RISK Object Library - Palisade Corporation

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Transcript of RISK Object Library - Palisade Corporation

Welcome to the @RISK 6.0 Automation Library. Using this library you can automate the features of @RISK for Excel.

Please Note: While Palisade Corporation will make every effort to maintain compatibility with the information presented here, we can not guarantee that we will do so in future releases of


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Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library

Object Model

Project Overview

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Form Description



Class Module Description

Risk The root @RISK application object.

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Defines an advanced sensitivity analysis

RiskAdvSensInput Defines an input for an advanced sensitivity analysis.

RiskAdvSensInputCollection A collection of RiskAdvSensInput Objects.

RiskApplicationSettings Contains a collection of properties that control general application settings.

RiskConstants A collection of @RISK constants.

RiskFitDefinition The definition of a fit which exists in a currently open Excel workbook.

RiskFitDefinitionCollection A collection of all RiskFitDefinitions associated with all open Excel workbooks.

RiskFitInput Contains summary information about the input data of a fit.

RiskFitParameter Contains information about a fitted distribution parameter.

RiskFitParameterCollection A collection of RiskFitParameter Objects, describing the parameters of a fitted distribution.

RiskFitResult The results of a single distribution fitting operation.

RiskFitResultCollection A collection of RISKFitResult objects, produced by performing a distribution fitting operation.

RiskFitTestStatistic Contains information about a fit test statisic.

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Defines a goal seek analysis.

RiskModel An object where @RISK modeling dialogs can be displayed, functions swapped, etc.

RiskProject An object for the control of the @RISK for Project features of the application.

RiskSimResultCollection An object which allows access to the results of the most recently run @RISK simulation.

RiskSimulatedResult Contains simulation results for an @RISK input or output.

RiskSimulation An object where @RISK simulations can be setup, started, and results analyzed.

RiskSimulationSettings An object where the @RISK simulation settings are maintained.

RiskStressAnalysis Defines a stress analysis.

RiskStressInput Defines an input for a stress analysis.

RiskStressInputCollection A collection of RiskStressInput Objects.

Public Enumerations

Enumeration Description

RiskAdvSensVariationMethod An enumeration of possible advanced sensitivity variation methods.

RiskAutomaticResultsDisplay An enumeration of the possible automatic results (if any) that can be automatically displayed when a @RISK simulation

is run.


RiskCellFormattingStyle An enumeration of different ways @RISK can automatically format spreadsheet cells containing @RISK inputs or outputs.

RiskCollectDistributionSamples An enumerated list of possible ways distribution samples can be collected.

RiskDistributionDisplayFormat An enumeration of distribution graph display formats.

RiskDistributionSecondaryAxisOverlay An enumerated list of secondary y-axis overlays.

RiskDistributionTruncation An enumeration of possible truncation parameters.

RiskEdition An enumerated list of @RISK product editions.

RiskFitChiSqBinArrangement An enumeration of bin arrangments that can be used for the chi-squared goodness-of-fit test.

RiskFitDataType An enumeration of the possible types of input data for a fitting operation.

RiskFitFilterType An enumeration of the possible fit filters that can be applied.

RiskFitLimitType An enumeration of possible limits (or boundary conditions) that can be applied to an extremum of a distribution.

RiskFitMethod An enumeration which specified possible methods of fitting distribution to data.

RiskFitStatistic An enumeration of fitting statistics.

RiskFixedParameter An enumeration of parameters that can be fixed for fitting operations.


RiskGoalSeekComparisonMethod An enumeration of goal seek comparison methods.


RiskInterfaceMode An enumerated list of possible operational states of the @RISK application.

RiskLanguageID An enumerated list of the possible languages @RISK can be using.

RiskLibraryAvailability An enumeration of the possible states of availability of the @RISK Library.


RiskOptimizerEngine An enumeration of optimization engines that can be used in RISKOptimizer.

RiskOptimizerTimeSpanUnit An enumeration of time-span values used to control how long an optimization can run.

RiskProductType An enumeration of @RISK product types.



RiskRandomNumberGenerator An enumerated list of random number generators available for use in @RISK.

RiskRegressionCoefficientFormat An enumeration of possible regression coefficient formats.

RiskReportPlacement An enumeration of possible destination workbooks for a report.

RiskReportSelection An enumeration of Excel reports.

RiskResultsGraphType An enumeration of different graph types for use in the RiskResultsGraph function.

RiskResultsStorageLocation An enumeration of possible choices where and how @RISK can stored simulation results.

RiskSamplingType An enumeration of sampling types that can be used during a simulation.

RiskScalingFactor An enumerated list of named scaling factors.

RiskSensAnalysisInputType An enumeration of possible sensitivity analysis input types.

RiskSimulationCompletionStatus An enumerated list of possible results from a simulation.

RiskStandardRecalcBehavior An enumerated list of ways @RISK distribution functions will return values when a simulation is not in progress.

RiskStaticValueType An enumeration of possible static values to be used when an RiskStaticValue is not specified for a function.

RiskStatisticFunctionUpdating An enumeration of possible updating mode for statistic functions.

RiskStatisticType An enumeration of statistic types.

RiskStressMethod An enumeration of stress methods for an input.

RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatistic An enumerated list of different summary graph center line statistics.

RiskSummaryGraphRange An enumerated list of possible summary graph ranges.

RiskSwapPreviewChanges An enumeration of possible ways the change preview dialog will be displayed when the @RISK user swaps in functions.

RiskTextOrientation An enumeration of possible text orientations.



RiskTornadoDisplayFormat An enumeration of tornado graph display formats.

RiskWindowListDisplay An enumeration of values controling how the @RISK Windows List will be displayed.

RiskWindowSize An enumeration of default window sizes.

Public UDTs

UDT Description






© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

NOTE: You must have the Professional or Industrial Edition of @RISK 6.0 to be able to run any automation code. The Standard Edition of @RISK does not support automation.

Making the Appropriate References From VBA

To automate @RISK 6.0 from VBA, you must first make two references. From within the VBA Editor window, make sure your VBA project is active, and then select the Tools / References

menu item. In the References dialog, choose the two items labeled “RiskXLA” and "Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library". The image below shows the references that must be


The first of these references, RiskXLA, is the main @RISK add-in file (Risk.xla on disk). This reference serves three functions. First, it gives you access to the root “Risk” object from which

all automation calls to @RISK begin. Second, it provides all the constants used in @RISK Automation. Finally, it ensures that @RISK will automatically be loaded when the workbook

containing the reference is opened. (In some cases, this last feature may not be desired. It is possible to load @RISK on demand instead of automatically, which is described later in this


The second reference is the @RISK 6.0 object library, which gives you access to all the objects and types needed to control @RISK. Once you make this reference, you will have access to

Getting Started

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the entire @RISK object model via the root "Risk" object. For example, you can now run an @RISK simulation of 150 iterations and display the mean of the output named "Profit" with the

following VBA code:

Visual Basic

Public Sub RunMySimulation

Risk.Simulation.Settings.NumIterations = 150


MsgBox Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOuput("Profit").Mean

End Sub

Example Code

Examing the @RISK example file "@RISK Developer Kit - @RISK Automation Macro" is an excellent way to get started using the @RISK Developer Kit. In @RISK, go to the Help Menu and

choose the Example Spreadsheets command. The file is located in the "@RISK Features" category of examples.

Automation of RiskOptimizer FunctionalityThe RISKOptimizer feature of @RISK is quite extensive, and has its own object model, which is described in a separate document. See the “RISKOptimizer 6.0 Developer’s Kit”

documentation for more information.

Updating @RISK 5.x Automation Code to Run with @RISK 6.0If you have @RISK automation code written for @RISK 5.x, that code should continue to work with @RISK 6.0 provided you change the references as described above. Likewise most

code written for @RISK 6.0 will work in 5.x if again you make the appropriate reference changes and if you don't use any of the new properties and methods that were added in version 6.0.

Keep in mind, the referencing scheme described above for @RISK 6.0 is somewhat different from that of @RISK versions 5.x. In that version, you only made a single reference to the

@RISK 5.0 for Excel Object Library. If you are converting automation code designed for use with @RISK 5.x to @RISK 6.0, you must remove this old reference, and make the two

references described above.

In @RISK version 5.7, to automate 64-bit Excel you were required to include a block of code to obtain the root automation object and access to various constant values used in the

automation library. This code block is no longer needed and should be removed from your code.

Demand-Loading @RISKUsually, you want @RISK to load automatically when you open your add-in. By adding the reference to Risk.xla in the VBA references as described above, this will occur. However, there

are some instances where this is not the desired behavior. For example, you might want to write an add-in that only uses @RISK part of the time, and requiring @RISK to always be loaded

is not appropriate. Of course, then the loading and shutdown of @RISK itself is your code’s responsibility.

If you remove the Risk.xla reference, you can still automate @RISK (provided of course that you load the @RISK add-in yourself) but you need to do some extra work to obtain the root Risk

reference object and also to use any @RISK constants defined in that file.

You can get the root Risk object in a “late-bound” fashion (that is without an early-bound reference to Risk.xla) by using Excel’s Application.Run command, as follows:

Visual Basic

Dim Risk As AtRiskOL6.Risk

Set Risk = Application.Run(“Risk.xla!Risk”)

This code assumes @RISK is already loaded and calls the public property Risk in a late-bound fashion to retrieve the root automation object. If you store as a global (non-local) variable, we

recommend you set it to Nothing when you are finished using @RISK for automation. (Strictly you could call this variable anything, but by using the variable name of “Risk” your code will

only be minimally changed.)

An other function that the early-bound reference to Risk.xla served was to provide all the automation constants (RiskAutoNumIterations, RiskNaN, etc.) that you might need for your code.

For example, in the line of code

Early Bound Method (Visual Basic)

Risk.Simulations.Settings.NumIterations = RiskAutoNumIterations

the constant RiskAutoNumIterations is provided by the reference to Risk.xla. If you choose to demand load @RISK however, and thus do not have a reference to Risk.xla, these constants

won’t be available directly. Instead you will need to access these constants from the Risk.Constants object, as demonstrated below:

Late-Bound Method (Visual Basic)

Risk.Simulations.Settings.NumIterations = Risk.Constants.RiskAutoNumIterations

Automating @RISK from .NETWhile the @RISK automation library is primarily designed for use from within Excel’s VBA language (and all the code examples of this documentation, excepting this section, are written for

VBA) it is also possible to use the .NET environment to control @RISK. To automate @RISK from .NET, first a reference needs to be added in the Visual Studio "Add Reference" dialog: in

the COM tab of that dialog, select "Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library".

Since in .NET you can’t make a reference to Risk.xla, the same issues described above for late-bound loading of @RISK apply for .NET programmers. Namely, you must get access to the

root Risk object manually, you must access @RISK constants indirectly, and @RISK won’t automatically be loaded for you.

To obtain the root Risk object, assuming @RISK is loaded, the .NET programmer must obtain it from a COM call to Excel and then store it in an object variable. The .NET programmer is

free to choose any name for that variable, but the recommended name is "Risk". With this name automation code written for .NET will be very similar to the VBA code examples used in this


As with the demand-loaded @RISK described above, all @RISK constants must be accessed via the Risk.Constants object.

Here are examples of VB .NET and C# methods for a simple @RISK automation. Assuming it is passed a reference to Excel that already has @RISK loaded, it sets up the root Risk object,

sets the number of iterations to be “automatic” and then runs a simulation. These methods could be part of .NET class libraries, and those libraries could be accessed from Excel using

COM/.NET Interoperability if desired.

Note: To automate Excel, an appropriate reference and "Imports"/"using" lines need to be added. Please consult relevant documentation from Microsoft.


//This code assumes "using AtRiskOL6;" line has been added, as well as an appropriate "using" line to access Excel automation interface.

public void RunSimulation(Application ExcelApplication) {

Risk Risk;

//Unfortunately C# has no support for missing arguments, thus this call to Excel’s Application.Run (which takes up to 30 optional arguments after the macro name)

//"Missing.Value" can be used after "using System.Reflection;" has been added.

Risk = (Risk)ExcelApplication.Run("Risk.xla!Risk", Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value);

Risk.Simulation.Settings.NumIterations = Risk.Constants.RiskAutoNumIterations;



Visual Basic .NET

'This code assumes that "Imports AtRiskOL6" line has been added, as well as an appropriate "Imports" line to access Excel automation interface.

Public Sub RunSimulation(ByVal ExcelApplication As Application)

Dim Risk As Risk

Risk = ExcelApplication.Run("Risk.xla!Risk")

Risk.Simulation.Settings.NumIterations = Risk.Constants.RiskAutoNumIterations


End Sub

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For a list of all members defined in this module, see CellFormattingDialog members.

See Also

CellFormattingDialog Members

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CellFormattingDialog Form

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Public Methods


See Also

CellFormattingDialog Overview

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CellFormattingDialog Form Members

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Public Function ShowDialog( _

ByVal p_ApplicationSettings As RiskApplicationSettings _

) As Boolean



See Also

CellFormattingDialog Form

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ShowDialog Method

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The root @RISK application object.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see Risk members.

Object Model

Risk Object

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This object is available globally (in VBA) once you have made reference to the @RISK Developer's Kit Library.

See Also

Risk Members

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Public Methods

GenerateExcelReports Creates one or more @RISK reports in Excel.

Help Displays @RISK context help

Sample Returns a sample from an @RISK distribution.

UnloadAddin Asynchronously shuts down @RISK.

WriteWorkbookInformation Writes @RISK information to the specified Excel workbook.

Public Properties

Addin Returns an Excel Workbook object for the @RISK add-in (.xla) file.

ApplicationSettings Returns a RISKApplicationSettings object, which contains all the user controllable @RISK application settings.

Constants Returns an object containing all @RISK constants.

DisplayAlerts Controls whether @RISK will display messages during execution.

ExcelApplication Returns the Excel Application object which @RISK is working within.

Fits Returns a collection of fits currently defined in the @RISK application.

InterfaceHidden Indicates whether the @RISK user interface has been hidden.

InterfaceMode Returns the current "interface" mode of @RISK. This property can be used to determine the state of operation of the


Library Returns a RiskLibraryServer Object which allows you to interact with the @RISK Library.

Model Returns a RiskModel Object, from which you can bring up modeling dialogs, swap functions, etc.

Risk Object Members

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ProductInformation Returns a RiskProductInformation Object which contains information about the current running copy of @RISK.


Simulation Returns a RiskSimulation Object, from which you can change simulation settings, start an @RISK simualation, and get

the results of a simulation.


ApplicationSettingsChanged Raised when any settings in the RiskApplicationSettings object have been changed by the user.

UserInterfaceModeChanged Raised when @RISK's interface mode is changing.

See Also

Risk Overview

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Creates one or more @RISK reports in Excel.


Public Function GenerateExcelReports( _

ByVal p_WhichReports As RiskReportSelection _

) As Workbook



GenerateExcelReports Method

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Value Description

RiskSimulationReportQuick A "Quick" Report, one page per output, with a summary of the most important information for each output.

RiskSimulationReportInputResultsSummary A summary report of all the simulated inputs. This matches the information in the Input tab of the @RISK Results

Summary window.

RiskSimulationReportOutputResultsSummary A summary report of all the simulated outputs. This matches the information in the Output tab of the @RISK Results

Summary window.

RiskSimulationReportDetailedStatistics A set of detailed statistical results for all inputs and outputs. This matches the information in the @RISK Detailed

Statistics window.

RiskSimulationReportData The complete set of simulation data for all inputs and outputs. This matches the information in the @RISK Data


RiskSimulationReportSensitivity The sensitivity results for all outputs. This matches the information in the @RISK Sensitivities window.

RiskSimulationReportScenarios The scenarios report for all outputs. This matches the information in the @RISK Scenarios window.

RiskSimulationReportTemplateSheets A static copy of all open template sheet. Template sheets must start with the prefix "RiskTemplate_".

RiskModelReportInputs A report summarizing all the currently defined inputs. This matches the information in the Inputs tab of the @RISK

Model window.

RiskModelReportOutputs A report summarizing all the currently defined outputs. This matches the information in the Outputs tab of

the @RISK Model window.

RiskModelReportCorrelations A report summarizing all the currently defined correlations. This matches the information in the Correlations tab of

the @RISK Model window.

Return Type

Excel Workbook Object - the workbook where the reports were created.


You can add the various report constants together to generate multiple reports at the same time.

The user's current report selection can be gotten from Risk.SimulationSettings.ReportsToGenerate property.

The placement of the reports is controled by several report settings in the Risk.ApplicationSettings object.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Run a simulation and then generate the input and output result summary reports

Public Sub GenerateResultSummaryReports()


Risk.GenerateExcelReports RiskSimulationReportInputResultsSummary + RiskSimulationReportOutputResultsSummary

End Sub

See Also

Risk Object | ReportGraphFormat Property | ReportOverwriteExisting Property | ReportPlacement Property | ReportReuseNewWorkbook Property | ReportSelected Property

| ReportsToGenerate Property | AutomaticallyGenerateReports Property | RiskReportSelection Enumeration

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Displays @RISK context help


Public Sub Help( _

Optional ByVal p_ContextID As Long _




The context identifier for the help file page that should be displayed. If left blank, the file will display the first page.

See Also

Risk Object

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Help Method

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Returns a sample from an @RISK distribution.


Public Function Sample( _

ByVal p_Expression As String, _

Optional ByVal p_ContextWorksheet As Worksheet = Nothing _

) As Variant



An @RISK distribution function. The must be specified in US/English format and have standard @RISK function syntax. It may have references to spreadsheet cells (in A1 format

only) but those references will be resolved with respect to the ContextWorksheet argument.


An optional worksheet parameter which is used to resolve any spreadsheet references in the specified expression. If omitted, the active worksheet is implied.

Return Type

Variant - Most often this will be a numeric value. However, illegal distribution definition will return error variants in the standard Excel manner. For example, Excel's #VALUE! error is

represented by an Error Variant of type 2015.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Samples ten independent Normal(0,1) distributions, adds up the result, and displays it.

Public Sub SampleNormals()

Dim result As Variant

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To 10

result = result + Risk.Sample("RiskNormal(0,1)")

Next i

Sample Method

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MsgBox "The result is " & result

End Sub

See Also

Risk Object

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Asynchronously shuts down @RISK.


Public Sub UnloadAddin()


The shutdown of @RISK is asynchronous. That is, it will not occur immediately when you make this call, but rather will start the shut-down process after your code has finished executing

and control has returned to Excel.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

Public Sub ShutDownAtRisk


End Sub

See Also

Risk Object

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UnloadAddin Method

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Writes @RISK information to the specified Excel workbook.


Public Sub WriteWorkbookInformation( _

ByVal p_Workbook As Workbook _




The workbook to which @RISK information should be written.


When the user saves an Excel workbook with @RISK open, it automatically writes @RISK information into it. This information includes the simulation settings, fit definitions,

and simulation results if appropriate. However, if you save a workbook via code using the Workbook.Save or Workbook.SaveAs methods, this information is not automatically written into

the workbook and you must use this method to add it.

Calling this method may display an @RISK dialog, asking you for how you want to save your results. If you set the Risk.DisplayAlerts property to FALSE, this dialog will be suppressed

and the default saving options will be chosen.

If you only want to write the @RISK simulation settings to a workbook, you can call instead the Risk.Simulation.Settings.SaveToWorkbook method.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Saves the active Excel Workbook with the current @RISK information embedded in it.

'The @RISK Save dialog has been suppress during this process.

Public Function SaveWorkbookWithAtRiskInformation()

Risk.DisplayAlerts = False

Risk.WriteWorkbookInformation ActiveWorkbook

WriteWorkbookInformation Method

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Risk.DisplayAlerts = True


End Function

See Also

Risk Object | DisplayAlerts Property | LoadFromWorkbook Method | SaveToWorkbook Method

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Returns an Excel Workbook object for the @RISK add-in (.xla) file.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Addin() As Workbook


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Displays the full path and filename of the @RISK add-in file.

Public Sub

Dim addinWB As Workbook

Set addinWB = Risk.Addin

MsgBox addinWB.FullName

End Sub

See Also

Risk Object

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Addin Property

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Returns a RISKApplicationSettings object, which contains all the user controllable @RISK application settings.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ApplicationSettings() As RiskApplicationSettings

See Also

Risk Object | RiskApplicationSettings Object

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ApplicationSettings Property

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Returns an object containing all @RISK constants.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Constants() As RiskConstants


NOTE: These constants need only be used from this object when demand-loading @RISK for automation, or automation from .NET. For normal VBA development, these constants are

available directly from Risk.xla.

See Also

Risk Object

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Constants Property

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Controls whether @RISK will display messages during execution.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property DisplayAlerts() As Boolean


Macro developers may want to turn this message off to suppress the display of @RISK messages. For example, a confirmation message displayed by @RISK will pause the execution of

a macro until the user clicks a button. This is very similar to the property of Excel with the same name. You should be sure to turn this property back to TRUE when your macro has



[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Perform a fit without displaying the fit status window

Public Sub FitWithNoMessages()

Dim fitResults As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fittedFunction As String

Risk.DisplayAlerts = False

Set fitResults = Risk.Fits(1).PerformFit

fittedFunction = fitResults("Normal").DistributionFunction

Risk.DisplayAlerts = True

MsgBox fittedFunction

End Sub

DisplayAlerts Property

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See Also

Risk Object

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Returns the Excel Application object which @RISK is working within.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ExcelApplication() As Application


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Displays the version of Excel that @RISK is being used with

Public Sub DisplayExcelVersion

MsgBox Risk.ExcelApplication.Version

End Sub

See Also

Risk Object

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ExcelApplication Property

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Returns a collection of fits currently defined in the @RISK application.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Fits() As RiskFitDefinitionCollection

See Also

Risk Object | RiskFitDefinitionCollection Object

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Fits Property

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Indicates whether the @RISK user interface has been hidden.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property InterfaceHidden() As Boolean


Note: Hiding the user interface does not prevent all @RISK windows from being displayed. It just hides the @RISK menus, ribbons, and toolbars.

See Also

Risk Object

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InterfaceHidden Property

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InterfaceMode Property

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Returns the current "interface" mode of @RISK. This property can be used to determine the state of operation of the product.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property InterfaceMode() As RiskInterfaceMode


Many @RISK actions can only be performed in a particular mode. For example, you can not perform a fit while @RISK is the middle of running a simulation. You can use this property to

check and respond appropriately to this type of situation.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Check if we are in "Standard Mode" before doing something

Public Sub DoSomethingOnlyIfInStandardMode()

If Risk.InterfaceMode <> RiskStandardOperation Then

MsgBox "This action can not be performed at this time."

Exit Sub

End If

'Proceed with the rest of the macro here...

End Sub

See Also

Risk Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns a RiskLibraryServer Object which allows you to interact with the @RISK Library.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Library() As RiskLibraryServer

See Also

Risk Object | RiskLibraryServer Object

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Library Property

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Returns a RiskModel Object, from which you can bring up modeling dialogs, swap functions, etc.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Model() As RiskModel

See Also

Risk Object | RiskModel Object

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Model Property

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Returns a RiskProductInformation Object which contains information about the current running copy of @RISK.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ProductInformation() As RiskProductInformation

See Also

Risk Object | RiskProductInformation Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ProductInformation Property

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Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Project() As RiskProject

See Also

Risk Object

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Project Property

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Returns a RiskSimulation Object, from which you can change simulation settings, start an @RISK simualation, and get the results of a simulation.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Simulation() As RiskSimulation

See Also

Risk Object | RiskSimulation Object

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Simulation Property

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Raised when any settings in the RiskApplicationSettings object have been changed by the user.


Public Event ApplicationSettingsChanged()

See Also

Risk Object | RiskApplicationSettings Object

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ApplicationSettingsChanged Event

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Raised when @RISK's interface mode is changing.


Public Event UserInterfaceModeChanged( _

ByVal oldMode As RiskInterfaceMode, _

ByVal newMode As RiskInterfaceMode _




Value Description

RiskDisabledInterface For internal use only.

RiskStandardOperation The normal operational mode of @RISK.

RiskDefiningDistributions The Define Distribution window is being displayed.

RiskSimulating A simulation is in progress.

RiskBrowsingResults The Browse Results window is being displayed.

RiskApplicationInitializing The @RISK application is in the processing of starting.

RiskApplicationTerminating The @RISK application is in the processing of shutting down.

RiskFunctionsRemoved @RISK is in "swapped out" mode, where all @RISK functions have been removed.

The old interface mode being switched out of.


Value Description

UserInterfaceModeChanged Event

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

RiskDisabledInterface For internal use only.

RiskStandardOperation The normal operational mode of @RISK.

RiskDefiningDistributions The Define Distribution window is being displayed.

RiskSimulating A simulation is in progress.

RiskBrowsingResults The Browse Results window is being displayed.

RiskApplicationInitializing The @RISK application is in the processing of starting.

RiskApplicationTerminating The @RISK application is in the processing of shutting down.

RiskFunctionsRemoved @RISK is in "swapped out" mode, where all @RISK functions have been removed.

The new interface mode being switched into.

See Also

Risk Object | InterfaceMode Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Defines an advanced sensitivity analysis

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskAdvSensAnalysis members.

Object Model


[Visual Basic]

Public Sub RunAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticMean

With .Inputs.Add(RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput, ActiveSheet.Range("A1"))

.VariationMethod = RiskVariationMinMaxRange

.VariationMinimum = 0

.VariationMaximum = 100

.BaseValue = 50

End With

.ReportPlacement = RiskNewWorkbook


End With

End Sub

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object

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See Also

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Members | NewAdvSensitivityAnalysis Method | RiskAdvSensInput Object | RiskAdvSensInputCollection Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Public Methods

RunAnalysis Runs the analysis defined in the object.

WriteSettingsToWorkbook Writes the current object settings to the specified workbook.

Public Properties

AnalyzeSimtableFunctions Specifies whether RiskSimtable function will automatically be included as inputs in the analysis.

IncludeBoxWhiskerPlot Specifies whether the analysis results should include a box-whisker plot.

IncludeInputGraphs Specifies whether the analysis results should include input graphs.

IncludePercentChangeGraph Specifies whether the analysis results should include a percentile graph graph.

IncludePercentilesGraph Specifies whether the analysis results should include a graph of percentiles.

IncludeQuickReport Specifies whether the analysis results should include an output quick report.

IncludeSummaryReport Specifies whether the analysis results should include a summary report.

IncludeTornadoDiagram Specifies whether the analysis results should include a tornado diagram.

Inputs Returns a collection of sensitivity analysis inputs.

OutputCell Specifies the sensitivity analysis output cell.

OutputPercentile Specifies which percentile should be calculated for the sensitibity analysis output.

OutputStatistic Specifies what statistic is used for the sensitivity analysis output.

ReportPlacement Specifies what workbook the analysis report will be placed in.

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object Members

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See Also

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Overview | NewAdvSensitivityAnalysis Method | RiskAdvSensInput Object | RiskAdvSensInputCollection Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Runs the analysis defined in the object.


Public Sub RunAnalysis()


[Visual Basic]

Public Sub RunAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticMean

With .Inputs.Add(RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput, ActiveSheet.Range("A1"))

.VariationMethod = RiskVariationMinMaxRange

.VariationMinimum = 0

.VariationMaximum = 100

.BaseValue = 50

End With

.ReportPlacement = RiskNewWorkbook


End With

End Sub

See Also

RunAnalysis Method

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RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Writes the current object settings to the specified workbook.


Public Sub WriteSettingsToWorkbook( _

ByVal p_Workbook As Workbook _




The Excel workbook where the goal seek settings are to be written.


Once settings are written, they can be retrieved when creating a new RiskAdvSensAnalysis object by specifying the SourceWorkbook parameter.

See Also

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

WriteSettingsToWorkbook Method

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Specifies whether RiskSimtable function will automatically be included as inputs in the analysis.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property AnalyzeSimtableFunctions() As Boolean

See Also

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

AnalyzeSimtableFunctions Property

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Specifies whether the analysis results should include a box-whisker plot.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property IncludeBoxWhiskerPlot() As Boolean

See Also

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | IncludeInputGraphs Property | IncludePercentChangeGraph Property | IncludePercentilesGraphs Property | IncludeQuickReport Property

| IncludeSummaryReport Property | IncludeTornadoDiagram Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

IncludeBoxWhiskerPlot Property

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Specifies whether the analysis results should include input graphs.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property IncludeInputGraphs() As Boolean

See Also

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | IncludeBoxWhiskerPlot Property | IncludePercentChangeGraph Property | IncludePercentilesGraphs Property | IncludeQuickReport Property

| IncludeSummaryReport Property | IncludeTornadoDiagram Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

IncludeInputGraphs Property

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Specifies whether the analysis results should include a percentile graph graph.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property IncludePercentChangeGraph() As Boolean

See Also

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | IncludeBoxWhiskerPlot Property | IncludeInputGraphs Property | IncludePercentilesGraphs Property | IncludePercentilesGraphs Property

| IncludeQuickReport Property | IncludeSummaryReport Property | IncludeTornadoDiagram Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

IncludePercentChangeGraph Property

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Specifies whether the analysis results should include a graph of percentiles.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property IncludePercentilesGraph() As Boolean

See Also

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | IncludeBoxWhiskerPlot Property | IncludeInputGraphs Property | IncludePercentChangeGraph Property | IncludeQuickReport Property

| IncludeQuickReport Property | IncludeSummaryReport Property | IncludeTornadoDiagram Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

IncludePercentilesGraph Property

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Specifies whether the analysis results should include an output quick report.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property IncludeQuickReport() As Boolean

See Also

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | IncludeBoxWhiskerPlot Property | IncludeInputGraphs Property | IncludePercentChangeGraph Property | IncludePercentilesGraphs Property

| IncludeSummaryReport Property | IncludeTornadoDiagram Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

IncludeQuickReport Property

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Specifies whether the analysis results should include a summary report.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property IncludeSummaryReport() As Boolean

See Also

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | IncludeInputGraphs Property | IncludePercentChangeGraph Property | IncludePercentilesGraphs Property | IncludeQuickReport Property

| IncludeTornadoDiagram Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

IncludeSummaryReport Property

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Specifies whether the analysis results should include a tornado diagram.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property IncludeTornadoDiagram() As Boolean

See Also

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | IncludeBoxWhiskerPlot Property | IncludeInputGraphs Property | IncludePercentChangeGraph Property | IncludePercentilesGraphs Property

| IncludeQuickReport Property | IncludeSummaryReport Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

IncludeTornadoDiagram Property

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Returns a collection of sensitivity analysis inputs.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Inputs() As RiskAdvSensInputCollection


[Visual Basic]

Public Sub RunAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticMean

With .Inputs.Add(RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput, ActiveSheet.Range("A1"))

.VariationMethod = RiskVariationMinMaxRange

.VariationMinimum = 0

.VariationMaximum = 100

.BaseValue = 50

End With

.ReportPlacement = RiskNewWorkbook


End With

Inputs Property

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End Sub

See Also

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | RiskStressInputCollection Object | RiskAdvSensInput Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies the sensitivity analysis output cell.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property OutputCell() As Range


The cell must be an @RISK output. If a cell that is not an @RISK output is selected, it will automatically become an @RISK output when the analysis is run.


[Visual Basic]

'Set up a sensitivity analysis on the 95% of the output in cell B5

Public Sub RunAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticPercentile

.OutputPercentile = 0.95

'Continue here with code to setup and run the analysis...

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | OutputPercentile Property | OutputStatistic Property | OutputStatistic Property

OutputCell Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies which percentile should be calculated for the sensitibity analysis output.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property OutputPercentile() As Double


This property only has effect if the OutputStatistic Property is set to RiskStatisticPercentile.

The value must be between 0 and 1.


[Visual Basic]

'Set up a sensitivity analysis on the 95% of the output in cell B5

Public Sub RunAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticPercentile

.OutputPercentile = 0.95

'Continue here with code to setup and run the analysis...

End With

End Sub

See Also

OutputPercentile Property

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RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | OutputCell Property | OutputStatistic Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies what statistic is used for the sensitivity analysis output.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property OutputStatistic() As RiskStatisticType


If this property is set to RiskStatisticPercentile, the specific percentile to use is specified in the OutputPercentile Property.


[Visual Basic]

'Set up a sensitivity analysis on the 95% of the output in cell B5

Public Sub RunAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticPercentile

.OutputPercentile = 0.95

'Continue here with code to setup and run the analysis...

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | OutputCell Property | OutputStatistic Property

OutputStatistic Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies what workbook the analysis report will be placed in.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ReportPlacement() As RiskReportPlacement

See Also

RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ReportPlacement Property

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Defines an input for an advanced sensitivity analysis.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskAdvSensInput members.


[Visual Basic]

Public Sub RunAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticMean

With .Inputs.Add(RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput, ActiveSheet.Range("A1"))

.VariationMethod = RiskVariationMinMaxRange

.VariationMinimum = 0

.VariationMaximum = 100

.BaseValue = 50

End With

.ReportPlacement = RiskNewWorkbook


End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Members | RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | RiskAdvSensInputCollection Object

RiskAdvSensInput Object

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Public Methods

AddInputReference Adds an input reference to this object.

AnalysisNames_GetArray Returns the array of simulation names associated with this input.

AnalysisNames_SetArray Set the analysis names for the simulations associated with this input.

ClearInputReferences Clears all input references.

GetInputReferenceInfo Retrieves information about a single input reference.

RemoveInputReference Removes an input reference.

VariationPercentiles_GetArray Returns an array of percentiles used to define the input's variation.

VariationPercentiles_SetArray Sets an array of percentiles used to define the input's variation.

VariationValues_GetArray Returns an array of actual values used to define the input's variation.

VariationValues_SetArray Sets an array of actual values used to define the input's variation.

Public Properties

BaseValue Specifies the base value of the input.

Enabled Specifies whether this input is enabled.

FixDistributionsWhenNotStepping Specifies that distributions that are not being varied should be fixed.

InputReferenceCount Returns the number of cell/function references in this input.

InputType Indicates if a sensitivity analysis input is adjusting an entire cell or a distribution function.

RiskAdvSensInput Object Members

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VariationMaximum Specifies the maximum input variation.

VariationMethod Specifies how the sensitivity input will be varied.

VariationMinimum Specifies the minimum input variation.

VariationNumSteps Specifies the number of steps in the input variation.

VariationTableRange Specifies an Excel range to get input values from.

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Overview | RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | RiskAdvSensInputCollection Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Adds an input reference to this object.


Public Sub AddInputReference( _

ByVal p_Cell As Range, _

Optional ByRef p_AlternateName As String = "", _

Optional ByRef p_DistributionFunctionPosition As Integer = 1 _




Specifies a cell reference for the input reference. This must be a single cell.


Optionally specifies an alternate name for the input. This argument only applies if the InputType Property is RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput.


Optionally specifies an @RISK functional position for the input. This is only needed if there is more than one @RISK distribution in the same cell. In that case, the value 1 indicates

the first @RISK distribution, 2 the second, and so on. This argument only applies if the InputType Property is RiskSensAnalysisDistributionBasedInput.


When an input if created with Add Method, you can specify a single input cell, name, and function position. If that is the only cell reference you want in the input, you need do nothing

else. However, you may want to specify a compound input with more than one cell reference in a single input. In that case, this method must be used to add that additional items.


[Visual Basic]

Public Sub MakeCompoundSensitivityInput(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskAdvSensAnalysis)

With p_Analysis.Inputs.Add(RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput)

.AddInputReference ActiveSheet.Range("A1"), "First Cell"

.AddInputReference ActiveSheet.Range("A2"), "Second Cell"

.AddInputReference ActiveSheet.Range("A3"), "Third Cell"

AddInputReference Method

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.BaseValue = 5

.VariationMethod = RiskVariationMinMaxRange

.VariationMinimum = 0

.VariationMaximum = 10

.VariationNumSteps = 11

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | ClearInputReferences Method | GetInputReferenceInfo Method | RemoveInputReference Method | InputReferenceCount Property | Add Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the array of simulation names associated with this input.


Public Function AnalysisNames_GetArray( _

ByRef p_Array() As String _

) As Integer



An array that is filled with analysis names.

Return Type

Integer - the number of defined analysis names.


It is not necessary analysis names to be defined. If they are defined, however, they will override the default names used by the analysis.

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | AnalysisNames_SetArray Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

AnalysisNames_GetArray Method

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Set the analysis names for the simulations associated with this input.


Public Sub AnalysisNames_SetArray( _

ByRef p_Array() As String _




The array of analysis names.


It is not necessary analysis names to be defined. If they are defined, however, they will override the default names used by the analysis.

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | AnalysisNames_GetArray Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

AnalysisNames_SetArray Method

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Clears all input references.


Public Sub ClearInputReferences()

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | AddInputReference Method | GetInputReferenceInfo Method | RemoveInputReference Method | InputReferenceCount Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ClearInputReferences Method

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Retrieves information about a single input reference.


Public Function GetInputReferenceInfo( _

ByVal p_Index As Integer, _

Optional ByRef p_Cell As Range, _

Optional ByRef p_AlternateName As String, _

Optional ByRef p_DistributionFunctionPosition As Integer _

) As Range



Indicates for which input reference information is being sought.


Returns the single cell where the input reference is located.


Returns the alternate cell name for the input. This is only relevant if the InputType Property is RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput.


The functional position of the input. This is only needed if there is more than one @RISK distribution in the same cell. In that case, the value 1 indicates the first @RISK distribution,

2 the second, and so on. This argument only applies if the InputType Property is RiskSensAnalysisDistributionBasedInput.

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | AddInputReference Method | ClearInputReferences Method | RemoveInputReference Method | InputReferenceCount Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GetInputReferenceInfo Method

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Removes an input reference.


Public Sub RemoveInputReference( _

ByVal p_Index As Integer _




The index of the input reference being removed.

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | AddInputReference Method | ClearInputReferences Method | GetInputReferenceInfo Method | InputReferenceCount Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RemoveInputReference Method

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Returns an array of percentiles used to define the input's variation.


Public Function VariationPercentiles_GetArray( _

ByRef p_Array() As Double _

) As Integer



The array which will be filled with percentile values. Each value is between 0 and 1.

Return Type

Integer - the number of percentiles.


This method is only relevant if the input's InputType Property is RiskSensAnalysisDistributionBasedInput and the VariationMethod Property is set to RiskVariationDistributionPercentiles.

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | VariationPercentiles_SetArray Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

VariationPercentiles_GetArray Method

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Sets an array of percentiles used to define the input's variation.


Public Sub VariationPercentiles_SetArray( _

ByRef p_Array() As Double _




The array of percentile values. Each value is between 0 and 1.


This method is only relevant if the input's InputType Property is RiskSensAnalysisDistributionBasedInput and the VariationMethod Property is set to RiskVariationDistributionPercentiles.

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | VariationPercentiles_GetArray Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

VariationPercentiles_SetArray Method

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Returns an array of actual values used to define the input's variation.


Public Function VariationValues_GetArray( _

ByRef p_Array() As Double _

) As Integer



The array which will be filled with values.

Return Type

Integer - the number of values in the array.


This method is only relevant if the input's InputType Property is RiskSensAnalysisDistributionBasedInput and the VariationMethod Property is set to RiskVariationValuesFromTable.

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | VariationValues_SetArray Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

VariationValues_GetArray Method

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Sets an array of actual values used to define the input's variation.


Public Sub VariationValues_SetArray( _

ByRef p_Array() As Double _




The array of values.


This method is only relevant if the input's InputType Property is RiskSensAnalysisDistributionBasedInput and the VariationMethod Property is set to RiskVariationValuesFromTable.

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | VariationValues_GetArray Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

VariationValues_SetArray Method

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Specifies the base value of the input.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property BaseValue() As Double


The base-value is used to determine the values taken by the input during the analysis if the VariationMethod Property is RiskVariationPercentChangeFromBaseValue or


The special value RiskAutoBaseValue can be use to specify the input base value is taken from the cell where the input resides.


[Visual Basic]

'Add a sensitivity input at cell A1 that varies +/- 10% from the base-value of 100 in 5 steps.

Public Sub AddSensitivityInput(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskAdvSensAnalysis)

With p_Analysis.Inputs.Add(RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput, ActiveSheet.Range("A1"), "My Input")

.BaseValue = 100

.VariationMethod = RiskVariationPercentChangeFromBaseValue

.VariationMinimum = -0.1 '-10%

.VariationMaximum = 0.1 '+10%

.VariationNumSteps = 5

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | VariationMethod Property | VariationMinimum Property | VariationMaximum Property | VariationNumSteps Property

BaseValue Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies whether this input is enabled.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Enabled() As Boolean


Disabled inputs are not included in the analysis. By default inputs are enabled.

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Enabled Property

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Specifies that distributions that are not being varied should be fixed.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property FixDistributionsWhenNotStepping() As Boolean

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

FixDistributionsWhenNotStepping Property

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Returns the number of cell/function references in this input.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property InputReferenceCount() As Integer

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | AddInputReference Method | GetInputReferenceInfo Method | ClearInputReferences Method | RemoveInputReference Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

InputReferenceCount Property

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Indicates if a sensitivity analysis input is adjusting an entire cell or a distribution function.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property InputType() As RiskSensAnalysisInputType


This property is set when the input is created and can not be changed later.

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | Add Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

InputType Property

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Specifies the maximum input variation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property VariationMaximum() As Double


[Visual Basic]

'Add a sensitivity input at cell A1 that varies +/- 10% from the base-value of 100 in 5 steps.

Public Sub AddSensitivityInput(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskAdvSensAnalysis)

With p_Analysis.Inputs.Add(RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput, ActiveSheet.Range("A1"), "My Input")

.BaseValue = 100

.VariationMethod = RiskVariationPercentChangeFromBaseValue

.VariationMinimum = -0.1 '-10%

.VariationMaximum = 0.1 '+10%

.VariationNumSteps = 5

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | BaseValue Property | VariationMethod Property | VariationMinimum Property | VariationNumSteps Property

VariationMaximum Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies how the sensitivity input will be varied.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property VariationMethod() As RiskAdvSensVariationMethod


If set to either RiskVariationPercentChangeFromBaseValue, RiskVariationActualChangeFromBaseValue, or RiskVariationMinMaxRange, the BaseValue Property, VariationMinimum

Property, VariationMaximum Property, and VariationNumSteps Property are used to specify the other variation parameters.

