RIGHTEOUSNESS VERSUS SINarepnw.org/EventsBrochures/ASFG Book 3 - complete.pdf · 2019-05-27 · I...

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Transcript of RIGHTEOUSNESS VERSUS SINarepnw.org/EventsBrochures/ASFG Book 3 - complete.pdf · 2019-05-27 · I...


Lesson No. I


Create in me, 0 God, a new purpose, a righteous spirit: that I may, as Thy child, be a living example of that I have professed and do profess to believe, by manifesting same among my fellow men. [262-124l

*The "Meditation" chapter in Books I and II is suggested for review prior to studying the material in Book III.



[Based on Edgar Cayce readings 262-124 through 262-129]



In the lives of many individuals, there is quite a controversy as to what constitutes righteousness and what constitutes sin. When we are able to consider this matter as it relates to the individual, considering first the Ideal of the individual and that which constitutes a deviation from this Ideal, and secondly what Ideals are in relation to moral, spiritual and mental standards, then we will have a better understanding.

Righteousness and sin are extremes of awareness in the consciousnesses of many men and women, or they become personal conditions with which they must reckon.

There is no other way to look upon good and evil if we would be as fair to others as we desire them to be with us. Yet few people have learned to be so tolerant. Shall we continue to use our own measuring rod or be more universal in recognizing that mankind is in a state of development? Truth is a growth, and God understands the efforts of His children and accepts them whether they meet the approval or disapproval of the world.

What Is Righteousness? What Is Sin?

In the commonly accepted term "righteousness" is referred to as light and "sin" as darkness. Those who walk in the light are those who are righteous, while those who are in opposition to God (Good) are in sin or error.

Who is to judge? What is righteousness to some is sin to others and vice versa. For example, in the days of slavery in these United States many saintly people regarded their slaves as their wards, as a sacred responsibility thrust upon them by God and felt that it was their solemn duty to keep, feed and clothe them, to supply those things of which they had been deprived as barbarians in their jungle homes. To others, it was the worst of all crimes to keep mankind in bondage. So heinous

*Gladys Davis' note: Hugh Lynn Cayce, Esther Wynne and I were the compilers.


was the sin in their sight that the masters of the slaves merited death and humiliation. The same views were held by some of the early Christians in the days of the Inquisition. It was a sin that merited death, even torture, not to worship as was prescribed by their particular church. Others believed that they were accountable only to God and it was to them sin to conform to doctrines and laws that were man-made. Then who is to judge what is righteousness, and what is sin? Rather, should not each of us study to show himself approved unto God, a workman that needs not be ashamed?

The Master called to the attention of the disciples that unless their righteousness exceeded the righteousness of the Pharisees, they would all likewise sin. He called the efforts of the Pharisees righteousness, although it was expressed in long prayers and calling God's attention to their own self­righteousness. Then obviously the Master recognized degrees of righ teousness for He referred to theirs as a type. How were they to discern between the righteousness of the Pharisees and that represented by the Master? He had been a living example of selflessness as He lived with His disciples. They had been with Him and had seen that He practiced what He taught. If with such light they were still selfish and self-centered, for them it was sin. What about our righteousness with the light that is ours?

Jesus never condemned an attempt of anyone to express that which was his concept of God. He never condemned anyone's concept of worship, even though self gets into it. "A bruised teed shall he not break and the smoking flax shall he not quench.'"

We should look within and see if our words, our activities, even our prayers are prompted by the desire for self-glory. Are we seeking for the welfare of others and forgetting self in so doing?

Shall we not say it is the purpose behind the act? God alone knows and understands the intents and purposes of the heart of man.

There Is a Way

Do we, as seekers, as children of God, have firsthand knowledge, or do we accept only what others have told us? Know in whom ye believe, know He is able to keep that you ha ve committed unto Him against that day. This is most important,

Ilsaiah 42:3


for God is God to all, but He is God, like Father, only to those who know Him. When we really know Him, we are God-like. Do we know Him, or is itself-righteousness that speaks? Do we condemn? Did Christ? He is the Pattern. He is the Way. Do we know the Way? Are we following the Way?

Are we living that life that exceeded the life of the Pharisees, who gave their tithes, who attended to their offices in the temple, who met regularly to teach, guide and direct others? Yet what lacked they? Did they not teach the letter of the law and forget the Spirit? Are we too forgetting the Spirit?

Let us ask ourselves, are we manifesting thought, word and action and that which we sincerely believe? Do we give credit to the Spirit where credit is due? Do we adhere to the spirit of brotherly love and sow the seeds of kindly feeling because we wish to or do it from a sense of duty? Are we long-suffering because we just can't help it or are we willing that God through His Son, through the Master of masters show us the Way, His Way?

In seeking to help others we frequently come to an impasse. Advice, counsel and prayer seem ineffective. It is so easy, at such times to say, "I have done everything I can. There is iust nothing else I can do."

This is a self·righteous attitude, an insult to the power of the Spirit wi thin.

It is true that we of ourselves can do very little. At such times are we thinking in terms of how much we can do for others? When the ego speaks or acts, the results will so frequently prove ineffectual and futile. '

Through the power of the Spirit within we can do more, for before that power there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

In truth there can never be in our experience a time when we can say, "I have done all I can." This is in itself an admission that the Spirit is being forgotten. We are self-righteously standing in the place of the Pharisee; for tliaIis-just another way of saying, "I am not like other men who have not tried."

It is to the Spirit within that credit must be given for the power to serve-in God's way.

The Master said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."2 Would we modify that? Would we say that such is only to be sought, to be tried for and is not attainable in this life under our present environments, hates and fears? Was He unreasonable? Did He not manifest

2Matthew 5:48


the Spirit of the Father? Did He not bless those who despitefully used Him and condemned Him?

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."3 It seems inconsistent to say that when we go a way that to us seems right, that way leads to destruction. Have we ever stopped to reason whether we made our standard and measured our acts by our own sense of right and wrong without consideration of others, or did we use the Christ way as a standard and act in regard to others as we would have them act toward us? Does thinking only make our actions right?

According to God's standard it has never been right to kill, yet men in the name of religion, freedom and self-preservation have killed; and to them it seemed right. The end justified the means, they reasoned.

History, both sacred and profane, is full of man's standards of righteousness, but in every case self was in the picture. Wars may have been fought in the name of religion or for freedom, but in every instance economics has played a part. We need no wars for the power of God to be manifested.

There is only one way and it is not man-made, but Christ­made. It is the way of selflessness, love, mercy, forgiveness, patience and long-suffering.

Will we be led by the Spirit of Truth or will self, the ego, our own material desires, so outweigh the purposes, the missions for which our souls are given opportunities in material expressions, that it may be said of us, except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the self-righteous you shall all likewise sin?

God's Purposes for Us

The purpose of God in creating souls in the beginning was that they might be His companions. This the souls through self­aggrandizement failed to manifest, so God in His mercy made man, that the souls in mankind in a material world might learn through experiences, through physical awareness, to "be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height ... with all the fullness of God. '" God has not changed in His purpose, but is the same yesterday, today and forever. "The Lord is ... not willing that any should perish,"5 but with every temptation has made a way of escape.

3Proverbs14:12 'Ephesians3:19 'I!Peler3:9


His purpose is that all should come to a knowledge and understanding of Him through the One, the Perfect One, Jesus, the Christ, that man made perfect through suffering. "Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered."6

This purpose of God to bear with man until he comes to an understanding has been manifested in the many messengers, teachers and prophets He has sent again and again into the earth to warm, comfort and guide His people. Some of these were Moses, Joshua, Jesus; and many who have seemingly fought for a lost cause, but their purposes, being one with God, have borne fruit. God said in the beginning of man's experience in the earth, "Let there be light"7; though that light at times dimmed, it has never gone out. Each messenger whom God has sent to warn His people has rekindled a flame in the hearts of many of whom the world has had little knowledge.

