Ricardo j ritz carlton

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Transcript of Ricardo j ritz carlton

Joseph Ricardo

The Ritz-Carlton

Business 601

June 13, 2014

The Ritz-Carlton and Excellency

The Ritz Carlton’s management objectives and goals can be defined by their

mission statement. Their mission statement is broken down into several parts, their credo,

their motto, and the three steps of service, their service values, the 6th diamond, and the

employee promise. I will discuss a few of these key parts of their mission statement in

this writing assignment. Their mission statement and the following through of it by

managers and staff, allows the companies hotels to provide superior service in any

country in which they choose to operate.

The Ritz Carlton has a credo which can be broken down into three parts, first

“The Ritz-Carlton Hotel is a place where the genuine care and comfort of our guests is

our highest mission.” The Ritz Carlton even allows their employees to spend up to $2,000

to make any single guest completely satisfied. I recently spoke to two people who work

for the Ritz Carlton in Orlando (Soares, 2014). They both explained that the hotel they

work at treats their employees relatively well and see little turn over. One of them has

been there for four years since first moving to Orlando and the other one has been there

for over six years. They both claim to like their job and have no intentions of going

elsewhere. One of the men has even read “The New Gold Standard” a book about how

the hotel has been able to create such a great customer experience. Just the fact alone that

a person who has worked for the company for four years would go and read a book about

quality service in their free time shows the way the Ritz Carlton is able to get their

employees motivated to gain the knowledge to give customers the best experience


The second part of their credo is “We pledge to provide the finest personal service

and facilities for our guests who will always enjoy a warm, relaxed, yet refined

ambience.” It is true that most guests will have a relaxed stay at the Ritz-Carlton.

Looking on Trip Advisor one can see that their hotels are rated with four to five

star ratings for all of their hotels throughout the world. I would say they average a 4.5

rating (Trip Advisor, 2014). Their hotels are extensive from Moscow, Russia to South

Korea, Singapore, Mexico, numerous Caribbean destinations, Japan, the United Arab

Emirates as well as numerous European countries including but not limited to France,

Spain, and Germany. Every location has at least a four star rating, which of course it is

human nature to want to give complaints before compliments so I would suspect that the

feedback of all their customers would probably push their overall rating to the 4.5 mark.

Finally the third part of their credo is “The Ritz-Carlton experience enlivens the

senses, instills well-being, and fulfills even the unexpressed wishes and needs of our

guests.” I am not sure how they intend to fulfill the unexpressed wishes of their guests;

this may just be wordplay and not a realistic goal of the company.

The motto at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company is "We are Ladies and Gentlemen

serving Ladies and Gentlemen." This motto shows what guests should anticipate as far as

the service provided by all their staff members, who go through extensive training along

with coaches to better evaluate their strengths and weaknesses.

The Ritz Carlton is the only service company to win the Malcolm Baldridge

National Quality Award on two separate occasions. They were also names by Training

Magazine as the company with the best employee training (Reiss, 2009).

Each staff member is assigned a training coach who will evaluate their skill levels

and competencies of all facets of the service industry (Michelli, 2008). The senior

director of learning at the Ritz-Carlton was quoted in this article as saying ““We take

training and learning very seriously. We focus on the design of learning, measured

competency, and whether the skills learned are truly being delivered to the customer.”

The Ritz-Carlton is very passionate about the training of their employees and constantly

refers to their gold standard.

From what I have read from the Ritz-Carlton website, websites that review the

Ritz-Carlton, and employees of their company they seem to have a good methodology for

managing their company and for training their employees to bring their customers the

best experience possible. Due to their employee training and thorough mission statement

they are able to operate top of the line hotels no matter what country they operate in, and

no matter the labor pool or culture of the country they choose to operate in.


Michelli, J.A. (2008). Training the talented, the Ritz-Carlton way. American

Management Association. Retrieved June 11, 2014 from



Reiss, R. (2009). How Ritz-Carlton stays at the top. Forbes. Retrieved June 12,

2014 from http://www.forbes.com/2009/10/30/simon-cooper-ritz-leadership-


The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company L.L.C. (2014) About Us. The Ritz-Carlton. Retrieved

June 13, 2014 from http://corporate.ritzcarlton.com/en/About/GoldStandards.htm

Soares, J. (2014). Interview with two Ritz-Carlton Orlando employees.

Trip Advisor. (2014). Search results for Ritz-Carlton. Trip Advisor. Retrieved June 13,

2014 from http://www.tripadvisor.com/Search?