If set to RiskVariationDistributionPercentiles, use the VariationPercentiles_SetArray Method to specify the percentiles values to use.

If set to RiskVariationValuesFromTable, use the VariationValues_SetArray Method to specify the values to use.

If set to RiskVariationValuesFromExcelRange, use the VariationTableRange Property property to specify an Excel range that contain the values to use.


[Visual Basic]

'Add a sensitivity input at cell A1 that varies +/- 10% from the base-value of 100 in 5 steps.

Public Sub AddSensitivityInput(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskAdvSensAnalysis)

With p_Analysis.Inputs.Add(RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput, ActiveSheet.Range("A1"), "My Input")

.BaseValue = 100

.VariationMethod = RiskVariationPercentChangeFromBaseValue

.VariationMinimum = -0.1 '-10%

.VariationMaximum = 0.1 '+10%

.VariationNumSteps = 5

End With

VariationMethod Property

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End Sub

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | BaseValue Property | VariationMaximum Property | VariationMinimum Property | VariationNumSteps Property | VariationTableRange Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies the minimum input variation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property VariationMinimum() As Double


[Visual Basic]

'Add a sensitivity input at cell A1 that varies +/- 10% from the base-value of 100 in 5 steps.

Public Sub AddSensitivityInput(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskAdvSensAnalysis)

With p_Analysis.Inputs.Add(RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput, ActiveSheet.Range("A1"), "My Input")

.BaseValue = 100

.VariationMethod = RiskVariationPercentChangeFromBaseValue

.VariationMinimum = -0.1 '-10%

.VariationMaximum = 0.1 '+10%

.VariationNumSteps = 5

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | BaseValue Property | VariationMaximum Property | VariationMethod Property | VariationNumSteps Property

VariationMinimum Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies the number of steps in the input variation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property VariationNumSteps() As Integer


This property only has effect if the VariationMethod Property RiskVariationPercentChangeFromBaseValue, RiskVariationActualChangeFromBaseValue, or RiskVariationMinMaxRange


[Visual Basic]

'Add a sensitivity input at cell A1 that varies +/- 10% from the base-value of 100 in 5 steps.

Public Sub AddSensitivityInput(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskAdvSensAnalysis)

With p_Analysis.Inputs.Add(RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput, ActiveSheet.Range("A1"), "My Input")

.BaseValue = 100

.VariationMethod = RiskVariationPercentChangeFromBaseValue

.VariationMinimum = -0.1 '-10%

.VariationMaximum = 0.1 '+10%

.VariationNumSteps = 5

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object

VariationNumSteps Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies an Excel range to get input values from.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property VariationTableRange() As Range


This property only has effect if the VariationMethod Property is RiskVariationValuesFromExcelRange.


[Visual Basic]

'Make a new input in cell A1 that pulls variation values from cell range B1:G1

With .Inputs.Add(RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput, ActiveSheet.Range("A1"), "My Input")

.VariationMethod = RiskVariationValuesFromExcelRange

Set .VariationTableRange = ActiveSheet.Range("B1:G1")

End With

See Also

RiskAdvSensInput Object | VariationMethod Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

VariationTableRange Property

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A collection of RiskAdvSensInput Objects.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskAdvSensInputCollection members.

Object Model

See Also

RiskAdvSensInputCollection Members | RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | RiskStressInput Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskAdvSensInputCollection Collection

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Public Methods

Add Adds a new sensitivity input to the collection.

Public Properties

Count Returns the number of items in the collection.

Item Returns a single item in the collection.

See Also

RiskAdvSensInputCollection Overview | RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | RiskStressInput Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskAdvSensInputCollection Collection Members

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Adds a new sensitivity input to the collection.


Public Function Add( _

ByVal p_InputType As RiskSensAnalysisInputType, _

Optional ByVal p_InputReferenceCell As Range = Nothing, _

Optional ByVal p_AlternateName As String = "", _

Optional ByVal p_DistributionFunctionPosition As Integer = 1 _

) As RiskAdvSensInput



Value Description

RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput The entire cell (or cells) will be changed during the sensitivity analysis.

RiskSensAnalysisDistributionBasedInput Only the @RISK distribution function in the specified cell (or cells) will be changed during the sensitivity analysis

Indicates the type of input.


Optionally specifies a cell reference for the input. This must be a single cell. (Multiple cell references many be added to the same sensitivity input by calling the AddInputReference

Method multiple times for an input.)


Optionally specifies an alternate name for the input. This argument only applies if the InputType argument is RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput.


Optionally specifies an @RISK functional position for the input. This is only needed if there is more than one @RISK distribution in the same cell. In that case, the value 1 indicates

the first @RISK distribution, 2 the second, and so on. This argument only applies if the InputType argument is RiskSensAnalysisDistributionBasedInput.


The three optional arguments to this function are a convenient shortcut for when you have a single cell or function you want to add. If you have multiple cells or functions, use the

Add Method

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AddInputReference Method to add them to the input.


[Visual Basic]

'Add a sensitivity input at cell A1 that varies from 0-100 in 11 steps:

Public Sub AddSensitivityInput(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskAdvSensAnalysis)

With p_Analysis.Inputs.Add(RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput, ActiveSheet("A1"), "My Input")

.BaseValue = 50

.VariationMethod = RiskVariationMinMaxRange

.VariationMinimum = 0

.VariationMaximum = 100

.VariationNumSteps = 11

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskAdvSensInputCollection Collection | RiskAdvSensInput Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the number of items in the collection.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Count() As Integer

See Also

RiskAdvSensInputCollection Collection

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Count Property

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Returns a single item in the collection.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Item( _

ByVal p_Index As Variant _

) As RiskAdvSensInput



Must be a number between 1 and the number of items in the collection.

See Also

RiskAdvSensInputCollection Collection

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Item Property

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Contains a collection of properties that control general application settings.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskApplicationSettings members.


These correspond to the the @RISK program's Application Settings dialog.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Members

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskApplicationSettings Object

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Public Methods

ApplyNow Applies current Application Settings to open windows, graphs, and workbooks.


GetScenarioDefault Returns one of the applicaton's scenario analysis defaults.

ResetToFactoryDefaults Resets the @RISK Application Settings to their default state.


SetScenarioDefault Sets one of the applicaton's scenario analysis defaults.

Public Properties

RiskApplicationSettings Object Members

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

AltParamDefaults Controls the default alternate parameterization for a specified distribution type.

CellFormattingInputColor Controls the (RGB) color to be used when @RISK automatically formats cells containing @RISK input distributions.


CellFormattingOutputColor Controls the (RGB) color to be used when @RISK automatically formats cells containing @RISK output functions.


CellFormattingStyle Controls how @RISK will automatically format spreadsheet cells containing @RISK input or output functions.

CumulativeDescendingPercentiles Sets whether @RISK will display percentiles in cumulative descending format.

DistributionEntryDisplayShiftFactor Controls whether a shift factor entry will be displayed by default in the define distribution window, even if a shift

factor is not present in the distribution being edited.

DistributionEntryDisplayStaticValue Controls whether a static value entry will be displayed by default in the define distribution window, even if a static

value is not present in the distribution being edited.

DistributionEntryDisplayTruncationLimits Controls whether truncation limits entries will be displayed by default in the define distribution window, even if a

truncation limits are not present in the distribution being edited.

GraphBoxPlotCenterline Controls the centerline statistic used for box-plots.

GraphBoxPlotColor Controls the color used for box-plot graphs.

GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic Controls whether box-plots are formatted automatically.

GraphBoxPlotInnerRange Controls the bounds of the box in a box-plot.

GraphBoxPlotOuterRange Controls the bounds of the whiskers in a box-plot.

GraphBoxPlotShowCenterlineLabels Controls whether the centerline value are displayed on a box-plot.

GraphDistributionSecondaryAxisOverlay Controls if a cumulative overlay curve is automatically added to distribution graphs.

GraphInputColor Controls the default (RGB) color applied to the curves representing inputs in an @RISK graph.

GraphLeftDelimiter Controls the default value for a distribution graph's left delimiter percentile.

GraphLegendTableDefinition Controls what items appear by default on a graph's legend.



GraphMarkerDefinition Controls what items appear by default as marked items on a graph.

GraphNumberFormatQuantitiesWithUnits Controls the number formatting used for graph statistics that have scaled units.

GraphNumberFormattingIsAutomatic Controls whether the number formatting used in graph statistics is automatically determined.

GraphNumberFormatUnitlessQuantities Controls the number formatting used for unitless graph statistics.

GraphNumDelimitedCurves Controls the maximum number of curves in a graph that will display delimited percentile information.

GraphNumHistogramBins Specifies the number of histogram bins to be used in the display of graphs.

GraphOutputColor Controls the default (RGB) color applied to the curves representing outputs in an @RISK graph.

GraphOutputScalingFactor Specifies a default scaling factor for a output distribution graph.

GraphOutputScalingIsAutomatic Indicates whether the default x-axis scaling of output distributions graphs is automatically determined.

GraphOutputScalingMaximum Specifies a default maximum value for a output distribution graph.

GraphOutputScalingMinimum Specifies a default minimum value for a output distribution graph.

GraphPreferredDistributionFormat Controls the preferred distribution display format for distribution graphs.

GraphRightDelimiter Controls the default value for a distribution graph's left delimiter percentile.

GraphSummaryTrendCenterline Controls the centerline statistic used for summery trend graphs.

GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor Controsl the control of the centerline for summary trend graphs.

GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic Controls whether summary trend graphs are formatted automatically.

GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor Controls the color of a summary trend graph's inner band.

GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange Controls the bounds of the inner band of a summary trend graph.

GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor Controls the color of a summary trend graph's outer band.

GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange Controls the bounds of the outer band of a summary trend graph.


GraphTitleDescription Specifies a default graph description to use, overriding the automatic title generated by @RISK.

GraphTitleMainText Specifies a default graph title to use, overriding the automatic title generated by @RISK.

GraphXAxisTickLabelOrientation Specifies how the x-axis tick labels appear on graphs.



InsertFunctionGraphWindowEnabled Controls if an @RISK graph window automatically is displayed when Excel's 'Insert Function' window is displayed.

InsertStaticValues Controls whether @RISK, by default, will put RiskStatic() property functions into new @RISK input distributions.

LibraryEnabled Controls whether the @RISK Library facility is enabled be default when @RISK is started.


ModelWindowColumns Controls the columns that will be displayed by default in the @RISK Model Window.

PolicyFileInUse Indicates whether the @RISK user has a policy file installed.









ReportOverwriteExisting Controls whether newly generated reports in a workbook will replace already existing reports in that same workbook.

ReportPlacement Controls where @RISK's Excel reports will be placed, either in a new workbook or the active workbook.

ReportReuseNewWorkbook Controls whether only a single new Excel workbook will be created to hold reports.

ResultWindowColumns Controls the columns that will be displayed by default in the @RISK Results Window.

RISKOptimizerCrossoverRate Controls the default crossover rate for new optimization models.

RiskOptimizerEngine Controls the default optimization engine for new optimization models.

RISKOptimizerMutationRate Controls the default mutation rate for new optimization models.

RISKOptimizerPopulationSize Controls the default population size for new optimization models.

RISKOptimizerProgressMaxChange Controls the maximum change for new optimization models that use a progress based stopping condition.

RISKOptimizerProgressMaxChangeIsPercent Specifies if the maximum change for new optimization models that use a progress based stopping condition is a

percentage of the output value.

RISKOptimizerProgressStoppingCondition Controls if new optimization models will use, by default, a progress based stopping condition.

RISKOptimizerProgressTrialCount Controls the number of trials used by default for new optimization models that use a progress based stopping


RISKOptimizerStopOnErrors Controls if new optimization models will stop, by default, when any errors are calculated in output values.

RISKOptimizerTimeSpan Controls the amount of time allowed, by default, for new optimization models in the time span stopping condition.

RISKOptimizerTimeSpanStoppingCondition Controls if new optimization models will use, by default, a time span stopping condition.



RISKOptimizerTrialStoppingCondition Controls if new optimization models will use, by default, a maximum trial count stopping condition.

SaveLocation Controls where @RISK stores simulation results.







ShowWelcomeScreenAtStartup Controls whether the @RISK "Welcome / What's New" windows is automatically displayed each time the

application starts.

SimSettingsAutomaticResultsDisplay Sets the default AutomaticResultsDisplay simulation settings for new models.

SimSettingsCollectDistributionSamples Sets the default CollectDistributionSamples simulation settings for new models.

SimSettingsConvergenceTestingEnabled Sets the default ConvergenceTestingEnabled simulation settings for new models.

SimSettingsLiveUpdate Sets the default LiveUpdate simulation settings for new models.

SimSettingsMinimizeExcel Sets the default MinimizeExcel simulation settings for new models.

SimSettingsNumIterations Sets the default NumIterations simulation settings for new models.

SimSettingsPauseOnOutputErrors Sets the default PauseOnOutputErrors simulation settings for new models.

SimSettingsSamplingType Sets the default SamplingType simulation settings for new models.

SimSettingsShowExcelRecalculations Sets the default ShowExcelRecalculations simulation settings for new models.

SimSettingsSmartSensitivityAnalysisEnabled Controls whether smart sensitivity analysis will is enabled.

SimSettingsStatisticFunctionUpdating Controls when @RISK statistic functions will be updated during a simulation.

SimSettingsStdRecalcBehavior Sets the default StdRecalcBehavior simulation settings for new models.

SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic Sets the default StdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic simulation settings for new models.

SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile Sets the default StdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile simulation settings for new models.

SimSettingsUseMultipleCPUs Controls whether @RISK will use multiple CPUs (if there is more than one CPU on the machine) to perform


SwapPreviewChanges Controls what items are previewed when swapping in formulas.

SwapWithoutRiskStatic Controls what statistic is substituted when the user swaps out @RISK functions that do not contain RiskStatic()

property functions.

SwapWithoutRiskStaticPercentile Controls what percentile is substituted when the user swaps out @RISK functions that do not contain RiskStatic()

property functions.














WindowDefaultSize Controls the default size of new @RISK windows.

WindowListDisplay Controls under what circumstances the @RISK Windows List will be displayed.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Overview

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Applies current Application Settings to open windows, graphs, and workbooks.


Public Sub ApplyNow()


Many application settings only affect new @RISK object (graphs, workbooks, windows, etc.) when they are first created. This property applies the current @RISK settings to already

existing open objects.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change how percentiles are displayed by default in @RISK and apply the change to all open windows.

Public Sub ChangePercentileDisplay()

Risk.ApplicationSettings.CumulativeDescendingPercentiles = True


End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ApplyNow Method

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Public Function GetDetailedStatsWindowTargets( _

ByRef p_TargetArray() As Double _

) As Long



See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GetDetailedStatsWindowTargets Method

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Returns one of the applicaton's scenario analysis defaults.


Public Sub GetScenarioDefault( _

ByVal p_Index As Integer, _

ByRef p_LowerBound As Double, _

ByRef p_UpperBound As Double _




An integer value between 1 and 3, indicating which scenario default should be retreived.


This variable returns the lower bound of the specified scenario. The value is between 0 and 1.


This variable returns the upper bound of the specified scenario. The value is between 0 and 1.


[Visual Basic]

'Displays the three default scenarios in message boxes:

Public Sub DisplayScenarioDefault()

Dim lowerBound As Double

Dim upperBound As Double

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To 3

Risk.ApplicationSettings.GetScenarioDefault i, lowerBound, upperBound

MsgBox "Scenario # " & i & " : " & lowerBound & " --> " & upperBound

GetScenarioDefault Method

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Next i

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | SetScenarioDefault Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Resets the @RISK Application Settings to their default state.


Public Sub ResetToFactoryDefaults()


This will reset all of the @RISK application settings to their internal "factory" defaults.

If a policy file is in use, this call will override the settings stored in the policy file.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | PolicyFileInUse Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ResetToFactoryDefaults Method

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Public Sub SetDetailedStatsWindowTargets( _

ByRef p_TargetArray() As Double _




See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SetDetailedStatsWindowTargets Method

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Sets one of the applicaton's scenario analysis defaults.


Public Sub SetScenarioDefault( _

ByVal p_Index As Integer, _

ByVal p_LowerBound As Double, _

ByVal p_UpperBound As Double _




An integer value between 1 and 3, indicating which scenario default should be set.


This variable sets the lower bound of the specified scenario. The value is between 0 and 1.


This variable sets the upper bound of the specified scenario. The value is between 0 and 1.


Changes to this setting will not take effect until you call the ApplyNow method.


[Visual Basic]

'Set the three default scenarios :

Public Sub SetScenarioDefaults()

Risk.ApplicationSettings.SetScenarioDefault 1, 0.1, 0.5

Risk.ApplicationSettings.SetScenarioDefault 2, 0.5, 0.75

Risk.ApplicationSettings.SetScenarioDefault 3, 0.75, 1

End Sub

SetScenarioDefault Method

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See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GetScenarioDefault Method | ApplyNow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the default alternate parameterization for a specified distribution type.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property AltParamDefaults( _

ByVal p_DistributionType As Variant _

) As String



The name of the distribution type, e.g. "Normal" or "Weibull".


The format of the string must follow the syntax of the distribution type in question (in US/English format) with 'x's replacing the numeric values of the parameters (see the example below).


[Visual Basic]

Public Sub SetAlternateParameterDefault()

Risk.ApplicationSettings.AltParamDefaults("Normal") = "RiskNormalAlt(10%,x,90%,x)"

Risk.ApplicationSettings.AltParamDefaults("Uniform") = "RiskUniformAlt(""Min"",x,90%,x)"

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

AltParamDefaults Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the (RGB) color to be used when @RISK automatically formats cells containing @RISK input distributions.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property CellFormattingInputColor() As Long


This is an RGB color. You can use either build in VB color constants (e.g. vbRed, vbBlue, etc.) or the RGB function to specify these colors.

This property will only have effect if the CellFormattingStyle property is not set to RiskCellFormattingNone.

Changes to this setting will not take effect until you call the ApplyNow method.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set @RISK up to automatically color input cells green and output cells blue.

Public Sub SetCellFormatting()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.CellFormattingStyle = RiskCellFormattingBackgroundColor

.CellFormattingInputColor = vbGreen

.CellFormattingOutputColor = vbBlue


End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | CellFormattingStyle Property | CellFormattingOutputColor Property | ApplyNow Method

CellFormattingInputColor Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property CellFormattingOptimizerVariableColor() As Long

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

CellFormattingOptimizerVariableColor Property

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Controls the (RGB) color to be used when @RISK automatically formats cells containing @RISK output functions.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property CellFormattingOutputColor() As Long


This is an RGB color. You can use either build in VB color constants (e.g. vbRed, vbBlue, etc.) or the RGB function to specify these colors.

This property will only have effect if the CellFormattingStyle property is not set to RiskCellFormattingNone.

Changes to this setting will not take effect until you call the ApplyNow method.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set @RISK up to automatically color input cells green and output cells blue.

Public Sub SetCellFormatting()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.CellFormattingStyle = RiskCellFormattingBackgroundColor

.CellFormattingInputColor = vbGreen

.CellFormattingOutputColor = vbBlue


End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | CellFormattingStyle Property | CellFormattingInputColor Property | ApplyNow Method

CellFormattingOutputColor Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property CellFormattingStatisticColor() As Long

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

CellFormattingStatisticColor Property

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Controls how @RISK will automatically format spreadsheet cells containing @RISK input or output functions.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property CellFormattingStyle() As RiskCellFormattingStyle


The CellFormattingInputColor and CellFormattingOutputColor control the colors used in the cell formatting.

Changes to this setting will not take effect until you call the ApplyNow method.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set @RISK up to automatically color input cells green and output cells blue.

Public Sub SetCellFormatting()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.CellFormattingStyle = RiskCellFormattingBackgroundColor

.CellFormattingInputColor = vbGreen

.CellFormattingOutputColor = vbBlue


End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | CellFormattingInputColor Property | CellFormattingOutputColor Property | ApplyNow Method | RiskCellFormattingStyle Enumeration

CellFormattingStyle Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Sets whether @RISK will display percentiles in cumulative descending format.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property CumulativeDescendingPercentiles() As Boolean


This property only affects the display of percentiles in the @RISK interface. All methods and properties will continue to return cumulative ascending percentiles.

This settings will affect all new windows created by @RISK. After changing this setting, you can apply it to already open windows using the ApplyNow method.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change how percentiles are displayed by default in @RISK and apply the change to all open windows.

Public Sub ChangePercentileDisplay()

Risk.ApplicationSettings.CumulativeDescendingPercentiles = True


End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

CumulativeDescendingPercentiles Property

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Controls whether a shift factor entry will be displayed by default in the define distribution window, even if a shift factor is not present in the distribution being edited.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property DistributionEntryDisplayShiftFactor() As Boolean

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | DistributionEntryDisplayStaticValue Property | DistributionEntryDisplayTruncationLimits Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

DistributionEntryDisplayShiftFactor Property

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Controls whether a static value entry will be displayed by default in the define distribution window, even if a static value is not present in the distribution being edited.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property DistributionEntryDisplayStaticValue() As Boolean

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | DistributionEntryDisplayShiftFactor Property | DistributionEntryDisplayTruncationLimits Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

DistributionEntryDisplayStaticValue Property

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Controls whether truncation limits entries will be displayed by default in the define distribution window, even if a truncation limits are not present in the distribution being edited.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property DistributionEntryDisplayTruncationLimits() As RiskDistributionTruncation


[Visual Basic]

'Make the distribution entry panel show all the options by default:

Public Sub SetDistributionEntryOptions()

Risk.ApplicationSettings.DistributionEntryDisplayShiftFactor = True

Risk.ApplicationSettings.DistributionEntryDisplayTruncationLimits = True

Risk.ApplicationSettings.DistributionEntryDisplayStaticValue = True

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | DistributionEntryDisplayShiftFactor Property | DistributionEntryDisplayStaticValue Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

DistributionEntryDisplayTruncationLimits Property

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Controls the centerline statistic used for box-plots.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphBoxPlotCenterline() As RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatistic


This property only has effect if the GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic Property is False.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.


[Visual Basic]

'Change Default Box Plot Options:

Public Sub ChangeDefaultBoxPlotOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphBoxPlotCenterline = RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMedian

.GraphBoxPlotInnerRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP25P75

.GraphBoxPlotOuterRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP10P90

.GraphBoxPlotShowCenterlineLabels = True

.GraphBoxPlotColor = vbGreen

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphBoxPlotColor Property | GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic Property | GraphBoxPlotInnerRange Property | GraphBoxPlotOuterRange Property

GraphBoxPlotCenterline Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

| GraphBoxPlotShowCenterlineLabels Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the color used for box-plot graphs.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphBoxPlotColor() As Long


This is an RGB color. You can use either build in VB color constants (e.g. vbRed, vbBlue, etc.) or the RGB function to specify these colors.

This property only has effect if the GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic Property is False.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.


[Visual Basic]

'Change Default Box Plot Options:

Public Sub ChangeDefaultBoxPlotOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphBoxPlotCenterline = RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMedian

.GraphBoxPlotInnerRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP25P75

.GraphBoxPlotOuterRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP10P90

.GraphBoxPlotShowCenterlineLabels = True

.GraphBoxPlotColor = vbGreen

End With

End Sub

See Also

GraphBoxPlotColor Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphBoxPlotCenterline Property | GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic Property | GraphBoxPlotInnerRange Property | GraphBoxPlotOuterRange

Property | GraphBoxPlotShowCenterlineLabels Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether box-plots are formatted automatically.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic() As Boolean


If this property is FALSE, the other GraphBoxPlot properties are use to determine the formatting of new box-plots.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.


[Visual Basic]

'Change Default Box Plot Options:

Public Sub ChangeDefaultBoxPlotOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphBoxPlotCenterline = RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMedian

.GraphBoxPlotInnerRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP25P75

.GraphBoxPlotOuterRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP10P90

.GraphBoxPlotShowCenterlineLabels = True

.GraphBoxPlotColor = vbGreen

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphBoxPlotCenterline Property | GraphBoxPlotColor Property | GraphBoxPlotInnerRange Property | GraphBoxPlotOuterRange Property

GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

| GraphBoxPlotShowCenterlineLabels Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the bounds of the box in a box-plot.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphBoxPlotInnerRange() As RiskSummaryGraphRange


This property only has effect if the GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic Property is False.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.


[Visual Basic]

'Change Default Box Plot Options:

Public Sub ChangeDefaultBoxPlotOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphBoxPlotCenterline = RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMedian

.GraphBoxPlotInnerRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP25P75

.GraphBoxPlotOuterRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP10P90

.GraphBoxPlotShowCenterlineLabels = True

.GraphBoxPlotColor = vbGreen

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphBoxPlotCenterline Property | GraphBoxPlotColor Property | GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic Property | GraphBoxPlotOuterRange Property

GraphBoxPlotInnerRange Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

| GraphBoxPlotOuterRange Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the bounds of the whiskers in a box-plot.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphBoxPlotOuterRange() As RiskSummaryGraphRange


This property only has effect if the GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic Property is False.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.


[Visual Basic]

'Change Default Box Plot Options:

Public Sub ChangeDefaultBoxPlotOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphBoxPlotCenterline = RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMedian

.GraphBoxPlotInnerRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP25P75

.GraphBoxPlotOuterRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP10P90

.GraphBoxPlotShowCenterlineLabels = True

.GraphBoxPlotColor = vbGreen

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphBoxPlotCenterline Property | GraphBoxPlotColor Property | GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic Property | GraphBoxPlotInnerRange Property

GraphBoxPlotOuterRange Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

| GraphBoxPlotShowCenterlineLabels Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether the centerline value are displayed on a box-plot.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphBoxPlotShowCenterlineLabels() As Boolean


This property only has effect if the GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic Property is False.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.


[Visual Basic]

'Change Default Box Plot Options:

Public Sub ChangeDefaultBoxPlotOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphBoxPlotCenterline = RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMedian

.GraphBoxPlotInnerRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP25P75

.GraphBoxPlotOuterRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP10P90

.GraphBoxPlotShowCenterlineLabels = True

.GraphBoxPlotColor = vbGreen

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphBoxPlotCenterline Property | GraphBoxPlotColor Property | GraphBoxPlotFormattingIsAutomatic Property | GraphBoxPlotInnerRange Property

GraphBoxPlotShowCenterlineLabels Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

| GraphBoxPlotOuterRange Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls if a cumulative overlay curve is automatically added to distribution graphs.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphDistributionSecondaryAxisOverlay() As RiskDistributionSecondaryAxisOverlay


This graph only applies to distribution graphs.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method | GraphPreferredDistributionFormat Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphDistributionSecondaryAxisOverlay Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

GraphInputColor Property

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Controls the default (RGB) color applied to the curves representing inputs in an @RISK graph.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphInputColor() As Long


This property does not apply to all @RISK graph types.

This is an RGB color. You can use either build in VB color constants (e.g. vbRed, vbBlue, etc.) or the RGB function to specify these colors.

Changes to this setting will affect new graphs created in the @RISK interface. Calling the ApplyNow method will apply this color to all open @RISK graph windows.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set @RISK to automatically make graphs on outputs green and graphs of inputs yellow

Public Sub SetGraphColors()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphOutputColor = vbGreen

.GraphInputColor = vbYellow

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphOutputColor Property | ApplyNow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the default value for a distribution graph's left delimiter percentile.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphLeftDelimiter() As Double


This property only applies to distribution graphs.

This is a percentile value which must be between 0 and 1.

Changes to this setting will affect new graphs created in the @RISK interface. Calling the ApplyNow method will apply the change to all open @RISK graph windows.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the default graph delimiter to be at 2.5% and 97.5% and show delimited values for up to 3 curves.

Public Sub SetGraphDelimiterDefaults()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphLeftDelimiter = 0.025

.GraphRightDelimiter = 0.975

.GraphNumDelimitedCurves = 3

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphRightDelimiter Property | GraphNumDelimitedCurves Property | ApplyNow Method

GraphLeftDelimiter Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls what items appear by default on a graph's legend.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphLegendTableDefinition() As String


This property does not apply to all @RISK graph types.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

Set this property to the string "{Default}" to use the default settings of the application.

The detailed format of this string has not yet been made public for automation control.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphMarkerDefinition Property | ApplyNow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphLegendTableDefinition Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphLegendView() As RiskGraphLegendView

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphLegendView Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphLegendViewString() As String

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphLegendViewString Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls what items appear by default as marked items on a graph.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphMarkerDefinition() As String


This property does not apply to all @RISK graph types.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

Set this property to the string "{Default}" to use the default settings of the application.

The detailed format of this string has not yet been made public for automation control.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphLegendTableDefinition Property | ApplyNow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphMarkerDefinition Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls the number formatting used for graph statistics that have scaled units.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphNumberFormatQuantitiesWithUnits() As String


This property does not apply to all @RISK graph types.

This property only has effect when the GraphNumberFormattingIsAutomatic property is False.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

This property is applied to statistics with units (such as mean, standard deviation, etc.) Use the GraphNumberFormatUnitlessQuantities property to specify the number formatting used for

statistics that do not have units (such as skewness, kurtosis, etc.)

This format of this property string may be set to:

A blank string - indicating the "General" number format.

A two character string in the format "C#" where # is a number between 0 and 9. This is a currency format with the specified number of digits trailing the decimal.

A two character string in the format "F#" where # is a number between 0 and 9. This is a fixed format with the specified number of digits trailing the decimal.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphNumberFormattingIsAutomatic Property | GraphNumberFormatUnitlessQuantities Property | ApplyNow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphNumberFormatQuantitiesWithUnits Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls whether the number formatting used in graph statistics is automatically determined.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphNumberFormattingIsAutomatic() As Boolean


This property does not apply to all @RISK graph types.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

When this property is False, the GraphNumberFomatQuantitiesWithUnits and GraphNumberFormatUnitlessQuantities property specify the number formatting to use.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphNumberFormatQuantitiesWithUnits Property | GraphNumberFormatUnitlessQuantities Property | ApplyNow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphNumberFormattingIsAutomatic Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls the number formatting used for unitless graph statistics.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphNumberFormatUnitlessQuantities() As String


This property does not apply to all @RISK graph types.

This property only has effect when the GraphNumberFormattingIsAutomatic property is False.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

This property is applied to 'unitless' statistics (such as skewness, kurtosis, etc.) Use the GraphNumberFormatQuantitiesWithUnits property to specify the number formatting used for

statistics with units.

This format of this property string may be set to:

A blank string - indicating the "General" number format.

A two character string in the format "F#" where # is a number between 0 and 9. This is a fixed format with the specified number of digits trailing the decimal.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphNumberFormattingIsAutomatic Property | GraphNumberFormatQuantitiesWithUnits Property | ApplyNow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphNumberFormatUnitlessQuantities Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls the maximum number of curves in a graph that will display delimited percentile information.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphNumDelimitedCurves() As Integer


This property only applies to distribution graphs.

Changes to this setting will affect new graphs created in the @RISK interface. Calling the ApplyNow method will apply the change to all open @RISK graph windows.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the default graph delimiter to be at 2.5% and 97.5% and show delimited values for up to 3 curves.

Public Sub SetGraphDelimiterDefaults()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphLeftDelimiter = 0.025

.GraphRightDelimiter = 0.975

.GraphNumDelimitedCurves = 3

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphLeftDelimiter Property | GraphRightDelimiter Property | ApplyNow Method

GraphNumDelimitedCurves Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies the number of histogram bins to be used in the display of graphs.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphNumHistogramBins() As Integer


This property does not apply to all @RISK graph types.

The special value RiskAutoNumHistogramBins can be used to have @RISK automatically determine this value for you.

Changes to this setting will affect new graphs created in the @RISK interface. Calling the ApplyNow method will apply the change to all open @RISK graph windows.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | RiskAutoNumHistogramBins Property | ApplyNow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphNumHistogramBins Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

GraphOutputColor Property

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Controls the default (RGB) color applied to the curves representing outputs in an @RISK graph.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphOutputColor() As Long


This property does not apply to all @RISK graph types.

This is an RGB color. You can use either build in VB color constants (e.g. vbRed, vbBlue, etc.) or the RGB function to specify these colors.

Changes to this setting will affect new graphs created in the @RISK interface. Calling the ApplyNow method will apply this color to all open @RISK graph windows.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set @RISK to automatically make graphs on outputs green and graphs of inputs yellow

Public Sub SetGraphColors()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphOutputColor = vbGreen

.GraphInputColor = vbYellow

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphInputColor Property | ApplyNow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies a default scaling factor for a output distribution graph.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphOutputScalingFactor() As RiskScalingFactor


This property on applies to distribution graphs of outputs.

This property on has effect if the GraphOutputScalingIsAutomatic property is False.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change Default Graph Scaling

Public Sub ChangeDefaultGraphScaling()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphOutputScalingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphOutputScalingMinimum = 1000

.GraphOutputScalingMaximum = 5000

.GraphOutputScalingFactor = RiskScaleByThousands

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphOutputScalingIsAutomatic Property | GraphOutputScalingMinimum Property | GraphOutputScalingMaximum Property | ApplyNow Method

GraphOutputScalingFactor Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Indicates whether the default x-axis scaling of output distributions graphs is automatically determined.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphOutputScalingIsAutomatic() As Boolean


This property on applies to distribution graphs of outputs.

If this property is set to False, the GraphOutputScalingMinimum, GraphOutputScalingMaximum, and GraphOutputScalingFactor properties will control the default scaling applies to new

distribution graphs.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change Default Graph Scaling

Public Sub ChangeDefaultGraphScaling()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphOutputScalingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphOutputScalingMinimum = 1000

.GraphOutputScalingMaximum = 5000

.GraphOutputScalingFactor = RiskScaleByThousands

End With

End Sub

See Also

GraphOutputScalingIsAutomatic Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphOutputScalingIsAutomatic Property | GraphOutputScalingMinimum Property | GraphOutputScalingMaximum Property | ApplyNow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies a default maximum value for a output distribution graph.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphOutputScalingMaximum() As Double


This property on applies to distribution graphs of outputs.

This property on has effect if the GraphOutputScalingIsAutomatic property is False.

The value specified in this property is NOT scaled by the value in the GraphOutputScalingFactor property.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change Default Graph Scaling

Public Sub ChangeDefaultGraphScaling()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphOutputScalingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphOutputScalingMinimum = 1000

.GraphOutputScalingMaximum = 5000

.GraphOutputScalingFactor = RiskScaleByThousands

End With

End Sub

See Also

GraphOutputScalingMaximum Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphOutputScalingIsAutomatic Property | GraphOutputScalingMinimum Property | GraphOutputScalingFactor Property | ApplyNow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies a default minimum value for a output distribution graph.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphOutputScalingMinimum() As Double


This property on applies to distribution graphs of outputs.

This property on has effect if the GraphOutputScalingIsAutomatic property is False.

The value specified in this property is NOT scaled by the value in the GraphOutputScalingFactor property.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change Default Graph Scaling

Public Sub ChangeDefaultGraphScaling()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphOutputScalingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphOutputScalingMinimum = 1000

.GraphOutputScalingMaximum = 5000

.GraphOutputScalingFactor = RiskScaleByThousands

End With

End Sub

See Also

GraphOutputScalingMinimum Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphOutputScalingIsAutomatic Property | GraphOutputScalingMaximum Property | GraphOutputScalingFactor Property | ApplyNow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the preferred distribution display format for distribution graphs.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphPreferredDistributionFormat() As RiskDistributionDisplayFormat


This graph only applies to distribution graphs.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphPreferredTornadoFormat Property | ApplyNow Method | RiskDistributionDisplayFormat Enumeration

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphPreferredDistributionFormat Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls the default value for a distribution graph's left delimiter percentile.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphRightDelimiter() As Double


This property only applies to distribution graphs.

This is a percentile value which must be between 0 and 1.

Changes to this setting will affect new graphs created in the @RISK interface. Calling the ApplyNow method will apply the change to all open @RISK graph windows.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the default graph delimiter to be at 2.5% and 97.5% and show delimited values for up to 3 curves.

Public Sub SetGraphDelimiterDefaults()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphLeftDelimiter = 0.025

.GraphRightDelimiter = 0.975

.GraphNumDelimitedCurves = 3

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphLeftDelimiter Property | GraphNumDelimitedCurves Property | ApplyNow Method

GraphRightDelimiter Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the centerline statistic used for summery trend graphs.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphSummaryTrendCenterline() As RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatistic


This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

This property only has effect if the GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic Property is False.


[Visual Basic]

'Change Default Summary Trend Graph Options:

Public Sub ChangeDefaultSummaryTrendGraphOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphSummaryTrendCenterline = RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMedian

.GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP25P75

.GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP1P99

.GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor = vbRed

.GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor = vbBlue

.GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor = vbGreen

End With

End Sub

See Also

GraphSummaryTrendCenterline Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor Property | GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic Property | GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor Property

| GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange Property | GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor Property | GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controsl the control of the centerline for summary trend graphs.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor() As Long


This is an RGB color. You can use either build in VB color constants (e.g. vbRed, vbBlue, etc.) or the RGB function to specify these colors.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

This property only has effect if the GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic Property is False.


[Visual Basic]

'Change Default Summary Trend Graph Options:

Public Sub ChangeDefaultSummaryTrendGraphOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphSummaryTrendCenterline = RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMedian

.GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP25P75

.GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP1P99

.GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor = vbRed

.GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor = vbBlue

.GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor = vbGreen

End With

End Sub

GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphSummaryTrendCenterline Property | GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic Property | GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor Property

| GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange Property | GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor Property | GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether summary trend graphs are formatted automatically.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic() As Boolean


If this property is FALSE, the other GraphSummaryTrend properties are use to determine the formatting of new summary trend graphs.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.


[Visual Basic]

'Change Default Summary Trend Graph Options:

Public Sub ChangeDefaultSummaryTrendGraphOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphSummaryTrendCenterline = RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMedian

.GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP25P75

.GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP1P99

.GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor = vbRed

.GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor = vbBlue

.GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor = vbGreen

End With

End Sub

See Also

GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphSummaryTrendCenterline Property | GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor Property | GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor Property

| GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange Property | GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor Property | GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the color of a summary trend graph's inner band.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor() As Long


This is an RGB color. You can use either build in VB color constants (e.g. vbRed, vbBlue, etc.) or the RGB function to specify these colors.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

This property only has effect if the GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic Property is False.


[Visual Basic]

'Change Default Summary Trend Graph Options:

Public Sub ChangeDefaultSummaryTrendGraphOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphSummaryTrendCenterline = RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMedian

.GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP25P75

.GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP1P99

.GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor = vbRed

.GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor = vbBlue

.GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor = vbGreen

End With

End Sub

GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphSummaryTrendCenterline Property | GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor Property | GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic Property

| GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange Property | GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor Property | GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the bounds of the inner band of a summary trend graph.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange() As RiskSummaryGraphRange


This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

This property only has effect if the GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic Property is False.


[Visual Basic]

'Change Default Summary Trend Graph Options:

Public Sub ChangeDefaultSummaryTrendGraphOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphSummaryTrendCenterline = RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMedian

.GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP25P75

.GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP1P99

.GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor = vbRed

.GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor = vbBlue

.GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor = vbGreen

End With

End Sub

See Also

GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphSummaryTrendCenterline Property | GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor Property | GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic Property

| GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor Property | GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor Property | GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the color of a summary trend graph's outer band.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor() As Long


This is an RGB color. You can use either build in VB color constants (e.g. vbRed, vbBlue, etc.) or the RGB function to specify these colors.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

This property only has effect if the GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic Property is False.


[Visual Basic]

'Change Default Summary Trend Graph Options:

Public Sub ChangeDefaultSummaryTrendGraphOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphSummaryTrendCenterline = RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMedian

.GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP25P75

.GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP1P99

.GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor = vbRed

.GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor = vbBlue

.GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor = vbGreen

End With

End Sub

GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphSummaryTrendCenterline Property | GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor Property | GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic Property

| GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor Property | GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange Property | GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the bounds of the outer band of a summary trend graph.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange() As RiskSummaryGraphRange


This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

This property only has effect if the GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic Property is False.


[Visual Basic]

'Change Default Summary Trend Graph Options:

Public Sub ChangeDefaultSummaryTrendGraphOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic = False

.GraphSummaryTrendCenterline = RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMedian

.GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP25P75

.GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange = RiskSummaryGraphRangeP1P99

.GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor = vbRed

.GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor = vbBlue

.GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor = vbGreen

End With

End Sub

See Also

GraphSummaryTrendOuterRange Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphSummaryTrendCenterline Property | GraphSummaryTrendCenterlineColor Property | GraphSummaryTrendFormattingIsAutomatic Property

| GraphSummaryTrendInnerColor Property | GraphSummaryTrendInnerRange Property | GraphSummaryTrendOuterColor Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphSuppressYAxis() As Boolean

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphSuppressYAxis Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Specifies a default graph description to use, overriding the automatic title generated by @RISK.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphTitleDescription() As String


This property does not apply to all @RISK graph types.

Use the special value of RiskAutomaticText to put the control of the description text back to @RISK's discretion.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphTitleMainText Property | ApplyNow Method | RiskAutomaticText Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphTitleDescription Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Specifies a default graph title to use, overriding the automatic title generated by @RISK.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphTitleMainText() As String


This property does not apply to all @RISK graph types.

Use the special value of RiskAutomaticText to put the control of the title text back to @RISK's discretion.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphTitleDescription Property | ApplyNow Method | RiskAutomaticText Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphTitleMainText Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Specifies how the x-axis tick labels appear on graphs.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphXAxisTickLabelOrientation() As RiskTextOrientation


This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphXAxisTickLabelOrientation Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphXAxisTitle() As String

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphXAxisTitle Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphYAxisTitle() As String

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphYAxisTitle Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls if an @RISK graph window automatically is displayed when Excel's 'Insert Function' window is displayed.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property InsertFunctionGraphWindowEnabled() As Boolean

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

InsertFunctionGraphWindowEnabled Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls whether @RISK, by default, will put RiskStatic() property functions into new @RISK input distributions.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property InsertStaticValues() As Boolean

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

InsertStaticValues Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls whether the @RISK Library facility is enabled be default when @RISK is started.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property LibraryEnabled() As Boolean


The @RISK Library is not available in the Standard edition of @RISK.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

LibraryEnabled Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property MiniToolbarEnabled() As Boolean

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

MiniToolbarEnabled Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls the columns that will be displayed by default in the @RISK Model Window.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ModelWindowColumns() As String


Set this property to the string "{Default}" to use the default settings of the application.

