Rise of the Sufferfests - Film Tour Pitch

Post on 07-May-2015

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Rise of the Sufferfests is the the first feature documentary about the obstacle race phenomenon. The film explores the history of the sport, psychology behind it, personalities that drive it, and most importantly, WTF it says about the world we’re living in. Specifically… WHY THE HELL IS EVERYONE SUDDENLY PAYING FOR PAIN? Assuming we find a title sponsor to help us finish this film by next summer, we plan to take the documentary on a disruptive cross-country screening tour next summer. And we really hope Airbnb would want to be a part of that. If you like what you see and have a few strings you can pull, let us know. Thanks!

Transcript of Rise of the Sufferfests - Film Tour Pitch



First, the obvious: OBSTACLE RACING IS EVERYWHERE. !In 2014, twice as many people will cross a finish line caked in mud than marathons and half marathons… combined. According to a new report, 4.3 million people will collectively shell out $361 million to suffer through ice, fire, electricity, barbed wire, mud and more. OCR, as it’s called, is the fastest growing sport since, well, ever. !

And it raises the question…








RISE OF THE SUFFERFESTS is the first feature documentary about the obstacle race phenomenon. The film explores the history of the sport, psychology behind it, personalities that drive it, and most importantly, WTF it says about the world we’re living in. Specifically…


= opportunity for As tourism bureaus everywhere will attest: mud is Big Business. When a popular event series like Tough Mudder sets up shop in your sleepy resort town, or cornfed heartland — and ten thousand people suddenly show up: eating, drinking, sleeping, fueling — it’s cause to celebrate. It’s a headline. It’s on the nightly news. In fact, it’s such an economic boon that some venues, like Whistler Mountain, will not only waive the site fee but they’ll pay Tough Mudder six figures to come to town. In fact, a 2013 economic impact report claimed a $7.5 million jolt to the local economy, with a 15% bump projected for the 2014 event. Hotels regularly sell out. Campgrounds. Even the shitty roach motels that nobody wants to stay at. Accommodations are such a frequent concern on message boards that one entrepreneur even tried launching OCR Connect, touted as “the Airbnb of obstacle racing.” And though that venture clearly lacked any funding and fizzled at the gate, it’s certainly a viable vertical. Especially since obstacle racers are tech-savvy social animals who often chase the camaraderie and realtime connection as much as the challenge. !“The Suffer Club,” as we’re calling our community of mud-loving masochists, is an enormous untapped market for Airbnb. Not just in the United States, but across the globe. OCR is a worldwide phenomenon, and knowing this demographic as well as we do, we know we could make some noise with you. We’d love to work with your creatives to develop a content strategy that creates instant affinity for your brand, increases host signups, promotes hosted dinners, and spreads positive awareness for Airbnb around the world. !Which brings us to OUR “BIG IDEA”…

• Forsake climate-controlled cinemas in favor of events in unusual places: fields, barns, gyms, homes, amphitheaters, and of course, event venues !

• Team up with our friends at Silent Disco and use wireless headphones for screenings + after parties !

• Identify Suffer Club street team leaders at each tour stop to help organize, host and promote events, etc. !

• Engage local media to generate press and awareness for the film + Airbnb tour !

• Stay at Airbnb properties with hosts/fans who hold intimate dinner parties for filmmakers/athletes/media/etc. !

• Document the adventure and create original web content for Airbnb !

• Offer USB keys/necklaces featuring exclusive digital content with each ticket

Next summer, we’ll leverage this (extremely captive) crowd of weekend warriors, and take our film directly to our audience with a disruptive cross-country film tour. We’ll map out a route that brings us to a new event/town each weekend, hit the road in a branded vehicle, and host unique, advanced screenings that underscore the community’s countercultural spirit. For instance:

presents… FILM TOUR

In addition to the earned media that would accompany an innovative tour like this, we’d work with your creative team to develop branded content that engages The Suffer Club. This could take shape in the form of a web series showcasing the properties we stay at during the tour, as well as a smart ad campaign that encourages these sufferfest-loving lunatics to join the Airbnb revolution. Oh, and we’d love to do something cool with…

The Painted Warrior is the most recognizable figure on the OCR scene. Known for their holy shit! body paint designs, husband/wife duo Stephen Sinek and Aeni Domme are fan favorites at every race they attend. Their special blend of artistry and athleticism has been widely embraced by the community. !


The Painted Warrior will be with us throughout parts of the tour. And as you’ll see in our (proof-of-concept) promo video, we could create some pretty badass digital shorts of their painting sessions, shot at various Airbnb properties, of course. !For more on The Painted Warrior, check out their media kit.

!Thanks for taking the time to look through this. I believe The Suffer Club provides an unbeatable opportunity to expand Airbnb’s reach, membership and bottom line. And your sponsorship by helping us realize our dreams of creating a film for this sport, If you see the potential here, I’d love the chance to jump on a call to discuss. !I look forward to hearing from you, !Scott Keneally !writer/director Rise of the Sufferfests scottkeneally@me.com 415.902.1875