Revenue Advantage Service Fees GUI - ·...

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Transcript of Revenue Advantage Service Fees GUI - ·...

Revenue Advantage Service Fees GUI


T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3 Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 3 Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 3 Setup Guidelines........................................................................................................................ 4 Accessing Revenue Advantage ................................................................................................. 5 Create New Administrator, Manager or Analyst ......................................................................... 6 Administration ID/PCC/Name Search ........................................................................................ 7 Agency PCC List........................................................................................................................ 8 Create New Group ..................................................................................................................... 8 Create Global Fee Group........................................................................................................... 9 Global Default Group Exception............................................................................................... 12 Creating Fee Groups ............................................................................................................... 15 Fee Group Exception ............................................................................................................... 18 Search/Modify Menu ................................................................................................................ 20 Summary Reports .................................................................................................................... 21 Detailed Report ........................................................................................................................ 22 Service Fee Formats for Agents .............................................................................................. 23 Issue Service Fee .................................................................................................................... 24 Issue Tickets and Invoice/Itinerary........................................................................................... 25 Format Finder help system ...................................................................................................... 26 Assessment ............................................................................................................................. 27 Reference - ARC Information................................................................................................... 28 Reference - BSP Information ................................................................................................... 29

Edition 1.1 (March 2003)

© 2003 Sabre Inc. All rights reserved.

This documentation is the confidential and proprietary intellectual property of Sabre Inc. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, preparation of derivative works, performance, or display of this document, or software represented by this document, without the express written permission of Sabre Inc. is strictly prohibited.

Sabre, Revenue Advantage, Sabre eVoya Webtop, Sabre eServices and the Sabre logo design are trademarks and/or service marks of an affiliate of Sabre Inc. All other trademarks, service marks, and trade names are owned by their respective companies.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Table of Contents 2

I n t r o d u c t i o n

Sabre® MagnifySM Revenue Advantage allows you the ability to implement a service fee structure to develop standard guidelines. It also allows you to meet the requirements of individual customer agreements. You can aggressively manage all aspects of service fee operations from definition to reporting.

Access the service fee process through new formats in the Sabre® global distribution system. The process reduces the need to fill in a mask or to remember who or how much to charge.

You can issue paperless service fee documents, after you have created the passenger name record (PNR). You can charge service fees on any type of PNR, with any type of segment information. Use Revenue Advantage for credit card transactions only.

O b j e c t i v e s

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

• Create new agent access

• Create a global default group and customized fee groups

• Add exceptions to groups

• Search or modify rules for service fees

• Run reports on service fee usage

• Issue a service fee at any time during the reservation process with a credit card form of payment

R e q u i r e m e n t s

Access the internet using Internet Explorer version 5.5 (recommended) or Netscape 4.75. Reports are provided in Adobe Acrobat format. Adobe Acrobat software must be loaded on any workstation used to administer Revenue Advantage. Revenue Advantage is designed to work with the Sabre system only.

Before you can access the Revenue Advantage GUI, complete the following:



Add the keyword AYMADM to your employee profile record (EPR).

Update your travel journal record (TJR). The following message should be in the TJR:


Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Introduction 3

S e t u p G u i d e l i n e s

The table below provides specific guidance regarding information that your agency must consider when implementing Revenue Advantage. Please note that there are two sections.

This table relates to information that must be considered when setting up your account in the Revenue Advantage database.

Step Account Setup Information

1 Review list of eligible Pseudo City Codes (PCCs) as defined in your Sabre contract. • Advise you account manager or Account Executive if any location should NOT

be on the list (inaccurate data)

2 Determine who from your main location is the administrator for Revenue Advantage.

Provide the following required agent information: • Agent ID • Password • PCC

This section addresses information that must be available to properly configure service fees for your agency.

Step Service Fee Configuration

1 Determine the key characteristics of your PCCs: • Do all PCCs use the same method to identify customers within a PNR

such as DK number, man field or UDID?

• Do all PCCs use the same currency?

• Is the service fee taxable for any PCC? For example, service fees are taxable at Canadian locations.