Galileo, Socrates, Luther and Huss, each had his own message to give, each took with it his hemlock, whether it was persecution or death. What was the reason for those persecutions of men with profound truth to give to the world? The people failed to place true values on new ideas. If they were not according to their standard of righteousness, then, of course, it was sin. They made themselves both judge and executioner. Are we doing the same today?

Then is our purpose one with the Father, or are we still seeking self-gratification, self-indulgence? If so, we will have it all to learn over again, for every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess. Then what must be our purpose if our efforts are to be counted to us for righteousness. Inasmuch as God so loved the world, even so should we love one another. For love is a fulfillment of the law. Love works no ill to our neighbors, but begets mercy, peace and gentleness. It is only through these that we may manifest God's purpose for us.

Our Purpose in Life

All righteousness is included in the attempt of individuals to make application of that which in the material is to them termed good. What is good appears in varied forms in man's consciousness. But good that is free from selfishness is from the All Good and never varies. Itis always the same.ltis only when self and self-interpretations come in that there is a

6Hebrews 6:8 7Genesis 1:3


manifestation of degrees of goodness. All mankind is not awakened, all do not know the God of love. God in His mercy, His long-suffering, His love counts every attempt of righteous­ness to the credit of His children. As a man "thinketh in his heart, so is he.'" If spiritually asleep he thinks himself good and acts in accordance with his belief, then his God meets him where he is and according to his faith blesses him. To many, Abraham's offering of Isaac would appear foolish, yet, as stated, the Lord "counted it to him forrighteousness."9 It, then, is a personal application of the awareness that is in the consciousness of the seeker after God.

How great is the sin of those who are awakened to the goodness of God, who know Him to be the Father, who know they should do good and yet do it not. It is well to think on these things.

Are our purposes in accord with the purposes of the Father? Or are we still asleep spiritually? Joshua said, "Choose you this day whom ye will serve ... "10 Jesus said, "First cast out the beam out of thine own eye ... "11

We are now witnessing a horrible war, the most destructive in history.12 Prayers now are being offered. Are we praying for self, selfs home, country, kin, and allies? Are we praying that all may be brough t to light and understanding? We believe sin to be selfishness; then, if we are just thinking of self, we may be sure that sin lies at our door. Jesus said, "Love your enemies."13

Righteousness, the opposite of sin, is selflessness. Jesus said, "Blessed are the mercifu!'''14 Are we showing mercy? Are we seeing the good in our brother, whether he be friend or foe? If not, what are our purposes?

The spiritual awakening brings conviction within the heart, though the experiences of the physical are often tormenting to the individua!'

It will bring understanding to us who have the courage to dare to do the right in the face of all oppositions. U nkindnesses, slights, slurs; broken promises become as naught in the praise of Him who gave His life that we might have life more abundantly.

If we would be at-one with Him, it must be through helping others who are disturbed in minds, bodies and desires. If we would be at-one with Him, it must be through bringing to others

8Proverbs 23:7 9Genesis 15:6 lOJoshua 24:15 llMatthew 8:5 12World War II 13Matthew 5:44 14Matthew 5:7


the knowledge of the Christ and how He, through suffering, fulfilled the purposes of the Father.


Then, let us remember that righteousness and sin are to many the extremes of awareness in consciousness. Thus it becomes a personal condition to be reckoned with by each individual. Not that there are not laws, that there are not metes and bounds about either of the terms; still the way may be righteousness to one, to another may be sin, and what might be sin to one, to another might not be considered at all a deviation from the righteous path.

Finally, what then is righteousness in the life of an individual? To be at-one in purpose, in will, in desire with his Ideal is to an individual a righteous state. Then to deviate from his Ideal, whether consciously or unconsciously, is sin to that one.

Each soul is the combination or the composite of all that he has thought or done in consciousness in every sphere or phase of activity. Paul was sincere in his persecution of the church. He had the Mosaic law to seemingly sustain his acts. It took an awakening of the Spirit to cause him to judge his activity asan error. It is indeed better to be in error and be consciously active than to do nothing; for when we are called into service and there is sincerity toward the Ideal, we will be shown, will be awakened, will be aware of God's purpose with us even as Paul was.

We should consider and meditate upon these things and apply them in our daily lives. We should be sincere, direct in our calling, as we choose to serve Him in a definite way.

Let us not be slothful, but up and doing now, today. He will count our try as righteousness.

In the beginning the perfect man was given all the attributes of the Father and placed in an ideal environment for physical manifestation. Even with that we find him listening to those influences which were at variance with God; of his own accord he became willfully diso bedien t. Then in the fullness of time in the temple (body), we find the Man made perfect through suffering, saying, "Know ye not that I must be about my Father's business?"!5 The result is worth every effort. The trials and humiliations that we have should be only stepping-stones

"Luke 2:49


that help us to realize that we are one with the Father, one with the Ideal, heirs and joint heirs with the Perfect One, who has shown the Way made plain. Righteousness is right·use·ness of opportunities.



Let that light be within me in such measures that I, as achiJd of God, may realize His love for man. May I live that, then, in my life day by day. [262·129]


GOD-LOVE-MAN [Based on Edgar Cayce readings 262-129, 262-130]


In this experience in the earth it is most important that we consider the purposes of God and our need of Him. Just why has God taken thought of us? Why is it necessary that we take thought of God? Why do we need God? We have only to look about US to know that it is time to understand the "mystery, even the hidden wisdom" of God.' The natural man cannot understand the things of God because they must be spiritually discerned. Therefore, there is a greater need for meditation for manifesting universal love in our dealings with ourfellow man. The basic truth for each to learn is: Inasmuch as I have done it unto the least of my brethren, I have done it to my Maker.


God is Spirit, everywhere, permeating everything. God is Creative Energy, the Maker of all that is in the universe. When man creates, it is the God force within that is the thought, the plan, the execution. God is mind, force, life itself. He is the I AM. He is God, the Father, to those only who know Him. "The Lord our God is one Lord."2 GOD IS. In Him we live, move and have our being.

God is not a person but very personal to us as we manifest Him in our lives. To come to this realization activity is necessary, for the Lord our God is a living, active God. He is then personal to us only as we become like Him in word, thought and act.

"Before I knew.God the Father, He was only to me a God outside of my understanding. I sought to know Him and He revealed Himself to me. I came to realize that as I showed mercy, I manifested the attributes of the Father, and if I would know the Father better I must be a friend to others. When I counted my hardships as opportunities, my disappointments as stepping-stones, then I was learning the way of righteous living." lCorinthians 2:7 2Deuteronomy 6:4


God is Spirit and has given to His children the power to spiritualize the physical body and thus become one with Him as they were in the beginning. He did this through love; and it is through love that we can reach the estate to be one with Him. Thus love is the link between us and God or man and God.

God's Love for Man

The soul of man is a manifestation of God. In the beginning God made the souls to be His companions, endowed them with divine attributes and gave to them free will. They, still in spirit, chose self-aggrandizement to the extent that they became entangled in matter.s Then God in His mercy, in His love said, "Let there be light,"· and sent into the world the perfect man. He, too, was encased in matter, but perfect; for God Himself oversaw the making of Adam, who was the first-begotten of the Father. Adam likewise fell. He, too, was of the earth, earthy. On and on the sons of God looked upon the daughters of man and lusted, until the first Adam learned through experiences what it meant to disobey. "Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered ... "5 Then He, the last Adam, became a quickening spirit. So we in like manner, in order to become one with the Father even as He, the last Adam, must through suffering learn obedience. We, too, must raise the body in which we chose to become encased as a perfect spiritual body.

