REVIVe CHURCH School Of Ministry Application...

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Transcript of REVIVe CHURCH School Of Ministry Application...

REVIVe CHURCH School Of MinistryApplication Pack


Team Director: Andrew Murray

Dean of Students: Phil Buston

Local church oversight: Revive Church

Base: Revive Church, Kingston Upon Hull

Dates: Tuesday 13th September 2016 – Sunday 2nd July 2017

Daily schedule: Tuesday – Friday (9.30 am – 3.30 pm) Tuesday and Friday evenings Sundays Occasional Saturdays

Free time: One full day off per week (Mondays) Selected time off over Easter, Christmas and Bank Holidays

To apply: Must be aged between 16-35 Must have been a committed Christian for at least one year Must have shown commitment to a local church

revivce church school of ministry is a full time programme with the following vision:

– Equip Students through daily Bible teaching. There will be three main streams:

• Firm Foundations – an overview of the scriptures, how to study the Bible and an in depth look at basic Christian doctrine • Digging Deeper – Discipleship tools, Christian leadership, preparation for life and ministry • Generation Builders DNA – the revival stream! How to move in the power of God, our identity in Christ and having a passion for mission and evangelism • Lectures to be delivered by Andrew Murray (Generation Builders), Jarrod Cooper (Revive Church) and other leaders from Revive Church plus guests

– ReleaseDuring the course you will be actively serving in Revive Church, a growing multi-site church in East Yorkshire, led by senior leader Jarrod Cooper. You will be involved in serving behind the scenes as well as getting hands on in youth work, evangelism, church planting and more. Passion for worship? Kids? Tech? Creative? Join the teams! Be involved in national conferences and much more!Also, be a part of Generation Builders, the evangelistic ministry of Andrew Murray. Travel around the nation taking part in revival services and evangelistic meetings and be part of an overseas mission trip during the course!

– EmpowerOur aim during the course is to take your prayer life and study life to the next level! There will be daily times of prayer and intercession and the opportunity to receive one on one prayer and personal prophecy. We are passionate about creating a culture where we encounter the Holy Spirit in a real and powerful way so expect times of soaking in God’s presence and allowing His glory to transform us!

The students in this ministry school will be established in and committed to the following seven core values:

1. Service

“Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve”(Matthew 20v27-28)

2. Education

“Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. Esteem her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honour you. She will set a garland of grace on your head and present you with a crown of splendour.”(Proverbs 4v5-9)

3. Equipping

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3v16-17)

4. Prayer

“And as He taught them, He said, “Is it not written: “‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’?” (Mark 11v17)

5. Holy Spirit encounter

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1v8)

6. Public ministry and evangelism

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” (Mark 16v15-18)

7. Personal discipleship

“Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to Him those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve, they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons.” (Mark 3v13-15)

Everything You Need to Know

What will a typical week look like?

Tuesday – Friday daytimeArrive at Revive Church in Hull at 9.30 am. Have a coffee, chat with the students and pray together. Lectures will start at around 10.00 am. Andrew Murray of Generation Builders will be teaching for a full day and one morning each week. There will then be an afternoon where Jarrod Cooper and other leaders from Revive Church bring teaching. One afternoon a week Phil Buston will lead a “connect group” an opportunity to chat, pray and do life together. One full day will be dedicated to getting hands on with all kinds of practical things that need doing around Revive Church. Days will end around 3.30 pm. You will get a day off each week where you are free to relax and spend how you want.

Monday – Friday eveningsEach evening will be different. One evening each week you will attend the Revive Church Bible School, receiving more top quality teaching. This will be free to Ministry School students. We encourage all students to be part of Revive Church connect groups that meet in various locations and various evenings. Some evenings will be spent doing evangelism or youth work. Other evenings will be free time. Things will change on a weekly basis.

WeekendsSome Saturdays will be free, but on others there will be Revive church activities to be part of and Generation Builders events too. On Sundays you will either be at Revive Church, getting hands on with all the ministry that takes place across East Yorkshire or you will be travelling with Generation Builders, helping preach the gospel at events all around the country!

Who Is The School of Ministry for? 

The program is for young adults who feel the call of God on their lives and want to see their generation impacted with the gospel of the Kingdom and the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. It is a place where you can be trained in Bible knowledge, equipped in spiritual tools, exposed to ministry in the local church and discipled in a loving atmosphere.