• Do all locations share the same tax structure for service fees? For example, the tx structure in British Columbia is different than Quebec?

• Will each PCC have the same service fee structure amounts for all transactions?

• Are there individual customers that have special agreements concerning service charges?

Using this information, divide the PCCs into groups that share the same customer identifier, currency, taxes and service fee values.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Setup Guidelines 4

Step Service Fee Configuration

2 Determine the Customer Identifier position: • If the DK field is used, what portion of the DK number is the actual customer

number? • You may use a DK that is a combination of Branch/Unit + customer number. • If the DK is 01ALIBERTY, the first 3 characters may be used as a Branch or

Unit, with the last 7 characters (Liberty) representing the actual customer identifier. The customer identifier position would begin with position 4 and end with position 10.

• If the statement information field (also known as the name reference field (or man field) is used, where does the actual customer identifier start and end? An example would be -Jones/Jerry*Cowboys. The customer number (or name) would be Cowboys, beginning position 1 and ending position 7.

• If a user defined interface data (UDID) field is used, which UDID number contains the customer identifier information? And what data within the UDID is the customer identifier? For example, in the PNR, a 5.U*34-IBM,Denver,Dept2453 may indicate the customer is IBM. The needed information would be UDID 34, with beginning position 1 and ending position 3.

3 Does the agency have special agreements with any specific customers concerning service charges? • Any customer that is charged a different service fee is considered an

exception. Exceptions can be defined based on the customer ID and the PCCs. Service fees are calculated on the booking PCC location at this time.

4 Do any locations require tax to be charged on service fees? • This impacts Canadian locations for GST, QST and/or HST tax. The 2-

character tax code and the percentage of tax applied is needed for the correct calculation of tax. For QST, the tax can be entered as a secondary tax, which applies the tax calculation to the service fee + the primary tax.

5 What is the start date of service fees? • Each PCC has a specific date to begin charging service fees. This is a

required element for each fee group.

6 What is the end date of service fee? • This is an optional field that allows the agency to define a specific termination

date for service fees.

A c c e s s i n g R e v e n u e A d v a n t a g e

The Revenue Advantage tool can be accessed through the Agency eServices Web site.

1. Go to



Pull down the manager tab, then Revenue Mgmt Tools.

Then, click the Revenue Advantage link.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Accessing Revenue Advantage 5

C r e a t e N e w A d m i n i s t r a t o r , M a n a g e r o r A n a l y s t





Determine and assign users via the agent setup functionality.

Note: Only those users that need to administer, manage, or view content require logins. For example, a quality control user might require a login with analyst permissions.

From the home page screen:

Click Administration

Click Agent Setup

Complete the following screen:



Number Description

1 The Sabre system agent ID

2 Enter the psuedo city code (PCC) where the agent works

3 Enter the agent’s name

4 The group access table is used after service fee groups have been created. This section does not show any entries when you initially log into the system. Administrators can associate users to fee groups based on functional requirements after the groups are defined. Defined groups are not required when entering user information. However, if you have completed all the initial setup and just need to add a user, groups can be assigned to a user when creating that user.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Create New Administrator, Manager or Analyst 6

Number Description

Select permission level:

Administrator This gives the user the maximum access to the program. The administrator rights should be reserved for a small group of management personnel.

Manager The manager rights give the individual the ability to create and modify fee related information for specific groups. However, the manager cannot create new users.


Analyst The analyst can only view information in the product. This is the most restrictive access that can be provided.



Click the Submit button.

Repeat for each user that needs to access to the tool.

A d m i n i s t r a t i o n I D / P C C / N a m e S e a r c h

From the administration screen, you can complete a search for agent ID or an agents PCC. To search for all agents, complete the following steps:




Click administration from the main screen, then click agent ID/PCC/Name Search.

Click the radio button for agent ID, agent PCC, or agent name.

Enter the search criteria or leave blank for all. Then click search.

