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Hindawi Publishing CorporationCritical Care Research and PracticeVolume 2012, Article ID 503254, 14 pagesdoi:10.1155/2012/503254

Review Article

Bedside Ultrasound in Resuscitation and the Rapid Ultrasound inShock Protocol

Dina Seif,1 Phillips Perera,2 Thomas Mailhot,1 David Riley,3 and Diku Mandavia1

1 Department of Emergency Medicine, Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center, General Hospital, 1200 State Street, Room 1011,Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA

2 Division of Emergency Medicine, Stanford University Medical Center, 300 Pasteur Drive, Alway Building, M121, Stanford,CA 94305, USA

3 Division of Emergency Medicine, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University Medical Center, 622 West 168th Street,New York, NY 10032, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Dina Seif,

Received 9 July 2012; Accepted 22 August 2012

Academic Editor: Luciano Cesar Pontes Azevedo

Copyright © 2012 Dina Seif et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Assessment of hemodynamic status in a shock state remains a challenging issue in Emergency Medicine and Critical Care. As theuse of invasive hemodynamic monitoring declines, bedside-focused ultrasound has become a valuable tool in the evaluation andmanagement of patients in shock. No longer a means to simply evaluate organ anatomy, ultrasound has expanded to becomea rapid and noninvasive method for the assessment of patient physiology. Clinicians caring for critical patients should stronglyconsider integrating ultrasound into their resuscitation pathways.

1. Introduction

Early recognition and appropriate treatment of shock havebeen shown to decrease mortality [1, 2]. Incorporation ofbedside ultrasound in patients with undifferentiated shockallows for rapid evaluation of reversible causes of shock andimproves accurate diagnosis in undifferentiated hypotension[3]. Reflecting a trend to integrate ultrasound early intothe care of the critically ill patient, multiple resuscitationprotocols have been recently developed [4–26]. Each ofthese protocols combines many of the same core ultrasoundelements, differing mainly in the priority of the examsequence.

In this paper, we will discuss two clinical scenarios ofhypotension that will highlight how early integration ofbedside ultrasound into clinical evaluation can assist inrapid and accurate diagnosis of shock. An easily learned andquickly performed shock ultrasound protocol, the RUSHexam (Rapid Ultrasound in Shock), will be applied in bothcases [19, 20]. The RUSH exam involves a 3-part bedsidephysiologic assessment simplified as “the pump,” “the tank,”and “the pipes.” Several other major resuscitation protocols

will be compared to the RUSH exam to describe the coreexam elements they share, as well as to demonstrate how theydiffer.

2. Clinical Cases

2.1. Case 1. A 72-year-old male presents to the EmergencyDepartment (ED) for evaluation of chest pain, cough, andgeneralized weakness. He describes the chest pain as sharpand pleuritic, with associated back and upper abdominalpain. His past medical history is significant for hypertension,for which he takes several medications including lisinopriland metoprolol. On physical examination, his vital signsinclude a blood pressure of 82/60 mm Hg, heart rate 120beats per minute, respiratory rate 24 breaths per minute,temperature 100.8 F, and pulse oximetry 92% on room air.He is diaphoretic and ill appearing. Lung exam revealsrales in both lung bases, but is otherwise unremarkable. Anelectrocardiogram (EKG) shows a left bundle branch block,which was present on a test performed one year prior. Aportable chest radiograph demonstrates infiltrates at both

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lung bases, without evidence of a pneumothorax, widenedmediastinum, or enlarged cardiac silhouette.

2.2. Case 2. A 64-year-old female with a history of breastcancer presents to the ED with acute shortness of breathand chest pain. She states that the disease has been “stable”and that she has not received chemotherapy in the pastthree years. She appears acutely ill with blood pressure of74/58 mm Hg, heart rate 120 beats per minute, respiratoryrate 30 breaths per minute, temperature 98 F, and pulseoximetry 94% on room air. Rales are auscultated, but itis difficult to hear heart tones. An EKG reveals a lowvoltage tracing without ischemic changes. Portable chestradiography demonstrates an enlarged cardiac silhouette andscattered lung opacities.

