RNC* thinking: missing tool for achieving zero net land degradation (* Restoring Natural Capital )...

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Transcript of RNC* thinking: missing tool for achieving zero net land degradation (* Restoring Natural Capital )...

RNC* thinking: missing tool for achieving zero net land degradation

(* Restoring Natural Capital)

James AronsonSociety for Ecological Restoration (SER)

CEFE/CNRS, France, Missouri Bot. Garden, USA

Convention on Biological Diversity COP11 – October 15, 2012Land Degradation Day at the Rio Conventions Pavilion

Blignaut et al. 2007: Ecol. Restoration 26:143-150.

ER = “the process of assisting the recovery of ecosystems that have been degraded, damaged or destroyed.”

(www.ser.org/Primer, 2004)

Mission statement of SER:…to promote ER as a means of sustaining the diversity of life on Earth & reestablishing an ecologically healthy relationship between nature and culture.

Nature conservation & ecological restoration

vs. Economic development?A false dichotomy.

(Renewable) Natural Capital

= natural, near-natural & cultivated ecosystems (& indigenous biodiversity)

Ecosystem goods and services (EGS)represent the “dividends” (= fluxs) that flow from “stocks” of Natural Capital (= savings accounts; inheritance, heritage, etc.).

Imagine a waterfall, or cascade……

Institutions & human Judgments determining

(the use of) services

Ecosystems & Biodiversity


Management &restoration for sustained use

(Flood control,Crop polli-nation, etc.

Feedback betweenvalue perception

and use of eco-system services


(e.g . slow water

passage, biomass)

(e.g . vegetation cover or Net

Primary Productivity

Biophysical Structure

& processes


(contributionto health,

safety, etc.)


Human wellbeing (socio cultural context)

Total economic Value

Source: de Groot et al. 2010. TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity): Ecological and Economic Foundations. Pp. 9-40.

TEEB « Cascade » Figure

Investing in Natural Capital and Economic Development: South Africa’s Drakensberg Mountains

J.N.Blignaut, J. Aronson, M. Mander & C. Marais 2008. Ecological Restoration 26:143-143-150.

Water footprint of Drakensberg Water Catchment. Blignaut et al. 2008. Ecological Restoration 26:143-143-150.

Ukhombe case (Northern Drakensberg, South Africa)

Net return of one hectare, in Euros (€)




Return from cattle under conditions of

over grazing

€5.6Return from cattle under sustainable


€7.8 Winter water

€11.3 Sediment

€17 Carbon

€24 Tourism

(Blignaut et al. 2008, 2009.)

TAKE HOME MESSAGES: Restoration and rehabilitation are:

• a biodiversity conservation tool &• an indispensable element of a sustainable

local economic development strategy.

Natural capital is like other forms of capital from which we receive benefits (EGS) that we value because they contribute to human wellbeing.

Restoration and rehabilitation are conduits for Rio 3Cs synergy, helping society transition towards a sustainable and desirable future.

You can’t restore natural capital without restoring social capital. Way to go? Top-down and bottom-up combined.


Blignaut et al. 2007: Ecol. Restoration 26:143-150.