permissive Not OK (in de-energized state) Nrdy_Perm

Operator Stop/State0 Priority Command Requires Reset


I/O Fault (Shed Requires Reset) Nrdy_IOFault

Enternal Equipment Fault (Fault or Shed Requires Reset)


Device Failure (Shed Requires Reset) Nrdy_Fail

Device Unrequested State Change (Shed Requires Reset)


Bad PV, PV Fail Nrdy_PVBad

Trip (Device Trip/Drive Fault or Trip by Command) Nrdy_Trip

Drive Not Ready (and not in simulation) Nrdy_DriveNR

CV Init Req and configured to Init to Manual Nrdy_Init

EnableIn is False (Device Logic Disabled / NOMode) Nrdy_NoMode

A diagnostic tab has been added to device faceplates to show the state of each of the possible Not

Ready reasons for the device.

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 6

4. Maintenance Bypass

The P_Perm and P_Intlk objects now have the ability to bypass individual permissives and interlocks. A

Maintenance Tab has been added to the P_Perm and P_Intlk faceplates where the maintenance user

can select which permissives and interlocks to bypass when bypassing is enabled or active on the

downstream device.

5. Faceplate Trends

The trend displays on the faceplates have been modified with a light background. Thresholds are shown

as horizontal lines superimposed on the trends for better performance. A color key has been added to

each trend display.

Also, the target and deviation trend displays used by P_PIDE and P_AInAdv (both the faceplate and

display element) have been changed. The Target (or PV) is a two pixel line (formerly a one pixel line).

The deviation lines are now a one pixel dashed line (formerly a two pixel solid line).

6. New Mode Features

P_Mode has been modified to provide a one-shot Status bit (Sts_MCmdAcq) when the Maintenance

Mode Acquire command is received. This Status is aliased out from all instructions that use P_Mode. It

is provided so that external timing logic can be used to automatically exit Maintenance Mode if an

instruction is inadvertently left in Maintenance, for example, at a remote site, preventing the need to

return to the site. The one-shot Status bit should be used to reset the timer in the external logic and

extend the time before Maintenance Mode is automatically released.

Important: The P_Mode instruction does not include the required timer. This must be provided by

external logic. The P_Mode instruction simply provides this new Status as a means to reset/extend the

time provided in the external logic.

The Maintenance Mode Acquire command (MCmd_Acq) is now enabled (Rdy_MAcq) even when

Maintenance Mode is acquired to allow this time extension to be triggered.

7. Display position enhancements

The HMI displays in SE have been modified to pass the display position parameters to subsequent

displays. This ensures that displays that are launched from faceplates have the same position as the

faceplate that launched them. This feature is not available in FT View ME.

8. Cfg_Tag Moved to Faceplate Title Bar

The value of Cfg_Tag is shown in the faceplate title bar along with the value of Cfg_Descr. The Cfg_Tag

display that as shown in the lower right corner of the faceplate operator (home) tab has been removed.

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 7

9. Alarm Changes

The Alarm Severity (Cfg_Severity) in P_Alarm has been changed from a SINT (1-4) to an INT (1-1000).

This is to align with future versions of Factory Talk Alarm and Events which will allow the severity value

to be specified by a tag in the controller.

The P_Alarm faceplate has been modified with a slider and an input field to configure Cfg_Severity.

Add-On Instruction which use P_Alarm had their rung comments modified to reflect the new severity

values. Also, logic to produce the overall alarm priority and acknowledgment value, Val_Notify, was

separated from logic which produces the “Reset Required” Ready bits, Rdy_Reset and Rdy_ResetAckAll,

for clarity.

10. High / Low Select

Logic was added to the P_HiLoSel instruction to limit the “CV Previous” values set to upstream objects to

valid values. This prevents an upstream PIDE or P_PIDE instruction from showing an Invalid CV Previous

status or fault.

In addition, a new faceplate and graphic symbol for P_HiLoSel are now included in the Library.

11. Drives Instructions

Logic in the Drives instructions (P_VSD, P_PF755 and P_PF753) was modified to correct an anomaly,

introduced in Version 3.0-09 of the Library, in which the instruction asserts Out_Stop when the drive

reports Not Ready (Inp_Ready or its equivalent = 0), which then causes the drive to show Not Ready,

resulting in a deadlock condition. Now the Drives instructions assert Out_Stop when conditions OTHER

than Inp_Ready = 0 cause the drive to be not ready to run (as indicated by the new Nrdy_xxx Not Ready

reason bits, described above).

12. P_PIDE

Status Parameters Sts_InstrFaults1 and Sts_InstrFaults2 were added to the P_PIDE add-on instruction,

and a second page of diagnostics was added to the P_PIDE faceplate to show detailed instruction fault

and configuration fault information for the instruction.

13. P_Seq

The Simple Sequencer P_Seq has the error status Err_NextStep and logic added to hold the sequence

and call attention to a configuration in which a branch or other condition causes the sequencer to

attempt to execute a step number outside the bounds of the “Steps” array.

14. Instruction Signatures

Add-On Instructions for Library release 3.1 no longer carry instruction signatures. Rockwell Automation

Technical Support still reserves the right to support only “genuine” Library AOIs based on their logic,

parameter default values, edit dates and other identifiers.

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 8

Revision 3.1-01 (September 5, 2014)

Revision 3.1-01 is the first public release of the 3.1 Library. Revision 3.1-01 includes updates to some of

the Logix AOI’s, FactoryTalk View SE objects, and the addition of the FactoryTalk View ME objects.

Summary of Changes Here is a summary of the changes to the Library going from Version 3.1-00 to Version 3.1-01.

1. All Instructions and Graphics Marked V3.1-01

All Add-On Instructions, Global Objects and Graphics have had their Revision information updated to

3.1-01 to provide a baseline revision for the public release of Library 3.1. Because the P_Alarm, P_Gate

and P_Mode instructions are used within several other instructions, those instructions that use them

have notation in their revision history that they are using the V3.1-01 releases of P_Alarm, P_Gate

and/or P_Mode, even if the instructions are otherwise unchanged.

