Reviews C. Feldmann and H. Goesmann Nanoscience DOI: 10 ...

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Transcript of Reviews C. Feldmann and H. Goesmann Nanoscience DOI: 10 ...

NanoscienceDOI: 10.1002/anie.200903053

Nanoparticulate Functional MaterialsHelmut Goesmann and Claus Feldmann*


Keywords:chemical synthesis ·functional materials ·nanoparticles ·nanotechnology

Dedicated to Professor Martin Jansen on theoccasion of his 65th birthday

C. Feldmann and H. GoesmannReviews

&&&& � 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 2 – 36� �

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1. Introduction

Even the mere number of publications on nanoparticles(NPs) appearing annually makes it obvious that the field hasachieved substantial importance on the one hand and acertain degree of maturity on the other. The term “nano-particle” (at first termed “small particles”) first appeared inthe 1980s.[1] Even after few years, the number of publicationsincreased incredibly (1990: ca. 20, 1995: ca. 300, 2000: ca.2100).[2] In total, this development corresponds to epidemicgrowth,[3] which is now experiencing initial saturation at avery high level (2008: ca. 16000 publications).[2] Similargrowth with a certain delay can be seen in the sales volumes ofindustrial products and the totals of government subsidies. Sooverall, it is quite an active research field of great currentinterest, in which sometimes euphoric expectations areplaced.

With all these expectations of a scientific topic that is verymuch in fashion, the question arises as to what the currentsituation of nanoparticles as an aspect of the “nanosciences”or “nanotechnology” is and what value is being created formodern society now and in the future. Out of the broad fieldof nanosciences and nanotechnology, this Review selectsnanoparticulate functional materials and summarizes themain research activities of recent years. The emphasis is onthe special properties and functions of NPs and theirimportance for science and technology, which is illustratedand assessed by selected examples. First, we will delimit theterm “nanoparticles” and discuss some fundamental consid-erations of their historical development, general synthesisconcepts, and special properties. Next, the properties andfunctions of nanoparticulate functional materials are dis-cussed in detail and subdivided into optical, electronic/electrical, magnetic, and catalytic properties. The improve-

ment of materials and surface finishing, which are of greatcommercial relevance, as well as the visionary field of“nanocontainers”, molecular particles, and particulate crys-tals, are also presented.

Overall, the materials discussed below and their proper-ties range as widely as the nanosciences themselves. Thepronounced interdisciplinary nature—with contributionsfrom chemistry, physics, biology, materials sciences, all theway to engineering and medicine—is perhaps one of the moststriking features of the nanosciences, compared to manyclassical disciplines, and is vital to the development ofnanotechnological products. The breadth of the topic makesa clear limitation of this Review an absolute necessity.Therefore, we will only consider chemical synthesis as theportal to high-quality nanoparticles in as much as it lays thefoundation for the quality and formation of the desiredproperties of the material. Furthermore, with respect tospecific synthesis concepts, we refer the reader to a number ofcurrent reviews.[4] In accordance with the title, nanorods andnanotubes,[5] as well as organic nanoparticles and inorganic–organic composites,[6] will only be discussed in certainindividual cases. Here, too, we refer the reader to current

Nanoparticulate functional materials offer manifold perspectives forthe increasing miniaturization and complexity of technical develop-ments. Nanoparticles also make a major contribution to utilization ofmaterials that is sparing of natural resources. Besides these obviousaspects, however, the importance of nanoparticles is due to theirfundamentally novel properties and functions. These include photoniccrystals and efficient luminophors, single particles and thin films forelectronic storage media and switching elements, magnetic fluids andhighly selective catalysts, a wide variety of possibilities for surfacetreatments, novel materials and concepts for energy conversion andstorage, contrast agents for molecular biology and medical diagnosis,and fundamentally novel forms and structures of materials, such asnanocontainers and supercrystals. Creating high-quality nanoparticlesrequires that numerous parameters, involving the particle core andsurface, colloidal properties, and particle deposition, are taken intoconsideration during synthesis of the material. An appropriate char-acterization and evaluation of the properties requires the incorpo-ration of a wide range of expertise from widely differing areas. Thesecircumstances are what challenges and appeals to the nanoscientist.

From the Contents

�1. Introduction 3

�2. What Are Nanoparticles? 4

�3. Color, Reflection, andLuminescence 8

�4. Single Particles and ParticleEnsembles in Electronics 13

�5. Superparamagnetism andMagnetic Contrast Agents 17

�6. Nanoparticles in HeterogeneousCatalysis 19

�7. Upgrading Materials and SurfaceFinishing 21

�8. Nanocontainers, MolecularParticles, andParticulate Crystals 24

�9. Quo Vadis Nanoparticles? 26

[*] Dr. H. Goesmann, Prof. Dr. C. FeldmannInstitut f�r Anorganische ChemieKarlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)Engesserstrasse 15, 76131 Karlsruhe (Germany)Fax: (49)721-608-4892E-mail:



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review articles. And finally, even for the topics presentedbelow, there is such a large number of original papers that it isnecessary to restrict ourselves to fundamental aspects andcurrent highlights.

2. What Are “Nanoparticles”?

This introductory section serves to introduce the reader tothe topic and is intended to make it accessible even to thenonspecialist. First, we will classify the concept “nano” andpresent some milestones of the historical development,important synthesis concepts, and the special properties ofnanoparticles.

2.1. General Classification

The term “nano” is derived from the Greek word for“dwarf”, “nanos”. This etymology, and its placement on themetric scale (1 nm = 10�9 m), make it clear that tiny dimen-sions not visible to the naked eye, beyond the normal limits ofour observation, are involved. Approaching it from familiarterrain may make the “nanoworld” more easily accessible(Figure 1). The diameters of hairs, cells (such as red blood

cells), bacteria (such as Escherichia coli), viruses (such as theHI virus), or molecules (such as hemoglobin or the buckmin-sterfullerene C60) can serve as path marks here. On this lengthscale, bodies with lateral dimensions less than 100 nm are

typically termed nanoparticles. This classification is somewhatarbitrary, but it is largely established in the scientific literatureand also covers well the range in which specific properties ofmaterials become size-dependent and differ from those ofthree-dimensional infinite solids.

Characteristic of nanoparticles, besides their small size, istheir vast surface area. A simple thought experiment willserve to illustrate this concept (Figure 2). Take a cube with

edges 1 cm in length—roughly the size of a sugar cube—atdivide it step by step into cubes with edges 1 nm in length.While the sum of the volumes remains the same, the numberof individual cubes and their total surface area increasesdramatically. The surface area of the 1021 “nanocubes”, at6000 m2, amounts to roughly the area of a football field (ca.7000 m2)—created from a single sugar cube! Compared to aninfinite three-dimensional solid (aptly expressed by the term“bulk”), with nanoparticles we may expect that their phys-icochemical properties are strongly influenced, if not indeeddominated, by the surface. Unsaturated bonding sites andunoccupied coordination sites will play a major role, com-pared to a highly ordered crystalline solid.

The increasing number of weakly bound surface atoms isdirectly reflected in changes in the physicochemical proper-ties. A prominent example of this phenomenon is thelowering of the melting point as the number of surfaceatoms increases. This behavior was first observed experimen-

Helmut Goesmann received his first degreein chemistry and physics in 1982 at theWestf�lische Wilhelms-Universit�t in M�n-ster. He then switched to the University ofKarlsruhe, where he obtained his doctoratein 1985 in the group of Dieter Fenske.Thereafter, he moved to the University ofFrankfurt and returned to the University ofKarlsruhe in 1989. Since 2004 he has beenworking in the group led by Claus Feldmannin the field of solid-state chemistry andmodern functional materials.

Claus Feldmann studied chemistry (degreein 1991) at the University of Bonn, wherehe obtained his doctorate in inorganic solid-state chemistry in 1994 under MartinJansen. After postdoctoral study with Hans-Georg von Schnering at the Max-Planck-Institute for Solid-State Research in Stutt-gart, he moved to industry (Philips ResearchLaboratories), where he worked in the fieldof luminescence research. At the same time,he completed his habilitation at RWTHAachen on the subject of nanomaterials. In2003, he was appointed to Chair I in

Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Karlsruhe. His research interestsinclude the synthesis, characterization, and properties of solids and nano-materials.

Figure 1. Length scale for classifying nanoparticles.

Figure 2. Surface area of NPs: a simple model.

C. Feldmann and H. GoesmannReviews

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tally in the 1950s and 1960s for tin by Takagi and Wronski[7]

and is particularly well-documented for gold nanoparticles[8]

(Figure 3). A further example is the drastic increase in thechemical reactivity of nanoparticles as the particle diameterdecreases, a phenomenon which is well known for pyrophoriciron.[9]

2.2. Nanoparticles in Retrospect

In fact, the historical roots of nanoparticles date back farbeyond their current intensive scientific study. This is true ofboth the deliberate manufacture and the utilization ofnanoparticles. A few illustrative examples suffice as docu-mentation. The dyeing of glass by freshly precipitatedcolloidal solutions of gold was already known in late Greco-Roman times.[10] Red-violet hues are typical, but also purpleand wine-red variations, which have found wide use in glassand porcelain manufactories since the eighteenth century(Figure 4). The surprising variety of colors is due to colloidal

gold particles with typical diameters ranging from 1 to 50 nm,and the correlation of the particle size with the plasmonresonance which causes the color.[11] The optical absorption asa physical property of the gold nanoparticles is thus size-dependent and differs from the bulk property—a finding thatis now known as a quantum size effect.[12] The names ofCassius and Faraday stand for the deliberate synthesis of suchgold nanoparticles and the description of their properties.[13]

The colored nanoparticles of gold that can be obtained by thereduction of alkaline metal tetrachloroaurates(III) withtin(II) chloride, which are still known as “purple of Cassius”,also make it clear that it can be very simple to obtainnanoparticles.[14] It was Faraday who recognized the connec-tion between the color and the size of the particles(Figure 4).[15] Today, gold nanoparticles are manufacturedindustrially and are still used for dyeing glass as well as findingapplications as biomarkers (see Section 3.1) or catalysts (seeSection 6.1).

Suntan lotion as protection against ultraviolet radiation isanother application for nanoparticles that has been commer-cially significant for quite a long time.[16] The TiO2 or ZnOnanoparticles (diameter 30–80 nm) contained in suntan lotioncan serve as a simple example of the optical transparency ofthin layers of nanoparticles when the size of the nanoparticlesis well below the wavelength of visible light (380–780 nm).[17]

While a thick layer of suntan lotion appears milky whitebecause of diffuse multiple scattering at the nanoparticles, athin layer on the skin is transparent and no longer visible tothe human eye. Generally speaking, this optical transparencycan be achieved more readily the smaller the particlediameters are (Figure 5). A third field of applications for

nanoparticles worth mentioning is heterogeneous catalysis.[18]

Since the catalyzed reaction occurs only on the surface, theavailable catalyst surface area correlates directly with theturnover of material. And especially in the case of the noblemetals, the cost advantage of nanoparticles is obvious. Inretrospect, heterogeneous catalysis is one of the first exam-ples of a major industrial relevance of nanoparticles.[18a]

The examples cited make it clear that nanoparticlesacquired commercial and technical importance at a very earlydate, sometimes without knowledge of the sizes involved andtheir significance. The scientific basis for systematic study anddescription of nanoparticles was first established with colloidchemistry at the beginning of the twentieth century. Some ofits important pioneers were Michael Faraday, ThomasGraham, Marian Smoluchowsky, Richard Zsigmondy, andWilhelm and Wolfgang Ostwald.[21] Many of the concepts theydeveloped can be applied directly to nanoparticles. With

Figure 3. a) Number of surface and inner atoms as a function ofparticle diameter and b) correlation between particle diameter andmelting point of gold NPs (modified reproduction of ref. [8b]).

Figure 4. a) Late Roman Lycurgus cup, b) baroque ruby glass, andc) colloidal Au NPs (modified reproduction of (a) and (b) fromref. [19]).

Figure 5. Suspensions with SiO2 NPs of various sizes and partial bluetint from Rayleigh scattering (modified reproduction of ref. [20]).



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respect to the scale of sizes, nanoparticles can certainly beregarded as examples of particularly small colloids. On theother hand, nanoparticles require synthesis strategies anddisplay properties that go well beyond classical colloidchemistry. Another milestone is the development of effectiveanalytical methods, without which observation and specificstudy of nanoparticles is not possible. Of outstandingimportance for this field are the techniques of electronmicroscopy and force-field microscopy.[22] These methodsform the basis for nanometer-scale manipulators, analyticalin situ techniques, and three-dimensional holographic imag-ing methods that are available today.[23]

But to assess modern nanoparticles properly, it must besaid that, despite all scientific progress, the degree ofstructuring, complexity, and functionality that occurs innature has not been reached yet. This is obviously true ofall living creatures and each individual cell. But opals with acomparatively simple structure and the highly complex SiO2

structure of diatoms make it apparent that nature is also agood model in the field of inorganic nanostructures(Figure 6). However, nature has one essential parameter atits disposal in abundance, of which scientists only have alimited amount: time.

2.3. Special Properties of Nanoparticles

Those properties of nanoparticles which differ from theproperties of the bulk material are of particular interest.Otherwise, the importance of nanoparticles would be limitedto the aspects of savings in materials and expenses, and ofminiaturization, which are indeed of the greatest importancecommercially. The differences between nanoparticles andbulk material can be assigned qualitatively to three sub-groups:1) Surface-dependent particle properties: These are proper-

ties which in principle the bulk material also displays, butwhich only become dominant in nanoparticles owing tothe high surface-to-volume ratio. Typical examples are thehigher turnover of nanoparticle catalysts already men-tioned (see Section 6.1), the higher chemical reactivity ofnanoparticles (e.g. pyrophoric iron),[9] soil-repellent sur-faces (e.g. Lotus effect, Section 7.1), the surface conduc-tivity of nanoparticulate oxides (e.g. the Gr�tzel cell,Section 4.3), and in general numerous thin-film applica-

tions (e.g. thin-film capacitors, Figure 7, Sections 4.2, 4.3,and 7.1).

2) Size-dependent particle properties: Many properties ofnanoparticles are directly related to their small size.Among these are optically transparent layers (e.g. pig-ments, thin-film electrodes, coatings; Sections 3.1, 4.2, 4.3,and 7.1), interference effects (e.g. Bragg stacks, photoniccrystals; Section 3.2), superparamagnetic nanoparticles(Section 5.1), and applications in molecular biology andmedicine (Figure 8, Sections 3.1, 3.3, and 5.2).

3) Size-dependent quantum effects: If the electronic struc-ture of nanoparticles is influenced directly by their size,the phenomena are called size-dependent quantumeffects. These are due to the transition from an atom ormolecule with defined energy levels to the dispersed bandsof collective ensembles of atoms and finally of the bulkmaterial. Prominent examples are the shift of the plasmonresonance of gold nanoparticles discussed above (Sec-tions 2.2 and 3.1) and the size-dependent color andluminescence of semiconductor quantum dots (Figure 9,Section 3.3).[26]

2.4. Approaches to the Synthesis of Nanoparticles

There are a wide variety of synthetic methods forobtaining nanoparticles, which can be divided into threegroups: 1) grinding methods (wet and dry grinding, reactivegrinding, etc.);[27] 2) gas-phase methods (chemical vapordeposition (CVD), laser ablation deposition (LAD), sputter-ing techniques, etc.);[28] 3) liquid-phase syntheses (forcedhydrolysis, hydrothermal synthesis, sol-gel process, micro-

Figure 6. Inorganic nanostructures in nature: a) SiO2 frustule ofdiatoms and b,c) natural opals: photos (b) and electron-microscopeimage (c; modified reproduction of ref. [24]).