2.3. Case Discussion. In both cases, the patient presents inshock. In the first case, hypotension in a patient with long-standing hypertension indicates significant physiologicalcompromise. While the most likely diagnosis is sepsis dueto pneumonia, several clinical questions remain. Could thispresentation be the result of a pulmonary embolus, aorticdissection, or myocardial infarction? How much fluid shouldbe given to this patient? His cardiac status is unclear andhis heart may not be able to handle a large volume infusionwithout resultant pulmonary edema. In the second case,a pericardial effusion with tamponade is highly suspected.Should one perform immediate pericardiocentesis? Couldthis patient be experiencing a massive pulmonary embolusgiven her history of cancer? Should thrombolysis be consid-ered? Fortunately, an ultrasound machine is available for usein the ED to further evaluate these patients.

3. The RUSH Protocol

3.1. Step 1: The Pump. The first step in evaluation of thepatient in shock is determination of cardiac status, termedfor simplicity “the pump.” Imaging of the heart usuallyinvolves four classical views: parasternal long and short axis,subxiphoid, and apical (Figure 1).

Clinicians caring for the patient in shock should beginwith a goal-directed echocardiogram looking for threespecific findings: pericardial effusion, left ventricular con-tractility, and right ventricular dilation. A low-frequencyphased array probe is recommended for this exam.

(A) Pericardial Effusions and Cardiac Tamponade. First, thepericardial sac should be visualized to determine if thepatient has a pericardial effusion, which may be the cause ofsymptoms [27]. Small effusions may be seen as a thin stripeinside the pericardial space, while larger effusions tend towrap circumferentially around the heart. An exception to thisrule may be found in the patient with a loculated effusion,which may exist in both post-operative or post-trauma statesand in purulent pericarditis. Fresh fluid or blood tends tohave a dark or anechoic appearance, whereas clotted bloodor exudates may have a lighter or more echogenic appearance(Figure 2).

Figure 1: The RUSH exam. Step 1: Evaluation of “the pump”.

Figure 2: Types of pericardial effusions, subxiphoid cardiac view.Left image: typical effusion, right image: clotted effusion. RV: rightventricle, LV: left ventricle, PE: pericardial effusion.

A pericardial effusion may be confused with a pleuraleffusion, which is an important distinction. On the paraster-nal long axis view, a careful evaluation of the fluid inrelationship to the descending aorta is critical. Pericardialfluid will be seen anterior to the posterior pericardialreflection and the descending aorta (Figure 3). In contrast,pleural fluid will be seen posterior to the posterior pericardialreflection and the descending aorta (Figure 4).

If a pericardial effusion is identified, the next step isto evaluate the heart for signs of tamponade. Cardiac tam-ponade results when high pressure within the pericardiumprevents the heart from fully expanding and filling duringthe relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle. Due to the relativelylower pressure in the right side of the heart, evaluation forcardiac tamponade specifically focuses on the movementof the right atrium and ventricle during diastolic filling.Ultrasound findings in tamponade represent a spectrumfrom subtle inward serpentine deflection of the right atrialand/or the right ventricular wall, to complete diastoliccompression of a chamber (Figure 5) [28, 29].

The inferior vena cava (IVC) can also be evaluated foradditional confirmatory signs of tamponade; an enlarged

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Figure 3: Pericardial effusion, parasternal long axis view. RV: rightventricle, LV: left ventricle, LA: left atrium.

Figure 4: Pleural effusion, parasternal long axis view RV: rightventricle, LV: left ventricle, LA: left atrium.

Figure 5: Cardiac tamponade, subxiphoid view. RV: right ventricle,RV: right atrium, LV: left ventricle, LA: left atrium, PE: pericardialeffusion.

plethoric vessel suggests obstructive shock [30]. If tam-ponade is identified and the patient also displays unstablehemodynamics, an emergent pericardiocentesis is indicated.

