Risky things

Post on 03-Sep-2015

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it contains things considers risky like risky food, sports, jobs, ect.

Transcript of Risky things

Risky food

Leafy greensthey caused 262 outbreaks involving 8,836 reported cases of illness between 1998 and 2008, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Greens can be contaminated by manure, dirty water rinses, or unwashed hands before you even purchase them. To avoid getting sick, wash produce and prevent cross-contamination (improper handling of meat in the kitchen can spread bacteria to other types of food, including greens) by washing hands and using separate cutting boards.


Meat, which is regulated by the USDAnot the FDA, caused at least 33,000 illnesses from 1998 to 2010, according to a CSPI report. Chicken was the top offender, with 455 outbreaks linked to almost 7,000 illnesses. Ground beef was second.

Risky jobs

Deep sea fishermen

Heres a classic. It actually used to be the most dangerous job on most lists, especially Alaskan crab fisherman. Between high seas, long nights, freezing temperatures, and lots of moving parts there is almost nothing more dangerous.

Bush pilots

Everybody knows that pilots have a dangerous job. Planes crash all the time right? Wrong. At least not the planes youre probably thinking about. Large airlines are actually a very safe mode of transportation. If you were talking about bush pilots though, thats another story. Facing extremely hostile weather and terrain, their job is anything but safe.

Risky sports

Ice climbing

You dont want to fall when youre leading an ice climb: Sharp crampons are designed to stick in ice and hard snow, and when they do, the ice usually doesnt break your ankles and leg bones do. (Thats why you dont glissade while wearing crampons, either.) And if youre using ice tools and they happen to be leashed to your hands when you fall, if you lose hold of them, youll have a couple of sharp, pointy things swinging around as you fall.

Sky diving Skydiving injuries often involve dislocations of limbs, and bone fractures during high impact landings, on both land and water. Parachute or lifejacket malfunctions can also hugely increase injury risk. Spinal cord injuries, paralysis and traumatic brain injuries have also been recorded.