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Review ArticleAnthropometric Measurements Usage in Medical Sciences

Nevin Utkualp1 and Ilker Ercan2

1Uludag University School of Health, Bursa, Turkey2Department of Biostatistics, Uludag University Faculty of Medicine, Bursa, Turkey

Correspondence should be addressed to Nevin Utkualp;

Received 22 January 2015; Revised 11 March 2015; Accepted 11 March 2015

Academic Editor: Juan A. Sanchis-Gimeno

Copyright © 2015 N. Utkualp and I. Ercan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

Morphometry is introduced as quantitative approach to seek information concerning variations and changes in the forms oforganisms that described the relationship between the human body and disease. Scientists of all civilization, who existed until today,examined the human body using anthropometric methods. For these reasons, anthropometric data are used in many contexts toscreen for or monitor disease. Anthropometry, a branch of morphometry, is the study of the size and shape of the components ofbiological forms and their variations in populations. Morphometrics can also be defined as the quantitative analysis of biologicalforms. The field has developed rapidly over the last two decades to the extent that we now distinguish between traditionalmorphometrics and the more recent geometric morphometrics. Advances in imaging technology have resulted in the protection ofa greater amount ofmorphological information and have permitted the analysis of this information.The oldest andmost commonlyused of these methods is radiography. With developments in this area, CT and MRI have also been started to be used in screeningof the internal organs. Morphometric measurements that are used in medicine, are widely used in the diagnosis and the follow-upand the treatment of the disease, today. In addition, in cosmetology use of these new measurements is increasing every day.

1. Introduction

Since ancient times, the human body has been measuredfor several reasons. During the ancient era, human bodymeasurement was mostly practiced for the figurative arts.Eventually, the practice was adopted by the naturalist fieldand then by anthropologists to identify humanbasicmorpho-logical characteristics.The termanthropometria dates back tothe 17th century in the naturalist field, when it first appearedin the short manual Anthropometria by Johann SigismundElsholtz [1–3]. The manual seems to be the earliest recordedmaterial that investigated the human body for scientific andmedical purposes. It introduced a quantitative approach toseek information concerning variations and changes in theforms of organisms that described the relationship betweenthe human body and disease [4]. Elsholtz proposed that theuse of anthropometry constituted a valuable measurementstrategy for different fields such as medical practices, phys-iognomy, the arts, and ethics [3, 5]. In the second half ofthe century, a strong need for counting and measuring thehuman body arose, and the representation of the instruments

used in clinical practices became vital for the medical field.The pulsilogium, which was invented by Sanctorius at theUniversity of Padua, was one of the first instruments in thefield and was used to evaluate the pulse rate. During the 18thcentury, the well-known French anatomist Jean-Joseph Sue,Swiss physiognomist Johann Kaspar Lavater, and Germannaturalist Johann Friedrich Blumenbach presented valuableresearch on different issues concerning measurement [6].At the prompting of these academics, “the season of mea-surers” began, and practitioners started to believe in thepractical application of numbers.Making use ofmathematics,geometry, and statistics, anthropologists presented humaninvestigation methodologies and became “anthropometers”[1, 2]. The anthropologists’ prior object of investigationwas “the skull,” which they believed represented the mostimportant part of the body. The anthropometrical methodbecame more popular in several fields due to the research ofAdolphe Quetelet in the 19th century [2]. During this period,the new conceptualization of human diversity advanced thispractice for the creation and validation of racial typologies [1].

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In theWest, the use of measurements and the descriptionof the human body emerged among the artists of classicalcivilizations; however, more systematic body measurementsand records gained importance due to the demands of earlymodern military organizations [2]. The measurement of theheight of individuals, especially youngmen, became the basicprocedure used to classify them as appropriate or not formilitary recruitment. Through the end of the 19th century,anthropometry became a new tool for clinical practices andtaxonomy as public healthmeasurements gained importance.In the 19th and 20th centuries, anthropometry manifestedin the measurements of weight, circumference, stature, andskinfold thickness that were used to identify environmentalinfluences that impacted child growth [4].

