Rhythm, Rhyme And Beat Night08

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Transcript of Rhythm, Rhyme And Beat Night08

Teen Poetry Nightat

the Bartlesville Public Library

April 29, 2008

The Question Game

Each person will write a question on a piece of paper, fold it over, and write the type of question on the fold (who, what, where, why). The next person answers the question and writes a new one.


Write a poem made up entirely of excuses said to parents, teachers, coaches, siblings, friends, by you, by people you know, by famous people, etc.

“I’m all behind like a cows tail”

“I can’t eat my vegetables, they’re contaminated”

“Sorry I missed your call, the dog buried my phone in the backyard.”

Identity PoemWhat is it like to be you?

The poem builds in rhythm because each sentence starts with the contraction "It's... . For example slam poet Patricia Smith "What It's Like to be a Black Girl (for those of you who aren't).”

"it's being 9 years old and feeling like you're not finished, like your edges are wild, ... ."

1) Freewrite about a representation of a painting, collage, or photograph. Comment on the details in the piece of art. What do you see that you think others see? What do you see that you think others don't? (a story, characters, other particular senses?).

Visual Response Poem

Poems by Process of Obliteration

here in a word,

into a position so little

impracticable schemes

after living free days on the Assabeth

and Indian relics,

after becoming imbued

—it was time,

as a change of diet,

In some measure, naturally well balanced,

organization, with men

of altogether different qualities,

i cared not,

they were apart from me.

developed in each and sky,

passed away out of my mind.

Suspended, Sad, Conscious that the past

Lived too long;

make me permanently into any shape

considered other than a transitory life.




broken paragraphs,


have come too late.

Websites used for this program

Portrait Poems


Teen Space Poetry Wiki
