Rmaf museum low visitation rate

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Rmaf museum low visitation rate

Transcript of Rmaf museum low visitation rate


SOC 80/14


Kapt Ahmad Fitri Faizi Bin Baharuddin TUDM (374604)



- 2nd June 1985

- 5 Aircrafts

- 5 Staff


•29 years

•29 Aircrafts

•10 staffs

Low Visitation Rate?

-In comparisson with the Army Museum

230,000 visitors in 2013

RMAF Museum 76,418 visitors in 2013

Why visitation rate?

RMAF Museum as deterrence element

Create awareness

Avoid prejudism

Good RMAF image

Problem Statement:

Why The RMAF Museum have low visitation rate?


To discover the reason(s) on the low RMAF Museum visitation rate and provide significant recommendation(s) for RMAF Museum.


To discover the main cause(s) of low visitation rate.

To provide significant reccomendation(s) for improvement.




RMAF Museum Effort.

Example by Other Aviation Museum.


Visitation Rate

10 x RMAF Museum Visitors

No. Questions Answers

1 How do you know about RMAF Museum? Internet Friends Other


2 What are the most interesting exhibits in the

RMAF Museum?

Aircrafts Simulators Write Up

3 Are you a first time visitor? Yes No

4 Will you come again? Yes No

5 Will you encourage others to visit RMAF


Yes No

10 X General Public At Mid Valley Megamall Kuala Lumpur

No. Questions Answers

1 Did you know about Royal Malaysian Air Force


Yes No

2 How long have you been in Kuala Below 2 Years Above 2 years

3 Do you interested in visiting Aviation Museum? Yes No

4 Do you interested in the Royal Malaysian Air

Force history?

Yes No

5 What do you want to see in an Air Force


Aircrafts Write Up Simulators

10 x RMAF Officers

No. Questions Answers

1 Did you know about Royal Malaysian Air Force


Yes No

2 How long have you been in Kuala Below 2 Years Above 2 years

3 Do you interested in visiting Aviation Museum? Yes No

4 Do you interested in the Royal Malaysian Air

Force history?

Yes No

5 What do you want to see in an Air Force


Aircrafts Write Up Simulators












Visitors Rate

10 x RMAF Museum Visitors

No. Questions Answers

1 How do you know about RMAF Museum? Internet Friends Other


7 3

2 What are the most interesting exhibits in the

RMAF Museum?

Aircrafts Simulators Write Up

5 4 1

3 Are you a first time visitor? Yes No

9 1

4 Will you come again? Yes No

6 4

5 Will you encourage others to visit RMAF


Yes No

5 5

Based on the survey, it shows that 70% of visitors that came to the RMAF Museum on 1st March 2014 knew about RMAF Museum from the internet. This shows that the internet have high impact on the visitation rate rather than other promotion medium.From question number 2, visitors have high interest in aircraft display with 50% in comparison with simulators at 40% and write up at 10% .90% of the visitor on that day was first time visitors rather than 10% that has visiting RMAF Museum before. This shows that increase of new visitors.

60% of the visitors indicates interest to visit RMAF Museum again in the future, and this shows possibilities of high visitation rate.Only 50% would promote RMAF Museum showing that only 50% are satisfied with the current RMAF Museum condition.Conclusion:

• The internet can be a a great promotion tool.• Aircrafts and simulators in the RMAF Museum should be

used as a main point in promotional campaign.• High number of new visitors shows future increase in

visitation rate. The current condition and futere plan of RMAF Museum is in the right track.

• 60% of the visitors were willing to visit RMAF Museum again but only 50% would recommend RMAF Museum to others. This shows that better and more interesting exhibit should be made available.

10 X General Public At Mid Valley Megamall Kuala Lumpur

No. Questions Answers

1 Did you know about Royal Malaysian Air Force


Yes No

2 8

2 How long have you been in Kuala Below 2 Years Above 2 years

4 6

3 Do you interested in visiting Aviation Museum? Yes No

8 2

4 Do you interested in the Royal Malaysian Air

Force history?

Yes No

3 7

5 What do you want to see in an Air Force


Aircrafts Write Up Simulators

8 2

•Only 20% of general public in Kuala Lumpur knew about RMAF Museum.•60% of the surveys have been in Kuala Lumpur more than 2 years. This data indicates promotional effort does not reach most of the public.•80% of the public are interested in aviation museum and being the only aviation museum in Malaysia, RMAF Museum would surely able to increase the visitation rate if proper promotion conducted.•Only 30% of the general public interested in the RMAF history. This shows that RMAF Museum should increase their effort to further introduce RMAF to the public.

•80% of the public survey are interested in aircrafts which RMAF Museum have 29 units on display. This shows the public would likely to visit the RMAF Museum if proper promotion and exhibition layout imposed.•Conclusion:

• Most of the public does not know about RMAF Museum’s existence, eventhough 60% of them have been in Kuala Lumpur for more than 2 years.

• The public have high interest on aviation museum and aircrafts and could be a great platform to gained increment in visitation rate. Futhermore RMAF Museum have the potential to be a place for the public to increase awareness about RMAF and it’s history.

10 x RMAF Officers

No. Questions Answers

1 How long have you served? Less than 5 years More than 5


1 9

2 Have you visited the RMAF Museum? Yes No

2 8

3 What would you like to see in RMAF Museum? Aircrafts Write Up Simulators

5 2 3

4 Have you ever heard civillians talks about RMAF


Yes No

2 8

5 Will you promote Royal Malaysian Air Force


Yes No

6 4

•90% of the survey participants have served more than 5 years.•0nly 20% of the RMAF officers have visited the RMAF Museum.•50% of the RMAF officers are inetersted in aircrafts. But only 20% have ever visited the RMAF Museum. •Only 20% of the RMAF officers have ever heard about RMAF Museum from civillian. This shows low interest or low promotion towards the civillians in RMAF Museum eventhough they are in conversation with an RMAF officers.

•Shockingly 40% of the RMAF officers would not promote the RMAF Museum towards the public. This indicates a review should be conducted on the impact of RMAF Museum towards officers and other ranks in RMAF.•Conclusion:

• RMAF Museum can use the RMAF personnel to further promote the RMAF Museum. Data from the survey shows that the current impact of RMAF Museum can be improve and reflected on the increase of visitation rate.

RMAF Museum’s Effort



Monthly Open Day

Electronic Caption System

RAF Museum UK360,000 visitors 2013

Example by Other Aviation Museum


•monthly airshows

•guided tours



•4D theatre



Based on the data collected, analysis conducted and observation, the conclusion that can be made are that the RMAF Museum have low visitation rate mainly because of two causes from the theorethical framework that is •low promotion effort and •low awareness regarding RMAF history and function.


•Based on the analisys conducted, the interest of public towards aircraft are high and

•New visitors quantity are promising. RMAF Museum have a great potential to be one of the most visited museum in Malaysia.


RMAF Museum with it’s realisation on the function and resposibility towards the RMAF and Malaysia has always been pushing it’s ability.

Utilising The ICT Culture

•Facebook advertisement.




Increase Awareness Program•Photography competition.




•Treasure hunts

RMAF History program

•RMAF Staff

•RMAF Enthusiasts

RMAF Museum Organisation


•Approved Organisation

•At Par with other Museum Organisation