(B) Left Ventricular Contractility. Second, the left ventriclecan be analyzed for global contractility. This assessment

will give a rapid determination of the strength of “thepump,” which can be critical in guiding fluid resuscitation.The examination focuses on evaluating motion of the leftventricular walls by a visual estimation of the volume changefrom diastole to systole [31]. A ventricle that has goodcontractility will have a large volume change between thetwo cycles (Figure 6). In contrast, a poorly contracting heartwill have a small percentage change in the movement ofthe walls between diastole and systole (Figure 7). The heartmay also be dilated in size. Based on these assessments, apatient’s contractility can be broadly categorized as beingnormal, mild-moderately decreased, or severely decreased.A fourth category, known as hyperdynamic, demonstratessmall chambers and vigorous, hyperkinetic contractions thatmay obliterate the ventricle in systole. This is often seen indistributive shock or hypovolemic states.

M-mode can be used to graphically depict the move-ments of the left ventricular walls through the cardiac cycle.Placing the cursor across the left ventricle just beyondthe tips of the mitral valve leaflets, the resultant M-modetracing allows measurements of the chamber diameter inboth systole and diastole. A percentage known as fractionalshortening is calculated according to the following formula:[(EDD − ESD)/EDD] × 100, where ESD is end-systolicdiameter, measured at the smallest dimension between theventricular walls, and EDD is the end-diastolic diameterwhere the distance is greatest. In general, fractional short-ening of 30–45% correlates to normal ejection fraction[32]. The M-mode tracing for a hyperdynamic heart showsthe left ventricular walls almost touching during systoleand a high fractional shortening (Figure 8). In a poorlycontracting heart, the M-mode tracing demonstrates widesystolic separation between the ventricular walls and a lowfractional shortening (Figure 9). It should be emphasizedthat fractional shortening does not directly calculate theejection fraction, rather fractional shortening correlatesto overall left ventricular contractility. In comparison tothe comprehensive and relatively time intensive volumetricassessments for measuring ejection fraction, fractional short-ening is a semiquantitative method for determining systolicfunction that is fast and easy to perform and can providecritical data to guide resuscitation [33].

Motion of the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve canalso be used to assess contractility. In a normal contractilestate, the anterior mitral leaflet can be seen in the parasternallong-axis view touching or closely approaching the septalendocardium in early diastole. The degree of excursion ofthe mitral valve directly correlates with the contractile stateof the left ventricle. As cardiac contractility decreases, thedistance between the mitral valve and septum increases.M-mode is used to document and measure the degreeof mitral valve excursion, known as the E-point septalseparation (EPSS) (Figure 10). To obtain this measurement,the M-mode cursor is placed over the tip of the anteriormitral leaflet. As the mitral valve moves during diastole,the M-mode tracing reveals a characteristic pattern of tworepeating waves. The first is the E-wave, which reflectsthe initial and maximal opening of the valve to allowpassive filling of the left ventricle. Immediately following is

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Figure 6: Good left ventricular contractility, parasternal long axisview. RV: right ventricle, LV: left ventricle, LA: left atrium.

Figure 7: Poor left ventricular contractility, parasternal long axisview. RV: right ventricle, LV: left ventricle, LA: left atrium.

the A-wave, which is usually smaller and corresponds toleft atrial contraction. The EPSS is the minimal distancebetween the E-wave and the septum and is normally less than7 mm [34]. Studies have demonstrated that EPSS greaterthan 1 cm reliably correlates with a low ejection fraction [35].Another study demonstrated that Emergency Physicians areable to accurately estimate ejection fraction using EPSS [36],highlighting its value in identifying patients with abnormalcontractility. An important caveat is that EPSS does notreflect systolic dysfunction in the setting of mitral valveabnormalities (stenosis, regurgitation), aortic regurgitation,or extreme left ventricle hypertrophy.

(C) Right Ventricular Size. The third goal-directed exami-nation of the heart focuses on the evaluation of right heartstrain, a potential sign of a large pulmonary embolus inthe patient in shock. Any condition that causes a suddenpressure increase within the pulmonary vascular circuit willresult in acute dilation of the right side of the heart. Onbedside echocardiography, the normal ratio of the left-to-right ventricle is 1 : 0.6. Dilation of the right ventricle,especially to a size greater than the left ventricle, may bea sign of a large pulmonary embolus in the hypotensivepatient (Figure 11) [37, 38]. In addition, deflection of theinter-ventricular septum toward the left ventricle signalshigher pressures within the right side of the heart andthe pulmonary artery [39, 40]. In this situation, the exam

Figure 8: M-mode tracing demonstrating excellent contractility.RV: right ventricle, LV: left ventricle.