Because ancient anthropometric research was a relativelycurrent concept, the related medical literature concerningnutrition and physical growth served as a valuable theoreticalsource. Hence, the biomedical literature of the World HealthOrganization (WHO) was regarded as one of the best sourcesthat represented general health conditions within a society[3].

Because of its use as a measurement of physiological anddevelopmental human growth, anthropometria appeared inseveral clinical practices that utilized instruments such asthemanometer, sphygmograph, hemocytometer, hemoglobi-nometer, and spirometer [2]. The need for these mea-surements stemmed from the interaction between severalintricately linked concepts, including nutrition and infec-tion, psychosocial stress, food contaminants, hypoxia, andpollution [1]. Factors mostly linked to socioeconomic statusand poverty indicated that body size was a signal for thequality of life. Thus, anthropometric practices could be usedas a tool for social welfare, whereas factors such as culture,society, behavior, and the political economy played importantbut distal roles in the outcomes of growth and body size[1, 3, 5].

2. Historical Development of Anthropometry

Over the ages, all civilizations have been interested in thehuman body. Artists in particular have reflected the effectsof this interest in their works.

In the ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations,famous artists usedmale figures in their artwork (i.e., picturesand statues) with the desire to represent issues such as beauty,virtue, independence, military power, and authority [6, 7].

In the ancient era, artists were interested in the depic-tion of body parts based on reciprocal proportions. Artistsbelieved that the human body represented as “an ideal humanfigure” had specific proportions between its constituent parts.Throughout history, these proportions were considered to becanon. In practical use, any given part of the human bodycould be chosen for measurement and proportioned to theother parts due to the absence of standardized measurementunits such as the meter, centimeter, or millimeter. Therefore,any given human body part could be described as a “unitof measurement” (module). These measurement units con-tained various modules such as the length of the feet, lengthof the hand, and height of the head [5, 8, 9].

Throughout history there have been studies related to the“human body” branches of art (i.e., sculpture and painting)as well as studies related to anatomy in the field of medicine.In the three most well-known ancient civilizations, scholarsevaluated the “human body” using the concepts of canon andmodules [6, 10].

3. Anthropometric Measurements inAncient Civilizations

3.1. Egyptian Civilization. The first known dissections withthe aim of learning (III century BC) were performed byscholars in Egypt [7]. In the most ancient cannon, “length offeet” (LF) was used as the module. Human figures drawn onthe walls of the pyramids by Egyptian artists were depictedwith heights six times longer than the length of their feet;however, when the artists noticed that the proportions did notreflect reality, they adjusted the height of taller human figuresto a height equivalent to seven feet. According to our presentarithmetic knowledge, they proportioned the horizontal linesbased on height and the vertical lines based on the width ofthe human body [7, 9].

3.2. Ancient Greek Civilization. The most famous artist ofthis era was Polykleitos. Polykleitos evaluated the humanbody and wrote the first known artistic anatomy book. Therenowned scholars used the “width of hand” (WH) as amodule and described the proportions he used betweenvarious body parts and the width of hand as well as theinequalities. During the period of Greek civilization, forthe first time multiple equalities were used in drawings ofthe human body between the longitudinal, oblique, andtransversal dimensions [7].

3.3. Roman Civilization. Roman artists and scholars furtherdeveloped studies of the “human body.” Moreover, someequalities were described after a human figure in the collegeposition was placed in a square frame. Because notables ofthe era such as Leonardo da Vinci found that the humanfigure in the college position had an equal length and width,human paintings were often performed using a square frame[7, 9, 10]. Artists during the era of the Roman Empirecontinued these studies by merging art with anatomy andquietly exploiting mathematics [11].

3.4. Anthropometric Measurements during the Renaissance.Great artists of the renaissance (Leonardo da Vinci andAlbrechtDurer) createdmanyworks based on these rules andproportions. Works related to the human body were devel-oped according to rules that were considered to representclassical anthropometrical measurement techniques [7].