Figure 7. Photograph and schematic depiction of thin-film capacitors,which are composed in alternating layers of 200 electrodes (e.g. Ni)and 200 dielectric layers (e.g. BaTiO3).

Figure 8. Detection of a lymph-gland carcinoma by optical imagingwith NIR quantum dots (modified reproduction of ref. [25]).

C. Feldmann and H. GoesmannReviews

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emulsion method etc.).[4, 29] Besides the particle size itself,other aspects must be taken into account for high-qualitynanoparticles. These include a size distribution that is asmonodisperse as possible, effective suppression of agglomer-ation processes, and well-directed control of the surfacefunctionalization. Furthermore, the boundary conditions ofspecific compositions and the requirements of specificproperties of the material limit the potentially applicablesynthesis methods.

In general, when grinding processes are employed,appreciable agglomeration and contamination by materialabraded from the grinding body must be expected. Very smallparticles (diameter < 50 nm) are usually only obtainable to alimited degree. For technical processes, grinding methods areextremely important, as they allow even large quantities ofsubstance to be obtained inexpensively. Gas-phase methodsare typically employed as continuous processes that providecrystalline nanoparticles with largely noncovered surfaces.However, owing to the high synthesis temperatures (above500 8C), such approaches may result in the formation of hardaggregates that are difficult to separate into primary particles.Also, the formation of complex multinary phases can behindered or even prevented by segregation processes at hightemperatures. Since gas-phase reactions are usually subject tothermodynamic control, the production of compounds thatare metastable under synthesis conditions is only possible to alimited degree.

In liquid-phase syntheses, particle size and agglomerationbehavior can usually be controlled effectively. The reactivesurfaces can be saturated with functionalized organic mole-cules as stabilizers immediately after nucleation. Typically,these stabilizers are long-chain alkyl compounds, tensides, orpolymers.[30] With the aid of such stabilizers, it is possible tocontrol the shape of nanoparticles, permitting a wide varietyranging from simple spheres through lenticular and rod-

shaped forms to nanoparticle tetrahedra, octahedra, cubes, orstellate shapes.[4b, 31] However, the use of high-molecular-weight organic stabilizers can be a disadvantage if they haveundesired effects on the properties and function of thenanoparticles after completion of the synthesis. For example,the quantum yield of luminescent nanoparticles (Section 3.3),the conductivity of thin-film electrodes (Sections 4.2 and 4.3),or the catalytic activity of nanoparticles (Sections 6.1 and 6.2)can be reduced considerably by unsuitable surface function-alization. It is possible to burn out organic stabilizers, but thisrequires temperatures above 500 8C and usually results in theformation of agglomerates, which either may still be separa-ble into primary particles if appropriate force is applied, ormay not be physically separable at all.

Because many nanoparticles of varying compositions anda wide range of sizes, shapes, surface functionality, andmaterial properties can be obtained well by liquid-phasemethods, most of the nanoparticulate functional materialspresented below are prepared in this way. In accordance withthis importance, we discuss some boundary conditions inmore detail; many aspects apply in principle to gas-phasesyntheses, as well. As current reviews of liquid-phasesyntheses of nanoparticles are available,[4, 29] our discussionis focused more on fundamental aspects. Starting from ahomogeneous liquid phase, the synthesis of high-qualitynanoparticles, that is, those with a defined diameter, almostmonodisperse size distribution, and small degree of agglom-eration, can in general be limited to two major boundaryconditions: 1) precisely directed control of nucleation andnucleus growth; 2) effective suppression of agglomerationprocesses.

According to the model of LaMer and Dinegar, nuclea-tion is an endothermic process (Figure 10).[32] The splitting of

bonds in the initial compounds, the removal of solvate shells,and overcoming the surface tension of the solvent requireenergy. Nucleus growth and Ostwald ripening, on the otherhand, are exothermic processes that release the enthalpy offormation of the solid, such as lattice binding energy.[33]

Therefore, the formation of infinite solids is always energeti-cally favored over nanoparticles with their large surface areas,unsaturated bonding sites, and unoccupied coordinationsites.[34] The agglomeration of the nanoparticles is also

Figure 9. CdSe semiconductor quantum dots as nanoscale lumino-phors: a) Surface color of suspensions in toluene in visible light.b) Schematic diagram of band gap and emission color as a function ofparticle size. c) Light emission of suspensions in toluene when excitedwith UV light.

Figure 10. LaMer and Dinegar’s model to describe nucleation andnucleus growth (modified reproduction of ref. [32]).



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energetically favored, as it minimizes surface areas andsaturates the bonding and coordination sites (Figure 11).

In principle, the synthesis of nanoparticles is not difficult,especially if the resultant solid is of low solubility. Everyone

who has taken a laboratory course in qualitative or quanti-tative chemistry will remember a precipitation reaction whoseproduct runs through every filter (e.g. CdS, AgBr). Althoughnot desired at that point, the precipitate is very likely toconsist of nanoparticles.[35] At this point, the range of methodsof the nanoscientist comes into play, in order to controlreactions and equilibria in the desired way (Figure 11). Toprevent a premature switch from nucleation to nucleusgrowth, the addition of a certain amount of activationenergy (e.g. by performing the reaction at a higher temper-ature) is helpful. It is also useful to establish a high degree ofsupersaturation in the homogeneous phase and to reduce itagain by nucleation as directly and exclusively as possible.The “hot injection” method, a standard synthesis for obtain-ing quantum dots developed by Bawendi and co-workers(Section 3.3), illustrates the potential of this strategy impres-sively (Figure 11).[36] And finally, the particle surfaces shouldbe saturated immediately after nucleation by electrostatic orsteric stabilization to protect the nanoparticles from furthergrowth or agglomeration (Figure 11).[37] Electrostatic stabili-zation can be achieved by targeted adsorption of ions (H+,OH� , SO4

2�, NO3� , RCOO� , RSO3

� , R4N+, etc.) on the

particle surface. Steric stabilization is realized by adsorptionof long-chain organic molecules (e.g. oleyl amine, oleic acid,trioctyl phosphine, trioctyl phosphine oxide). Both optionsare standard methods in colloid chemistry.[30] And finally,nucleus growth and agglomeration can also be controlled bycomplete separation of the reaction spaces. In principle, suchcontrol is possible by high dilution but can also be achieved bycontinual removal of the nanoparticles already formed (suchas in microfluidic continuous-flow devices).[38]

3. Color, Reflection, and Luminescence

We begin our review of nanoparticulate functionalmaterials with their optical properties, as the wide range of

materials and properties can be illustrated particularlyimpressively here. They range from absorptive pigmentsthrough reflecting Bragg stacks and photonic crystals toluminophors and luminescent biomarkers.

3.1. Transparent Pigments

The basic importance of nanoparticulate pigments forcoloring is obvious. However, in this case as in many others,merely replacing conventional bulk-material pigments bynanomaterials is usually out of the question, simply becauseof the higher manufacturing costs. Nanoparticles are relevantif their use offers options beyond those of a bulk material. Inthe case of classical pigments, the optical transparency ofparticulate thin films is such an advantage.[39] Thus substratessuch as glass or plastic are colored after embedding of orcoating with pigment nanoparticles, but they remain opticallytransparent (Sections 2.2, 4.2, and 7.1). And the advantages ofinorganic pigments over organic dyes, namely their temper-ature and ultraviolet stability, are retained.[39] Nanoscalepigment particles therefore play an important role, especiallyfor vehicle paint coatings, as color filters in displays, forcoloring plastics, and in cosmetics.[40] These also include UV-absorbing nanoparticles such as ZnO or TiO2 in plastics orsuntan lotion, which are discussed elsewhere as non-coloredmaterials. (Sections 2.2, 7.1, and 7.2).[16]

As far as the materials properties of the pigment nano-particles are concerned, their crystallinity requires particularattention. All kinds of defects in the solid state (i.e. defectsites; contaminations; inclusions; domain, grain, or phaseboundaries; noncrystalline regions) directly affect the elec-tron excitation and transfer processes, and compromiseproperties of the material such as color, luminescence(Section 3.3), or electrical conductivity (Section 4.2) com-pared to the bulk material. A good specific example of thisphenomenon is the pigment CoAl2O4, known as “Th�nard�sblue”. If noncrystalline regions, secondary phases such asCo(OH)2 or Al(OH)3, or internal surfaces in the form of grainboundaries exist, they are associated with slight changes in thebond distances and angles. And if the latter differ from thoseof the crystalline bulk material, the energy split of thed orbitals of the Co2+ ion is affected, which in turn is the causeof the color.[41] As a result, CoAl2O4 no longer displays itscharacteristic brilliant blue color but acquires a reddish-blueor greenish-blue hue. As the crystallinity of the materialgenerally depends on the synthesis temperature, especiallyliquid-phase syntheses at temperatures over 300 8C requirespecial measures. Noncrystalline nanoparticles, however, canform even at the high temperatures of gas-phase syntheses(over 500 8C), for example if the dwell time in the hot reactorzone is very short.[28] In liquid-phase syntheses, highly crystal-lized pigments can be obtained by polyol-mediated synthesis,by hydrothermal synthesis and subsequent separation of theligand-stabilized nanoparticles using phase transfer, or bydecomposition of single-component precursors (“single-source precursors”; Figure 12).[42]

Metal nanoparticles whose plasmon resonance falls in thevisible range of the spectrum are also interesting as pigments

Figure 11. Growth and stabilization of nanoparticles.

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(Section 2.2).[13] With regard to chemical and physical stabil-ity, gold and silver are particularly suitable. If the particle size,shape, and surface functionalization are precisely controlled,hues across the entire visible spectrum can be achieved(Figure 4).[43] A method described by Yin and co-workers isespecially elegant, in which silver nanoparticles are firstproduced by simple reduction of AgNO3 with NaBH4 in anaqueous phase. The form of these nanoparticles, and thustheir color, can subsequently be deliberately modified byultraviolet radiation (Figure 13).[44]

Gold and silver nanoparticles have now achieved consid-erable importance in biosensing, as they can considerablyenhance the emission of molecules adsorbed onto the particlesurface by means of fluorescence resonance energy transfer(FRET). By excitation of the plasmon resonance, the metalparticles act as “nanoantennae”. The resulting photolumines-cence can be detected by fluorescence spectroscopy orsurface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) with sensitivityup to a single photon.[45] Such plasmonic nanosensors offeroutstanding perspectives for molecular biology, thus enablingdetection of sugars, peptides, enzymes, DNA, hormons, andtumor markers, but also of viruses and cells.[46] Even intra-cellular gene regulation has been directly observed with theaid of oligonucleotide-functionalized gold nanoparticles.[47]

Overall, the use of plasmonic nanoparticles in molecularbiology is gaining substantially in scope, and the diagnostictechniques thus made possible are gaining in complexity.Another example of an application is described by Russelland co-workers: the immunological detection of nicotinemetabolites in latent fingerprints (Figure 14).[48] Thisapproach may well produce a simple test for drug abuse orhandling of explosives. In a current paper, Ras et al. describe

solvatochromic effects of silver nanoparticles, which can beused to distinguish between solvents such as water ormethanol or to identify solvent mixtures.[49] On the basis ofthe success with single particles, the arrangement of plas-monic nanoparticles in the form of supercrystals may wellprovide a wide variety of options for molecular diagnosticsand optoelectronics (Sections 3.2, 4.1, and 8.3).[50] In thiscontext it should be noted that, in addition to their plasmonicproperties, gold and silver nanoparticles may also be used inmedicine as X-ray contrast media.[51]

3.2. Bragg Stacks and Photonic Crystals

In addition to coloration by absorption of light, coloreffects can also arise from structural interference at nano-particles. Colloidal particles in the form of Bragg stacks haveattracted some attention in this respect.[52] If nanoparticleswith different indices of refraction (e.g. TiO2 n = 2.5 and SiO2

n = 1.5) are deposited alternatingly with a defined layerthickness, the resulting “distributed Bragg reflectors” (DBR)have an intensive “structure-based” color, owing to structuralinterference. The first-order wavelength (lmax) in reflectiondepends on the difference of the indices of refraction (nA, nB)of the materials used (A, B) and on the respective thickness ofthe layers (dA, dB); it can be determined according to Bragg�slaw [Eq. (1)].[53]

lmax ¼ 2 ðnA dA þ nB dBÞ ð1Þ

Since the relevant layer thicknesses are less than 100 nm,nanoparticles are necessary to produce them (typically bymeans of spin-coating). It is particularly appealing that withBragg stacks, various colors can be produced with materialsthat are themselves colorless (Figure 15).[54] Furthermore, thecolor can be altered by adsorption of molecules onto thesurface of the porous, nanoparticulate matrix if this adsorp-tion is accompanied by a change in the refraction indices orthe thickness of the layers.[55] In this way, novel gas sensors orbiosensors can be created, for example. Further work by Ozinet al. has shown that the color of Bragg stacks can also bealtered by mechanical pressure or by applying electrical

Figure 12. Nanoparticulate pigments in cyclohexane (0.1 g in 20 mL)and as powder: a) a-Fe2O3, b) Fe3O4, c) CoFe2O4, d) ZnCo2O4, e) Cr2O3,f) BaCrO4, g) PbCrO4 (modified reproduction of ref. [42c]).

Figure 13. The shape and color of silver nanoparticles can be modifieddeliberately by UV radiation (modified reproduction of ref. [44]).

Figure 14. Detection of the nicotine metabolite benzoyl ecgonine inlatent fingerprints: a) White-light and b) fluorescent photograph afterincubation of anti-benzoyl-ecgonine antibody-functionalized nanoparti-cles (Au or g-Fe2O3) and secondary antibodies with red fluorescence(modified reproduction of ref. [48]).



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fields.[56] The possible applications here range from pressuresensors (e.g. for registering fingerprints) to electrochromicdisplays. And when organic fluorescent dyes, such as rhod-amine, are incorporated into Bragg stacks, stimulated emis-sion can be observed after pulsed excitation.[57] The emissionwavelength of the resultant one-dimensional laser can betuned through wide ranges by varying the thickness of thelayers or the kind of materials employed.

Besides layered Bragg stacks, modulation of opticaldensity can also be achieved in three dimensions. Thearistotype here is the opal, with its three-dimensionallyperiodic arrangement of monodisperse particles of SiO2 forclosest spherical packing, first described by Sanders (Sec-tion 2.2, Figure 5).[58] The refraction of light at the SiO2–air orSiO2–water phase boundary (natural opals can contain largeamounts of water, which is incorporated between the SiO2

particles) results in structural colors from interference, whichdepend on the wavelength of the light, the diameter of theSiO2 particles, and the angle of observation. In natural opals,while individual domains with diameters of a few hundredmicrometers are highly ordered, they are slightly tilted withrespect to other domains, resulting in facetted coloring(Figure 6).[24, 59] According to the structural principle of theopals, the synthesis of the material aims for a controlled“crystallization” of monodisperse nanoparticles with a highindex of refraction to form what are called “photoniccrystals”, which are highly relevant for optical waveguides,optical memory stores, thresholdless lasers, or optical dataprocessing.[60] An optical band gap, similar to the electronicband gap of semiconductors, is observed (i.e. electromagneticwaves that cannot penetrate into the photonic crystal in acertain range of wavelengths). Photonic crystals are techno-logically interesting especially if a complete band gap exists(i.e. 100% reflection), which requires a difference in index ofrefraction greater than 2.8 (e.g. n(TiO2): 2.9; n(InP): 3.4; cf.n(SiO2): 1.5).[61] For use in modern optoelectronics, the opticalband gap should also lie in the visible part of the spectrum,which requires periodically arranged nanoparticles withdiameters less than 350 nm.