2. SrcQ (Source and Quality) Used for Bad, Uncertain Input

The following instructions, which have one or more Input parameters for input Source and Quality have

been updated to fully use the input data in parallel with the Inp_PVBad, Inp_PVUncertain, and/or

Inp_IOFault BOOL inputs:

P_AIn Analog Input

P_AInAdv Advanced Analog Input

P_AInDual Dual Analog Input

P_AInMulti Multiple Analog Input

P_AIn56H 1756 HART Analog Input

P_PIDE Proportional + Integral + Derivative

3. 1756 HART Analog Input Modules

The I_AB56IF8H and I_AB56IF16H instructions were modified to flag in the device tag and device

description strings when HART device data could not be retrieved. Previously, old device data were left

in place on an error in retrieving data. This could lead to confusing data on the HART analog faceplate if

a channel that was previously used for a HART instrument is repurposed for a non-HART transmitter.

4. Certain Timer Local Tags Exposed as Read-Only

Previously, all TIMER Local Tags used in Library Add-On Instructions were flagged with no external

access. Now, timers that are used for device timeouts, alarm gating, on-delay and off-delay, and certain

other functions are exposed to the HMI as read-only. The timer Preset and Accumulator can now be

read by the HMI application and may be used to calculate countdown-until-failure times for display and

other data that may be useful to the operator. Note that such countdown displays were not added to

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 9

the faceplates; the data have been exposed for those users who wish to modify the faceplates or

otherwise provide display of the time elapsed or remaining.

5. Not Ready (Nrdy_) Status Reset

In all Add-On Instructions that have latched Shed conditions, the logic for resetting the Not Ready

(Nrdy_) status bits was modified to provide proper reset of shed latches. In objects that have an option

for “Operator Command Resets”, the logic for the command button ready status (Rdy_) was modified to

ensure that the Operator Start, Stop, Open, Close or other command button is available to reset the

shed latch and command the device.

These modifications generally apply to all Dosing, Valve, Motor, and Drive objects and to the Discrete 4-

State device (P_D4SD), n-Position device (P_nPos), Discrete Output (P_DOut) and similar instructions.

6. Dosing Instruction Simulation Logic

The Flowmeter Dosing (P_DoseFM) and Weigh Scale Dosing (P_DoseWS) instruction were modified to

show proper Running, Dribbling, or Stopped status during Simulation and when not using Equipment

Feedback inputs. Previously these instructions would show Starting Flow, Starting Dribble, or Stopping


IMPORTANT: In order for the Dosing blocks to be useful for process simulation, these blocks

operate their discrete outputs (Out_RunFlow, Out_DribbleFlow, and Out_StopFlow) normally when in

simulation, in order to drive downstream device (motor, valve, drive) blocks. In order to not energize

equipment, the downstream device blocks must be in simulation. When a Dosing block is in simulation,

it only simulates the flow and quantity.

7. Drive, SMC Stop Output Generation

The logic for generating Out_Stop on the various Drive and SMC instructions was modified to ensure

that Out_Stop is not held on when the drive or starter reports “Not Ready”. Previously, it was possible

for these instructions to set Out_Stop when the only abnormal condition was the drive or starter

reporting “Not Ready”. Asserting the stop output to the drive causes it to report Not Ready, which

caused the stop output to be asserted, which causes the drive to report Not Ready, etc., etc., effectively

locking out the drive.

8. L_CPU_23 Instruction Added

With the release of Studio 5000 Logix Designer V23, the Logix CPU Utilization object for V23.x firmware

is now included, as AOI and RUNG imports. It uses the same L_CPU faceplate and graphic symbols as all

the L_CPU variants. It is marked V3.1-01 to indicate the version of the Library with which it is released.

9. Change to the P_Prompt Selection Display

The FTView SE “P_Prompt Selection” display ((RA-UI) P_Prompt-Select.gfx) parameters have been

modified. The display parameters have changed so the Prompt Array is #2 (rather than assumed to be

"#1s"). The Array reference is now #3. The Text for the title is now #4.

This change affected the following files:

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 10

(RA-UI) Prompt Objects.ggfx

(RA-UI) P_Prompt-Select.gfx

(RA-Seq) Standard Objects.ggfx

(RA-UI) Prompt Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 Modified the Prompt Selection Global Obect so the

Prompt Array is #2 (rather than assumed to be

"#1s"). The Array reference is now #3. The Text for

the title is now #4. Added a new global object

GO_PromptSelectWithCustomArray that allows the

display to use a prompt array that has an array in a

different scope

(RA-UI) P_Prompt-Select.gfx 3.1-01 The display parameters have changed so the Prompt

Array is #2 (rather than assumed to be "#1s"). The

Array reference is now #3. The Text for the title is

now #4

(RA-Seq) Standard Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 Modified the Global Object GO_MultiStepCfgHome

to pass the prompt config array to the prompt

selection display

10. Other Process Library FactoryTalk View SE Graphics Changes

All process library files have been exported, processed through the library color change tool, and re-

imported into FactoryTalk View for the 3.1-01 release. As a result, all files carry the revision 3.1-01. In

addition, the follow changes have been made to individual files:

(RA-BAS) Process Interlock


3.1-01 Changed the Security Code on GO_MSet_Bypass

from D to H

(RA-BAS) P_E1PlusE-Faceplate 3.1-01 Changed the caption for Cfg_PulseT so it says

"overload" instead of "E3"

(RA-BAS) Built-In MMC-Faceplate.gfx

(RA-BAS) Built-In IMC-Faceplate.gfx

3.1-01 Changed the SP/PV Trends: Changed the SP pen line

thickness to 2.

(RA-BAS) Built-In CC Autotune-


3.1-01 Changed the SP/PV Trend: Changed the SP pen line

thinckness to 2 and deleted the Deviation Pens

because the deviation tags do not exist. Placed the

Tag tool-tip object in the correct location (lower

right corner of the display)

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 11

(RA-BAS) Built-In PIDE-Faceplate 3.1-01 Changed the SP/PV Trend: Changed the SP pen line

thinckness to 2. Changed the deviation pen line

thickness to 1 and style to dashed.