(i) The renowned renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinciwas interested in both art and sciences.He performed cadaverdissections and notated his measurements, notes, and draw-ings with the attention to detail of a scientific investigator.For the first time in history, he investigated the human face,head, neck, and other related parts in detail, mainly followingthe “Polykleitan theory.” He worked on a drawing belongingto Vitruvius, and after rigorous investigation of this work he

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demonstrated his success in this field. Indeed, the “Vitruvianman” became one of his most renowned works [7, 9].

(ii) Durer was a versatile artist and architect who workedin both the mathematics and anatomy fields. He was bornin Germany and examined both the male and female figuresfrom the perspective of science and art. However, in his eradissection was not allowed in Germany, so his work relied onthe use of live models and examinations of the literature. Healso has investigated the positions of the internal organs anddepicted the projections of the spleen in his work. His mostfamous work titled “Adam and Eve” showed his incrediblyrigorous calculations [7].

3.5. Anthropometric Works in the “20th” Century. After the19th century, the concept of the “average” male figure wasdeveloped based on comprehensive measurements. In theearly 20th century, the French doctor of medicine andpainter-sculptor Paul Richer performed one of the mostdetailed and scientific studies of the postrenaissance era dueto his use of anthropometric methods. He described the“average human figure” based on comprehensive measure-ments rather than the “ideal human figure.” He chose “heightof head” as the module and depicted the front and the backview. Additionally, he explained human anatomy in the con-text of themedial and lateral views of the extremities [1, 5, 10].

Morphometrics, a branch of anthropometry, is the studyof the size and shape of the components of biological formsand their variations in populations [11]. Morphometrics isa field concerned with studying variations and changes informs (i.e., size and shape) of organisms; morphometricscan also be defined as the quantitative analysis of biologicalforms. The field has developed rapidly over the last twodecades to the extent that we now distinguish betweentraditional morphometrics and the more recent geometricmorphometrics [4].

3.5.1. Traditional Morphometrics. In traditional morphomet-rics, it is not possible to recover the shape of the originalformusing the usual datamatrices of distancemeasurements,even as an abstract representation.The overall form is neitherarchived nor used in the analysis. For example, a researchermay know that several measurements share a commonlandmark, but this information is not used in themultivariateanalyses. As a result, the analyses cannot be expected to be aspowerful as they could be if that information were taken intoaccount [4, 11].

Traditional morphometrics consisted of applying multi-variate statistical analyses to sets of traditional measurementsbetween points with biological and anatomical meanings todefine shapes called landmarks. These measurements usuallyrepresented the lengths and widths of structures and thedistances between certain landmarks, which are describedas the points of correspondence on each matching objectbetween and within populations. Sometimes angles andratios were used [11, 12].

When multivariate morphometrics was combined withboth quantitative morphology and multivariate statistics,several difficulties still remained. As an example, many waysof size correction were proposed, but there were great debates

about which method should be utilized [4, 11]. It was impor-tant due to little different results caused by different size cor-rection methods. Second, homology of linear distances wasdifficult to be evaluated due to insufficiency of homologouspoints about definingmany distances (maximumwidth, etc.).Thirdly, similar set of distance measures may be obtainedfrom two different shapes because data did not include loca-tion of each distance measurement which were relative to theother distance measurements. Traditional morphometricsdoes not allow recovering shape of original form from usualdata matrices even if it is an abstract representation. Archivesand analyses did not include whole form. A researcher mayknow the common landmark shared by several measure-ments; however, this knowledge has no role in multivariateanalyses. As a result, analyses will not be powerful as thecondition which information were used in [4, 11–13].

3.5.2. Geometric (Modern) Morphometrics. In the 1960s and1970s, biometricians began applying multivariate statisticalanalyses to sets of traditional measurements. Geometricmorphometric methods are more valid than traditionalmorphometric methods in protecting morphological infor-mation and permitting the analysis of this information. Formorphometrics to fulfill its promise of fusing geometrywith biology there must be equal emphasis on the twocomponents. Morphometric techniques need to be designedand applied with biology inmind, and the quantitative resultsmust be directly interpretable using biological methods [11,13].