Highly-ordered photonic crystals can be obtained in abottom-up approach by targeted self-organization of individ-ual nanoparticles. This method requires, besides nanoparticlesthat are as monodisperse as possible, an appropriate surface

functionalization and a controlled removal of the dispersionmedium as slowly as possible. The difficulty is in achieving athree-dimensionally perfect growth of the photonic crystalsup to a size of a few millimeters.[62] Even individual latticeimperfections would cause a fault in the periodicity and wouldbe visible to the naked eye as scattering centers.

Photonic crystals have already been created by bottom-upmethods, but to date, their reproducibility and size is only oflimited use for optoelectronic applications. We should men-tion here that top-down approaches to obtaining photoniccrystals are also known. A two-dimensional modulation of theoptical density was created for the first time by mechanicaldrilling or chemical etching in silicon wafers. These structures,named “yablonovites” after their discoverer,[63] show apartially forbidden band in the microwave or radio-waveregion.[64] By means of holographic lithography or direct laserwriting as a top-down method, Wegener and co-workers havebeen able to harden selectively photosensitive polymermatrices with dimensions of a few millimeters and three-dimensional structuring on the nanometer scale.[65] Thetemplates remaining after the nonhardened portions havebeen dissolved out can then be filled with almost anyinorganic material. After complete removal of the template(such as by thermal erosion), the highest quality of photoniccrystals to date is obtained. To modify the optical properties,defects can even be incorporated into the matrix in acontrolled fashion, which would enable wavelength-specificreadouts of optical data.[66] In addition to photonic crystalscomposed of materials with a high dielectric constant, three-dimensionally periodic arrays have also been implementedwith metal or magnetic nanoparticles by top-down methods;these are called metamaterials.[67]

Although top-down methods for obtaining “crystallized”nanoparticle arrays are particularly successful at present, theself-organization of colloidal nanoparticles by bottom-upapproaches does offer fascinating possibilities, which we willreturn to in Section 8.3 with the concepts of “particulatecrystals” or “supercrystals”.

3.3. Luminophors and Luminescent Biomarkers

Besides the optical properties of absorption and reflec-tion, nanoparticles can also display luminescence. And inprinciple, nanoparticulate luminophors are of interest for allapplications of classical bulk luminophors (i.e. fluorescentlamps, light-emitting diodes, emissive displays, tomographs,image plate detectors).[68] As in the case of pigment nano-particles, luminophor nanoparticles also only become techni-cally relevant if they offer a decisive advantage over the bulkmaterials (cf. Section 3.1). Thus luminophor nanoparticles canalso be used as optically transparent but luminescent ifsuitably excited thin layers for marking purposes (e.g.advertising or emergency lighting), or as a security feature(e.g. on banknotes, securities, or identification documents) inor on a wide variety of substrates, such as glass, plastic, orpaper (Figure 16).[39] However, luminophor nanoparticleshave found their most notable application as luminescentmarkers in molecular biology and medical diagnosis and

Figure 15. Structural color of Bragg stacks with different compositionand layer thickness; scale bars 1 mm (modified reproduction ofref. [54]).

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therapy; we will return to this topic at the end of thissection.[69]

For the practical suitability of nanoparticle luminophors,numerous parameters usually play a role (e.g. absorption andemission characteristics, decay time, chemical or physicalstability, costs and reproducibility of manufacture, toxicity ofthe materials). The weighting of these aspects depends on thespecific material and the background of the application andcannot be discussed in more detail here. However, thequantum yield, as a central figure of merit for high-qualityluminophors, will be considered in more detail, especiallysince it can be used to directly illustrate the challenges tomaterial selection and synthesis planning. The quantum yield(here QA) is defined as the ratio between emitted (Nemission)and absorbed photons (Nabsorption).[71] Its maximum possiblevalue is 100 %, except for multiple-photon luminophors[Eq. (2)].

QA ¼ Nemission=Nabsorption ð2Þ

A quantum yield of less than 100 % simply means thatsome of the electrons in excited states relax without radiationthrough competing dissipation processes. Technical bulkluminophors accordingly have very high quantum yields(over 80%).[72] The quantum yield is drastically reduced byany kind of defect in the crystal lattice (cf. Section 3.1) thatpermits relaxation without radiation.[73] For such dissipationprocesses, even defects with concentrations of a few hundredparts per million play a major role, and they have even greaterweight the longer the lifetime of the excited states is and thefarther the excited electrons can travel in the solid state (e.g.via band states, dipole–dipole interactions, or superex-change).[74] And high-energy molecular vibrations (e.g. O�H, N�H, C=O, C�N, and C=N valence vibrations) can also

lead to nonradiative decay. But even highly crystallized, high-purity, water-free luminophor nanoparticles have a decisiveintrinsic defect compared to the bulk material: the surface (cf.Section 2.1). Unsaturated bonding and unoccupied coordina-tion sites result in the surface of the nanoparticles beingcoated with a layer of adsorbate, which may consist ofmoisture or solvent molecules. But even an advantageousfunctionalization of the nanoparticle surfaces from the pointof view of colloidal stability by organic molecules or polymersmay cause a drastic reduction in quantum yield, owing tomolecular vibrations. Both aspects, the surface and surfacecoating, cause the quantum yield of nanoparticle luminophorsto be considerably less than that of bulk-material lumino-phors, usually at values less than 40 %, unless additionalmeasures are taken (e.g. core–shell structures).

Generally speaking, luminophor nanoparticles can beassigned to three classes of materials: 1) semiconductorquantum dots, 2) doped materials, and 3) organic–inorganichybrids. Quantum dots such as CdS or CdSe may beconsidered the most prominent representatives, and theyare discussed in a number of current reviews.[75] Majordevelopments are represented by the now well-establishedsyntheses in high-boiling-point, strongly coordinating solventssuch as trioctyl phosphine (TOP) and trioctyl phosphine oxide(TOPO). These methods permit both precise control of thesize and also effective saturation of the particle surfaces.[76]

Such protocols have been extended to other high-boiling-point, coordinating solvents, such as pyridine, oleyl amine,tetradecylphosphonic acid (TDPA), and hexadecylamine(HDA), to make the choice of source materials easier andin particular to replace alkyl metal compounds such as[Cd(CH3)2] by CdO, CdCO3, or Cd(CH3COO)2.

[77] By now, alarge variety of II–VI, III–V, and IV–IV semiconductorquantum dots (composition MX with M = Zn, Cd, Hg, Sn, Pb,Al, Ga, In; X = S, Se, Te, N, P, As, Sb, and Si, Ge) can beobtained.[78] Owing to the correlation of particle size andluminescence, emission colors over the entire visible spec-trum, up into the infrared, can be achieved with only onechemical composition (cf. Section 2.3, Figure 9).

Another milestone was the synthesis of core–shell semi-conductor quantum dots. In this case, the luminescent core(e.g. CdSe) is surrounded with a nonluminescent shell (e.g.ZnS) and thus separated completely from the surroundingliquid phase.[79] A precondition is that the lattice spacing ofthe two materials is very similar (i.e. differs by less than 5%)so that the core and shell merge without defects at the innerphase boundary. It is also a good idea if the conduction bandof the shell material is at a somewhat higher energy level andthe valence band at a somewhat lower level than in the corematerial (known as a “Type 1 structure”). Then excitedelectrons and holes cannot leave the core and are inside aquasi-surfaceless zero-dimensional solid. CdSe@ZnS(Eg(CdSe): 1.74 eV, Eg(ZnS): 3.61 eV) or InP@ZnS(Eg(InP): 1.35 eV, Eg(ZnS): 3.61 eV) are perfect examples ofthis concept.[80]

The synthesis of high-quality core–shell quantum dots isby no means easy and requires effective control of nucleationand nucleus growth. This control is now possible with varioussynthesis paths.[78–80] Precise control of the size is essential for

Figure 16. Transparent layer with LaPO4:Eu nanoparticles on blackcardboard a) in daylight, b) under UV light, and c) an electron micro-scopic image of this layer with LaPO4:Eu nanoparticle (marked red forbetter visibility) between the paper fibers (modified reproduction ofref. [70]).



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the emission properties of the quantum dots. An example ofgradual and precise growth is shown by Weller and co-workers for CdS@HgS with interplay between the precipita-tion and redissolution of CdS and the precipitation of HgS,precisely controlled by means of the differing solubilityproducts (Figure 17).[87] With values of 60–90%, quantum

dots with a core–shell structure currently have the highestquantum yields for luminophor nanoparticles.[81] However,the increasing complexity of the synthesis and composition ofthe materials is accompanied by small amounts of thesubstance and high production costs. And finally, the inherenttoxicity of the materials and the sensitivity of the quantumdots to hydrolysis and oxidation, especially over lengthyperiods and at increased temperatures, restricts their use.[82]

To get around these limitations, extensive work on surfacefunctionalization has been performed, so that the quantumdots, which, owing to the synthesis, occur in nonpolar media,can be dispersed in water-based liquid phases. Moreover, theirphysicochemical stability and biocompatibility is improved.[83]

The use of SiO2 as a shell on classical II–VI semiconductorquantum dots offers interesting aspects. And by suitablesurface functionalization, effective control of the shape can beachieved, including the synthesis of spherical, wedge-shaped,cylindrical, or rod-shaped quantum dots.[84] Furthermore,different emission colors and high quantum yields (i.e. 50–60%) can now also be achieved with less toxic surface-functionalized Si[85] or ZnO[86] nanoparticles.

In addition to quantum dots, solids doped with rare-earthmetals or transition metals have also proven to be effective asluminophor nanoparticles. The cause of the emission in thiscase is the luminescence of individual elementary or molec-ular ions.[73] Thus no quantum effect is involved but rather atransition between energy states localized at the luminescentcenter. Concrete examples of high-quality luminophor nano-particles with different emission colors are CaWO4 (blue),[88]

LaPO4:Ce,Tb (green),[89] Zn2SiO4:Mn (green),[90] ZnS:Mn(yellow),[91] Y3Al5O12:Ce (yellow),[92] YVO4:Eu (red),[93]

(Y,Gd)BO3:Eu (red),[94] and Y2O3:Eu (red).[95] Examples

with high quantum yield (greater than 50%) continue to beconcentrated on relatively few materials, such asLaPO4:Ce,Tb, ZnS:Mn, and YVO4:Eu. The luminescencemechanism often includes parity-forbidden f!f or d!dtransitions, which are partially permitted only because of thereduced symmetry of the solid.[73] Since the decay is corre-spondingly long (i.e. a few microseconds up to a fewmilliseconds), permitted competing processes can lead tononradiative relaxation and thus to a decisive reduction in thequantum yield. Therefore, much the same requirements applyto doped luminophor nanoparticles as to quantum dots. Theseinclude high purity and crystallinity of the host lattice and theshielding of the luminescent core by a nonluminescent shell inthe form of core–shell structures. Prominent examplesare ZnS:Mn@ZnO, LaPO4:Ce,Tb@LaPO4, andLaF3:Eu@LaF3.


Inorganic–organic hybrid materials form the third cat-egory of nanoparticle luminophors. An organic fluorescentdye (phenoxazine, Nile red, rhodamine, indocyanine green,fluorescein, etc.) is enclosed in a nanoparticulate inorganicmatrix. SiO2 and calcium phosphate may be considered themost common materials.[97] Nanoparticulate hybrid materialsare usually produced by microemulsion techniques in whichthe organic fluorescent dye is first dissolved in the micellesand subsequently incorporated into the inorganic matrix, forexample by hydrolysis of tetraethylorthosilicate. The bondbetween the matrix and the fluorescent dye is usually basedon hydrogen bonds. The molar concentration of fluorescentdye is typically less than 1%, so that the number ofluminescent centers per nanoparticle is less than for quantumdots and doped nanoparticles. On the other hand, the lowtoxicity and the simple synthesis, requiring neither highlycrystalline solids nor core–shell structures, are advantages. Ina direct development from nanoparticulate hybrid lumino-phors, an inorganic cation (e.g. the formal building unit(ZrO)2+) can be precipitated with an organic fluorescent dye(e.g. flavin mononucleotide, FMN) in the form of slightlysoluble nanoparticles. This approach was demonstratedrecently in the example of the mixture series ZrO(HPO4)x-(FMN)1�x (x = 0–1).[98] With the composition ZrO(FMN) inparticular, biocompatible nanoparticles with molar quantitiesof fluorescent dye that luminesce intensively are obtained bysimple precipitation in water (Figure 18).

Figure 17. Directed growth of CdS@HgS quantum dots by controlledprecipitation and redissolution of CdS and precipitation of HgS inconjunction with an increase in particle diameter from approximatelya) 5.0 nm to g) 7.8 nm (modified reproduction of ref. [87]).

Figure 18. Aqueous suspension of ZrO(FMN) nanoparticles in day-light, excited with UV light, and excited with light from a blue LED, aswell as in vivo application in bone marrow cells and mice (modifiedreproduction of ref. [98]).

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All the nanoparticulate luminescent materials mentionedabove now find a broad range of uses in molecular biologicaland medical research.[99] These range from non-invasivein vivo whole-body diagnosis to in vitro examination ofindividual organs or cells (cf. Section 2.3).[100] An example isthe optical in vivo imaging of a prostate carcinoma by meansof antibody-functionalized CdSe@ZnS quantum dots(Figure 19).[101] In vivo distinguishing of cell compartments

is also possible.[102] This method was demonstrated, forexample, by Bhatia and co-workers with NLS-peptide-func-tionalized CdSe@ZnS quantum dots (NLS: nuclear local-ization sequence), which can be specifically localized in thenucleus of fibroblasts (Figure 20).[103] Recently, Krauss and

co-workers demonstrated for (Zn,Cd)Se@ZnSe that thedetrimental “blinking”, that is, the noncontinuous emissionintensity characteristic of quantum dots, can be corrected.[104]

They attribute their promising results to the fact that thepotential curve of the quantum dots is flatter than in classicalcore–shell quantum dots, owing to a mixture series of CdSeand ZnSe with corresponding concentration gradientsbetween the core and the shell.

The general preconditions for broad application ofluminophor nanoparticles in molecular biology and medicineare: 1) high biocompatibility, 2) material that can be obtained

easily and inexpensively, 3) simple detection, and 4) thepresence of a highly specific emission that does not overlapwith the autofluorescence of tissue and cells. The latter can beachieved very elegantly if, as with NaYF4:Yb,Er nanoparti-cles, a longer-wave laser excitation (980 nm) leads to ashorter-wave emission (540 nm) by means of two-photonabsorption (“upconversion”).[105] By exchange of the rare-earth ions (e.g. with Er, Yb, or Tm), other emission colors canbe achieved, and by setting up core–shell structures (e.g.NaYF4:Yb,Er@SiO2) high quantum yields are attained.[106] Ofinterest for medical applications are also luminophor nano-particles such as LaPO4:Er, NdF3@SiO2,

[107] whose emissionlies in the near-infrared window (700–1100 nm), in whichtissue shows only weak absorption.[99, 108]

4. Single Particles and Particle Ensembles inElectronics

This section describes both the electronic properties ofsingle particles and the electrical properties of particleensembles, typically in the form of structured thin films.