The detailed format of this string has not yet been made public for automation control.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ResultWindowColumns Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ModelWindowColumns Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Indicates whether the @RISK user has a policy file installed.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property PolicyFileInUse() As Boolean


A policy file specifies a set of application for an @RISK user. If a system administrator has set up an @RISK policy file, the user will not be able to modify their application settings

manually. However, the settings can still be changed via automation code. In this case, however, any changes made to the application settings will only remain in effect until @RISK


See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

PolicyFileInUse Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ProjectDisplayStandardGanttChart() As Boolean

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ProjectDisplayStandardGanttChart Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ProjectManualRecalculation() As Boolean

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ProjectManualRecalculation Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ProjectProbGanttCalculateCriticalIndex() As Boolean

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ProjectProbGanttCalculateCriticalIndex Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ProjectProbGanttCalculateStatistics() As Boolean

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ProjectProbGanttCalculateStatistics Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ProjectProbGanttFinishDatePercentile() As Double

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ProjectProbGanttFinishDatePercentile Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ProjectProbGanttLocation() As RiskGanttLocation

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ProjectProbGanttLocation Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ProjectProbGanttStartDatePercentile() As Double

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ProjectProbGanttStartDatePercentile Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ProjectSimulationDateRange() As RiskProjectSimulationDateRange

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ProjectSimulationDateRange Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls whether newly generated reports in a workbook will replace already existing reports in that same workbook.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ReportOverwriteExisting() As Boolean


This property only has effect if the ReportPlacement property is RiskActiveWorkbook or if the ReportPlacement property is RiskNewWorkbook and the ReportReuseNewWorkbook

property is True.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Generate all the output quick reports in the active Excel workbook, replacing any existing reports.

Public Sub GenerateQuickReportsInActiveWorkbook()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.ReportPlacement = RiskActiveWorkbook

.ReportOverwriteExisting = True

End With

Risk.GenerateExcelReports RiskSimulationReportQuick

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GenerateExcelReports Method | ReportPlacement Property | ReportReuseNewWorkbook Property

ReportOverwriteExisting Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls where @RISK's Excel reports will be placed, either in a new workbook or the active workbook.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ReportPlacement() As RiskReportPlacement


If this property is set to RiskNewWorkbook, reports that are generated will be placed into a newly created Excel workbook. However, if the ReportReuseNewWorkbook property is set to

True, the new workbook will be generated only the first time reports are generated. Sebsequent reports will be placed in the workbook that was previously created.

If this property is set to RiskActiveWorkbook, reports that are generated will be placed in the currently active Excel workbook.

If the ReportReuseNewWorkbook property is TRUE, the reports created will replace any existing reports in the destination workbook.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Generate all the output quick reports in the active Excel workbook, replacing any existing reports.

Public Sub GenerateQuickReportsInActiveWorkbook()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.ReportPlacement = RiskActiveWorkbook

.ReportOverwriteExisting = True

End With

Risk.GenerateExcelReports RiskSimulationReportQuick

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GenerateExcelReports Method | ReportReuseNewWorkbook Property | ReportOverwriteExisting Property | RiskReportPlacement Enumeration

ReportPlacement Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether only a single new Excel workbook will be created to hold reports.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ReportReuseNewWorkbook() As Boolean


This property only has effect if the ReportPlacement property is set to RiskNewWorkbook, in which case a new Excel workbook will be created only the first time reports are generated. All

subsequent reports will then be put into the workbook originally created.

This can be useful to merge reports together from multiple simulations.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Run two different simulations, and generate an output summary for each of them, making sure to place all the

'reports in the same (new) workbook.

Public Sub GenerateReportsInSingleWorkbook()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.ReportPlacement = RiskNewWorkbook

.ReportReuseNewWorkbook = True

.ReportOverwriteExisting = False

End With


Risk.GenerateExcelReports RiskSimulationReportOutputResultsSummary

ReportReuseNewWorkbook Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Risk.GenerateExcelReports RiskSimulationReportOutputResultsSummary

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GenerateExcelReports Method | ReportPlacement Property | ReportOverwriteExisting Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the columns that will be displayed by default in the @RISK Results Window.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ResultWindowColumns() As String


Set this property to the string "{Default}" to use the default settings of the application.

The detailed format of this string has not yet been made public for automation control.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ModelWindowColumns Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ResultWindowColumns Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls the default crossover rate for new optimization models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RISKOptimizerCrossoverRate() As Double

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | Optimizer Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RISKOptimizerCrossoverRate Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls the default optimization engine for new optimization models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RiskOptimizerEngine() As RiskOptimizerEngine

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | Optimizer Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskOptimizerEngine Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls the default mutation rate for new optimization models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RISKOptimizerMutationRate() As Double

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | Optimizer Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RISKOptimizerMutationRate Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls the default population size for new optimization models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RISKOptimizerPopulationSize() As Long

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | Optimizer Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RISKOptimizerPopulationSize Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls the maximum change for new optimization models that use a progress based stopping condition.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RISKOptimizerProgressMaxChange() As Double


This setting only applies if the RISKOptimizerProgressStoppingCondition Property is True.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | Optimizer Property | RISKOptimizerProgressMaxChangeIsPercent Property | RISKOptimizerProgressStoppingCondition Property

| RISKOptimizerProgressTrialCount Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RISKOptimizerProgressMaxChange Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Specifies if the maximum change for new optimization models that use a progress based stopping condition is a percentage of the output value.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RISKOptimizerProgressMaxChangeIsPercent() As Boolean


This setting only applies if the RISKOptimizerProgressStoppingCondition Property is True.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | Optimizer Property | RISKOptimizerProgressMaxChange Property | RISKOptimizerProgressStoppingCondition Property

| RISKOptimizerProgressTrialCount Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RISKOptimizerProgressMaxChangeIsPercent Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls if new optimization models will use, by default, a progress based stopping condition.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RISKOptimizerProgressStoppingCondition() As Boolean

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | Optimizer Property | RISKOptimizerProgressMaxChange Property | RISKOptimizerProgressMaxChangeIsPercent Property

| RISKOptimizerProgressTrialCount Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RISKOptimizerProgressStoppingCondition Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls the number of trials used by default for new optimization models that use a progress based stopping condition.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RISKOptimizerProgressTrialCount() As Long


This setting only applies if the RISKOptimizerProgressStoppingCondition Property is True.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | Optimizer Property | RISKOptimizerProgressMaxChange Property | RISKOptimizerProgressMaxChangeIsPercent Property

| RISKOptimizerProgressStoppingCondition Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RISKOptimizerProgressTrialCount Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls if new optimization models will stop, by default, when any errors are calculated in output values.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RISKOptimizerStopOnErrors() As Boolean

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | Optimizer Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RISKOptimizerStopOnErrors Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls the amount of time allowed, by default, for new optimization models in the time span stopping condition.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RISKOptimizerTimeSpan() As Double


This setting only applies if the RISKOptimizerTimeSpanStoppingCondition Property is True.

The RISKOptimizerTimeSpanUnit Property determines the magnitude of each unit.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | Optimizer Property | RISKOptimizerTimeSpanStoppingCondition Property | RISKOptimizerTimeSpanUnit Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RISKOptimizerTimeSpan Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls if new optimization models will use, by default, a time span stopping condition.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RISKOptimizerTimeSpanStoppingCondition() As Boolean


The time span is specified using the RISKOptimizerTimeSpan Property and RISKOptimizerTimeSpanUnit Property.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | Optimizer Property | RISKOptimizerTimeSpan Property | RISKOptimizerTimeSpanUnit Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RISKOptimizerTimeSpanStoppingCondition Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RiskOptimizerTimeSpanUnit() As RiskOptimizerTimeSpanUnit


This setting only applies if the RISKOptimizerTimeSpanStoppingCondition Property is True.

The RISKOptimizerTimeSpan Property controls the number of units in the time span.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | Optimizer Property | RISKOptimizerTimeSpan Property | RISKOptimizerTimeSpanStoppingCondition Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskOptimizerTimeSpanUnit Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RISKOptimizerTrialCount() As Long


This setting only applies if the RISKOptimizerTrialStoppingCondition Property is True.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | Optimizer Property | RISKOptimizerTrialStoppingCondition Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RISKOptimizerTrialCount Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls if new optimization models will use, by default, a maximum trial count stopping condition.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RISKOptimizerTrialStoppingCondition() As Boolean


The number of trial is specified in the RISKOptimizerTrialCount Property.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | Optimizer Property | RISKOptimizerTrialCount Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RISKOptimizerTrialStoppingCondition Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls where @RISK stores simulation results.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SaveLocation() As RiskResultsStorageLocation

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SaveLocation Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SensitivityNumDivisions() As Long

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SensitivityNumDivisions Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SensitivityPercentile() As Double

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SensitivityPercentile Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SensitivityPreferredMethod() As RiskTornadoDisplayFormat

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SensitivityPreferredMethod Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SensitivitySpiderMaxNumLines() As Long

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SensitivitySpiderMaxNumLines Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SensitivityStatistic() As RiskStatisticType

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SensitivityStatistic Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SensitivityTornadoMaxNumBars() As Long

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SensitivityTornadoMaxNumBars Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls whether the @RISK "Welcome / What's New" windows is automatically displayed each time the application starts.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ShowWelcomeScreenAtStartup() As Boolean


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Turn off @RISK's welcome screen.

Public Sub TurnOffWelcomeScreen()

Risk.ApplicationSettings.ShowWelcomeScreenAtStartup = False

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ShowWelcomeScreenAtStartup Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Sets the default AutomaticResultsDisplay simulation settings for new models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimSettingsAutomaticResultsDisplay() As RiskAutomaticResultsDisplay


This setting is a default setting for new models. The ApplyNow method will apply this setting to the current @RISK simulation settings.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change the default simulation settings for new model to follow a new pattern.

Public Sub SetDefaultSimulationSettings()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.SimSettingsNumIterations = 1000

.SimSettingsAutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskShowResultsSummaryWindow

.SimSettingsConvergenceTestingEnabled = False

.SimSettingsMinimizeExcel = False

.SimSettingsShowExcelRecalculations = False

.SimSettingsLiveUpdate = True

.SimSettingsPauseOnOutputErrors = False

.SimSettingsSamplingType = RiskLatinHypercube

.SimSettingsStdRecalcBehavior = RiskStaticValues

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

SimSettingsAutomaticResultsDisplay Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method | AutomaticResultsDisplay Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Sets the default CollectDistributionSamples simulation settings for new models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimSettingsCollectDistributionSamples() As RiskCollectDistributionSamples


This setting is a default setting for new models. The ApplyNow Method will apply this setting to the current @RISK simulation settings.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SimSettingsCollectDistributionSamples Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Sets the default ConvergenceTestingEnabled simulation settings for new models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimSettingsConvergenceTestingEnabled() As Boolean


This setting is a default setting for new models. The ApplyNow method will apply this setting to the current @RISK simulation settings.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change the default simulation settings for new model to follow a new pattern.

Public Sub SetDefaultSimulationSettings()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.SimSettingsNumIterations = 1000

.SimSettingsAutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskShowResultsSummaryWindow

.SimSettingsConvergenceTestingEnabled = False

.SimSettingsMinimizeExcel = False

.SimSettingsShowExcelRecalculations = False

.SimSettingsLiveUpdate = True

.SimSettingsPauseOnOutputErrors = False

.SimSettingsSamplingType = RiskLatinHypercube

.SimSettingsStdRecalcBehavior = RiskStaticValues

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

SimSettingsConvergenceTestingEnabled Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method | ConvergenceTestingEnabled Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Sets the default LiveUpdate simulation settings for new models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimSettingsLiveUpdate() As Boolean


This setting is a default setting for new models. The ApplyNow method will apply this setting to the current @RISK simulation settings.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change the default simulation settings for new model to follow a new pattern.

Public Sub SetDefaultSimulationSettings()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.SimSettingsNumIterations = 1000

.SimSettingsAutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskShowResultsSummaryWindow

.SimSettingsConvergenceTestingEnabled = False

.SimSettingsMinimizeExcel = False

.SimSettingsShowExcelRecalculations = False

.SimSettingsLiveUpdate = True

.SimSettingsPauseOnOutputErrors = False

.SimSettingsSamplingType = RiskLatinHypercube

.SimSettingsStdRecalcBehavior = RiskStaticValues

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

SimSettingsLiveUpdate Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method | LiveUpdate Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Sets the default MinimizeExcel simulation settings for new models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimSettingsMinimizeExcel() As Boolean


This setting is a default setting for new models. The ApplyNow method will apply this setting to the current @RISK simulation settings.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change the default simulation settings for new model to follow a new pattern.

Public Sub SetDefaultSimulationSettings()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.SimSettingsNumIterations = 1000

.SimSettingsAutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskShowResultsSummaryWindow

.SimSettingsConvergenceTestingEnabled = False

.SimSettingsMinimizeExcel = False

.SimSettingsShowExcelRecalculations = False

.SimSettingsLiveUpdate = True

.SimSettingsPauseOnOutputErrors = False

.SimSettingsSamplingType = RiskLatinHypercube

.SimSettingsStdRecalcBehavior = RiskStaticValues

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

SimSettingsMinimizeExcel Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method | MinimizeExcel Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Sets the default NumIterations simulation settings for new models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimSettingsNumIterations() As Long


This setting is a default setting for new models. The ApplyNow method will apply this setting to the current @RISK simulation settings.

Use the special value RiskAutoNumIterations to have @RISK use convergence monitoring to determine how many iterations to run.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change the default simulation settings for new model to follow a new pattern.

Public Sub SetDefaultSimulationSettings()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.SimSettingsNumIterations = 1000

.SimSettingsAutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskShowResultsSummaryWindow

.SimSettingsConvergenceTestingEnabled = False

.SimSettingsMinimizeExcel = False

.SimSettingsShowExcelRecalculations = False

.SimSettingsLiveUpdate = True

.SimSettingsPauseOnOutputErrors = False

.SimSettingsSamplingType = RiskLatinHypercube

.SimSettingsStdRecalcBehavior = RiskStaticValues

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

SimSettingsNumIterations Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method | NumIterations Property | RiskAutoNumIterations Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Sets the default PauseOnOutputErrors simulation settings for new models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimSettingsPauseOnOutputErrors() As Boolean


This setting is a default setting for new models. The ApplyNow method will apply this setting to the current @RISK simulation settings.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change the default simulation settings for new model to follow a new pattern.

Public Sub SetDefaultSimulationSettings()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.SimSettingsNumIterations = 1000

.SimSettingsAutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskShowResultsSummaryWindow

.SimSettingsConvergenceTestingEnabled = False

.SimSettingsMinimizeExcel = False

.SimSettingsShowExcelRecalculations = False

.SimSettingsLiveUpdate = True

.SimSettingsPauseOnOutputErrors = False

.SimSettingsSamplingType = RiskLatinHypercube

.SimSettingsStdRecalcBehavior = RiskStaticValues

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

SimSettingsPauseOnOutputErrors Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method | PauseOnOutputErrors Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Sets the default SamplingType simulation settings for new models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimSettingsSamplingType() As RiskSamplingType


This setting is a default setting for new models. The ApplyNow method will apply this setting to the current @RISK simulation settings.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change the default simulation settings for new model to follow a new pattern.

Public Sub SetDefaultSimulationSettings()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.SimSettingsNumIterations = 1000

.SimSettingsAutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskShowResultsSummaryWindow

.SimSettingsConvergenceTestingEnabled = False

.SimSettingsMinimizeExcel = False

.SimSettingsShowExcelRecalculations = False

.SimSettingsLiveUpdate = True

.SimSettingsPauseOnOutputErrors = False

.SimSettingsSamplingType = RiskLatinHypercube

.SimSettingsStdRecalcBehavior = RiskStaticValues

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

SimSettingsSamplingType Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method | SamplingType Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Sets the default ShowExcelRecalculations simulation settings for new models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimSettingsShowExcelRecalculations() As Boolean


This setting is a default setting for new models. The ApplyNow method will apply this setting to the current @RISK simulation settings.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change the default simulation settings for new model to follow a new pattern.

Public Sub SetDefaultSimulationSettings()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.SimSettingsNumIterations = 1000

.SimSettingsAutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskShowResultsSummaryWindow

.SimSettingsConvergenceTestingEnabled = False

.SimSettingsMinimizeExcel = False

.SimSettingsShowExcelRecalculations = False

.SimSettingsLiveUpdate = True

.SimSettingsPauseOnOutputErrors = False

.SimSettingsSamplingType = RiskLatinHypercube

.SimSettingsStdRecalcBehavior = RiskStaticValues

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

SimSettingsShowExcelRecalculations Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method | ShowExcelRecalculations Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether smart sensitivity analysis will is enabled.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimSettingsSmartSensitivityAnalysisEnabled() As Boolean


This setting is a default setting for new models. The ApplyNow method will apply this setting to the current @RISK simulation settings.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method | SmartSensitivityAnalysisEnabled Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SimSettingsSmartSensitivityAnalysisEnabled Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Controls when @RISK statistic functions will be updated during a simulation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimSettingsStatisticFunctionUpdating() As RiskStatisticFunctionUpdating


This setting is a default setting for new models. The ApplyNow method will apply this setting to the current @RISK simulation settings.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SimSettingsStatisticFunctionUpdating Property

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Sets the default StdRecalcBehavior simulation settings for new models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimSettingsStdRecalcBehavior() As RiskStandardRecalcBehavior


This setting is a default setting for new models. The ApplyNow method will apply this setting to the current @RISK simulation settings.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change the default simulation settings for new model to follow a new pattern.

Public Sub SetDefaultSimulationSettings()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.SimSettingsNumIterations = 1000

.SimSettingsAutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskShowResultsSummaryWindow

.SimSettingsConvergenceTestingEnabled = False

.SimSettingsMinimizeExcel = False

.SimSettingsShowExcelRecalculations = False

.SimSettingsLiveUpdate = True

.SimSettingsPauseOnOutputErrors = False

.SimSettingsSamplingType = RiskLatinHypercube

.SimSettingsStdRecalcBehavior = RiskStaticValues

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

SimSettingsStdRecalcBehavior Property

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End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method | StdRecalcBehavior Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Sets the default StdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic simulation settings for new models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic() As RiskStaticValueType


This setting is a default setting for new models. The ApplyNow method will apply this setting to the current @RISK simulation settings.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change the default simulation settings for new model to follow a new pattern.

Public Sub SetDefaultSimulationSettings()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.SimSettingsNumIterations = 1000

.SimSettingsAutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskShowResultsSummaryWindow

.SimSettingsConvergenceTestingEnabled = False

.SimSettingsMinimizeExcel = False

.SimSettingsShowExcelRecalculations = False

.SimSettingsLiveUpdate = True

.SimSettingsPauseOnOutputErrors = False

.SimSettingsSamplingType = RiskLatinHypercube

.SimSettingsStdRecalcBehavior = RiskStaticValues

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic Property

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End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method | StdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Sets the default StdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile simulation settings for new models.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile() As Double


This setting is a default setting for new models. The ApplyNow method will apply this setting to the current @RISK simulation settings.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change the default simulation settings for new model to follow a new pattern.

Public Sub SetDefaultSimulationSettings()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.SimSettingsNumIterations = 1000

.SimSettingsAutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskShowResultsSummaryWindow

.SimSettingsConvergenceTestingEnabled = False

.SimSettingsMinimizeExcel = False

.SimSettingsShowExcelRecalculations = False

.SimSettingsLiveUpdate = True

.SimSettingsPauseOnOutputErrors = False

.SimSettingsSamplingType = RiskLatinHypercube

.SimSettingsStdRecalcBehavior = RiskStaticValues

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile Property

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End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method | StdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether @RISK will use multiple CPUs (if there is more than one CPU on the machine) to perform simulations.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimSettingsUseMultipleCPUs() As Boolean


This setting is a default setting for new models. The ApplyNow method will apply this setting to the current @RISK simulation settings.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | ApplyNow Method

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SimSettingsUseMultipleCPUs Property

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SwapPreviewChanges Property

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Controls what items are previewed when swapping in formulas.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SwapPreviewChanges() As RiskSwapPreviewChanges


When swapping in @RISK function, a preview dialog can be displayed to the user, asking them to approve the changes that will be made to their spreadsheet. This settings controls

under what circumstances this dialog will be displayed, and what items it will contain.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the swapping option to always swap out to the 75% (when no RiskStatic() value is present)

'And to preview all changes on swap-in.

Public Sub SetSwapOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.SwapPreviewChanges = RiskPreviewAll

.SwapWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.SwapWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | SwapWithoutRiskStatic Property | SwapWithoutRiskStaticPercentile Property | RiskSwapPreviewChanges Enumeration

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls what statistic is substituted when the user swaps out @RISK functions that do not contain RiskStatic() property functions.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SwapWithoutRiskStatic() As RiskStaticValueType


When a swap out occurs, @RISK function are replaced with their static values (if they have one defined with an RiskStatic() property function). This property controls the statistic value to

use for those functions without a static value.

If this property is set to RiskPercentileValue, the SwapWithoutRiskStaticPercentile property specifies which percentile to use.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the swapping option to always swap out to the 75% (when no RiskStatic() value is present)

'And to preview all changes on swap-in.

Public Sub SetSwapOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.SwapPreviewChanges = RiskPreviewAll

.SwapWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.SwapWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | SwapWithoutRiskStaticPercentile Property | SwapPreviewChanges Property

SwapWithoutRiskStatic Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls what percentile is substituted when the user swaps out @RISK functions that do not contain RiskStatic() property functions.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SwapWithoutRiskStaticPercentile() As Double


When a swap out occurs, @RISK function are replaced with their static values (if they have one defined with an RiskStatic() property function). This property controls the percentile value

to use for those functions without a static value.

This property is only relevant if the SwapWithoutRiskStatic property is set to RiskPercentileValue.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the swapping option to always swap out to the 75% (when no RiskStatic() value is present)

'And to preview all changes on swap-in.

Public Sub SetSwapOptions()

With Risk.ApplicationSettings

.SwapPreviewChanges = RiskPreviewAll

.SwapWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.SwapWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | SwapWithoutRiskStatic Property | SwapPreviewChanges Property

SwapWithoutRiskStaticPercentile Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property TimeSeriesCenterline() As RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatistic

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

TimeSeriesCenterline Property

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Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property TimeSeriesCenterlineColor() As Long

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

TimeSeriesCenterlineColor Property

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Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property TimeSeriesCurrentSimulationColor() As Long

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

TimeSeriesCurrentSimulationColor Property

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Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property TimeSeriesHistoricalDataColor() As Long

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

TimeSeriesHistoricalDataColor Property

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Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property TimeSeriesInnerColor() As Long

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

TimeSeriesInnerColor Property

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Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property TimeSeriesInnerRange() As RiskSummaryGraphRange

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

TimeSeriesInnerRange Property

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Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property TimeSeriesNumberOfDefaultDataPoints() As Long

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

TimeSeriesNumberOfDefaultDataPoints Property

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Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property TimeSeriesNumberOfPreviousPaths() As Long

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

TimeSeriesNumberOfPreviousPaths Property

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Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property TimeSeriesOrientation() As RiskTimeSeriesOrientation

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

TimeSeriesOrientation Property

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Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property TimeSeriesOuterColor() As Long

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

TimeSeriesOuterColor Property

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Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property TimeSeriesOuterRange() As RiskSummaryGraphRange

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

TimeSeriesOuterRange Property

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Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property TimeSeriesPreviousSimulationColor() As Long

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

TimeSeriesPreviousSimulationColor Property

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Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property TimeSeriesVerticalDelimiterColor() As Long

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

TimeSeriesVerticalDelimiterColor Property

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Controls the default size of new @RISK windows.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property WindowDefaultSize() As RiskWindowSize


This property only controls the default size of a new @RISK window. Once the window is created, the user is free to resize it as they see fit.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Make new @RISK windows have by default a large size.

Public Sub SetWindowDefaultSize()

Risk.ApplicationSettings.WindowDefaultSize = RiskWindowSizeLarge

End Sub

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | RiskWindowSize Enumeration

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

WindowDefaultSize Property

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Controls under what circumstances the @RISK Windows List will be displayed.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property WindowListDisplay() As RiskWindowListDisplay

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | RiskWindowListDisplay Enumeration

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

WindowListDisplay Property

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A collection of @RISK constants.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskConstants members.


NOTE: These constants need only be used from this object when demand-loading @RISK for automation, or automation from .NET. For normal VBA development, these constants are

available directly from Risk.xla.

See Also

RiskConstants Members

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RiskConstants Object

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Public Methods

Public Properties

RiskAutoBaseValue Specifies an automatic base value for sensitivity analysis.

RiskAutomaticSeed A special value that can be used to specify a random seed based on the machine's clock.

RiskAutomaticText A special constant value that may be used in several properties to indicate the specified property is under the automatic

control of the @RISK application.

RiskAutoNumChiSqBins A special value which indicates an automatically determined number of chi-squared bins.

RiskAutoNumHistogramBins A special constant value used to indicate an automatic number of histogram bins.

RiskAutoNumIterations A special value indicating an automatic number of iterations. This typically means the the number of iteration will be

determined automatically by the software using convergence monitoring techniques.

RiskAutoNumSeconds A special value that can be used to specify an automatic time increment.

RiskNaN A special value used by @RISK to set or returns a nonexistant number.

RiskNegativeInfinity A special value used by @RISK to set or returns a negative infinite result.

RiskPositiveInfinity A special value used by @RISK to set or returns a positive infinite result.

See Also

RiskConstants Overview

RiskConstants Object Members

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Public Function () As String

See Also

RiskConstants Object

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Specifies an automatic base value for sensitivity analysis.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RiskAutoBaseValue() As Double

See Also

RiskConstants Object

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RiskAutoBaseValue Property

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A special value that can be used to specify a random seed based on the machine's clock.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RiskAutomaticSeed() As Long

See Also

RiskConstants Object | RandomSeed Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskAutomaticSeed Property

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A special constant value that may be used in several properties to indicate the specified property is under the automatic control of the @RISK application.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RiskAutomaticText() As String

See Also

RiskConstants Object | GraphTitleMainText Property | GraphTitleDescription Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskAutomaticText Property

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A special value which indicates an automatically determined number of chi-squared bins.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RiskAutoNumChiSqBins() As Integer

See Also

RiskConstants Object | ChiSqBinCount Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskAutoNumChiSqBins Property

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A special constant value used to indicate an automatic number of histogram bins.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RiskAutoNumHistogramBins() As Long

See Also

RiskConstants Object | GraphNumHistogramBins Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskAutoNumHistogramBins Property

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A special value indicating an automatic number of iterations. This typically means the the number of iteration will be determined automatically by the software using convergence

monitoring techniques.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RiskAutoNumIterations() As Long

See Also

RiskConstants Object | NumIterations Property | SimSettingsNumIterations Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskAutoNumIterations Property

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A special value that can be used to specify an automatic time increment.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RiskAutoNumSeconds() As Long

See Also

RiskConstants Object | LiveUpdatePeriod Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskAutoNumSeconds Property

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A special value used by @RISK to set or returns a nonexistant number.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RiskNaN() As Double


@RISK does not use a standard floating-point NaN value because Excel's VBA will often throw an exception when handling such numbers.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | RiskNegativeInfinity Property | RiskPositiveInfinity Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskNaN Property

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A special value used by @RISK to set or returns a negative infinite result.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RiskNegativeInfinity() As Double


@RISK does not use a standard floating-point +Infinity value because Excel's VBA will often throw an exception when handling such numbers.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | RiskNaN Property | RiskNegativeInfinity Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskNegativeInfinity Property

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A special value used by @RISK to set or returns a positive infinite result.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RiskPositiveInfinity() As Double


@RISK does not use a standard floating-point -Infinity value because Excel's VBA will often throw an exception when handling such numbers.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | RiskNaN Property | RiskNegativeInfinity Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskPositiveInfinity Property

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The definition of a fit which exists in a currently open Excel workbook.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskFitDefinition members.

Object Model

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Members

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskFitDefinition Object

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Public Methods

ChiSqBinGetCustomBoundaries Returns the boundaries to be used for custom chi-sq binning.

ChiSqBinSetCustomBoundaries Sets the boundaries to be used for custom chi-sq binning.

Delete Deletes this fit definition and removes if from the collection of fit definitions.

EstimatedFitsGetList Returns an array of distribution types to use in the fitting process.

EstimatedFitsSetList Sets an array of distribution types to use in the fitting process.

PerformFit Performs a fit based on the current definition and returns a new RiskFitResultsCollection object

PredefinedFitsGetList Returns an array of predefined functions to use in the fitting process.

PredefinedFitsSetList Sets an array of predefined functions to use in the fitting process.

Public Properties

BatchFit Indicates if this fit is a "batch" fit or not.

BatchFitReportIncludeCorrelations Indicates if batch fits include correlations between the individually fitted elements in the batch fit report.

BatchFitReportIncludeDetailWorksheets Indicates if batch fits include detailed reports for each of the individually fitted elements in the batch fit report.

BatchFitReportInNewWorkbook Indicates if batch fit reports are put into a new workbook.

BatchFitReportStyle Indicates the style of batch fit reports.

BootstrapConfidenceLevel Specifies the confidence level to use for parametric bootstrap analysis.

BootstrapEnabled Specifies if a parameteric bootstrap analysis should be run as part of the fitting process.

RiskFitDefinition Object Members

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BootstrapNumResamples Specifies the number of resamples in the parameteric bootstrap analysis.

ChiSqBinArrangement Controls the style of binning used for the Chi-Squared goodness-of-fit test.

ChiSqBinAutomaticLimits For equal interval chi-sq binning, controls whether the minimum-maximum range is determined automatically.

ChiSqBinCount Controls the number of bins used for the chi-squared goodness-of-fit test.

ChiSqBinExtendToMinusInfinity For equal interval chi-squared binning, specifies if the first bin extends from -Infinity to a minimum value.

ChiSqBinExtendToPlusInfinity For equal interval chi-squared binning, specifies if the last bin extends from a maximum value to +Infinity

ChiSqBinMaximum For equal-interval chi-sq binning, controls the location of the right side of the last bin.

ChiSqBinMinimum For equal-interval chi-sq binning, controls the location of the left side of the first bin.

DataRange Specifies the Excel Range where the data being fit resides.

DataType Specifies the type of data being fit.

ExcelWorkbook Returns the Excel Workbook associated with the fit definition.

FilterMaximum Controls the minimum value of an input filter that occurs on data before fitting takes place.

FilterMinimum Controls the minimum value of an input filter that occurs on data before fitting takes place.

FilterNumStdDeviations Controls the size of a relative input filter that occurs on data before fitting takes place.

FilterType Controls what type of input filtering occurs on the data before fitting takes place.

FitMethod Controls whether fits are performed using mathematical estimation techniques or to predefined distributions.

FixedParameter Specifies one or more fixed parameters for the fitting process.


LowerLimitType Controls the nature of the lower limits of distribution that are estimated during the fitting process.

LowerLimitValue Controls the fixed lower value for an estimated fit.

Name Controls the name of the fit definition.

SuppressQuestionableFits Controls whether fits that are "questionable" from a meta-mathematical standpoint are suppressed from the fit results.

UpperLimitType Controls the nature of the upper limits of distribution that are estimated during the fitting process.

UpperLimitValue Controls the fixed upper value for an estimated fit.

ValuesAreDates Controls whether fit data is in date format.

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Overview

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the boundaries to be used for custom chi-sq binning.


Public Function ChiSqBinGetCustomBoundaries( _

ByRef p_Values() As Double _

) As Integer



A 1-D array of doubles. The number of values in this array is one more than the number of bins. This array is 1-based.

Return Type

Integer - The number of boundaries.


This method is only relevant if ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskCustomBins.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Displays the custom boundaries for the fit called 'MyFit'.

Public Sub DisplayCustomChiSqBinBoundaries()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Dim numBoundaries As Integer

Dim binBoundaries() As Double

Dim displayString As String

Dim i As Integer

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits("MyFit")

ChiSqBinGetCustomBoundaries Method

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If fitDefinition.ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskCustomBins Then

numBoundaries = fitDefinition.ChiSqBinGetCustomBoundaries(binBoundaries)

displayString = CStr(numBoundaries) & " Boundaries : {"

For i = 1 To numBoundaries

If i > 1 Then displayString = displayString & ","

displayString = displayString & CStr(binBoundaries(i))

Next i

displayString = displayString & "}"


displayString = "Not using custom bins."

End If

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | ChiSqBinArrangement Property | ChiSqBinSetCustomBoundaries Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Sets the boundaries to be used for custom chi-sq binning.


Public Sub ChiSqBinSetCustomBoundaries( _

ByRef p_Values() As Double _




A 1-D array of doubles. The number of values in this array is one more than the number of bins. This array must be 1-based.


Calling this method will automatically set ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskCustomBins.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Changes "MyFit" to use 4 custom chi-sq bins with boundaries {0,1,2.5,6,18}

Public Sub SetCustomChiSqBinBoundaries()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Dim binBoundaries(1 To 5) As Double

binBoundaries(1) = 0

binBoundaries(2) = 1

binBoundaries(3) = 2.5

binBoundaries(4) = 6

binBoundaries(5) = 18

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits("MyFit")

ChiSqBinSetCustomBoundaries Method

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fitDefinition.ChiSqBinSetCustomBoundaries binBoundaries

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | ChiSqBinGetCustomBoundaries Method | ChiSqBinArrangement Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Deletes this fit definition and removes if from the collection of fit definitions.


Public Sub Delete()


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Deletes the fit definition 'MyFit'.

Public Sub DeleteFitDefinition


End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | Add Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Delete Method

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Returns an array of distribution types to use in the fitting process.


Public Function EstimatedFitsGetList( _

ByRef p_DistributionNames() As String _

) As Integer



An array of strings. Each string is the name of an @RISK distribution type (without a "Risk" prefix). Examples are "Normal", "Triang", "Uniform". The array is 1-based.

Return Type

Integer - the number of distribution types in the array.


This method is only relevant if FitMethod = RiskEstimatedParameters.

Only the distributions which are compatible with the data type and the lower and upper limits specified will actually be used. For example, if discrete data is being fit and there are three

items in the list ("Normal", "IntUniform", and "Geomet"), the Normal distribution will be ignored.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the list of estimated fits currently selected for "MyFit".

Public Sub DisplaySelectedEstimatedFits()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Dim numberOfDists As Integer

Dim distTypesToFit() As String

Dim displayString As String

EstimatedFitsGetList Method

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Dim i As Integer

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits("MyFit")

If fitDefinition.FitMethod = RiskEstimatedParameters Then

numberOfDists = fitDefinition.EstimatedFitsGetList(distTypesToFit)

displayString = "Num Distributions = " & numberOfDists & " : {"

For i = 1 To numberOfDists

If i > 1 Then displayString = displayString & ","

displayString = displayString & distTypesToFit(i)

Next i

displayString = displayString & "}"


displayString = "Not in estimated paramters mode."

End If

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | EstimatedFitsSetList Method | FitMethod Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Sets an array of distribution types to use in the fitting process.


Public Sub EstimatedFitsSetList( _

ByRef p_DistributionNames() As String _




An array of strings. Each string is the name of an @RISK distribution type (with or without a "Risk" prefix). Examples are "Normal", "Triang", "Uniform". The array must be 1-based.


Calling this method automatically sets FitMethod = RiskEstimatedParameters.

Only the distributions which are compatible with the data type and the lower and upper limits specified will actually be used. For example, if discrete data is being fit and there are three

items in the list ("Normal", "IntUniform", and "Geomet"), the Normal distribution will be ignored.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the list of estimated fits for "MyFit" to include Normal, Expon, and Weibull fits.

Public Sub SetEstimatedFits()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Dim distTypesToFit() As String

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits("MyFit")

Redim distTypesToFit(1 To 3)

distTypesToFit(1) = "Normal"

EstimatedFitsSetList Method

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distTypesToFit(2) = "Expon"

distTypesToFit(3) = "Weibull"

fitDefinition.EstimatedFitsSetList distTypesToFit

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | EstimatedFitsGetList Method | FitMethod Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

PerformFit Method

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Performs a fit based on the current definition and returns a new RiskFitResultsCollection object


Public Function PerformFit() As RiskFitResultCollection

Return Type

If the fit in question is NOT a batch fit, the return value is a new RiskFitResultsCollection Object containing all the information for the fitted results. For a batch fit, however, the return code

will always be a Null reference.


To suppress the fitting progress window use the Risk.DisplayAlerts property


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Performs the fit specified in "MyFit" and displays the best fitting Normal distribution.

Public Sub PerformFit()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Dim fitResults As RiskFitResultCollection

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits("MyFit")

Set fitResults = fitDefinition.PerformFit()

MsgBox fitResults.Item("Normal").DistributionFunction

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | RiskFitResultCollection Object | DisplayAlerts Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns an array of predefined functions to use in the fitting process.


Public Function PredefinedFitsGetList( _

ByRef p_Fits() As RiskPredefinedFit _

) As Integer



An array of RiskPredefinedFit structures, each containing the Name, Distribution Function, and Enabled state of that particular fit. The array is 1-based.

Return Type

Integer - The number of predefined fits.


This method is only relevant if FitMethod = RiskPredefinedDistributions.

Only the distributions which are compatible with the data type will actually be used. For example, if discrete data is being fit and there are three items in the list ("RiskNormal(0,10)",

"IntUniform(0,10)", and "Geomet(.5)"), the Normal distribution will be ignored.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the list of predefined distributions currently selected for "MyFit".

Public Sub DisplayPredefinedFits()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Dim numberOfFits As Integer

Dim predefinedFits() As RiskPredefinedFit

Dim displayString As String

PredefinedFitsGetList Method

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Dim i As Integer

Set fitDefinition = Risk.fits("MyFit")

If fitDefinition.FitMethod = RiskPredefinedDistributions Then

numberOfFits = fitDefinition.PredefinedFitsGetList(predefinedFits)

displayString = "Num Predefined Fits = " & numberOfFits & " : " & vbCrLf

For i = 1 To numberOfFits

If i > 1 Then displayString = displayString & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & predefinedFits(i).Name & "=" & predefinedFits(i).DistributionFunction

If Not predefinedFits(i).Enabled Then displayString = displayString & "(Disabled)"

Next i


displayString = "Not in predefined distribution mode."

End If

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | PredefinedFitsSetList Method | FitMethod Property | RiskPredefinedFit Structure

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Sets an array of predefined functions to use in the fitting process.


Public Sub PredefinedFitsSetList( _

ByRef p_Fits() As RiskPredefinedFit _




An array of RiskPredefinedFit structures, each containing the Name, Distribution Function, and Enabled state of that particular fit. The array is 1-based.


Calling this method will automatically set FitMethod = RiskPredefinedDistributions.

Only the distributions which are compatible with the data type will actually be used. For example, if discrete data is being fit and there are three items in the list ("RiskNormal(0,10)",

"IntUniform(0,10)", and "Geomet(.5)"), the Normal distribution will be ignored.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Sets a pair of competing hypotheses for "MyFit"

Public Sub SetPredefinedFits()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Dim predefinedFits() As RiskPredefinedFit

Set fitDefinition = Risk.fits("MyFit")

ReDim predefinedFits(1 To 2)

PredefinedFitsSetList Method

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With predefinedFits(1)

.Name = "Hypothesis A"

.DistributionFunction = "RiskNormal(100,10)"

.Enabled = True

End With

With predefinedFits(2)

.Name = "Hypothesis B"

.DistributionFunction = "RiskNormal(110,11)"

.Enabled = True

End With

fitDefinition.PredefinedFitsSetList predefinedFits

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | PredefinedFitsGetList Method | FitMethod Property | RiskPredefinedFit Structure

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Indicates if this fit is a "batch" fit or not.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property BatchFit() As Boolean


To create a batch fit, use the AddBatch Method.

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | AddBatch Method | BatchFitReportIncludeCorrelations Property | BatchFitReportIncludeDetailWorksheets Property | BatchFitReportInNewWorkbook Property

| BatchFitReportStyle Property | BatchFitSelectorStatistic Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

BatchFit Property

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Indicates if batch fits include correlations between the individually fitted elements in the batch fit report.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property BatchFitReportIncludeCorrelations() As Boolean

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | BatchFit Property | BatchFitReportIncludeDetailWorksheets Property | BatchFitReportIncludeDetailWorksheets Property | BatchFitReportInNewWorkbook

Property | BatchFitReportStyle Property | BatchFitSelectorStatistic Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

BatchFitReportIncludeCorrelations Property

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Indicates if batch fits include detailed reports for each of the individually fitted elements in the batch fit report.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property BatchFitReportIncludeDetailWorksheets() As Boolean


Note: This property only applies if the BatchFitReportStyle Property is set to RiskBatchFitStandardReport.

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | BatchFit Property | BatchFitReportIncludeCorrelations Property | BatchFitReportInNewWorkbook Property | BatchFitReportStyle Property

| BatchFitSelectorStatistic Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

BatchFitReportIncludeDetailWorksheets Property

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Indicates if batch fit reports are put into a new workbook.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property BatchFitReportInNewWorkbook() As Boolean

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | BatchFit Property | BatchFitReportIncludeCorrelations Property | BatchFitReportIncludeDetailWorksheets Property | BatchFitReportStyle Property

| BatchFitSelectorStatistic Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

BatchFitReportInNewWorkbook Property

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Indicates the style of batch fit reports.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property BatchFitReportStyle() As RiskBatchFitReportStyle

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | BatchFit Property | BatchFitReportIncludeCorrelations Property | BatchFitReportIncludeDetailWorksheets Property | BatchFitReportInNewWorkbook Property

| BatchFitSelectorStatistic Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

BatchFitReportStyle Property

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Specifies the confidence level to use for parametric bootstrap analysis.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property BootstrapConfidenceLevel() As Double


This parameter has no effect unless the BootstrapEnabled Property is True.

Specify a number between 0 and 1.


[Visual Basic]

'Specify a parametric bootstrap of 1000 resamples and a 95% confidence level

Public Sub ConfigureParametericBoostrap()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.fits("MyFit")

fitDefinition.BootstrapEnabled = True

fitDefinition.BootstrapConfidenceLevel = .95

fitDefinition.BootstrapNumResamples = 1000

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | BootstrapEnabled Property | BootstrapNumResamples Property

BootstrapConfidenceLevel Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies if a parameteric bootstrap analysis should be run as part of the fitting process.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property BootstrapEnabled() As Boolean


The BootstrapConfidenceLevel Property and the BootstrapNumResamples Property control the details of the parametric bootstrap.


[Visual Basic]

'Specify a parametric bootstrap of 1000 resamples and a 95% confidence level

Public Sub ConfigureParametericBoostrap()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.fits("MyFit")

fitDefinition.BootstrapEnabled = True

fitDefinition.BootstrapConfidenceLevel = .95

fitDefinition.BootstrapNumResamples = 1000

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | BootstrapConfidenceLevel Property | BootstrapNumResamples Property

BootstrapEnabled Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies the number of resamples in the parameteric bootstrap analysis.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property BootstrapNumResamples() As Long


This parameter has no effect unless the BootstrapEnabled Property is True.


[Visual Basic]

'Specify a parametric bootstrap of 1000 resamples and a 95% confidence level

Public Sub ConfigureParametericBoostrap()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.fits("MyFit")

fitDefinition.BootstrapEnabled = True

fitDefinition.BootstrapConfidenceLevel = .95

fitDefinition.BootstrapNumResamples = 1000

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | BootstrapConfidenceLevel Property | BootstrapEnabled Property

BootstrapNumResamples Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ChiSqBinArrangement Property

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Controls the style of binning used for the Chi-Squared goodness-of-fit test.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ChiSqBinArrangement() As RiskFitChiSqBinArrangement


Many of the other ChiSqBin properties of this object only are relevant when this setting is appropriately configured.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the chi-sq binning of 'MyFit' to use 10 bins of equal probability:

Public Sub ChangeChiSqBinning()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.fits("MyFit")

fitDefinition.ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskEqualProbabilities

fitDefinition.ChiSqBinCount = 10

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | ChiSqBinAutomaticLimits Property | ChiSqBinCount Property | ChiSqBinExtendToMinusInfinity Property | ChiSqBinExtendToPlusInfinity Property

| ChiSqBinMaximum Property | ChiSqBinMinimum Property | ChiSqBinGetCustomBoundaries Method | ChiSqBinSetCustomBoundaries Method | RiskFitChiSqBinArrangement


© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


For equal interval chi-sq binning, controls whether the minimum-maximum range is determined automatically.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ChiSqBinAutomaticLimits() As Boolean


This property only is relevant if ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskEqualIntervals.

If this property is TRUE, ChiSqBinMinimum and ChiSqBinMaximum are ignored. If this property is FALSE, those properties are used.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the chi-sq binning of 'MyFit' to use 4 bins with equally spaced intervals from 0 to 10:

Public Sub SpecifyEqualIntervalChiSqBins()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.fits("MyFit")

With fitDefinition

.ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskEqualIntervals

.ChiSqBinCount = 4

.ChiSqBinAutomaticLimits = False

.ChiSqBinMinimum = 0

.ChiSqBinMaximum = 10

ChiSqBinAutomaticLimits Property

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End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | ChiSqBinArrangement Property | ChiSqBinCount Property | ChiSqBinExtendToMinusInfinity Property | ChiSqBinExtendToPlusInfinity Property

| ChiSqBinMaximum Property | ChiSqBinMinimum Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the number of bins used for the chi-squared goodness-of-fit test.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ChiSqBinCount() As Integer


You may specified the special value of RiskAutoNumChiSqBins to let this value be determined automatically by the software.

You must specified between 2 and 1000 bins.

This value is not writable when the ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskCustomBins


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the chi-sq binning of 'MyFit' to use 10 bins of equal probability:

Public Sub ChangeChiSqBinning()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.fits("MyFit")

fitDefinition.ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskEqualProbabilities

fitDefinition.ChiSqBinCount = 10

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | ChiSqBinArrangement Property | ChiSqBinArrangement Property | RiskAutoNumChiSqBins Property

ChiSqBinCount Property

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For equal interval chi-squared binning, specifies if the first bin extends from -Infinity to a minimum value.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ChiSqBinExtendToMinusInfinity() As Boolean


If this option is TRUE, the first chi-sq bin will not, in fact, have the same spacing as the other bins. The first bin will extend from -Infinity to the "minimum" value (either calculated

automatically or specified directly in the ChiSqBinMinimum property.)

This property only is relevant if ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskEqualIntervals.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the chi-sq binnig of 'MyFit' to use 6 bins. The middle 4 bins are equally spaced from 0 to 10,

'while the first bin extends from -Infinity to 0 and the last from 10 to +Infinity:

Public Sub SpecifyEqualIntervalChiSqBinsWithExtendedLimits()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.fits("MyFit")

With fitDefinition

.ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskEqualIntervals

.ChiSqBinCount = 6

.ChiSqBinAutomaticLimits = False

ChiSqBinExtendToMinusInfinity Property

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.ChiSqBinMinimum = 0

.ChiSqBinMaximum = 10

.ChiSqBinExtendToMinusInfinity = True

.ChiSqBinExtendToPlusInfinity = True

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | ChiSqBinArrangement Property | ChiSqBinAutomaticLimits Property | ChiSqBinCount Property | ChiSqBinExtendToPlusInfinity Property | ChiSqBinMaximum

Property | ChiSqBinMinimum Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


For equal interval chi-squared binning, specifies if the last bin extends from a maximum value to +Infinity

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ChiSqBinExtendToPlusInfinity() As Boolean


If this option is TRUE, the last chi-sq bin will not, in fact, have the same spacing as the other bins. The last bin will extend from the "maximum" value (either calculated automatically or

specified directly in the ChiSqBinMaximum property) to +Infinity.

This property only is relevant if ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskEqualIntervals.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the chi-sq binnig of 'MyFit' to use 6 bins. The middle 4 bins are equally spaced from 0 to 10,

'while the first bin extends from -Infinity to 0 and the last from 10 to +Infinity:

Public Sub SpecifyEqualIntervalChiSqBinsWithExtendedLimits()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.fits("MyFit")

With fitDefinition

.ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskEqualIntervals

.ChiSqBinCount = 6

.ChiSqBinAutomaticLimits = False

ChiSqBinExtendToPlusInfinity Property

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.ChiSqBinMinimum = 0

.ChiSqBinMaximum = 10

.ChiSqBinExtendToMinusInfinity = True

.ChiSqBinExtendToPlusInfinity = True

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | ChiSqBinArrangement Property | ChiSqBinAutomaticLimits Property | ChiSqBinCount Property | ChiSqBinExtendToMinusInfinity Property | ChiSqBinMaximum

Property | ChiSqBinMinimum Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


For equal-interval chi-sq binning, controls the location of the right side of the last bin.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ChiSqBinMaximum() As Double


This property only is relevant if ChiSqBinAutomaticLimits = False.

This property only is relevant if ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskEqualIntervals.

If ChiSqBinExtendToPlusInfinity = True, this property is actually the right side of the second to last bin, while the last bin extends from this value to +Infinity.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the chi-sq binning of 'MyFit' to use 4 bins with equally spaced intervals from 0 to 10:

Public Sub SpecifyEqualIntervalChiSqBins()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.fits("MyFit")

With fitDefinition

.ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskEqualIntervals

.ChiSqBinCount = 4

.ChiSqBinAutomaticLimits = False

.ChiSqBinMinimum = 0

.ChiSqBinMaximum = 10

ChiSqBinMaximum Property

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End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | ChiSqBinArrangement Property | ChiSqBinAutomaticLimits Property | ChiSqBinCount Property | ChiSqBinExtendToMinusInfinity Property

| ChiSqBinExtendToPlusInfinity Property | ChiSqBinMinimum Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


For equal-interval chi-sq binning, controls the location of the left side of the first bin.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ChiSqBinMinimum() As Double


This property only is relevant if ChiSqBinAutomaticLimits = False.

This property only is relevant if ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskEqualIntervals.

If ChiSqBinExtendToMinusInfinity = True, this property is actually the left side of the second bin, while the first bin extends from this -Infinity to this value.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the chi-sq binning of 'MyFit' to use 4 bins with equally spaced intervals from 0 to 10:

Public Sub SpecifyEqualIntervalChiSqBins()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.fits("MyFit")

With fitDefinition

.ChiSqBinArrangement = RiskEqualIntervals

.ChiSqBinCount = 4

.ChiSqBinAutomaticLimits = False

.ChiSqBinMinimum = 0

.ChiSqBinMaximum = 10

ChiSqBinMinimum Property

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End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | ChiSqBinArrangement Property | ChiSqBinAutomaticLimits Property | ChiSqBinCount Property | ChiSqBinExtendToMinusInfinity Property

| ChiSqBinExtendToPlusInfinity Property | ChiSqBinMaximum Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies the Excel Range where the data being fit resides.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property DataRange() As Range


The data must reside in the same workbook specified in the ExcelWorkbook property.

The data range must be a contiguous block of cells.

The contents and layout of the data range depend on the DataType of the fit, as specified below:

RiskFitContinousSamples : A single rectangular block of cells.

RiskFitDiscreteSamples : A single rectangular block of cells containing only integer values.

RiskFitCountedDiscreteSamples : A block of cells with exactly two columns, both containing only integers. The first column contains the sample values. The second column contains

the number of occurrences of each sample value.

RiskFitUnnormalizedDensityPoints : A block of cells with exactly two columns. The first column contains x-values and the second column contains the y-values that define the density


RiskFitNormalizedDensityPoints : A block of cells with exactly two columns. The first column contains x-values and the second column contains the y-values that define the density


DataRange Property

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RiskFitCumulativePoints : A block of cells with exactly two columns. The first column contains x-values and the second column contains the p-values that define the cumulative curve.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Change the data range used in 'MyFit' to run from $A$1:$A$100 of the active sheet.

Public Sub ChangeFitDefinitionDataRange()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.fits("MyFit")

Set fitDefinition.DataRange = Range( "A1:A100")

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | ExcelWorkbook Property | DataType Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies the type of data being fit.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property DataType() As RiskFitDataType


The arrangement and contents of the DataRange depends on this settings.

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | RiskFitDataType Enumeration

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

DataType Property

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Returns the Excel Workbook associated with the fit definition.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ExcelWorkbook() As Workbook


While you can change the DataRange associated with a RiskFitDefinition object after it has been created, you must keep it within the same workbook it was originally created in.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display some basic information about the the first fit definition if @RISK's collection of fits:

Public Sub DisplayFitDefinitionInformation()

Dim displayString As String

displayString = "Information about Fit Definition #1:" & vbCrLf

With Risk.Fits(1)

displayString = displayString & "Name = " & .Name & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "ExcelWorkbook = " & .ExcelWorkbook.Name & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "ExcelRange = " & .DataRange.Address

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

ExcelWorkbook Property

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RiskFitDefinition Object | DataRange Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the minimum value of an input filter that occurs on data before fitting takes place.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property FilterMaximum() As Double


This property only is relevant if the FilterType property is set to RiskFitFilterTypeAbsolute.

If a data point falls exactly on the FilterMaximum it will not be excluded from the fitting process.

You can set the FilterMaximum to the special value RiskPositiveInfinity to make a one sided filter (with FilterMinimum set to a finite value.)


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up a fit for cell range A1:A1000 of the active sheet, but filter out any values that don't fall between 0 and 100.

Public Sub SetupFilteredFit()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

'Create the new fit definition object:

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits.Add(Range("A1:A1000"), RiskFitContinousSamples, "MyFit")

'Set up the filter:

With fitDefinition

.FilterType = RiskFitFilterAbsolute

.FilterMinimum = 0

.FilterMaximum = 100

FilterMaximum Property

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End With

'Go on to perform the fit


End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | FilterType Property | FilterMinimum Property | FilterNumStdDeviations Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the minimum value of an input filter that occurs on data before fitting takes place.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property FilterMinimum() As Double


This property only is relevant if the FilterType property is set to RiskFitFilterTypeAbsolute.

If a data point falls exactly on the FilterMinimum it will not be excluded from the fitting process.

You can set the FilterMinimum to the special value RiskNegativeInfinity to make a one sided filter (with FilterMaximum set to a finite value.)


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up a fit for cell range A1:A1000 of the active sheet, but filter out any values that don't fall between 0 and 100.

Public Sub SetupFilteredFit()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

'Create the new fit definition object:

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits.Add(Range("A1:A1000"), RiskFitContinousSamples, "MyFit")

'Set up the filter:

With fitDefinition

.FilterType = RiskFitFilterAbsolute

.FilterMinimum = 0

.FilterMaximum = 100

FilterMinimum Property

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End With

'Go on to perform the fit


End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | FilterType Property | FilterMaximum Property | FilterNumStdDeviations Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the size of a relative input filter that occurs on data before fitting takes place.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property FilterNumStdDeviations() As Double


This property only is relevant if the FilterType property is set to RiskFitFilterTypeRelative.

The filter will exclude any data point that is further away (in either direction) than the specified number of standard deviations from the mean.

If a data point falls exactly on the filter boundary, it will not be excluded from the fitting process.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up a fit for range A1:A1000 of the active sheet, but filter out any values beyond 1.5 std. deviations from the mean.

Public Sub SetupRelativeFilterFit()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

'Create the new fit definition object:

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits.Add(Range("A1:A1000"), RiskFitContinousSamples, "MyFit")

'Set up the filter:

With fitDefinition

.FilterType = RiskFitFilterRelative

.FilterNumStdDeviations = 1.5

End With

FilterNumStdDeviations Property

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'Go on to perform the fit


End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | FilterType Property | FilterMinimum Property | FilterMaximum Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls what type of input filtering occurs on the data before fitting takes place.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property FilterType() As RiskFitFilterType


If this property is set to RiskFitFilterAbsolute, the FilterMinimum and FilterMaximum properties control the limits of the filtering. If this property is set to RiskFitFilterRelative, the

FilterNumStdDeviations property controls the number of standard deviations permitted by the filter.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up a fit for cell range A1:A1000 of the active sheet, but filter out any values that don't fall between 0 and 100.

Public Sub SetupFilteredFit()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

'Create the new fit definition object:

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits.Add(Range("A1:A1000"), RiskFitContinousSamples, "MyFit")

'Set up the filter:

With fitDefinition

.FilterType = RiskFitFilterAbsolute

.FilterMinimum = 0

.FilterMaximum = 100

End With

FilterType Property

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'Go on to perform the fit


End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | FilterMinimum Property | FilterMaximum Property | FilterNumStdDeviations Property | RiskFitFilterType Enumeration

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether fits are performed using mathematical estimation techniques or to predefined distributions.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property FitMethod() As RiskFitMethod


If this property is set to RiskEstimatedParameters, the distribution types that can be set or retrieved using the EstimatedFitsGetList and EstimatedFitsSetList methods. In addition, the

nature and location of the boundary limits for these distributions can be controlled by the LowerLimitType, LowerLimitValue, UpperLimitType, and UpperLimitValue properties.

If this property is set to RiskPredefinedDistributions, the specific distributions to fit can be set or retrieved using the the PredefinedFitGetList and PredefinedSetList methods.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Fits to the data in A1:A100 (in the active sheet) for the Gamma, Lognorm, and Weibull distribution types, with a fixed lower bound of zero.

Public Sub PerformEstimatedFits()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Dim distributionTypes(1 To 3) As String

Dim fitResults As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim oneFitResult As RiskFitResult

Dim displayString As String

'Set up a new fit definition object with the correct data range, distribution types to fit, and limits:

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits.Add(Range("A1:A100"), RiskFitContinousSamples, "MyFitData")

With fitDefinition

.FitMethod = RiskEstimatedParameters

FitMethod Property

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distributionTypes(1) = "Gamma"

distributionTypes(2) = "Lognorm"

distributionTypes(3) = "Weibull"

.EstimatedFitsSetList distributionTypes

.LowerLimitType = RiskFixedLimit

.LowerLimitValue = 0

.UpperLimitType = RiskOpenLimit

End With

'Actually perform the fit:

Set fitResults = fitDefinition.PerformFit

'Display the results of the fitting:

displayString = "Fit Results:" & vbCrLf

For Each oneFitResult In fitResults

If oneFitResult.ValidFit Then

displayString = displayString & "Fit " & oneFitResult.FitName & " --> " & oneFitResult.DistributionFunction & vbCrLf


displayString = displayString & "Fit " & oneFitResult.FitName & " --> " & oneFitResult.InvalidFitDescription & vbCrLf

End If


MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | EstimatedFitsGetList Method | EstimatedFitsSetList Method | PredefinedFitsGetList Method | PredefinedFitsSetList Method | PerformFit Method

| LowerLimitType Property | LowerLimitValue Property | UpperLimitType Property | UpperLimitValue Property | RiskFitMethod Enumeration

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies one or more fixed parameters for the fitting process.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property FixedParameter( _

ByVal p_WhichParameter As RiskFixedParameter _

) As Variant



Value Description

RiskBinomialN Binomial distribution number of trials.

RiskBinomialP Binomial distribution probability.

RiskHypergeoN Hypergeometric distribution number of trials.

RiskNegBinS Negative binomial distribution number of successes.

RiskGammaShape Gamma distribution shape (alpha) parameter.

RiskNormalMean Normal distribution mean (mu) parameter.

RiskNormalStdDev Normal distribution standard deviation (sigma) parameter.

RiskWeibullShape Weibull distribution shape (alpha) parameter.


FixedParameter Property

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The fixed parameters are ignored unless the FixedParametersEnabled Property is True.


[Visual Basic]

'Make the binomial and hypergeometic distributions both use fixed values n=10

Public Sub SetFixedParameters()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits("My Fit")

fitDefinition.FixedParametersEnabled = True

fitDefinition.FixedParameter(RiskBinomialN) = 10

fitDefinition.FixedParameter(RiskHypergeoN) = 10

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | FixedParametersEnabled Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property FixedParametersEnabled() As Boolean


The values of the fixed parameters are specified using the FixedParameter Property.


[Visual Basic]

'Make the binomial and hypergeometic distributions both use fixed values n=10

Public Sub SetFixedParameters()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits("My Fit")

fitDefinition.FixedParametersEnabled = True

fitDefinition.FixedParameter(RiskBinomialN) = 10

fitDefinition.FixedParameter(RiskHypergeoN) = 10

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | FixedParameter Property

FixedParametersEnabled Property

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Controls the nature of the lower limits of distribution that are estimated during the fitting process.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property LowerLimitType() As RiskFitLimitType


The property is only relevant if the FitMethod property is set to RiskEstimatedParameters.

If this property is set to RiskFixedLimit, the value of the fixed limit is specified in the LowerLimitValue property.

This property can be useful to apply a constraint to the fitting process. For example, if you fit a Gamma distribution leaving this property at its default value of RiskUnsureLimit, the fitting

process will use a 3-parameter Gamma (that is a Gamma where the lower limit, or shift, is adjustable). However, you may want to alway force this Gamma to have a lower limit of zero.

By setting this property to RiskFixedLimit and the LowerLimitType property to zero, you can accomplish this.

The UpperLimitValue property has the corresponding affect on the distribution upper limits. This, however, is much less commonly done.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Fits to the data in A1:A100 (in the active sheet) for the Gamma, Lognorm, and Weibull distribution types, with a fixed lower bound of zero.

Public Sub PerformEstimatedFits()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Dim distributionTypes(1 To 3) As String

Dim fitResults As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim oneFitResult As RiskFitResult

Dim displayString As String

'Set up a new fit definition object with the correct data range, distribution types to fit, and limits:

LowerLimitType Property

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Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits.Add(Range("A1:A100"), RiskFitContinousSamples, "MyFitData")

With fitDefinition

.FitMethod = RiskEstimatedParameters

distributionTypes(1) = "Gamma"

distributionTypes(2) = "Lognorm"

distributionTypes(3) = "Weibull"

.EstimatedFitsSetList distributionTypes

.LowerLimitType = RiskFixedLimit

.LowerLimitValue = 0

.UpperLimitType = RiskOpenLimit

End With

'Actually perform the fit:

Set fitResults = fitDefinition.PerformFit

'Display the results of the fitting:

displayString = "Fit Results:" & vbCrLf

For Each oneFitResult In fitResults

If oneFitResult.ValidFit Then

displayString = displayString & "Fit " & oneFitResult.FitName & " --> " & oneFitResult.DistributionFunction & vbCrLf


displayString = displayString & "Fit " & oneFitResult.FitName & " --> " & oneFitResult.InvalidFitDescription & vbCrLf

End If


MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | FitMethod Property | LowerLimitValue Property | UpperLimitType Property | UpperLimitValue Property | RiskFitLimitType Enumeration

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the fixed lower value for an estimated fit.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property LowerLimitValue() As Double


This property is only relevant if the FitMethod property is set to RiskEstimatedParameters and LowerLimitType is set to RiskFixedLimit

This property can be useful to apply a constraint to the fitting process. For example, if you fit a Gamma distribution leaving the LowerLimitType and LowerLimitValue properties at their

default states, the fitting process will use a 3-parameter Gamma (that is a Gamma where the lower limit, or shift, is adjustable). However, you may want to alway force this Gamma to

have a lower limit of zero. By setting the LowerLimitType property to RiskFixedLimit and this property to zero, you can accomplish this.

The UpperLimitValue property has the corresponding affect on the distribution upper limits. This, however, is much less commonly done.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Fits to the data in A1:A100 (in the active sheet) for the Gamma, Lognorm, and Weibull distribution types, with a fixed lower bound of zero.

Public Sub PerformEstimatedFits()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Dim distributionTypes(1 To 3) As String

Dim fitResults As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim oneFitResult As RiskFitResult

Dim displayString As String

'Set up a new fit definition object with the correct data range, distribution types to fit, and limits:

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits.Add(Range("A1:A100"), RiskFitContinousSamples, "MyFitData")

LowerLimitValue Property

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With fitDefinition

.FitMethod = RiskEstimatedParameters

distributionTypes(1) = "Gamma"

distributionTypes(2) = "Lognorm"

distributionTypes(3) = "Weibull"

.EstimatedFitsSetList distributionTypes

.LowerLimitType = RiskFixedLimit

.LowerLimitValue = 0

.UpperLimitType = RiskOpenLimit

End With

'Actually perform the fit:

Set fitResults = fitDefinition.PerformFit

'Display the results of the fitting:

displayString = "Fit Results:" & vbCrLf

For Each oneFitResult In fitResults

If oneFitResult.ValidFit Then

displayString = displayString & "Fit " & oneFitResult.FitName & " --> " & oneFitResult.DistributionFunction & vbCrLf


displayString = displayString & "Fit " & oneFitResult.FitName & " --> " & oneFitResult.InvalidFitDescription & vbCrLf

End If


MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | FitMethod Property | LowerLimitType Property | UpperLimitType Property | UpperLimitValue Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the name of the fit definition.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Name() As String


The fit name must be unique within the particular workbook where it is defined. That is, you can have two fit definitions with the same name, but only if they are located in two different



[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Displays the names of all fits, and which workbook they are located in.

Public Sub DisplayNamesOfAllFits()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

displayString = "There are " & Risk.Fits.Count & " fit definitions." & vbCrLf

For Each fitDefinition In Risk.Fits

displayString = displayString & fitDefinition.Name & " in workbook " & fitDefinition.ExcelWorkbook.Name & vbCrLf


MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

Name Property

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RiskFitDefinition Object | ExcelWorkbook Property

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Controls whether fits that are "questionable" from a meta-mathematical standpoint are suppressed from the fit results.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SuppressQuestionableFits() As Boolean

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object

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SuppressQuestionableFits Property

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Controls the nature of the upper limits of distribution that are estimated during the fitting process.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property UpperLimitType() As RiskFitLimitType


The property is only relevant if the FitMethod property is set to RiskEstimatedParameters.

If this property is set to RiskFixedLimit, the value of the fixed limit is specified in the UpperLimitValue property.

This property can be useful to apply a constraint to the fitting process. For example, if you fit a Triang distribution leaving this property at its default value of RiskUnsureLimit, the fitting

process will allow the upper limit of the triangular distribution to be adjustable during the fitting process. However, you may want to alway force this Triang to have an upper of 5. By

setting this property to RiskFixedLimit and the UpperLimitValue property to 5, you can accomplish this.

It is much more common to set a lower limit than an upper limit.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Fits to the data in A1:A100 (in the active sheet) with a Triang distribution with a fixed upper boundary of 5.

Public Sub FitTriangWithFixedUpperLimit()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Dim distributionTypes(1 To 1) As String

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Dim displayString As String

'Set up a new fit definition object with the correct data range, distribution types to fit, and limits:

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits.Add(Range("A1:A100"), RiskFitContinousSamples, "MyFitData")

UpperLimitType Property

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With fitDefinition

.FitMethod = RiskEstimatedParameters

distributionTypes(1) = "Triang"

.EstimatedFitsSetList distributionTypes

.UpperLimitType = RiskFixedLimit

.UpperLimitValue = 5

End With

'Actually perform the fit:

Set fitResult = fitDefinition.PerformFit(1)

'Display the result:

If fitResult.ValidFit Then

displayString = fitResult.DistributionFunction


displayString = fitResult.InvalidFitDescription

End If

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | FitMethod Property | LowerLimitType Property | LowerLimitValue Property | UpperLimitValue Property | RiskFitLimitType Enumeration

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the fixed upper value for an estimated fit.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property UpperLimitValue() As Double


This property is only relevant if the FitMethod property is set to RiskEstimatedParameters and UpperLimitType is set to RiskFixedLimit

This property can be useful to apply a constraint to the fitting process. For example, if you fit a Triang distribution leaving this property and the UpperLimitType properties at their defaults,

the upper limit of the triangular distribution will be adjustable during the fitting process. However, you may want to alway force this Triang to have an upper of 5. By setting the

UpperLimitType property to RiskFixedLimit and this property to 5, you can accomplish this.

It is much more common to set a lower limit than an upper limit.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Fits to the data in A1:A100 (in the active sheet) with a Triang distribution with a fixed upper boundary of 5.

Public Sub FitTriangWithFixedUpperLimit()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Dim distributionTypes(1 To 1) As String

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Dim displayString As String

'Set up a new fit definition object with the correct data range, distribution types to fit, and limits:

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits.Add(Range("A1:A100"), RiskFitContinousSamples, "MyFitData")

With fitDefinition

UpperLimitValue Property

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.FitMethod = RiskEstimatedParameters

distributionTypes(1) = "Triang"

.EstimatedFitsSetList distributionTypes

.UpperLimitType = RiskFixedLimit

.UpperLimitValue = 5

End With

'Actually perform the fit:

Set fitResult = fitDefinition.PerformFit(1)

'Display the result:

If fitResult.ValidFit Then

displayString = fitResult.DistributionFunction


displayString = fitResult.InvalidFitDescription

End If

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | FitMethod Property | LowerLimitType Property | LowerLimitValue Property | UpperLimitType Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether fit data is in date format.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ValuesAreDates() As Boolean


[Visual Basic]

'Change the data range used in 'MyFit' to run from $A$1:$A$100 of the active sheet,

'and be in date format

Public Sub ChangeFitDefinitionDataRange()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.fits("MyFit")

Set fitDefinition.DataRange = Range( "A1:A100")

fitDefinition.ValuesAreDates = True

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | DataType Property | DataRange Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ValuesAreDates Property

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A collection of all RiskFitDefinitions associated with all open Excel workbooks.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskFitDefinitionCollection members.

Object Model

See Also

RiskFitDefinitionCollection Members | RiskFitDefinition Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskFitDefinitionCollection Collection

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Public Methods

Add Creates a new RiskFitDefinition object for a non-batch fit, and adds it to the collection.

AddBatch Creates a new RiskFitDefinition object for a batch fit, and adds it to the collection.

Count The number of fit definitions in the collection.


Public Properties

Item Returns a single fit definition from the collection.

See Also

RiskFitDefinitionCollection Overview | RiskFitDefinition Object

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RiskFitDefinitionCollection Collection Members

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Creates a new RiskFitDefinition object for a non-batch fit, and adds it to the collection.


Public Function Add( _

ByVal p_DataRange As Range, _

ByVal p_DataType As RiskFitDataType, _

Optional ByVal p_Name As String = "" _

) As RiskFitDefinition



The Excel range which contains the data to be fit.

The data range must be a contiguous block of cells.

The contents and layout of the data range depend on the DataType of the fit, as specified below:

RiskFitContinousSamples : A single rectangular block of cells.

RiskFitDiscreteSamples : A single rectangular block of cells containing only integer values.

RiskFitCountedDiscreteSamples : A block of cells with exactly two columns, both containing only integers. The first column contains the sample values. The second column

contains the number of occurrences of each sample value.

RiskFitUnnormalizedDensityPoints : A block of cells with exactly two columns. The first column contains x-values and the second column contains the y-values that define the

density curve.

RiskFitNormalizedDensityPoints : A block of cells with exactly two columns. The first column contains x-values and the second column contains the y-values that define the density

Add Method

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RiskFitCumulativePoints : A block of cells with exactly two columns. The first column contains x-values and the second column contains the p-values that define the cumulative



Value Description

RiskFitContinuousSamples The data are continuous.

RiskFitDiscreteSamples The data are discrete, integer values.

RiskFitCountedDiscreteSamples The data are discrete, integer values and must arranged in two columns. The first column contains the sample value. The

second column contains the number of samples at that value.

RiskFitUnnormalizedDensityPoints The data are (x,y) points that define a continuous density curve. The data must be arranged in two columns. The first column

contains the x-values, while the second contains the y-values. No normalization transformation is applied to the data before


RiskFitNormalizedDensityPoints The data are (x,y) points that define a continuous density curve. The data must be arranged in two columns. The first column

contains the x-values, while the second contains the y-values. Before fitting occurs, the data is transformed so that the area

under the curve defined by the data (assuming linear extrapolation between data points) is equal to one.

RiskFitCumulativePoints The data are (x,p) points that define a continuous cumulative curve. The data must be arranged in two columns. The first

column contains the x-values, while the second contains the p-values.


The name of the fit. This name must be unique within the particular workbook where the fit resides. Two fits may have the same name if they are associated with different



Note: Adding a fit does not actuall perform the fit. You must call the newly created object's PerformFit method.

Note: This method adds a regular (non-batch) fit. To add a batch fit, use AddBatch Method.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Defines a new fit of continuous sample data residing in the range $A$1:$A$100 on the active sheet named 'MyFit'.

Public Sub DefineNewFit()

Risk.fits.Add Range("A1:A100"), RiskFitContinousSamples, "MyFit"

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinitionCollection Collection | PerformFit Method | Delete Method | AddBatch Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Creates a new RiskFitDefinition object for a batch fit, and adds it to the collection.


Public Function AddBatch( _

ByVal p_DataRange As Range, _

ByVal p_DataType As RiskFitDataType, _

Optional ByVal p_Name As String = "" _

) As RiskFitDefinition



The Excel range which contains the data to be fit.

The data range must be a contiguous block of cells, containing one or two columns of data for each fit in the batch.

The contents and layout of the data range depend on the DataType of the fit, as specified below:

RiskFitContinousSamples : One column per fit.

RiskFitDiscreteSamples : One column per fit, containing only integer values.

RiskFitCountedDiscreteSamples : Two columns per fit, both containing only integers. The first column for each fit contains the sample values. The second column contains the

number of occurrences of each sample value.

RiskFitUnnormalizedDensityPoints : Two columns per fit. The first column contains x-values and the second column contains the y-values that define the density curve.

RiskFitNormalizedDensityPoints : Two columns per fit. The first column contains x-values and the second column contains the y-values that define the density curve.

RiskFitCumulativePoints : Two columns per fit. The first column contains x-values and the second column contains the p-values that define the cumulative curve.


Value Description

RiskFitContinuousSamples The data are continuous.

AddBatch Method

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RiskFitDiscreteSamples The data are discrete, integer values.

RiskFitCountedDiscreteSamples The data are discrete, integer values and must arranged in two columns. The first column contains the sample value. The

second column contains the number of samples at that value.

RiskFitUnnormalizedDensityPoints The data are (x,y) points that define a continuous density curve. The data must be arranged in two columns. The first column

contains the x-values, while the second contains the y-values. No normalization transformation is applied to the data before


RiskFitNormalizedDensityPoints The data are (x,y) points that define a continuous density curve. The data must be arranged in two columns. The first column

contains the x-values, while the second contains the y-values. Before fitting occurs, the data is transformed so that the area

under the curve defined by the data (assuming linear extrapolation between data points) is equal to one.

RiskFitCumulativePoints The data are (x,p) points that define a continuous cumulative curve. The data must be arranged in two columns. The first

column contains the x-values, while the second contains the p-values.


The name of the fit. This name must be unique within the particular workbook where the fit resides. Two fits may have the same name if they are associated with different workbooks.


Note: Adding a fit does not actuall perform the fit. You must call the newly created object's PerformFit method.

Note: This method adds a batch fit. To add a batch fit, use Add Method


[Visual Basic]

Public Sub RunMacro()

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits.AddBatch(ActiveSheet.Range("b2:h13"), RiskFitContinuousSamples, "MyBatch")


End Sub

See Also

RiskFitDefinitionCollection Collection | Add Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


The number of fit definitions in the collection.


Public Function Count() As Long

See Also

RiskFitDefinitionCollection Collection

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Count Method

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Public Function ReviewRiskFitDistributionFunction( _

ByVal p_Cell As Range _

) As Boolean



See Also

RiskFitDefinitionCollection Collection

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ReviewRiskFitDistributionFunction Method

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Returns a single fit definition from the collection.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Item( _

ByVal p_Index As Variant _

) As RiskFitDefinition



This can be specified by name or by numerical index in the collection.


If requesting a fit by name, be aware that if two fits have the same name (which can only occur if they are defined in two different workbooks) the one in the active Excel workbook will be

returned. If two names are the same and neither is in the active Excel workbook, which one is returned is not defined.

Note: This is the 'default' property of the collection and thus it does not need to be explicity specified. In other words, the two lines of code below are equivalent:

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits.Item("MyFit")

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits("MyFit")


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Get the fit definition named 'MyFit'

Dim fitDefinition as RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits("MyFit")

Item Property

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'Get the 3rd fit definition in the collection

Dim fitDefinition As RiskFitDefinition

Set fitDefinition = Risk.Fits(3)

See Also

RiskFitDefinitionCollection Collection | RiskFitDefinition Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Contains summary information about the input data of a fit.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskFitInput members.

See Also

RiskFitInput Members

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskFitInput Object

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Public Properties

Kurtosis Returns the kurtosis (4th standardized central moment) of the input data.

Maximum Returns the maximum value of the input data.

Mean Returns the mean of the input data.

Minimum Returns the minimum of the input data.

Mode Returns the (approximate) mode of the simulation result.

Name Returns the name of the input.

PToX Returns a percentile (x-value) for the fitted input.

Skewness Returns the skewness (3rd standardized central moment) of the input data.

StdDeviation Returns the standard deviation of the input data.

ValuesAreDates Indicates whether the fit input values are dates.

ValuesWereIgnored Indicates in any values were ignored when the input data was collected for fitting.

XToP Returns the fraction of input probability that occurs at or below the specified value.

See Also

RiskFitInput Overview

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RiskFitInput Object Members

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Returns the kurtosis (4th standardized central moment) of the input data.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Kurtosis() As Double


There are two different definitions commonly used by statisticians for kurtosis, which differ from each other by 3. The one used by @RISK gives the normal distribution a kurtosis of 3 and

not 0.

The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display a comparison of the statistic of the input and the normal distribution fit for 'MyFitData'.

Public Sub DisplayFitComparisonStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Comparison Statistics of Input vs Fit:" & vbCrLf

Kurtosis Property

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displayString = displayString & "Min" & vbTab & fitInput.Minimum & " <--> " & fitResult.Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Max" & vbTab & fitInput.Maximum & " <--> " & fitResult.Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean" & vbTab & fitInput.Mean & " <--> " & fitResult.Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mode" & vbTab & fitInput.Mode & " <--> " & fitResult.Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "S.D." & vbTab & fitInput.StdDeviation & " <--> " & fitResult.StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skew" & vbTab & fitInput.Skewness & " <--> " & fitResult.Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurt" & vbTab & fitInput.Kurtosis & " <--> " & fitResult.Kurtosis & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitInput Object | Minimum Property | Maximum Property | Mean Property | Mode Property | StdDeviation Property | Skewness Property | RiskNegativeInfinity Property

| RiskPositiveInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

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Returns the maximum value of the input data.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Maximum() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display a comparison of the statistic of the input and the normal distribution fit for 'MyFitData'.

Public Sub DisplayFitComparisonStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Comparison Statistics of Input vs Fit:" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Min" & vbTab & fitInput.Minimum & " <--> " & fitResult.Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Max" & vbTab & fitInput.Maximum & " <--> " & fitResult.Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean" & vbTab & fitInput.Mean & " <--> " & fitResult.Mean & vbCrLf

Maximum Property

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displayString = displayString & "Mode" & vbTab & fitInput.Mode & " <--> " & fitResult.Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "S.D." & vbTab & fitInput.StdDeviation & " <--> " & fitResult.StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skew" & vbTab & fitInput.Skewness & " <--> " & fitResult.Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurt" & vbTab & fitInput.Kurtosis & " <--> " & fitResult.Kurtosis & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitInput Object | Minimum Property | Mean Property | Mode Property | StdDeviation Property | Skewness Property | Kurtosis Property | RiskNegativeInfinity Property

| RiskPositiveInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the mean of the input data.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Mean() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display a comparison of the statistic of the input and the normal distribution fit for 'MyFitData'.

Public Sub DisplayFitComparisonStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Comparison Statistics of Input vs Fit:" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Min" & vbTab & fitInput.Minimum & " <--> " & fitResult.Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Max" & vbTab & fitInput.Maximum & " <--> " & fitResult.Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean" & vbTab & fitInput.Mean & " <--> " & fitResult.Mean & vbCrLf

Mean Property

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displayString = displayString & "Mode" & vbTab & fitInput.Mode & " <--> " & fitResult.Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "S.D." & vbTab & fitInput.StdDeviation & " <--> " & fitResult.StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skew" & vbTab & fitInput.Skewness & " <--> " & fitResult.Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurt" & vbTab & fitInput.Kurtosis & " <--> " & fitResult.Kurtosis & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitInput Object | Minimum Property | Maximum Property | Mode Property | StdDeviation Property | Skewness Property | Kurtosis Property | RiskNegativeInfinity Property

| RiskPositiveInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the minimum of the input data.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Minimum() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display a comparison of the statistic of the input and the normal distribution fit for 'MyFitData'.

Public Sub DisplayFitComparisonStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Comparison Statistics of Input vs Fit:" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Min" & vbTab & fitInput.Minimum & " <--> " & fitResult.Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Max" & vbTab & fitInput.Maximum & " <--> " & fitResult.Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean" & vbTab & fitInput.Mean & " <--> " & fitResult.Mean & vbCrLf

Minimum Property

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displayString = displayString & "Mode" & vbTab & fitInput.Mode & " <--> " & fitResult.Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "S.D." & vbTab & fitInput.StdDeviation & " <--> " & fitResult.StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skew" & vbTab & fitInput.Skewness & " <--> " & fitResult.Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurt" & vbTab & fitInput.Kurtosis & " <--> " & fitResult.Kurtosis & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitInput Object | Maximum Property | Mean Property | Mode Property | StdDeviation Property | Skewness Property | Kurtosis Property | RiskNegativeInfinity Property

| RiskPositiveInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the (approximate) mode of the simulation result.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Mode() As Double


The mode of a set of continuous sample data is not easily calculated. For data of this type, the result returned here is only an approximation.

The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display a comparison of the statistic of the input and the normal distribution fit for 'MyFitData'.

Public Sub DisplayFitComparisonStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Comparison Statistics of Input vs Fit:" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Min" & vbTab & fitInput.Minimum & " <--> " & fitResult.Minimum & vbCrLf

Mode Property

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displayString = displayString & "Max" & vbTab & fitInput.Maximum & " <--> " & fitResult.Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean" & vbTab & fitInput.Mean & " <--> " & fitResult.Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mode" & vbTab & fitInput.Mode & " <--> " & fitResult.Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "S.D." & vbTab & fitInput.StdDeviation & " <--> " & fitResult.StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skew" & vbTab & fitInput.Skewness & " <--> " & fitResult.Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurt" & vbTab & fitInput.Kurtosis & " <--> " & fitResult.Kurtosis & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitInput Object | Minimum Property | Maximum Property | Mean Property | StdDeviation Property | Skewness Property | Kurtosis Property | RiskNegativeInfinity Property

| RiskPositiveInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the name of the input.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Name() As String


The name comes from the name assigned to the FitDefinition object.

See Also

RiskFitInput Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Name Property

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Returns a percentile (x-value) for the fitted input.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property PToX( _

ByVal p_PValue As Double _

) As Double



The p-value (a number between 0 and 1) for which to return the corresponding x-value.


PToX calculates the value of the result (the "x-value") such that the specified percentage of the input data are at that x-value or less.

The XToP method performs the opposite operation, and returns the percentage of input data that fall at or below the specified x-value.

The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles of the the input data and normal fit for 'MyFitData'.

Public Sub DisplayFitComparisonPercentiles()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

PToX Property

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Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Comparison of Percentiles of Input vs. Fit:" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "10%" & vbTab & fitInput.PToX(0.1) & " <--> " & fitResult.PToX(0.1) & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "50%" & vbTab & fitInput.PToX(0.5) & " <--> " & fitResult.PToX(0.5) & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "90%" & vbTab & fitInput.PToX(0.9) & " <--> " & fitResult.PToX(0.9) & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitInput Object | XToP Property | RiskNegativeInfinity Property | RiskPositiveInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the skewness (3rd standardized central moment) of the input data.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Skewness() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display a comparison of the statistic of the input and the normal distribution fit for 'MyFitData'.

Public Sub DisplayFitComparisonStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Comparison Statistics of Input vs Fit:" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Min" & vbTab & fitInput.Minimum & " <--> " & fitResult.Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Max" & vbTab & fitInput.Maximum & " <--> " & fitResult.Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean" & vbTab & fitInput.Mean & " <--> " & fitResult.Mean & vbCrLf

Skewness Property

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displayString = displayString & "Mode" & vbTab & fitInput.Mode & " <--> " & fitResult.Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "S.D." & vbTab & fitInput.StdDeviation & " <--> " & fitResult.StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skew" & vbTab & fitInput.Skewness & " <--> " & fitResult.Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurt" & vbTab & fitInput.Kurtosis & " <--> " & fitResult.Kurtosis & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitInput Object | Minimum Property | Maximum Property | Mean Property | Mode Property | StdDeviation Property | Kurtosis Property | RiskNegativeInfinity Property

| RiskPositiveInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the standard deviation of the input data.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property StdDeviation() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] ()]

'Display a comparison of the statistic of the input and the normal distribution fit for 'MyFitData'.