The search results are returned. You may click on any of the underlined fields to display the agent information and/or make changes.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Administration ID/PCC/Name Search 7

A g e n c y P C C L i s t

The agency PCC list option off the administration menu, allows you to view a list of PCCs that are associated with your agency. If changes are required, you must contact your account executive to initiate changes.

C r e a t e N e w G r o u p

The core functionality provided in Revenue Advantage revolves around creating standard service fee rules that you can configure and can communicate to the sales agent at the point-of-sale. Revenue Advantage provides the flexibility to use, identify and configure service fee rules.

Name Definition

Global Default The Global Default fee rules are the minimum required to utilize this system. This setup allows the agency to set a global fee structure that can be used at any PCC within the agency hierarchy. This structure is the lowest priority and ensures that all PCCs have defined service fee rules.

Fee Group A fee group is a group of PCCs that share the same service fee structure, currency, customer identifier and taxes.

The hierarchy is important to understand since it controls which fees are assessed, by the reservation agent. This lists fees starting with the fee that is first assessed to last assessed: If no fee groups or exceptions are applied, the Global default is applied.

Fee Hierarchy

• Fee group exception

• Global fee group exception

• Fee group

• Global default group

PNR data is analyzed to determine if a specific customer/PCC combination exists and matches a rule, first looking at the fee group exceptions, then the global fee group exceptions. If there is no specific customer/PCC combination match, the PCC is used to determine whether the fee rule resides in a specific fee group or in the global default fee group.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Agency PCC List 8

C r e a t e G l o b a l F e e G r o u p

A global fee group defines the fee structure for all PCCs not assigned to a specific group.

To create a global default, from the main screen:



Click create group

Click create global group

Enter the start date and end date. You may also click the icon to view a calendar and select dates.

Note: End date is optional.




Enter a type of service or description.

Click the check box if you wish to suppress the credit card number from printing on the invoice/itinerary.

Click Next to continue.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Create Global Fee Group 9

Choose the UDID number. The UDID number aids the Revenue Advantage system in determining which service fee level should be added, if entered.


Note: If your agency uses UDIDs to gather back office accounting information, ensure that the UDID number you selected is not being used. Sabre Inc. recommends that you use the same UDID number for all services fees.




Choose currency type, and then enter high, medium and low fees. By default the high fee is charged.

In some areas the service fee is taxable, as in Canada. If this is the case, click the check box beside taxable.

Click Next.

Multiple combinations of taxes may be added depending on what state, or province you live in. Skip to step 10 if fees are not taxable in your area.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Create Global Fee Group 10

Number Description

1 Taxes that are charged as a percentage of the service fee. Multiple taxes can be accessed as primary taxes

2 Two-letter code to identify the tax being charged

3 The tax amount represented by a percentage

4 Displays the formulas that have been added to the database

Choose to add, modify or delete taxes

Add Adds the tax information to the database

Modify Select a formula from the taxes or specified taxes box and click the corresponding modify button. This populates the fields on the screen with existing information for modification.


Delete Select a formula from the taxes or specified taxes box and click the corresponding delete button to delete the selected tax formula.

6 In some regions taxes are calculated on the sum of the service fee and the primary taxes

7 Two-letter code to identify the tax being charged

8 Tax type identified in the primary tax calculation section

9 The tax amount represented by a percentage 10. Click Next to continue.

The summary page allows you to review the information before you click the submit button. If errors are found, click the previous button to return to the prior screen(s) to make necessary corrections.

Note: The taxes section only displays if fees are taxable.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Create Global Fee Group 11

11. Click submit.

You have created a global default group. If you need to add an exception, click yes, then click Next.

The next section covers global default exceptions.

G l o b a l D e f a u l t G r o u p E x c e p t i o n

Global default exceptions are customers whose booking or ticketing PCCs do not reside in a single fee group. An example would be a large customer such as IBM who has multiple ticketing offices and multiple reservation offices in several regions of the country. An agency’s service fee groups may be defined by region. So, IBM would be an exception to any previously defined service fee group set of rules.