4.1. Single-Particle Studies

Studies of single particles are directed at a generalcharacterization of the material and the fundamental gainof knowledge. Single particles are typically contacted throughthin tips in electron and atomic force microscopes.[23] Quan-tum dots and metal nanoparticles in particular are idealobjects for studying the size-dependent transition from atomor molecule to the collective atom ensemble of the solid state(cf. Sections 2.3, 3.3, and 8.2).[12] Owing to its chemicalinertness and good availability, nanoparticulate gold hasbeen and is being studied intensively. The optical properties,that is, color, position of the plasmon resonance frequency,and light emission, are one aspect (cf. Sections 2.2, 3.1). Butother physicochemical properties also offer surprises in theborder region between the atom and the solid state.[12, 109] Forexample, it has been demonstrated by microwave spectros-copy that gold nanoparticles with a diameter of 4 nm have anelectrical conductivity a factor of 107 smaller than that of thebulk material.[110] Similarly, it is reported for copper thatnanoparticles with diameters less than 3 nm are nonmetal-lic.[111] It is to be expected that the surface and surfacefunctionalization will prove to be decisive here, too. Forexample, the direct-current conductivity of dithiol-function-alized gold particles with diameters of 4 nm in a thin filmdepends on the chain length of the adsorbed thiol.[112]

Of fundamental importance is the use of single particles asan electronic circuit element. For example, electronic storageand switching elements have been created whose functiondepends on the presence or absence of a single electron. Suchan approach would enable a dramatic increase in the record-ing density or a substantial miniaturization of electroniccomponents. In principle, such effects have been known sincethe late 1990s and have contributed much to the basicunderstanding of electron states in single particles. Thus

Figure 19. In vivo detection of a prostate cancer in a mouse modelbefore and after adding antibody-marked CdSe@ZnS quantum dots(modified reproduction of ref. [101]).

Figure 20. NLS-peptide-functionalized CdSe@ZnS quantum dots forspecific in vivo imaging of the nucleus of fibroblasts: a) luminescenceof NLS-peptide-functionalized quantum dots, b) 70 kDa rhodamine–dextran as control, c) summed image (a + b), d) structure image inbright field (modified reproduction of ref. [103]).



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single-electron transistors (SETs) have been realized withCdSe quantum dots.[113] But the studies remained limited tosingle particles, which naturally restricts the technical imple-mentability. Ordered two-dimensional structures, on theother hand, were previously only accessible by lithographicstructuring methods. But now it is also possible to printnanoparticles directly with single-particle resolution usingsuitable stamp masterforms.[114] Both particulate conductorpaths and periodic particle patterns on silicon or polymers canbe implemented (Figure 21). Alternatively, by lithographic

direct writing (DPN: dip-pen nanolithography) chemicalsubstances or nanoparticles can be deposited precisely witha resolution of a few nanometers, and thus “written” by meansof force-field microscopic techniques.[115] Such arrays may beof great importance in the future as flexible light emitters,electronic memory units, and circuit elements or as sen-sors.[116]

4.2. Particulate Thin-Film Electrodes

Thin-film electrodes include transparent conductiveoxides (TCO),[117] with In2O3:Sn (ITO: indium tin oxide) asthe most prominent representative, and classical metalelectrodes (e.g. Cu, Ag, Au).[118] Thin-film electrodes alreadyfind wide employment in flat-panel displays, solar cells, andmembrane keyboards or as radio-frequency distributor(RFD) tags, thin-film transistors, and ultra-high-frequency(UHF) antennas.[119] In general, their use is driven by aspectsof miniaturization, weight reduction, and savings in materialand costs. In conventional processes, thin films are precipi-tated onto a thermally stable substrate by gas-phase methodsand then structured lithographically (cf. Section 2.4).[28, 120]

This approach requires vaporizable precursors and the useof vacuum processes and thermal methods. Suitable sub-strates are usually limited to glass, ceramics, or metal. Andfinally, the lithographic structuring causes high losses ofmaterial (up to 90% of the precipitated material).

Nanoparticulate thin-film electrodes act in two ways:1) simultaneous precipitation and structuring with only negli-gible loss of material by printing techniques (e.g. ink-jet,offset, screen, relief, or gravure printing); 2) the ability to usethermally labile and flexible substrates such as plastic orpaper.[121] Both aspects are extremely interesting, especiallyfor simple, inexpensive electrical components. However, a

prerequisite for printing structured particle thin films is theavailability of dispersible, non-agglomerated nanoparticles inthe form of printing inks. The electrical properties of theprinted thin films should match as closely as possible those ofthe films obtained conventionally by gas-phase precipitation.And with regard to the electrical conductivity of the nano-particles, their crystallinity is of the utmost importance (cf.Sections 3.1 and 3.3). In addition, in printed layers theelectrical contact between the nanoparticles is essential. Inthis light, thermal processing is usually necessary after theprinting process to increase the crystallinity of the nano-particles, to remove residual moisture or hydroxide, or to burnout organic stabilizers. For the most commonly used ITO,temperatures of 300–500 8C under oxidizing conditions (e.g. inthe air) with a subsequent reduction stage (e.g. in a reducinggas) at 200–300 8C are typical. Such post-processing proce-dures naturally preclude plastic and paper as substrates.[117]

The direct preparation of highly crystalline ITO nanoparticlesby nonhydrolytic sol–gel syntheses or syntheses in ionicliquids or high-boiling-point alcohols is now possible.[122] Withsuitable surface functionalization, printed thin films withelectrical resistivities of 1 � 10�2 to 5 � 10�2 Wcm can beproduced directly without thermal post-processing steps.

Besides the electrical properties, the choice of materialwith respect to toxicity, cost, and availability of the material isextremely important. The use of classical TCO materials suchas CdO or SnO2:Sb (ATO) is now greatly restricted.[123]

Furthermore, an inexpensive alternative to In2O3:Sn (ITO)would be desirable.[117] Possible candidates include ZnO:Al(AZO), ZnO:In (IZO), or SnO2:F (FTO), which are alsoreadily available as nanoparticles. However, their conductiv-ities are generally about an order of magnitude smaller thanthose of ITO, and the reproducibility of the material is still notas good. Finally, in liquid-phase syntheses in particular, thelarge difference in radius between Zn2+ (0.76 �, C.N. [4]) andAl3+ (0.53 �, C.N. [4]) is reflected in the fact that Al3+ is notincorporated into the ZnO lattice, or only to a limiteddegree.[124] Fluoride-doped TCOs would appear at first to beadvantageous, owing to the similar ion radii (r(O2�): 1.24 �,r(F�): 1.17 �, C.N. [4]), but the high mobility of the fluorideions in oxidic lattices is a disadvantage.[125] Based on ZnOnanoparticles, it was also recently possible to produce thinfilms having a reproducible hysteresis with conductivityvarying by a factor of 105, and thus displaying diodebehavior.[126]

There has been good success with silver nanoparticles asprinted, structured metal electrodes. However, the high costof the material and the biocidal properties of silver aredisadvantages (Section 7.1). Copper, which would otherwisebe preferred, displays a too great a tendency to oxidation, sothat the conductivity of printed films drops rapidly.[118, 127] Asin the case of transparent conductive oxides, metallic thinfilms are usually precipitated by gas-phase methods and thenstructured lithographically.[128] Both solutions of organome-tallic compounds,[129] which are converted into metals ther-mally or with suitable reducing agents, and functionalizedmetal nanoparticles in suspension are available as printableprecursors.[127] The resulting metal thin films display con-ductivities similar to those of the bulk metals. However, the

Figure 21. Printing Au nanoparticles a) as a particulate conductor pathor b) as a highly ordered periodic pattern with single-particle resolution(modified reproduction of ref. [114]).

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precursors, which are often expensive, and the use of organicsolvents are disadvantages. The use of thermal processes alsohas its problems, as thermal decomposition products mayhave poisonous or corrosive effects. A decisive advance in thisrespect was achieved by Lewis et al.[130] Starting with Agnanoparticles with diameters of approximately 5 nm dis-persed in ethylene glycol in proportions of up to 70 % byweight, they succeeded in printing flexible silver wires withdiameters of approximately 10 mm even onto large-areasubstrates by ink-jet printing (Figure 22).

4.3. Particle Layers for Energy Conversion and Storage

Here too, the significance of nanoparticles lies mainly inminiaturization and savings in materials, but the high mobilityof electrons and ions in nanoparticulate materials is anadditional positive factor. An example which by now isclassical but remains current is the dye-sensitized solar cell(also known as the Gr�tzel cell, after its inventor;Figure 23).[131] While bulk TiO2 may be considered a typical

nonconductor, efficient electron transport occurs through thelarge surface area of the TiO2 nanoparticles (30–80 nmdiameter). This property of the TiO2 particles is a majorfactor in the functioning of the transparent and flexible dye-sensitized solar cell, which presently achieves efficiencies ofabout 15 %. In a current paper, Hagfeldt and co-workers showthat Bragg stacks (cf. Section 3.2) consisting of SiO2 and TiO2

nanoparticles show promise in increasing the light absorption,and thus the efficiency, still further.[132]

Other design concepts for thin-film solar cells also makeuse of nanoparticles. For example, printable, flexible solarcells as modules on plastic foil are under intensive study. Thehighest efficiencies (up to 12 %) have been achieved with Sinanoparticles,[133] Cu(In,Ga)S2 nanoparticles (CIGS: copperindium gallium selenide),[134] or CdSe quantum dots[135] as thelight-absorbing component. Quantum dots are of particularinterest, as solar cells can be produced whose light absorptionoccurs in different areas of the spectrum, owing to thecorrelation of particle size and band gap (cf. Sections 2.3, 3.3).In what are known as stacked or tandem solar cells, in whichquantum dots with different absorption are arranged in layers,optimum exploitation of the different energies of the photonsin the solar spectrum would be possible, theoreticallypermitting efficiencies up to 30 %.[136] Quantum dots canalso serve as emitters in light-emitting diodes. If the nano-particles are embedded between an ITO and a polymerelectrode (e.g. poly(phenylenevinylene), PPV), completelytransparent sheet LEDs can be constructed.[137]

Besides solar cells, nanoparticles are also used in lithiumion batteries,[138] fuel cells, and supercapacitors (“supercaps”).[139] Here too, the large surface area of nanoparticulatematerials is of the greatest importance to enable fasterdiffusion and thus a faster turnover. For example, the chargingand discharging speeds of lithium ion batteries can beincreased considerably. Nanoparticulate cathode materialssuch as LiMO2 (M: Mn, Fe, Co, Ni), LixV2O5, LiTiS2, orLiFePO4 are therefore the subjects of intensive research.[140]

As anode materials, besides the traditional graphite interca-lations, lithium alloys such as Li4.4Si, Li4.4Sn, or LixB areenjoying increasing attention, since they potentially exceedthe capacity of conventional graphite electrodes(855 mAhcm�3) considerably, with values up to1750 mAh cm�3.[141] At present, the relatively large volumechanges during the charging cycles, which limit the service lifeof the systems, present a problem in utilizing nanoparticles.The latest developments also have the goal of printablemicrobatteries and three-dimensional battery architectures.Here, too, nanostructured materials ranging from nanopar-ticles to nanorods and nanotubes are of great importance.[142]

In the case of fuel cells (SOFC: solid-oxide fuel cell), theemployment of nanoparticulate cathode materials such asLaFeO3 (LSF), LaMnO3 (LSM), LaCoO3 (LSCo), orLaFe0.8Co0.2O3 (LSCF), especially at the three-phase boun-dary between the solid electrolyte (typically YSZ: yttria-stabilized zirconia), cathode material, and gas phase, leads toa higher turnover or lower process temperatures(Figure 24).[143] At present, the service life is limited bysintering effects of the nanoparticles. Both for lithium ionbatteries and for fuel cells, nanomaterials are currently in the

Figure 22. a) Ink-jet printing of Ag wires onto GaAs LED chips andb) bonding onto gold platelets based on Ag nanoparticles in ethyleneglycol (modified reproduction of ref. [130]).

Figure 23. Schematic and mode of operation of a dye-sensitized solarcell.



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research and development stage. Although further optimiza-tion of the material is necessary for real technical implemen-tation, the advantages and future benefits of nanomaterialsare already beyond question.

Nanoparticles of a wide variety of compositions arealready in use for a range of sensing activities (e.g. detectionof reducing or oxidizing gases, biosensing). Because of thelarge number of design concepts and applications, we referthe reader to current reviews.[144] Concrete examples based onthe plasmon resonance of metal nanoparticles (Section 3.1),Bragg stacks (Section 3.2), nanoparticulate luminophors(Section 3.3), transparent conductive oxides (Section 4.2), ormagnetic nanoparticles (Section 5.2), are presented else-where. But with respect to future energy supplies, nano-particles may also be useful for completely different concepts.For example, de Jong and co-workers show that the activationenergy of H2 desorption for complex metal hydrides such asNaAlH4 as a hydrogen storage material depends substantiallyon the particle size. A value of 116 kJmol�1 for particle sizesof 1–10 mm contrasts with a value of 58 kJ mol�1 for particlesizes of 2–10 nm.[145] These results give hope that the currenthigh desorption temperatures (200–500 8C) for complex-hydride hydrogen storage units might be reduced to lessthan 100 8C.[146]

4.4. Thermoelectric Materials

In a thermoelectric converter, heat is converted intoelectrical energy.[147] For example, electricity can be generatedfrom the waste heat of power plants or engines, thusincreasing the efficiency of combustion processes consider-ably. Thermoelectric materials experienced a first surge ofinnovation in the Apollo space missions of the 1960s. Butwidespread technical use has not yet occurred, as efficiencyremains low and suitable materials are lacking.

The efficiency of thermoelectric materials is expressed bythe dimensionless factor of merit ZT [Eq. (3)], whichincorporates the Seebeck coefficient (S), the electrical con-ductivity (s), the thermal conductivity (k), and the temper-ature (T, in K).[147]

Z ¼ S2 s T k�1 ð3Þ

High-quality thermoelectric materials feature high See-beck coefficients and high electrical but low thermal con-ductivity. At present, the most promising approach toincreasing the efficiency or ZT values is considered to bethe nanostructuring of known or novel thermoelectric mate-rials. In the 1990s, Dresselhaus et al. predicted that ZT valuesfor metals (e.g. Bi) or semiconductors (e.g. Bi2Te3) wouldincrease drastically at small particle sizes, owing to the changein the band structure.[148] This prediction was verified in 2001by Venkatasubramanian et al. for epitaxially grown Bi2Te3–Sb2Te3 multilayer systems, which display ZT values of about2.4 at room temperature.[149] The cause of this increase in thefactor of merit, which is about 1.0 for bulk Bi2Te3, is aconsiderably reduced thermal conductivity, which resultsfrom the scattering of phonons at the numerous interfacesof the layers, which are up to 5 nm thick (Figure 25). Inaddition, electrons that only move within a layer cause anincrease in electrical conductivity, owing to quantum effects.The two effects together contributed to a significant increasein the ZT values.

The theory-based optimization and the refinement ofsynthesis and characterization techniques have led to prom-ising results for nanostructured layers.[151] Harman et al. foundZT values of 1.6 for Pb(Se,Te) quantum dots that wereembedded in a PbTe matrix.[152] Similar nanostructuredcomposites have been realized with Sb2Te3 and Bi2Te3 nano-particles, providing ZT values of the same magnitude.[153] Thesynthesis methods employed are melt-spinning processes orhydrothermal methods. Furthermore, ErAs nanoparticles canbe embedded in epitaxially precipitated In0.53Ga0.47As matri-ces, in which the nanoparticles act as scattering centers forphonons and halve the thermal conductivity of the compo-site.[154] Silicon in the form of nanowires or as nanoporousmaterial also provides good ZT values,[155] and efficientthermoelectric material can be obtained simply and inex-pensively from BiSbTe nanoparticles. These particles arepressed into blocks at elevated temperatures and have ZTvalues of 1.2 at room temperature and 1.4 at 100 8C.[156]

Even bulk materials display a nanostructuring whichpositively influences their thermoelectric properties, as aresult of initially undesired segregation effects. The nano-

Figure 24. Cross section of a fuel cell with LSM–YSZ compositecathode, YSZ solid electrolyte, and Ni–YSZ composite anode (modifiedreproduction of ref. [143]).

