Risk Assessment

Post on 16-May-2015

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Transcript of Risk Assessment


Risk Assessment

Producer: Juliana Mariz Production Details: My Music Video – All about tonight

Types of Risk: Personal Injury / Health & Safety / Damage to equipment / Halting Production

Risk Type Details of Risk Ways to minimise risk Person(s) ResponsiblePersonal Injury Walking in stiletto heels whilst singing and

dancing can be a distraction and there is possibility of tripping and hurting themselves.

Bringing comfortable shoes for rehearsals and then changing into stiletto heels for the shooting.


Damage to costumes Stiletto heel might break or could get stuck in a hole – e.g. drains.

Be aware of the location where filming and avoid any areas which will damage the heel.


Damage to equipment Using a lot of expensive technical equipment that could get damaged easily if misused. Also camera battery may run out when shooting or bad lighting at night making it hard to shoot.

Make sure no one misuses the equipment. Bring a spare battery and make sure the battery being used is fully charged before using. Film as it starts to get dark and not when its fully pitch black.


Halting production- Outside

Filming in a public place might cause problems with neighbours, and people walking past and driving.

Speak to neighbours around and ask if they are okay with filming in that area for a bit and avoid being really loud.


Halting production- Inside

Filming in a studio will be a problem if it hasn’t been booked in advance, as many people will want to use it for similar products.

Book in advance and on the day double check it is still free and warn people around that you will be using the studio for the day.