In geometric morphometrics, biological shape is definedvia transformation of the original shape, which is selected asa reference shape. Thompson proposed the idea in 1942, andalthough the method was attractive and promising for theanalysis of biological shapes, themethod did not have an ana-lytical procedure. With the advent of computers, applicationsformorphometric analysis based onThompson’s idea becamepossible. Data are recorded to represent the geometry of thestructure being studied [11].These data are in the formof two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) coordinatesof morphological landmark-points. The estimates of theparameter of the fitted function can then be used as variablesin standard univariate and multivariate statistical analyses[12]. The coordinates are much more useful than traditionalmeasurements, and the usual distance measurements can becomputed from the coordinates [11, 12, 14]. Using landmarkcoordinates, concise encoding of all information in any subsetof distances or angles between them is possible. Analysisand visualization which is on coordinate-based approachesare called complete retention of geometric information fromdata collection. Within geometric morphometrics, collectinginformation concerning the location of different points aslandmarks addresses comparisons between organic forms.Considering points as homogenously distributed on theorganism and have some biologicalmeaning, a set of homolo-gous points, landmarks provide information of biological lifeforms [11–13].

The fundamental advantages of geometric morphomet-rics over traditional approaches (i.e., multivariate morpho-metric techniques) include the development of powerful

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statistical methods based on models that are used to examinethe shape variation of all configurations that correspond tomorphologic landmark locations. Indeed, in many biologicalor biomedical studies, the most efficient way to analyze theforms of whole biological organs or organisms is by register-ing landmarks [4]. Many studies in medicine are related tothe examination of the geometrical properties of an organor organism. In these studies, statistical analysis consistsof the quantitative or qualitative measurement of givenvalues; for example, recently a given organ or organism’sappearance or shape has been used as the input data for thedevelopment of imaging techniques [13]. Commonly, quanti-tative or qualitative data sets used for statistical analysisconsist of measurement values. In recent times, followingthe development of imaging techniques an organ or organ-ism’s appearance or shape began to be used as the inputdata [4]. In these studies, the statistical analysis consistsof the quantitative or qualitative measurement of the givenvalues.

For over 50 years, qualitative morphometric techniqueshave been used within limits to assess bone density. Gradingsystems for the spine and proximal femur were developedwith the aim of characterizing the severity of bone loss.However, because the use of such systems could causehighly subjective interpretations, the inclusion of a series ofreference radiographs is recommended. Quantitative mor-phometric techniques are repeatedly used for imaging ofthe spine or proximal femur with X-rays. However, somemeasurement parameters were required for these techniquesto produce a quantitative assessment of the severity of boneloss [15–17].

4. Radiological Development ofImaging Modalities

Throughout history,many studies have focused on the humanbody, especially with the aim of identifying anatomical, phys-iological, and pathological features of the internal organs.Among these studies, those related to imaging modalities ofinternal organs are especially very valuable [18, 19]. Duringhis work with cathode ray tubes in 1895, German physicistWilhelm Conrad Rontgen noticed radiating rays when high-voltage electric current passed through a Crookes tube;Rontgen named them unknown rays (X-rays). On December22, 1895, Rontgen obtained an image of his wife’s handfollowing 15minutes of irradiation.These rays were identifiedas very high frequency electromagnetic waves with lightbursts as florescence. X-rays can pass through soft tissuesand partially penetrate into dense tissues such as bone. Thisprocess enabled internal views to be obtained as imagesfrom living organisms. Rontgen presented his invention tothe Physical Medicine Society in Germany, and two weekslater he obtained images of his own upper and lower teethusing irradiation on black paper and a glass photographyplaque wrapped with plastic. These images represented thefirst radiography images.The first medical X-ray radiography(Roentgen graphy) in history was also obtained during theseexperiments, andRontgen officially announced his important

discovery on December 28, 1895. Although potential radia-tion hazards due to the use of X-rays had been ignored, thedentist Frank Harrison reported skin peeling and hair loss inhis patients due to the use of X-ray radiography [15, 16].