The Ministry School is not just for those who feel called to full-time Christian ministry however. The program is for anyone who has a sincere desire to be a full disciple of Jesus Christ and to be whole-hearted in their pursuit of Him. As serious Christians, we believe that whatever we do career wise, whether in a secular or church arena, should be done with the thought “How can I further the Kingdom of God through this career?” So whether a member is hoping to go into full time ministry or some other profession, this programme will definitely benefit them as a Christian.

How Will I Personally Benefit From This Programme? What Skills Will I Learn?

This programme is designed with your personal, spiritual and emotional growth and maturity in mind. Our first priority is to help each team member establish a firm foundation on which their faith is able to stand after they leave our program.Specific skills each applicant can expect to learn include the following: • Public speaking • Relational skills with those in authority over you and under you • Being part of a team • Personal time management • Mentoring and discipleship skills • Management and promotional skills needed to operate a growing ministry or organisation on a weekly basis

• Other skills that are a natural part of ministerial training • Spiritual principles that you will be taught include the following: • Ministering under the anointing • Sermon preparation • Spiritual gifts • Practising the presence of God • Having a strong devotional life • Foundational Christian doctrines • Godly character and integrity • Soul winning • A solid grounding in God’s Word What are the financial implications of joining this school?

Unlike many other full time schools, there are no costs to joining this programme. Generation Builders and Revive Church see it is a significant investment into the Kingdom of God. You will have to find money for your general living costs however as well as raise funds for the overseas mission trip.

Can I have another job as well as being part of the school?

The Ministry School is full time, so you will not be able to have any other full time job during the ten months of the course.

I live in the UK but currently attend another church. Do I have to leave my local church to join the Ministry School? 

We certainly do not want young people to cut ties with their local church or no longer be members of the church they are based in. However, joining the school will mean you have to attend all events (including Sunday meetings) at Revive Church. Practically of course this will mean you won’t be able to attend your local church for the time of the course. At the end of programme, we will talk and pray with each student about their future steps in life and ministry. Some may want to continue as part of Revive Church and be a part of all that God is doing in East Yorkshire. Others may want to take the skills and experience they have learned over the ten months and take it back to their home church.

I want to join the Ministry School but live outside Hull. Would you be able to help with accommodation or transport? 

It is your responsibility to provide your own transport and arrange your own living accommodation for the ten months of the course. During your interview you can discuss this in more detail and we will help with some suggestions. It may be possible for us to help find accommodation with members of the Church for a fixed amount of money to cover board and lodgings although we can offer no guarantees. We will treat each request with help for housing on an individual basis.

Who Can Join The Ministry School?  • You must be aged between 16 and 35. • You must have been a Christian for at least one full year • You must have a proven track record of reliability and commitment to a local churchWe are looking for students who have a serious desire for God and a heart that hungers for intimacy with Jesus. For an individual to be considered for this school it must be evident to the leaders of Revive church that the prospective candidate has indeed accepted Christ into his / her heart and is conducting his / her life according to Christian principles. We are looking for students who are willing to go past the edge of their comfort zones in pursuit of God and are willing to allow the Holy Spirit to change them and work on them continually. A passion for Jesus, a teachable spirit, and a willingness to work hard are essential.

What Are the Requirements For Students? 

A comprehensive list of requirements can be found in our application pack. However there are three key requirements that you will need to take into consideration before applying:

• Commitment  The programme is a whole hearted commitment for ten months. Once a part of the school, students will not be able to seek full time employment or join another church or ministry. This will allow complete freedom of the student’s time for involvement in every aspect of ministry provided by the church.

• Holiness  Every student will be expected to be an ambassador of Revive Church and most importantly of all the Kingdom of God. It is important that during the ten months of this course students live a life that is openly Christ like. Therefore behaviour such as smoking, drunkenness, drugs, sexual immortality, inappropriate language, criminal activity will be strictly prohibited. Certain places of entertainment such as nightclubs will be out of bounds.

• Honour  One of the core values of the Kingdom of God is honour. We expect each student to be treated with honour but also to show honour. Speaking or listening to gossip or publicly criticising any other student, church member or church leader cannot be tolerated. We expect each student to submit to the appropriate authorities, have a teachable spirit and a servant heart and to show love to everyone they minister under, with or to.

