RILM Abstracts of Music Literature in its Global Environment: The Past and Vision for the Future...

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Transcript of RILM Abstracts of Music Literature in its Global Environment: The Past and Vision for the Future...

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature in its Global Environment:The Past and Vision for the Future

Zdravko BlažekovićRépertoire International de Littérature Musicale

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature is an abstracted and indexed bibliography of significant scholarship concerning all genres of music, published anywhere in the world and appearing in all print and digital media.

RILM Functions Under the Auspices of:

The International Musicological Society

The International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres

The International Council for Traditional Music

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature publications issued since 1967

RILM Retrospective Abstracts of Music Literature

publications issued before 1967

Number of records in both databases: 770,000

Barry S. Brook(1918-1997)

“automatic indexing by computer will make possible very extensive cross indexing and effective retrieval of information”

Barry S. Brook, 1965

Data processing system IBM S360/40

“scholars working on specific research projects will eventually be able to request a bibliographic search by the computer of its stored information and to receive an automatic printed-out replay”

Barry S. Brook, 1965

Transliteration system recommended by the International Organization for Standardization

Чайковский, Пётр Ильич

Tchaikovsky, Peter IlichTxaikovski, Piotr Ilitx

柴可夫斯基 , 彼得 · 伊里奇

Čajkovskij, Pëtr Il'ičISO/RILM

RILMs international thesaurus integrated with the index, 1971

Bilingual record in RILMs editorial database

Portions of RILM’s name authority card

Corelli, Arcangelo/performances/Italy/Roma/Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore/1676-1712

Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da/performances/Vatican/Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano/1551

Corelli, Arcangelo ― Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da ― performances ― Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, Roma ― Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano, Vatican


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RILM’s indexing style

FRBR relationships between works

Alexander III (the Great), king of Macedonia & Cleofile

Rufus, Quintus Curtius/Historiae Alexandri Magni (biography)

Plutarch, Lucius Mestrius/Life of Alexander (biography)

Boyer, Claude/Porus, ou La générosité d'Alexandre (tragedy)

Racine, Jean/Alexandre le Grand (tragedy)

Pietro Metastasio/Alessandro nell' Indie (play)

Hasse, Johann Adolf/Alessandro nell’Indie (opera)

Vinci, Leonardo/ Alessandro nell'Indie (opera)

Tottola, Andrea Leona/Alessandro nelle India (libretto)

Pacini, Giovanni/Alessandro nelle Indie (opera seria)

Anonymous/Alessandro nelle India (libretto)

Händel, Georg Friedrich/Poro, rè dell'Indie, HWV 28 (dramma per musica)

Boccardi, Michelangelo/Cleofide (libretto)

Hasse, Johann Adolf/Cleofide (opera seria)

Mauro, Bartolomeo Ortensio/La superbia di Alessandro (libretto)

Mauro, Bartolomeo Ortensio/Il zelo di Leonato (revision of original libretto)

Roli, Paolo Antonio/Alessandro (revision of libretto by Mauro)

Händel, Georg Friedrich/Alessandro, HWV 21 (dramma per musica)



manuscripts• Scarlatti Masses• Palestrina Missa Papae Marcelli

• Gasparini, Francesco• Palestrina Missa Papae Marcelli• Scarlatti, Alessandro• 1676-1704

• 1557-1624

Corelli, Arcangelo/performances/Italy/Roma/Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore/1676-1712

Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da/performances/Vatican/Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano/1551

RILM’s indexing style


Narrower term Dates

The presentation is available at:

Zdravko Blažeković