Figure 25. Mode of operation of thermoelectric multilayer structures:a) In in-plane transport, the increase in electrical conductivity owing toquantum effects dominates. b) In cross-plane transport, thermalconductivity is reduced by increased phonon scattering at the inter-faces (modified reproduction of ref. [150]).

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particulate precipitates are embedded in a more or lessordered fashion in a thermoelectric matrix.[157] Kanatzidis andco-workers found such nanostructuring in the systemAg1�xPbmSbTem+2. By spinodal segregation, composites areformed with nanoparticulate species of various compositionsin the size range from 2 to 30 nm.[158] The large number ofphase boundaries in the nanocomposites are responsible forthe considerably reduced thermal conductivity and theassociated increase in ZT values; the maximum is 2.2 forthe composition AgPb18SbTe20.

[159] Current papers report acomparatively simple synthesis of multiphase PbTe–PtTe2

systems, which can be prepared with differing compositionsdepending on the ratio of concentrations of starting materials,in the size range from 40 to 100 nm.[160] The individualparticles are made up of PbTe and PtTe2 subunits withdiameters of 4 to 12 nm. These dimensions are significantlysmaller than the Bohr exciton radius for PbTe (46 nm), andlead by the associated quantum effects to a doubling of theSeebeck coefficient compared to bulk PbTe.[161]

Nanostructuring obviously represents a central key toefficient thermoelectric materials with high ZT values and hasgiven many new impulses in recent years. However, the highcost of nanostructured semiconductor materials is still aproblem.

5. Superparamagnetism and Magnetic ContrastAgents

Magnetic pigments of small size have been of the greatestsignificance in technology for decades, since the data packingdensity is directly related to the number of elementarymagnets.[162] With the development of modern optical andelectronic storage media, such as compact disks and flashmemory sticks, classical magnetic pigments have gone some-what out of fashion. But in connection with concepts such asmagnetic fluids, magnetoseparation, and magnetothermaltherapy, nanoparticulate magnetic pigments are currentlyexperiencing a renaissance.[163]

5.1. Superparamagnetism

The concepts of ferromagnetism, ferrimagnetism, andantiferromagnetism, as well as paramagnetism and diamag-netism, are well known for classifying the magnetic propertiesof individual atoms and collective atom ensembles.[164] Theconcept of “superparamagnetism” appears at first confusingin this context, especially since the relevant materials areclassical ferromagnets or ferrimagnets. To comprehend super-paramagnetism, the question of the spatial dimensions of amagnetic domain is relevant. Both quantum-mechanicalpredictions and experimental findings (e.g. spin-polarizedscanning tunneling microscopy and the magneto-optical Kerreffect) show mean critical domain diameters for elementaliron and magnetite of 10–20 and 110–130 nm, for example.[165]

Depending on the orientation of the magnetization withrespect to an external field, the respective domains expand orshrink in the bulk material. This process is endothermic and

becomes apparent as hysteresis as the external magnetic fieldvector rotates. If nanoparticles with dimensions less than themean critical domain diameter are present, they have onlyone magnetic domain per particle. Above the blockingtemperature, the magnetization of the nanoparticles thusfollows the external field, with negligible retentivity andcoercivity. The behavior now corresponds to that of aparamagnetic atom, but with an absolute magnetization afactor of 104 larger, which is expressed meaningfully by theterm “superparamagnetism”. Potential specific materials areelemental metals and alloys (e.g. Fe, Co, Ni, Co–Ni, Fe–Pt),[166] classical iron oxides (i.e. Fe2O3, Fe3O4),[167] but alsoferrites with the composition MFe2O4 (M = Mn, Co, Ni,Zn).[168]

Like classical magnetic pigments, superparamagneticnanoparticles can be used as magnetic storage media, withthe magnetization of each individual particle serving to carryinformation.[169] For example, with a two-dimensional array ofFePt particles of diameter 3 nm and with a lateral spacing of6 nm, data packing densities of 15–20 terabits per square inchcan theoretically be achieved.[170] Besides the high packingdensity, a blocking temperature (TB) in the vicinity of theambient conditions would be advantageous for practical use.Obviously, the arrangement and form of the nanoparticlesplay a decisive role here. Thus TB rises with a chain-likearrangement of superparamagnetic g-Fe2O3 nanoparticlesfrom 80 K to about 120 K.[171] Cobalt particles with a hollowspherical structure even have a TB of 180 K.[172]

Suspended in highly viscous fluids, superparamagneticnanoparticles are used as a magnetic fluid or ferrofluid(Figure 26).[173] Such ferrofluids can be manipulated in avariety of ways by external magnetic fields. For example, theirviscosity or speed and direction of flow can be altered in acontrolled fashion. Magnetic fluids follow the external fieldvery rapidly, and with negligible friction losses. These effectsare currently utilized in special-purpose pumps, for rapidvalve switching, and in the form of cooling and sealing fluids(Figure 26).

Figure 26. a) Magnetic fluid and b,c) applications as a seal around arotating shaft (b) and as coolant in a loudspeaker (c) (modifiedreproduction of (a) and (b,c) from ref. [174] and [173]).



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By applying an external magnetic field, that is, bypermanent magnets or electromagnetic coils, magnetic nano-particles can be separated from a liquid phase easily andquickly. This so-called magnetoseparation offers an elegantmethod for separating both the magnetic nanoparticlesthemselves as well as substances that are docked onto thesurface of the nanoparticles from a mixture of substances or asuspension. The extraction of catalysts (cf. Section 6.2), toxicor radioactive metals, pharmaceuticals, or even cells illus-trates the effectiveness of this procedure.[175] A concreteexample is the separation of traces of arsenic from drinkingwater. Dissolved arsenic (e.g. AsO3

3�) can be adsorbed ontoadded g-Fe2O3 or Fe3O4 nanoparticles and then removed byapplying a magnetic field.[176] Further examples are thecomplex [Ru(binap-PO3H2)(dpen)Cl2] (binap: 2,2’-bis(di-phenyl phosphanyl)-1,1’-binaphtyl; dpen: 1,2-diphenylethyl-ene diamine) immobilized on Fe3O4 nanoparticles as acatalyst for chiral hydrogenation of aromatic ketones[177] andthe separation of proteins[178] and genes[179] with surface-functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles. But the docking ofmagnetic nanoparticles onto proteins, genes, or cells issuitable not only for extraction but also for their detection,with magnetic detection thus making detection sensitivitiesup to 10 pm possible. And if gold or silver nanoparticles aredocked onto magnetic nanoparticles, heterodimers withJanus-faced properties are obtained,[180] which are detectableby both their magnetic and their optical properties (cf.Section 3.1).[181] Impressive examples are Ag–Fe3O4 or Fe3O4–Au–Fe3O4 ensembles (Figure 27), which are of interest forproblems in molecular biology and medicine.[182]

Besides the agglomeration tendency typical of nano-particles, owing to their large surface area (Section 2.4), in thecase of magnetic nanoparticles the attractive magneticinteractions encourage agglomeration. Therefore, the ques-tion of stabilization and surface functionalization is ofparticular importance. Coatings with tensides or polymers,SiO2 or silicates, and with amorphous carbon have proveneffective.[163, 183] Furthermore, nanoparticles sensitive to oxi-dation, such as elemental iron, cobalt, nickel, or alloys, can beprotected by deliberately building up passivating oxide layersor by depositing noble metals on the surface.[163,166, 184] Andfinally, magnetic nanoparticles can not only be easily sepa-rated from a dispersion medium, as described above, but alsojust as easily redispersed after the external magnetic field isremoved, if there is suitable surface stabilization.

5.2. Magnetothermal Therapy and Magnetic Contrast Agents

Magnetic nanoparticles have proven to be especiallypromising in molecular biology and medicine, particularlysuperparamagnetic g-Fe2O3, Fe3O4, and Fe particles. Withsuitable surface functionalization, for example with anti-bodies, it is possible to dock these nanoparticles in vivospecifically onto cells, such as tumor cells, or to infiltrate theminto cells. The magnetic nanoparticles can then be detected inreal time at the cellular level by means of magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI).[185] The magnetic nanoparticles shorten thespin–spin relaxation time of the surrounding water molecules,which is accompanied by a substantial heightening of thecontrast.[186] All told, magnetic contrast agents allow diag-nostic access to clinical pictures, such as of breast andintestinal cancer, with previously unheard of resolutions,similarly to the luminescent biomarkers discussed above(Section 3.3).[187]

Besides in diagnosis, superparamagnetic particles have ledto promising results in therapy, also mainly for tumors. In thisapproach, the fact that a fluctuating magnetic field causes aslight warming of magnetic nanoparticles is utilized. This heatderives from the realignment of the magnetization of thenanoparticles (N�el relaxation) and from friction forces of thenanoparticles rotating in the liquid phase. And if magneticnanoparticles are present in high concentrations, they alignthemselves according to their magnetization. The energyinput from an external alternating magnetic field interfereswith this alignment and is also accompanied by the generationof heat (Brown relaxation).[163] Based on the interactionsmentioned, “magnetothermal therapy” offers promising per-spectives.[188] If, for example, g-Fe2O3, Fe3O4, or Fe nano-particles are applied in tumor tissue, they can be warmed byan external alternating magnetic field, thus producing acytotoxic effect at temperatures above 40–42 8C in theadjacent tissue. The generally poorer thermoregulation ofthe tumor tissue and the high biocompatibility of the ironoxides also promote this process. Clinical studies show goodsuccess with glioblastomas, which are difficult to operate on,and with prostate and esophagus carcinomas (Figure 28). Aparticular advantage of magnetic nanoparticles lies in thecombination of diagnosis and therapy. For example, MRItomography can be used first to locate the tumor and thenmagnetothermal therapy used to treat it. Hybrid particleshave also been described, which combine a core containingiron oxide and a polymer or SiO2 shell surrounding it, which inturn contains active ingredients such as doxorubicin orHER2/neu antibodies. In this way, magnetic nanoparticlescan even be targeted to a specific site by means of externalmagnetic fields, and the active ingredient can then bereleased.[189] Finally, Heeren et al. report on the in vivoobservation of lipoprotein metabolism in real time, basedon superparamagnetic g-Fe2O3 nanoparticles.[190]

In addition to superparamagnetic iron oxides, othersubstances such as MnFe2O4, ZnFe2O4, MnO, and FeCohave also found use as magnetic contrast agents(Figure 28).[185, 191] However, the advantage of the ironoxides remains their high biocompatibility. Besides super-paramagnetic materials, paramagnetic nanoparticles are also

Figure 27. Heterodimeric Ag–Fe3O4 and Fe3O4–Au–Fe3O4 ensembles(modified reproduction of ref. [182]).

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employed in magnetic resonance imaging. Because of theirhigh magnetic moment, rare-earth-metal compounds such asGd2O3 are preferred for such applications.[192] After appro-priate surface functionalization, targeted binding of thenanoparticles to tumor cells and thus diagnostic findingswith high site resolution can be achieved in this case as well.

6. Nanoparticles in Heterogeneous Catalysis

It was in heterogeneous catalysis that nanoparticles firstgained major industrial importance (see Section 2.2). Assome reviews have been published,[18] we present currentaspects of synthesis chemistry, environmentally relevantcatalysis, photocatalysis, and analytical approaches and meth-odology.

6.1. Synthesis Chemistry

The deciding factor for the use of nanoparticles incatalysis is the large ratio of surface area to volume, with alarge number of catalytically active centers at the surface andrelatively few inactive inner atoms (cf. Section 2.1, Figure 2).In addition to the optimization of known catalysts by transferto the nanoscale, increasing efficiency and selectivity is thesubject of current research. But novel materials and consid-erable progress in analytical characterization have alsocontributed to a better understanding of the interactionsbetween particle properties and catalytic activity.[193]

Noble metals in particular are predestined to be objects ofstudies aimed at better understanding, owing to the ease ofobtaining them. They also continue to be very relevantcommercially. Normally, noble-metal nanoparticles can beobtained by simple reduction of metal salts in the presence ofsuitable stabilizers. The nanoparticles, with typical diameters

of 1–20 nm, are then fixed to a substrate, such as SiO2 orAl2O3. Polymer-functionalized and dendrimer-functionalizednoble-metal nanoparticles have proven in recent years to beespecially effective for numerous reactions.[194] Dendrimersserve as effective templates during nucleation, thus permit-ting the formation of nanoparticles with a controlled size andeven a defined number of metal atoms. Since dendrimers areonly weakly bound to the particle surface, nanoparticlesfunctionalized in this way offer a good starting point forverification of the catalytic activity or selectivity in the case ofdiffering particle sizes. This was demonstrated for the case ofC�C bond formation in a Suzuki coupling with dendrimer-stabilized Pd nanoparticles.[195] Surprisingly, an increase incatalytic activity for sinking catalyst concentration isobserved. Even in “homeopathic” concentrations of only1 ppm Pd, turnover numbers (TON) of 540 000 are ach-ieved.[196] A similar correlation with particle size has also beenobserved for the selectivity in the hydrogenation of unsatu-rated alcohols.[197]

In addition to the size, the composition of nanoparticulatenoble-metal catalysts of course plays a decisive role. Forexample, optimization of CO oxidation by variation of theRh:Pt ratio in bimetallic nanoparticles is achieved at auniform size of 9� 1 nm.[198] Furthermore, Zaera and co-workers have demonstrated the preferred hydrogenation ofcis-alkenes for the case of unsaturated fats and connect thisfinding mechanistically with the presence of Pt(111) surfa-ces.[199] Somorjai and co-workers showed for the case of COoxidation that core–shell structures with a platinum core andmesoporous SiO2 shell display no major sintering effects evenat temperatures of 750 8C and that the catalytic activity ismaintained even at high temperatures.[200] Overall, theapproaches presented open new possibilities for rationaldesign of catalysts.[201]

Gold, known for its inertness as a bulk material, hasattracted much attention as a redox catalyst in nanoparticu-late form.[13, 46a, 202] For example, the development of selectivecatalysts for the reduction of functionalized nitroaromaticcompounds to aniline derivatives, which are importantintermediates for pharmaceuticals, herbicide, numerous poly-mers, and fine chemicals, is of commercial significance.[203]

The difficulty is the selective reduction of the nitro function-ality in the presence of other reducible functional groups.Serna and Corma have shown that Au nanoparticles on TiO2

or Fe2O3 substrates catalyze the hydrogenation of function-alized nitroarenes under mild reaction conditions with highselectivity. Thus, a new way of obtaining cyclohexanoneoxime from 1-nitro-1-cyclohexene has been found.[204] It isalso possible to prepare azo compounds starting from anilinederivatives and nitroaromatic compounds.[205] Likewise, nano-particulate gold has proven to be an efficient catalyst forredox reactions of olefinic oxygenic hydrocarbons, such asalcohols and ketones, that preserve the olefin groups.[206]

As gold nanoparticles of different sizes and shapes areeasy to obtain (Sections 2.2 and 4.1), they play a central rolein furthering our understanding of size-dependent and shape-dependent catalytic properties. For example, polygonal goldnanoparticles can be prepared in situ by reduction with citricacid or citrates under mild conditions without using tensides

Figure 28. Magnetothermal therapy: an esophagus carcinoma withinjected g-Fe2O3 nanoparticles a) before and b) 7 months after therapy.c) Magnetic resonance imaging of a breast tumor with herceptin-functionalized MnO nanoparticles (modified reproduction of (a,b) and(c) from refs. [188a] and [191a]).