He has borne with us from the beginning. He has remembered that we are dust. He has sent the rain and the sunshine and caused the earth to bring forth. For this often we return no thanks, but carefreely accept His mercies and continue ruthlessly to rob our fellow man.

He sent His Son, that in His life and sacrifice we might get a physical manifestation of light through love. That as He in His service to His fellow man might show to us God; and that we might also manifest divine attributes.

To understand our relationship to the Father we must be familiar with the attributes of His perfect manifestation, Jesus, the Christ. He chose the hard way of life. He loved His enemies. He bore temptations and endured persecution. He knew the laws of God yet never used them for His own glory. Thus He became the pattern for those who likewise would know the way. Are our activities based on such self-less-ness?

3Revelation 12:7 4Genesis 1:3 5Hebrews 5:8


Jesus, the Christ, the perfect manifestation of God in the flesh, showed the world through service and unselfish love what God expected of His children if they would be one with Him. He made the sacrifice once and for all, that those who would be like Him might find the way easy through Him. We are in like manner to offer ourselves a living sacrifice for others. Therefore, He is the way for those who would have life and have it more abundantly; and they who would have life must give life.

The Holy Spirit now manifesting in the world is the Christ's promise fulfilled to the world. "I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth ... "6 "The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto yoU."7 The Holy Spirit is God in action; His Spirit bearing witness with our spirit when He meets us in the Holy of holies. His coming may be as a rushing mighty wind or as a gentle vibration, but to the soul who is seeking, He is recognized. There is no greater ecstasy that we can experience than that which comes with the realization that we are counted worthy ofthis heavenly visitor and the promise of His eternal presence abiding with us, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, these are one.

God knows our personal needs in the same manner as life is manifested in a grain of wheat. Until we become a god, a savior to someone else in purpose, in activity, we do not take hold of that personality.

What a close union there is between God the Father and His children. He has hidden nothing from them. They are warned of dangers and comforted in sorrows. In Him alllawis observed in loving obedience.


Love is God and all unselfish love springs from Him, no matter where it is manifested. It is in all because the attributes of God are in His manifestations. Itis not only a privilege, but a command, that we love one another, that we love our enemies. "He that does not love his enemies has not even begun to

. develop." (P.R.)

6John 14:16·17 7John 14:26


Love is a fulfillment of the law. The admonition, "Love thy enemies," is another way of saying, "Fulfill the law through love." Hate, malice and enmity are hreakers of the law. No state is safe with lawhreakers. No soulis safe that is surrounded with that force that is at enmity with God.

In the light and understanding of God, we as children of God may realize God's love for man. It is too wonderful for man, as man, to comprehend. for he is hlinded hy greed, self-indulgence and hate. He has gone into his house and shut the door to wisdom which only love can open. We cannot serve two masters. It is either we serve God through service to others or serve where self alone is henefited.

It is, therefore, most important to go heyond weak human power and let in the light of the Holy Spirit, that we as children oflight may realize God's love for man. It is written, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him."8

Man through his experiences in this war-tom world is coming to realize the great need of God in his daily life. Both officers and men are expressing how they have felt the protective power of God while in action. An army officer acknowledged he was converted in a strange way. It came ahout while carrying out his duties as censor. Many of.the letters written hythe men to their parents and wives expressed great faith and showed their religion was a living thing.

God's love has kept this world in place. We, too, have our part. There is much for us to do now in showing His love to our fellow man, and thus hasten the great day of hrotherhood on earth. Then let us in sincerity pray:

Our Father, which art in HEAVEN. Hallowed he thy NAME.

Thy kingdom come. Thy WILL he done on earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily BREAD. And forgive us our DEBTS, as we forgive our dehtors. And lead us not into TEMPTATION, hut deliver us from

EVIL. For Thine is the KINGDOM, and the POWER, and the

GLORY, forever-Amen.

81 Corinthians 2:9


Through love we see Him in the ray of sunlight, the snow­capped mountain, the gorgeous rainbow, the towering trees, the one lovely rose, the lowly violet, the sorrowing parent, the wayward child, the baby's smile, the mother's love, the child leading the blind, the frozen soldier on duty. Everywhere God is love.

Man Man's Love for God

Man is a manifestation of God. The light that lights every man that comes into the world is exemplified in Jesus the Christ who is the perfect manifestation of God. This light that is within will bring us to the realization of God's love for man. It is only when we live it that we have this light in its fullness. We become aware of it when we forget self and live the fruits ofthe spirit in praise, thanksgiving and service to others. Thus in humbleness we shed and share love with others in the Christ name.

"There came a time in my life when all my material possessions were swept away, even my means of support. I :~ould not understand it, because I was trying to live a spiritual life. One day as I sat reading my Bible, these words came to me: Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all things will be added unto you. From then I began to take stock of myself. Had I always sought the kingdom first? Had I let God come first? What is the kingdom anyway? I began to seek, supported with these words, 'If with all your heart you seek me, ye shall find me,'

"I sought with all my heart. In the stillness of the night I would cry out for help. I awoke one night to pray and I felt a strong vibration sweep over me. It seemed to be everywhere. As the Presence lingered, there came peace and joy. I realized the Presence of the Most High and had an experience of what it means to have perfect peace. I learned that it is not afar off but within my very being. It is only, after all, a state of conscious­ness. This brought me an understanding that has comforted and sustained me in many trials."

The World's Greatest Lesson

The world needs to know God as its Father. This is the lesson it must now learn. How this is to be accomplished is up to the individual. Each of us must decide if he wants to learn this


lesson or remain chained in materialism. If the latter, then God Himself cannot help him.

Many are seeking God. Some are obedient to His commandment, "That ye love one another."9 Others still cling to self. It is the purpose that counts. Whether we choose the long way through hard experiences to come into the knowledge and fellowship is well for us, if we willleam in no other way.

The world has over and over again chosen war to cleanse itself. War abolished slavery, minimized oppression, bigotry and greed. Each time through suffering it has come out, if not always a better world, certainly a wiser one. Many paid for it with their lives, but they came into the consciousness somewhere, somehow, of the futility of sin and error.

To be away from God is to be in darkness, ignorance and sin. To seek the light of understanding is a lesson worth more than all the knowledge the world can give. It is wisdom indeed. It is the ability to use knowledge aright. It is life, peace and joy.

Is there any way to help the world to come to this realization? The Master said, Let your Light so shine that others seeing your good works may be constrained to glorify your Father which is in heaven. (B.R.) Each of us knows what the light is that may shine within him. We know that it may be love in the face of hate, mercy when all about is persecution, liberality when men everywhere are obsessed with greed, and in the face of all turmoil and trial, peace.

The God of peace will keep us and cause our efforts to be crowned with success. Our light cannot be put out if we seek to know His Face.

The New Age

"Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him."!O

The new age is as near or as distant as we make it. But it will surely come. We must prepare ourselves to meet the Redeemer as a bride prepares herself to meet her husband, by being pure, lovely, lovable, selfless, self-sacrificing. We cannot e!}joy the perfect unless we ourselves are perfect. Is the new age physical or spiritual? Both. We have first to spiritualize the physical before we can take it with us into spiritual realms. Thatis what Christ did. He is still the Way.

9John 15:12 lOr Corinthians 2:9


The new age will be no experiment, but a reality, a truth. "In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven, and with the creeping things of the ground: and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth, and will make them to lie down safely.""