Public Sub DisplayFitComparisonStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits("MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Comparison Statistics of Input vs Fit:" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Min" & vbTab & fitInput.Minimum & " <--> " & fitResult.Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Max" & vbTab & fitInput.Maximum & " <--> " & fitResult.Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean" & vbTab & fitInput.Mean & " <--> " & fitResult.Mean & vbCrLf

StdDeviation Property

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displayString = displayString & "Mode" & vbTab & fitInput.Mode & " <--> " & fitResult.Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "S.D." & vbTab & fitInput.StdDeviation & " <--> " & fitResult.StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skew" & vbTab & fitInput.Skewness & " <--> " & fitResult.Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurt" & vbTab & fitInput.Kurtosis & " <--> " & fitResult.Kurtosis & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitInput Object | Minimum Property | Maximum Property | Mean Property | Mode Property | Skewness Property | Kurtosis Property | RiskNegativeInfinity Property

| RiskPositiveInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Indicates whether the fit input values are dates.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ValuesAreDates() As Boolean

See Also

RiskFitInput Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ValuesAreDates Property

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Indicates in any values were ignored when the input data was collected for fitting.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ValuesWereIgnored() As Boolean


Data is ignored if it is non-numeric (string values), errors (#VALUE!, etc.), or blank cells.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Fit the data set 'MyFitData' and report back whether any values were ingored in the input data or not:

Public Sub ReportIgnoredValues()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

If fitInput.ValuesWereIgnored Then

displayString = "Values were ignored in the input data."


displayString = "There were no ignored values in the input data."

End If

ValuesWereIgnored Property

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MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitInput Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the fraction of input probability that occurs at or below the specified value.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property XToP( _

ByVal p_XValue As Double _

) As Double



The x-value for which to return the corresponding p-value.


XToP calculates the fraction of input probability (the 'p-value') that falls below the specified 'x-value'.

The PToX method performs the opposite operation, and returns the x-value which has the specified fraction of probability at or below it.

The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the fraction of input data that occurs at or below 0 for the input data 'MyFitData'

'and compare this with the same fraction for the fitted normal.

Public Sub DisplayInputDataNegativeFraction()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

XToP Property

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Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Fraction of probability at or below zero:" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Input Data = " & fitInput.XToP(0) & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Normal Fit = " & fitResult.XToP(0) & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitInput Object | PToX Property | RiskNegativeInfinity Property | RiskPositiveInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Contains information about a fitted distribution parameter.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskFitParameter members.

See Also

RiskFitParameter Members

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskFitParameter Object

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Public Properties

ConfidenceIntervalWidth Returns the width of the confidence interval of the fitted parameter, based on the parametric bootstrap analysis of the fit.

ConfidenceLevel Returns the cofidence level used in the bootstrap analysis of the fitted parameter.

ConfidenceLowerLimit Returns the lower limit of the confidence interval of the fitted parameter, based on the parametric bootstrap analysis of

the fit.

ConfidenceUpperLimit Returns the upper limit of the confidence interval of the fitted parameter, based on the parametric bootstrap analysis of

the fit.

FitValue Returns the fitted value of the parameter.

FitValueIsEstimated Returns if the fitting process determined the fitted value of this parameter, as opposed to it being a specified, fixed value.

Index Returns the index of the parameter in the distribution argument list.

IsDate Returns if the parameter is a date value.

isDiscrete Returns if the parameter is an integer value.

Name Returns the name of the fitted parameter.

See Also

RiskFitParameter Overview

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RiskFitParameter Object Members

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Returns the width of the confidence interval of the fitted parameter, based on the parametric bootstrap analysis of the fit.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ConfidenceIntervalWidth() As Double


The value will be the special value RiskNaN if the bootstrap was not performed, or failed to run successfully.

See Also

RiskFitParameter Object | ConfidenceLevel Property | ConfidenceLowerLimit Property | ConfidenceUpperLimit Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ConfidenceIntervalWidth Property

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Returns the cofidence level used in the bootstrap analysis of the fitted parameter.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ConfidenceLevel() As Double


The value is between 0 and 1.

See Also

RiskFitParameter Object | ConfidenceIntervalWidth Property | ConfidenceLowerLimit Property | ConfidenceUpperLimit Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ConfidenceLevel Property

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Returns the lower limit of the confidence interval of the fitted parameter, based on the parametric bootstrap analysis of the fit.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ConfidenceLowerLimit() As Double


The value will be the special value RiskNaN if the bootstrap was not performed, or failed to run successfully.

See Also

RiskFitParameter Object | ConfidenceIntervalWidth Property | ConfidenceLevel Property | ConfidenceUpperLimit Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ConfidenceLowerLimit Property

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Returns the upper limit of the confidence interval of the fitted parameter, based on the parametric bootstrap analysis of the fit.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ConfidenceUpperLimit() As Double


The value will be the special value RiskNaN if the bootstrap was not performed, or failed to run successfully.

See Also

RiskFitParameter Object | ConfidenceIntervalWidth Property | ConfidenceLevel Property | ConfidenceLowerLimit Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ConfidenceUpperLimit Property

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Returns the fitted value of the parameter.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property FitValue() As Double


The FitValueIsEstimated Property specifies if this value was actually estimated as part of the fitting process, instead of being a fixed value.

See Also

RiskFitParameter Object | FitValueIsEstimated Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

FitValue Property

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Returns if the fitting process determined the fitted value of this parameter, as opposed to it being a specified, fixed value.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property FitValueIsEstimated() As Boolean


The actual fitted value is returned in the FitValue Property.

See Also

RiskFitParameter Object | FitValue Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

FitValueIsEstimated Property

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Returns the index of the parameter in the distribution argument list.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Index() As Long


A value of 0 indicates a "shift factor" which is not in standard list of @RISK distribution parameters.

See Also

RiskFitParameter Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Index Property

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Returns if the parameter is a date value.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property IsDate() As Boolean

See Also

RiskFitParameter Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

IsDate Property

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Returns if the parameter is an integer value.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property isDiscrete() As Boolean

See Also

RiskFitParameter Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

isDiscrete Property

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Returns the name of the fitted parameter.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Name() As String

See Also

RiskFitParameter Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Name Property

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A collection of RiskFitParameter Objects, describing the parameters of a fitted distribution.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskFitParameterCollection members.

Object Model

See Also

RiskFitParameterCollection Members

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskFitParameterCollection Collection

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Public Properties

Count The number of items in the collection.

Item Returns the specified parameter

NumEstimated Returns the number of parameters that were actually estimated in the fitting process, excluding any fixed parameters.

See Also

RiskFitParameterCollection Overview

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskFitParameterCollection Collection Members

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The number of items in the collection.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Count() As Integer

See Also

RiskFitParameterCollection Collection

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Count Property

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Returns the specified parameter

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Item( _

ByVal p_Index As Long _

) As RiskFitParameter



The index runs from 1 to the number of standard distribution arguments. The special value 0 can be used for a fitted "shift factor".

See Also

RiskFitParameterCollection Collection

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Item Property

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Returns the number of parameters that were actually estimated in the fitting process, excluding any fixed parameters.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property NumEstimated() As Integer

See Also

RiskFitParameterCollection Collection

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

NumEstimated Property

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The results of a single distribution fitting operation.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskFitResult members.

See Also

RiskFitResult Members

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskFitResult Object

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Public Methods

ChiSqBinInformation Returns detailed information about a specific chi-sq test bin.

Public Properties

ChiSqNumBins Returns the number of chi-sq bins for the chi-square goodness-of-fit test.

DistributionFunction Returns the fitted distribution function US/English format.

DistributionFunctionLocal Returns the fitted distribution function local format.

FitName Returns the name of the fit.

InvalidFitDescription Provides a textual description of why a fit was unsuccessful.

Kurtosis Returns the kurtosis (4th standardized central moment) of the fitted distribution.

Maximum Returns the maximum value of the fitted distribution.

Mean Returns the mean of the fitted distribution.

Minimum Returns the minimum of the fitted distribution.

Mode Returns the mode of the fitted distribution.

PToX Returns a percentile (x-value) for the fitted distribution.

Skewness Returns the skewness (3rd standardized central moment) of the fitted distribution.

StdDeviation Returns the standard deviation of the fitted distribution.

ValidFit Indicates whether the fit was successful.

RiskFitResult Object Members

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ValuesAreDates Indicates whether the fit result values are dates.

XToP Returns the fraction of fitted distribution probability that occurs at or below the specified value.

See Also

RiskFitResult Overview

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns detailed information about a specific chi-sq test bin.


Public Function ChiSqBinInformation( _

ByVal p_BinIndex As Integer _

) As RiskChiSqBinInformation



A value between 1 and the number of bins (available in the ChiSqNumBins property) indicating which bin to return information for.


The chi-squared goodness-of-fit test is only calculated for fit of sample data, either continous or discrete.

The ChiSqNumBins property returns the number of bins.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Do a fit of 'MyFitData' and display the chi-sq binning information for the normal fit results:

Public Sub DisplayChiSqBinningInformation()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResults As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim normalFit As RiskFitResult

Dim binInfo As RiskChiSqBinInformation

Dim i As Integer

Set fitResults = Risk.Fits("MyFit").PerformFit

Set normalFit = fitResults("Normal")

ChiSqBinInformation Method

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If normalFit.ValidFit Then

displayString = "Normal fit binning information." & vbCrLf

displayString = "# Chi-Sq Bins = " & normalFit.ChiSqNumBins & vbCrLf

For i = 1 To normalFit.ChiSqNumBins

binInfo = normalFit.ChiSqBinInformation(i)

displayString = displayString & "Bin #" & i & " : " & "Input = " & binInfo.InputOccupation & " Fit = " & binInfo.FitOccupation & vbCrLf

Next i


displayString = "The normal fit was not valid."

End If

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResult Object | ChiSqNumBins Property | RiskChiSqBinInformation Structure | RiskChiSqBinInformation Structure

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the number of chi-sq bins for the chi-square goodness-of-fit test.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ChiSqNumBins() As Integer


The chi-squared goodness-of-fit test is only calculated for fit of sample data, either continous or discrete.

The ChiSqBinInformation method returns detailed information about each bin.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Do a fit of 'MyFitData' and display the chi-sq binning information for the normal fit results:

Public Sub DisplayChiSqBinningInformation()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResults As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim normalFit As RiskFitResult

Dim binInfo As RiskChiSqBinInformation

Dim i As Integer

Set fitResults = Risk.Fits("MyFit").PerformFit

Set normalFit = fitResults("Normal")

If normalFit.ValidFit Then

displayString = "Normal fit binning information." & vbCrLf

ChiSqNumBins Property

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displayString = "# Chi-Sq Bins = " & normalFit.ChiSqNumBins & vbCrLf

For i = 1 To normalFit.ChiSqNumBins

binInfo = normalFit.ChiSqBinInformation(i)

displayString = displayString & "Bin #" & i & " : " & "Input = " & binInfo.InputOccupation & " Fit = " & binInfo.FitOccupation & vbCrLf

Next i


displayString = "The normal fit was not valid."

End If

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResult Object | ChiSqBinInformation Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the fitted distribution function US/English format.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property DistributionFunction() As String


If the fitting process failed, this string will be blank.

This property returns the distribution in US/English format. If you need the same function in the current user's locale, use the DistributionFunctionLocal property instead.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Do a fit of 'MyFitData' and display the Normal distribution that was fit in US and in local format.

Public Sub DisplayDistributionFunctions()

Dim fitResults As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim displayString As String

Set fitResults = Risk.Fits("MyFit").PerformFit

displayString = "Normal fit:" & vbCrLf

With fitResults("Normal")

If .ValidFit Then

displayString = displayString & "US/English Format : " & .DistributionFunction & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Local Format : " & .DistributionFunctionLocal & vbCrLf


DistributionFunction Property

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displayString = displayString & "Invalid Fit." & vbCrLf

End If

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResult Object | DistributionFunctionLocal Property | ValidFit Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the fitted distribution function local format.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property DistributionFunctionLocal() As String


If the fitting process failed, this string will be blank.

This property returns the distribution in local format. If you need the same function in the US/English format, use the DistributionFunction property instead.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Do a fit of 'MyFitData' and display the Normal distribution that was fit in US and in local format.

Public Sub DisplayDistributionFunctions()

Dim fitResults As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim displayString As String

Set fitResults = Risk.Fits("MyFit").PerformFit

displayString = "Normal fit:" & vbCrLf

With fitResults("Normal")

If .ValidFit Then

displayString = displayString & "US/English Format : " & .DistributionFunction & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Local Format : " & .DistributionFunctionLocal & vbCrLf


DistributionFunctionLocal Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

displayString = displayString & "Invalid Fit." & vbCrLf

End If

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResult Object | DistributionFunction Property | ValidFit Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the name of the fit.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property FitName() As String


For an estimated parameter fit, this will be the name of the distribution type. For a predefined distribution fit, this will be the name specified for that particular fit.

See Also

RiskFitResult Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

FitName Property

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Provides a textual description of why a fit was unsuccessful.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property InvalidFitDescription() As String


This property will be blank if the fit was successful.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Do a fit of 'MyFitData' and display the Gamma distribution that was fit.

'If the fit was invalid, display why.

Public Sub CheckForInvalidFit()

Dim fitResults As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim displayString As String

Set fitResults = Risk.Fits("MyFit").PerformFit

With fitResults("Gamma")

If .ValidFit Then

displayString = .DistributionFunction


displayString = "Gamma was not a valid fit." & vbCrLf & .InvalidFitDescription

End If

End With

InvalidFitDescription Property

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MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResult Object | ValidFit Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the kurtosis (4th standardized central moment) of the fitted distribution.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Kurtosis() As Double


There are two different definitions commonly used by statisticians for kurtosis, which differ from each other by 3. The one used by @RISK gives the normal distribution a kurtosis of 3 and

not 0.

The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[Visual Basic]

'Display a comparison of the statistic of the input and the normal distribution fit for 'MyFitData'.

Public Sub DisplayFitComparisonStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Comparison Statistics of Input vs Fit:" & vbCrLf

Kurtosis Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

displayString = displayString & "Min" & vbTab & fitInput.Minimum & " <--> " & fitResult.Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Max" & vbTab & fitInput.Maximum & " <--> " & fitResult.Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean" & vbTab & fitInput.Mean & " <--> " & fitResult.Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mode" & vbTab & fitInput.Mode & " <--> " & fitResult.Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "S.D." & vbTab & fitInput.StdDeviation & " <--> " & fitResult.StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skew" & vbTab & fitInput.Skewness & " <--> " & fitResult.Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurt" & vbTab & fitInput.Kurtosis & " <--> " & fitResult.Kurtosis & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResult Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the maximum value of the fitted distribution.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Maximum() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[Visual Basic]

'Display a comparison of the statistic of the input and the normal distribution fit for 'MyFitData'.

Public Sub DisplayFitComparisonStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Comparison Statistics of Input vs Fit:" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Min" & vbTab & fitInput.Minimum & " <--> " & fitResult.Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Max" & vbTab & fitInput.Maximum & " <--> " & fitResult.Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean" & vbTab & fitInput.Mean & " <--> " & fitResult.Mean & vbCrLf

Maximum Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

displayString = displayString & "Mode" & vbTab & fitInput.Mode & " <--> " & fitResult.Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "S.D." & vbTab & fitInput.StdDeviation & " <--> " & fitResult.StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skew" & vbTab & fitInput.Skewness & " <--> " & fitResult.Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurt" & vbTab & fitInput.Kurtosis & " <--> " & fitResult.Kurtosis & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResult Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the mean of the fitted distribution.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Mean() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[Visual Basic]

'Display a comparison of the statistic of the input and the normal distribution fit for 'MyFitData'.

Public Sub DisplayFitComparisonStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Comparison Statistics of Input vs Fit:" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Min" & vbTab & fitInput.Minimum & " <--> " & fitResult.Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Max" & vbTab & fitInput.Maximum & " <--> " & fitResult.Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean" & vbTab & fitInput.Mean & " <--> " & fitResult.Mean & vbCrLf

Mean Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

displayString = displayString & "Mode" & vbTab & fitInput.Mode & " <--> " & fitResult.Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "S.D." & vbTab & fitInput.StdDeviation & " <--> " & fitResult.StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skew" & vbTab & fitInput.Skewness & " <--> " & fitResult.Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurt" & vbTab & fitInput.Kurtosis & " <--> " & fitResult.Kurtosis & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResult Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the minimum of the fitted distribution.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Minimum() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[Visual Basic]

'Display a comparison of the statistic of the input and the normal distribution fit for 'MyFitData'.

Public Sub DisplayFitComparisonStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Comparison Statistics of Input vs Fit:" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Min" & vbTab & fitInput.Minimum & " <--> " & fitResult.Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Max" & vbTab & fitInput.Maximum & " <--> " & fitResult.Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean" & vbTab & fitInput.Mean & " <--> " & fitResult.Mean & vbCrLf

Minimum Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

displayString = displayString & "Mode" & vbTab & fitInput.Mode & " <--> " & fitResult.Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "S.D." & vbTab & fitInput.StdDeviation & " <--> " & fitResult.StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skew" & vbTab & fitInput.Skewness & " <--> " & fitResult.Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurt" & vbTab & fitInput.Kurtosis & " <--> " & fitResult.Kurtosis & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResult Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the mode of the fitted distribution.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Mode() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[Visual Basic]

'Display a comparison of the statistic of the input and the normal distribution fit for 'MyFitData'.

Public Sub DisplayFitComparisonStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Comparison Statistics of Input vs Fit:" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Min" & vbTab & fitInput.Minimum & " <--> " & fitResult.Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Max" & vbTab & fitInput.Maximum & " <--> " & fitResult.Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean" & vbTab & fitInput.Mean & " <--> " & fitResult.Mean & vbCrLf

Mode Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

displayString = displayString & "Mode" & vbTab & fitInput.Mode & " <--> " & fitResult.Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "S.D." & vbTab & fitInput.StdDeviation & " <--> " & fitResult.StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skew" & vbTab & fitInput.Skewness & " <--> " & fitResult.Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurt" & vbTab & fitInput.Kurtosis & " <--> " & fitResult.Kurtosis & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResult Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns a percentile (x-value) for the fitted distribution.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property PToX( _

ByVal p_PValue As Double _

) As Double



The p-value (a number between 0 and 1) for which to return the corresponding x-value.


PToX calculates the value of the result (the "x-value") such that the specified percentage of the fitted distribution are at that x-value or less.

The XToP method performs the opposite operation, and returns the percentage of values that fall at or below the specified x-value.

The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.

See Also

RiskFitResult Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

PToX Property

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Returns the skewness (3rd standardized central moment) of the fitted distribution.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Skewness() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[Visual Basic]

'Display a comparison of the statistic of the input and the normal distribution fit for 'MyFitData'.

Public Sub DisplayFitComparisonStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Comparison Statistics of Input vs Fit:" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Min" & vbTab & fitInput.Minimum & " <--> " & fitResult.Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Max" & vbTab & fitInput.Maximum & " <--> " & fitResult.Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean" & vbTab & fitInput.Mean & " <--> " & fitResult.Mean & vbCrLf

Skewness Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

displayString = displayString & "Mode" & vbTab & fitInput.Mode & " <--> " & fitResult.Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "S.D." & vbTab & fitInput.StdDeviation & " <--> " & fitResult.StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skew" & vbTab & fitInput.Skewness & " <--> " & fitResult.Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurt" & vbTab & fitInput.Kurtosis & " <--> " & fitResult.Kurtosis & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResult Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the standard deviation of the fitted distribution.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property StdDeviation() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[Visual Basic]

'Display a comparison of the statistic of the input and the normal distribution fit for 'MyFitData'.

Public Sub DisplayFitComparisonStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResultCollection As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim fitInput As RiskFitInput

Dim fitResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResultCollection = Risk.Fits( "MyFitData").PerformFit

Set fitInput = fitResultCollection.fitInput

Set fitResult = fitResultCollection("Normal")

displayString = "Comparison Statistics of Input vs Fit:" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Min" & vbTab & fitInput.Minimum & " <--> " & fitResult.Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Max" & vbTab & fitInput.Maximum & " <--> " & fitResult.Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean" & vbTab & fitInput.Mean & " <--> " & fitResult.Mean & vbCrLf

StdDeviation Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

displayString = displayString & "Mode" & vbTab & fitInput.Mode & " <--> " & fitResult.Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "S.D." & vbTab & fitInput.StdDeviation & " <--> " & fitResult.StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skew" & vbTab & fitInput.Skewness & " <--> " & fitResult.Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurt" & vbTab & fitInput.Kurtosis & " <--> " & fitResult.Kurtosis & vbCrLf

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResult Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Indicates whether the fit was successful.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ValidFit() As Boolean


A fit can be unsuccessful for a variety of reasons. A textual description of the reason a fit failed can be gotten from the InvalidFitDescription property.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Do a fit of 'MyFitData' and display the Gamma distribution that was fit.

'If the fit was invalid, display why.

Public Sub CheckForInvalidFit()

Dim fitResults As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim displayString As String

Set fitResults = Risk.Fits("MyFit").PerformFit

With fitResults("Gamma")

If .ValidFit Then

displayString = .DistributionFunction


displayString = "Gamma was not a valid fit." & vbCrLf & .InvalidFitDescription

End If

End With

ValidFit Property

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MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResult Object | InvalidFitDescription Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Indicates whether the fit result values are dates.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ValuesAreDates() As Boolean

See Also

RiskFitResult Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ValuesAreDates Property

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Returns the fraction of fitted distribution probability that occurs at or below the specified value.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property XToP( _

ByVal p_XValue As Double _

) As Double



The x-value for which to return the corresponding p-value.


XToP calculates the fraction of probability (the 'p-value') that falls below the specified 'x-value'.

The PToX method performs the opposite operation, and returns the x-value which has the specified fraction of probability at or below it.

The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.

See Also

RiskFitResult Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

XToP Property

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A collection of RISKFitResult objects, produced by performing a distribution fitting operation.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskFitResultCollection members.

Object Model

See Also

RiskFitResultCollection Members

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskFitResultCollection Collection

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Public Properties

BestFit Returns the fit result with the best (lowest value) fit statistic of the specified type.

Count Returns the number of fits in the collection.

CountValid Returns the number of fits in the collection that are valid.

FitInput Returns a RiskFitInput object, containing summary information about the input data that was being fit to.

Item Returns a single fit result from the collection.

See Also

RiskFitResultCollection Overview

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskFitResultCollection Collection Members

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Returns the fit result with the best (lowest value) fit statistic of the specified type.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property BestFit( _

ByVal p_Statistic As RiskFitStatistic _

) As RiskFitResult



Value Description

RiskChiSqStatistic The Chi-Square statistic. Often abbreviated Chi-Sq in @RISK.

RiskKolmogorovSmirnovStatistic The Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Often abbreviated K-S in @RISK.

RiskAndersonDarlingStatistic The Anderson-Darling statistic. Often abbreviated A-D in @RISK.

RiskRMSErrorStatistic The Root-Mean Squared Error statistic. Often abbreviated RMSErr in @RISK.

RiskAIC Akaike Information Criterion.

RiskBIC Bayesian Information Criterion.


The function will return a Null reference (Nothing) if the test statistics for all the fit results in the collection are invalid.


BestFit Property

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[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Do a fit of 'MyFitData' and display the best fitting distributions based on the Chi-Sq, A-D, and K-S tests.

Public Sub DisplayBestFits()

Dim displayString as String

Dim fitResults As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim theResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResults = Risk.Fits("MyFitData").PerformFit

displayString = "Fit Results for MyFitData:" & vbCrLf

Set theResult = fitResults.BestFit(RiskChiSqStatistic)

If (theResult Is Nothing) Then

displayString = displayString & "ChiSq: No Fits With Valid Statistic" & vbCrLf


displayString = displayString & "ChiSq: " & theResult.DistributionFunction & vbCrLf

End If

Set theResult = fitResults.BestFit(RiskAndersonDarlingStatistic)

If (theResult Is Nothing) Then

displayString = displayString & "A-D: No Fits With Valid Statistic" & vbCrLf


displayString = displayString & "A-D: " & theResult.DistributionFunction & vbCrLf

End If

Set theResult = fitResults.BestFit(RiskKolmogorovSmirnovStatistic)

If (theResult Is Nothing) Then

displayString = displayString & "K-S: No Fits With Valid Statistic" & vbCrLf


displayString = displayString & "K-S: " & theResult.DistributionFunction & vbCrLf

End If

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResultCollection Collection | Item Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the number of fits in the collection.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Count() As Integer


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Do a fit of 'MyFitData' and display the number of fits that were performs and how many of them were valid.

Public Sub DisplayFitResultCounts()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResults As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim theResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResults = Risk.Fits("MyFitData").PerformFit

displayString = "Number of Fits Performed = " & fitResults.Count & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Number of Valid Fits = " & fitResults.CountValid

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResultCollection Collection | CountValid Property | Item Property

Count Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the number of fits in the collection that are valid.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property CountValid() As Integer


The total number of fits in the collection, including valid and invalid fits, can be gotten from the Count property.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Do a fit of 'MyFitData' and display the number of fits that were performs and how many of them were valid.

Public Sub DisplayFitResultCounts()

Dim displayString As String

Dim fitResults As RiskFitResultCollection

Dim theResult As RiskFitResult

Set fitResults = Risk.Fits("MyFitData").PerformFit

displayString = "Number of Fits Performed = " & fitResults.Count & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Number of Valid Fits = " & fitResults.CountValid

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

CountValid Property

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RiskFitResultCollection Collection | Count Property | Item Property | ValidFit Property | InvalidFitDescription Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns a RiskFitInput object, containing summary information about the input data that was being fit to.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property FitInput() As RiskFitInput

See Also

RiskFitResultCollection Collection

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

FitInput Property

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Returns a single fit result from the collection.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Item( _

ByVal p_Index As Variant _

) As RiskFitResult



This can be specified as a string (the name of the fit - usually the name of the distribution type) or by numerical index in the collection.


Note: This is the 'default' property of the collection and thus it does not need to be explicity specified. In other words, the two lines of code below are equivalent:

Set fitResult = MyFitResultCollection.Item("Normal")

Set fitResult = MyFitResultCollection("Normal")


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Do a fit of 'MyFitData' and display the Normal distribution that was fit.

Public Sub GetNormalFit()

Dim fitResults As RiskFitResultCollection

Set fitResults = Risk.Fits("MyFitData").PerformFit

With fitResults("Normal")

Item Property

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If .ValidFit Then

MsgBox "The normal fit was " & .DistributionFunction


MsgBox "Normal was not a valid fit."

End If

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskFitResultCollection Collection | BestFit Property | Count Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Contains information about a fit test statisic.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskFitTestStatistic members.

See Also

RiskFitTestStatistic Members

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskFitTestStatistic Object

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Public Properties

CriticalValue Returns the critical value of the test statistic based of the results of the parametric bootstrap analysis of the fit.

FitStatisticType Returns the type of fit statistic.

PValue Returns the P-Value of the test statistic, based of the results of the parametric bootstrap analysis of the fit.

TestValue The test value calculated for this fit.

See Also

RiskFitTestStatistic Overview

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskFitTestStatistic Object Members

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Returns the critical value of the test statistic based of the results of the parametric bootstrap analysis of the fit.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property CriticalValue( _

ByVal p_SignificanceLevel As Double _

) As Double



A value between 0 and 1.


The value will be the special value RiskNaN if the bootstrap was not performed, failed to run successfully, or for tests that don't have critical values.

See Also

RiskFitTestStatistic Object | PValue Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

CriticalValue Property

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Returns the type of fit statistic.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property FitStatisticType() As RiskFitStatistic

See Also

RiskFitTestStatistic Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

FitStatisticType Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Returns the P-Value of the test statistic, based of the results of the parametric bootstrap analysis of the fit.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property PValue() As Double


The value will be the special value RiskNaN if the bootstrap was not performed, failed to run successfully, or for statistics that don't have P-Values.

See Also

RiskFitTestStatistic Object | CriticalValue Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

PValue Property

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The test value calculated for this fit.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property TestValue() As Double


May be the special values RiskNaN, RiskPositiveInfinity, or RiskNegativeInfinity.

See Also

RiskFitTestStatistic Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

TestValue Property

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Defines a goal seek analysis.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskGoalSeekAnalysis members.


[Visual Basic]

'Make the mean of the output in cell B5 equal to the value 100, by changing the value in A1.

'The output mean must be within 1% of the target value.

Public Sub RunGoalSeekAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewGoalSeekAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticMean

.OutputTarget = 100

Set .VariationCell = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

.ComparisonMethod = RiskComparePercentOfTargetValue

.ComparisonTolerance = 0.01

If .RunAnalysis() Then

MsgBox "The goal was reached."


MsgBox "The goal could not be reached."

End If

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Members | NewGoalSeekAnalysis Method

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Public Methods

RunAnalysis Runs the analysis defined in the object.

WriteSettingsToWorkbook Writes the current object settings to the specified workbook.

Public Properties

ComparisonMethod Specifies how the output will be compared to the target value.

ComparisonTolerance Specifies how closely the output statistic must match the target value.

GenerateCompletedSimulationResults Specifies that a complete @RISK simulation should be run at the end of a successful goal seek analysis.

MaximumNumSimulations Specifies the maximum number of allowed simulations in the analysis.

OutputCell Specifies the goal seek analysis output cell.

OutputPercentile Specifies which percentile should be calculated for the goal seek output.

OutputStatistic Specifies what statistic is used for the goal seek output.

OutputTarget Specifies the desired value for the goal seek output.

VariationCell Specifies the cell to vary.

VariationMaximum Specifies the maximum value that that variation cell can take.

VariationMinimum Specifies the minimum value that that variation cell can take.

See Also

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Overview | NewGoalSeekAnalysis Method

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object Members

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Runs the analysis defined in the object.


Public Function RunAnalysis() As Boolean

Return Type

Boolean - If the goal was reached, this result will be TRUE and the input cell will be replaced with the number that obtains the desired goal. If the goal could not be reached, the result will

be FALSE and the input cell will be unchanged.


[Visual Basic]

'Make the mean of the output in cell B5 equal to the value 100, by changing the value in A1.

'The output mean must be within 1% of the target value.

Public Sub RunGoalSeekAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewGoalSeekAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticMean

.OutputTarget = 100

Set .VariationCell = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

.ComparisonMethod = RiskComparePercentOfTargetValue

.ComparisonTolerance = 0.01

If .RunAnalysis() Then

MsgBox "The goal was reached."


MsgBox "The goal could not be reached."

RunAnalysis Method

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End If

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Writes the current object settings to the specified workbook.


Public Sub WriteSettingsToWorkbook( _

ByVal p_Workbook As Workbook _




The Excel workbook where the goal seek settings are to be written.


Once settings are written, they can be retrieved when creating a new RiskGoalSeekAnalysis object by specifying the SourceWorkbook parameter.

See Also

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

WriteSettingsToWorkbook Method

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Specifies how the output will be compared to the target value.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ComparisonMethod() As RiskGoalSeekComparisonMethod


[Visual Basic]

'Specify the desired goal to set the 95% of cell A1 to be within 1% of 100.

Public Sub SetGoalSeekOutputInformation(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskGoalSeekAnalysis)

With p_Analysis

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticPercentile

.OutputPercentile = 0.95

.OutputTarget = 100

.ComparisonMethod = RiskComparePercentOfTargetValue

.ComparisonTolerance = 0.01

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object | RiskGoalSeekComparisonMethod Enumeration | ComparisonTolerance Property | OutputStatistic Property | OutputTarget Property

ComparisonMethod Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies how closely the output statistic must match the target value.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ComparisonTolerance() As Double


If the ComparisonMethod Property is set to RiskComparePercentOfTargetValue, this value is a percentage (e.g. .05 = 5%) of the OutputTarget Property. If set to

RiskCompareDistanceFromTargetValue, this value is the absolute distance allowed between the target and the actual calculated value.


[Visual Basic]

'Specify the desired goal to set the 95% of cell A1 to be within 1% of 100.

Public Sub SetGoalSeekOutputInformation(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskGoalSeekAnalysis)

With p_Analysis

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticPercentile

.OutputPercentile = 0.95

.OutputTarget = 100

.ComparisonMethod = RiskComparePercentOfTargetValue

.ComparisonTolerance = 0.01

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object | ComparisonMethod Property | OutputStatistic Property | OutputTarget Property

ComparisonTolerance Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies that a complete @RISK simulation should be run at the end of a successful goal seek analysis.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GenerateCompletedSimulationResults() As Boolean


Setting this property to TRUE allows the user (or macro code) to then analyze the results of the successful goal seek simulation.

See Also

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GenerateCompletedSimulationResults Property

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Specifies the maximum number of allowed simulations in the analysis.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property MaximumNumSimulations() As Integer


If the goal seek analysis can not converge on a valid solution before the specified number of simulation, the analysis will fail.

See Also

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

MaximumNumSimulations Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Specifies the goal seek analysis output cell.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property OutputCell() As Range


The cell must be an @RISK output. If a cell that is not an @RISK output is selected, it will automatically become an @RISK output when the analysis is run.


[Visual Basic]

'Specify the desired goal to set the 95% of cell A1 to be within 1% of 100.

Public Sub SetGoalSeekOutputInformation(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskGoalSeekAnalysis)

With p_Analysis

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticPercentile

.OutputPercentile = 0.95

.OutputTarget = 100

.ComparisonMethod = RiskComparePercentOfTargetValue

.ComparisonTolerance = 0.01

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object | OutputPercentile Property | OutputStatistic Property | OutputTarget Property

OutputCell Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies which percentile should be calculated for the goal seek output.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property OutputPercentile() As Double


This property only has effect if the OutputStatistic Property is set to RiskStatisticPercentile.

The value must be between 0 and 1.


[Visual Basic]

'Specify the desired goal to set the 95% of cell A1 to be within 1% of 100.

Public Sub SetGoalSeekOutputInformation(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskGoalSeekAnalysis)

With p_Analysis

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticPercentile

.OutputPercentile = 0.95

.OutputTarget = 100

.ComparisonMethod = RiskComparePercentOfTargetValue

.ComparisonTolerance = 0.01

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object | OutputCell Property | OutputStatistic Property | OutputTarget Property

OutputPercentile Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies what statistic is used for the goal seek output.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property OutputStatistic() As RiskStatisticType


If this property is set to RiskStatisticPercentile, the specific percentile to use is specified in the OutputPercentile Property.


[Visual Basic]

'Specify the desired goal to set the 95% of cell A1 to be within 1% of 100.

Public Sub SetGoalSeekOutputInformation(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskGoalSeekAnalysis)

With p_Analysis

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticPercentile

.OutputPercentile = 0.95

.OutputTarget = 100

.ComparisonMethod = RiskComparePercentOfTargetValue

.ComparisonTolerance = 0.01

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object | OutputCell Property | OutputPercentile Property | OutputTarget Property

OutputStatistic Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies the desired value for the goal seek output.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property OutputTarget() As Double


How closely the target value must be matched is controlled by the ComparisonMethod Property and ComparisonTolerance Property.


[Visual Basic]

'Specify the desired goal to set the 95% of cell A1 to be within 1% of 100.

Public Sub SetGoalSeekOutputInformation(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskGoalSeekAnalysis)

With p_Analysis

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticPercentile

.OutputPercentile = 0.95

.OutputTarget = 100

.ComparisonMethod = RiskComparePercentOfTargetValue

.ComparisonTolerance = 0.01

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object | OutputCell Property | OutputPercentile Property | OutputStatistic Property | ComparisonMethod Property | ComparisonTolerance Property

OutputTarget Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies the cell to vary.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property VariationCell() As Range


The cell value will vary between the values specified in the VariationMinimum Property and VariationMaximum Property.


[Visual Basic]

'Make the variation cell A1, and vary it between 0 and 1000.

Public Sub SetGoalSeekVariationCellInformation(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskGoalSeekAnalysis)

With p_Analysis

Set .VariationCell = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

.VariationMinimum = 0

.VariationMaximum = 1000

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object | VariationMaximum Property | VariationMinimum Property

VariationCell Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies the maximum value that that variation cell can take.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property VariationMaximum() As Double


If not specified, the default value is RiskPositiveInfinity, indicating that the variation cell is not bounded from above.


[Visual Basic]

'Make the variation cell A1, and vary it between 0 and 1000.

Public Sub SetGoalSeekVariationCellInformation(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskGoalSeekAnalysis)

With p_Analysis

Set .VariationCell = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

.VariationMinimum = 0

.VariationMaximum = 1000

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object | VariationCell Property | VariationMinimum Property

VariationMaximum Property

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Specifies the minimum value that that variation cell can take.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property VariationMinimum() As Double


If not specified, the default value is RiskNegativeInfinity, indicating that the variation cell is not bounded from below.


[Visual Basic]

'Make the variation cell A1, and vary it between 0 and 1000.

Public Sub SetGoalSeekVariationCellInformation(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskGoalSeekAnalysis)

With p_Analysis

Set .VariationCell = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

.VariationMinimum = 0

.VariationMaximum = 1000

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object | VariationCell Property | VariationMaximum Property

VariationMinimum Property

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An object where @RISK modeling dialogs can be displayed, functions swapped, etc.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskModel members.

See Also

RiskModel Members

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskModel Object

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Public Methods

DisplayBatchFitWindow Displays the Distribution Batch Fitting Window to the user.

DisplayDefineDistributionWindow Displays the Define Distribution Window to the user.

DisplayDistributionArtistWindow Displays the Distribution Artist Window to the user.

DisplayFitDistributionWindow Displays the Distribution Fitting Window to the user.

DisplayInsertFunctionWindow Displays Excel's Insert Function Window (and corresponding @RISK distribution graph) for a specified @RISK function


GetInputFunctions Returns an array of information about all the inputs in the currently open Excel workbooks.

GetOutputFunctions Returns an array of information about all the outptus in the currently open Excel workbooks.

SwapInFunctions Swaps in @RISK functions from currently open workbooks.

SwapOutFunctions Swaps out @RISK functions from currently open workbooks.

See Also

RiskModel Overview

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RiskModel Object Members

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Displays the Distribution Batch Fitting Window to the user.


Public Sub DisplayBatchFitWindow()

See Also

RiskModel Object | DisplayFitDistributionWindow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

DisplayBatchFitWindow Method

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Displays the Define Distribution Window to the user.


Public Sub DisplayDefineDistributionWindow()

See Also

RiskModel Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

DisplayDefineDistributionWindow Method

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Displays the Distribution Artist Window to the user.


Public Sub DisplayDistributionArtistWindow()

See Also

RiskModel Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

DisplayDistributionArtistWindow Method

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Displays the Distribution Fitting Window to the user.


Public Sub DisplayFitDistributionWindow()

See Also

RiskModel Object | DisplayBatchFitWindow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

DisplayFitDistributionWindow Method

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Displays Excel's Insert Function Window (and corresponding @RISK distribution graph) for a specified @RISK function type.


Public Sub DisplayInsertFunctionWindow( _

ByVal p_FunctionToAdd As String _




A string specifying the function type. For example, "RiskNormal", "RiskTriang", etc.

See Also

RiskModel Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

DisplayInsertFunctionWindow Method

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Returns an array of information about all the inputs in the currently open Excel workbooks.


Public Function GetInputFunctions( _

ByRef p_FunctionInfo() As RiskFunctionInformation _

) As Long



A structure of type RiskFunctionInformation which will be filled with information about the location, name, and function that defines each input.

Return Type

A long containing the number of inputs returned in the array.


[Visual Basic]

'Displays a message to the user, displaying a list of all inputs and their information:

Public Sub DiplayInputInformation()

Dim fInfo() As RiskFunctionInformation

Dim s As String

Dim n As String

Dim i As Long

n = Risk.Model.GetInputFunctions(fInfo)

s = "numInputs = " & n & vbCrLf

For i = 1 To n

With fInfo(i)

GetInputFunctions Method

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s = s & "#" & i & " : " & .Location.Address & vbTab & . Function & vbTab & .Name & vbCrLf

End With

Next i

MsgBox s

End Sub

See Also

RiskModel Object | GetOutputFunctions Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns an array of information about all the outptus in the currently open Excel workbooks.


Public Function GetOutputFunctions( _

ByRef p_FunctionInfo() As RiskFunctionInformation _

) As Long



A structure of type RiskFunctionInformation which will be filled with information about the location, name, and function that defines each output.

Return Type

A long containing the number of outputs returned in the array.


[Visual Basic]

'Displays a message to the user, displaying a list of all outputs and their information:

Public Sub DiplayOutputInformation()

Dim fInfo() As RiskFunctionInformation

Dim s As String

Dim n As String

Dim i As Long

n = Risk.Model.GetOutputFunctions(fInfo)

s = "numOutputs = " & n & vbCrLf

For i = 1 To n

With fInfo(i)

GetOutputFunctions Method

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s = s & "#" & i & " : " & .Location.Address & vbTab & . Function & vbTab & .Name & vbCrLf

End With

Next i

MsgBox s

End Sub

See Also

RiskModel Object | GetInputFunctions Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Swaps in @RISK functions from currently open workbooks.


Public Sub SwapInFunctions()


To prevent any dialogs from being displayed during this process, turn off the DisplayAlerts Property.

See Also

RiskModel Object | SwapOutFunctions Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SwapInFunctions Method

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Swaps out @RISK functions from currently open workbooks.


Public Sub SwapOutFunctions()


To prevent any dialogs from being displayed during this process, turn off the DisplayAlerts Property.

See Also

RiskModel Object | SwapInFunctions Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SwapOutFunctions Method

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An object for the control of the @RISK for Project features of the application.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskProject members.

See Also

RiskProject Members

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskProject Object

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Public Methods

CreateParameterEntryTable Creates an @RISK for Project parameter entry table.

CreateProbabilisticGanttChart Creates a probabilistic Gantt chart in an Excel Workbook

CreateStandardGanttChart Creates a standard (deterministic) Gantt chart in an Excel Workbook.