(RA-BAS) P_nPos-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 Removed GO_FaultIndicatorNrdy_OperPrio from the

Diagnostics tag since its Nrdy bit has been removed

from the AOI

(RA-BAS) P_PF753-Faceplate.gfx

(RA-BAS) P_PF755-Faceplate.gfx

3.1-01 Moved Speed Reference Source from diagnostics

page 5 to page 6. Put the caption and data on

separate lines and increased the size of the data

field (multi-state indicator)

(RA-BAS) P_PIDE-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 On Radio buttons for rb_Cfg_PropSPAct and

rb_Cfg_DerivSPAct on Maintenance Page 5, switch

the text values for State 0 (changed to "Full") and

State 1 (changed to "None")

11. Differences between FTView ME and FTView SE features:

Navigation - In FTView SE, users can click on an input or output in the faceplate and navigate to the

object that provides the input or uses the output. The FTView ME version of the Library does not have

this ability to navigate to upstream or downstream objects. The tags used for navigation however, exist

in the controller and can be configured either by FTView SE or FTView ME to provide consistency

between visualization systems. This functionality is useful in hybrid systems that use both FTView ME

and SE HMIs.

Global Object Parameters - In FTView ME, if a Global Object Parameter does not have anything

entered and the parameter is used as a tag in the display, then FTView ME displays a diagnostic message

informing the user that the field is blank.

To avoid the diagnostic message, the HMI designer can enter a character in the Global Object Parameter

‘Value’ field such as ‘x’ or ‘Unused’. In most cases, this solution will not have any ill effects on the

operation of the displays.

Simple Sequencer – Release 3.1-01 does not contain a FTView ME version of the Simple Sequencer.

This library component is expected to be added in a subsequent release.

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 12

Revision 3.1-02 (October 1, 2014)

Summary of Changes The following items were changed for this version of the library.

1. Target Entry field on the P_AInAdv Faceplate and Quick

The background color of the Target entry field on the P_AInAdv faceplate and quick was changed from

Cyan to White. This change affected the following files:

(RA-BAS) P_AInAdv-Faceplate.gfx

(RA-BAS) P_AInAdv-Quick.gfx

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInAdv-Faceplate.gfx

2. Color modifications to Communication Status Indicators

The communication status indicators in the FactoryTalk View SE Global Object file

(RA-BAS) Common Faceplate Objects.ggfx were modified to display the proper colors for each state.

The Foreground and Background Colors for state 0 through 5 of the Multi-State Indicator in object

GO_CommStatus were modified. This global object appears in the lower left corner of the home tab on

most library faceplates. The color changes were made via the color change tool (causing an update to

the CAXML file as well).

The object GO_Communication was also modified by removing the simulation state. The colors were

changed for state 0 (via the CAXML file). This object is used on the built-in faceplates only.

3. P_Alarm and Alarm and Event Configuration Changes

The P_Alarm Add-On Instruction was modified to improve handling of FactoryTalk Alarms and Events

(FTAE) import actions.

When an import of alarms from XML or Microsoft Excel into FTAE is performed, the FTAE server sets

affected alarms to Disabled. When the import is complete, the alarms are re-enabled. In P_Alarm

v3.1-01 and earlier, the use of the same bit for the Disabled alarm status bit (from FTAE to controller)

and for the Disable alarm control bit (from controller to FTAE server) resulted in a communication timing

dependency that could cause some alarms to be left Disabled after the alarm import completed.

P_Alarm v3.1-02 uses separate bits for FTAE Status (Disabled, Shelved, Suppressed) and FTAE Control

(Disable, Enable; Shelve, Unshelve; and Suppress, Unsuppress). The new bit assignments are shown in

the table below.

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 13

All instructions that depend on P_Alarm (in other words, have P_Alarm instances within them) are

UNCHANGED in this release, but they are up-revved to 3.1-02 and re-exported to avoid accidental

importing of the older P_Alarm with one of these instruction.

The Library Alarm Configuration document has been updated to reflect the revised P_Alarm interface.

Refer to it for instructions in setting up FTAE alarms.

The Alarms Builder tool has been updated to detect P_Alarm 3.1-02 and build the correct FTAE

configuration to match.


The operation of the existing Status and Control bits is unchanged. Only the new Control bits

(.Com_AE.7 for Suppress, .Com_AE.10 for Disable) have been added. Therefore, an existing FTAE

configuration will work with the new P_Alarm 3.1-02 as it worked with P_Alarm 3.1-01 and earlier.

(However, there will still be the possibility of alarms being left disabled after an FTAE import.)

To use the new FTAE configuration which prevents leaving alarms disabled after an import, however,

updating to P_Alarm 3.1-02 is REQUIRED.

Compatibility Summary:

If you update to the P_Alarm v3.1-02 AOI, it is NOT required to modify the FTAE configuration

(but you may have alarms stay disabled after an alarm import.

If you update the FTAE configuration to use the above bit assignments, you MUST update

P_Alarm to v3.1-02.

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 14

4. Steam Table Add-On Instruction Additions

The following new-for-3.1-02 instructions are added to the Steam Table Add-On Instructions:

P_Steam_hs: Water Properties given Enthalpy (h) and Entropy (s)

P_Steam_ph: Water Properties given Pressure (p) and Enthalpy (h)

P_Steam_ps: Water Properties given Pressure (p) and Entropy (s)

These instructions implement all inverse steam table equations for water/steam properties defined by

the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam Industrial Formulation 1997

(IAPWS-IF97) inverse equations.

5. HART Analog Input Module Objects for 1756-IFxxH

The following objects were modified to improve handling of unused channels and channels with non-

HART instruments on the 1756-IF8H and 1756-IF16H HART Analog Input modules:



These instructions have improved checking for MSG Error or HART Error when getting HART device data.

If a channel is not used or does not have a HART instrument, the descriptive strings for the channel are

filled in with text indicating that no HART data were received.