The great will be at peace with the humble. The weak ones in Christ will be strong. It is now dawn for those who will make themselves ready for the new age. "And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

"Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

"Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and mayenterin through the gates into the city ... the spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will let him take the water of life freely ... Surely I come quickly."12


Finally, let us be of one mind, for mind is ever the builder. Our mind uses its spiritual ideals to build upon, or material desires as destructive channels. It is the interference of material desires that prevents our mind from keeping in perfect accord with our Ideal.

We often may use physical emergencies or physical conditions as excuses or as justifications for choosing to do this or that. Ought these things to be so, according to our Ideal? It is, therefore, most important for us to know what is our spiritual Ideal, who and what is our pattern.

Throughout the experiences of man in the material world, at various seasons and periods, teachers or "would-be" teachers have come setting up certain forms or certain theories as to manners in which an individual should control the appetites of the body or of the mind, so as to attain to some particular phase of development.

There has also come a Teacher who was bold enough to

11 Hosea 2:18 "Revelation 22:10·14. 17. 20


declare Himself to be the Son of the living God. He set no rules of appetite. He set no rules of ethics, other than" As ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them," and to know "Inasmuch as ye do it unto the least of these, thy brethren, ye do it unto thy Maker."13 He declared that the kingdom of heaven is within each individual's consciousness and to be attained, to be aware of ... through meditating upon the fact that God is the Father of every soul.

Jesus the Christ was this Teacher. In Him, and in the following of His examples in the earth, is life . .. He came to demonstrate, to manifest, to give life and light to all. Here, then, we find a friend, a brother, a companion. As He gave, "I call you not servants ... but ... friends ... "14 To as many as believe, to them He gives power to become the children of God the Father, joint heirs with Him, in the knowledge and in the awareness of this Presence abiding with those who set this Ideal before them. What, then, is this as an Ideal?

As concerning our fellow man, He gave, as you would that others do to you, do you even so to them, take no thought, worry not, be not overanxious about the body, for your Father knows what you have need of. In the place we are, in the consciousness in which we find ourselves, is that which is today, now, needed for our greater, better, more wonderful unfoldment. Today heaT His voice: "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."15 For the Lord loveth those who put their trust wholly in Him. (P.R.)

This, then, is that attitude of mind that puts away hates, malice, anxiety, jealousy. It creates in their stead, in that mind is the builder, the fruits of the spirit-love, patience, mercy, long-suffering, kindness, gentleness. And against these there is no law. They break down barriers, they bring peace and harmony. There is no longer a desire to find fault because someone "forgot," someone's judgment was bad, someone was selfish today. These we can overlook, for so did He. In His own experience with those that He had chosen out of the world, if He had held disappointment in their leaving Him to the mercies 01 an indignant high priest, a determined lawyer and an unjust steward, what would have been our hope, our promise, today?

He, with the ability to destroy, thought not of such butrathet gave Himself that the Creative Forces, God, might bE reconciled to that pronouncement, that judgment, and thus

"Matthew 26:40 l4John 15:15 15Matthew 11:28


mercy, through the shedding of blood, came into man's experience.

Let us keep our hearts, minds and purposes attuned to that voice within; knowing that our body is indeed the temple of the living God. There is our altar. There He has promised to meet us. Be mindful ofthe service, of the assurance, ofthe manner of offering we make there to Him. As a man "thinketh in his heart, so is he."16

Let us study then to show ourselves approved unto God, in Jesus the Christ; rightly stressing each phase of our life; not to that only of spirit, nor of mind, nor of matter, but each consistent with the other, that we present our body holy and acceptable as a gift unto Him, who hath need oflove, even as we have need oflove.

16Proverbs 23:7


Lesson No. III


Father, God! Let me, as Thy child, see in my fellow man the divinity I would worship in Thee.

Let me in my daily life be a witness to Him, who exemplified for man, to man, man's relationship to God, and the manner of relationship that should be as man to man.

For we ask it in His Name, Jesus the Christ. [262-130]




[Based on Edgar Cayce reading 262-130]


In the beginning, it pleased God to make souls to be His companions. These, made of the breath of God, possessed divine attributes; so, in the beginning, all power was given in heaven and in earth to the sons of God.

We, among the souls of this creation, misused our divine heritage and sought self-satisfaction through manifestation in the physical world. This brought on a warring between our physical and spiritual natures, and there was spiritual darkness.

God did not, however, forget His creation, but prepared a way back through One who was tempted in all ways like unto man, yet, whose soul never failed in the purpose for which He came into Eden.

For what purpose did He come? For self? No, that purpose had already failed. He came to show man's relationship to man and to God. He Himself exemplified man's true relation with man when He, for man, overcame the world and was of love able to declare that when we follow in His Spirit, it is the Way out of darkness into light.

The Brotherhood of Man

He "hath made of one blood all nations of men ... '" The sooner we learn this the better it will be for us. We have taken our own time to accept this truth and apparently do not now feel too keenly the necessity for applying it in our dealings with our fellow man. Intolerance today, as in the Middle Ages, is blocking the influence and progress as Christian nations. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."2 Why can't we learn this? Is it because we have been brought up to believe that in the sight of God one people is more highly favored than another? Without an understanding of a

'Acts 17:26 'Galatians 3:28


kind heavenly Father, it might so appear. God has always blessed those who could be used as a blessing to mankind, although they at times may not have known that they were being used. An example is the Jewish people. While they in many instances have rebelled and made selfish application of their opportunities, the world, through them, has received great Light.

God has never made a people or an individual more learned or superior in nationality for the glory of themselves; rather He has given to them an opportunity to show more of His love, His mercy and His truth to their fellow man, and in so doing exemplify that the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God are one.

"Though He had the power within Him to come down from the cross, though He had power to heal, He had the power to prevent His own death for it had no claim upon Him, yet quickened by the Father, His life lived among men, His dealing among men brought to man hope, patience, love, long­suffering. This, then, brings the law of God made manifest. He became the law by manifesting the same before man, and thus as man, even as you, becomes one with the Father.

"For until ye become in purpose, in activity, a savior-yea, a god-unto thy fellow man, ye do not take hold upon that personality, the individuality of God -that is the life, that is the being of life ... "3

Our Daily Life a Witness of Our Relationship to Man, Our Relationship to God

As we apply the truth that we know, we grow toward the whole Truth. The seed of truth sprouts, grows and becomes a plant, and the plant is nurtured and cultivated day by day as we put our ideals into practice in our dealings with our fellow man.

It takes much self-analysis and prayer to see always the Divine in others. In this we become more like "Him, who exemplified for man, to man, man's relationship to God, and the manner of relationship that should be as man, to man.'"

Many difficult problems will arise as we try to apply the truth, so it is necessary for God to train those whom He would call into service. We should realize that obstacles then are only stepping-stones. When we do not put into practice that which we know, the result is unhappiness and turmoil. So often we

'1158·12 '262·130


have to call ourselves to attention and demand self to see the Divine in others, to see in them that which we see in that we worship. Each day is a test, but we will not get discouraged as we seek to attain our ideal unless we forget our purpose and begin to entertain selfish ideas.

" ... take no thought, worry not, be'not overanxious about the body. For He knoweth what ye have need of. In the place thou art, in the consciousness in which ye find yourself, in that which is today, now, needed for thy greater, thy better, thy more wonderful unfoldment.

"But today hear His voice ... For the Lord loveth those who put their trust wholly in Him.

"This, then, is that attitude of mind that puts away hates, malice, anxiety, jealousy. And it creates in their stead ... the fruits of the spirit-love, patience, mercy, long·suffering ... And these. . .break down barriers, they bring peace and har· mony .. ,"5

As concerning our fellow man, He gave, " ... whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so unto them."· This builds a spirit within us to overlook the faults of others. We see less cause to complain of others as we become ourselves more perfect.