In Turkey, the usage of X-rays in the field of medicinewas first performed by medical students Esat Feyzi andOsman Rifat. Both students detected bullets in woundedsoldiers during theOttoman-Greece battle using radiography[20–24]. One of the first studies concerning X-rays wasperformed by M. Hubert. In this study, Hubert evaluatedthe physiological and pathological values of kidneys collectedfrom different species of animals. Rich et al. studied the X-raysensitivity of human tumor cell. Both Rich et al. and Taokaand Shuloeva provided examples of roentgenological studiesof pulmonary function [22, 23, 25].

5. Computerized Tomography (CT)

The first quantitative CT measurement was proposed byJohann Radon. In 1972, J. N. Hounsfield scanned a sectionusing thin and weak X-rays and turned the result into animage after computer evaluation by reading the signals inthe scintillation chamber. Using this technique, a cross-sec-tional image could be obtained from anywhere in the body.Investigations of the CT accessibility of tissues and bodyregions showed that CT is more successful in imaging bonetissue than soft tissues due to its working principles anddesign.This invention was an important development for theimaging of brain and malignant tumors [26, 27].

Quantitative computed tomography (CT) is used forquantifying bone mineral density (BMD) in the spine, prox-imal femur, forearm, and tibia as a three-dimensional non-projectional technique. It has several advantages over otherdensitometric techniques, including the ability to separatethe cortical and trabecular bone, the fact that degenerativechanges in the spine cannot affect the volumes of interest(VOI), and the ability to determine 3D geometric parameters[26, 28].

6. Magnetic Resonance (MR)Imaging Technique

The identification of spin-based physic resonance by Wolf-gang Pauli in 1920 initiated the first attempts to obtain imagesusing the MR technique. Quantitative measurements in thisfield were first performed by physicists Bloch and Purcell. Intheir experiments, they demonstrated that atoms with onenucleon in their core were affected by the magnetic field andthat the orbit of the atomic cores was changed in response tothe magnetic field. For a long time, this finding was appliedsolely to the field of physics. Then, in 1970 Paul Lauterburobtained a clear MR image. The first diagnosis using thismodality was performed by Hawkes et al. in 1980. Currently,the ability to obtain fast and quality images of internal organsusing the MR technique and the relatively low risk of sideeffects has led to its common use both internationally andnationally [26–30].

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7. Current Utilization ofThree-Dimensional Imaging

Currently, the direct calculation of themeasurements ofmor-phometric quantitative area shapes has been made possibleby utilizing various programs after the common usage ofMRG.Due to its imaging capacity onmultiple planes, absenceof ionizing radiation, and utilization for the diagnosis ofmediastinum, this method has an important place in the fieldof medicine [29].

Mathematical analyses are used to identify the shape ofan anatomic region in the human body. These evaluationsare performed using optic measuring methods with 3Dimaging modalities. These methods are especially importantfor quantitating data in the complex anatomical structures ofthe human body. The assessment of the validity and safetyof these data has led to improvements in human health andquality of life [31].

The most commonly used imaging modality trio todayincludes the PET/CT modalities. In addition to imagingstructures in the human body, these modalities can alsodetect exact tumor locations and biological properties that areessential for diagnoses in cancer patients [28, 30].

Anthropometric measurements are important for theevaluation of morbidities of individuals in society and thusmeet the requirements of that society. For human health,the field of medicine requires constant development andrenewal. Throughout history, anthropometric measurementswere improved as details of human anatomy were discovered,until the field reached today’s standards. In recent years, theutilization of many newmeasurement devices for clinical useand primary studies has inevitably led to improvements inmeasurement parameters and techniques [6, 7].