6. FTView ME global object files added

Global object files for the process objects library have been added back in to the Global Objects

folder for FTView ME.

7. FTView ME functionality added to the P_Seq object

Graphic files, Macro files, Sample and Template applications have been added to the Sequencer. In

addition the common tags file has been modified to support the Sequencer.

Revision 3.1-03 (January 23, 2015)

System Features The following features were added for this version of the library.

1. New P_Din Quick Display

A Quick Display was added to the library for the P_DIn object. Both FactoryTalk View ME and SE libraries

contain the new display. In addition, the P_DIn global objects (GO_P_DIn and GO_P_DIn1) were

modified to allow navigation to the new quick display.

New display files:

(RA-BAS) P_DIn-Quick.gfx

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 15

(RA-BAS-ME) P_DIn-Quick.gfx

Updated Global Object files:

(RA-BAS) Process Graphics Library.ggfx

(RA-BAS-ME) Process Graphics Library.ggfx

2. New L_CPU_24 Instruction

A new L_CPU instruction has been added which works With release V24 Studio 5000 Logix Designer

software and V24 Logix controller firmware.

Upgrade Note: Because of tasking model changes in controllers for V24, the L_CPU_24 instruction

requires an extra MSG (Message) to obtain all the CPU utilization data from the Logix controller. If you

are upgrading your controller from a previous firmware release to V24, you should follow this procedure

(while still offline) to update the L_CPU Add-On Instruction if you use it in your application:

Make all the other changes needed to your application in Studio 5000 Logix Designer V24 first.

Save a copy of your application.

Open the Controller Organizer and expand the folder of Add-On Instructions (AOIs). Right-click

on the L_CPU_xx AOI (where 'xx' is your current firmware major revision) and select Cross


In the Cross Reference window, double-click the instance of L_CPU_xx to go to the rung of code

containing the instance.

There should be only one instance of the L_CPU instruction in the application!

Delete the rung. Note the location. You can cursor up one rung and leave the ladder editor

window open -- this way, when you import the L_CPU_24 rung, it will land in the same location.

Open the Controller Tags. If it is not already selected, choose the Edit Tags tab at the bottom

left. Scroll thru the tags and delete ALL eighteen L_CPU* tags. Close the Controller Tags


In the Controller Organizer, in the Add-On Instructions folder, right-click on the L_CPU_xx Add-

On Instruction and select Delete. Confirm the deletion.

In the Controller Organizer, expand the Data Types folder, then expand the User-Defined types

folder. Right-click on the L_CPU_Out data type and select Delete. Confirm the deletion. Then

repeat this step on the other five L_CPU_* UDTs.

You must delete the L_CPU_Out UDT before you can delete the others.

Return to the ladder editor. In the left margin, on the rung BEFORE where you deleted the old

L_CPU rung, right-click and select Import Rung(s)... Navigate to the folder where you

downloaded the V3.1-03 library, then to ...Files\Logix Diagnostic Objects Library\Logix Add-On

Instructions. Select the L_CPU_24_3_1-03_RUNG.L5X file and click OK. In the import dialog,

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 16

there should be no "red flags" and all the components should show "Create" as their action.

Click OK to import the rung.

If you have a Continuous Task in your application, modify the "Instance" of the GSV to the Task

Object to point to you Continuous Task. If you do not have a Continuous Task in your

application, replace the GSV instruction with a CLR instruction with the same destination


Verify your application to check for errors, save, and download.

3. P_PIDE Quick Display Enhancements

The P_PIDE Quick Display was modified to allow CV entry when the Loop Mode is Manual. Previously,

CV entry was not available on the P_PIDE quick display. When the Loop Mode is Manual, CV entry is

available; however, SP entry will not be available. When the Loop Mode is Auto or Cascade, then the SP

entry is available and the CV entry is not available.

Updated display files:

(RA-BAS) P_PIDE-Quick.gfx

(RA-BAS-ME) P_PIDE-Quick.gfx

4. E300 Overload Faceplate Display Enhancements

Added tool-tips "Overload Trip Indicator" and "Trip Warning Indicator" to the indicator lights in objects

GO_TripIndicator, GO_TripIndicatorTripOnly, and GO_TripIndicatorWarnOnly in the global object file

(RA-BAS) Process Faceplate Motor Objects.ggfx (FactoryTalk View SE Library only). These objects are

used by the faceplate (RA-BAS) P_E300Ovld-Faceplate.

5. L_TaskMon Faceplate Trend

Added Units to the Trend Key for the L_TaskMon Faceplate Trend in the display file (RA-BAS)

L_TaskMon-Faceplate.gfx (FactoryTalk View SE Library only).

6. Multiple GoToDisplay buttons removed

Multiple GoToDisplay buttons were removed from the following files to reduce tag count. Reduced tag

count allows users to place more Display Elements on a display without reaching the tag limit.

(RA-BAS-ME) P_VSD Graphics Library.ggfx

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AIn Graphics Library.ggfx

(RA-BAS-ME) Process Graphics Library.ggfx

(RA-BAS-ME) P_SMC Graphics Library.ggfx

7. Common Faceplate Objects

Added GoToDisplay button to GO_NavDetailWithBreadcrumbs in (RA-BAS-ME) Common Faceplate

Objects.ggfx. Previously, the global object did not include a button. With the button now included in the

global object, any future changes to the button can be handled in one place.

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 17

Anomalies The following anomalies were resolved in this release.

1. Overload Faceplate Tag Changes

Corrected the tag for the Pulse Time data entry on the Maintenance Tab of the Overload Faceplates.

Also, corrected the tags used for the Last Warning Code and Last Trip Code on the Home and Alarm tabs

of the E300 Overload faceplate. This change affected the following display files:

(RA-BAS) P_E1PlusE-Faceplate

(RA-BAS) P_E3Ovld-Faceplate

(RA-BAS) P_E300Ovld-Faceplate

(RA-BAS-ME) P_E1PlusE-Faceplate

(RA-BAS-ME) P_E3Ovld-Faceplate

(RA-BAS-ME) P_E300Ovld-Faceplate

Additionally, the ME version of the Overload Faceplates added visibility to all TabPaneGrp_X tabs.

