Risk assessment

Post on 10-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Risk assessment

Risk assessment When I am going out of college to take photos I need to make sure that I am careful and if I go to places I have never been before I need to be careful.

Risk assessed Shooting Location Responsibly Strategy to outcome/ Prevention

Illness All My model To prevent my model being sick during the

photo shoot I will make sure that she is feeling well enough before we

start the shoot and make sure she is not unwell at

all. I will be doing most of the shooting in my dads house so if she is ill she will have people around her to help her, not just

me.Weather Outside My model and me I do not plan to do shoots

outside but if I do I will only do it if it is good

weather, but bad weather might make my pictures better it might flow well

with my magazine.

Memory card full All Me I will ensure that I take two memory cards but if I

cannot I will make sure there is nothing on the one I use. I am taking a

computer with me to my dads house so I can just

put the photos on there if we run out of memory.

Actor inconveniences\clashes

All Me or model Before I do the photo shoot I will make sure that neither me or the model are not doing anything on that day and if we are I will change the date and make sure everyone is free.

Broken Equipment All Me The equipment that I will be using will be my own, it will be my dads things

and nothing has ever broke before so I will just have to be careful when I am using the equipment.

Low battery All Me The Camera that I will be using will be fully charged when I start the photo shoot, I will make sure that when I leave that it is fully charged, however I am doing the photo shoot in a house so I can take breaks while the camera charges.

My model not doing their job

All The model If the model becomes shy I will just have to convince her that there are people that don’t even know her seeing the photos and that its not the end of the world. However the model that I have chosen is very out going and knows what to do and has done it before and I have told her what she will be doing so she is ready for whatever I tell her to do.

Lighting All Me The lighting that I am using will be the lighting that is in my dads house and if it is not very bright I can get lamps from around the house, worst case I can come into college and do my photo shoot because they have a lot of lights.

Location is unavailable All Neither The location I am using is my dads house and the only reason that it would be unavailable is if he wasn’t in, but I could arrange it with him to make sure that he will be in.

Trip hazards My dads studio Me The location is not very

messy as it is my dads house and it is in his dining room which is rather big and space wont be a problem so I am hoping that people wont trip over, if it is messy I will tidy up the area so there are no risks of this.

Software All Me The software that I will use could crash however I will save my work every 10-15 minutes.

Electricals All Me Electric is going to be a problem everywhere and in all areas of my photo shoot to getting to the photo shoot and to the editing, so I am going to have to be as careful as possible with all electrical equipment, unplug or turn off stuff that I am not using.

Money All Me Money wont be an issue, my dad will pick us up and take us to his so I do not have to pay for travel, he will also bring us back. There is no money issue there. With the equipment I can either borrow from the college or from my own stuff or my dads stuff so I do not have to buy anything as the college have pretty much everything.