Revolutionary War Part II. George Washington Born Feb. 22, 1732 in NOVA Born Feb. 22, 1732 in NOVA...

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Transcript of Revolutionary War Part II. George Washington Born Feb. 22, 1732 in NOVA Born Feb. 22, 1732 in NOVA...

Revolutionary Revolutionary War War

Part IIPart II

George WashingtonGeorge Washington

BornBorn Feb. 22, Feb. 22, 1732 1732 in NOVAin NOVA Worked as a surveyorWorked as a surveyor, 1, 1stst public office public office

was surveyor of Culpepper County, VAwas surveyor of Culpepper County, VA 17521752, appointed an , appointed an officer in VA militiaofficer in VA militia 1753, delivered message to French in Ohio 1753, delivered message to French in Ohio

Country, eventually rose to command VA Country, eventually rose to command VA militiamilitia

After F&I WarAfter F&I War, resigned, planted and , resigned, planted and involved in politics. involved in politics. Very wealthy Very wealthy landownerlandowner..

Winning IndependenceWinning Independence British lost colonies British lost colonies because because Americans had Americans had

determinationdetermination to outlast to outlast themthem ExExample:ample:

Valley Forge, Pa (winter of 1777-1778)Valley Forge, Pa (winter of 1777-1778) G.W. and troops hunkered down for winterG.W. and troops hunkered down for winter Huts w/Huts w/few blanketsfew blankets, , ragged clothingragged clothing, almost , almost no no

foodfood Reported to Congress that Reported to Congress that 1/3 of 10,000 soldiers 1/3 of 10,000 soldiers

unfit for dutyunfit for duty PneumoniaPneumonia, typhus, typhoid, and , typhus, typhoid, and dysenterydysentery

widespreadwidespread Nearly Nearly 2,000 men perished2,000 men perished

War Focus ShiftsWar Focus Shifts Late summer of 1778, Patriot militias Late summer of 1778, Patriot militias

captured all British posts in present-day captured all British posts in present-day Indiana and IllinoisIndiana and Illinois

1779, focus of the war shifts southward1779, focus of the war shifts southward British hoped to draw on Loyalist sympathiesBritish hoped to draw on Loyalist sympathies

By 1781, General Charles Cornwallis had By 1781, General Charles Cornwallis had set up camp at Yorktown, VAset up camp at Yorktown, VA

Washington recognized opportunity to deal Washington recognized opportunity to deal British a fatal blow at YorktownBritish a fatal blow at Yorktown Lafayette’s troops blocked overland escapeLafayette’s troops blocked overland escape

Cornwallis SurrendersCornwallis Surrenders

Cornwallis and British are Cornwallis and British are surrounded by army double their surrounded by army double their sizesize

Escape from peninsula is blockedEscape from peninsula is blocked French fleet prevented French fleet prevented

reinforcements from seareinforcements from sea Cornwallis surrendered to Cornwallis surrendered to

Washington on October 19, 1781Washington on October 19, 1781

Treaty of Paris Treaty of Paris (Sept 1783)(Sept 1783)

G.B. recognized American independenceG.B. recognized American independence Set n. border between U.S. and British Set n. border between U.S. and British

CanadaCanada Made Miss. River boundary between Made Miss. River boundary between

U.S. and Spanish territory to westU.S. and Spanish territory to west Florida returned to Spain, border setFlorida returned to Spain, border set U.S. and French granted fishing rights U.S. and French granted fishing rights

off of Grand Banksoff of Grand Banks

ImpactImpact of the Revolution of the Revolution

Did more than establish American Did more than establish American IndependenceIndependence

Helped inspire idea of American Helped inspire idea of American Patriotism, love of their countryPatriotism, love of their country

Spread idea of liberty, at home and Spread idea of liberty, at home and abroadabroad

Jefferson’s assertion that “all men are Jefferson’s assertion that “all men are created equal” would have long-created equal” would have long-lasting effectslasting effects

Inspiration to people around the Inspiration to people around the worldworld French Revolution (1789-1799)French Revolution (1789-1799) Other European colonies gain Other European colonies gain

independenceindependence New Latin American statesNew Latin American states

Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh)Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh)

All men are created equal; they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights; among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.This immortal statement was made in the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America in 1776. In a broader sense, this means: All the peoples on the earth are equal from birth, all the peoples have a right to live, to be happy and free. They have robbed us of our rice They have robbed us of our rice fields, our mines, our forests, and our raw fields, our mines, our forests, and our raw materials. They have monopolized the issuing of materials. They have monopolized the issuing of bank notes and the export notes and the export trade.

They have invented numerous unjustifiable taxes They have invented numerous unjustifiable taxes and reduced our people, especially our peasantry, and reduced our people, especially our peasantry, to a state of extreme a state of extreme poverty.