Richer Apps For All: Opening Up Devices and Effortlessly Exposing More Features

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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4DK's smart little framework is about to rock the mobile developers' world!

Transcript of Richer Apps For All: Opening Up Devices and Effortlessly Exposing More Features

Meet SCamp:

the smart little framework

that’s going to rock the developers’ world

We don’t care

what apps you’re developing

Networking Utilities LifestyleTravelNavigation Productivity

We don’t care

what OS you’re writing for

We don’t even care

what device it ends up on

IPTV In-carNetbooksMobile Femto

We just care

that your mash-up

gets effortlessly exposed

to more cool stuff.

So we created

the smart little framework

that can sit in any device

IPTV In-carNetbooksMobile Femto

exposing more features

Bluetooth Location


Calendar Battery

Time Apps on

and automatically applying

context to any event


Which means

your cool app

Networking Utilities LifestyleTravelNavigation Productivity

just got way cooler

Bluetooth Location


Calendar Battery

Time Apps on

and you don’t have to

write it over and over

for all these OS

and all these devices

IPTV In-carNetbooksMobile Femto

Because there is just

common framework

Keeping it simple

Keeping it simple

for the good of the developers.

Keeping it simple

for the good of the developers.

Find out more: