Reverse Logistics Presentation SCM

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Transcript of Reverse Logistics Presentation SCM

  • 8/13/2019 Reverse Logistics Presentation SCM




    Prashant M.P.

    Rohit C.Shetty.Rosh Rejendran.

    Sagar K.

    Sannidhi Purushotham.

  • 8/13/2019 Reverse Logistics Presentation SCM



    Logistics (Forward)

    Process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, cost-effective

    flow of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods and related

    information from the point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose

    of conforming to customer requirements

    - Council of Logistics, 1988 -

    Reverse Logistics

    Process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, cost-effective

    flow of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods and related

    information from the point of consumption to the point of origin for the purpose

    of recapturing value or proper disposal

    - Rogers and Tibben-Lembke -

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    Reverse Logistics Activities

    Handling of returnedmerchandise Damage

    Seasonal inventory

    Resell via outlet

    Salvage of outdated products

    Stockbalancing returns

    Recycling and reuse Material reuse Remanufacturing / refurbishing

    Hazardous materials disposition

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    The Reverse Logistics Process
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    Return Percentages

    Source: Rogers and Tibben-Lembke, Going Backwards: Reverse Logistics Trends and Practices, 1998

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    Publishing Industry

    Highest rate of unsold copies (28% on


    Growth of large chain stores: More square

    footage requires more books

    To secure a prominent display in

    superstores, publishers must supply large

    quantities of books

    Superstores sell less than 70% of books

    they order

    Shorter shelf life

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    Computer / Electronic Industry

    Shorter life cycles

    How to recover and reuse materials contained within


    Lead, copper, aluminum gold, plastics and glass

    E-waste includes computers, televisions, cell phones,

    audio equipment and batteries

    Remanufacturing of toner cartridges: 12,000

    remanufacturers, employing 42,000 workers, sell

    nearly $1 billion annually

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    Automotive Industry

    Three primary areas:

    Components in working order sold as is

    Other components, such as engines,

    alternators, starters, and transmissionsare refurbished before they can be sold

    Materials are reclaimed through

    crushing or shredding

    Automotive recyclers handle morethan 37% (on an average) of the

    nations ferrous scrap

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    Retail Industry

    Profit margins are so slim thatgood return management iscritical

    Returns reduce theprofitability of retailersmarginally more thanmanufacturers

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    Forward vs. Reverse Logistics

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    Reverse Logistics as a Strategic Weapon

    Many firms have not yet decided to emphasize reverse logisticsas a strategic variable.

    The handling of reverse logistics challenges is a strategiccapability.

    Reverse logistics is strategically used to:

    Reduce the risk of buying products thatmay not be hotsellingitems.

    Increase the switching costs ofchanging suppliers.

    Source: Rogers and Tibben-Lembke, Going Backwards: Reverse Logistics Trends and Practices, 1998

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    Competitive Reasons

    Liberal return policies over the last fewyears due of competitive pressures.

    Taking back unwanted products or productscustomers believe do not meet needs.

    Good Corporate Citizenship

    o Use reverse logistics capabilities for altruistic reasons,

    such as philanthropy.

    o These activities enhance the value of the brand and are

    a marketing incentive to purchase their products.

    Source: Rogers and Tibben-Lembke, Going Backwards: Reverse Logistics Trends and Practices, 1998

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    Retailer Manufacturer Conflict

    Inefficiencies that lengthen the time for processing returns:

    Condition of the item Value of the item Timeliness of response

    They have to develop a working partnership to derive mutual benefit.

    Problem Return Symptoms

    o Lack of information about

    the process.o If you arent measuring it,

    you arentmanaging it.

    Source: Rogers and Tibben-Lembke, Going Backwards: Reverse Logistics Trends and Practices, 1998

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    Cause and Effect

    Poor data collection leads to uncertainty

    about return causes.

    Improving the return process decreases


    Being able to see defective products and

    to track return issues.

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    Numerous barriers to good reverse logistics exist

    Management inattention and the lack of importance of reverse logistics.

    Corporate strategy for handling returns and non-salable items.

    Legal issues do not appear to be a major problem.

    Companies can not

    continue to overlook thenecessity of good reverselogistics management.

    Source: Rogers and Tibben-Lembke, Going Backwards: Reverse Logistics Trends and Practices, 1998

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    Key Reverse Logistics Management Element


    The screening of defective and unwarranted returned merchandise

    at the entry point into the reverse logistics process

    Rogers, Dale, and Don Tibben-Lembke

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    Key Reverse Logistics Management Element

    Compacting Disposition Cycle Time

    Important to know beforehand what to do with returned goods

    When material often comes back in to a distribution center, it isnot clear whether the items are: defective, can be reused, or

    refurbished, or need to be sent to a landfill

    The challenge of running a distribution system in forward isdifficult employees have difficulty making decisions when thedecision rules are not clearly stated and exceptions are oftenmade

    Goal: to reduce the amount of time to figure out what to do withreturned products once they arrive

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    Key Reverse Logistics Management Element

    Reverse Logistics Information Systems

    One of the most serious problems that the companies face in theexecution of a reverse logistics is the dearth of a good informationsystems. To work well, a flexible reverse logistics information

    system is required.

    The system should create a database at store level so that the retailer can begintracking returned product and follow it all the way back through the supply chain

    Information system should also include detailed information programs about

    important reverse logistics measurements, such as returns rates, recovery rates, andreturns inventory turnover

    Useful tools such as radio frequency (RF) are helpful. New innovations such astwo-dimensional bar code and radio frequency identification license plates (RFID)may soon be in use extensively

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    Key Reverse Logistics Management Element

    Centralized Return Centers (CRC)

    Consistency in disposition decisions andminimizations of errors

    Space saving advantage for retailers whowant to dedicate as much of the shop floor tosalable merchandise as possible

    Labor cost reductiondue to specialization,CRC employees can typically handle returnsmore efficiently than retail clerks can

    Transportation cost reductionempty

    truckloads used to pick up return merchandise

    A selling toolthe easy disposition of returneditems represent can be an appealing serviceto retailers, and may be a deal-maker forobtaining or retaining customers

    Faster disposition timesit allows thecompany to obtain higher credits and refundsstay idle for smaller periods of time, thus

    losing less value

    Easier to identify trends in returnsanadvantage to manufacturer who can detectand fix quality problems sooner than if thesereturns were handled entirely by customerservice personnel

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    Key Reverse Logistics Management Element

    Zero Returns

    A program where the company in question does not accept returns from itscustomers. Rather, it gives the retailer an allowable return rate, and proposesguidelines as to the proper disposition of the items. Such policies are usually

    accompanied by discounts for the retailer

    It passes the returns responsibility onto the retailer, while reducing costs for themanufacturer or distributor

    The drawback: the manufacturer losses control over its merchandise

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    Key Reverse Logistics Management Element

    Remanufacture and Refurbishment

    Five categories of remanufacture and refurbishment:

    The advantage to using reworked parts is felt through cost saving

    1) Repair2) Refurbishing3) Remanufacturing

    Make the product reusable for

    its intended purpose

    Retrieving reusable parts from

    old or broken products

    4) Cannibalization

    Reusing parts of products for

    different purpose

    5) Recycling

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    Reverse Logistics and the


    Environmental considerations have agreater impact on many logistics decisions.

    For example: Many products can no longer be placed

    in landfills

    Firms forced to take back their productsat the end of their useful lifetime.

    Decrease of landfill availability andincrease in Landfill costs.

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    Green Logistics and Reverse


    Reverse Logistics refers to all efforts to movegoods from their typical place disposal in

    order to recapture value. Green Logistics refers to minimizing the

    ecological impact of logistics, for example,reducing energy usage of logistics activities

    and reducing usage of materials.

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    A number of societal changes regarding theenvironment are having a profound impact

    on reverse logistics. Firms are forced to take their products back

    when they are banned; this benefits the firmsin two ways. They reuse the products and

    recapture their value. The firm is exposed asan environmentally friendly company.

    Product Take-Back
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    Product Take-Back

    Many companies such as Compaq, Hewlett-

    Packard, and Xerox have adopted theExtended Product Responsibility (EPR)program. EPR focuses on the total life of theproduct, looking for ways to prevent pollution

    and reduce resource and energy usagethrough the products life cycle.
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    More firms will give considerable attention on reverse logistics

    Efficient handling and disposition of returned product can make a

    competitive difference.

    Excellent reverse logistics practices add to the companysbottom line.

    Aspects to reduce the cost of reverselogistics:

    Improved Gatekeeping technology Partial returns credit

    Earlier disposition decisions

    Faster processing / shorter cycle times

    Better data management

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    Within reverse logistics, maintaining the environment and making

    profits are complementary.

    Fewer disposed products can benefit companies and the environment.

    Alternate uses of resources by extending productsnormal life cycles.

    Cost effective and ecologically friendly solutions.

    Reverse logistics is not simply a matter ofdriving the truck the opposite way.