The following files were changed to set the TabPanelGrp_Help object’s GroupVisible property to True

(RA-BAS-ME) P_E1PlusE-Help.gfx

(RA-BAS-ME) P_E3Ovld-Help.gfx

(RA-BAS-ME) P_E300Ovld-Help.gfx

2. Display Element Navigation Buttons

Two Display Elements were still using polygons with touch animation to display the faceplate and quick.

These were changed to transparent navigation buttons like the rest of the library. The following objects

were affected by this change (FactoryTalk View SE Library only):

GO_P_MotorHO_Blower_L in (RA-BAS) P_MotorHO Graphics Library.ggfx

GO_P_PID_Valve9 in (RA-BAS) (RA-BAS) P_PID Graphics Library.ggfx

3. I_EH_FlowMeter Faceplate Trends

Corrected the tag for the trend pen on the trend display on Trend Page 3 of the I_EH_FlowMeter

Faceplate “(RA-EH) I_EH_FlowMeter-Faceplate.gfx” (FactoryTalk View SE Library only).

4. P_AIn94H Faceplate

Removed extraneous characters from the display commands used to edit the Minimum and Maximum

EU Scaled values on the Engineering Tab of the P_AIn94H faceplate “(RA-BAS) P_AIn94H-Faceplate.gfx”

(FactoryTalk View SE Library only).

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 18

5. P_DoseFM Animation

Modified the P_DoseFM Display Elements to include color animation for the states “Flow Starting”,

“Dribble Starting”, and “Flow Stopping”. The new states use the same blue “transition state” color as

“Dribble”. This change affected the following Global Object files:

(RA-BAS) Process Graphics Library.ggfx

(RA-BAS-ME) Process Graphics Library.ggfx

6. Dosing Tool-Tips

Corrected the tool-tips for the Clear Totalizer, Bump, and Check Tolerance buttons on the P_DoseFM

and P_DoseWS faceplates and quick displays. The following displays were affected by this change

(FactoryTalk View SE Library only):

(RA-BAS) P_DoseFM-Faceplate.gfx

(RA-BAS) P_DoseFM-Quick.gfx

(RA-BAS) P_DoseWS-Faceplate.gfx

(RA-BAS) P_DoseWS-Quick.gfx

7. P_PF753 Scaling Limits

Modified the limits used to edit the minimum and maximum Input and Output scaling parameters on

Engineering Page 1 of the P_PF753 Faceplate. The following displays were affected by this change:

(RA-BAS) P_PF753-Faceplate.gfx

(RA-BAS-ME) P_PF753-Faceplate.gfx

8. Interlock Permissive Help Display

Changed the 'h' in 'Help' to uppercase in the display title bar of (RA-BAS) P_IntlkPerm-Help.gfx

(FactoryTalk View SE Library only). Changed the version from "(3.1/3.1)" to just "3.1". The previous

version notation was meant to reflect alignment with both the P_Intlk and P_Perm faceplates.

However, we no longer release a minor version of the library without updating all library files.

9. L_TaskMon Faceplate

TabPanelGrp_Trend\Trend1 object was removed.

10. Prompt Button

In the (RA-UI-ME) Prompt Objects.ggfx file the GO_PromptButton object’s visibility animation was

changed to #103 = 0, was {#103} = 0. The GO_PromptButtonWithText object’s visibility animation was

changed to #103 = 0, was {#103} = 0

11. P_PF755

In the (RA-BAS-ME) P_PF755-Faceplate.gfx file the


isplay1 was changed to use {#1.cfg_SpeedRefEU}

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 19

12. P_ AInAdv-Faceplate

In the (RA-BAS) P_AInAdv-Faceplate.gfx file a GOP was added to

Group_HelpAndCloseButtons\GO_ButtonClosewTabReset #102 Value = #1.Inf_Tab

13. P_Motor-Faceplate

Added GOPs to TabPanelGrp_Home\StartStopGroup\Group31\GO_OverloadButton #103=#2, #120=#3,


14. Bulletin 1756 HART Analog Input Add-On Instruction

The 1756 HART Analog Input instruction, P_AIn56H, was modified to correct an issue with the incorrect

display of its "PV Uncertain" status.

15. Motor and Drive Add-On Instructions

The following Add-On Instructions were modified to correct an issue with continuing to display a

"Stopping" status when logic in a slower task repeatedly asserts the Program mode Stop command


P_Motor Single-Speed Motor

P_Motor2Spd Two-Speed Motor

P_MotorRev Reversing Motor

P_PF52x PowerFlex 523 / 525 Variable Frequency Drive

P_PF753 PowerFlex 753 Variable Frequency Drive (using 20-COMM-E interface)

P_PF755 PowerFlex 755 Variable Frequency Drive

P_VSD (Generic) Variable Speed Drive

16. P_ValveC Breadcrumbs

The P_ValveC (Control Valve) Add-On Instruction, Graphic Symbols and Faceplates were modified to

have correct Breadcrumb indication appear when the Valve is configured to “Have” Open or Close

feedback, but maintenance is not “Using” the Open or Close feedback. This indicator will appear on the

Maintenance Tab button and each maintenance page 3 button. The following displays were affected by

this change:

(RA-BAS) P_ValveC-Faceplate.gfx

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveC -Faceplate.gfx

17. P_SMC Faceplates

Visibility was added to all TabPaneGrp_X tabs for the following faceplates:

(RA-BAS-ME) P_SMC50-Faceplate.gfx

(RA-BAS-ME) P_SMCFlex-Faceplate.gfx

18. SMC Display elements

The color animation expression for the SMC display elements was modified by changing

{#102.Sts_Jogging} to ({#102.Val_Sts} = 4) in all 19 SMC display elements. This was done because SMC

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 20

Flex does not have jogging, yet it is desired that the SMC objects use the same display elements. The

following files were affected by this change:

(RA-BAS) P_SMC Graphics Library

(RA-BAS-ME) P_SMC Graphics Library

19. P_PIDE Faceplates

Changed the limits on the Power-Up CV on Engineering Page 2 to hardcoded 0-100. The following files

were affected by this change:

(RA-BAS) P_PIDE-Faceplate.gfx

(RA-BAS-ME) P_PIDE-Faceplate.gfx

20. P_HiLoSel Faceplates

The TabPanelGrp_Engineering\Group_ClampLimits\nde_Cfg_CVMin\nde_Display8…

\nde_NumericInputEnable8 object’s Variable Minimum parameter was set to 9.9e15.