Figure 9: M-mode tracing demonstrating poor contractility. LV:left ventricle.

should proceed directly to evaluation of the leg veins fora deep vein thrombosis (DVT). When the right ventricularwall is also thickened, right ventricular dilation may bemore indicative of a chronic illness such as long-standingpulmonary hypertension.

3.2. Step 2: The Tank. The second part of the RUSH protocolfocuses on the determination of the effective intravascularvolume status, which will be referred to as “the tank”(Figure 12).

(A) Fullness of the Tank: Inferior Vena Cava and InternalJugular Veins. The first step assesses “fullness of the tank” byexamining the IVC. Looking at both the relative vessel sizeand its respiratory dynamics, the IVC provides an indicationof intravascular volume and has been used to estimate thecentral venous pressure (CVP) [41–46]. To image the IVC,the probe is placed in the standard 4-chamber subxiphoidposition to first identify the right ventricle and the rightatrium. The probe is then rotated posteriorly toward thespine with the marker laterally oriented, examining for theconvergence of the IVC with the right atrium. The IVCshould be followed inferiorly as it passes through the liver,

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Figure 10: E-point septal separation with decreased contractility.M-mode Doppler tracing. RV: right ventricle, LV: left ventricle.

Figure 11: Right ventricular dilation, parasternal long axis view.RV: right ventricle, LA: left atrium, LV: left ventricle, LVOT: leftventricle outflow tract.

specifically looking for the confluence of the three hepaticveins with the IVC. The IVC diameter should be evaluatedjust inferior to this point, at a position approximately 2 cmfrom the junction of the right atrium and the IVC [47].The IVC can also be imaged in the long-axis plane. TheIVC will be found directly to the right of the aorta andcan be differentiated by its thinner walls and respiratoryflow variation on Color Doppler imaging. As the patientbreathes, the IVC will have a normal pattern of collapseduring inspiration. This is due to the negative pressuregenerated in the chest with inspiration, leading to increasedblood flow from the abdominal to the thoracic cavity. Thisrespiratory variation can be further augmented by having thepatient sniff, or inspire, forcefully. This combination of IVCsize and the percentage change during inspiration, termedsonospirometry, has been shown to accurately estimate theCVP [48, 49]. M-mode sonography of the IVC provides anexcellent means to measure and document the degree ofinspiratory IVC collapse.

Newly published guidelines by the American Societyof Echocardiography support the general use of evaluation

Figure 12: The RUSH exam. Step 2: Evaluation of “the tank”.

Figure 13: Collapsible inferior vena cava, long axis view.

of IVC size and collapsibility in assessment of CVP [50].The recommendations are that an IVC diameter <2.1 cmthat collapses >50% with sniff correlates to a normal CVPpressure of 3 mm Hg (range 0–5 mm Hg). This phenomenonmay be observed in hypovolemic and distributive shockstates (Figure 13). A larger IVC >2.1 cm that collapses <50%with sniff suggests a high CVP pressure of 15 mm Hg(range 10–20 mm Hg). This phenomenon may be seen incardiogenic and obstructive shock states (Figure 14). Inscenarios in which the IVC diameter and collapse donot fit this paradigm, an intermediate value of 8 mm Hg(range 5–10 mm) is suggested. Note that in the intubatedpatient receiving positive pressure ventilation, the respiratorydynamics of the IVC will be reversed. However, in mostintubated patients, the IVC becomes larger and less compli-ant [51]. Therefore, repeated examinations of the IVC withfluid loading may be more helpful than a static one-timemeasurement, as volume responsiveness of the patient hasbeen correlated with progressive filling of the IVC over time.

The current prevailing opinion recommends that assess-ment of cardiac function be performed prior to measure-ment of the IVC to provide context for the interpretationof IVC findings. Examination of the IVC in both short andlong-axis views is also emphasized, as a single longitudinalmeasurement may be off-axis, incorrectly underestimating

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Figure 14: Inferior vena cava plethora, long axis view.

Figure 15: Small, collapsing internal jugular vein, short axis view.IJ: internal jugular vein, CA: carotid artery.

the size of the vessel in a pitfall known as the cylinder tangenteffect.