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or templates at all. The particle size can be controlled byvarying the concentrations of the starting materials. Further-more, by adding metal ions such as Fe3+, Ni2+, and Cu2+, aneffective control of the nucleus growth and crystal habit canbe achieved. Compared with spherical particles, polygonalgold species show an exceptionally high activity in thereduction of nitrophenols with complex boron hydrides, andalso in the aerobic oxidation of various hexoses.[207]

Although gold nanoparticles without a substrate showvery good catalytic properties in many redox reactions,[208] adescription of the catalytic activity that is based exclusively onparticle size and shape would be incomplete for particles onsubstrates. For example, in gold-catalyzed CO oxidation,carbon monoxide is obviously adsorbed onto the goldparticles, but oxygen is adsorbed onto the CeO2:La sub-strate.[209] Even the few examples listed here make it clear thatcatalysis with gold nanoparticles has made great progress. Butoverall, the study of the catalytically active species and of theinteraction between substrate and catalyst is just beginning.These phenomena are the subject of intensive discussions.[210]

6.2. Environmentally Relevant Catalysis

By now, nanoparticulate catalysts have found what mustbe their most important role in environmentally relevantcatalysis, which ranges from sewage and exhaust-gas treat-ment to photocatalytic dissociation of water. A majorapplication of great commercial relevance is the scrubbingof exhaust gases from combustion engines. The three-waycatalytic converters typically employed in motor vehicles allcontain noble metals such as Pt, Pd, or Rh, which are appliedto ceramic substrates such as Al2O3 or cordierite.[211] Theformation of alloys and the oxidation behavior of the noblemetals are the subjects of research aimed at increasing theactivity and service life of the catalytic converters. In the caseof Rh nanoparticles, Dosch et al. were recently able toobserve for the first time the shape change of nanoparticlesunder in situ conditions, that is, in real exhausts at operatingtemperatures of 300 8C. On the basis of X-ray diffractionexperiments with synchrotron radiation sources and withhigh-resolution transmission electron microscopes, the for-mation of an extremely thin oxide layer about three atomsthick is regarded as the cause of the change in shape(Figure 29).[212] From the energy perspective, the formationof this oxide layer on (001) and (100) surfaces is particularlyfavored, which correlates with the growth of the Rh particlesunder catalysis conditions.

Besides treatment of exhausts, nanoparticulate catalystsare of importance for wastewater treatment, for example forenvironmentally friendly treatment of AOX-polluted sewage(AOX: absorbable organically bound halogens). These wastescan be removed selectively, even at very low concentrations ofhalogenated hydrocarbons, by reductive hydrodehalogena-tion on nanoparticulate palladium in the presence of ahydrogen donor, and converted into easily biodegradablesubstances (Figure 30). For this purpose, a mere 0.15 wt%palladium was applied to 20–30 nm large Fe3O4 particles,which can be isolated after the sewage treatment by simplemagnetoseparation (Section 5.1).[213]

6.3. Photocatalysis

Photocatalytic effects of coated surfaces have played animportant role for many years, with an emphasis on self-cleaning, antimicrobial, and antifogging or antifouling prop-erties (cf. Section 7.1).[214] A great variety of efforts are beingmade in this regard to increase the catalytic activity, especiallymaking use of direct sunlight. The classical photocatalyst,titanium dioxide in the form of anatase, depends on ultra-violet radiation because of its large band gap (3.2 eV);however, in the presence of water it is very strongly oxidizing,forming hydroxyl radicals. Since TiO2-coated surfaces alsodisplay photoinduced hydrophilicity, adsorbed substances canbe rinsed off easily. Together, the two effects produceoutstanding self-cleaning properties, thus making TiO2 themost common photocatalyst for outdoor applications; it isused on roofing tiles, window panes, and on building fa�adesin general (Figure 31). Here, too, the optical transparency ofthe nanoparticles in the visible spectrum is of decisiveimportance in preventing a dulling of the surfaces byscattering processes (cf. Sections 2.2, 3.1, and 7.1).

Figure 29. Changes in Rh nanoparticles with increasing (001) and(100) surfaces owing to the energetically favored formation of a film ofoxide on these surfaces (modified reproduction of ref. [212]).

Figure 30. Magnetoseparation of Pd–Fe3O4 composite catalysts fortreating AOX-polluted sewage (modified reproduction of ref. [213]).

Figure 31. a) Photocatalytic and b) self-cleaning effects of TiO2-coatedfa�ade surfaces (modified reproduction of ref. [215]).

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Starting with the classical anatase, for the sake of highercatalytic activity it would be advantageous to extend therelevant absorption range for photocatalysis into the visiblespectrum. In this context, composites with TiO2 and MnO2

nanoparticles[216] or also nanotubes[217] have proven quitepromising. Alternatively, doped nanoparticles such as ZnS:Nican be employed.[218] Finally, there are a number ofapproaches utilizing novel compounds that already functionin the visible spectrum for photocatalysis.[219] For example, themineral libethenite, Cu2(PO4)OH, displays high photocata-lytic activity in the form of nanoparticles with diameters ofabout 20 nm.[220] Different particle sizes can be easily obtainedby precipitation in an aqueous phase under variation of thepH value. BiVO4 nanoparticles, which are synthesized undersimilar reaction conditions, show a clear correlation betweenparticle size or shape and catalytic activity.[221] A similarsituation is reported for InNbO4 or Bi2WO6 nanoparticles thatcan be obtained by sol–gel synthesis.[222] The increasedphotocatalytic activity of the nanoparticles compared to therespective bulk materials is usually demonstrated by thedecomposition behavior of organic dyes (e.g. methylene blue)compared to suitable reference materials (e.g. Degussa P25).

Besides the selection and optimization of the photo-catalyst material itself, the interaction with the substrate is ofgreat importance for technical applications (cf. Section 7.1).While thermally stable substrates can be coated and modifiedin a variety of ways, there are certain limitations for plastics.Polyethylene films can usually be coated with a stable,photocatalytically active surface by immersion in a TiO2

suspension and subsequent thermal treatment at temper-atures up to 180 8C.[223] But for many other plastics, thisprocedure is not suitable. In a novel method, the surfaces ofTiO2 nanoparticles were first functionalized with a fluoror-ganic silane. After this functionalization, they can be appliedto a wide variety of substrates by spray coating at 110 8C. Onthe basis of particles sized 4–6 nm, transparent TiO2 layerswith outstanding photocatalytic properties can beobtained.[224]

With regard to producing energy without CO2 emissions,hydrogen is regarded as one of the most important energymedia of the future. In this context, the direct utilization ofsunlight for dissociation of water has become a focal point ofphotocatalysis. Although great progress has been made sincephotolytic dissociation of water was first observed in 1972 byFujishima and Honda,[225] the efficiency of the catalystsknown to date is far from sufficient for commercial use.Owing to its low material cost and high physicochemicalstability, TiO2 continues to be the most promising material,which can be improved still further by suitable modification.For example, nitrogen-doped TiO2 nanoparticles show avisible absorption at wavelengths up to 600 nm in connectionwith increased catalytic activity.[226] Carbon-doped TiO2 nano-tubes even display a 20-fold greater efficiency than commer-cial reference substances (e.g. Degussa P25).[227] In recentwork, TiS2@TiO2 core–shell structures were used to achievegood photocatalytic properties, but once again only in theultraviolet range.[228] By replacing titanium with tungsten(about 30%) in the shell, the catalytic properties can beimproved further to a limited extent. Other subjects of study

are nanoparticulate TiO2 films to which 1–5 nm sized,stabilized IrO2·n H2O particles are applied. Here too, aphotocatalytic dissociation of water in visible light can beobserved, but with comparatively low efficiency.[229] Andfinally, Domen et al. have found a photocatalyst, a compoundof the general composition Ga1�xZnx(N1�xOx) (x = 0–1),which absorbs in the visible spectrum, owing to its band gap(2.56 eV). Its catalytic activity, which is weak at first, can beincreased considerably after modification with a mixture ofnanoparticulate ruthenium and chromium oxide.[230] Currentstudies by Nocera and Kanan seem very promising. In thiscase the dissociation of water at a neutral pH value understandard conditions and with only a small overpotential of O2

generation has been demonstrated with nanostructured,noncrystalline cobalt phosphate layers.[231] Taken together,the increasing understanding of the reaction mechanisms andthe availability of novel substances give hope for efficientcatalysts for photocatalytic dissociation of water in the future,and thus for an important contribution to future energysupplies.

7. Upgrading Materials and Surface Finishing

The modification and improvement of materials and theirsurfaces with the help of nanoparticles are fields of applica-tion which already have great industrial importance. Theserange from hardening, ultraviolet stabilization, and self-cleaning to materials for artificial bones and teeth.

7.1. Surface Finishing

The most investigated features of nanoparticles certainlyinclude their mechanical properties,[232] owing to the work ofGleiter et al. in the 1980s, who predicted and also demon-strated that nanoparticles and bulk materials differ consid-erably in modulus of elasticity, hardness, and ductility.[233]

From these beginnings, a broad range of applications hasbeen developed, among which surface coatings play a majorrole. The use of nanoparticles in this area permits manifoldoptimization of materials for application-specific boundaryconditions and enables broad modification of their proper-ties.[39] Spherical nanoparticles are advantageous for achiev-ing high packing densities in polymer matrices. Regarding thedesired properties, careful adjustment of particle composi-tion, size, and shape to the specific situation of the applicationis necessary, as well.

Polymer nanocomposites as transparent hard coatingshave been commercially important for a long time (cf.Sections 2.2 and 3.1). There is a great need for improvementof the scratch resistance of clear paint coatings whilemaintaining their glossiness, transparency, and resistance tochemicals and environmental influences. Nanoparticles arepredestined for such applications and can change the polymerstructure of the matrix in composites, owing to their largespecific surface area. For example, SiO2 nanoparticles inpolyurethane paints lead to greater scratch and wear resist-ance. A suitable surface treatment is essential for nano-



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particle function and can be achieved by functionalizationwith unsaturated organic acids, for example. These are firstbonded to the OH-terminated surfaces of the nanoparticlesby esterification and then cross-linked with the organic matrixby UV-initiated radical polymerization.[234] In this way, up to40 wt % nanoparticles can be incorporated into paint matri-ces. The resulting composite displays a significant increase inmodulus of elasticity, Vickers hardness, and scratch resistance,while maintaining its optical transparency (Figure 32).[235] If

instead silanes, silane-like oligomers, or polymers are used tofunctionalize the surface of SiO2 nanoparticles, covalentsiloxane bonds form, which are inert over wide ranges ofpH value and temperature. Nanoparticles functionalized inthis way can also be incorporated homogeneously into paints.In addition to increasing the scratch resistance, improvedspreading of the laquer formulation is observed, which is dueto lower surface tension.[236]

Particularly in automobile manufacturing, UV-hardeningpaints are gaining in importance for environmental reasons.Besides SiO2 nanoparticles, Al2O3 nanoparticles are beingemployed increasingly for these applications. However, owingto the higher index of refraction (n� 1.7) compared to thepolymer matrix, the use of Al2O3 even in low concentrationscauses a certain haze of the paint film. If, however, g-AlO(OH) nanoparticles (n� 1.6) with a diameter of 10 nmare used instead, even a proportion of 1 wt % leads to asubstantial improvement of the mechanical properties of thepolymer matrix without a reduction in glossiness and opticaltransparency.[236] Likewise, by incorporating SiO2–PMMAcore–shell nanoparticles (PMMA: polymethyl methacrylate)with diameters of 80–90 nm in a proportion of 5 wt % intoPVC, a doubling of tear strength and fraction strain can beachieved.[237] And finally, the silicates montmorillonite andbentonite, termed nanoclays, are employed as functional filler

materials in plastics.[238] The idea here is also to improve themechanical and thermal properties over the pure matrix;[239]

the latter can consist of various polymers, such as polyethyl-ene (PE), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), or polyamides(PA).[240] In addition to improving the mechanical propertiesof the nanoparticle composites, an optimized thermal behav-ior (e.g. with regard to flammability, melting behavior,decomposition temperature, and soot generation) isobserved.[241]

Apart from embedding nanoparticles to increase thehardness and scratch resistance, luminescent nanoparticlescan also be embedded in polymer matrices. In daylight, theseappear completely transparent and colorless (cf. Sections 2.2,3.1, and 3.3). Only with suitable excitation, such as underultraviolet light, is the intensive luminescence of the nano-particles seen. For a composite that is transparent as a whole,it is important that the nanoparticles be produced andembedded in the matrix without any agglomeration. Largerprimary particles or agglomerates would stand out as clearlyvisible scattering centers, reducing the optical transparency ofthe polymers significantly. It makes sense to provide particleswhich are to be embedded in a hydrophobic or hydrophilicpolymer with appropriate hydrophobic or hydrophilic surfacefunctionalization during the synthesis. A particularly elegantmethod is to use monomer precursors as stabilizer and surfacefunctionalization of the nanoparticles in the synthesis. Suchparticles can then be incorporated into the plastic directlyduring the polymerization reaction. In this way, for example,embedding of non-agglomerated luminescent YVO4:Eunanoparticles at up to 20 wt% in PMMA can be achieved(Figure 32).[242] And finally, the ultraviolet stability of plasticscan also be improved by embedding TiO2 or ZnO nano-particles (cf. Section 2.2),[39, 243] or an antistatic effect can beachieved by incorporating transparent conductive oxides (cf.Section 4.2).[244]

Paints and polymers may be the most advanced fields ofapplication for nanoparticle composites, but nanoparticle-based improvement of properties is by no means limited tothem. In engine building, where more and more componentsmade of aluminum–silicon alloys are being used for the sakeof weight reduction, ways to obtain harder and morecorrosion-resistant surfaces are also being sought. Oneapproach consists of surface modification of the materialswith iron carbide or iron boride nanoparticles by thermalspray-coating. The formed vitreous layer, in which very hardparticles of crystallite up to 500 nm large are embedded, isaccompanied by a significant hardening and a considerableincrease in corrosion resistance. Thus the friction losses ofpresent-day engines could be reduced considerably and theirservice lives extended.[245]

The use of nanoparticles is also firmly established in thebuilding industry.[215] For more than a decade, so-called “easy-to-clean” coatings have been on the market, which makecleaning building fa�ades (e.g. plastics, ceramics, stone, orconcrete) a great deal easier. These properties, known as thelotus effect, derive from the fact that it is not the smoothestsurfaces, but on the contrary, ones that are textured on thenanometer scale, which are especially water- and dirt-repellent.[246] For this purpose, nanoparticles are embedded

Figure 32. a) Transparent PMMA matrix with 20 wt% SiO2 nanoparti-cles and b,c) PMMA matrix with YVO4:Eu nanoparticles in daylight (b)and under UV excitation (c) (modified reproduction of (a) and (b,c)from refs. [235] and [242]).

