Robert Holden Connections

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Robert Holden Connections



Warm up with a fire

meditation, find inspiration,

and learn why you should

visualise bees.

, 0+41 FINDING



Robert Hoiden is the

director of The

Happiness Proia-ct (NW

and author of Se Happy!

(Hay House),

0. What is the most common block

to happiness?

A. A lot of happiness is overlouked

because it doesn't cost anything.

Make a list of everything in your life

that Is hoe and totally pricaless - like

air, kindness, and the stars at night.

Q. Why isforgiveness important?

A. You cannot hold onto a grievance

-which is really a decision to keep

suffering - and be happy as well.

0. Any parting advice?

A. You can increase your happiness

immediately by being more

spontaneous. Stop being so sensible.

issue a friendly restraining order to

your superego, end for God's szdie go

out and have s Iun today!


Robert Holden is holding a

happiness workshop at the

I Can Do It! event in July-August.

We have a free ticket for the first

reader who a mails jenniferharris For info, visit,au

"Know thyself."





Tile third oltakra - the solar plexus or

iptira chakra - isassociat,ed with

1 he element of fire. Working on this

chakra boosts your personal power.

Visualise yourse.if sitting near a fire.

By the fire is a pfli and paper. Pick

them up awl think about a person Lo

whom you have relinquished pnrsonal

power. Write their name on Che paper

and put it in the fire.

Bal he in ti-m fire's glow: feel its lies;

warm your solar plexus. Know

I. ha ynu have the it' net strength

to overcome challongos. Notice

how this moment feels and tune

into your body's signals, so you

will recognise them again.



Use iisualisation to beat tolds and flu.

Place your hands on your heart, close

your eyes, and takes deep breath,

Mentally scan your body, sensing any

parts that feel unwell. Concentrate on

them and visualise armias of strong

'soldier' ceils marching to destroy the

invading virus. BR as detailed with your

Imagery as possible- the more enefgy

you put in, the better it will work,


heip yourseii connect-1ns.


Ref: 110911353

Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) licenced copy

Nature & HealthThursday 1/09/2011Page: 54

Section: General News

Region: National, AU

Circulation: 30000

Type: Magazines Lifestyle

Size: 1,985.32 sq.cms.

Page 1 of 2AUS: 1300 1 SLICE NZ: 0800 1 SLICE

press clip


Fun find! Rewind your mind with

A Better U. a new iPhone app

developed by two psychologists

which inspires anti

motivates with


quotes, messages

and meditations,

accompanied by

beautiful images.

Available from

iTun es 'for $2.49.

Calling all lonely (green)

hearts! Planet Earth

Singles is a dating site for

vegetarians, vegans, and

other eco- and spiritually

conscious individuals. www.

planetea rth si rig




We speak to Jim

Olds, President

IA of

he Australian

Natural Therapists Association (ANT.;)

and Team Leader of the Remedial

Therapies Department at Endeavour

College ot-Natural Health (Bri.0311(!),

On training as a remedial therapist.

Q. What tlaining is required?

A. The National Health Trainiiig

Pat dcage Diploma of Remedial Massage

award is the current proressional

entry Level qualification needed for

membersliip and ccred[tation

a recognised association. Most

Work Cover authorities else recognise

graduates of these courses as health

service providers.

Q. How long does it take?

A. Accredited training programs

range from six to .12 months.

Q. How much does it cost?

A. Between

and ii10,000.

Q. Can graduates specialise?

A. Yes

examples include

working with sports teams, sports

injury massage and lymphatic

ilraiiiage massage,

Q. Where Cart I find out more?

A. Vi sir. www.a.litn.cormatt or call

1.1300 Sl7 77.


Being manipulated? Try

Dr Mary Casey's tactics:

1. tlefineb-ountlaries, Peoplo do

what they de hetause they can. Being

assertive means the manipulator is

less likely totarget you.

2-Control your emotions_ Manipulators

are expentsat emotional games. and will

use your aniger or frustration asevidence

Mat youaretheabuser.

3. Be clear and specific. This stops

them twisting your words. Back your

words with your body language.

Attfast_ Don't delay dealing

with an issue, The manipulator will

interpret your silence as

Don't act ept excuses. A

manipulator won't admit they

are wrong_ Stay focused and keep

them responsible,

OR MARY CASEY (Decterate of

PsyrLE$Ology) ip CEO oftheermay Canoe,

readIna imegraiad keaith and edusatlor,


wi.easioyc ern

iielp you rseir




There are two

words you use

often that have

great meaning,

but vvhich you probably do not think

much about: may and might.

For example. you might say, "I may

get a new c a r," The word may

indicates that you have permission

to get what you want. (Remember

the child's game, "Mum, may i?"

Inherent in your statement is the

evvarenessthatthe universe will

alkOW you to achieve a goal You

could also say, "I ri.n4N gate new

car_" The word triighf indicates that

you have the power to get a new car

it is within your control arid ability.

Thesetwo little words indicate your

divinely given ability to create. The

universe withholds nothing_ If

anything. you withhold your good

from yourself by not realising your

permission or exercising your

power. Whatdo you wantthat you

believe the universe cannot give

you? If you knew you had permission

and power, what would you ask for?

May and might. permission and

power. You h a we it. Nov do it.

ALAN COHEN ,s the, author MA Daffy Elose

Samity (Hay House www.h o u m.

AA). Visit him at www_AlEinCohen.COm


Ref: 110911353

Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) licenced copy

Nature & HealthThursday 1/09/2011Page: 54

Section: General News

Region: National, AU

Circulation: 30000

Type: Magazines Lifestyle

Size: 1,985.32 sq.cms.

Page 2 of 2AUS: 1300 1 SLICE NZ: 0800 1 SLICE

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