In the patient in whom a gas filled stomach or intestineprecludes adequate assessment of the IVC, the internaljugular (IJ) veins may be evaluated with the head of thepatient’s bed elevated to 30 degrees. A high-frequency lineararray probe is recommended for this exam. For volumeassessment, one should examine both the relative fullnessof the veins and the height of the vessel column in theneck, as well as the percentage change in these parameterswith respiratory dynamics [52, 53]. Optimally, both rightand left IJ veins should be evaluated. A small caliber jugularvein, with a closing level low in the neck with inspiration,correlates well with a low CVP (Figure 15). Conversely, anIJ vein that is distended superiorly to the angle of the jaw,with little inspiratory collapse, indicates an elevated CVP(Figure 16). This provides a sonographic evaluation for JVDand can be helpful in corroborating the volume assessmentmade from evaluation of the IVC [54].

(B) Leakiness of the Tank: FAST and Thoracic Ultrasound.Once a patient’s intravascular volume status has beendetermined, the next step is to look for “leakiness of thetank.” This refers to hemodynamic compromise due to a

Head of bed positioned upright at30 degrees

Lat Med



Figure 16: Large, distended internal jugular vein, short axis view.IJ: internal jugular vein, CA: carotid artery.




Figure 17: FAST exam.

loss of critical fluids from the core vascular circuit. Intraumatic conditions, the clinician must quickly determinewhether hemoperitoneum or hemothorax is present. In thissetting, hypovolemic shock occurs as a result of “a holein the tank.” In nontraumatic conditions, accumulation ofexcess fluid into the abdominal and chest cavities oftensignifies “tank overload,” with resultant pleural effusionsand ascites that may build up with failure of the heart,kidneys, and/or liver. In a female patient of childbearingage, the exam should specifically assess for free abdominalor pelvic fluid, findings which may indicate a rupturedectopic pregnancy. This assessment is initiated with theFocused Assessment of Sonography for Trauma (FAST) exam(Figure 17) [55]. Aiming the probe above the diaphragmwill allow for identification of a thoracic fluid collection(Figure 18). If an abnormal fluid collection is detected andthere is a suspicion of a corresponding infectious process,ultrasound-guided aspiration of the fluid can be performed.

Finally, lung ultrasound can identify pulmonary edema, asign often indicative of “tank overload” and “tank leakiness”with fluid accumulation in the lung parenchyma [56–59].To assess for pulmonary edema with ultrasound, the lungsare scanned with a low-frequency phased array transducerin the anterolateral chest between the second and fifthrib interspaces. Examining the lungs from a more lateral

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Figure 18: Pleural effusion.

Figure 19: Pulmonary edema B-lines.

orientation, or even from a posterior approach, increases thesensitivity of this technique [60]. Detection of pulmonaryedema with ultrasound relies on seeing a special typeof lung ultrasound artifact, termed ultrasound B-lines or“lung rockets.” These B-lines appear as a series of diffuse,brightly echogenic lines originating from the pleural lineand projecting posteriorly in a fanlike pattern (Figure 19).In contrast to the smaller comet tail artifacts of normal lungthat fade out within a few centimeters of the pleura and arebetter seen with the use of a high frequency probe, the B-lines of pulmonary edema are more defined and extend to thefar field of the ultrasound image with use of a low-frequencyprobe.

(C) Compromise of the Tank: Pneumothorax. The thirdcomponent of the assessment of the tank is to assess for“tank compromise.” This may occur as a result of a tensionpneumothorax, where venous return to the heart is limitedby increased thoracic pressure. For this exam, the patientshould be positioned in a supine position. A high frequencylinear array probe is positioned at the most anterior pointof the thorax to identify the pleural line. This line appearsas an echogenic horizontal line, located approximately ahalf-centimeter deep to the ribs. The pleural line consistsof the closely opposed visceral and parietal pleura. In the

Figure 20: Normal lung.