"In His own experience with those that He had chosen out of the world, if He had held disappointment in their leaving Him to the mercies of an indignant high priest, a determined lawyer and an unjust steward, what would have been thy hope, thy promise today?"7

Again, "Oh that man would learn that lesson that good, or God, needs never be attempted to be justified, but glorified in the experience of any soul! Individuals need never to attempt to justify themselves for their hope, their desire, if they know the author of that desire-as to whether it is for self, self· indulgence, self·aggrandizement, or for the glory of God ... "8

Let us seek to become aware of God and of our near relation· ship to Him. Be aware of the blessing, the opportunities that He has put in our way. Opportunities are expressions that God is mindful of us. We are wise if we embrace them, notfor self·glory but for the glory of our Maker. " ... the first awareness of which each soul should become cognizant .. .is that God is conscious of thee."9

If we would become aware of this, how much difference there would be in the choices made day by day. How mindful is He of

'357-13 'Matthew 7:12 '357·13 '2775·1 '2650·1


us? He has not willed that any soul should perish.'o As we stand aside and wait on the Lord more and more, we

establish this close relationship. The relationship of Father and son is very near when the son is worthy of the love of an all­wise Father. Nothing is impossible for that son, and no good thing will be withheld from him. In fact it yet remains to be seen what one can accomplish who will give himself wholly over to the will of the Father.

Before we question the acts of our brother, let us first seek the motive that prompted the act. It would make us more fit to sit in judgment, if we dared to do so. Do we know the cause that prompted a crime, or even the cause for the thought that preceded it? Do we know the cause for the flower to bloom or the grass to be green? Since we of ourselves know so little, how can we judge the activities of another?

The power of discernment is ours to have, but it must be righteous judgment, that which comes as the fruits ofthe spirit, through the awakening of the soul forces. Then there will be no criticism of another, for in Him we will so clearly see our own weakness that our judgment is transformed to love, patience and humility.

"In the spiritual forces and study, know-to know the world without, one must first know the world within. For ofthe earth is the physical man made, but of the universe is the mind and the soul infinite. And thus the study of self becomes the first and foremost in the experience of him that would be a good neighbor, a good father, a good friend. And in him that would be the greater in any experience or capacity is the ability to serve those that are-as self-the image of the Maker. For asye do it unto the least of thy brethren ye do it unto thy God.

"Then, to be to thy neighbor that as ye would have thy Father, thy Brother, thy God be to thee, is indeed being a channel through which the glories of that ye may worship as thy ideal may act in such a manner as to make the leaven-as He gave-that leaveneth the whole lump.

"Know thyself if ye would know thy God, if ye would be of a service to thy brother.""

The Growth of Man's Relationship to Man

"And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he (Cain) said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? And

lOll Peter 3:9 n 1256·1


he said ... the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground."l2

For many thousands of years groups, nations, individuals have asked the same question, "Am I my brother's keeper?" And how often it has been answered in the same spirit as Cain's. The weak have been oppressed, the poor downtrodden, the widows and orphans neglected, nations have warred against nations, man has been made to fight for principles in which he did not believe. All because this question has not been answered in God's way.

Yet, with all the selfishness and sin, the Light ofthe Prince of Peace shines more and more into the world; humane societies and hospitals, orphanages and government relief are growing in number and popularity every day. It is a long call from Cain to the organization of the United Nations. Not that mankind is free from selfishness, but a development is slowly but surely at work.

The admonition of the Master-to love your enemies, love them who despitefully use you and persecute you-is being manifested every day by those called of the Lord, those who should have the spirit of the Christ. Regardless of the scoffers, more love, more kindness, more patience, more sympathy are being manifested today than ever before in the world's history. Not that perfection has been attained, nor even a full awakening, but many are on the way to the realization of the Perfect Day.

We have those interpretations that have been made by various individuals throughout time, as to what would or does constitute world peace.

In the study of the history of various groups, in their varied activities through the earth, these in the most part have sought that which would satisfy or gratify the ideas and ideals of the few, or those that were set in power from various sources, or by circumstance as had arisen in the affairs of men in varied portions of the earth.

Today we find a world at war.l3 There is no individual but what is and will be affected by the outcome of the conflicting emotions that are prompting the activities in all the spheres of man's experience in the earth.

Then, through whom, from whence may man gather an idea, an ideal to which he-as an individual or as a group or as a nation-may adhere with impunity; to which purpose, to which

12Genesis 4:9·10 13World War II


ideal, to which surety may he put his faith, his confidence? As has been indicated, it is not in individuals nor in

personalities. For, these have failed-and are in the present causing those conflicts which have set the world on fire causing death, destruction. And fear has crept into the heart even of the elect.

Unless these days be shortened-as has been given-the very elect may be shaken, may tremble at the destruction, the littleness to which human life is held in the ideas of groups or nations, or those purposes that have been set.

Then, there must be the looking to Him who has overcome the world; who hath known death, who hath known wars, who hath known trials, who hath known tribulations; who hath met man on his own consciousness of physical, mental and spiritual emotions; Him who hath given that He came not to bring peace alone but a sword-to those who have forsaken the way of life; Him who came that man might have life more abundantly; He who, though capable of defying man, said in the hour of trial, "My hour is come-the prince of this world cometh, but he hath no part in me. My peace I give unto you; not as the world knoweth peace, but my peace."14

Then, we find, peace in the world must begin first within the heart and purpose and mind of the individual, prompted by that something which answers within, even as has been given, "My spirit beareth witness with thy spirit, as to whether ye be the children of God or not."'5

As man looks upon the world today, there comes that understanding, that manner in which choice and judgments may be drawn; even as He gave to that one who had announced by the authority of the prophets, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world,"16 who comes to bring peace into the hearts of those who seek to do righteousness in the earth. And yet because he had fallen into that answering as of self to fears within, he began to doubt, as apparently no measure was being attempted, outwardly at least, to relieve him of his bonds; and he asked, "Art thou he that was to come, or shall we look for another?" The Master's answer is the judgment of today, even as then. There was not the Yes or the No answer, but "Go tell John that the sick are healed, the poor have the gospel preached, the lame walk, the blind see."17

Not merely the physically lame, not merely the physically

14From John 14:27·31 15Romans 8:16 16John 1:29 l7Matthew 11:4-5. Luke 7:22


blind, not merely the physically sick, but it was that which answered to the whole purpose of man's experience in the earth, which was completed in Him; that makes it possible for as many as believe to become the children of the living God.

Then, thinkest thou that ye can treat thy neighbor, thy brother, with aught but the spirit of truth, the fruits of the spirit that He gave, and find other than that ye measure out? For, with what measure ye mete it is measured to thee again. As ye do it unto the least, ye do it unto thy Maker.

Whose spirit, what manner of peace, then, seek ye as individuals? That ye may gratify the appetites of thy body? That ye may satisfy the lust of the eye? Thatyemay know fame or fortune? These fade, these pass away.

Only that which enables the individual also to bear the cross, even as He, will enable that individual to know that peace which encompassed Him in such a measure that He broke the bonds of death, overcame hell and the grave, and rose in a newness of life; that ye, here and now, might know that peace in these troubled periods.

What can you do, then, as individuals, that this plague of war, this injustice to man be taken away-this plague of death and fear of destruction?

Ye may stand-even as He-between the living and the dead! Let those that die have that purpose even as He, "It shall not

be in vain!" Let those that live live unto God; magnifying, spreading the

fruits of brotherly love, kindness, patience; that this plague of war may be stayed.

Ye cannot pray "Peace-Peace" when there is no peace in thine own heart and soul! But by knowing (for His Spirit answers with thy spirit) that each day, each person ye meet is glad that you are alive! Glad that you have come in touch with them; for you have brought-and bring-hope to their lives, just in the passing!