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in a substrate matrix so that the resulting surface hasnumerous nanoscale knobs. These knobs ensure that dropletsof water or particles of dirt have only minimal contact withthe necessarily hydrophobic surface and can thus drip off orbe rinsed off easily. The cause of the observed self-cleaningeffect is the increase of the contact angle between waterdroplets and the wetted surface up to as much as 1708.[247]

Today, self-cleaning surfaces also find use as protectionagainst graffiti, in technical textiles, in analytical chemistry,and in medical technology.[248] Typically, organically function-alized metal oxide nanoparticles (e.g. SiO2, Al2O3, ZrO2) areapplied to the substrate by immersion or spraying andsubsequent heat treatment. By varying the initial components,their properties can be adjusted to the specific applicationconditions.[249] In addition to the self-cleaning effect obtainedby the fractalization of surfaces (i.e. the lotus effect), hydro-philized surfaces, which result in a pronounced spreading ofwater films and thus to rapid runoff, display a similar “easy-to-clean” behavior. If, for example, ZrO2 nanoparticles areincorporated into these surfaces, the scratch resistance of thelayer can be increased at the same time.[250]

And finally, medical applications are an important field ofsurface modification and improvement with nanoparticles.Coatings with antibacterial effects are of great interest. Thisarea remains a domain of silver, whose antiseptic anddisinfecting action has been known for over 3000 years.Customized synthesis of silver nanoparticles offers a widerange of possible uses (cf. Section 3.1). For example, theadhesion and chemical stability can be improved by embed-ding silver nanoparticles in polymer matrices, with the highpermeability of the polymer ensuring diffusion of silver ionsto the surface and thus the development of the antibacterialproperties.[251] Alternatively, amphiphilically coated silvernanoparticles can be covered with a mesoporous SiO2 shell(Figure 33).[252] Besides silver, antibacterial effects are alsoreported with nanoparticles of other compositions, such asMgO.[253]

A particularly simple and inexpensive way of obtainingsilver nanoparticles has proven to be a novel synthesis invegetable oils. The nanoparticles obtained in this way can betransferred to biodegradable paints without agglomeration,thus lengthening the latters� shelf life.[254] A particularlyefficient antibacterial effect is displayed by 1–2 nm largesilver nanoparticles that are applied to 20–50 nm largecalcium phosphate particles and embedded as a composite

in polymer foils. The high antibacterial effect is evidently dueto the fact that microorganisms need calcium as an essentialelement but under these conditions also take up the toxicsilver nanoparticles.[255]

Besides the antibacterial effect, the opposite effect mayalso be desired, namely particularly easy linking of cells tosurfaces. Considerable success has been achieved in the fieldof minute cavities in tooth enamel,[256] in the restoration oftissue and healing of wounds,[257] and in coating bone-substitute materials with calcium phosphate and apatitenanoparticles.[258] In the latter case, coating titanium implantswith apatite nanoparticles promotes the connection andgrowth of bone marrow cells, as both the roughness of thecoated surface and its composition are similar to the naturalbone structure.

As the last example, we mention the use of nanoparticlesfor fireproofing, which involves both flame-retardant andthermally insulating effects. As a flame-retardant coating forflammable materials (e.g. plastics, wood, paper, textiles),metal phosphates are well known and have been usedindustrially for many years.[259] As an additional class ofmaterials, polymer nanocomposites have recently foundincreasing interest. In this case, layered double hydroxides(LDH) of aluminum and magnesium are used; their flame-retardant effect as bulk materials has been known for a longtime. Starting from this basis, Zammarano et al. achieved animportant step with LDH epoxide nanocomposites, which arenot only flame-retardant, but even self-extinguishing.[260]

To increase fire resistance, novel fireproofing systems canalso be employed, which are applied in the form of paints orpastes to combustible or temperature-sensitive materials. Ifthese contain, for example, SiO2 or Al2O3 nanoparticles, whena fire breaks out, a ceramic layer foamed by combustion gaseswill form very rapidly and act as thermal insulation, thusconsiderably increasing the ignition temperature as well asthe flashover temperature of the substrate beneath it(Figure 34).[215]

7.2. Improvement of Bulk Materials

Besides for modifying and improving surfaces, nano-particles can also be incorporated into bulk materials, thuscontributing to an optimization of the properties of theresulting composite. There are several reviews of thistopic,[261] so our discussion can be brief. An already classicalarea of application is the use of nanoparticles in ceramicmaterials, for example to control their composition or theirsintering and microstructure properties and to optimize their

Figure 33. Electron microscope images of mesoporous SiO2 particles(a) with enclosed silver nanoparticles (b) (modified reproduction ofref. [252]).

Figure 34. Fireproofing of glazing by coating based on SiO2 nano-particles, which form a stable foam in case of fire (modified reproduc-tion of ref. [215]).



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mechanical and thermal properties.[262] Since nanoparticlesare usually processed as dry powders, these must first becarefully disaggregated. This can be done in an aqueous phasewith rotor–stator systems, high-pressure or ultrasonic homog-enizers, or in ball mills (cf. 2.4).[27,263] The preparation of thenanoparticles has considerable influence on the properties ofthe subsequent nanoparticle-reinforced composite materi-als.[264]

Even simple template syntheses permit a wide range ofvariations in the manufacturing of macroporous ceramics ofall sorts of shapes and compositions. With the aid ofamphiphilic organic molecules, oxide nanoparticles (e.g.SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, Fe3O4) can be stabilized in emulsions,then dried and sintered and converted into macroporousceramics with notable mechanical strength.[265] Owing to itsmechanical properties, ZrO2 is one of the most importantoxide ceramics in this respect. Since its properties, as is wellknown, are closely related to the respective modification ofthe zirconium dioxide, the calcination temperature, possibledoping, and particle size are particularly influential.[34] If ZrO2

nanoparticles with diameters of about 5 nm are employed, thecalcination provides almost quantitatively tetragonal ZrO2

even at only 800 8C. As a consequence of the large specificsurface area (cf. Section 2.1), the phase transition frommonoclinic to tetragonal ZrO2 thus occurs at a considerablylower temperature than in the bulk material (1170 8C).[266]

In addition to ceramic composites, metal-matrix nano-composites (MMNC) are of increasing interest, especially inautomobile and spacecraft manufacturing.[267] Besides themetallic matrix, these materials typically contain ceramicinclusions with particle diameters ranging from a few nano-meters to a few hundred micrometers. The idea behind thisapproach is once again the optimization of the mechanother-mal properties. For example, the hardness of Si–Al alloys canbe increased by about 50% by adding a mere 2 wt% SiC. Asexpected, the homogeneous dispersion of ceramic nano-particles in molten metal proves to be a challenge.[39] Yanget al. achieved good results using ultrasonic probes at temper-atures up to 100 8C above the solidification point of therespective molten charge. In this way, a practically homoge-neous distribution of Al2O3 nanoparticles with diameters ofabout 10 nm in an aluminum matrix is achieved.[268] Providedthat the nanoparticles are distributed homogeneously in themetallic matrix, these approaches may be expected toproduce novel materials with very interesting mechanother-mal and corrosive properties.

8. Nanocontainers, Molecular Particles, andParticulate Crystals

This last section goes deep into basic research but offersnovel material shapes and structures and a visionary potentialfor the future, envisaging synthetic atoms, customized designof material properties, and even a formal extension of theperiodic system.

8.1. Nanoparticulate Hollow Spheres

As a morphologically interesting class of substances,nanoparticulate hollow spheres have evoked manifold inter-est. The cavities enclosed in the hollow spheres are especiallysuitable as “nanocontainers” for inclusion, transportation,and targeted release of chemicals or pharmaceuticals. Butnanoparticulate hollow spheres can also be of importance inlight of other properties of the material, such as the largespecific surface, the small specific weight, or the potentiallyhigh mechanical strength.[269]

Nanoparticulate hollow spheres are usually obtained bytemplate methods. A prerequisite for this approach arepractically monodisperse and non-agglomerated nanoparti-cles such as SiO2,

[270] metals (e.g. Fe, Bi, Ag, Au),[271] quantumdots (e.g. CdSe),[272] or polymer lattices,[273] which act as thetemplate. A shell is subsequently precipitated onto thesetemplates, and then the template is dissolved out through thisshell. For SiO2 templates, dissolution can be achieved withdilute hydrofluoric acid, for metal nanoparticles with oxidiz-ing acids, and for lattices with nonpolar solvents or by burningout. Especially elegant is the reductive deposition of a morenoble metal, such as gold, as the shell, while a less nobletemplate, such as bismuth or silver, is simultaneously dis-solved.[271] A prerequisite for template-based strategies,besides the availability of suitable templates, is the ability todissolve the template out afterwards without damaging theshell. In addition to template methods, compact nanoparticlescan in some cases be converted into nanoparticulate hollowspheres by Kirkendall ripening.[274]

With regard to exploiting the container functions, micro-emulsion techniques have turned out to be advantageous.Using these methods, various substances can be assembled asa crystalline shell around a micelle containing an aqueous oroil phase, which serves as a liquid template (Figure 35).[275]

The size and wall thickness of the hollow spheres can beadjusted directly during synthesis by controlling the micelle

Figure 35. Nanoparticulate hollow spheres of various sizes and compo-sitions (modified reproduction of ref. [276]).

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properties. Furthermore, a wide range of substances, such asinorganic salts, organic molecules, and biomolecules, can bedissolved in the micelles and enclosed after the synthesis ofthe wall of the hollow sphere. This approach has been verifiedfor examples such as KSCN, K2S2O8, phenylalanine, querce-tin, and rhodamine.[276] The great variability of possible wallmaterials and ingredients proves to be the special strength ofthe microemulsion approach. In addition to simple hollowspheres, even rattle-like structures, in which a hollow spherecontains compact particles, can be obtained by varioussynthesis paths.[269] However, these structures must be con-sidered mesoscopic, having dimensions which are sometimesconsiderably larger than 100 nm.

Initial studies have shown that nanoparticulate hollowspheres can have very interesting material properties. Forexample, SnO2 or Si hollow spheres have proven to bepromising electrode materials in lithium ion batteries (Sec-tion 4.3).[277] TiO2 hollow spheres are very active photocata-lysts (Section 6.3).[278] Au-, Pt-, or Pd-filled hollow spheres aresuitable as catalysts and demonstrate a certain ability to storehydrogen.[279] And finally, hollow spheres can be employed ascontrast agents in medicine or for transportation and targetedrelease of medications.[280] In many cases, however, theexamples mentioned employ mesoscale hollow spheres. Themechanical properties are also extremely interesting. Thehigh stability of spherical hollow objects under pressure iswell known in the form of evacuable round-bottomed flasks.Alivisatos et al. were recently able to demonstrate a similarstability for CdS hollow spheres in situ. Despite considerabledeformation, these withstood shear stresses up to 2.2 GPa.[281]

Thus hollow spheres are also very promising as high-strengthmaterials with a low specific weight.

8.2. Molecular Particles

The transition from atom or molecule to the solid state onthe size scale of nanoparticles is scientifically fascinating. Forexample, molecules with a diameter of a few nanometers arenow known whose core can be regarded as a segment of thecrystalline structure of solids and whose shell consists ofligands which saturate this core.[282] On the one hand, theseligand-stabilized clusters correspond to very small nano-particles, and on the other hand they form molecules of adefined composition and with a structure that can bedetermined by X-ray structure analysis. Starting with theprominent Au55 cluster in [Au55(PPh3)12Cl6], which waspresented in 1981 by Schmid et al.,[283] today the largestrepresentatives of noble metals (e.g. [Pd145(CO)x(PEt3)30] withx� 60)[284] and main-group metals (e.g. [Ga84(N-(SiMe3)2)20Li6Br2(thf)20]),[285] as well as transition-metaloxides (e.g. (Na48[HxMo368O1032(H2O)240(SO4)48]·xH2O with x� 1000)[286] and transition-metal chalcogenides (e.g.[Ag490S188(StC5H11)114]) are known.[287] Growing the crystalsand the structural analysis of these compounds, some of whichcontain thousands of atoms, are a particular challenge, ofcourse, especially if the ligand shell and particle core show apartial disorder. The latter is attributed, among other things,to an increased Laplace pressure in the interior of the particle

core.[287] To validate and understand the structures, high-resolution mass spectrometry and quantum mechanicalcalculations based on density function theoretical approacheshave proven effective, in addition to single-crystal structuralanalysis. Besides large metal clusters, it is also possible toobtain “molecular alloys”, with examples such as [Cu40Sb21-(PMe3)16] or (PPh4)2[Bi10Cu10(SPh)24]·0.5DME.[288]

With regard to their properties, cluster molecules of thetransition-metal chalcogenides in particular display a behav-ior corresponding to that of quantum dots (cf. Section 3.3).For example, metal chalcogenide clusters also display lumi-nescence; however, their emission wavelength is determinednot by the diameter of the cluster core but by the respectiveligand shell.[289] The inner diameter of the clusters can bedetermined by transmission electron microscopy and amountsto about 5 nm for [Ag490S188(StC5H11)114], for example.[287] Theinner ligand-free cluster core often has structure motifs thatcorrespond to the elemental metals or the binary metalchalcogenides (e.g. M2X with M: Cu, Ag; X: S, Se) in the solid(Figure 36). In some cases, the ligand shell can even be

removed by thermal dissociation, forming “naked” nano-particles. Fenske et al. demonstrated this for examples such as[Cu26Se13(PEt2Ph)14], [Cu44Se22(PEt2Ph)18], [Cu70Se35-(PEt2Ph)23], and [Cu140Se70(PEt2Ph)34].[290] However, a certainaging of the originally 1–3 nm large cluster cores occurs, sothat after the thermal dissociation, monodisperse a-Cu2Senanoparticles with a diameter of 15 nm are present.

Molecular particles can also serve as model substances forthe fundamental understanding of elemental reactions andreaction mechanisms. Thus Schn�ckel et al. showed for theexample of aluminum clusters that the speed of oxygenoxidation depends on the spin state of the O2 molecule andthe number of aluminum atoms in the cluster.[291] Forfurthering our understanding, clusters such as [Ga24Br18Se2]can serve as a model for photoconductivity in GaSe.Aluminum or gallium clusters of various compositions con-tribute to our understanding of nucleation processes in metal

Figure 36. Structure of Ag-Se-P cluster cores in a) [Ag114Se34(SetBu)46-(PtBu3)14] and b) [Ag172Se40(SenBu)92(dppp)4] with the correspondingSe sublattices (Ag blue, Se red, P green, modified reproduction ofref. [282b]).



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vapors or of bonding conditions in clusters with magicelectron numbers (such as jellium clusters).[292] Molecularparticles also display properties that are typically found inbulk metals and alloys. For example, in the case of compoundswith isolated [Ga84]

4� clusters, researchers were surprised toobserve superconductivity, with a critical temperature ofabout 7 K.[293]

8.3. Particulate Crystals

In addition to the “molecular particles” discussed above,“particulate crystals”, that is, three-dimensionally periodicarrangements of nanoparticles known as supercrystals, haveopened entirely new perspectives in recent years.[294] Wealready discussed the crystallization of nanoparticles with ahigh index of refraction under the term “photonic crystals” inSection 3.2.[60] Now we turn to more complex arrangements inwhich nanoparticles of widely varying composition serve aslattice modules and form structures according to the patternof close-packed crystal structures. As described for photoniccrystals, here, too, a bottom-up approach requires a narrowsize distribution of the nanoparticles (i.e. with deviations ofless than 5% from the mean particle diameter) and precisecontrol of the growth conditions. Supercrystals can now beobtained with nanoparticles of widely varying sizes andcompositions. These can be oxides (e.g. SiO2, ZnO, BaCrO4),quantum dots (e.g. CdSe), main-group elements (e.g. Se),metals, or alloys (e.g. Ag, Au, Pd, Bi, FeCo; Figure 37).[295]

Besides packings with one kind of particle, those withdifferent particles are also known. In part, these follow knownpacking patterns and emulate the structures of ionic crystalsor alloys, depending on the particle radii and the particle–particle interactions.[296] For example, Ag, Au, Pd, g-Fe2O3,PbS, and PbSe nanoparticles of different sizes crystallize bycocrystallization in the NaCl, CsCl, AlB2, MgZn2, MgNi2,Cu3Au, Fe4C, CaCu5, CaB6, NaZn13, or other structure types(Figure 38).[297]

The challenge in creating such supercrystals is a well-directed crystallization of the nanoparticles, which requires, in

addition to a monodisperse size distribution, defined surfacefunctionalization and precise control of the conditions fornanoparticle self-organization.[294] As an alternative to meth-ods based on a controlled, slow evaporation of the dispersionphase, particle deposition using electrical or magnetic fieldshas proven to be very successful.[298] Besides the aestheticattraction of supercrystals, their properties give grounds for avariety of expectations, since the periodic arrangement of thenanoparticles is accompanied by a periodic alteration of thephysicochemical properties in the particulate crystal. Wealready discussed this topic for the case of photonic crystals(cf. Section 3.2) and magnetic storage media (cf. Section 4.1).However, depending on the choice of nanoparticles, inprinciple the electrical conductivity, the density, thermalexpansion, or work function can also alter periodically, thusresulting in an unforeseeable potential for customized designof materials and properties. In this construct, nanoparticlestake the place of atoms and molecules not only structurallybut also with respect to the material properties. These“synthetic atoms” can be regarded as an extension of theperiodic system to the nanometer scale and even beyond.Periodic arrangements can now be achieved not only bycocrystallization of different nanoparticles but also withmolecular clusters of differing composition. This approachhas been demonstrated, for example, with [Au8(PPh3)8](C60)2

(Figure 39).[299] The compound crystallizes in the AlB2 typeand consists of cationic gold clusters and fulleride anions.