In the eras of the Ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Romancivilizations, artists made detailed evaluations of the humanbody. Artists of the renaissance period created ideal ratiosin their works using mathematical methods (i.e., canons andmodule measurement). The “golden ratio” that was used byLeonardo da Vinci in his drawings currently remains thenorm for beauty. In this ratio, anthropometric data and ratiosare used to compare the ratios of disproportions present onthe face [7].

A tendency towards plastic surgeries has becomewidespread over the past several years. Interventions relatedwith this field include corrections of congenital malforma-tions as well as various optional modifications on individual’sbodies. Anthropometries of the human body and especiallythe face are used for the identification of these disproportions.Therefore, more standardized and purpose-oriented meas-urements in the field of plastic surgery are important for amore objective evaluation of human bodies [32].

8. Cosmetology

The use of imaging techniques in facial cosmetics is anundesirable feature caused by extrinsic photo damage andthe intrinsic aging process [33]. A decrease in wrinkleseverity has become a very important evaluation criterion inaesthetic dermatology for the assessment of the success of

rejuvenating treatments. Many quantification methods havebeen developed to analyze wrinkles. The comparative evalu-ation of modern scales and 3D images can lead to a furtherunderstanding of facial wrinkles and may elucidate the con-nection between clinical assessment and appraisal using bio-physical measuring methods. Luebberding et al. investigatedfacial wrinkles in a study designed to compare clinical ratingsand 3D fringe projections [34]. Jiang et al. [35] used theSWIRL (Stephens wrinkle imaging raking light) method asan example.The use of this method represents a step towardsbetter understanding of the actions and changes producedby prescription and cosmetic wrinkle treatment productsand medical procedures [35]. Another branch of medicineusing imaging techniques is breast cosmetics. However, theconcept of breast size itself remains controversial. Breastvolume and breast density must be distinguished, and theappropriate measurement, whether subjective reporting, cupsize,mammographic assessment, or three-dimensional imag-ing, remains unclear [26]. Ultrasound and mammographyare useful imaging techniques for the assessment of recon-structed breasts in symptomatic settings.Magnetic resonanceimaging of the breast is another important diagnostic tech-nique that is useful for breast cancer. Its performance is indi-cated in several situations, including staging of the diseaseand treatment planning [27]. MR imaging is the most accu-rate of the three preoperative imaging modalities in assessingthe size and number of malignant lesions in the breast. Thestudies of Faermann et al. [29] were the first to assess thetumor-to-breast volume ratiomeasured byMRI and to corre-late it to the type of surgery selected for the patient (i.e., breastconservation or mastectomy) [29]. To evaluate the compara-tive accuracy ofmagnetic resonance (MR) imaging relative tomammography and ultrasonography (US) for the assessmentof the extent of breast tumors, Yımaz et al. reviewed the find-ings of Boetes et al. [28] and Fischer et al. [30] and suggestedthat the sensitivity and specificity of US and MRI exams fordetecting local recurrence were higher than clinical examina-tions [7, 28, 30]. Furthermore,MRI plays an important role intreatment planning and is more objective in determining theresponse of tumoral lesions to systemic treatment.The use of3D imaging and computerized measurements brings a newdimension into surgical planning. Indeed, studies showedthat the portrait 3D platform create in cosmetology [35].

Today, many fields, including plastic surgery, depend onphoto documentation as a crucial part of both clinical prac-tice and medical education. The most recent advancementin breast plastic surgery is ideally suited for 3D technology.The portrait 3D breast imaging system provides a highlyreproducible 3D tool for measuring breast volume andsimulating breast augmentation [33].

9. Conclusion

The main reasons for the widespread use of statisticalshape analysis in medicine include the fact that geometricmorphometric methods are more valid than traditionalmorphometric methods. Advances in imaging technologyhave resulted in the protection of a greater amount ofmorphological information and have permitted the analysis

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of this information. There is hope that advances in bothscreening and diagnostic technology will ultimately have apositive impact on treatment. Furthermore, the use of thesetreatment modalities for cosmetic use has been rising.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


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