This means, then, tha tyou may so live the life as He emulated in the earth, that ye radiate life, joy, peace! that which casteth out fear-by living, by being, by doing unto others, for others, that ye would like others to do unto you.

Oh, ye say, this is not new! Neither is thy present disturbance, nor thy present hope, nor anything! For, even as was said, there is nothing new under the sun}8 What is, has been and will be again. Only as ye use that birthright, that

18Ecclesiastes 1:9


purpose, that will within thine own consciousness to do justice, to do right, to love good, to eschew evil, may ye as individuals, as a group, as a nation, stand between the living and the dead, and stay the sin that maketh man make war, of any nature, against his brother.

Thou art thy brother's keeper! Act that in thine own heart. Who is thy brother? "Who is my mother? They that do the will of the Father, the same is my mother, my sister, my brother."l.

If ye do the things of the devil, are ye not his? If ye do the things of the Lord (He is God), are ye not His?

Then study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman not ashamed, rightly dividing the words of truth, keeping self unspotted from the world.

In this ye may build, here a little, there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept.

Fear and doubt cast away, trusting in the Lord. He alone can save.

Study to show thyself approved unto God. Know, as has so oft been indicated, oft what may be good for one may be questionable for another. But know that the Lord knoweth His own and calleth them by name.

Then let each one, as a son, as a daughter of the living God, feed His lambs, feed His sheep.

With what? The spirit of truth, the spirit of peace! Apply that new commandment as He gave, "Love one another."20

In all groups, all organizations, it is not what this or that name or groupmaydo, but as one. For, the Lord thy God is one! And the Christ, the Savior, died for all-not for one! No sect, no schism, no ism, no cult. For, the first to meet the Lord in peace was he that was also crucified. That should, in each heart, make those who have named the Name and who claim God as the Father, Jesus Christ as the elder Brother, know that no sacrifice is too great in order that the glory, the honor of the Lord may be demonstrated, manifested among men.

What is the test? The spirit, the fruits of the spirit-that bring hope, kindness, long-suffering, patience into the experience; not merely the offering of self as one who would make of self a martyr, no. For, remember, the Lord could, the Lord might have kept away from the cross. But for thy sake He bore the same, though without sin. Remember ye what the thief said? "Rail not, for we but meet our own sin (or self), and He is without sin."21

"Matthew 12:48·50 "John 13:34 "From Luke 23:40·41

• •


Then, make not of thyself a martyr, but as one that stands between the living and the dead, to glorify the Lord!

All is answered in that question asked, "Art thou the Christ or must we look for another?" What was the answer? Not, "Yes, I am he that ye announced some three-and-a-half years ago at Jordan" -no_ "Tell him the sick are healed, the blind see,"22 This is the answer for meeting every problem, every question as to the economic condition of the nations. For He gave, "Lethim that hath two coats give one to another. Let him that is forced to do this or that go the whole length."23 These are the basic principles upon which world order, world economic and social relations may be established, manifested among men. For, while all have fallen short of the glory as manifested in Him, know that God-even as the Christ on the day of His crucifixion-is not a respecter of persons nor of their employment. For, what good thing did the thief on the cross do but to warn his brother thief, "We are meeting our just dues," recognizing his shortcomings-hoping, doing something about same!

Let ye as individuals, as a group, do something about the problems. Not as to direct, not as to sit in high places; for no individual is in any place or position save by the grace of God.

Who then can stand before the Lord? Only those who have the pure heart, the pure purpose. To them there is peace, even in the midst of strife, even in the midst of bloodshed,

Racial hatred is answered only in that the Lord is not a respecter of persons. " ... whosoever shall do the will of my Father ... the same is my brother, my sister, and mother."2' Those, to man, represented the closest relationship-blood of his own blood, materially.

Then, mentally, spiritually do something about those of the races that are misunderstood or who have been neglected here or there!

Nationalism should be the feeling for the own self, but not unto the detriment of others. For, though He were the Son, He took upon Himself the form of man, became as naught, subject to all the trials, all the sorrows of thine own self,

Then, what right has any man to set state or nation above that principle of brotherly love?

But always, "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's."25

22Matthew 11:4:5, Luke 7:22 23From Luke 3:11 2~Matthew 12:50 "Matthew 22:21


Religious differences are the swords brought into man's material understanding. And more wars, more bloodshed have been shed over the racial and religious differences than over any other problem! These, too, must go the way of all others; and man must learn-if he will know the peace as promised by Him-that God loveth those who love Him, whether they be called of this or that sect or schism or ism or cult! The Lord is one/26

The prayer is, "Let me, as Thy child, see in my fellow man the divinity I would worship in Thee."27

We are children of the promise if we do not allow selfishness, unkindness, evil thoughts and those little worries of the day to separate us.

What you sow, you reap. This is an unchangeable law. By living and acknowledging this in our lives in relationship to others, we may turn this law into one of grace and mercy.

Children of the promise must always look for the God-like qualities of Christ in their fellow man. As we learn to do this, more and more the flaws in our brother will fade away, and we will behold only that which is Good.

26Based on the 3976 series 27262.130


Lesson IV

Gladys Davis Turner's note: Mter Edgar Cayce died, Esther Wynne wanted Study Group #1 to continue forming lessons to make up A Search for God, Book III. We meditated and submitted titles and drew out of the hat "This Day Choose Thou," which happened to be the title submitted by Hugh Lynn Cayce. Eventually the Group discontinued working on Book III.





As perhaps never before in history man is being called to "stand forth and be counted," on the side of creativity or destruction. The average person does not always realize that choices made daily, almost moment by moment, are part of this ever-present responsibility to "choose you this day whom ye will serve ... "1

The thought which places another individual before self, the small denial of some physical desire which unfits a person for better service, the magnification of a good quality seen in another person, all of these are little choices but very important in relating self to the positive rather than the negative side of life in the earth.

It is the will, a divine heritage, which must be exercised daily. The pattern of the mind may be destructive. The will must oppose this pattern and hold to ideals and purposes. For example, in times of war men are trained for fighting. Fear and hate are magnified until it becomes natural to think and speak and act destructively toward one's fellow men. Only the will can turn a life from such a path. Even when the time of war has passed, men will continue to enjoy excitement of argument, contention, fear and hate in the daily patterns of their lives. Only careful self-observation and thoughtful weighing of positive and negative function in even the smallest decisions will bring balance.

Only through recognizing himself as a co-creator with God can man begin to sense the importance of his choices.

"This day choose thou."

Choice Shows Growth­Physical, Mental, Spiritual

We learn through the choices that we make. When they are selfish or for the purpose of self-glory, they lead us into many bypaths of frustration which bring to our consciousness doubts and turmoil. How great a price we pay! When our choices are

IJoshua 24:15


selfless, with no ulterior motive other than to bring a blessing to others, how far-reaching is our spiritual growth!

" ... there is constantly before thee, day by day, good and evil, life and death. And the choice is to be made, by self-good and life representing creative forces, evil and death representing selfish motives, selfish desires, lack of incentive for creative influences. "2

" .. .if the basis of mental reaction to any soul or body is founded in those things that have their inception .. .in other than spiritual things, that builded in the physical experience must become contention, strife, worriment, and those things that make many souls afraid.

"But if those forces and influences are to be used rather as a development for the soul, the birthright of every individual into those forces that make and build that which will bring-from the fruits of the spirit-those experiences in the lives of such souls that are hopeful, helpful, then there will come the peace, the harmony ...

