Roadmap To Wellness Synopsis

Post on 24-May-2015

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Roadmap to Wellnes is an on-line program that guides you in a complete series of action-oriented exercises that, upon completion, will provide you with a sense of life purpose and vision, and give you the tools to re-design a lifestyle that embraces true health and wellness.

Transcript of Roadmap To Wellness Synopsis


How would you like to have a simple, step-by-step on-line self-paced program, that gives you the tools and strategies to better health, more energy, vitality, and better lifestyle decisions?

• To determine current personal state of Wellness;

• To identify the warning signals that their body is currently sending them, which indicate the need to start paying attention to their health;

• Identify what habits, behaviours and attitudes prevent goals from being reached.

• Create an action plan (make a commitment) to modify the habits, behaviours and attitudes that will support them in reaching their goals;

• Determine what their goals are for this program; and

• Create a Vision Board to support their program goal.

Your Body Is Knocking, Are you Listening?

Objectives for participants:

Do You Really Know What You Are Eating?

• Understand the differences between fats, carbohydrates and proteins;

• Determine if a food is nutritious by reading the label;

• Identify what to avoid in processed foods; and

• Identify which foods are more important to eat organic.

Objectives for participants:

Your Diet? Are You Really Eating the Right Food For You?

• Identify their Nutritional Type™;• Describe the three types of

Nutritional Typing™;• Endorse the value of eating

properly for their Nutritional Type™ and the associated health benefits;

• Describe the concept of gluten sensitivity and the associated symptoms; and

• Describe the effect soy can have on the digestive system and its effect on their health.

Objectives for participants:

Working Out, It's Really Not That Complicated!

• Determine their resting heart rate;• Determine the optimal target heart

rate that needs to be achieve to get the most out of their workouts;

• Define what a cardio workout is and describe the related health benefits;

• Define what strength training is and describe the related health benefits;

• Define what flexibility training is and describe the related health benefits; and

• Start their own exercise program.

Objectives for participant:

Supplements Revealed

• Identify the basic vitamins and minerals required for optimum health;

• Identify where to find these vitamins and minerals;

• Describe the benefits, food sources, potential toxic effects and potential deficiency dangers of the major vitamins;

• Describe the differences a high quality vitamin supplement can make;

• Describe the importance of good bone health; and

• Describe the related potential health problems associated with poor bone health.

Objectives for participants:

Hydration: Never A Dry Subject

• Describe the difference between alkalinity and acidity, and what it means to their health;

• Measure their pH (acidity or alkalinity) level;

• Determine what foods are more acidic and which are more alkaline;

• How their Nutritional Type™ influences acidity and alkalinity;

• The importance of water to their your body;

• Describe the dangers of dehydration;• Identify the different sources of water &

the main differences between them; and

• Describe what to look for in a home water filtration system.

Objectives for participant:

Health Begins@Home

• List the environmental factors that determine if their home is a “Wellness" home;

• Assess how "Green" their home is;• Take the appropriate steps to improve

the air quality in their home;• Assess the ergonomics of their home

computer; and• Assess the safety of their home


Objectives for participants:

Wellness: Not Just Skin Deep

• Describe the role of skin, and why it is important to know what it is they are putting on your skin;

• Describe some of the health risks associated with certain ingredients in deodorants, makeup and sun screen;

• Know what to look for in a healthy alternative in a deodorant, makeup and sunscreen;

• Describe what mineral makeup is and why it is a healthier alternative for their skin; and

• Know where to go to research the toxicity of your cosmetic products.

Objectives for participants:

How Are You Recharging Your Batteries?

• Determine if they have any signs of sleep deprivation;

• Identify the potential health risks associated with lack of sleep;

• Determine what type of pillow they should be using to achieve proper spinal support;

• Identify simple measures they can take to start getting a better quality sleep;

• Define magnetism and what it means to their health;

• Identify the positive and negative sources of magnetism, and explain their effects on their health;

Objectives for participants:

Are You Living It Up?

• Define their "Life Purpose" and why it is important;

• Explore the process of determining their Life Purpose;

• Define 'Affirmation';• Describe how Affirmations work;• Write their own Affirmations;• Determine the best method to get the

most out of their Affirmations;• Describe Meditation and the

associated benefits;• Follow a Meditation process;• List all the players in their Wellness

Team; and• Describe the benefits of an optimally

functioning nervous system.

Objectives for participants:

Wellness In Action, Review Your Knowledge

• Participants will answer questions based on what they have learned in the roadmap

My Action Steps For This Week

• Participants will identify what action steps they are going to incorporate into their life



• At anytime participants can send their questions!

Finally, an on-line program that guides you in a complete series of action-oriented exercises that, upon completion, will provide you with a sense of

life purpose and vision, and give you the tools to re-design a lifestyle that embraces true health and



Here is what some participants had to say after finishing the program:

“Finally a health and wellness resource that is up-to-date and easy to understand! The colorful modules were not only informative but truly enlightening. I now know what’s good for my body, and what to steer clear from. Thank you Dr. Nathalie!”

Debbie R.

Here is what some participants had to say after finishing the program:

“This wellness program created by Dr. Nathalie is the most comprehensive you will ever find. It covers so many areas of your life and health that we all take for granted at some point. It’s amazing to have someone like Dr. Natalie to help us take away the impurities and excess in our lives and go back to basics. It’s actually more economical to be naturally healthy, simple ingredients are less expensive that complex chemicals. Thanks Dr. Natalie for making my life and home a healthy place to be and taking us closer to wellness”.

Lucie C.

Here is what some participants had to say after finishing the program:

“As a male participant in Your Roadmap to Wellness, I found the delivery and content to be exceptional in that it served to remind me regularly without an overload of information or scare tactics that I am the only one responsible for my health and happiness. Dr. Beauchamp has started something huge here and I recommend that all who are perhaps missing something in their life to participate in her program to help ascertain what it is.”

Jean V.

Here is what some participants had to say after finishing the program:

"Dr. Nathalie, I want to tell you how much I enjoyed and benefitted from Your Roadmap to Wellness. This straightforward and practical guide is packed with great information and helped me to make important changes in my life. The program is easy to follow with small steps and realistic goals - that easily fit into my busy schedule - and produces incredible results. I made small changes every week and at the end of program I was amazed at what I had accomplished!" .

Maria K.

Here is what some participants had to say after finishing the program:

“A great deal of research went into this program and the book “Wellness On The Go”.  The results you are presented with are up to date actual facts along with Dr. Nathalie’s recommendations.  The Roadmap to Wellness Program provides you with easy to follow directives.  There is no nonsense.  The information is clear and easy to understand with excellent tips to help you on your way to wellness.  Finally, you realize that small changes will make a big difference and improve your quality of life. “

Chantal D.