Review How to Write a Conclusion DWA: An Expository Essay Essential Question Graphic Organizer...

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Transcript of Review How to Write a Conclusion DWA: An Expository Essay Essential Question Graphic Organizer...

•Review How to Write a Conclusion

•DWA: An Expository Essay•Essential Question•Graphic Organizer•Rubric

How to write a great “end” to your essay

Provide the reader an overview of the main ideas you discussed.

Highlight the progression of your thought process, offer solutions, next steps or present new questions that your paper generated.

Don’t only restate your claim, but show the significance of your synthesis of the information.

It’s ok for the conclusion to be short, but it must

pass the test!


Finding food

Securing a home

A dog’s life can be troubling. Dealing with excessive itching, searching for the next meal, and finding the ultimate forever home are perplexing problems facing all dogs.

Don’t use the exact same words to restate the claim.

Find a new way to say

what you are explaining.

Your conclusion should look different than the introduction.


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a dog? While dog’s face a multitude of challenges, physical problems are the most perplexing for a dog. itching, lack of food, and finding a home can be life-long struggles for canines everywhere.


A dog’s life is filled with endless physical trials and tribulations. From scratching an itch that just won’t stop, to the constant hunt for the next meal, and the lonely search for a place to call home. A dog’s life is a never ending battle of meeting life’s basic needs.

Possible Solution

Dog’s cannot possibly meet all of their own physical needs. Humans need to help man’s best friend. Animal shelters provide dogs with these basic needs.

Next Steps: Call to action

You can make the difference in the life of a dog. Volunteer at an animal shelter, adopt a pet who needs a home, donate money and support funding for the humane society in your town.

New Questions

What other challenges are facing dogs today?

What happens to dogs during disasters?

Will our generation be more or less caring to the physical needs of dogs today?

The conclusion needs to answer the questions, So what?

All of your points are building up to why does it matter.

This is everything I know about the physical needs of dogs.

And now you know all about the physical needs of a dogs.

Dogs have many physical needs.Boring!

Don’t hide the point you are trying to make! Drive the point home! What are you trying to say? Why is it important?

Don’t leave the reader hanging. If you started with a great hook, pull it back in the conclusion. This gives your essay a sense of coming full circle.

For example, if in your introduction you asked, What would it be like to be a dog, return to this in the conclusion.

Imagine the happiness you would feel if you were a dog at the shelter, and a family came to take you home.