ImportMPPFile Imports a Microsoft Project .MPP file into @RISK for Excel.

SyncProjectNow Synchronizes Excel Workbook containing @RISK for Project information will any models open in @RISK for Project.

Public Properties

CalculateCriticalIndices Controls whether Critical Indices are calculated during @RISK simulations.

CalculateProbabilisticGanttStats Controls whether Probabilistic Gantt chart information is calculated during @RISK simulations.

FeatureAvailable Indicates whether the @RISK for Project feature is available.

ProjectCalculationMode Controls how @RISK for Project is updated when changes are made in Microsoft Project

SimulationDateRange Controls the range of dates that will be simuated in @RISK for Project.

See Also

RiskProject Overview

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RiskProject Object Members

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Creates an @RISK for Project parameter entry table.


Public Sub CreateParameterEntryTable( _

ByVal p_FieldName As String, _

ByVal p_DistributionName As String, _

ByVal p_MinChange As Double, _

ByVal p_MaxChange As Double, _

Optional ByVal p_TaskWorkbook As Workbook = Nothing _




The name of the field in project for which the parameter entry table will be created.


The name of the distribution type (e.g. RiskNormal).


The minimum change amount, a fractional value between 0 and 1.


The maximum change amount, a fractional value between 0 and 1.


Optional - If specified, the workbook in which the parameter entry table will be created. If omitted, a new parameter entry table will be created for each open workbook containing

@RISK for Project information.

See Also

RiskProject Object | CreateProbabilisticGanttChart Method | CreateStandardGanttChart Method

CreateParameterEntryTable Method

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Creates a probabilistic Gantt chart in an Excel Workbook


Public Sub CreateProbabilisticGanttChart( _

Optional ByVal p_TaskWorkbook As Workbook = Nothing _




Optional - If specified, the workbook in which the Gannt chart will be created. If omitted, one chart will be created for each open workbook containing @RISK for Project information.

See Also

RiskProject Object | CreateParameterEntryTable Method | CreateStandardGanttChart Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

CreateProbabilisticGanttChart Method

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Creates a standard (deterministic) Gantt chart in an Excel Workbook.


Public Sub CreateStandardGanttChart( _

Optional ByVal p_TaskWorkbook As Workbook = Nothing _




Optional - If specified, the workbook in which the Gannt chart will be created. If omitted, one chart will be created for each open workbook containing @RISK for Project information.

See Also

RiskProject Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

CreateStandardGanttChart Method

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Imports a Microsoft Project .MPP file into @RISK for Excel.


Public Sub ImportMPPFile( _

ByVal p_FilePath As String _




The full path and file name of the file to be imported.

See Also

RiskProject Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ImportMPPFile Method

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.


Synchronizes Excel Workbook containing @RISK for Project information will any models open in @RISK for Project.


Public Sub SyncProjectNow()

See Also

RiskProject Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SyncProjectNow Method

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Controls whether Critical Indices are calculated during @RISK simulations.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property CalculateCriticalIndices() As Boolean

See Also

RiskProject Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

CalculateCriticalIndices Property

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Controls whether Probabilistic Gantt chart information is calculated during @RISK simulations.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property CalculateProbabilisticGanttStats() As Boolean

See Also

RiskProject Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

CalculateProbabilisticGanttStats Property

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Indicates whether the @RISK for Project feature is available.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property FeatureAvailable() As Boolean

See Also

RiskProject Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

FeatureAvailable Property

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Controls how @RISK for Project is updated when changes are made in Microsoft Project

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ProjectCalculationMode() As RiskProjectCalculationMode

See Also

RiskProject Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ProjectCalculationMode Property

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Controls the range of dates that will be simuated in @RISK for Project.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimulationDateRange() As RiskProjectSimulationDateRange

See Also

RiskProject Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SimulationDateRange Property

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An object which allows access to the results of the most recently run @RISK simulation.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskSimResultCollection members.

Object Model

See Also

RiskSimResultCollection Members

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskSimResultCollection Object

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Public Methods

Clear Clears @RISK simulation results.

GetSimulatedInput Returns a RiskSimulatedResult object, containing information about the simulation results of the specified input


GetSimulatedOutput Returns a RiskSimulatedResult object, containing information about the simulation results of the specified output.

ResultsGraph Creates a graph of the specified input and places it in Excel.

Public Properties

Exist Indicates whether there are currently any @RISK simulation results available.

NumInputs Indicates how many inputs exist in the current @RISK simulation results.

NumOutputs Indicates how many outputs exist in the current @RISK simulation results.

NumSimulations Indicates how many simulations exist in the current @RISK simulation results.

RandomNumberGenerator Returns the random number generator used to create the current set of @RISK results.

RandomNumberSeed Returns the random number seed used to generate the current simulation results.

See Also

RiskSimResultCollection Overview

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RiskSimResultCollection Object Members

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Clears @RISK simulation results.


Public Sub Clear()


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

Public Sub ClearSimulationResults()


End Sub

See Also

RiskSimResultCollection Object | Exist Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Clear Method

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Returns a RiskSimulatedResult object, containing information about the simulation results of the specified input distribution.


Public Function GetSimulatedInput( _

ByVal p_Reference As Variant, _

Optional ByVal p_Simulation As Variant = 1 _

) As RiskSimulatedResult



Indicates which input to return information for. This can be specified in three different ways:

(String) If the reference is a string, it refers to the official name of the input, as determined either automatically by @RISK, or directly specified in an RiskName() property function.

(Excel Range Object) If an Excel.Range object is passed for the reference, the input located in that cell will be used. If more than one input reside in that cell, the first input will be


(Long) If an long integer is passed for the reference, the input with that index in @RISK's list of inputs will be used.


Indicates which simulation to return information for, in the case of a multiple simulation run.

This parameter is optional. If not specified, the results of the first simulation will be returned.

This can be either the numerical index of the simulation, where the first simulation is 1, the second 2, and so on, or it can be the name of a simulation, as defined by the user.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Demonstrate three different ways to get an @RISK's input's mean and std. deviation and display it.

'Assume the 19th input in @RISK's input list has a name of 'MyInput' and is located on Cell C36 of the active sheet.

Public Sub GetInputStatisticsByName()

GetSimulatedInput Method

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Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedInput("MyInput")

displayString = "Mean = " & .Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Std. Deviation = " & .StdDeviation

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

Public Sub GetInputStatisticsByRange()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedInput(ActiveSheet.Range("C36"))

displayString = "Mean = " & .Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Std. Deviation = " & .StdDeviation

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

Public Sub GetInputStatisticsByIndex()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedInput(19)

displayString = "Mean = " & .Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Std. Deviation = " & .StdDeviation

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimResultCollection Object | GetSimulatedOutput Method | RiskSimulatedResult Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns a RiskSimulatedResult object, containing information about the simulation results of the specified output.


Public Function GetSimulatedOutput( _

ByVal p_Reference As Variant, _

Optional ByVal p_Simulation As Variant = 1 _

) As RiskSimulatedResult



Indicates which output to return information for. This can be specified in three different ways:

(String) If the reference is a string, it refers to the official name of the output, as determined either automatically by @RISK, or directly specified in the RiskOutput() function

(Excel Range Object) If an Excel.Range object is passed for the reference, the output located in that cell will be used.

(Long) If an long integer is passed for the reference, the output with that index in @RISK's list of outputs will be used.


Indicates which simulation to return information for, in the case of a multiple simulation run.

This parameter is optional. If not specified, the results of the first simulation will be returned.

This can be either the numerical index of the simulation, where the first simulation is 1, the second 2, and so on, or it can be the name of a simulation, as defined by the user.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Demonstrate three different ways to get an @RISK's output's mean and std. deviation and display it.

'Assume the 11th output in @RISK's output list has a name of 'NPV (10%)' and is located on Cell C10 of the active sheet.

Public Sub GetOutputStatisticsByName()

Dim displayString As String

GetSimulatedOutput Method

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With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("NPV (10%)")

displayString = "Mean = " & .Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Std. Deviation = " & .StdDeviation

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

Public Sub GetOutputStatisticsByRange()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput(ActiveSheet.Range("C10"))

displayString = "Mean = " & .Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Std. Deviation = " & .StdDeviation

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

Public Sub GetOutputStatisticsByIndex()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput(11)

displayString = "Mean = " & .Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Std. Deviation = " & .StdDeviation

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimResultCollection Object | GetSimulatedInput Method | RiskSimulatedResult Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Creates a graph of the specified input and places it in Excel.


Public Function ResultsGraph( _

ByVal p_SourceRange As Range, _

ByVal p_DestRange As Range, _

ByVal p_GraphType As RiskResultsGraphType, _

Optional ByVal p_UseExcelFormat As Boolean = False, _

Optional ByVal p_LeftDelimiterPercentile As Double = RISK_AUTO_BASE_VALUE, _

Optional ByVal p_RightDelimiterPercentile As Double = RISK_AUTO_BASE_VALUE, _

Optional ByVal p_XAxisMinimum As Double = RISK_AUTO_BASE_VALUE, _

Optional ByVal p_XAxisMaximum As Double = RISK_AUTO_BASE_VALUE, _

Optional ByVal p_XAxisScale As Integer = -32768, _

Optional ByVal p_Title As String = "", _

Optional ByVal p_SimNumber As Integer = 1 _

) As Object



The location of the source input or output.


The bounding range where the graph will be placed.


Value Description




ResultsGraph Method

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If TRUE, the graph will be in Excel native format. If FALSE the graph will be a picture image of an @RISK graph.


For graphs with delimiters, controls the placement of the left delimiter. Must be between 0 and 1.


For graphs with delimiters, controls the placement of the right delimiter. Must be between 0 and 1.


Controls the x-axis minimum.


Controls the x-axis maximum.


Controls the x-axis scale, in terms of powers of 10. For example, 0 means no scale factor, 3 means a scale factor of 10^3 or "thousands."


Controls the title of the graph.


Specified the simulation number for a multiple simulation run.

Return Type

The graph object. Either a Picture for an @RISK graph or a ChartObject for an Excel native chart.


[Visual Basic]

'Makes a histogram graph in @RISK format for the output at cell C3.

Public Sub MakeHistogramGraph

Dim theGraph As Picture

Set theGraph = Risk.Simulation.Results.ResultsGraph(ActiveSheet.Range("C3", ActiveSheet.Range("e5:I15"), RiskResultsGraphHistogram)

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimResultCollection Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Indicates whether there are currently any @RISK simulation results available.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Exist() As Boolean


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display basic information about the current set of @RISK simulation results.

Public Sub DisplaySimulationResultInformation()

Dim displayString As String

If Risk.Simulation.Results.Exist Then

displayString = "There are @RISK simulation results."

displayString = displayString & vbCrLf & " # Inputs = " & Risk.Simulation.Results.NumInputs

displayString = displayString & vbCrLf & " # Outputs = " & Risk.Simulation.Results.NumOutputs

displayString = displayString & vbCrLf & " # Simulations = " & Risk.Simulation.Results.NumSimulations


displayString = "There are no @RISK simulation results."

End If

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimResultCollection Object | Clear Method | NumInputs Property | NumOutputs Property | NumSimulations Property

Exist Property

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Indicates how many inputs exist in the current @RISK simulation results.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property NumInputs() As Long


Only the inputs that had their samples collection will be in this list. See the CollectDistributionSamples property for more information.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display basic information about the current set of @RISK simulation results.

Public Sub DisplaySimulationResultInformation()

Dim displayString As String

If Risk.Simulation.Results.Exist Then

displayString = "There are @RISK simulation results."

displayString = displayString & vbCrLf & " # Inputs = " & Risk.Simulation.Results.NumInputs

displayString = displayString & vbCrLf & " # Outputs = " & Risk.Simulation.Results.NumOutputs

displayString = displayString & vbCrLf & " # Simulations = " & Risk.Simulation.Results.NumSimulations


displayString = "There are no @RISK simulation results."

End If

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

NumInputs Property

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See Also

RiskSimResultCollection Object | CollectDistributionSamples Property | NumOutputs Property | NumSimulations Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Indicates how many outputs exist in the current @RISK simulation results.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property NumOutputs() As Long


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display basic information about the current set of @RISK simulation results.

Public Sub DisplaySimulationResultInformation()

Dim displayString As String

If Risk.Simulation.Results.Exist Then

displayString = "There are @RISK simulation results."

displayString = displayString & vbCrLf & " # Inputs = " & Risk.Simulation.Results.NumInputs

displayString = displayString & vbCrLf & " # Outputs = " & Risk.Simulation.Results.NumOutputs

displayString = displayString & vbCrLf & " # Simulations = " & Risk.Simulation.Results.NumSimulations


displayString = "There are no @RISK simulation results."

End If

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimResultCollection Object | NumInputs Property | NumSimulations Property

NumOutputs Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Indicates how many simulations exist in the current @RISK simulation results.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property NumSimulations() As Long


[[New Example] ()]

'Display basic information about the current set of @RISK simulation results.

Public Sub DisplaySimulationResultInformation()

Dim displayString As String

If Risk.Simulation.Results.Exist Then

displayString = "There are @RISK simulation results."

displayString = displayString & vbCrLf & " # Inputs = " & Risk.Simulation.Results.NumInputs

displayString = displayString & vbCrLf & " # Outputs = " & Risk.Simulation.Results.NumOutputs

displayString = displayString & vbCrLf & " # Simulations = " & Risk.Simulation.Results.NumSimulations


displayString = "There are no @RISK simulation results."

End If

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimResultCollection Object | NumInputs Property | NumOutputs Property | NumSimulations Property

NumSimulations Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the random number generator used to create the current set of @RISK results.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RandomNumberGenerator() As RiskRandomNumberGenerator


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display information about the random numbers used in the current @RISK simulation results.

Public Sub DisplaySimulationRandomNumberInformation()

Dim generatorString As String

If Risk.Simulation.Results.Exist Then

Select Case Risk.Simulation.Results.RandomNumberGenerator

Case RiskMersenneTwister: generatorString = "Mersenne Twister"

Case RiskMRG32k3a: generatorString = "MRG32k3a"

Case RiskMWC: generatorString = "MWC"

Case RiskKISS: generatorString = "KISS"

Case RiskLFIB4: generatorString = "LFIB4"

Case RiskSWB: generatorString = "SWB"

Case RiskKISS_SWB: generatorString = "KISS_SWB"

Case RiskRAN3I: generatorString = "RAN3I"

Case Else: generatorString = "<Unknown>"

End Select

RandomNumberGenerator Property

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MsgBox "The current @RISK simulation used" & vbCrLf & _

"Random Number Generator = " & generatorString & vbCrLf & _

"Seed = " & Risk.Simulation.Results.RandomNumberSeed


MsgBox "There are no @RISK simulation results."

End If

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimResultCollection Object | RandomNumberSeed Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the random number seed used to generate the current simulation results.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RandomNumberSeed( _

Optional ByVal p_Simulation As Variant = 1 _

) As Variant



Indicates which simulation to return information for, in the case of a multiple simulation run.

This can be either the numerical index of the simulation, where the first simulation is 1, the second 2, and so on, or it can be the name of a simulation, as defined by the user.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display information about the random numbers used in the current @RISK simulation results.

Public Sub DisplaySimulationRandomNumberInformation()

Dim generatorString As String

If Risk.Simulation.Results.Exist Then

Select Case Risk.Simulation.Results.RandomNumberGenerator

Case RiskMersenneTwister: generatorString = "Mersenne Twister"

Case RiskMRG32k3a: generatorString = "MRG32k3a"

Case RiskMWC: generatorString = "MWC"

Case RiskKISS: generatorString = "KISS"

Case RiskLFIB4: generatorString = "LFIB4"

RandomNumberSeed Property

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Case RiskSWB: generatorString = "SWB"

Case RiskKISS_SWB: generatorString = "KISS_SWB"

Case RiskRAN3I: generatorString = "RAN3I"

Case Else: generatorString = "<Unknown>"

End Select

MsgBox "The current @RISK simulation used" & vbCrLf & _

"Random Number Generator = " & generatorString & vbCrLf & _

"Seed = " & Risk.Simulation.Results.RandomNumberSeed


MsgBox "There are no @RISK simulation results."

End If

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimResultCollection Object | RandomNumberGenerator Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Contains simulation results for an @RISK input or output.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskSimulatedResult members.

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Members

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskSimulatedResult Object

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Public Methods

CalculateCorrelationSensitivities Returns correlation sensitivity information for the simulation output results.

CalculateRegressionSensitivities Returns regression sensitivity information for the simulation output results.

CalculateScenarios Returns scenario information for the given simulated output result.

CalculateStatisticChangeSensitivities Returns "change is statistic" sensitivity information for a simulation output.

GetSampleData Returns an array of sample data for the given result.

Public Properties

ExcelCell Returns an Excel.Range object, indicating where the input or output was located.

IsOutput Indiciates whether a simulation result came from an output or an input.

ItemIndex Returns the index of the output or input in the collection of simulation results.

Kurtosis Returns the skewness (4th standardized central moment) of the simulation result.

Maximum Returns the maximum value sampled in the simulation result.

Mean Returns the mean of the simulation result.

Minimum Returns the minimum value sampled in the simulation result.

Mode Returns the (approximate) mode of the simulation result.

Name Returns the name of the input or output that generated the results in this object.

NumSamplesError Returns the number of samples that were excluded from result calculations because they had error values.

RiskSimulatedResult Object Members

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NumSamplesFiltered Returns the number of samples that were excluded from result calculations because they were removed from a

user-defined filter.

NumSamplesTotal Returns the total number of samples in the simulation result.

NumSamplesUsed Returns the total number of samples used to calculate the statistics, percentiles, and other results for this object.

PToX Returns a percentile (x-value) for the simulated result.

SimIndex For results generated from a multiple simulation run, indicates the index of the simulation refered to by this object.

Skewness Returns the skewness (3rd standardized central moment) of the simulation result.

StdDeviation Returns the standard deviation of the simulation result.

XToP Returns the fraction of samples that occur at or below the specified value.

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Overview

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns correlation sensitivity information for the simulation output results.


Public Function CalculateCorrelationSensitivities( _

ByRef p_Sensitivities() As RiskSensitivityData _

) As Long



An array of RISKSensitivityData stuctures that will be filled in by the method.

This array will come back sorted, with the highest correlation values first.

There will be one structure for each input that has a direct function relationship with the output. In other words, no input that is not a functional precedent of the output will appear in

this array. Even inputs with a correlation coefficient of zero with the output will be represented in the return array.

Return Type

Long - The number of elements in the returned array.


This method can only be called on output simulation results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display correlation sensitivity information for the output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplayCorrelationSensitivities()

Dim displayString As String

Dim numInputs As Long

Dim sensitivityData() As RiskSensitivityData

Dim i As Long

CalculateCorrelationSensitivities Method

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numInputs = Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput").CalculateCorrelationSensitivities(sensitivityData)

displayString = "There are " & numInputs & " inputs :" & vbCrLf

For i = 1 To numInputs

displayString = displayString & "Input #" & i & " : " & _

Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedInput(sensitivityData(i).InputIndex).ExcelCell.Address & _

" = " & sensitivityData(i).Coefficient & vbCrLf

Next i

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | CalculateRegressionSensitivities Method | CalculateScenarios Method | RiskSensitivityData Structure

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns regression sensitivity information for the simulation output results.


Public Function CalculateRegressionSensitivities( _

ByVal p_CoefficientFormat As RiskRegressionCoefficientFormat, _

ByRef p_Sensitivities() As RiskSensitivityData, _

Optional ByRef p_RValue As Double _

) As Long



Value Description

RiskRegressionEquationCoefficients Raw regression equation coefficients.

RiskRegressionStdBCoefficients The raw regression equation coefficients are 'standardized' by multiplying by the factor (Input Std. Deviation / Output Std.


RiskRegressionMappedValues The raw regression equation coefficients are multiplied by the Input Std. Deviation.

Indicates in what format the regression coefficients should be returned.


An array of RISKSensitivityData stuctures that will be filled in by the method.

This array will come back sorted, with the highest coefficient values first.

There will be one structure for each input that has a direct function relationship with the output. In other words, no input that is not a functional precedent of the output will appear in

this array. Even inputs with a regression coefficient of zero with the output will be represented in the return array.

The type of coefficient returned is controled by the CoefficientFormat parameter.


Optionally returns the 'r'-Value of the regression fit.

CalculateRegressionSensitivities Method

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Return Type

Long - The size of the Sensitivities return array.


This method can only be called on output simulation results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display regression sensitivity information for the output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplayRegressionSensitivities()

Dim displayString

Dim numInputs As Long

Dim sensitivityData() As RiskSensitivityData

Dim rValue As Double

Dim i As Long

numInputs = Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput").CalculateRegressionSensitivities(RiskRegressionStdBCoefficients, sensitivityData, rValue)

displayString = "There are " & numInputs & " inputs :" & vbCrLf

displayString = "r-Value = " & rValue & vbCrLf

For i = 1 To numInputs

displayString = displayString & "Input #" & i & " : " & _

Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedInput(sensitivityData(i).InputIndex).ExcelCell.Address & _

" = " & sensitivityData(i).Coefficient & vbCrLf

Next i

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | CalculateCorrelationSensitivities Method | CalculateScenarios Method | RiskSensitivityData Structure | RiskRegressionCoefficientFormat Enumeration

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns scenario information for the given simulated output result.


Public Function CalculateScenarios( _

ByVal p_TargetMinimum As Double, _

ByVal p_TargetMaximum As Double, _

ByVal p_TargetsArePercentiles As Boolean, _

ByRef p_ScenarioData() As RiskScenarioData _

) As Long



The minimum target value. This is either an actual value or a percentile (between 0 and 1) depending on the TargetsArePercentiles parameter.


The maximum target value. This is either an actual value or a percentile (between 0 and 1) depending on the TargetsArePercentiles parameter.


Indicates whether the values specified in TargetMinimum and TargetMaximum are percentiles or actual values.


An array of RISKScenarioData stuctures that will be filled in by the method.

This array will come back sorted, with the highest significance values first.

There will be one structure for each input that has a direct function relationship with the output. In other words, no input that is not a functional precedent of the output will appear in

this array. Even inputs with a significance of zero for the specified target and output will be represented in the return array.

Return Type

Long - The number of scenario results in the returned array.


This method can only be called on output simulation results.

CalculateScenarios Method

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[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Show the scenario significance information for a >75% scenario.

Public Sub DisplayScenarioResults()

Dim displayString As String

Dim numInputs As String

Dim scenarioData() As RiskScenarioData

Dim i As Long

numInputs = Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput(ActiveSheet.Range("C10")).CalculateScenarios(0.75, 1, True, scenarioData)

displayString = "There are " & numInputs & " inputs :" & vbCrLf

For i = 1 To numInputs

displayString = displayString & "Input #" & i & " : " & _

Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedInput(scenarioData(i).InputIndex).ExcelCell.Address & _

" = " & scenarioData(i).Significance & vbCrLf

Next i

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | CalculateCorrelationSensitivities Method | CalculateRegressionSensitivities Method | RiskScenarioData Structure

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns "change is statistic" sensitivity information for a simulation output.


Public Function CalculateStatisticChangeSensitivities( _

ByVal p_NumBins As Long, _

ByVal p_Statistic As RiskStatisticType, _

ByVal p_Percentile As Double, _

ByRef p_Sensitivities() As RiskStatisticSensitivityData _

) As Long



The number of bins that the data will be grouped into.


Value Description

RiskStatisticMinimum The minimum.

RiskStatisticMaximum The maximum.

RiskStatisticMean The mean.

RiskStatisticMode The mode.

RiskStatisticMedian The median (50th percentile)

RiskStatisticSkewness The skewness.

RiskStatisticKurtosis The kurtosis.

RiskStatisticStdDeviation The standard deviation.

CalculateStatisticChangeSensitivities Method

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

RiskStatisticVariance The variance.

RiskStatisticPercentile A percentile.


Currently only the mean and percentiles are permitted.


If the Statistic specified is a percentile, specifies which percentile. Must be between 0 and 1.


An array of RiskStatisticSensitivityData Structure that will be filled in by the method.

This array will come back sorted, with the highest correlation values first.

There will be one structure for each input that has a direct function relationship with the output. In other words, no input that is not a functional precedent of the output will appear in

this array. Even inputs with a correlation coefficient of zero with the output will be represented in the return array.

Return Type

Long - The number of inputs in the returned array. Only inputs with a functional (precedence) relationship with the output will be included.


[Visual Basic]

'Display the most signifant input in controlling the mean of the output in cell d6.

Public Sub GetMostSignficantInput()

Dim outputResult As RiskSimulatedResult

Dim numInputs As Long

Dim sensInfo() As RiskStatisticSensitivityData

Dim inputLocation As String

Set outputResult = Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput(Range("Sheet1!$D$6"))

numInputs = outputResult.CalculateStatisticChangeSensitivities(5, RiskStatisticMean, 0, sensInfo)

If (numInputs > 0) Then

inputLocation = Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedInput(sensInfo(1).InputIndex).ExcelCell.Address

With sensInfo(1)

MsgBox "Biggest Input " & inputLocation & " -> Min Mean = " & .MinimumValue & " Max Mean = " & .MaximumValue

End With

End If

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns an array of sample data for the given result.


Public Function GetSampleData( _

ByRef p_Data() As Double, _

ByVal p_ValidSamplesOnly As Variant _

) As Long



The array which will be filled with sample data by the method.


Indicates whether only valid samples (non-error, non-filtered values) will be returned. Setting this to TRUE will strip these values from the array. Setting the to FALSE will leave the

bad values in the array, where they will be marked with the special value RiskNaN.

Return Type

Long - The number of elements in the array.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

Public Sub DisplaySampleData()

Dim displayString As String

Dim numSamples As Long

Dim numSamplesToDisplay As Long

Dim sampleData() As Double

Dim i As Long

numSamples = Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput( "MyOutput").GetSampleData(sampleData, True)

GetSampleData Method

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If numSamples > 10 Then numSamplesToDisplay = 10 Else numSamplesToDisplay = numSamples

displayString = "There are " & numSamples & " valid samples." & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "The first " & numSamplesToDisplay & " values are:" & vbCrLf

For i = 1 To numSamplesToDisplay

displayString = displayString & sampleData(i) & vbCrLf

Next i

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | NumSamplesUsed Property | NumSamplesTotal Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns an Excel.Range object, indicating where the input or output was located.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ExcelCell() As Range


This cell location refers to the cell where the input or output was located at the time the simulation was run. If subsequently the input or output was moved, this location may no longer be



[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Displays basic information about the simulation results for output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplayResultIdentificationInformation()

Dim displayString

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Name = " & .Name & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "IsOutput = " & .IsOutput & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Cell = " & .ExcelCell.Address & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "ItemIndex = " & .ItemIndex & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "SimIndex = " & .SimIndex & vbCrLf

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

ExcelCell Property

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See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | ItemIndex Property | Name Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Indiciates whether a simulation result came from an output or an input.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property IsOutput() As Boolean


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Displays basic information about the simulation results for output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplayResultIdentificationInformation()

Dim displayString

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Name = " & .Name & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "IsOutput = " & .IsOutput & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Cell = " & .ExcelCell.Address & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "ItemIndex = " & .ItemIndex & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "SimIndex = " & .SimIndex & vbCrLf

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | ExcelCell Property | ItemIndex Property | Name Property | SimIndex Property

IsOutput Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the index of the output or input in the collection of simulation results.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ItemIndex() As Long


There are two lists, one for inputs and one for outputs. Thus there can be an input with index 1 and an output with index 1.

This index is reference by several analysis results, such as those returned by CalculateCorrelationSensitivities, CalculateRegressionSensitivities, and CalculationScenarios.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Displays basic information about the simulation results for output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplayResultIdentificationInformation()

Dim displayString

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Name = " & .Name & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "IsOutput = " & .IsOutput & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Cell = " & .ExcelCell.Address & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "ItemIndex = " & .ItemIndex & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "SimIndex = " & .SimIndex & vbCrLf

End With

MsgBox displayString

ItemIndex Property

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End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | ExcelCell Property | IsOutput Property | Name Property | SimIndex Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the skewness (4th standardized central moment) of the simulation result.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Kurtosis() As Double


There are two different definitions commonly used by statisticians for kurtosis, which differ from each other by 3. The one used by @RISK gives the normal distribution a kurtosis of 3 and

not 0.

The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the statistics of the simulation results for output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplayResultStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Minimum = " & .Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Maximum = " & .Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean = " & .Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mode (Approximate) = " & .Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Std. Deviation = " & .StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skewness = " & .Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurtosis = " & .Kurtosis & vbCrLf

Kurtosis Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | Minimum Property | Maximum Property | Mean Property | Mode Property | StdDeviation Property | Skewness Property | RiskPositiveInfinity Property

| RiskNegativeInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the maximum value sampled in the simulation result.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Maximum() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the statistics of the simulation results for output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplayResultStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Minimum = " & .Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Maximum = " & .Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean = " & .Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mode (Approximate) = " & .Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Std. Deviation = " & .StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skewness = " & .Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurtosis = " & .Kurtosis & vbCrLf

End With

MsgBox displayString

Maximum Property

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End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | Minimum Property | Mean Property | Mode Property | StdDeviation Property | Skewness Property | Kurtosis Property | RiskPositiveInfinity Property

| RiskNegativeInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the mean of the simulation result.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Mean() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the statistics of the simulation results for output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplayResultStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Minimum = " & .Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Maximum = " & .Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean = " & .Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mode (Approximate) = " & .Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Std. Deviation = " & .StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skewness = " & .Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurtosis = " & .Kurtosis & vbCrLf

End With

MsgBox displayString

Mean Property

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End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | Minimum Property | Maximum Property | Mode Property | StdDeviation Property | Skewness Property | Kurtosis Property | RiskPositiveInfinity Property

| RiskNegativeInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the minimum value sampled in the simulation result.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Minimum() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the statistics of the simulation results for output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplayResultStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Minimum = " & .Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Maximum = " & .Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean = " & .Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mode (Approximate) = " & .Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Std. Deviation = " & .StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skewness = " & .Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurtosis = " & .Kurtosis & vbCrLf

End With

MsgBox displayString

Minimum Property

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End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | Maximum Property | Mean Property | Mode Property | StdDeviation Property | Skewness Property | Kurtosis Property | RiskPositiveInfinity Property

| RiskNegativeInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the (approximate) mode of the simulation result.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Mode() As Double


The mode of a set of continuous sample data is not easily calculated. The result returned here is only an approximation.

The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the statistics of the simulation results for output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplayResultStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Minimum = " & .Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Maximum = " & .Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean = " & .Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mode (Approximate) = " & .Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Std. Deviation = " & .StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skewness = " & .Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurtosis = " & .Kurtosis & vbCrLf

End With

Mode Property

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MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | Minimum Property | Maximum Property | Mean Property | StdDeviation Property | Skewness Property | Kurtosis Property | RiskPositiveInfinity Property

| RiskNegativeInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the name of the input or output that generated the results in this object.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Name() As String


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Displays basic information about the simulation results for output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplayResultIdentificationInformation()

Dim displayString

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Name = " & .Name & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "IsOutput = " & .IsOutput & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Cell = " & .ExcelCell.Address & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "ItemIndex = " & .ItemIndex & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "SimIndex = " & .SimIndex & vbCrLf

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | ExcelCell Property | IsOutput Property | ItemIndex Property | SimIndex Property

Name Property

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Returns the number of samples that were excluded from result calculations because they had error values.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property NumSamplesError() As Long


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the sample counts for the simulation output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplaySampleCounts()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Sample counts for output 'MyOutput':" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Total Samples = " & .NumSamplesTotal & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Filtered Samples = " & .NumSamplesFiltered & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Error Samples = " & .NumSamplesError & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Valid Samples = " & .NumSamplesUsed & vbCrLf

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | NumSamplesTotal Property | NumSamplesUsed Property | NumSamplesFiltered Property | NumSamplesError Property

NumSamplesError Property

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Returns the number of samples that were excluded from result calculations because they were removed from a user-defined filter.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property NumSamplesFiltered() As Long


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the sample counts for the simulation output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplaySampleCounts()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Sample counts for output 'MyOutput':" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Total Samples = " & .NumSamplesTotal & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Filtered Samples = " & .NumSamplesFiltered & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Error Samples = " & .NumSamplesError & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Valid Samples = " & .NumSamplesUsed & vbCrLf

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | NumSamplesTotal Property | NumSamplesUsed Property | NumSamplesError Property

NumSamplesFiltered Property

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Returns the total number of samples in the simulation result.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property NumSamplesTotal() As Long


This sample count includes all samples, even if they included errors or values that were filtered out. Use the NumSamplesUsed property for the number of sample that were used to

calculation the statistics, percentiles, and other results for this simulation result object.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the sample counts for the simulation output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplaySampleCounts()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Sample counts for output 'MyOutput':" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Total Samples = " & .NumSamplesTotal & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Filtered Samples = " & .NumSamplesFiltered & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Error Samples = " & .NumSamplesError & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Valid Samples = " & .NumSamplesUsed & vbCrLf

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

NumSamplesTotal Property

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See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | NumSamplesUsed Property | NumSamplesFiltered Property | NumSamplesError Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the total number of samples used to calculate the statistics, percentiles, and other results for this object.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property NumSamplesUsed() As Long


The count excludes any samples that were filtered or that were error values. Use the NumSamplesTotal property to get the total number of samples, regardless if they were excluded from

the result calculations or not.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the sample counts for the simulation output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplaySampleCounts()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Sample counts for output 'MyOutput':" & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Total Samples = " & .NumSamplesTotal & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Filtered Samples = " & .NumSamplesFiltered & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Error Samples = " & .NumSamplesError & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Valid Samples = " & .NumSamplesUsed & vbCrLf

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

NumSamplesUsed Property

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See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | NumSamplesTotal Property | NumSamplesFiltered Property | NumSamplesError Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns a percentile (x-value) for the simulated result.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property PToX( _

ByVal p_PValue As Double _

) As Double



The p-value (a number between 0 and 1) for which to returnt the corresponding x-value.


PToX calculates the value of the result (the "x-value") such that the specified percentage of the samples are at that x-value or less.

The XToP method performs the opposite operation, and returns the percentage of samples that fall at or below the specified x-value.

The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles of the the simulated output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub CalculatePercentiles()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "10% = " & .PToX(0.1) & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "50% = " & .PToX(0.5) & vbCrLf

PToX Property

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displayString = displayString & "90% = " & .PToX(0.9) & vbCrLf

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | XToP Property | RiskPositiveInfinity Property | RiskNegativeInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


For results generated from a multiple simulation run, indicates the index of the simulation refered to by this object.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SimIndex() As Long


The first simulation is 1, the second 2, and so on.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Displays basic information about the simulation results for output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplayResultIdentificationInformation()

Dim displayString

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Name = " & .Name & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "IsOutput = " & .IsOutput & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Cell = " & .ExcelCell.Address & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "ItemIndex = " & .ItemIndex & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "SimIndex = " & .SimIndex & vbCrLf

End With

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

SimIndex Property

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See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | ExcelCell Property | IsOutput Property | ItemIndex Property | Name Property | NumSimulations Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the skewness (3rd standardized central moment) of the simulation result.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Skewness() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the statistics of the simulation results for output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplayResultStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Minimum = " & .Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Maximum = " & .Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean = " & .Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mode (Approximate) = " & .Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Std. Deviation = " & .StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skewness = " & .Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurtosis = " & .Kurtosis & vbCrLf

End With

MsgBox displayString

Skewness Property

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End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | Minimum Property | Maximum Property | Mean Property | Mode Property | StdDeviation Property | Kurtosis Property | RiskPositiveInfinity Property

| RiskNegativeInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the standard deviation of the simulation result.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property StdDeviation() As Double


The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the statistics of the simulation results for output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplayResultStatistics()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Minimum = " & .Minimum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Maximum = " & .Maximum & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mean = " & .Mean & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Mode (Approximate) = " & .Mode & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Std. Deviation = " & .StdDeviation & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Skewness = " & .Skewness & vbCrLf

displayString = displayString & "Kurtosis = " & .Kurtosis & vbCrLf

End With

MsgBox displayString

StdDeviation Property

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End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | Minimum Property | Maximum Property | Mean Property | Mode Property | Skewness Property | Kurtosis Property | RiskPositiveInfinity Property

| RiskNegativeInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the fraction of samples that occur at or below the specified value.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property XToP( _

ByVal p_XValue As Double _

) As Double



The x-value for which to return the corresponding p-value.


XToP calculates the fraction of samples (the 'p-value') that fall below the specified 'x-value'.

The PToX method performs the opposite operation, and returns the x-value which has the specified fraction of values at or below it.

The special values RiskPositiveInfinity, RiskNegativeInfinity, and RiskNaN can be returned by @RISK statistics properties to indicate infinities or "Not a Number" results.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the fraction of values that occur at or below 0 for the simulation output 'MyOutput'.

Public Sub DisplayFractionOfNonPositiveSamples()

Dim displayString As String

With Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("MyOutput")

displayString = "Fraction of Samples At or Below Zero = " & .XToP(0)

End With

XToP Property

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MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulatedResult Object | PToX Property | RiskPositiveInfinity Property | RiskNegativeInfinity Property | RiskNaN Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


An object where @RISK simulations can be setup, started, and results analyzed.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskSimulation members.

Object Model

See Also

RiskSimulation Members

RiskSimulation Object

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Public Methods

CloseBrowseResultsWindow Closes an open Browse Results Window.

DisplayBrowseResultsWindow Shows the Browse results window to the user.

NewAdvSensitivityAnalysis Creates a new RiskAdvSensitivityAnalysis object, for use in automating @RISK's Advanced Sensitivity Analysis feature.

NewGoalSeekAnalysis Creates a new RiskGoalSeekAnalysis object, for use in automating @RISK's Goal Seek feature.

NewStressAnalysis Creates a new RiskStressAnalysis object, for use in automating @RISK's Stress Analysis feature.

start Starts a new simulation using the currently defined simulation settings

Public Properties

Results Returns a RiskSimResultsCollection object, which provides access to the current @RISK results.

Settings Provides access to the currently active set of @RISK simulation settings.

See Also

RiskSimulation Overview

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RiskSimulation Object Members

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Closes an open Browse Results Window.


Public Sub CloseBrowseResultsWindow()


The Browse Results Window can be opened with the DisplayBrowseResultsWindow Method.

If the Browse Results Window is not currently opened, this method will raise an error.

See Also

RiskSimulation Object | DisplayBrowseResultsWindow Method

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CloseBrowseResultsWindow Method

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Shows the Browse results window to the user.


Public Sub DisplayBrowseResultsWindow()


The windows will be displayed showing the results of the currently active Excel cell.

This command will only work if the InterfaceMode Property is RiskStandardOperation and there are results to be displayed.

See Also

RiskSimulation Object | CloseBrowseResultsWindow Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

DisplayBrowseResultsWindow Method

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Creates a new RiskAdvSensitivityAnalysis object, for use in automating @RISK's Advanced Sensitivity Analysis feature.


Public Function NewAdvSensitivityAnalysis( _

Optional ByVal p_SourceWorkbook As Workbook = Nothing _

) As RiskAdvSensAnalysis



If supplied, the returned RiskAdvSensitivityAnalysis will be filled with analysis settings that were already stored in the specified workbook. If left blank, a set of default settings is used.


[Visual Basic]

Public Sub RunAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewAdvSensitivityAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticMean

With .Inputs.Add(RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput, ActiveSheet.Range("A1"))

.VariationMethod = RiskVariationMinMaxRange

.VariationMinimum = 0

.VariationMaximum = 100

.BaseValue = 50

End With

.ReportPlacement = RiskNewWorkbook


NewAdvSensitivityAnalysis Method

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End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulation Object | RiskAdvSensAnalysis Object | NewGoalSeekAnalysis Method | NewStressAnalysis Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Creates a new RiskGoalSeekAnalysis object, for use in automating @RISK's Goal Seek feature.


Public Function NewGoalSeekAnalysis( _

Optional ByVal p_SourceWorkbook As Workbook = Nothing _

) As RiskGoalSeekAnalysis



If supplied, the returned RiskGoalSeekAnalysis will be filled with analysis settings that were already stored in the specified workbook. If left blank, a set of default settings is used.


[Visual Basic]

'Make the mean of the output in cell B5 equal to the value 100, by changing the value in A1.

'The output mean must be within 1% of the target value.

Public Sub RunGoalSeekAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewGoalSeekAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

.OutputStatistic = RiskStatisticMean

.OutputTarget = 100

Set .VariationCell = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

.ComparisonMethod = RiskComparePercentOfTargetValue

.ComparisonTolerance = 0.01

If .RunAnalysis() Then

MsgBox "The goal was reached."

NewGoalSeekAnalysis Method

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MsgBox "The goal could not be reached."

End If

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulation Object | RiskGoalSeekAnalysis Object | NewAdvSensitivityAnalysis Method | NewStressAnalysis Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Creates a new RiskStressAnalysis object, for use in automating @RISK's Stress Analysis feature.


Public Function NewStressAnalysis( _

Optional ByVal p_SourceWorkbook As Workbook = Nothing _

) As RiskStressAnalysis



If supplied, the returned RiskStressAnalysis object will be filled with analysis settings that were already stored in the specified workbook. If left blank, a set of default settings is used.


[Visual Basic]

'Run a stress analysis on the output in cell B5, while stressing the input

'in cell A1 in its upper 5 percentiles.

Public Sub RunStressAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewStressAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

With .Inputs.Add(ActiveSheet.Range("A1"))

.PercentileMin = 0.95

.PercentileMax = 1

End With


End With

End Sub

NewStressAnalysis Method

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See Also

RiskSimulation Object | RiskStressAnalysis Object | NewAdvSensitivityAnalysis Method | NewGoalSeekAnalysis Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Starts a new simulation using the currently defined simulation settings


Public Function start() As RiskSimulationCompletionStatus

Return Type

RiskSimulationCompetionStatus - indicating how the simulation was terminated.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Run a 100 iteration simulation and display the mean of the output named "NPV"

Public Sub RunSimulationWith100Iterations()

Risk.Simulation.Settings.NumIterations = 100

If Risk.Simulation.Start = RiskSimulationCompletedSuccessfully Then

MsgBox Risk.Simulation.Results.GetSimulatedOutput("NPV").Mean


MsgBox "This simulation did not finish."

