Revolution A war that changes a government

Post on 03-May-2022

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Transcript of Revolution A war that changes a government


A war that changes a


Lexington and Concord

The first battle of the war

• Well trained, experienced army

• World’s best navy

• Wealth

• Established government

• More weapons

• More supplies

• Knowledge of the land

• Good cause to fight for

• Allies

• Rifles

• Short lines of supply and communication


Loyalists (Tories):

Americans who supported Independence

Americans who supported the British

Thomas Paine

Common Sense

The Second Continental Congress

• All 13 colonies represented • Met in Philadelphia

• Included some brilliant men

The first two things they did were contradictory…

1. Created the Continental Army and Chose George Washington to be the Commander-in-Chief

He was chosen because he was:

• Experienced • Wealthy • Trusted • From Virginia

2. They Wrote the Olive Branch Petition

Fort Ticonderoga The Americans capture

much needed cannons there

May 10, 1775

Bunker Hill

Americans take position overlooking


The British attack

three times…

When the American

ammunition runs out.

Britain wins a “costly” victory

Casualties American : 450 British: 1054

The Siege of Boston

Washington tricks the

British into leaving


Without firing a shot!

This gives the

Americans hope!

The Declaration of Independence

The Committee:

Robert Livingston Roger Sherman

John Adams Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson

Their Task:

Declare Independence And

Explain why

The Declaration has 4 main parts 1. Introduction

2. The Purpose of Government Government gets power from


The government must protect basic rights



If a government does NOT do this, the people must get a new one that does.

“The Social Contract” The people and their government

have “a deal”

3. The Indictment A list of things the king did wrong

For Example:

4. The Declaration

Congress votes to accept the Declaration on July 4, 1776

Britain takes New York City

G.W. forced

to retreat through 3 states

for several months

Washington is desperate – needs a victory

Battle of Trenton

American victory over Hessians – hope is restored!

General Burgoyne’s Plan: Divide and Conquer!

Control the

Hudson Valley

Cut off New


General John Burgoyne “Gentleman Johnny”


General Horatio Gates “Granny Gates”

One British Army

Stopped at Ft.

Stanwix By

Benedict Arnold

A second Never goes

further than


The Battle of Saratoga

Huge American victory – called the “Turning Point”


U.S. - 330

Britain – 1135 6222 captured

Results of the Battle:

Burgoyne and his army surrenders British threat to New England is over France agrees to be our ally!

The Hero of the Battle was Benedict Arnold

He would later become a traitor – and join the British side.

-`- Benedict Arnold and West Point

Arnold agreed to give West Point to the British

for £ 20,000 and a command in

the British Army

The plot was exposed – and

Arnold escaped to join the British


The British attack the South –

hoping for Loyalist support

The Battle of Yorktown


…and the French Army and Navy!

General George Washington

General Charles Cornwallis

The British get trapped on the peninsula at Yorktown The French Navy defeats the British Navy –

so Britain is totally cut off!

Cornwallis surrenders!