REYES-October 8,2010 Clarification Related to submission of complaints to City Manager

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Transcript of REYES-October 8,2010 Clarification Related to submission of complaints to City Manager

  • 8/6/2019 REYES-October 8,2010 Clarification Related to submission of complaints to City Manager


  • 8/6/2019 REYES-October 8,2010 Clarification Related to submission of complaints to City Manager


    One Governmental Plaza, PO Box 3136, Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 (336) 373-CITY (2489)

    Why is Assistant Chief Crotts directing an investigation of a supervisor, three (3) levelsbelow Assistant Chief Crotts, when the investigation will have to be submitted toAssistant Chief Crotts for approval? Assistant Chief Crotts is telling Sergeant Isom whathe (Crotts) needs to terminate me. Procedurally, upon completion, the investigationwould go to Lieutenant Brodie, Captain Smith and finally to Assistant Chief Crotts. Whythe violation of chain of command? Why is a Sergeant who has many years of experience in the Criminal InvestigativeDivision, asking the Interim Chief, "What exactly is it that you want me to do?" Why isSergeant Isom puzzled with a truthfulness investigation?

    Why are the supervisors to include Interim Chief D.K. Crotts laughing, when myemployment is in jeopardy? Why is Assistant Chief Crotts stating, "I don't think it necessarily has to be the truth. He

    (Reyes) can be confident." Then Sergeant Isom states, "I am aware of other situationswhere Officer Reyes has manufactured stuff." Assistant Chief Crotts and Sergeant Isomhave determined that I am a liar, regardless of the polygraph/investigation outcome. A"justified" opinion of me is already made. "What is manufacturing stuff?" I guaranteethat Sergeant Isom cannot recite any proven instance in which I have "manufacturedstuff." The investigation outcome is predetermined.

    Why have no notifications been given by Sergeant Isom, prior to beginning theinvestigation? Notifications are an intricate part of any investigation. Notifications mustbe given, prior to the begitming of the investigation, so that the employee understandswhat they are being investigated for. Officer Pryor has been terminated by AssistantChief Crotts based on a notification in which Professional Standards (InternalAffairs) violated procedures.

    Why is Sergeant Isom getting direction on "where you guys wanted to head out with thisthing?" Sergeant Isorn is complicit to yield any outcome as directed by Assistant ChiefCrotts, not the undetermined outcome of a legitimate investigation.

    On the recording, Assistant Chief Crotts states to Sergeant Isom that they would do thepolygraph on Officer me and reconvene. I did not receive the polygraph results untilapproximately seven (7) days after the test. How could I be suspended without pay andrecommended for termination, immediately after the polygraph, without the results of thepolygraph? The result of the polygraph was already determined by Assistant Chief Crotts.Polygraph results are given immediately after the test is concluded.

    Why did Assistant Chief Crotts violate Captain Cherry'S personnel privacy whileinstructing Sergeant Isom? Assistant Chief Crotts stated he needed to share someinformation from Captain Cherry'S investigation with Sergeant Isom. That is notprocedure and is also unlawful.

    In the recording, Assistant Chief Crotts states "whoever brought it forward" indicating hedid not know who filed a complaint. I did not file a complaint. Officer Pinson states inYes! Weekly (September 22-28, 2010 edition) that he did not file a complaint, butSergeant Isom did. Sergeant Isom is perplexed, waiting for Assistant Chief Cotts'guidance. The fact of the matter is that it was irrelevant who filed the complaint. Theoutcome was a failed polygraph} sustained allegation and my termination, aspredetermined by Assistant Chief Crotts.

    How can Officer Royal and I fail a polygraph test and be back at work? If Officers Royal and I are being truthful, then what does that mean for Officer Pinson?

  • 8/6/2019 REYES-October 8,2010 Clarification Related to submission of complaints to City Manager


    One Governmental Plaza, PO Box 3136, Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 (336) 373-CITY (2489)

    How can the polygraph results just be thrown out, however, Officer Royal's and mysuspension and recommendations for termination were based on the polygraph? What were the specifics of the polygraph tests being thrown out? Why is Assistant Chief Crotts setting hearing dates prior to me taking the polygraph test?