"Do not just sit still and wait! Do something about self and selfs abilities to make for greater mental and physical reactions, about those things that are to be met in the experience ... "3

"Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only" was not given of old as a trite saying, but then, as now, it is an expression showing the result of choice. Activity is found only in a purposeful life, either for good or for evil.

As what we think we become, just so that which we choose to be we express through our activities. We cannot hide behind "I didn't know," for knowledge of all things is deeply seated in the subconscious of all and only needs the proper stimulus to arouse it to activity.

As we speak we tell the world what we have thought for ages. Therefore, until we would choose wisely, let our "yeas be yeas, and our nays be nays." In little words are hidden thoughts that could wreck an empire or, when rightly used, save one from destruction, even souls made in the image of God.

Our choice shows our growth-mentally, physically, spiritually.

" ... the Law of One as manifested in the man Jesus, as signified in the Christ Consciousness. (Please gain the difference of these!}'"

This day I have set before you good and evil. Choose thou

'1575·1 3529·1 '1010·12


whom thy people, thy mind, thy body will serve. Present thy body a living sacrifice which is a reasonable service.5

"Be not broken on the wheel of strife, nor yet be thou overanxious, for these are but the wl:jyside of those who would be led astray. Keep the counsel of Him who gave that, 'Come unto me and I will make thy burden light, for my yoke is easy­but learn of me.' "6

Choice Is Determined Through the Exercise of Will

" ... choose thou. For, as has ever been, there is no influence that may supersede the will of man; for such are the gifts unto the sons of men that they may make their souls such as to be the companionship with the All-Wise, All-Creative Forces, or separate from them. For, there is no impelling force other than that, 'If ye will be my people, I will be your God.' It is always thus."? And when faults arise, and when temptations come, these are from contemplating on or visioning from those things that would satisfy some activity in the carnal force of an individual.

"[Material conditions 1 may be changed, for man is a portion of his Creator, and may create for self that of good or evil. Choose then, this day, whom thou wilt serve, even as was said of old-but let thy choice be even as he who led many: "Others may do as they may, but for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!' "8

Then choose ye this day whom ye will serve. It is not all that the Ideal should be our choice, as it is living and putting into practice the attributes of the Ideal. If the Ideal is love, then love should be manifested in our activities. If the Ideal is patience, then we should choose to be patient with others and in so doing, others may see the Ideal in us. That is what Jesus meant when He said, "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father (also)."9

There is no love without sacrifice. Neither is there any choice of a spiritual Ideal unless self is lost in Him.

If our wills are one with God the Father, then there is harmony with all mankind, but if our wills are governed by selfish desires, we are in a condition that wars against others and seeks to gratify only self.

Life Is Determined Through the Elements of Choice

Are we choosing selfishness (personal glory), advancement,

'Joshua 24:15, Romans 12:1 '254-35 '440-16 '417-1 'John 14:9


self-aggrandizement (power), self-promotion (gain in wealth, etc_)? Or are we choosing selflessness, humility, love?

"Knowledge is well, and understanding is good; but to use these in a manner in which self-the own ego-is to be exalted, makes for confusion to those who would seek to know their place in the activities of the realm of opportunity that is given in the present ...

"And they that trust in themselves alone are not wise!. .. "If these are to be used for self-aggrandizement, self­

indulgences, do they not become rather as He gave of old? 'Ye shall come and say, Did we not in thy name heal the sick? did we not in thy name cast out demons?' and He will say, 'Depart from me, I never knew you!' Why? Why?

"Because the desire, the purpose is that self may be exalted, rather than the humbleness of the heart before Him. For he that would be the greatest must be the servant of all.

"These be those things that ye must choose within thine own experience.

"For there is ever, as given of old, set before thee each day good and evil, life and death-choose thOU!"lO

"In the spiritual forces and study, know-to know the world without, one must first know the world within. For ofthe earth is the physical man made, but of the universe is the mind and the soul infini'- And thus the study of self becomes the first and foremos. . ·-~'3rience of him that would be a good neighbor, a good l".,_"r, a good friend. And in him that would be the greater in any experience or capacity is the ability to serve those that are-as self-the image of the Maker. For as ye do it unto the least of thy brethren, ye do it unto thy God.

"Then, to be to thy neighbor that as ye would have thy Father, thy Brother, thy God be to thee, is indeed being a channel through which the glories of that ye may worship as thy ideal may act in such a manner as to make the leaven-as He gave-that leaveneth the whole lump.

"Know thyself if ye would know thy God, if ye would be of a service to thy brother.""

Now Is the Acceptable Time

Procrastination Builds Karma "He that would be patient with this soul, he that would cover

a multitude of sins, find in the awakening of that within this

101599-1 "1256-1


entity that which may give that glory, that power, to the Father. For in Him is life, the life that perpetuates good through its shedding abroad; remembering ever that just being kind to the unfortunate, to those who do not understand, is shedding abroad His love. Rather than proclaiming mighty words that become bombastic to many, rather than proclaiming those glories that can only be reflections, let thy yeas be yea and thy kindnesses in His name."12

Each moment of our lives is the acceptable time. We cannot wait, for in the waiting we weaken our wills and lose perhaps vital opportunities. There was no procrastination in the decisions of our Master in the wilderness, when He hungered and chose rather the bread of life, or when He had temptations for the moment in which the powers of the world lay at His feet. He chose rather to lift it up, even if it took the cross. He knew that it was all within Him, God power, and thus acknowledged, "Of myself I can do nothing, but with my Father I can do all things."

The World Needs People Who Are Unafraid We are needing now as always people who are unafraid:

Socrateses who will drink the hemlock for truth's sake; Cranmers and Riddles who would choose the flames of torture rather than betrayal. For what will we stand? What is our purpose, aim, and Ideal in these trying times-new-found truth? Are we afraid? Then know that somewhere along the way we have sinned. If we would walk in the Light, then "fear not. "

The Field Is Ready Never before have we had a greater opportunity to uphold

judgment-never were there so many in high places ready to help or be healed. Is it we who falter, oris it the "powers that be" that are holding us back? Are we afraid for self that we do not rush to the cause of righteousness in more service, prayer, meditation, healing, thanksgiving?

By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them

Temptation or Test; Baal or God To be one with Christ is the manner of relationship all men

must ultimately set as an ideal. The tools used for the attainment are study, prayer, meditation and application.



These are the mediums through which we become aware ofthe Christ force that lies deep within each of us. In meditation the transition is made from the physical to the spiritual so that we may be able under His guidance to move out of the desires of the flesh into a perfect oneness with the Whole.

"As the activities of an entity involve spirit, mind and matter, these leave upon the skein of time and space the records of the individual activities.

"As there are many experiences in the material plane which would leave a varied effect if choices were made differently under the opportunities for constructive influence, then there is evidently an ideal life or experience for each entity in every given experience.

"What is that which makes this possible? "Because there is the way through the divine influence for

every entity or soul to manifest constructive experiences. That is the ideal that should be the promptings for the activity of each entity.

"Where self acts without thought as to what is the motive or purpose, it makes for those experiences that become indulgences or the like ...

"There is the promise that has ever been to man since as spirit he pushed his individuality into matter and began to express or manifest personal influence-for self, for ease, for comforts, for those things that would enable the individual entity to lord over others in matter.

"Hence there becomes the more necessity for the entity in the present to hold fast to that which is good. Not good alone in the sense of laudation. Rather good in the sense of being creative in the mental and physical experience of individuals.

"For only that which is continuous in its creative influence­as Life itself-is everlasting. For that which is was and ever will be. Only the mortal or material, or matter, changeth; but the expressions of same prompted by the Spirit of truth live on.

"And if there is sought by the entity as much into how Spirit works in and through the emotions of the fellow man (not spirits, but the Spirit of truth), this will not only bring into the experience ... peace and hope and understanding, but will make a growth beyond that as may be even reckoned-in words.