Figure 21: Pneumothorax.

normal lung, the visceral and parietal pleura can be seento slide against each other, with a glistening or shimmeringappearance as the patient breathes. “Comet-tail” artifacts, orvertical hyperechoic lines, may be seen to extend posteriorlyfrom the opposed pleura (Figure 20). The presence oflung sliding with comet-tails excludes a pneumothorax. Incontrast, a pneumothorax results in air collecting betweenthe layers of the parietal and visceral pleura, preventing theultrasound beam from detecting normal lung sliding andvertical comet-tails (Figure 21) [61–64]. The pleural line willconsist only of the parietal layer, seen as a single stationaryline. While the line may be seen to move anteriorly andposteriorly due to exaggerated chest wall motions, notedoften in cases of severe respiratory distress, the characteristichorizontal sliding of the pleural line will not be seen.

The presence or absence of lung sliding can be graphicallydepicted using M-mode Doppler. A normal image willdepict “waves on the beach.” Closest to the probe, thestationary anterior chest wall demonstrates a linear pattern,while posterior to the pleural line the presence of lungmotion demonstrates an irregular, granular pattern. Inpneumothorax, M-mode Doppler ultrasound will only showrepeating horizontal lines, indicating a lack of lung slidingin a finding known as the “barcode” or “stratosphere sign”(Figure 22).

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Figure 22: M-mode of normal lung versus pneumothorax.

Figure 23: The RUSH exam. Step 3: Evaluation of “the pipes”.

3.3. Step 3: The Pipes. The third and final step in the RUSHexam is to examine “the pipes,” looking first at the arterialside of the circulatory system, and secondly, at the venousside (Figure 23). Vascular catastrophes, such as a rupturedabdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) or an aortic dissection,are life-threatening causes of hypotension. The survival ofsuch patients may often be measured in minutes, and theability to quickly diagnose these diseases is crucial.

(A) Rupture of the Pipes: Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection.Examination of the abdominal aorta along its entire courseis essential to rule out an aneurysm, paying special attentionto the aorta below the renal arteries where most AAAs arelocated (Figure 24). An AAA is diagnosed when the vesseldiameter exceeds 3 cm. Measurements should be obtainedin the short-axis plane, measuring the maximal diameterof the aorta from outer wall to outer wall and shouldinclude any thrombus present in the vessel (Figure 25).Smaller aneurysms may be symptomatic, although ruptureis more common with aneurysms measuring larger than5 cm [65–67]. Rupture of an AAA typically occurs into theretroperitoneal space, which is an area difficult to visualizewith ultrasound. Therefore, in an unstable patient withclinical symptoms consistent of this condition and an AAA

Figure 24: Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) types.

Figure 25: Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) measured, short axisview.

diagnosed by ultrasound, rupture should be assumed andemergency treatment expedited.

Another crucial part of “the pipes” protocol is evaluationfor an aortic dissection. Sonographic findings suggestive ofthe diagnosis include the presence of aortic root dilationand an aortic intimal flap [68–70]. The parasternal long-axis view of the heart permits an evaluation of the proximalaortic root. In general, a normal aortic root should measureless than 3.8 cm. A Stanford Class A aortic dissection willoften lead to a widened aortic root (Figure 26) [71]. Inthis type of dissection, aortic regurgitation or pericardialeffusion may also be seen. An echogenic intimal flap maybe recognized within the dilated root or along the courseof the aorta. The suprasternal view allows further imagingof the aortic arch. A Stanford Class B aortic dissection maybe detected by noting the presence of an intimal flap in thedescending aorta or in the abdominal aorta in cases thatpropagate below the diaphragm. Color flow Doppler imagingcan be used to confirm this diagnosis, by further delineatingtwo lumens with distinct blood flow within the vessel.Immediate Cardiothoracic Surgical consultation should beobtained with suspicion of an ascending aortic dissectionin an unstable patient. This is especially important in the

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Figure 26: Aortic arch dissection with widened aortic root,parasternal long axis view. RV: right ventricle, LV: left ventricle, LA:left atrium, AV: aortic valve.

patient with an aortic dissection resulting in a pericardialeffusion, since the optimal therapy is surgical. Emergentpericardiocentesis in this setting has precipitated worseoutcomes in patients through the massive reaccumulation ofpericardial blood [72].