Behaviour & Conduct

The behaviour and conduct of each student is expected to be of a Christian standard. Each student will be viewed as ambassadors of Generation Builders, Revive Church and the Kingdom of God.

Listed below are some of the basic requirements:

• Promptness Students will arrive on time for each day’s activities. That time could change on a daily basis depending on what is that day’s schedule. Students will be at least 5 minutes early for each scheduled event or church meeting as most ministries will be hindered by even one team member being late. Most activities require good co-ordination between team members. If a team member is sick or absent at any time, the Team Director must be informed as soon as possible. Interns will be active at all church meetings and events.

• Flexibility Church priorities change from week to week. Many activities, must be fitted in when schedules allow. Ministry will often involve working outside normal office hours. Absence and days off may have to be altered at short notice dependent on circumstances. Specific evenings off cannot be guaranteed.

• Loyalty Loyalty and respect for others will be expected from each student. An untrustworthy team member can mean the failure of the entire team. Participating in (speaking or listening) to gossip or criticism about other team members, church members or church leadership is not acceptable. We expect each student to treat other people with honour and respect. If you are upset or offended with a fellow student, your concerns should be brought quickly to the Team Director who will listen to your feelings in confidence.

• Lifestyle and habits As a member of the team you will be a role model to other people, especially young members of the church. Patterns of behaviour should be within accepted Christian standards during the ten month course.


All students will undergo mentoring during the 10 months. The Bible says that “we ALL stumble in many ways”. At specific periods during the course the leaders of the school will participate in one to one discussions with each team member. Perceived areas of weakness in a team member’s life may be addressed in confidence. It is essential that each team member prepare themselves to respond positively to any correction or rebuke concerning their conduct. Any area that is detrimental to the students walk with God, with others or with their ministry may be discussed.

“Do not lose heart when He rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those He loves, and He punishes everyone He accepts as a son... If you are not disciplined, then you are illegitimate children and not true

sons.”(Hebrews 12v5-8)

Students will be approached if they break any of the behaviour and conduct guidelines listed in the previous section.

Minor contraventions may include:- • Being late for events • Failing to participate in events • Having a negative or non-co-operative attitude • Failing to inform the team director of absence

These types of minor violations will result in appropriate disciplinary action such as:

• A quiet word in the ear • Extra work duties • Restriction of specific activities based on the nature of the information

Major contraventions may include:

• Moral violations • Rebellion or slander against any leader of the church

These type of major violations may result in appropriate disciplinary action such as, severe restrictions on future ministry opportunities including expulsion from the programme.

About Generation Builders

Generation Builders is the evangelistic ministry of Andrew Murray, who travels around the world holding evangelistic events, revival services and releasing the truth and reality of God’s Kingdom into people’s lives. Andrew is a preacher and teacher of God’s Word who ministers with a fiery passion and prophetic anointing. Andrew has a burning desire to lift up Jesus Christ and see Him save, heal and deliver. In his meetings many people have been blessed and encouraged as he preaches a message of faith and hope and also stirred and challenged to seek God’s presence and give their all to Him. Along with the preaching of the Gospel, Andrew’s ministry is often accompanied with healings and miracles and times of encountering the Holy Spirit.

About Revive Church

Jarrod has been leading Revive Church (former New Life Church) since 2005. He is known for his influence on contemporary worship music, writing ‘King of kings, Majesty’ and is an author & speaker.Revive  Church is a multi-site church meeting across Hull & East Yorkshire in the UK. He is an author, songwriter, conference speaker and broadcaster, his weekly 30 minute TV & radio show “Days of Wonder” airing in several dozen nations.Jarrod Cooper is an inspirer. Through teaching, song, worship & prophetic ministry he aims to inspire the Church to fullness in Jesus.Revive  Church is devoted to  inspiring revival, aiming to build and plant great God-filled churches & campuses. They also conduct revival events where Gods glory moves, people are saved, leaders inspired and miracles abound! In 2010 he also launched the New Life Christian Academy, a school for 4-18 yr olds in Hull devoted to raising extraordinary generations.


Personal Info

Full name………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Current address…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Telephone number…………………………………………………………………………………………….