    Why does Assistant Chief Crotts presume that 1 will have a hearing? Why doesn'tAssistant Chief Crotts assume that 1will pass the polygraph? Why is Assistant Chief Crotts stating that he is getting pressure from upstairs (you, Mr.Young) to have this investigation completed prior to Chief Ken Miller taking office?

    Mr. Young, why are you pushing Assistant Chief Crotts to complete this investigationprior to Chief Ken Miller taking office, however, you deny in public reports that this wasthe case?

    In the September 22-28,2010 edition of the Yes! Weekly, Police Chief Ken Miller statesthat the department needs to have some internal "dialogue about when and how we usepolygraphs." "1 have an opinion about how a polygraph should be administered. Theydidn't do anything wrong, but it was inconsistent with the way I think it should be used ifwe're going to treat employees the way they deserve to be treated."

    Police Chief Miller contradicts himself in his statement to Yes! Weekly. If AssistantChief Crotts used the polygraph in a way that prevents employees from being treated theway they deserve to be treated, then something was done wrong. What is Chief Miller'sopinion, on when and how polygraphs should be administered? This information shouldbe shared with the public for transparency within the police department. What does thelaw and police policy state as it relates to polygraph procedures and administration?

    Mr. Young, why would you not want Chief Ken Miller to make the decision as it relatedto my suspension without pay and recommendation for termination? You haveallegations against all administrators making the suspension decisions as it relates to me.

    Why is Assistant Chief Crotts telling Sergeant Isom that all he needs is two (2) or three(3) that state Pinson did not make the statement, a failed polygraph by Reyes and a failedpolygraph of Royal (to discredit Royal as a witness). Crotts knew that Captain Cherrycould corroborate what I had stated, which would have nullified the need for continuedinvestigation to include polygraphs.

    Assistant Chief Crotts states that hearing dates are being assigned on the front end, andthat enough time must be allotted, assuming Officer Reyes will have a hearing. Thisexplains why Assistant Chief Crotts needed the report completed in an inordinate amountof time. What is the front end?

    Why is Assistant Chief Crotts and Sergeant Isom concerned about when the report will besubmitted prior to me taking the polygraph?

    Why did Sergeant Isom not testify at my General Board of Inquiry? My witness, Officer Royal was given a polygraph. Officer Pinson's witnesses were not

    given a polygraph. Why not? Assistant Chief Crotts tells Sergeant Isom what to put in the investigation that is beingsubmitted to Assistant Chief Crotts.

    Captain Smith was a part of Assistant Chief Crotts' conspiracy (investigation/polygraph) againstme. I cannot submit my complaints to them. Chief Miller observed Officer Royal's polygraphrecording. Chief Miller did one half (1/2) of the right thing and brought Officer Royal back towork with no discipline and no General Board of Inquiry Hearing. The second half was dealing

  • 8/6/2019 REYES-October 8,2010 Clarification Related to submission of complaints to City Manager


  • 8/6/2019 REYES-October 8,2010 Clarification Related to submission of complaints to City Manager


    One Governmental Plaza, PO Box 3136, Greensboro, NC 27402w3136 (336) 373wCITY (2489)

    Do not continue to include other employee's personnel matters in your grievances. OfficerReyes' Response: Mr. Young, with all due respect, you are the leader of this organization. I willdo whatever you direct me to do. However, I am always learning. For my personal growth, isyour direction not to include other employee's personnel matters in my grievance because thereis a violation or just an "extension" of your authority as the City Manager? In addition, can I notmake a complaint or bring vital information to your attention on behalf of another employee orcitizen?In response to your complaints about the Greensboro Police Union, it is important to understandthat the Police Union is not under the purview of the City of Greensboro. Any issues you havewith the Police Union must be addressed with the Union and not this office. Officer Reyes'Response: Mr. Young, I understand that the Greensboro Police Union is not under the purview ofthe City of Greensboro. My point to you was that ifmy allegations were appropriately addressed,the findings would leave me in good standing with the Greensboro Police Union.Thank you very much for allowing me the opportunity to clarify why I sent my September 23,2010 document to you, Mr. Young, You are appreciated.

    /Jri/rRobert Reyes, Police Officer IGreensboro Police DepartmentPatrol Bureau, Western Division, Squad B