(B) Obstruction of the Pipes: DVT. If a thromboembolicevent is suspected as the cause of shock, the next stepshould be an assessment of the venous side of “the pipes.”Since the majority of pulmonary emboli originate fromlower extremity DVTs, the examination is concentrated ona limited compression evaluation of specific areas of theleg (Figure 27). Simple compression ultrasonography, whichuses a high frequency linear probe to apply direct pressureto the vein, has good overall sensitivity for detection of DVT[73, 74].

A normal vein will completely collapse with simplecompression. In contrast, an acute blood clot will form amass within the lumen of the vein. The pathognomonicfinding of DVT is the incomplete compression of the anteriorand posterior walls of the vein with applied probe pressure(Figure 28). The limited DVT examination has been foundto have a high accuracy for evaluation of clot within theleg veins and can be rapidly performed. The exam focuseson the common femoral vein, the proximal femoral vein ofthe thigh and the popliteal vein behind the knee [75–78].If an upper extremity thrombus is clinically suspected, thesame compression techniques can be employed on the armveins.

4. Putting RUSH into Action

The mnemonic of the RUSH protocol—pump, tank, andpipes—was created as a physiological roadmap for cliniciansto easily remember in the heat of resuscitation. Table 1summarizes the components of the RUSH exam. TheRUSH protocol was designed to be rapidly performed bychoosing those specific exam components that are mostapplicable to the clinical context. While the entire protocol

Figure 27: Limited leg deep venous thrombosis exam (starredveins).

Lateral Medial


Figure 28: Deep venous thrombosis of the femoral vein, short axisview.

is extensive and incorporates multiple ultrasound elements,it is advised that clinicians always start with evaluation ofthe heart and IVC/IJ veins. The RUSH exam should thenbe tailored based on clinical suspicion, as many patientsmay be assessed with an abbreviated exam. Incorporationof other components, such as lung, FAST, aorta, and DVTexams can be determined as the clinical picture dictates.Table 2 demonstrates how using the RUSH exam at thebedside can assist in the diagnosis of shock in the critically illpatient.

5. Overview of Current ResuscitationUltrasound Protocols

As bedside ultrasound is increasingly available and incorpo-rated into Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, a numberof protocols have been developed for the evaluation ofpatients in shock, respiratory distress, and cardiac arrest.Major resuscitation ultrasound protocols for use in criticallyill medical and trauma patients include: ACES [4], BEAT[5], BLEEP [6], Boyd Echo [7], EGLS [8], Elmer/NobleProtocol [9], FALLS [10], FAST [11], Extended-FAST [12],FATE [13], FEEL-Resuscitation [14], FEER [15], FREE

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Table 1: RUSH protocol summary.

RUSH exam Hypovolemic shock Cardiogenic shock Obstructive shock Distributive shock

PumpHypercontractile heart

Small heart sizeHypocontractile heart

Dilated heart size

Pericardial effusion, RVstrain

Hypercontractile heart

Hypercontractile heart (early sepsis)Hypocontractile heart (late sepsis)


Flat IVCFlat IJV

Peritoneal fluidPleural fluid

Distended IVCDistended IJVLung rockets

Pleural effusions, ascites

Distended IVCDistended IJV

Absent lung sliding(PTX)

Normal/small IVCNormal/small IJV

Pleural fluid (empyema)Peritoneal fluid (peritonitis)


Aortic dissectionNormal DVT Normal

Table 2: Using the RUSH protocol to diagnose the type of shock.

Step no. 1 Step no. 2 Step no. 3


Pericardial effusion:(a) Effusion present?(b) Signs of tamponade?

Diastolic collapse of R Vent +/− R Atrium?

Left ventricular contractility:(a) Hyperdynamic?(b) Normal?(c) Decreased?

Right ventricular strain:(a) Increased size of RV?(b) Septal displacement

from right to left?


Tank volume:(1) Inferior vena cava:

(a) Large size/small Insp collapse?—CVP high—

(b) Small size/large Insp collapse?—CVP Low—

(2) Internal jugular veins:(a) Small or large?

Tank leakiness:(1) E-FAST exam:

(a) Free fluid Abd/Pelvis?(b) Free fluid thoracic cavity?

(2) Pulm edema:Lung rockets?

Tank compromise:Tension pneumothorax?

(a) Absent lung sliding?(b) Absent comet tails?