End If

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulation Object | RiskSimulationCompletionStatus Enumeration

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

start Method

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Returns a RiskSimResultsCollection object, which provides access to the current @RISK results.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Results() As RiskSimResultCollection


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display a message indicating if there are any active @RISK results.

Public Sub CheckForResults()

If Risk.Simulation.Results.Exist Then

MsgBox "There are @RISK results."


MsgBox "There are not any @RISK results."

End If

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulation Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Results Property

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Provides access to the currently active set of @RISK simulation settings.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Settings() As RiskSimulationSettings


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Print out the number of iterations in the current @RISK Simulation Settings.

Public Sub DisplayNumIterations

MsgBox Risk.Simulation.Settings.NumIterations

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulation Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Settings Property

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An object where the @RISK simulation settings are maintained.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskSimulationSettings members.

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Members

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RiskSimulationSettings Object

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Public Methods

LoadFromWorkbook Loads the simulation settings stored (if any) in the specified Excel workbook.

ResetToDefaults Resets the @RISK simulation settings back to their defaults.

SaveToWorkbook Saves the current @RISK simulation settings to the specified workbook.

ShowDialog Displays the simulation settings dialog to the user.

SimulationNamesGetArray Retrieves the list of user-defined simulation names.

SimulationNamesSetArray Sets the list of simulation names.

Public Properties

AutomaticallyGenerateReports Controls whether @RISK will automatically generate Excel reports at the end of a simulation.

AutomaticResultsDisplay Controls what results are displayed automatically at the end of an @RISK simulation.

CollectDistributionSamples Controls if @RISK keeps information about samples drawn from input distributions.

ConvergenceConfidenceLevel Controls the confidence level of the confidence monitoring tests on output statistics.

ConvergencePercentileToTest Specifies a percentile to perform convergence monitoring tests on.

ConvergencePerformMeanTest Specifies if a convergence monitoring test should be performed on the output mean.

ConvergencePerformPercentileTest Specifies if a convergence monitoring test should be performed on an output percentile.

ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest Specifies if a convergence monitoring test should be performed on the output standard deviation.

ConvergenceTestAllOutputs Controls which outputs @RISK will perform convergence monitoring on.

RiskSimulationSettings Object Members

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ConvergenceTestingEnabled Controls whether @RISK will monitor output convergence during a simulation.

ConvergenceTestingPeriod Controls the number of iterations run between convergence monitor tests.

ConvergenceTolerance Controls the amount of change allowed in an output statistic being monitored, while still considering it to be converged.

LiveUpdate Controls whether open @RISK windows and graphs are updated while a simulation is in progress.

LiveUpdatePeriod Controls the frequency of the update of open @RISK windows and graphs during a simulation.

MacroAfterRecalculation Specifies the name of a macro to run after each iteration's calculation.

MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled Controls whether @RISK will run a macro after each iteration's recalculation.

MacroAfterSimulation Specifies the name of a macro to run after each simulation has completed.

MacroAfterSimulationEnabled Controls whether @RISK will run a macro after each simulation has completed.

MacroBeforeRecalculation Specifies the name of a macro to run before each iteration's calculation.

MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled Controls whether @RISK will run a macro before each iteration's recalculation.

MacroBeforeSimulation Specifies the name of a macro to run before each simulation starts.

MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled Controls whether @RISK will run a macro before each simulation starts.

MinimizeExcel Controls whether Excel is minimized at the start of an @RISK simulation.

NumIterations Controls the number of iterations in a simulation.

NumSimulations Sets the number of simulations to run in a single 'batch'.

PauseOnOutputErrors Controls whether @RISK will pause in the middle of an @RISK simulation to display errors in an output.

RandomNumberGenerator Controls which random number generator @RISK uses to draw samples.

randomSeed Controls the random number seed used by @RISK when it is drawing samples during a simulation.

RandomSeedChangesForMultipleSimulations Controls how @RISK seeds simulations in a multiple simulation run.

ReportSelected Controls what reports are generated automatically at the end of an @RISK simulation.

ReportsToGenerate Controls what reports are generated automatically at the end of an @RISK simulation.

SamplingType Specifies whether @RISK should use stratified (Latin Hypercube) sampling or unstratified (Monte Carlo) sampling.

ShowExcelRecalculations Controls whether each Excel spreadsheet recalculation is displayed during an @RISK simulation.

SmartSensitivityAnalysisEnabled Controls whether smart sensitivity analysis is enabled.

StatisticFunctionUpdating Controls when @RISK statistic functions will be updated during a simulation.

StdRecalcBehavior Controls whether the values returned from @RISK functions when a simulation is not running are random or static.

StdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic Controls what values are returned from @RISK functions that do not contain a RiskStatic property function when a

simulation is not running.

StdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile Controls what percentile values are returned from @RISK functions that do not contain a RiskStatic property function

when a simulation is not running.

UseMultipleCPUs Controls whether @RISK will use multiple CPUs to run an @RISK simulation.

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Overview

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Loads the simulation settings stored (if any) in the specified Excel workbook.


Public Function LoadFromWorkbook( _

ByVal p_Workbook As Workbook _

) As Boolean



The workbook from which to load stored @RISK simulation settings.

Return Type

Boolean - TRUE if settings were found and loaded. FALSE if default settings were applied.


When you open an Excel workbook that contains @RISK simulation settings (either via Excel's interface or via VBA code) and @RISK simulation settings are already present, you will

receive a query asking you whether you want to use the new settings stored in the workbook.

If you want to suppress this message in code, you can set Risk.DisplayAlerts = FALSE, in which case those settings will not be loaded. To load those settings in code, you can use this


If the specified workbook does not contain any @RISK settings, the return code of the function will be FALSE and the default @RISK simulation settings (as controlled partially by the

Risk.ApplicationSettings object) will be used instead. If settings do exist in the workbook, the return value of this function is TRUE.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Open the workbook at C:\MyWorkbook.xls, making sure to use the @RISK simulation settings it contains.

Public Sub OpenWorkbookWithSimulationSettings()

Dim wb As Excel.Workbook

LoadFromWorkbook Method

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Risk.DisplayAlerts = False

Set wb = Workbooks.Open("C:\MyWorkbook.xls")

Risk.DisplayAlerts = True

Risk.Simulation.Settings.LoadFromWorkbook wb

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | DisplayAlerts Property | WriteWorkbookInformation Method | ResetToDefaults Method | SaveToWorkbook Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Resets the @RISK simulation settings back to their defaults.


Public Sub ResetToDefaults( _

Optional ByVal p_RemoveSettingsFromOpenWorkbooks As Boolean = False _




If TRUE, this method will also remove all simulation settings stored in all currently open workbooks in Excel.


The default @RISK simulation settings are partially controlled by the Risk.ApplicationSettings object.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Reset the @RISK simulation settings to their default state:

Public Sub ResetSimulationSettings()


End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | RiskApplicationSettings Object | LoadFromWorkbook Method | SaveToWorkbook Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ResetToDefaults Method

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Saves the current @RISK simulation settings to the specified workbook.


Public Sub SaveToWorkbook( _

ByVal p_Workbook As Workbook _




The workbook to which the settings should be saved.


When the user saves an Excel workbook with @RISK open, it automatically writes @RISK information into it. This information includes the simulation settings, fit definitions,

and simulation results if appropriate. However, if you save a workbook via code using the Workbook.Save or Workbook.SaveAs methods, this information is not automatically written into

the workbook and you may use this method to do so.

This method only writes the @RISK simulation settings to the workbook. If you want to write all the relevant @RISK information to a workbook, instead call the

Risk.WriteWorkbookInformation method.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Saves the current @RISK simulation settings to the active Excel workbook.

Public Sub SaveSimulationSettings()

Risk.Simulation.Settings.SaveToWorkbook ActiveWorkbook

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | WriteWorkbookInformation Method | LoadFromWorkbook Method | ResetToDefaults Method

SaveToWorkbook Method

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Displays the simulation settings dialog to the user.


Public Function ShowDialog() As Boolean

Return Type

TRUE if the user accepted the changes, FALSE if the user cancelled the dialog.

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ShowDialog Method

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Retrieves the list of user-defined simulation names.


Public Function SimulationNamesGetArray( _

ByRef p_SimulationNames() As String _

) As Integer



A 1-based array of strings. If no simulation names have been defined, the returned array will be empty.

Return Type

Integer - the number of names.


The number of names here is not necessarily the same as the actual number of simulations that will be run (as defined in the NumSimulations property). If this array is bigger than the

number of simulations run, the extra names will be ignored. If this array is smaller than the number of simulations run, the remaining simulations will revert the a default naming scheme

(Sim #5, Sim #6, etc.)

There can be at most 100 named simulations.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Display the simulation names defined by the user.

Public Sub DisplaySimulationNames()

Dim numNames As Integer

Dim simNames() As String

Dim displayString As String

Dim i As Integer

SimulationNamesGetArray Method

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numNames = Risk.Simulation.Settings.SimulationNamesGetArray(simNames)

If numNames = 0 Then

displayString = "No simulation names have been defined."


displayString = "There are " & numNames & " simulation names:"

For i = 1 To numNames

displayString = displayString & vbCrLf & "#" & i & " = " & simNames(i)

Next i

End If

MsgBox displayString

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | SimulationNamesSetArray Method | NumSimulations Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Sets the list of simulation names.


Public Sub SimulationNamesSetArray( _

ByRef p_SimulationNames() As String _




A 1-based array of strings. If no simulation names should be defined, pass an empty array. You can specify a maximum of 100 simulation names.


The number of names here is not necessarily the same as the actual number of simulations that will be run (as defined in the NumSimulations property). If this array is bigger than the

number of simulations run, the extra names will be ignored. If this array is smaller than the number of simulations run, the remaining simulations will revert the a default naming scheme

(Sim #5, Sim #6, etc.)

There can be at most 100 named simulations.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Run a simulation with 3-named simulations.

Public Sub RunNamedSimulations()

Dim simNames() As String

'Tell @RISK we will be running 3 simulations:

Risk.Simulation.Settings.NumSimulations = 3

'Set up the simulation names for these 3 simulations:

ReDim simNames(1 To 3)

SimulationNamesSetArray Method

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simNames(1) = "First Simulation"

simNames(2) = "Second Simulation"

simNames(3) = "Third Simulation"

Risk.Simulation.Settings.SimulationNamesSetArray simNames

'Actually run the simulation:


End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | SimulationNamesGetArray Method | NumSimulations Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether @RISK will automatically generate Excel reports at the end of a simulation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property AutomaticallyGenerateReports() As Boolean


The reports to generate are specified with either the ReportsToGenerate or ReportSelected property.

If AutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskDemoMode this property is always False.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up automatic reports to include both the input and output summary reports:

Public Sub SetUpEndOfSimulationReports()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.AutomaticallyGenerateReports = True

.ReportsToGenerate = RiskSimulationReportInputResultsSummary + RiskSimulationReportOutputResultsSummary

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | AutomaticResultsDisplay Property | ReportSelected Property | ReportsToGenerate Property

AutomaticallyGenerateReports Property

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Controls what results are displayed automatically at the end of an @RISK simulation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property AutomaticResultsDisplay() As RiskAutomaticResultsDisplay


In code, you will often want to set this property to RiskNoAutomaticResults.

Setting this property to RiskDemoMode will override several other simulation settings.

The AutomaticallyGenerateReport setting also controls what happens at the end of the simulation.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Run an @RISK simulation, making sure not to generate any automatic results when it is done.

Public Sub RunSimulationWithNoAutomaticResults()

Risk.Simulation.Settings.AutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskNoAutomaticResults

Risk.Simulation.Settings.AutomaticallyGenerateReports = False


End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | AutomaticallyGenerateReports Property | RiskAutomaticResultsDisplay Enumeration

AutomaticResultsDisplay Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls if @RISK keeps information about samples drawn from input distributions.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property CollectDistributionSamples() As RiskCollectDistributionSamples


In order to perform sensitivity and scenario analyses, @RISK needs to keep sample information for the input distributions in your model. However, if your model has a large number of

inputs, this may use a large number of resources. If you are not doing these type of analyses, you can completely disable the collection of input samples my setting this property to

RiskCollectNone. If you have a specific subset of important inputs that you want to include in your analysis but don't need to keep samples for all inputs, you can mark the special inputs

with a RiskCollect() property function, and set this property to RiskCollectMarked.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Make @RISK collect distribution samples only for distributions marked with a RiskCollect() property function.

Public Sub CollectOnlyMarkedDistributions()

Risk.Simulation.Settings.CollectDistributionSamples = RiskCollectMarked

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | RandomSeed Property | RandomNumberGenerator Property | RandomSeedChangesForMultipleSimulations Property | SamplingType Property

| RiskCollectDistributionSamples Enumeration

CollectDistributionSamples Property

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Controls the confidence level of the confidence monitoring tests on output statistics.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ConvergenceConfidenceLevel() As Double


This property is only relevent if the ConvergenceTestingEnabled property is True.

This is a default property. A specific output may have a RiskConvergence() property function that overrides this value.

This property combined with the ConvergenceTolerance property control how sensitive the convergence monitoring is. For example, if the ConvergenceTolerance = 0.03 and

ConvergenceConfidenceLevel = 0.95 and the testing is being performed on the mean, that is equivalent of saying we want to be 95 percent confident that the simulation mean is within 3

percent of the true value.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up convergence monitoring options:

Public Sub SetupConvergenceMonitoring()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.ConvergenceTestingEnabled = True

.ConvergenceTestingPeriod = 100

.ConvergenceTestAllOutputs = True

.ConvergenceTolerance = 0.03

.ConvergenceConfidenceLevel = 0.95

.ConvergencePerformMeanTest = True

.ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest = True

ConvergenceConfidenceLevel Property

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.ConvergencePerformPercentileTest = True

.ConvergencePercentileToTest = 0.9

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | ConvergencePercentileToTest Property | ConvergencePerformMeanTest Property | ConvergencePerformPercentileTest Property

| ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest Property | ConvergenceTestAllOutputs Property | ConvergenceTestingEnabled Property | ConvergenceTestingPeriod Property

| ConvergenceTolerance Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies a percentile to perform convergence monitoring tests on.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ConvergencePercentileToTest() As Double


This property is only relevent if the ConvergenceTestingEnabled and ConvergencePerformPercentileTest properties are both True.

This is a default property. A specific output may have a RiskConvergence() property function that overrides this value.

This value must be between 0 and 1. A value of 0.5 is the 50th percentile.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up convergence monitoring options:

Public Sub SetupConvergenceMonitoring()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.ConvergenceTestingEnabled = True

.ConvergenceTestingPeriod = 100

.ConvergenceTestAllOutputs = True

.ConvergenceTolerance = 0.03

.ConvergenceConfidenceLevel = 0.95

.ConvergencePerformMeanTest = True

.ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest = True

.ConvergencePerformPercentileTest = True

.ConvergencePercentileToTest = 0.9

ConvergencePercentileToTest Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | ConvergenceConfidenceLevel Property | ConvergencePerformMeanTest Property | ConvergencePerformPercentileTest Property

| ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest Property | ConvergenceTestAllOutputs Property | ConvergenceTestingEnabled Property | ConvergenceTestingPeriod Property

| ConvergenceTolerance Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies if a convergence monitoring test should be performed on the output mean.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ConvergencePerformMeanTest() As Boolean


This property is only relevent if the ConvergenceTestingEnabled property is True.

This is a default property. A specific output may have a RiskConvergence() property function that overrides this value.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up convergence monitoring options:

Public Sub SetupConvergenceMonitoring()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.ConvergenceTestingEnabled = True

.ConvergenceTestingPeriod = 100

.ConvergenceTestAllOutputs = True

.ConvergenceTolerance = 0.03

.ConvergenceConfidenceLevel = 0.95

.ConvergencePerformMeanTest = True

.ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest = True

.ConvergencePerformPercentileTest = True

.ConvergencePercentileToTest = 0.9

End With

ConvergencePerformMeanTest Property

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End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | ConvergenceConfidenceLevel Property | ConvergencePercentileToTest Property | ConvergencePerformPercentileTest Property

| ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest Property | ConvergenceTestAllOutputs Property | ConvergenceTestingEnabled Property | ConvergenceTestingPeriod Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies if a convergence monitoring test should be performed on an output percentile.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ConvergencePerformPercentileTest() As Boolean


This property is only relevent if the ConvergenceTestingEnabled property is True.

This is a default property. A specific output may have a RiskConvergence() property function that overrides this value.

The specific percentile to test is specified in the ConvergencePercentileToTest property.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up convergence monitoring options:

Public Sub SetupConvergenceMonitoring()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.ConvergenceTestingEnabled = True

.ConvergenceTestingPeriod = 100

.ConvergenceTestAllOutputs = True

.ConvergenceTolerance = 0.03

.ConvergenceConfidenceLevel = 0.95

.ConvergencePerformMeanTest = True

.ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest = True

.ConvergencePerformPercentileTest = True

.ConvergencePercentileToTest = 0.9

ConvergencePerformPercentileTest Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | ConvergenceConfidenceLevel Property | ConvergencePercentileToTest Property | ConvergencePerformMeanTest Property

| ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest Property | ConvergenceTestAllOutputs Property | ConvergenceTestingEnabled Property | ConvergenceTestingPeriod Property

| ConvergenceTolerance Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies if a convergence monitoring test should be performed on the output standard deviation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest() As Boolean


This property is only relevent if the ConvergenceTestingEnabled property is True.

This is a default property. A specific output may have a RiskConvergence() property function that overrides this value.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up convergence monitoring options:

Public Sub SetupConvergenceMonitoring()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.ConvergenceTestingEnabled = True

.ConvergenceTestingPeriod = 100

.ConvergenceTestAllOutputs = True

.ConvergenceTolerance = 0.03

.ConvergenceConfidenceLevel = 0.95

.ConvergencePerformMeanTest = True

.ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest = True

.ConvergencePerformPercentileTest = True

.ConvergencePercentileToTest = 0.9

End With

ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | ConvergenceConfidenceLevel Property | ConvergencePercentileToTest Property | ConvergencePerformMeanTest Property

| ConvergencePerformPercentileTest Property | ConvergenceTestAllOutputs Property | ConvergenceTestingEnabled Property | ConvergenceTestingPeriod Property

| ConvergenceTolerance Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls which outputs @RISK will perform convergence monitoring on.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ConvergenceTestAllOutputs() As Boolean


This property is only relevent if the ConvergenceTestingEnabled property is True.

If this property is TRUE, all outputs in the model will be monitored for convergence. If this property is FALSE, only the ouputs marked with a RiskConvergence() property function iwll be



[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up convergence monitoring options:

Public Sub SetupConvergenceMonitoring()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.ConvergenceTestingEnabled = True

.ConvergenceTestingPeriod = 100

.ConvergenceTestAllOutputs = True

.ConvergenceTolerance = 0.03

.ConvergenceConfidenceLevel = 0.95

.ConvergencePerformMeanTest = True

.ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest = True

.ConvergencePerformPercentileTest = True

.ConvergencePercentileToTest = 0.9

ConvergenceTestAllOutputs Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | ConvergenceConfidenceLevel Property | ConvergencePercentileToTest Property | ConvergencePerformMeanTest Property

| ConvergencePerformPercentileTest Property | ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest Property | ConvergenceTestingEnabled Property | ConvergenceTestingPeriod Property

| ConvergenceTolerance Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether @RISK will monitor output convergence during a simulation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ConvergenceTestingEnabled() As Boolean


This property is always TRUE if NumIterations = RiskAutoNumIterations.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up convergence monitoring options:

Public Sub SetupConvergenceMonitoring()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.ConvergenceTestingEnabled = True

.ConvergenceTestingPeriod = 100

.ConvergenceTestAllOutputs = True

.ConvergenceTolerance = 0.03

.ConvergenceConfidenceLevel = 0.95

.ConvergencePerformMeanTest = True

.ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest = True

.ConvergencePerformPercentileTest = True

.ConvergencePercentileToTest = 0.9

End With

End Sub

ConvergenceTestingEnabled Property

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See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | ConvergenceConfidenceLevel Property | ConvergencePercentileToTest Property | ConvergencePerformMeanTest Property

| ConvergencePerformPercentileTest Property | ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest Property | ConvergenceTestAllOutputs Property | ConvergenceTestingPeriod Property

| ConvergenceTolerance Property | NumIterations Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the number of iterations run between convergence monitor tests.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ConvergenceTestingPeriod() As Long


This property is only relevent if the ConvergenceTestingEnabled property is True.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up convergence monitoring options:

Public Sub SetupConvergenceMonitoring()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.ConvergenceTestingEnabled = True

.ConvergenceTestingPeriod = 100

.ConvergenceTestAllOutputs = True

.ConvergenceTolerance = 0.03

.ConvergenceConfidenceLevel = 0.95

.ConvergencePerformMeanTest = True

.ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest = True

.ConvergencePerformPercentileTest = True

.ConvergencePercentileToTest = 0.9

End With

End Sub

ConvergenceTestingPeriod Property

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See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | ConvergenceConfidenceLevel Property | ConvergencePercentileToTest Property | ConvergencePerformMeanTest Property

| ConvergencePerformPercentileTest Property | ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest Property | ConvergenceTestAllOutputs Property | ConvergenceTestingEnabled Property

| ConvergenceTolerance Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the amount of change allowed in an output statistic being monitored, while still considering it to be converged.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ConvergenceTolerance() As Double


This property is only relevent if the ConvergenceTestingEnabled property is True.

This property combined with the ConvergenceConfidenceLevel property control how sensitive the convergence monitoring is. For example, if the ConvergenceTolerance = 0.03 and

ConvergenceConfidenceLevel = 0.95 and the testing is being performed on the mean, that is equivalent of saying we want to be 95 percent confident that the simulation mean is within 3

percent of the true value.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up convergence monitoring options:

Public Sub SetupConvergenceMonitoring()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.ConvergenceTestingEnabled = True

.ConvergenceTestingPeriod = 100

.ConvergenceTestAllOutputs = True

.ConvergenceTolerance = 0.03

.ConvergenceConfidenceLevel = 0.95

.ConvergencePerformMeanTest = True

.ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest = True

.ConvergencePerformPercentileTest = True

.ConvergencePercentileToTest = 0.9

ConvergenceTolerance Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | ConvergenceConfidenceLevel Property | ConvergencePercentileToTest Property | ConvergencePerformMeanTest Property

| ConvergencePerformPercentileTest Property | ConvergencePerformStdDeviationTest Property | ConvergenceTestAllOutputs Property | ConvergenceTestingEnabled Property

| ConvergenceTestingPeriod Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether open @RISK windows and graphs are updated while a simulation is in progress.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property LiveUpdate() As Boolean


If AutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskDemoMode, this property is always True.

The frequency of the update is controled by the LiveUpdatePeriod property.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set @RISK's simulation viewing options to their most common configuration:

Public Sub ConfigureSimulationViewOptions()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.MinimizeExcel = False

.LiveUpdate = True

.LiveUpdatePeriod = RiskAutoNumSeconds

.ShowExcelRecalculations = False

.PauseOnOutputErrors = False

.AutomaticallyGenerateReports = False

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | AutomaticResultsDisplay Property | ShowExcelRecalculations Property | LiveUpdatePeriod Property

LiveUpdate Property

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Controls the frequency of the update of open @RISK windows and graphs during a simulation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property LiveUpdatePeriod() As Long


The special value of RiskAutoNumSeconds can be used to put the updating frequency under @RISK's control.

If AutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskDemoMode, this property is always RiskAutoNumSeconds.

This property has no effect if LiveUpdate = False.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set @RISK's simulation viewing options to their most common configuration:

Public Sub ConfigureSimulationViewOptions()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.MinimizeExcel = False

.LiveUpdate = True

.LiveUpdatePeriod = RiskAutoNumSeconds

.ShowExcelRecalculations = False

.PauseOnOutputErrors = False

.AutomaticallyGenerateReports = False

End With

End Sub

See Also

LiveUpdatePeriod Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

RiskSimulationSettings Object | AutomaticResultsDisplay Property | LiveUpdate Property | RiskAutoNumSeconds Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies the name of a macro to run after each iteration's calculation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property MacroAfterRecalculation() As String


This property only has effect if the MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled property is True.

The specified macro must be a Public Sub which takes no arguments.

To fully qualify the name, prefix the macro name with the workbook name followed by an exclamation point (see the example below). If the exclamation point is missing, the macro is

assumed to be in whatever workbook is active in Excel at the time the simulation starts.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up the macros to run during an @RISK simulation.

Public Sub SetupSimulationMacros()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeSimulation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeSim"

.MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeCalc"

.MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!AfterCalc"

.MacroAfterSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterSimulation = "MyWorkbook!AfterSim"

MacroAfterRecalculation Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled Property | MacroAfterSimulation Property | MacroBeforeRecalculation Property | MacroBeforeSimulation Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether @RISK will run a macro after each iteration's recalculation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled() As Boolean


The specific macro to run is set in the MacroAfterRecalculation property.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up the macros to run during an @RISK simulation.

Public Sub SetupSimulationMacros()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeSimulation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeSim"

.MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeCalc"

.MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!AfterCalc"

.MacroAfterSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterSimulation = "MyWorkbook!AfterSim"

End With

End Sub

See Also

MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

RiskSimulationSettings Object | MacroAfterRecalculation Property | MacroAfterSimulationEnabled Property | MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled Property

| MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies the name of a macro to run after each simulation has completed.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property MacroAfterSimulation() As String


This property only has effect if the MacroAfterSimulationEnabled property is True.

The specified macro must be a Public Sub which takes no arguments.

To fully qualify the name, prefix the macro name with the workbook name followed by an exclamation point (see the example below). If the exclamation point is missing, the macro is

assumed to be in whatever workbook is active in Excel at the time the simulation starts.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up the macros to run during an @RISK simulation.

Public Sub SetupSimulationMacros()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeSimulation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeSim"

.MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeCalc"

.MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!AfterCalc"

.MacroAfterSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterSimulation = "MyWorkbook!AfterSim"

MacroAfterSimulation Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | MacroAfterSimulationEnabled Property | MacroAfterRecalculation Property | MacroBeforeRecalculation Property | MacroBeforeSimulation Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether @RISK will run a macro after each simulation has completed.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property MacroAfterSimulationEnabled() As Boolean


The specific macro to run is set in the MacroAfterSimulation property.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up the macros to run during an @RISK simulation.

Public Sub SetupSimulationMacros()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeSimulation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeSim"

.MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeCalc"

.MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!AfterCalc"

.MacroAfterSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterSimulation = "MyWorkbook!AfterSim"

End With

End Sub

See Also

MacroAfterSimulationEnabled Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

RiskSimulationSettings Object | MacroAfterSimulation Property | MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled Property | MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled Property

| MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies the name of a macro to run before each iteration's calculation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property MacroBeforeRecalculation() As String


This property only has effect if the MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled property is True.

The specified macro must be a Public Sub which takes no arguments.

To fully qualify the name, prefix the macro name with the workbook name followed by an exclamation point (see the example below). If the exclamation point is missing, the macro is

assumed to be in whatever workbook is active in Excel at the time the simulation starts.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up the macros to run during an @RISK simulation.

Public Sub SetupSimulationMacros()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeSimulation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeSim"

.MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeCalc"

.MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!AfterCalc"

.MacroAfterSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterSimulation = "MyWorkbook!AfterSim"

MacroBeforeRecalculation Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled Property | MacroAfterRecalculation Property | MacroAfterSimulation Property | MacroBeforeSimulation Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether @RISK will run a macro before each iteration's recalculation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled() As Boolean


The specific macro to run is set in the MacroBeforeRecalculation property.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up the macros to run during an @RISK simulation.

Public Sub SetupSimulationMacros()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeSimulation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeSim"

.MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeCalc"

.MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!AfterCalc"

.MacroAfterSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterSimulation = "MyWorkbook!AfterSim"

End With

End Sub

See Also

MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

RiskSimulationSettings Object | MacroBeforeRecalculation Property | MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled Property | MacroAfterSimulationEnabled Property

| MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies the name of a macro to run before each simulation starts.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property MacroBeforeSimulation() As String


This property only has effect if the MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled property is True.

The specified macro must be a Public Sub which takes no arguments.

To fully qualify the name, prefix the macro name with the workbook name followed by an exclamation point (see the example below). If the exclamation point is missing, the macro is

assumed to be in whatever workbook is active in Excel at the time the simulation starts.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up the macros to run during an @RISK simulation.

Public Sub SetupSimulationMacros()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeSimulation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeSim"

.MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeCalc"

.MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!AfterCalc"

.MacroAfterSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterSimulation = "MyWorkbook!AfterSim"

MacroBeforeSimulation Property

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End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled Property | MacroAfterRecalculation Property | MacroAfterSimulation Property | MacroBeforeRecalculation Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether @RISK will run a macro before each simulation starts.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled() As Boolean


The specific macro to run is set in the MacroBeforeSimulation property.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up the macros to run during an @RISK simulation.

Public Sub SetupSimulationMacros()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeSimulation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeSim"

.MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroBeforeRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!BeforeCalc"

.MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterRecalculation = "MyWorkbook!AfterCalc"

.MacroAfterSimulationEnabled = True

.MacroAfterSimulation = "MyWorkbook!AfterSim"

End With

End Sub

See Also

MacroBeforeSimulationEnabled Property

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

RiskSimulationSettings Object | MacroBeforeSimulation Property | MacroAfterRecalculationEnabled Property | MacroAfterSimulationEnabled Property

| MacroBeforeRecalculationEnabled Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether Excel is minimized at the start of an @RISK simulation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property MinimizeExcel() As Boolean


If AutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskDemoMode, this property is always False.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set @RISK's simulation viewing options to their most common configuration:

Public Sub ConfigureSimulationViewOptions()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.MinimizeExcel = False

.LiveUpdate = True

.LiveUpdatePeriod = RiskAutoNumSeconds

.ShowExcelRecalculations = False

.PauseOnOutputErrors = False

.AutomaticallyGenerateReports = False

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | AutomaticResultsDisplay Property | ShowExcelRecalculations Property

MinimizeExcel Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the number of iterations in a simulation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property NumIterations() As Long


Use the special value RiskAutoNumIterations to have @RISK use convergence monitoring to determine how many iterations to run. Note: setting NumIterations = RiskAutoNumIterations

will automatically set NumSimulations = 1.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up a 3 simulation / 250 iteration run and start it:

Public Sub RunSimulation()

Risk.Simulation.Settings.NumIterations = 250

Risk.Simulation.Settings.NumSimulations = 3


End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | NumSimulations Property | RiskAutoNumIterations Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

NumIterations Property

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Sets the number of simulations to run in a single 'batch'.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property NumSimulations() As Integer


If NumIterations = RiskAutoNumIterations, NumSimulations must be 1.

You can name each simulation using the SimulationNamesSetArray method.

Use the RandomSeedChangesForMultipleSimulations property to control if the random numbers generated in each simulation should change or remain the same.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up a 3 simulation / 250 iteration run and start it:

Public Sub RunSimulation()

Risk.Simulation.Settings.NumIterations = 250

Risk.Simulation.Settings.NumSimulations = 3


End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | NumIterations Property | RandomSeedChangesForMultipleSimulations Property | SimulationNamesSetArray Method

NumSimulations Property

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Controls whether @RISK will pause in the middle of an @RISK simulation to display errors in an output.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property PauseOnOutputErrors() As Boolean


If AutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskDemoMode, this property is always False.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set @RISK's simulation viewing options to their most common configuration:

Public Sub ConfigureSimulationViewOptions()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.MinimizeExcel = False

.LiveUpdate = True

.LiveUpdatePeriod = RiskAutoNumSeconds

.ShowExcelRecalculations = False

.PauseOnOutputErrors = False

.AutomaticallyGenerateReports = False

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | AutomaticResultsDisplay Property

PauseOnOutputErrors Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls which random number generator @RISK uses to draw samples.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RandomNumberGenerator() As RiskRandomNumberGenerator


The seed of the random number generator is set with the RandomSeed property.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Sets @RISK's simulation sampling options to their most common configuration:

Public Sub ConfigureSimulationSamplingOptions()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.SamplingType = RiskLatinHypercube

.RandomNumberGenerator = RiskMersenneTwister

.RandomSeed = RiskAutomaticSeed

.RandomSeedChangesForMultipleSimulations = False

.CollectDistributionSamples = RiskCollectAll

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | RandomSeed Property | RandomSeedChangesForMultipleSimulations Property | SamplingType Property | CollectDistributionSamples Property

| RiskRandomNumberGenerator Enumeration

RandomNumberGenerator Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls the random number seed used by @RISK when it is drawing samples during a simulation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property randomSeed() As Long


The seed must be a number between 1 and 2147483647.

This property can be set to the special value RiskAutomaticSeed which will generate a new seed based on your computer's clock when a new simulation is started.

The random number generator is set using the RandomNumberGeneratorProperty.

The RandomSeedChangesForMultipleSimulations controls how the seed changes if you are performing a multiple simulation run.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Sets @RISK's simulation sampling options to their most common configuration:

Public Sub ConfigureSimulationSamplingOptions()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.SamplingType = RiskLatinHypercube

.RandomNumberGenerator = RiskMersenneTwister

.RandomSeed = RiskAutomaticSeed

.RandomSeedChangesForMultipleSimulations = False

.CollectDistributionSamples = RiskCollectAll

End With

End Sub

randomSeed Property

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See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | RandomNumberGenerator Property | RandomSeedChangesForMultipleSimulations Property | SamplingType Property | CollectDistributionSamples


© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls how @RISK seeds simulations in a multiple simulation run.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property RandomSeedChangesForMultipleSimulations() As Boolean


If this property is False, each simulation in the multiple simulation run will have the same random number stream.

If this property is True, each simulation will be seeded differently. However, if you set a fixed random number seed, the entire run as a whole will still be reproducible.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Sets @RISK's simulation sampling options to their most common configuration:

Public Sub ConfigureSimulationSamplingOptions()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.SamplingType = RiskLatinHypercube

.RandomNumberGenerator = RiskMersenneTwister

.RandomSeed = RiskAutomaticSeed

.RandomSeedChangesForMultipleSimulations = False

.CollectDistributionSamples = RiskCollectAll

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | RandomNumberGenerator Property | RandomSeed Property | SamplingType Property | CollectDistributionSamples Property

RandomSeedChangesForMultipleSimulations Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls what reports are generated automatically at the end of an @RISK simulation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ReportSelected( _

ByVal p_WhichReport As RiskReportSelection _

) As Boolean



Value Description

RiskSimulationReportQuick A "Quick" Report, one page per output, with a summary of the most important information for each output.

RiskSimulationReportInputResultsSummary A summary report of all the simulated inputs. This matches the information in the Input tab of the @RISK Results

Summary window.

RiskSimulationReportOutputResultsSummary A summary report of all the simulated outputs. This matches the information in the Output tab of the @RISK Results

Summary window.

RiskSimulationReportDetailedStatistics A set of detailed statistical results for all inputs and outputs. This matches the information in the @RISK Detailed

Statistics window.

RiskSimulationReportData The complete set of simulation data for all inputs and outputs. This matches the information in the @RISK Data


RiskSimulationReportSensitivity The sensitivity results for all outputs. This matches the information in the @RISK Sensitivities window.

RiskSimulationReportScenarios The scenarios report for all outputs. This matches the information in the @RISK Scenarios window.

ReportSelected Property

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RiskSimulationReportTemplateSheets A static copy of all open template sheet. Template sheets must start with the prefix "RiskTemplate_".

RiskModelReportInputs A report summarizing all the currently defined inputs. This matches the information in the Inputs tab of the @RISK

Model window.

RiskModelReportOutputs A report summarizing all the currently defined outputs. This matches the information in the Outputs tab of

the @RISK Model window.

RiskModelReportCorrelations A report summarizing all the currently defined correlations. This matches the information in the Correlations tab of

the @RISK Model window.


This property controls which reports will be generated automatically at the end of an @RISK simulation if the AutomaticallyGenerateReports property is True.

You can also set this information in a 'bit-packed' format using the ReportsToGenerate property.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up automatic reports to include both the input and output summary reports:

Public Sub SetUpEndOfSimulationReports2()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.AutomaticallyGenerateReports = True

.ReportSelected(RiskSimulationReportInputResultsSummary) = True

.ReportSelected(RiskSimulationReportOutputResultsSummary) = True

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | AutomaticallyGenerateReports Property | ReportSelected Property | RiskReportSelection Enumeration

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls what reports are generated automatically at the end of an @RISK simulation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ReportsToGenerate() As RiskReportSelection


This property controls which reports will be generated automatically at the end of an @RISK simulation if the AutomaticallyGenerateReports property is True.

This property returns a "bit-packed" version of this information. That is, the value is the sum of the constant values of each selected report. You can also set this information for individual

reports using the ReportSelected property.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set up automatic reports to include both the input and output summary reports:

Public Sub SetUpEndOfSimulationReports()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.AutomaticallyGenerateReports = True

.ReportsToGenerate = RiskSimulationReportInputResultsSummary + RiskSimulationReportOutputResultsSummary

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | AutomaticallyGenerateReports Property | ReportSelected Property | RiskReportSelection Enumeration

ReportsToGenerate Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies whether @RISK should use stratified (Latin Hypercube) sampling or unstratified (Monte Carlo) sampling.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SamplingType() As RiskSamplingType


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Sets @RISK's simulation sampling options to their most common configuration:

Public Sub ConfigureSimulationSamplingOptions()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.SamplingType = RiskLatinHypercube

.RandomNumberGenerator = RiskMersenneTwister

.RandomSeed = RiskAutomaticSeed

.RandomSeedChangesForMultipleSimulations = False

.CollectDistributionSamples = RiskCollectAll

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | RandomNumberGenerator Property | RandomSeed Property | RandomSeedChangesForMultipleSimulations Property | CollectDistributionSamples

Property | RiskSamplingType Enumeration

SamplingType Property

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Controls whether each Excel spreadsheet recalculation is displayed during an @RISK simulation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ShowExcelRecalculations() As Boolean


If AutomaticResultsDisplay = RiskDemoMode, this property is always True.

If the MinimizeExcel property is True, this setting has no effect.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set @RISK's simulation viewing options to their most common configuration:

Public Sub ConfigureSimulationViewOptions()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.MinimizeExcel = False

.LiveUpdate = True

.LiveUpdatePeriod = RiskAutoNumSeconds

.ShowExcelRecalculations = False

.PauseOnOutputErrors = False

.AutomaticallyGenerateReports = False

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | AutomaticResultsDisplay Property | MinimizeExcel Property | LiveUpdate Property

ShowExcelRecalculations Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether smart sensitivity analysis is enabled.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SmartSensitivityAnalysisEnabled() As Boolean

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SmartSensitivityAnalysisEnabled Property

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Controls when @RISK statistic functions will be updated during a simulation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property StatisticFunctionUpdating() As RiskStatisticFunctionUpdating

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | RiskStatisticFunctionUpdating Enumeration

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

StatisticFunctionUpdating Property

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Controls whether the values returned from @RISK functions when a simulation is not running are random or static.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property StdRecalcBehavior() As RiskStandardRecalcBehavior


This property indicates whether random or static values should be returned from @RISK functions when a simulation is not running. Setting this property equal to RiskRandomValues will

cause the Excel to generate a single random sample each time Excel is recalculated (either automatically or when you press the F9 key.) Setting this property to RiskStaticValues values

will return the current static value defined for the function, or if there isn't one, a value based on the StdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic and StdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile properties.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the standard Excel recalculation to return either the value specified in a RiskStatic property

'function, if there is one, or the 75 percentile of the distributions lacking a RiskStatic.

Public Sub ChangeStdRecalcSettings()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.StdRecalcBehavior = RiskStaticValues

.StdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.StdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | StdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic Property | StdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile Property

StdRecalcBehavior Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls what values are returned from @RISK functions that do not contain a RiskStatic property function when a simulation is not running.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property StdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic() As RiskStaticValueType


This property indicates what values @RISK should return from distributions when a simulation is not running. This property is only relevent when the StdRecalcBehavoir is set to

RiskStaticValues, and it only applies to those distributions functions that do not contain a RiskStatic property function.

If this property is set to RiskPercentileValue, you must also supply which percentile to use in the StdRecalcWithoutStaticPercentile property.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the standard Excel recalculation to return either the value specified in a RiskStatic property

'function, if there is one, or the 75 percentile of the distributions lacking a RiskStatic.

Public Sub ChangeStdRecalcSettings()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.StdRecalcBehavior = RiskStaticValues

.StdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.StdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | StdRecalcBehavior Property | StdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile Property

StdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls what percentile values are returned from @RISK functions that do not contain a RiskStatic property function when a simulation is not running.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property StdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile() As Double


This property indicates what percentile values @RISK should return from distributions when a simulation is not running. This property is only relevent when the StdRecalcBehavoir is set

to RiskStaticValues, StdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic is set to RiskPercentileValue, and it only applies to those distributions functions that do not contain a RiskStatic property function.

The percentile values must be between 0 and 1.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Set the standard Excel recalculation to return either the value specified in a RiskStatic property

'function, if there is one, or the 75 percentile of the distributions lacking a RiskStatic.

Public Sub ChangeStdRecalcSettings()

With Risk.Simulation.Settings

.StdRecalcBehavior = RiskStaticValues

.StdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic = RiskPercentileValue

.StdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile = 0.75

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | StdRecalcBehavior Property | StdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic Property

StdRecalcWithoutRiskStaticPercentile Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Controls whether @RISK will use multiple CPUs to run an @RISK simulation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property UseMultipleCPUs() As Boolean


This feature requires the Industrial edition of @RISK. This property can not be set in the other editions and will always return FALSE.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Run a simulation with multiple CPU support enabled:

Public Sub RunSimulationWithMultipleCPUs()

Risk.Simulation.Settings.UseMultipleCPUs = True


End Sub

See Also

RiskSimulationSettings Object | Edition Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

UseMultipleCPUs Property

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Defines a stress analysis.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskStressAnalysis members.

Object Model


[Visual Basic]

'Run a stress analysis on the output in cell B5, while stressing the input

'in cell A1 in its upper 5 percentiles.

Public Sub RunStressAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewStressAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

With .Inputs.Add(ActiveSheet.Range("A1"))

.PercentileMin = 0.95

.PercentileMax = 1

End With


End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskStressAnalysis Members | NewStressAnalysis Method | RiskStressInput Object | RiskStressInputCollection Object

RiskStressAnalysis Object

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Public Methods

RunAnalysis Runs the analysis defined in the object.