Overall, the examples of molecular particles and partic-ulate crystals show how much the boundaries betweenclassical molecular chemistry and classical solid-state chemis-try are becoming blurred. We can only look forward withanticipation to the compounds, structures, and propertieswhich will arise from this field in the future.

9. Quo Vadis Nanoparticles?

Nanoparticles now find a variety of industrial applications,in particular for modifying and upgrading a wide range ofsubstrates and materials. These applications range fromhardening and ultraviolet stabilization to self-cleaning orantimicrobial surfaces. Nanoparticles have also found a broadarea of applications in heterogeneous catalysis, ranging fromclassical synthesis chemistry to photocatalysis. With modelcompounds, a fundamental understanding of catalytic reac-tions can be established. In many applications, nanoparticlesare on the threshold of widespread use. Such areas include theuse of luminescent, plasmonic, and magnetic nanoparticles inmolecular biology and medical diagnosis and therapy. Nano-particulate pigments and luminophors, transparent conduc-tive oxides, and magnetic fluids should be mentioned in thiscontext. In the field of functionalized thin films, nanoparticlesare essential for the progressive miniaturization and sparinguse of materials, which is of great importance for printedelectronics in particular and ranges from flexible electroniccircuit elements, light-emitting diodes, and visual display unitsto dye-sensitized solar cells and magnetic data-storage media.

For obtaining high-quality nanoparticles, the synthesis ofthe material is of vital importance, as the quality of the

Figure 37. Supercrystals consisting of a) CdSe and b) Au nanoparticles(modified reproduction of (a) and (b) from refs. [295d] and [295f ]).

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material properties and of the subsequent function is shapedhere. In many cases, the complexity of the synthesis and thecost of the materials still present obstacles to the use ofnanoparticles. The field of experimental parameters is verycomplex, comprising both classical synthesis parameters (e.g.kind of initial compounds, concentration, temperature con-trol) and questions of colloid chemistry (e.g. nucleation and

nucleus growth, stabilizationand functionalization of sur-faces). Many other aspects ofchemistry, physics, biology,materials science, and disci-plines such as engineeringscience or medicine play animportant role. This highdegree of interdisciplinarityis a characteristic feature ofnanosciences and nanotech-nology and contributes agreat deal to the fascinationof the field.

Although this Review isnot intended to provide atechnology impact assess-ment for nanoparticles, abrief evaluation seems appro-priate. Like every novel areaof research and every noveltechnology, nanosciences andnanotechnology evoke ques-tions about their risks. Twoaspects, however sweepingand simple, deserve consider-ation as part of an unpreju-diced evaluation: 1) The“nanosciences” are alreadyextremely varied and com-plex with respect to materials,syntheses, processing tech-niques, and properties. Sothere is little sense in subsum-ing this all under the over-arching term “nanomaterial”.2) Belittling the risks is just asunhelpful as overdramatizingthem, especially as long as nowell-founded data are avail-able; indeed, in view of thenovelty of the research field,such data cannot be availableyet. While some nanoparti-cles, such as Au, Ag, SiO2,TiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3, havebeen in industrial use formany years and are thereforewell-known, novel nanoparti-cles can naturally only now bethe subject of study.[300] How-ever, a decided evaluation

needs both time and money.It seems beyond question that nanoparticles can and will

make decisive contributions to future economic and socialdevelopment. The discussed examples of solar cells, thermo-electric materials, lithium ion batteries, fuel cells, and photo-catalytic dissociation of water show their contributions to newconcepts of energy storage and conversion impressively. In

Figure 38. Cocrystallization of a) g-Fe2O3 and Au nanoparticles (13.4 and 5.0 nm), b) PbSe and Aunanoparticles (7.6 and 5.0 nm), c) PbSe and Pd nanoparticles (6.2 and 3.0 nm), d) PbS and Pd nano-particles (6.7 and 3.0 nm), e) PbSe and Pd nanoparticles (6.2 and 3.0 nm), f) PbSe and Pd nanoparticles(5.8 and 3.0 nm), g) PbSe and Au nanoparticles (7.2 and 4.2 nm), h) PbSe and Pd nanoparticles (6.2 and3.0 nm), i) PbSe and Au nanoparticles (7.2 and 5.0 nm), j) PbSe and Pd nanoparticles (5.8 and 3.0 nm),k) PbSe and Ag nanoparticles (7.2 and 4.2 nm), l) PbSe and Pd nanoparticles (6.2 and 3.0 nm) tosupercrystals with various packing arrangements (scale: a–c, e, f, i–l: 20 nm; d, g, h: 10 nm; modifiedreproduction of ref. [297]).



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molecular biology and medicine, entirely new perspectives fordiagnosis and therapy, going down to the level of single cellsand molecules, are opening up. Examples such as nano-containers, particulate molecules, and supercrystals show thatfundamentally novel materials can be obtained, from whichnew properties and applications as well as targeted design ofmaterials at the nanoscale can be expected. And finally,molecular particles and particulate crystals even allow us toenvisage a formal extension of the periodic system withcolloidal “superatoms”. Surprises are preprogrammed andare the very essence of science.

Overall, this survey may be summed up aptly with aphrase by the Nobel laureate Richard Feynman, which wasvisionary at the time, has often been quoted since, andremains absolutely up-to-the-minute: “There is plenty ofroom at the bottom”.[301] No doubt, we can add “still” and“tremendous”.

The authors thank Dr. Reiner Bappert and Klaus Luginsland(Landesmuseum f�r Technik und Arbeit, Mannheim) as wellas Gerd K�nig, Susanne Ernst, Saskia Becht, and Jens Treptow(Karlsruhe) for preparing many photographs. We thankTimothy Slater (Augsburg) for performing the English trans-lation and Anette Baust (Karlsruhe) for a variety of work andfor checking the manuscript. Finally, we thank Dr. ChristianeFeldmann-Leben for diverse suggestions. This work wassupported financially by the Centrum of Functional Nano-structures (CFN) of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft(DFG) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the KarlsruheSchool of Optics and Photonics (KSOP), the KarlsruheInstitute of Technology (KIT), and the State of Baden-W�rttemberg.

Received: June 6, 2009Published online: && &&, &&&&

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[89] a) K. Riwotzki, H. Meyssamy, H. Schnablegger, A. Kornowski,M. Haase, Angew. Chem. 2001, 113, 574; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2001, 40, 573; b) G. Bhler, C. Feldmann, Angew. Chem. 2006,118, 4982; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 4864; c) K.Hickmann, K. K�mpe, A. Hepp, M. Haase, Small 2008, 4, 2136.

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[99] Current review in: J. G. Fujimoto, D. Farkas, BiomedicalOptical Imaging, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009.

C. Feldmann and H. GoesmannReviews

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[100] a) M. De, P. S. Gosh, V. M. Rotello, Adv. Mater. 2008, 20, 4225;b) K. Douma, L. Prinzen, D. W. Slaaf, C. P. M. Reutlingsperger,E. A. L. Biessen, T. M. Hackeng, M. J. Post, M. A. M. J. vonZandvoort, Small 2009, 5, 544; c) R. Freeman, R. Gill, I.Shewky, M. Kotler, U. Banin, I. Willner, Angew. Chem. 2009,121, 315; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 309.

[101] X. Gao, Y. Cui, R. M. Levenson, L. W. K. Chung, S. Nie, Nat.Biotechnol. 2004, 22, 969.

[102] Current reviews in: a) P. Alivisatos, Nat. Biotechnol. 2004, 22,47; b) V. Wagner, A. Dullaart, A. K. Bock, A. Zweck, Nat.Biotechnol. 2006, 24, 1211; c) K. Riehemann, S. W. Schneider,T. A. Luger, B. Godin, M. Ferrari, H. Fuchs, Angew. Chem.2009, 121, 886; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 872.

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[104] X. Wang, X. Ren, K. Kahen, M. A. Hahn, M. Rajeswaran, S.Maccagnano-Zacher, J. Silcox, G. E. Cragg, A. L. Efros, T. D.Krauss, Nature 2009, 459, 686.

[105] a) S. Heer, K. K�mpe, H. U. Gdel, M. Haase, Adv. Mater.2004, 16, 2102; b) J. H. Zeng, J. Su, Z. H. Li, R. X. Yan, Y. D. Li,Adv. Mater. 2005, 17, 2119; c) S. Sivakumar, F. C. J. M. vanVeggel, S. P. May, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 620; d) F. Wang,X. Liu, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 5642.

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[109] Current review in: G. Hodes, Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 639.[110] P. P. Edwards, S. R. Johnson, M. O. Jones, A. Porch, Molecular

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[114] T. Kraus, L. Malaquin, H. Schmid, W. Riess, N. D. Spencer, H.Wolf, Nat. Nanotechnol. 2007, 2, 570.

[115] D. S. Ginger, H. Zhang, C. A. Mirkin, Angew. Chem. 2004, 116,30; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 30.

[116] a) L. Hou, Q. Hou, Y. Mo, J. Peng, Y. Cao, Appl. Phys. Lett.2005, 87, 243504; b) A. L. Briseno, S. C. B. Mannsfeld, M. M.Ling, S. Liu, R. J. Tseng, C. Reese, M. E. Roberts, Y. Yang, F.Wudl, Z. Bao, Nature 2006, 444, 913; c) V. Shamanna, S. Das, Z.Celik-Butler, K. L. Lawrence, J. Micromech. Microeng. 2006,16, 1984; d) S. A. Dayeh, D. P. Butler, Z. Celik-Butler, Sens.Actuators A 2004, 118, 49.

[117] Current review in: T. Minami, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 2005, 20,S35.

[118] Current reviews in: a) T. H. J. van Osch, J. Perelaer, A. W. Laat, U. S. Schubert, Adv. Mater. 2008, 20, 343; b) R. Das,Printed Electronics World, 2008, July 21st.

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[120] a) P. C. Andricacos, Interface 1999, 28, 32; b) J. Ederth, P.Heszler, A. Hult ker, G. A. Niklasson, C. G. Granqvist, ThinSolid Films 2003, 445, 199.

[121] Current reviews in: a) B. Michel, A. Bernard, A. Bietsch, E.Delamarche, M. Geissler, D. Juncker, H. Kind, J. P. Renault, H.Rothuizen, H. Schmid, P. Schmidt-Winkel, R. Stutz, H. Wolf,

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[122] a) J. Ba, D. F. Rohlfing, A. Feldhoff, T. Brezesinski, I. Djerdj,M. Wark, M. Niederberger, Chem. Mater. 2006, 18, 2848; b) G.Bhler, D. Th�lmann, C. Feldmann, Adv. Mater. 2007, 19, 2224;c) E. Hammarberg, A. Prodi-Schwab, C. Feldmann, Thin SolidFilms 2008, 516, 7437.

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[125] a) D. Burgard, C. Goebbert, R. Nass, J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol.1998, 13, 789; b) T. R. Giraldi, M. T. Escote, A. P. Maciel, E.Longo, E. R. Leite, J. A. Varela, Thin Solid Films 2006, 515,2678; c) L. Li, L. Mao, X. Duan, Mater. Res. Bull. 2006, 41, 541.

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[131] Current reviews in: a) M. Gr�tzel, Prog. Photovoltaics 2006, 14,429; b) H. J. Snaith, L. Schmidt-Mende, Adv. Mater. 2007, 19,3187; c) M. Gr�tzel, J. R. Durrant, Ser. Photoconvers. Sol.Energy 2008, 3, 503.

[132] S. Colodrero, A. Mihi, L. H�ggman, M. Ocana, G. Boschloo, A.Hagfeldt, H. Miguez, Adv. Mater. 2009, 21, 764.

[133] a) D. Timmerman, I. Izeddin, P. Stallinga, I. N. Yassievich, T.Gregorkiewicz, Nat. Photonics 2008, 2, 105; b) C. Y. Liu, Z. C.Holman, U. R. Kortshagen, Nano Lett. 2009, 9, 449.

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[135] a) C. Levy-Clemente, R. Tena-Zaera, M. A. Ryan, A. Katty, G.Hodes, Adv. Mater. 2005, 17, 1512; b) I. Robel, V. Subramanian,M. Kuno, P. V. Kamat, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 2385.

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2930; b) Y. Wang, G. Cao, Adv. Mater. 2008, 20, 2251; M. S.Whittingham, MRS Bull. 2008, 33, 411.

[139] a) A. S. Arico, P. Bruce, B. Scrosati, J. M. Tarascon, W.van Schalkwijk, Nat. Mater. 2005, 4, 366; b) Y. Shao, G. Yin,Z. Wang, Y. Gao, J. Power Sources 2007, 167, 235.

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[173] Current review in: S. Odenbach, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 2004,16, R1135.

[174] C. Feldmann, Solid State Sci. 2005, 7, 868.[175] a) S. Giri, B. G. Trewyn, M. P. Stellmaker, V. S. Y. Lin, Angew.

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[185] Current reviews in: a) Y. W. Jun, J. H. Lee, J. Cheon, Angew.Chem. 2008, 120, 5200; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 5122;b) H. B. Na, I. C. Song, T. Hyeon, Adv. Mater. 2009, 21, 2133.

[186] a) R. Weissleder, A. Moore, U. Mahmood, R. Bhorade, H.Benveniste, E. A. Chiocca, J. P. Basilion, Nat. Med. 2000, 6, 351;b) M. Zhao, D. A. Beauregard, L. Loizou, B. Davletov, K. M.Brindle, Nat. Med. 2001, 7, 1241; c) J. R. McCarthy, K. A. Kelly,E. Y. Sun, R. Weissleder, Nanomedicine 2007, 2, 153.

[187] a) D. Vernimmen, M. Gueders, S. Pisvin, P. Delvenne, R.Winkler, Br. J. Cancer 2003, 89, 899; b) F. Hu, L. Wei, Z. Zhou,Y. Ran, Z. Li, M. Gao, Adv. Mater. 2006, 18, 2553; c) J. H. Lee,Y. M. Huh, Y. W. Jun, J. W. Seo, J. T. Jang, H. T. Song, S. Kim,E. J. Cho, H. G. Yoon, J. S. Suh, J. Cheon, Nat. Med. 2007, 13,95.

[188] a) A. Jordan, K. Maier-Hauff, P. Wust, B. Rau, M. Johannsen,Onkologe 2007, 13, 894; b) R. B. Campbell, Nanomedicine2007, 2, 649.

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H. Goesmann,C. Feldmann* &&&— &&&

Nanoparticulate Functional Materials

At the very beginning was the dyeing ofglass, a first application of nanoparticularfunctional materials (see picture). Todaydiverse perspectives for the increasingcomplexity of technical developments areoffered. To prepare high-value nanoparti-cles a number of influences must beconsidered, and evaluation of particleproperties requires the expertise of dif-ferent fields. This background definesboth the challenge and the attraction ofnanoscience.

C. Feldmann and H. GoesmannReviews

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