PipesAbdominal aorta aneurysm:

Abd aorta > 3 cm?

Thoracic aorta aneurysm/dissection:(a) Aortic root > 3.8 cm?(b) Intimal flap?(c) Thor aorta > 5 cm?

(1) Femoral vein DVT?Noncompressible vessel?

(2) Popliteal vein DVT?Noncompressible vessel?

[16], POCUS-Fast and Reliable [17], RUSH-HIMAP [18],RUSH-Pump/Tank/Pipes [19, 20], Trinity [21] and UHP[22]. See Table 3 for comparison of the major medicalshock ultrasound protocols. Current major resuscitationprotocols for dyspnea include the BLUE protocol [23] andRADIUS [24]. The BLUE protocol focuses solely on lungultrasound for the diagnosis of the following conditions:pneumothorax, pulmonary edema, pulmonary consolida-tion, and effusions. The RADIUS protocol begins with car-diac and IVC evaluation, followed by a focused pulmonaryexam.

While it appears that there are many competing proto-cols, what unifies these protocols is an emphasis on many ofthe same ultrasound examination components. Cardiac andIVC views are integral to the majority. The cardiac evaluationin these protocols emphasizes the following: focused evalua-tion for pericardial effusion and tamponade, left ventricularcontractility, and right ventricular strain. Cardiac valvularassessment remains absent from most Emergency Medicineprotocols, although mentioned in some Critical Care exams.More recent protocols have included lung ultrasound as animportant component. While these protocols may prioritizethe sequence of these components differently, the summaryconclusion is that these many shock ultrasound guidelineshold more in common than in difference.

6. Conclusion of Patient Cases

In the first clinical case, the patient was clinically diagnosedwith septic shock. The Rush exam was performed and thefirst step, evaluation of “the pump” demonstrated no peri-cardial effusion, good cardiac contractility and no evidenceof right ventricular strain. Evaluation of “the tank” demon-strated relative hypovolemia and a low CVP, with a smalldiameter IVC that collapsed completely with sniffing. A smalldiameter and collapsible IJ vein evaluation corroborated thisvolume assessment. Evaluation of “the pipes” demonstrateda normal thoracic and abdominal aorta size. The DVT examwas deferred given the low probability of DVT from theclinical context. Based on this hemodynamic evaluation,the patient was aggressively resuscitated with normal saline,and periodic ultrasound reevaluation demonstrated IVCfilling with volume loading. His blood pressure improvedwith this resuscitation and broad-spectrum antibiotics wereadministered. Blood testing for troponin elevation over timewas negative and further advanced imaging of his aorta whileadmitted to the hospital was normal.

In the second case, the RUSH exam immediatelydetected a large pericardial effusion on evaluation of“the pump”. Diastolic compression of the right ventricle wasnoted, indicating tamponade physiology. Rapid assessment

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Table 3: Summary of the major ultrasound protocols for medical shock assessment.






















Cardiac 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3

IVC 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 4 2 2

FAST A/P 4 3 1 3 3 3 1

Aorta 3 5 4 7 2 2

Lungs PTX 1 4 2 2 5 6

Lungs effusion 5 2 4

Lungs edema 4 5 1 6 5

DVT 7 8



Numbers indicate exam sequence for each protocol.

of “the tank” demonstrated a large diameter IVC that hadlittle respiratory change, confirming an elevated CVP andcorroborating the presence of tamponade physiology. Anultrasound-guided pericardiocentesis was performed withinminutes of the patient’s presentation to the ED. Following theprocedure, the patient’s hemodynamics improved, and shewas admitted to the intensive care unit.

These cases highlight the role of resuscitative ultrasoundand the RUSH protocol in guiding the care of the patientin shock. Due to the noninvasive nature of ultrasoundand its ability to provide repeated assessment of physiologyduring resuscitation, this modality has moved to the frontline of emergency care and is considered among the newand important uses of ultrasound by the American Collegeof Emergency Physicians and Critical Care Societies [79–82]. Physicians caring for critical patients should stronglyconsider integrating focused ultrasound techniques, suchas the RUSH exam, into their resuscitation pathways toaugment their clinical evaluation and guide resuscitation.


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