"For these as they become growing experiences exceed the abilities to be manifested in even word language.

"Then to make that for which it has entered into materiality again and again as ... a soul awake to the abilities and the


possibilities of the individual seeking to manifest the glory of the Creative Forces, these become in thy ministry to thy fellow man channels through which the growth may come; that in that last understanding there will come the deeper conviction that He who has promised to meet thee in the temple of thine own body-as in the holy of holies within self, where the a wareness of the heavenly forces may be made manifest-may say, 'Thou hast chosen well and thou may enter into the joys of thy Lord, as prepared for those that love His ways.'

"Hold fast to that thou hast purposed in thine heart to do-to know thy Maker and thy relationships with Him; as may be manifested in thy reckoning and thy dealings with thy fellow man.

"For 'Inasmuch as ye did it unto the least of these, thy brethren, ye did it unto me' saith the Lord of Hosts-to [1448].

"In making manifest then, hold to that thou hast seen in thine inner self; for it is good ...

"For each entity is the sum total of that in its development which it has manifested as Creative Forces-or Divine Love­in its dealings with its fellow man."l3

"Do not confuse, then, mental experiences that are innate and those that come through spiritual awareness or awakening within self with those that are of an earthly urge by having-in the mental body, with the environs of a physical surrounding­experienced urges that may confuse; yet know all have their place in the experience of an entity, an individual, in the application of its abilities. Learn and practice, then, the first things first; as this: The entity, the soul, is supreme in itself as related to any circumstance or influence, whether an environmental, hereditary or a passing condition, through the will-that is the gift of the Creator. And if the entity in its seeking applies that which is shown within self it may never confuse self as to the correct, positive, direct manner in which to apply the impulse that motivates an activity towards the application ofthat gained within self. Forit is not in knowledge alone but rather in the application of such understanding that the mental body, the soul body, grows. Hence, ashas been given to all: Study to show thyself-thyself-approved unto thy Maker, divining the words of truth.

"So, in the application of that thou knowest does there come. the knowledge, the understanding of what, of where, of how, the next step, the next activity, is to be taken.""

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On what has our nation been built? On what does our destiny depend? Joshua's promises and prophecies? On what must the world still depend? Promises of blessings or promises of destruction?

In our government may we choose to support the principles that set forth our ideal rather than a party platform; the purposes of a man rather than his popularity? May we choose to protect the oppressed and not those in power? Always be led by the spirit of truth and not selfish desires? In so doing we may help preserve the freedom of all men.

The reasoning of the worldly way may be convincing, but may we make our decisions through the counseling of the still small voice within? They who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God.

Spirituality and unselfish activity go Band in hand. They may not be popular in all social and economic walks oflife, but how much wiser we would be if we would stand as Joshua of old, "(Let others do as they may), but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."15

"Let not thine heart be troubled. Thou hast made the way open. Then keep the purposes that are willed in self and in self's activity as related to the material, the mental, and the spiritual influences in thine activity.

"For, He is the way, the life and the truth. No man may approach those things that will be for the constructive influence in his life if they are not founded in the principles He has given, 'Love thy neighbor as thyself; do good to those that despitefully use you.'

"Feel in thine inner self that thou art being used, and willing to be used by Him-irrespective of the slights, the slurs that may be poked at thee.

"For, what gaineth the soul that maketh or exalteth itself above its fellow man, by implication, by word, or by deed?

"But rather let thine yeas and thy nays be in the Christ Consciousness."'6

"Remember, there is within-rather-that guidance necessary. Thou hast named the Name, thou hast within thine experience the greater director-the Maker, the Creator of the worlds! And in Him there is hope, life, and without Him there is little!

"Joshua 24:15 16378.47


"Then do not confuse thyself with man-made experiences. For He has given, as has been directed in those that should be thy studies, 'Ask and it shall be given thee; seek and ye shall know what has been prepared for thee from the foundations of the world!'

"Then let thy yeas be yea, thy nays be nay in the application of that He has given, 'In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you. I have gone to prepare a place, that as I am there ye may be also. Ye know the way!'

"Then follow close in thatway and manner as He hath given. For the law ofthe Lord is love, and it is in each soul that it finds the answer to those promises as He hath made. Those promises are for each soul. For He is the church, the bridegroom for each soul that seeks to know His face, and His ways. And He is not slack, as men, in keeping those promises to those who are faithful in meting to theirfellow men those very influences that bespeak that the Spirit of Truth is directing! For as He hath given, 'As ye do it unto the least of my children, ye do it unto me.'

"Hence thine applications become practical, everyday life, and not merely tenets or sayings-but life! For He is Life! and thy Brother!"l7

"Know, as has been given of old, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; but the fear of man is the indication of weakness in the body-mind.

"As has been given, seek ye the Lord while He may be found. 'Call and I will hear,' saith the Lord. And this is a promise that each soul must make his own. Not merely by the calling, but as in an active service. For as He hath given, 'As ye do it unto the least of these, my brethren, ye do it unto me.'

"Remember that given of old, and say not Who will descend from heaven that I may know the Lord, or Who would come from over the sea to bring a message; for 10, He is in thine own heart. And His Son, even Jesus the Christ, has come into the earth, dwelt among men, and has given 'Ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place, that where I am, there ye may be also.'

"But, ye may say, this is of old, it was spoken to those present with Him in that hour of separation.

"Yes, but He hath promised, 'If ye will love me and keep my



commandments, I and the Father will come and abide with thee.' And, 'Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.'

"These ye know. Make them thine own. For thy body is indeed the temple of the living God. Seek not for signs. For, as He hath said, a sign is not given unto a wicked and an adulterous generation. But remember what has been given, that 'If ye will be my children, I will be your God. Though ye go far, if ye call I will hear and answer speedily.'

"Trust not in the short arm of material things but putting aside all those things that do so easily beset-doubt, fear, hate, jealousy-so live before even those who question thee, even those who doubt thy purposes, that they may know ye walk and talk oft with thy Lord, the Christ. Not as one boasting of power, or as one boasting of companionships, but humble thyself even as He. Tho¥gh He were the Son, know that there was the lonesomeness, the fear of those influences that beset those He loved. Yet, knowing He hath entered into that glory, becoming the high priest of His people, they that seek Him daily, and having sat down on the right hand of the Father, then through Him ye have that promise-'Lo, I am with thee.'

"With this assurance, why should doubt and fear, why should the turmoils that arise bring consternation or trembling within thee?

"For He hath assured that He will give that peace within, not as the world knoweth peace but that peace that comes from the knowledge that, 'As I treat my fellow man, day by day, so am I treating my Lord, my Master-even my Brother, Jesus the Christ.'

"Let not thy heart be troubled, neither be ye afraid. For as ye seek, as ye live, so will it be measured unto thee and thine. For the love of the Father in the Christ casteth out fear, and brings that assurance of His abiding presence with thee ...

"So surround thyself by thought, by deed, by act, with the consciousness of the Christ that no man, no group, no thought, may hurt thee.

"[Thy future life] is in thine own making. For know He, the Father, hath made thee a free-willed individual; choosing then (and choose ye) whom ye will serve.

"There is set before thee life and death, good and evil, choose thou!

"As to what, as to which, as to where, as to how ye will choose-this is within thine own consciousness. Choose thou.


"Let thy prayer ever be: "Lord, Maker of heaven and earth! Giver of life and love that

is manifested in Jesus, the Christ! Be Thou near unto me! Not that I may have other than personal love for Thee and Thy purposes in the earth.

"Make me, 0 God, a channel of blessings to others day by day.

"In His name we ask this!,,!B