21. Discrete Output Add-On Instruction

The P_DOut Add-On Instruction logic was modified to correct the reporting of device status (Val_Fdbk

and Val_Sts) when operated in loopback simulation (Inp_Sim = 1).

Functional Changes The following functional changes were made in the library for this release.

1. Control Valve Add-On Instruction

The Control Valve Add-On Instruction, P_ValveC, was modified as follows:

The AOI logic was modified to prevent generating pulse outputs to open or close the valve under

additional fault conditions, including I/O Fault and invalid position feedback.

The AOI logic was modified to make the overall Valve Status more consistent with the device

state. Previously, the AOI Val_Sts would show the "At Target" state when the valve CV output

ramp had completed, even if the valve position feedback did not show the valve had yet

reached the requested position. Now the state will continue to show the valve opening or

closing until the valve position feedback shows the valve at a position near the CV (specifically, a

position at which pulse outpus to move a motor-driven actuator would no longer be generated).

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 21


This release includes the following Add-On Instructions, Global Object files and Graphics files:

RSLogix 5000 Add-On Instructions (L5X import files) (Object names in bold are new for Version 3.1

of the Library; Revisions and Dates in bold have been updated since the previous revision):

Object Description Revision AOI Edit Date

I_AB56IF16H Allen-Bradley 1756-IF16H Module 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

I_AB56IF8H Allen-Bradley 1756-IF8H Module 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

I_AB56IFxH_Chan Allen-Bradley 1756-IF16H/IF8H Channel 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

I_EH_Flowmeter Promag53E

Endress+Hauser Promag 53 Magnetic Flowmeter on EtherNet/IP

3.1-01 September 3, 2014

I_EH_Flowmeter Promass83E

Endress+Hauser Promass 83 Mass Flowmeter on EtherNet/IP

3.1-01 September 3, 2014

I_EH_Flowmeter Promass100FW1

Endress+Hauser Promass 100 Mass Flowmeter (firmware 1.x) on EtherNet/IP

3.1-01 September 3, 2014

I_EH_Flowmeter Promass100FW2

Endress+Hauser Promass 100 Mass Flowmeter (firmware 2.x) on EtherNet/IP

3.1-01 September 3, 2014

L_ChangeDet Change Detector (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-01 September 3, 2014

L_CPU_18 Processor Utilization (FW 18.x) (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-01 September 3, 2014

L_CPU_19 Processor Utilization (FW 19.x) (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-01 September 3, 2014

L_CPU_20 Processor Utilization (FW 20.x) (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-01 September 3, 2014

L_CPU_21 Processor Utilization (FW 21.x) (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-01 September 3, 2014

L_CPU_23 Processor Utilization (FW 23.x) (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-01 September 3, 2014

L_CPU_24 Processor Utilization (FW 24.x) (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-03 December 23, 2014

L_Redun Redundant Controller Monitor (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-02 September 30, 2014

L_TaskMon Task Monitor 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_AIChan Analog Input Channel Diagnostics 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_AIn Analog Input 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_AIn56H HART Analog Input on 1756-IFxH 3.1-03 January 20, 2015

P_AIn94H HART Analog Input on 1794-IF8IH 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_AInAdv Advanced Analog Input 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_AInDual Dual Analog Input 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_AInEIP EtherNet/IP Analog Input 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_AInFFR Foundation Fieldbus Analog Input on 1788-EN2FFR

3.1-02 September 30, 2014

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 22

Object Description Revision AOI Edit Date

P_AInMulti Multiple Analog Input (up to 8) 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_AInPAR Profibus PA Analog Input on 1788-EN2PAR 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_Alarm Alarm (sub-block) 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_AOut Analog Output 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_D4SD Discrete 2-, 3- or 4-State Device 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_DIn Discrete Input 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_DoseFM Dosing with Flowmeter 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_DoseWS Dosing with Weigh Scale 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_DOut Discrete Output (with pulsing) 3.1-03 January 23, 2014

P_E1PlusE E1 Plus Overload Relay (EtherNet/IP) (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_E300Ovld E300 Overload Relay (EtherNet/IP) (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_E3Ovld E3 / E3Plus Overload Relay (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_Fanout Analog Fanout (up to 8 CVs) 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

P_Gate Threshold Status/Alarm Gate 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

P_HiLoSel High- or Low-Select 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

P_Logic Boolean Logic with Snapshot 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

P_Mode Mode (sub-block) 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

P_Motor Single-Speed Motor 3.1-03 January 20, 2015

P_Motor2Spd Two-Speed Motor 3.1-03 January 20, 2015

P_MotorHO Hand Operated Motor 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_MotorRev Reversing Motor 3.1-03 January 20, 2015

P_nPos n-Position (up to 8) Device 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

P_Perm Permissives 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

P_ PF52x PowerFlex 523 / 525 Variable Frequency Drive (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-03 January 20, 2015

P_PF753 PowerFlex 753 Variable Speed Drive (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-03 January 20, 2015

P_PF755 PowerFlex 755 Variable Speed Drive (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-03 January 20, 2015

P_PIDE PlantPAx Mode/Alarm Wrapper for PIDE built-in instruction

3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_PIDE_only Container for PIDE built-in instruction 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

P_Prompt Manual Prompt 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

P_PTComp Pressure/Temperature Compensated Flow 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

P_Reset Reset 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

P_ResInh Restart Inhibit 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

P_RunTime Run Time and Starts 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

P_Seq Simple Sequencer (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_SMC50 SMC-50 Smart Motor Controller (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-02 September 30, 2014

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 23

Object Description Revision AOI Edit Date

P_SMCFlex SMC-Flex Smart Motor Controller (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_StrapTbl Tank Strapping Table 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

P_ValveC Control Valve 3.1-03 January 20, 2015

P_ValveHO Hand Operated Valve 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_ValveMO Motor Operated Valve 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_ValveMP Mix-Proof Valve 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_ValveSO Solenoid Operated Valve 3.1-02 September 30, 2014

P_ValveStats 2-State Valve Statistics 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

P_VSD Variable Speed Drive (Rung and AOI exports both included)

3.1-03 January 20, 2015

Library Release Version 3.1-03 Add-On Instruction Revisions and Dates

NOTE: The same Add-On Instructions are used by both FactoryTalk View SE and FactoryTalk View ME.