Email address…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Gender: Male Female

Date of birth: ……………./……………………./……………………

Marital status: Married Engaged Single Other

Unless single, please submit a brief written explanation:



Please give details on any criminal record you may have:




Have you ever been involved in court proceedings concerning a child for whom you have parental responsibility: Yes No

Have you ever been refused work due to inappropriate conduct towards children: Yes No

Has there ever been cause for concern regarding your conduct with children:Yes No

To your knowledge has there ever been any allegations made against you which was reported to and investigated by police or social services: Yes No

If yes please explain




Spiritual Life

When did you become a Christian?


Have you been baptised in water by full immersion? Yes No

Have you received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues? Yes No

Please give a brief testimony of how you became a Christian and your Christian journey since:

















(Please continue overleaf if you need more space)

Your current church

The name of the church you currently attend …………………………………………………

Church address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………


Church telephone number: ……………………………………………………………………………….

Denomination or affiliation: ………………………………………………………………………………

Senior Leaders name: ……………………………………………………………………………………….

How long have you attended the church: ………………………………………………………….

If less than three years, please give the names of any other churches you have regularly been a member of in that time period:



What involvement do you have in your church currently?





Education history

High School (s) attended: ………………………………………………………………….

Date you left: ………………/…………………/………………………………………….








Colleges / universities attended: ………………………………………………………………………

Date you graduated: ………/………………/……………………………..Qualifications: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………





Employment information

If you are in current full time employment please give the name and address of your employer:





How long have you worked there: …………………………………………………………………….

Please give a brief description of your employment history over the past 3 years:





Medical information

Please list any disease, disorder or disability which requires special attention or which might limit your participation in any aspect of the school:





Have you ever had any emotional / anxiety or depression problems that required treatment or had any psychiatric help? Yes No

If yes please explain:





List any prescribed medications you are taking:





List any allergies you suffer from:



Emergency contacts

Please give the information of two close friends or family members to contact in case of emergency.

Person One –

Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………




Telephone number: …………………………………………………………………………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Relationship with you …………………………………………………………………………… . . . . . . . . . . .

Person Two –

Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Telephone number: …………………………………………………………………………

Relationship with you ……………………………………………………………………………

Your application

Please write a little about yourself: (Your family background, interests, hobbies etc.)



















Please explain why you are applying for this ministry school:















What do you hope to achieve over the ten months of the course:















What areas of ministry / service have you been involved in in the past?…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………









To what aspect of ministry do you feel called?












Are there any concerns or worries that you have about joining this ministry school:












I would like to apply for the first intake, starting in September 2015: Yes No

I would like to apply for the second intake, starting in January 2016: Yes No

I currently live in Hull and already have living arrangements in place: Yes No

I live outside Hull and will need to arrange accommodation for the course: Yes No

I would like to be part of an overseas mission during the course, understanding that I will need to finance this (can be between £1000-£1500): Yes No


Once we have received your application form and you have had an initial interview we will contact the two people you list below for their recommendation.

Personal reference (must be a mature Christian adult that is at least 25 years old, has known the applicant for at least one year and is not a relative)

Name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Telephone number: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Email address ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Pastoral reference (your current senior pastor from the home church you currently attend. In the event that the church pastor is a relative, than another church leader will do)

Name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Address …………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Telephone number: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Email address ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Your commitment to us

I will be committed to the ministry school for the whole ten months of the course and be involved in all aspects of ministry and service that that involves

I will be committed to attending Revive Church for the ten months and attend all events I am asked to

I will not take part in any other full time employment or join another church or ministry until the ten months are over

I will arrive on time each day and early to each meeting

I understand the flexible nature of ministry and understand that daily start and finish times, days and evenings off etc. can change on a weekly basis

I am prepared to serve in whatever capacity I am asked to

I will respect, honour and serve the Team Director, leadership of the church, other team members and those I am ministering to

I am committed to being personally discipled and mentored by the leaders of the church and understand that at times that may involve discipline or correction

I commit to a life of holiness, purity and integrity and will refrain from drunkenness, sexual immorality, inappropriate language, criminal behaviour and any other activity that goes against the clear teachings of the Bible

I am prepared to undergo a full DBS and police check if required

By signing this document you agree to fulfil all of the above statements.


Your signature …………………………………………………………………………………..

Print name …………………………………………………………………………………………….

Date ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Please fill in the whole of this application form and post to the following address:

Ministry SchoolRevive ChurchBridlington AvenueKingston-upon-HullHU2 0DUEngland

If you have any more questions please email

Please remember that applications for the September intake have to be in by the start of August