WriteSettingsToWorkbook Writes the current object settings to the specified workbook.

Public Properties

IncludeBoxWhiskerPlot Specifies whether the analysis results should include a box-whisker plot.

IncludeComparisonGraphs Specifies whether the analysis results should include comparison graphs.

IncludeHistogramsAndCDFs Specifies whether the analysis results should include histograms and cumulative distribution function (CDF) graphs.

IncludeQuickReport Specifies whether the analysis results should include an output quick report.

IncludeSummaryReport Specifies whether the analysis results should include a summary report.

Inputs Returns a collection of stress analysis inputs.

OutputCell Specifies the stress analysis output cell.

ReportPlacement Specifies what workbook the analysis report will be placed in.

StressMultipleInputsSimulataneously Specifies if multiple inputs are stressed simultaneously in a single simulation.

See Also

RiskStressAnalysis Overview | NewStressAnalysis Method | RiskStressInput Object | RiskStressInputCollection Object

RiskStressAnalysis Object Members

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Runs the analysis defined in the object.


Public Sub RunAnalysis()


[Visual Basic]

'Run a stress analysis on the output in cell B5, while stressing the input

'in cell A1 in its upper 5 percentiles.

Public Sub RunStressAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewStressAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

With .Inputs.Add(ActiveSheet.Range("A1"))

.PercentileMin = 0.95

.PercentileMax = 1

End With


End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskStressAnalysis Object

RunAnalysis Method

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Writes the current object settings to the specified workbook.


Public Sub WriteSettingsToWorkbook( _

ByVal p_Workbook As Workbook _




The Excel workbook where the goal seek settings are to be written.


Once settings are written, they can be retrieved when creating a new RiskStressAnalysis object by specifying the SourceWorkbook parameter.

See Also

RiskStressAnalysis Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

WriteSettingsToWorkbook Method

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Specifies whether the analysis results should include a box-whisker plot.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property IncludeBoxWhiskerPlot() As Boolean

See Also

RiskStressAnalysis Object | IncludeComparisonGraphs Property | IncludeHistogramsAndCDFs Property | IncludeQuickReport Property | IncludeSummaryReport Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

IncludeBoxWhiskerPlot Property

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Specifies whether the analysis results should include comparison graphs.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property IncludeComparisonGraphs() As Boolean

See Also

RiskStressAnalysis Object | IncludeBoxWhiskerPlot Property | IncludeHistogramsAndCDFs Property | IncludeQuickReport Property | IncludeSummaryReport Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

IncludeComparisonGraphs Property

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Specifies whether the analysis results should include histograms and cumulative distribution function (CDF) graphs.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property IncludeHistogramsAndCDFs() As Boolean

See Also

RiskStressAnalysis Object | IncludeBoxWhiskerPlot Property | IncludeComparisonGraphs Property | IncludeQuickReport Property | IncludeSummaryReport Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

IncludeHistogramsAndCDFs Property

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Specifies whether the analysis results should include an output quick report.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property IncludeQuickReport() As Boolean

See Also

RiskStressAnalysis Object | IncludeBoxWhiskerPlot Property | IncludeComparisonGraphs Property | IncludeHistogramsAndCDFs Property | IncludeSummaryReport Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

IncludeQuickReport Property

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Specifies whether the analysis results should include a summary report.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property IncludeSummaryReport() As Boolean

See Also

RiskStressAnalysis Object | IncludeBoxWhiskerPlot Property | IncludeComparisonGraphs Property | IncludeHistogramsAndCDFs Property | IncludeQuickReport Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

IncludeSummaryReport Property

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Returns a collection of stress analysis inputs.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Inputs() As RiskStressInputCollection


[Visual Basic]

'Run a stress analysis on the output in cell B5, while stressing the input

'in cell A1 in its upper 5 percentiles.

Public Sub RunStressAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewStressAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

With .Inputs.Add(ActiveSheet.Range("A1"))

.PercentileMin = 0.95

.PercentileMax = 1

End With


End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskStressAnalysis Object | RiskStressInputCollection Object | RiskStressInput Object

Inputs Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies the stress analysis output cell.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property OutputCell() As Range


The cell must be an @RISK output. If a cell that is not an @RISK output is selected, it will automatically become an @RISK output when the analysis is run.


[Visual Basic]

'Run a stress analysis on the output in cell B5, while stressing the input

'in cell A1 in its upper 5 percentiles.

Public Sub RunStressAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewStressAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

With .Inputs.Add(ActiveSheet.Range("A1"))

.PercentileMin = 0.95

.PercentileMax = 1

End With


End With

End Sub

OutputCell Property

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See Also

RiskStressAnalysis Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies what workbook the analysis report will be placed in.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property ReportPlacement() As RiskReportPlacement

See Also

RiskStressAnalysis Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ReportPlacement Property

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Specifies if multiple inputs are stressed simultaneously in a single simulation.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property StressMultipleInputsSimulataneously() As Boolean


If this property is TRUE, a single simulation will be run that stresses all the stressed inputs simultaneously. If FALSE, each input will be stressed individually in it's own simulation.

See Also

RiskStressAnalysis Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

StressMultipleInputsSimulataneously Property

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Defines an input for a stress analysis.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskStressInput members.


[Visual Basic]

'Run a stress analysis on the output in cell B5, while stressing the input

'in cell A1 in its upper 5 percentiles.

Public Sub RunStressAnalysis()

With Risk.Simulation.NewStressAnalysis()

Set .OutputCell = ActiveSheet.Range("B5")

With .Inputs.Add(ActiveSheet.Range("A1"))

.PercentileMin = 0.95

.PercentileMax = 1

End With


End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskStressInput Members | RiskStressInputCollection Object | RiskStressAnalysis Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskStressInput Object

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.

Public Methods

AddInputReference Adds an input reference to this object.

ClearInputReferences Clears all input references.

GetInputReferenceInfo Retrieves information about a single input reference.

RemoveInputReference Removes an input reference.

Public Properties

Enabled Specifies whether this input is enabled.

InputReferenceCount Returns the number of cell/function references in this input.

PercentileMax The maximum percentile allowed for the input.

PercentileMin The minimum percentile allowed for the input.

StressMethod Specifies how the input will be stressed.

SubstitutionFunction A function that replaces the distribution function during the stressing process.

See Also

RiskStressInput Overview | RiskStressInputCollection Object | RiskStressAnalysis Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskStressInput Object Members

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Adds an input reference to this object.


Public Sub AddInputReference( _

ByVal p_Cell As Range, _

Optional ByRef p_DistributionFunctionPosition As Integer = 1 _




Specifies a cell reference for the input reference. This must be a single cell.


Optionally specifies an @RISK functional position for the input. This is only needed if there is more than one @RISK distribution in the same cell. In that case, the value 1 indicates

the first @RISK distribution, 2 the second, and so on.


When an input if created with Add Method, you can specify a single input cell, and function position. If that is the only cell reference you want in the input, you need do nothing else.

However, you may want to specify a compound input with more than one cell reference in a single input. In that case, this method must be used to add that additional items.


[Visual Basic]

'Add a compound input with three cells (A1, A2, and A3) all which are constrained to sample

'within the top 5%.

Public Sub AddCompoundStressInput(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskStressAnalysis)

With p_Analysis.Inputs.Add()

.AddInputReference ActiveSheet.Range("A1")

.AddInputReference ActiveSheet.Range("A2")

.AddInputReference ActiveSheet.Range("A3")

.StressMethod = RiskStressPercentileRange

AddInputReference Method

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.PercentileMin = 0.95

.PercentileMax = 1

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskStressInput Object | ClearInputReferences Method | GetInputReferenceInfo Method | RemoveInputReference Method | InputReferenceCount Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Clears all input references.


Public Sub ClearInputReferences()

See Also

RiskStressInput Object | AddInputReference Method | GetInputReferenceInfo Method | RemoveInputReference Method | InputReferenceCount Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ClearInputReferences Method

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Retrieves information about a single input reference.


Public Function GetInputReferenceInfo( _

ByVal p_Index As Integer, _

Optional ByRef p_Cell As Range, _

Optional ByRef p_DistributionFunctionPosition As Integer _

) As Range



Indicates for which input reference information is being sought.


Returns the single cell where the input reference is located.


The functional position of the input. This is only needed if there is more than one @RISK distribution in the same cell. In that case, the value 1 indicates the first @RISK distribution,

2 the second, and so on.

See Also

RiskStressInput Object | AddInputReference Method | ClearInputReferences Method | RemoveInputReference Method | InputReferenceCount Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GetInputReferenceInfo Method

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Removes an input reference.


Public Sub RemoveInputReference( _

ByVal p_Index As Integer _




The index of the input reference being removed.

See Also

RiskStressInput Object | AddInputReference Method | ClearInputReferences Method | GetInputReferenceInfo Method | InputReferenceCount Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RemoveInputReference Method

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Specifies whether this input is enabled.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Enabled() As Boolean


Disabled inputs are not included in the analysis. By default inputs are enabled.

See Also

RiskStressInput Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Enabled Property

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Returns the number of cell/function references in this input.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property InputReferenceCount() As Integer

See Also

RiskStressInput Object | AddInputReference Method | ClearInputReferences Method | GetInputReferenceInfo Method | RemoveInputReference Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

InputReferenceCount Property

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The maximum percentile allowed for the input.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property PercentileMax() As Double


This property only has effect if the StressMethod Property is set to RiskStressPercentileRange.


[Visual Basic]

'Add a stress input at cell A1 that is restricted to the lowest 5th percentile.

Public Sub AddSensitivityInput(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskStressAnalysis)

With p_Analysis.Inputs.Add(ActiveSheet("A1"))

.StressMethod = RiskStressPercentileRange

.PercentileMin = 0

.PercentileMax = 0.05

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskStressInput Object | PercentileMin Property | StressMethod Property | SubstitutionFunction Property

PercentileMax Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


The minimum percentile allowed for the input.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property PercentileMin() As Double


This property only has effect if the StressMethod Property is set to RiskStressPercentileRange.


[Visual Basic]

'Add a stress input at cell A1 that is restricted to the lowest 5th percentile.

Public Sub AddSensitivityInput(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskStressAnalysis)

With p_Analysis.Inputs.Add(ActiveSheet("A1"))

.StressMethod = RiskStressPercentileRange

.PercentileMin = 0

.PercentileMax = 0.05

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskStressInput Object | PercentileMax Property | StressMethod Property | SubstitutionFunction Property

PercentileMin Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Specifies how the input will be stressed.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property StressMethod() As RiskStressMethod


[Visual Basic]

'Add a stress input at cell A1 that is restricted to the lowest 5th percentile.

Public Sub AddSensitivityInput(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskStressAnalysis)

With p_Analysis.Inputs.Add(ActiveSheet("A1"))

.StressMethod = RiskStressPercentileRange

.PercentileMin = 0

.PercentileMax = 0.05

End With

End Sub

See Also

RiskStressInput Object | PercentileMax Property | PercentileMin Property | SubstitutionFunction Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

StressMethod Property

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A function that replaces the distribution function during the stressing process.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property SubstitutionFunction() As String


This property only has effect if the StressMethod Property is set to RiskStressSubstituteFunction.

See Also

RiskStressInput Object | PercentileMax Property | PercentileMin Property | StressMethod Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

SubstitutionFunction Property

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A collection of RiskStressInput Objects.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskStressInputCollection members.

Object Model

See Also

RiskStressInputCollection Members | RiskStressInput Object | RiskStressAnalysis Object

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RiskStressInputCollection Collection

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Public Methods

Add Adds a new stress input to the collection.

Public Properties

Count Returns the number of items in the collection.

Item Returns a single item in the collection.

See Also

RiskStressInputCollection Overview | RiskStressInput Object | RiskStressAnalysis Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskStressInputCollection Collection Members

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Adds a new stress input to the collection.


Public Function Add( _

Optional ByVal p_InputReferenceCell As Range = Nothing, _

Optional ByRef p_DistributionFunctionPosition As Integer = 1 _

) As RiskStressInput



Optionally specifies a cell reference for the input. This must be a single cell. (Multiple cell references many be added to the same stress input by calling the AddInputReference

Method multiple times for an input.)


Optionally specifies an @RISK functional position for the input. This is only needed if there is more than one @RISK distribution in the same cell. In that case, the value 1 indicates

the first @RISK distribution, 2 the second, and so on.


[Visual Basic]

'Add a stress input at cell A1 that is restricted to the lowest 5th percentile.

Public Sub AddSensitivityInput(ByVal p_Analysis As RiskStressAnalysis)

With p_Analysis.Inputs.Add(ActiveSheet("A1"))

.StressMethod = RiskStressPercentileRange

.PercentileMin = 0

.PercentileMax = 0.05

End With

End Sub

See Also

Add Method

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RiskStressInputCollection Collection | RiskStressInput Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Returns the number of items in the collection.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Count() As Integer

See Also

RiskStressInputCollection Collection

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Count Property

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Returns a single item in the collection.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Item( _

ByVal p_Index As Variant _

) As RiskStressInput



Must be a number between 1 and the number of items in the collection.

See Also

RiskStressInputCollection Collection

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Item Property

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An enumeration of possible advanced sensitivity variation methods.


Member Description

RiskVariationPercentChangeFromBaseValue Variation is a percentage change from a specified base value.

RiskVariationActualChangeFromBaseValue Variation is an actual change from a specified base value.

RiskVariationMinMaxRange Variation is across a specified min/max range.

RiskVariationDistributionPercentiles Variation is controlled by a specified array of percentiles.

RiskVariationValuesFromTable Variation is controlled by a specified table of values.

RiskVariationValuesFromExcelRange Variations is controlled by a set of values taken from an Excel range.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskAdvSensVariationMethod Enumeration

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An enumeration of the possible automatic results (if any) that can be automatically displayed when a @RISK simulation is run.


Member Description

RiskShowOutputGraph A graph of the output or input in the currently active cell will be displayed while the simulation proceeds, and @RISK will

be put into 'Result Browsing' mode at the end of the simulation. (If no output exists in the currently active cell, @RISK

will change the selection to find one.)

RiskShowResultsSummaryWindow The results summary window, showing a table of all @RISK outputs and inputs will be displayed.

RiskNoAutomaticResults @RISK will not automatically display any results. This is a useful mode for maco code.

RiskDemoMode @RISK will be in a special mode where each iteration of the simulation is displayed to the user. This is useful mode for

explaining how @RISK works to people unfamiliar with Monte-Carlo simulation.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | AutomaticResultsDisplay Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskAutomaticResultsDisplay Enumeration

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Member Description



See Also

RiskConstants Object

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RiskBatchFitReportStyle Enumeration

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An enumeration of different ways @RISK can automatically format spreadsheet cells containing @RISK inputs or outputs.


Member Description

RiskCellFormattingNone No automatically formatting will be performed.

RiskCellFormattingBackgroundColor The background color of the cell will be changed.

RiskCellFormattingFontColor The cell's font color will be changed.

RiskCellFormattingBorderColor The cell's border color will be changed.

RiskCellFormattingFontAndBorderColor The cell's border and font color will be changed.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | CellFormattingStyle Property | CellFormattingInputColor Property | CellFormattingOutputColor Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskCellFormattingStyle Enumeration

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An enumerated list of possible ways distribution samples can be collected.


Member Description

RiskCollectNone No input distribution samples will be collected.

RiskCollectMarked Only input distributions marked with a RiskCollect() property function will be collected.

RiskCollectAll All input distributions will be collected.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | CollectDistributionSamples Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskCollectDistributionSamples Enumeration

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An enumeration of distribution graph display formats.


Member Description

RiskAutomaticDistributionFormat The format of the graph will change based on the context of what is being displayed.

RiskProbabilityDensity Probability density values. Can not be used for discrete graphs.

RiskRelativeFrequency Relative frequency values. Can not be used for discrete graphs. Requires the binning of theoretical data.

RiskDiscreteProbability Discrete probability values. Can not be used for continuous graphs.

RiskCumulativeAscending Cumulative ascending values. (The y-value is the probability of finding a value at the specified x-value or less.)

RiskCumulativeDescending Cumulative descending values. (The y-value is the probability of finding a value higher than the specified x-value.)

See Also

RiskConstants Object | GraphPreferredDistributionFormat Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskDistributionDisplayFormat Enumeration

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An enumerated list of secondary y-axis overlays.


Member Description

RiskOverlayNone No overlay.

RiskOverlayCumulativeAscending A cumulative ascending overlay.

RiskOverlayCumulativeDescending A cumulative descending overlay.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

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RiskDistributionSecondaryAxisOverlay Enumeration

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An enumeration of possible truncation parameters.


Member Description

RiskNoTruncation No truncation.

RiskValueTruncation Truncation based on absolute min/max values.

RiskPercentileTruncation Truncation based on percentiles.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskDistributionTruncation Enumeration

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An enumerated list of @RISK product editions.


Member Description

RiskStandardEdition Standard Edition. The base edition of @RISK.

RiskProfessionalEdition Professional Edition. Includes all Standard Edition features plus distribution fitting, advanced analyses, @RISK Library,

and developer's kit support.

RiskIndustrialEdition Industrial Edition. Includes all Professional Edition features and multiple CPU simulation support.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | Edition Property

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RiskEdition Enumeration

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An enumeration of bin arrangments that can be used for the chi-squared goodness-of-fit test.


Member Description

RiskEqualIntervals The bins all have equal widths (except potentially the first and last bins which can be made to extend to negative or

positive infinity.)

RiskEqualProbabilities The bins all have equal probabilities (in terms of the fitted distribution). For discrete distributions this can only be done

approximately. Note: In this arrangement, the binning will change for each fit performed.

RiskCustomBins A custom bin arrangement is defined.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | ChiSqBinArrangement Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskFitChiSqBinArrangement Enumeration

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An enumeration of the possible types of input data for a fitting operation.


Member Description

RiskFitContinuousSamples The data are continuous.

RiskFitDiscreteSamples The data are discrete, integer values.

RiskFitCountedDiscreteSamples The data are discrete, integer values and must arranged in two columns. The first column contains the sample value.

The second column contains the number of samples at that value.

RiskFitUnnormalizedDensityPoints The data are (x,y) points that define a continuous density curve. The data must be arranged in two columns. The first

column contains the x-values, while the second contains the y-values. No normalization transformation is applied to the

data before fitting.

RiskFitNormalizedDensityPoints The data are (x,y) points that define a continuous density curve. The data must be arranged in two columns. The first

column contains the x-values, while the second contains the y-values. Before fitting occurs, the data is transformed so

that the area under the curve defined by the data (assuming linear extrapolation between data points) is equal to one.

RiskFitCumulativePoints The data are (x,p) points that define a continuous cumulative curve. The data must be arranged in two columns. The

first column contains the x-values, while the second contains the p-values.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | DataType Property | DataRange Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskFitDataType Enumeration

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An enumeration of the possible fit filters that can be applied.


Member Description

RiskFitFilterOff No filter is applied.

RiskFitFilterAbsolute A filter is specified with a specific minimum and maximum value.

RiskFitFilterRelative A filter is specified in terms of the number of standard deviations beyond which data is ignored.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | FilterType Property | FilterMinimum Property | FilterMaximum Property | FilterNumStdDeviations Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskFitFilterType Enumeration

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An enumeration of possible limits (or boundary conditions) that can be applied to an extremum of a distribution.


Member Description

RiskUnsureLimit No information is known about the boundary. This is the default, and this works effectively as a combination of

RiskOpenLimit (for distributions with asymptotic limits) and RiskBoundedButUnknownLimit (for distributions with finite


RiskOpenLimit Only distributions with an asymptotic limits will be considered.

RiskBoundedButUnknownLimit Only distributions with bounded limits will be considered, but the value of this limit is considered to be adjustable.

RiskFixedLimit Only distributions with bounded limits will be considered, and those limits will be fixed at a specified value.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | LowerLimitType Property | UpperLimitType Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskFitLimitType Enumeration

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An enumeration which specified possible methods of fitting distribution to data.


Member Description

RiskEstimatedParameters 'Fits' are performed using mathematical estimation techniques (for example, using the method of maximum likelihood

esitmation, or least-squares fitting, etc.)

RiskPredefinedDistributions 'Fits' are performed to a predefined set of distributions, which can then be compared to determine the best fitting option.

This is also sometimes called hypothesis comparison.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | FitMethod Property

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RiskFitMethod Enumeration

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An enumeration of fitting statistics.


Member Description

RiskChiSqStatistic The Chi-Square statistic. Often abbreviated Chi-Sq in @RISK.

RiskKolmogorovSmirnovStatistic The Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Often abbreviated K-S in @RISK.

RiskAndersonDarlingStatistic The Anderson-Darling statistic. Often abbreviated A-D in @RISK.

RiskRMSErrorStatistic The Root-Mean Squared Error statistic. Often abbreviated RMSErr in @RISK.

RiskAIC Akaike Information Criterion.

RiskBIC Bayesian Information Criterion.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

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RiskFitStatistic Enumeration

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An enumeration of parameters that can be fixed for fitting operations.


Member Description

RiskBinomialN Binomial distribution number of trials.

RiskBinomialP Binomial distribution probability.

RiskHypergeoN Hypergeometric distribution number of trials.

RiskNegBinS Negative binomial distribution number of successes.

RiskGammaShape Gamma distribution shape (alpha) parameter.

RiskNormalMean Normal distribution mean (mu) parameter.

RiskNormalStdDev Normal distribution standard deviation (sigma) parameter.

RiskWeibullShape Weibull distribution shape (alpha) parameter.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

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RiskFixedParameter Enumeration

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Member Description



See Also

RiskConstants Object

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RiskGanttLocation Enumeration

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An enumeration of goal seek comparison methods.


Member Description

RiskComparePercentOfTargetValue Indicates a percentage of the target value is used.

RiskCompareDistanceFromTargetValue Indicated an absolute difference from the target value is used.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskGoalSeekComparisonMethod Enumeration

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Member Description






See Also

RiskConstants Object

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RiskGraphLegendView Enumeration

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An enumerated list of possible operational states of the @RISK application.


Member Description

RiskDisabledInterface For internal use only.

RiskStandardOperation The normal operational mode of @RISK.

RiskDefiningDistributions The Define Distribution window is being displayed.

RiskSimulating A simulation is in progress.

RiskBrowsingResults The Browse Results window is being displayed.

RiskApplicationInitializing The @RISK application is in the processing of starting.

RiskApplicationTerminating The @RISK application is in the processing of shutting down.

RiskFunctionsRemoved @RISK is in "swapped out" mode, where all @RISK functions have been removed.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskInterfaceMode Enumeration

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An enumerated list of the possible languages @RISK can be using.


Member Description

RiskDefaultLanguage This constant is for internally use only.


RiskGermanLanguage German

RiskEnglishLanguage English

RiskSpanishLanguage Spanish

RiskFrenchLanguage French

RiskItalianLanguage Italian

RiskJapaneseLanguage Japanese

RiskPortugueseLanguage Portuguese

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskLanguageID Enumeration

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An enumeration of the possible states of availability of the @RISK Library.


Member Description

RiskLibraryNotAvailable The @RISK Library in unavailable.

RiskLibraryInitializationInProgress The @RISK Library is unavailable now, but should be available when it has finished its initialization.

RiskLibraryAvailable The @RISK Library is available.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | Availability Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskLibraryAvailability Enumeration

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Member Description



See Also

RiskConstants Object

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RiskOptimizationMode Enumeration

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An enumeration of optimization engines that can be used in RISKOptimizer.


Member Description

RiskOptimizerEngineAutomatic The engine is automatically chosen as appropriate.

RiskOptimizerEngineGeneticAlgorithm A evolutionary GA engine.

RiskOptimizerEngineOptQuest The OptQuest engine.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskOptimizerEngine Enumeration

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An enumeration of time-span values used to control how long an optimization can run.


Member Description

RiskOptimizerTimeSpanHours Hours

RiskOptimizerTimeSpanMinutes Minutes

RiskOptimizerTimeSpanSeconds Seconds

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskOptimizerTimeSpanUnit Enumeration

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An enumeration of @RISK product types.


Member Description

RiskProductTypeTrial A trial version.

RiskProductTypeBeta A beta version.

RiskProductTypeBought A purchased license.

RiskProductTypeCourse A course license.

RiskProductTypeBook A book license.

RiskProductTypeStudent A student version.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | ProductType Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskProductType Enumeration

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Member Description



See Also

RiskConstants Object

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RiskProjectCalculationMode Enumeration

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Member Description




See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskProjectSimulationDateRange Enumeration

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An enumerated list of random number generators available for use in @RISK.


Member Description

RiskMersenneTwisterThis is the default generator for @RISK. For more information on its characteristics, see the web page:


RiskMRG32k3a This is a robust generator from Pierre L’Ecuyer. For more information on its characteristics, see


RiskMWC The MWC generator concatenates two 16-bit multiply-with-carry generators, x(n)=36969x(n-1)+carry,

y(n)=18000y(n-1)+carry mod 2^16, has period about 2^60 and seems to pass all tests of randomness. A favorite

standalone generator---faster than KISS, which contains it.

RiskKISS The KISS generator, (Keep It Simple Stupid), is designed to combine the two multiply-with-carry generators in MWC with

the 3-shift register SHR3 and the congruential generator CONG, using addition and exclusive-or. Period about 2^123.

RiskLFIB4LFIB4 is defined as a lagged Fibonacci generator: x(n)=x(n-r) op x(n-s), with the x's in a finite set over which there is a

binary operation op, such as +,- on integers mod 2^32, * on odd such integers, exclusive-or(xor) on binary vectors.

RiskSWB SWB is a subtract-with-borrow generator developed to give a simple method for producing extremely long periods:

x(n)=x(n-222)-x(n-237)- borrow mod 2^32.

The 'borrow' is 0, or set to 1 if computing x(n-1) caused overflow in 32-bit integer arithmetic. This generator has avery

long period, 2^7098(2^480-1), about 2^7578. It seems topass all tests of randomness, except for the Birthday Spacings

test, which it fails badly, as do all lagged Fibonacci generators using +,- or xor.

RiskRandomNumberGenerator Enumeration

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RiskKISS_SWB KISS+SWB has period >2^7700 and is highly recommended. Subtract-with-borrow (SWB) has the same local behaviour

as lagged Fibonacci using +,-,xor- -- the borrow merely provides a much longer period. SWB fails the birthday spacings

test, as do all lagged Fibonacci and other generators that merely combine two previous values by means of =,- or xor.

Those failures are for a particular case: m=512 birthdays in a year of n=2^24 days. There are choices of m and n for

which lags >1000 will also fail the test.

RiskRAN3I This is the random number generator used in @RISK 3.x and @Risk 4.x. It is from Numerical Recipes, and is based on

a portable “subtractive”random number generator of Knuth.


(MWC, KISS, LFIB4, SWB, AND KISS+SWB) are all from George Marsaglia at Florida State University. See http://www.lns.cornell.edu/spr/1999-01/msg0014148.html for his comments.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | RandomNumberGenerator Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


An enumeration of possible regression coefficient formats.


Member Description

RiskRegressionEquationCoefficients Raw regression equation coefficients.

RiskRegressionStdBCoefficients The raw regression equation coefficients are 'standardized' by multiplying by the factor (Input Std. Deviation / Output Std.


RiskRegressionMappedValues The raw regression equation coefficients are multiplied by the Input Std. Deviation.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | CalculateRegressionSensitivities Method

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskRegressionCoefficientFormat Enumeration

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An enumeration of possible destination workbooks for a report.


Member Description

RiskActiveWorkbook Reports go in the currently active Excel workbook.

RiskNewWorkbook Reports go in a newly created Excel workbook.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | ReportPlacement Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskReportPlacement Enumeration

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An enumeration of Excel reports.


Member Description

RiskSimulationReportQuick A "Quick" Report, one page per output, with a summary of the most important information for each output.

RiskSimulationReportInputResultsSummary A summary report of all the simulated inputs. This matches the information in the Input tab of the @RISK Results

Summary window.

RiskSimulationReportOutputResultsSummary A summary report of all the simulated outputs. This matches the information in the Output tab of the @RISK Results

Summary window.

RiskSimulationReportDetailedStatistics A set of detailed statistical results for all inputs and outputs. This matches the information in the @RISK Detailed

Statistics window.

RiskSimulationReportData The complete set of simulation data for all inputs and outputs. This matches the information in the @RISK Data window.

RiskSimulationReportSensitivity The sensitivity results for all outputs. This matches the information in the @RISK Sensitivities window.

RiskSimulationReportScenarios The scenarios report for all outputs. This matches the information in the @RISK Scenarios window.

RiskSimulationReportTemplateSheets A static copy of all open template sheet. Template sheets must start with the prefix "RiskTemplate_".

RiskModelReportInputs A report summarizing all the currently defined inputs. This matches the information in the Inputs tab of the @RISK

Model window.

RiskModelReportOutputs A report summarizing all the currently defined outputs. This matches the information in the Outputs tab of the @RISK

Model window.

RiskModelReportCorrelations A report summarizing all the currently defined correlations. This matches the information in the Correlations tab of the

@RISK Model window.

See Also

RiskReportSelection Enumeration

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RiskConstants Object | GenerateExcelReports Method | ReportSelected Property | ReportsToGenerate Property

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An enumeration of different graph types for use in the RiskResultsGraph function.


Member Description















See Also

RiskResultsGraphType Enumeration

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RiskConstants Object

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An enumeration of possible choices where and how @RISK can stored simulation results.


Member Description

RiskResultsPromptOnSave Each time a workbook is saved, @RISK will prompt the user for where @RISK results should be stored. This is the

default option.

RiskResultsSaveInWorkbook @RISK automatically will save simulation results into workbooks.

RiskResultsNeverSave @RISK will never save simulation results, unless the save @RISK results command is manually run.


See Also

RiskConstants Object | SaveLocation Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskResultsStorageLocation Enumeration

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An enumeration of sampling types that can be used during a simulation.


Member Description

RiskMonteCarlo Unstratified sampling.

RiskLatinHypercube Stratified sampling. This is the @RISK default.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | SamplingType Property

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RiskSamplingType Enumeration

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An enumerated list of named scaling factors.


Member Description

RiskNoScaling Values are unscaled.

RiskScaleByThousands Values are scaled in thousands.

RiskScaleByThousandths Values are scaled in thousandths.

RiskScaleByMillions Values are scaled in millions.

RiskScaleByMillionths Values are scaled in millionths.

RiskScaleByBillions Values are scaled in billions.

RiskScaleByBillionths Values are scaled in billionths.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskScalingFactor Enumeration

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An enumeration of possible sensitivity analysis input types.


Member Description

RiskSensAnalysisCellBasedInput The entire cell (or cells) will be changed during the sensitivity analysis.

RiskSensAnalysisDistributionBasedInput Only the @RISK distribution function in the specified cell (or cells) will be changed during the sensitivity analysis

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskSensAnalysisInputType Enumeration

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An enumerated list of possible results from a simulation.


Member Description

RiskSimulationCanceledNoResults The simulation was canceled by the user and no results are available for display.

RiskSimulationCanceledPartialResults The simulation was canceled by the user, but there are results that can be displayed.

RiskSimulationCompletedSuccessfully The simulation completed normally.

RiskSimulationErrorOccurred An error occurred in the simulation, likely due to a problem in the model (e.g. a badly formed correlation matrix, etc.)

See Also

RiskConstants Object | Start Method

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RiskSimulationCompletionStatus Enumeration

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An enumerated list of ways @RISK distribution functions will return values when a simulation is not in progress.


Member Description

RiskStaticValues A static (non-random) value is returned.

RiskRandomValues A random value is returned. Each recalc will generate a new different random value.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

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RiskStandardRecalcBehavior Enumeration

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An enumeration of possible static values to be used when an RiskStaticValue is not specified for a function.


Member Description

RiskCorrectedExpectedValue The expected value of the distribution is used, except that in the case of a discrete distribution, the results is modified to

match one of the possible results. (This latter adjustment is useful to prevent non-simulation calculation errors in the


RiskTrueExpectedValue The true (non-rounded) expected value.

RiskModeValue The mode.

RiskPercentileValue A percentile (specified in another property).

See Also

RiskConstants Object | SimSettingsStdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic Property | StdRecalcWithoutRiskStatic Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskStaticValueType Enumeration

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An enumeration of possible updating mode for statistic functions.


Member Description

RiskUpdateEachIteration The statistic functions are updated after each interation of a simulation

RiskUpdateEachSimulation The statistic functions are update only at the end of a simulation.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | SimSettingsStatisticFunctionUpdating Property | StatisticFunctionUpdating Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskStatisticFunctionUpdating Enumeration

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An enumeration of statistic types.


Member Description

RiskStatisticMinimum The minimum.

RiskStatisticMaximum The maximum.

RiskStatisticMean The mean.

RiskStatisticMode The mode.

RiskStatisticMedian The median (50th percentile)

RiskStatisticSkewness The skewness.

RiskStatisticKurtosis The kurtosis.

RiskStatisticStdDeviation The standard deviation.

RiskStatisticVariance The variance.

RiskStatisticPercentile A percentile.


See Also

RiskConstants Object

RiskStatisticType Enumeration

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


An enumeration of stress methods for an input.


Member Description

RiskStressPercentileRange The input is stressed across a range of percentiles.

RiskStressSubstituteFunction The input is stressed by replacing its distribution function with another formula.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

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RiskStressMethod Enumeration

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An enumerated list of different summary graph center line statistics.


Member Description

RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMean The mean of the data.

RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMedian The median of the data (50th Percentile).

RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatisticMode The mode of the data.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskSummaryGraphCenterlineStatistic Enumeration

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An enumerated list of possible summary graph ranges.


Member Description

RiskSummaryGraphRangeP25P75 25th Percentile to 75th Percentile

RiskSummaryGraphRangeP10P90 10th Percentile to 90th Percentile

RiskSummaryGraphRangeP5P95 5th Percentile to 95th Percentile

RiskSummaryGraphRangeP1P99 1st Percentile to 99th Percentile

RiskSummaryGraphRangeMinMax Full Data Range.

RiskSummaryGraphRangeSD1 Plus or Minus 1 Standard Deviation

RiskSummaryGraphRangeSD2 Plus or Minus 2 Standard Deviations

RiskSummaryGraphRangeSD3 Plus or Minus 3 Standard Deviations

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskSummaryGraphRange Enumeration

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An enumeration of possible ways the change preview dialog will be displayed when the @RISK user swaps in functions.


Member Description

RiskPreviewAll The preview dialog will always be displayed, showing all formula changes.

RiskPreviewModifiedFormulasAndStaticValues Only formulas and/or static values that were modified after the swap out occured will be shown in the change preview


RiskPreviewModifiedFormulas Only formulas that were modified after the swap out occured will be shown in the change preview dialog.

RiskPreviewNone The change preview dialog will never be shown.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | SwapPreviewChanges Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskSwapPreviewChanges Enumeration

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An enumeration of possible text orientations.


Member Description



See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskTextOrientation Enumeration

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Member Description



See Also

RiskConstants Object

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RiskTimeSeriesOrientation Enumeration

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Member Description




See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskTimeSeriesOutputType Enumeration

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An enumeration of tornado graph display formats.


Member Description

RiskTornadoRegressionCoefficients A tornado of regression coefficients.

RiskTornadoRegressionMappedValues A tornado of regression coefficients mapped onto output units.

RiskTornadoCorrelationCoefficients A tornado of correlation coefficients.


See Also

RiskConstants Object | GraphPreferredTornadoFormat Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskTornadoDisplayFormat Enumeration

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An enumeration of values controling how the @RISK Windows List will be displayed.


Member Description

RiskWindowListNever The windows list will never be displayed.

RiskWindowListAutomatic The windows list will be displayed automatically when more than 5 @RISK windows are displayed simultaneously.

RiskWindowListAlways The windows list is always displayed.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | WindowListDisplay Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskWindowListDisplay Enumeration

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An enumeration of default window sizes.


Member Description

RiskWindowSizeSmall Small windows.

RiskWindowSizeMedium Medium sized windows.

RiskWindowSizeLarge Large windows.

See Also

RiskConstants Object | WindowDefaultSize Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskWindowSize Enumeration

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UDT Members

Member Type Description

BinMinimum Double The minimum (left) value of the bin.

BinMaximum Double The maximum (right) value of the bin.

FitOccupation Double The number of samples that would theoretically fall into the bin

based on the fitted distribution. This value may not be an integer


InputOccupation Double |

The number of input sample that fall into the bin.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskChiSqBinInformation UDT

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UDT Members

Member Type Description

Enabled Boolean TRUE indicates this fit will actually be used when performing the

fitting process. FALSE indicates this fit will be bypassed.

Name String The name to associate with this fit.

DistributionFunction String |

The @RISK distribution function for this fit.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskPredefinedFit UDT

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UDT Members

Member Type Description

InputIndex Long The index of the input in the collection of simulation results. This

can be used to obtain more information about the input.

Significance Double The difference between the median and the subset median, divided

by the standard deviation.

SubsetMedian Double The median value of the subset of data that meets the criteria of the


SubsetPercentile Double |

The percentile (with respect to all the data for the output) of the the

subset median.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskScenarioData UDT

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UDT Members

Member Type Description

InputIndex Long The index of the input in the collection of simulation results. This

can be used to obtain more information about the input.

Coefficient Double |

The sensitivity coefficient connecting the output to the input. This

coefficient takes on different forms depending on the specific

sensitivity calculation performed.

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskSensitivityData UDT

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UDT Members

Member Type Description

InputIndex Long

MinimumValue Double

MaximumValue Double

See Also

RiskConstants Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskStatisticSensitivityData UDT

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Controls the preferred display format for tornado graphs.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property GraphPreferredTornadoFormat() As RiskTornadoDisplayFormat


This property only applies to tornado graphs.

This property applies to new graphs when they are first created. To apply this property to existing graphs call the ApplyNow method.

See Also

RiskApplicationSettings Object | GraphPreferredDistributionFormat Property | RiskTornadoDisplayFormat Enumeration

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

GraphPreferredTornadoFormat Property

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Indicates what statistic determines the "best fit" for batch fits.

Property type

Read-write property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property BatchFitSelectorStatistic() As RiskFitStatistic

See Also

RiskFitDefinition Object | BatchFit Property | BatchFitReportIncludeCorrelations Property | BatchFitReportIncludeDetailWorksheets Property | BatchFitReportInNewWorkbook Property

| BatchFitReportStyle Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

BatchFitSelectorStatistic Property

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Provides an object for the control of the @RISK Library.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskLibraryServer members.

See Also

RiskLibraryServer Members

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RiskLibraryServer Object

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Public Methods

AddResultsToLibrary Adds the current @RISK simulation results to the @RISK Library.

ShowLibraryWindow Displays the @RISK Library window (if available) to the user.

Public Properties

Availability Indicates whether the @RISK Library is available.

See Also

RiskLibraryServer Overview

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RiskLibraryServer Object Members

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Adds the current @RISK simulation results to the @RISK Library.


Public Sub AddResultsToLibrary()


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

Public Sub AddResultsToAtRiskLibrary()

If Risk.Library.Availability = RiskLibraryAvailable Then



MsgBox "The @RISK Library is not available."

End If

End Sub

See Also

RiskLibraryServer Object

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

AddResultsToLibrary Method

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Indicates whether the @RISK Library is available.

Property type

Read-only property

Syntax (Visual Basic)

Public Property Availability() As RiskLibraryAvailability


The @RISK Library feature is not available in the Standard Edition of @RISK.

The user may turn off the @RISK Library feature manually with the LibraryEnabled property of the Risk.ApplicationSettings object.

Since the set up of the librarys' databases may take some time, the @RISK Library loads asynchronously. If the value of this property is RiskLibraryInitializationInProgress, that indicates

that the Library is still in the process of starting up.


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Show the @RISK Library window if it is available.

Public Sub ShowAtRiskLibraryIfAvailable()

If Risk.Library.Availability = RiskLibraryAvailable Then



MsgBox "The @RISK Library is not available."

End If

End Sub

See Also

RiskLibraryServer Object | LibraryEnabled Property

Availability Property

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© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Displays the @RISK Library window (if available) to the user.


Public Sub ShowLibraryWindow()


[[New Example] (Visual Basic)]

'Show the @RISK Library window if it is available.

Public Sub ShowAtRiskLibraryIfAvailable()

If Risk.Library.Availability = RiskLibraryAvailable Then



MsgBox "The @RISK Library is not available."

End If

End Sub

See Also

RiskLibraryServer Object | Availability Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ShowLibraryWindow Method

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An enumeration of fitting statistics.


Member Description

RiskChiSqStatistic The Chi-Square statistic. Often abbreviated Chi-Sq in @RISK.

RiskKolmogorovSmirnovStatistic The Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Often abbreviated K-S in @RISK.

RiskAndersonDarlingStatistic The Anderson-Darling statistic. Often abbreviated A-D in @RISK.

RiskRMSErrorStatistic The Root-Mean Squared Error statistic. Often abbreviated RMSErr in @RISK.

RiskAIC Akaike Information Criterion.

RiskBIC Bayesian Information Criterion.

See Also

RiskOL Object

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RiskFitStatistic Enumeration

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Contains utility enumeration, structures, and constant values.

For a list of all members defined in this module, see RiskOL members.

See Also

RiskOL Members

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RiskOL Object

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See Also

RiskOL Overview

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RiskOL Object Members

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An enumeration of the possible states of availability of the @RISK Library.


Member Description

RiskLibraryNotAvailable The @RISK Library in unavailable.

RiskLibraryInitializationInProgress The @RISK Library is unavailable now, but should be available when it has finished its initialization.

RiskLibraryAvailable The @RISK Library is available.

See Also

RiskOL Object | Availability Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskLibraryAvailability Enumeration

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An enumeration of tornado graph display formats.


Member Description

RiskTornadoRegressionCoefficients A tornado of regression coefficients.

RiskTornadoRegressionMappedValues A tornado of regression coefficients mapped onto output units.

RiskTornadoCorrelationCoefficients A tornado of correlation coefficients.


See Also

RiskOL Object | GraphPreferredTornadoFormat Property

© Palisade Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

RiskTornadoDisplayFormat Enumeration

Palisade @RISK 6.0 for Excel Object Library Send comments on this topic.