NOTE: For your convenience, additional sets of Add-On Instructions, not part of the Rockwell Automation

Library of Process Objects, are included in the distribution. These include Steam Table lookup,

Sequencing logic, Time and Date Math, and LINT (64-bit Integer) / LTIME (64-bit Time) Math.

FactoryTalk View SE Global Object Files (Object names in bold are new for Version 3.1 of the Library;

Revisions and Dates in bold have been updated since the previous revision):

Object Revision Date

(RA-BAS) BuiltIn Faceplate Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) BuiltIn Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) BuiltIn Help Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Common Faceplate Objects.ggfx 3.1-02 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS) Logix Faceplate Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Logix Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AIn Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_D4SD Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_D4SD Motor Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_DOut Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Motor Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Motor2Spd Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_MotorHO Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_MotorRev Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_nPos Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_PID Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_SMC Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_ValveMP Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_VSD Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 24

Object Revision Date

(RA-BAS) Process Alarm Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Process Faceplate Analog Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Process Faceplate Misc Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Process Faceplate Motor Objects.ggfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) Process Faceplate Valve Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Process Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Process Help Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Process Interlock Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Process Mode Library.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-EH) Instrument Faceplate Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-EH) Instrument Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-Seq) Standard Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-UI) Prompt Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

Library Release Version 3.1-03 FTView SE Global Object File Revisions and Dates

FactoryTalk View SE Graphics Files (Object names in bold are new for Version 3.1 of the Library;

Revisions and Dates in bold have been updated since the previous revision):

Object Revision Date

(RA-BAS) Built-In Autotune-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In Autotune-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In CC Autotune-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In CC Autotune-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In CC-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In CC-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In CC-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In IMC Autotune-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In IMC Autotune-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In IMC-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In IMC-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In IMC-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In MMC Autotune-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In MMC Autotune-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In MMC-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In MMC-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In MMC-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In PIDE-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In PIDE-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In PIDE-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In RMPS-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In RMPS-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In Totalizer-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 25

Object Revision Date

(RA-BAS) Built-In Totalizer-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Built-In TotalizerTgt-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Common-AnalogEdit.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) L_CPU-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) L_CPU-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) L_Redun-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) L_Redun-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) L_TaskMon-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) L_TaskMon-Summary.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Logix-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) Logix-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AIChan-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AIChan-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AIn-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AIn-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AIn-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AIn56H-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AIn56H-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AIn94H-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_AIn94H-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AInEIP-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AInEIP-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AInFFR-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AInFFR-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AInPAR-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AInPAR-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AInAdv-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-02 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AInAdv-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AInAdv-Quick.gfx 3.1-02 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AInDual-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AInDual-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AInDual-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AInMulti-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AInMulti-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AInMulti-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Alarm-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Alarm-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AOut-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AOut-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_AOut-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_D4SD-Config.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_D4SD-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 26

Object Revision Date

(RA-BAS) P_D4SD-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_D4SD-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_DIn-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_DIn-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_DIn-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_DoseFM-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_DoseFM-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_DoseFM-Quick.gfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_DoseWS-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_DoseWS-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_DoseWS-Quick.gfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_DOut-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_DOut-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_DOut-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_E1PlusE-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_E1PlusE-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_E3Ovld-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_E3Ovld-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_E300Ovld-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_E300Ovld-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Fanout-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Fanout5-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Fanout -Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Gate-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_HiLoSel-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_HiLoSel-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Intlk-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_IntlkPerm-Help.gfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_Logic-Config.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Logic-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Logic -Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Mode-Config.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Mode-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Motor-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Motor-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Motor-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Motor2Spd-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Motor2Spd-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Motor2Spd-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_MotorHO-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_MotorHO-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_MotorHO-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_MotorRev-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 27

Object Revision Date

(RA-BAS) P_MotorRev-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_MotorRev-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_nPos-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_nPos-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_nPos-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_Perm-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_PF52x-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_PF52x-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_PF753-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_PF753-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_PF755-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_PF755-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ PIDE-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_ PIDE-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ PIDE-Quick.gfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_ResInh-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_RunTime-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_SMC50-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_SMC50-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_SMC50-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_SMCFlex-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_SMCFlex-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_SMCFlex-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveC-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2015

(RA-BAS) P_ValveC-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveC-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveHO-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveHO-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveHO-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveMO-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveMO-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveMO-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveMP-Config.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveMP-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveMP-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveMP-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveSO-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveSO-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveSO-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_ValveStats-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_VSD-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_VSD-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS) P_VSD-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 28

Object Revision Date

(RA-EH) I_EH_FlowMeter-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-Seq) P_Seq-Config.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-Seq) P_Seq-Config-MultiStep.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-Seq) P_Seq-Config-Step.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-Seq) P_Seq-DeleteStep-Confirm.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-Seq) P_Seq-Detail.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-Seq) P_Seq-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-Seq) P_Seq-Help.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-Seq) P_Seq-InputForce.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-Seq) P_Seq-InsertStep-Confirm.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-Seq) P_Seq-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-Seq) P_Seq-Test.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-Seq) P_Seq-TimerForce.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-UI) P_Prompt-Config.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-UI) P_Prompt-Response.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

(RA-UI) P_Prompt-Select.gfx 3.1-01 September 3, 2014

Library Release Version 3.1-03 FTView SE Graphics File Revisions and Dates

NOTE: The pop-up data entry screen for the FTView SE library ‘(RA-BAS) Common-AnalogEdit.gfx’ uses

version 11.0.8000.0 of the DLL ‘FM20.DLL’. If you have a newer version of the ‘FM20.DLL’, no action is

required; however, you will receive a warning in the diagnostic log upon use. This situation can be

resolved by importing (RA-BAS) Common-AnalogEdit.gfx into your project again. On Distributed FTView

SE systems, Client Stations should have the same version of the ‘FM20.DLL’ as the Server.

FactoryTalk View ME Global Object Files (Object names in bold are new for Version 3.1 of the

Library; Revisions and Dates in bold have been updated since the previous revision):

Object Revision Date

(RA-BAS-ME) BuiltIn Faceplate Objects.ggfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) BuiltIn Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) BuiltIn Help Objects.ggfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Common Faceplate Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Logix Faceplate Objects.ggfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Logix Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AIn Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_D4SD Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_D4SD Motor Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_DOut Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Motor Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Motor2Spd Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_MotorHO Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_MotorRev Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 29

Object Revision Date

(RA-BAS-ME) P_nPos Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_PID Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_SMC Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveMP Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_VSD Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Process Alarm Objects.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Process Faceplate Analog Objects.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Process Faceplate Misc Objects.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Process Faceplate Motor Objects.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Process Faceplate Valve Objects.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Process Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Process Help Objects.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Process Interlock Objects.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Process Mode Objects.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-EH-ME) Instrument Faceplate Objects.ggfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-EH-ME) Instrument Graphics Library.ggfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-Seq-ME) Standard Objects.ggfx 3.1-00 October 1, 2014

(RA-UI-ME) Prompt Objects.ggfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

Library Release Version 3.1-03 FTView ME Global Object File Revisions and Dates

FactoryTalk View ME Graphics Files (Object names in bold are new for Version 3.1 of the Library;

Revisions and Dates in bold have been updated since the previous revision):

Object Revision Date

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In Autotune-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In Autotune-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In CC Autotune-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In CC Autotune-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In CC-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In CC-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In CC-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In IMC Autotune-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In IMC Autotune-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In IMC-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In IMC-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In IMC-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In MMC Autotune-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In MMC Autotune-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In MMC-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In MMC-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In MMC-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In PIDE-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 30

Object Revision Date

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In PIDE-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In PIDE-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In RMPS-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In RMPS-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In Totalizer-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In Totalizer-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Built-In TotalizerTgt-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Common-AnalogEdit.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) L_CPU-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) L_CPU-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) L_Redun-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) L_Redun-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) L_TaskMon-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) L_TaskMon-Summary.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Logix-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) Logix-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AIChan-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AIChan-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AIn-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AIn-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AIn-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AIn56H-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AIn56H-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AIn94H-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AIn94H-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInAdv-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-02 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInAdv-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInAdv-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInDual-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInDual-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInDual-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInEIP-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInEIP-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInFFR-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInFFR-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInMulti-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInMulti-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInMulti-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInPAR-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AInPAR-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Alarm-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Alarm-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 31

Object Revision Date

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AOut-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AOut-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_AOut-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_D4SD-Config.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_D4SD-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_D4SD-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_D4SD-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_DIn-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_DIn-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_DIn-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_DoseFM-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_DoseFM-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_DoseFM-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_DoseWS-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_DoseWS-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_DoseWS-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_DOut-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_DOut-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_DOut-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_E1PlusE-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_E1PlusE-Help.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_E3Ovld-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_E3Ovld-Help.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_E300Ovld-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_E300Ovld-Help.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Fanout-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Fanout5-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Fanout -Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Gate-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_HiLoSel-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_HiLoSel-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Intlk-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_IntlkPerm-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Logic-Config.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Logic-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Logic -Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Logic-SnapShot.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Mode-Config.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Mode-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Motor-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Motor-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Motor-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Motor2Spd-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 32

Object Revision Date

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Motor2Spd-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Motor2Spd-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_MotorHO-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_MotorHO-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_MotorHO-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_MotorRev-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_MotorRev-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_MotorRev-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_nPos-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_nPos-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_nPos-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_Perm-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_PF52x-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_PF52x-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_PF753-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_PF753-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_PF755-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_PF755-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ PIDE-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ PIDE-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ PIDE-Quick.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ResInh-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_RunTime-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_SMC50-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_SMC50-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_SMC50-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_SMCFlex-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_SMCFlex-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_SMCFlex-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveC-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-01 January 23, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveC-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveC-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveHO-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveHO-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveHO-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveMO-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveMO-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveMO-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveMP-Config.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveMP-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveMP-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveMP-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveSO-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects, Version 3.1-03 Release Notes, January 23, 2015 Page 33

Object Revision Date

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveSO-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveSO-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_ValveStats-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_VSD-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_VSD-Help.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-BAS-ME) P_VSD-Quick.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

(RA-EH-ME) I_EH_FlowMeter-Faceplate.gfx 3.1-00 September 3, 2014

Library Release Version 3.1-03 FTView ME Graphics File Revisions and Dates


The following Add-On Profiles were used in developing this release:

Description Revision

Endress+Hauser Analysis Device Profiles 1.14

Endress+Hauser Flow Device Profiles 1.52

Rockwell Automation E1Plus Device Profile 1.01.00

Rockwell Automation E300 Device Profile 2.0.011

Rockwell Automation PowerFlex 5-Class Device Profiles 1.04

Rockwell Automation Drives Device Profiles 4.06

Rockwell Automation Hiprom 1788-EN2FFR Device Profile 1.002

Rockwell Automation Hiprom 1788-EN2PAR Device Profile 2.005

Library Release Version 3.1-03 Add-On Profiles Used

NOTE: Reference Manuals for the Rockwell Automation Library of Process Objects are posted on the

Rockwell Automation Literature Library:



Shortcuts to the Reference Manuals are included in the Documents folder of the Rockwell Automation

Library of Process Objects ZIP file.