1. Complete the following screen with the requested information:



Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Global Default Group Exception 12

Number Description

1 Enter the start date. The end date is optional

2 Use DK numbers, statement information, or UDID to identify a customer who requires a global exception.

In each case, you must choose a start and end position to identify the portion of the number used to qualify the customer.

For example, if your customers DK number is 291234, of which, the branch number is 29 and the customer account number is 1234, the customer account number starts at position 3 and ends at position 6.


3 Enter the portion of the account number that identifies customer.

4 Default flat fee structure

5 Enter a description of exception fee 2.



Once you have completed the screen, click next.

Now choose which PCCs are associated with this fee group exception. Since this agency is only one location, you would move that location over to the associated PCC list.

Note: All PCCs that are selected from the available list and moved to the associated list must have the same default currency code

Click to highlight the PCC, then click the add arrow to move it to the associated list.

Click Next.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Global Default Group Exception 13




Select the service fee UDID identifier for the exception.

Note: It is recommended that you use the same UDID identifier as the global default group.

Enter the exception fees and click Next.

Review the information and click Submit.

Click yes to add another global fee exception, or click no and next to complete the global default exception and return to the home page.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Global Default Group Exception 14

C r e a t i n g F e e G r o u p s

Fee groups are defined as one or more PCCs that have consistent service fee rules, currency, customer identifiers, and taxes that differ from the global service fee schedule. To create a fee group, from the main menu:




Pull down the Create Group menu, then click create fee group.

Enter a fee group name and click next.

Complete the start and optional end date. Choose the customer identifier and enter the service description. Click next to continue.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Creating Fee Groups 15

Group access allows the administrator to define which individual(s) are charged with managing this Fee Group. You can select one or multiple users from the list. The list is populated with User IDs that have been created in the Revenue Advantage Administration area. Their access is limited to the functionality defined in their user permissions.

Choose the PCCs to associate to this fee.

Note: All PCCs that are selected from the available list and moved to the associated list must have the same default currency code



Click the arrow to move selected PCCs and then click next.

Complete the service fee UDID identifier and fees for this group, then click next.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Creating Fee Groups 16

6. Review the information you submitted, then click Submit.

Click yes, then Next, to add another fee group exception, or click no and Next to complete the fee group exception and return to the home page.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Creating Fee Groups 17

F e e G r o u p E x c e p t i o n

Fee group exceptions are customers whose booking or ticketing PCCs reside in a single fee group, but require a different fee structure from the rest of the group.




Complete the start and optional end date. Enter the customer account number and type a name for the exception. Click next.

Note: The date of an exception must be within the same range as the fee group. (screen not shown)

Enter the customer number and type a name for the exception. Click Next.

Add the associated PCC and click Next.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Fee Group Exception 18



Add the service fee UDID and the fee structure for this exception and click Next to continue.

Review the information and click submit.

Click Yes, then Next, to add another fee group exception, or click No and Next to return to the home page

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Fee Group Exception 19

S e a r c h / M o d i f y M e n u

Revenue Advantage offers you the option to search or modify rules for service fee groups. The search allows you to search by fee group name, PCC or customer ID.



From the main menu, click search/modify and click either search fee group, search PCC or search customer ID.

Note: Each search screen is very similar.

If you leave the search text box blank, the system returns all fee groups, PCCs or Customer IDs when you click Search. You may choose current fee groups or expired fee groups.

Click Search to return a complete list.

Click any of the fee group names to modify or add exceptions.

If your search is for a specific customer ID, Revenue Advantage locates the fee group the customer is associated with, then you select the customer to modify, under exceptions.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Search/Modify Menu 20

S u m m a r y R e p o r t s

Revenue Advantage provides transaction reporting accessible through the reports selection on the main menu.



Choose summary report from the drop down list.

Select the PCC type of either the booking PCC or the issuing PCC. Choose the date range and then click get report.

Note: This is an example summary report

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Summary Reports 21

D e t a i l e d R e p o r t

The detailed report allows you create reports by booking PCC or issuing PCC, date range, and even issuing agent.

Note: Any permission level can access the summary reports. To access detailed reports, the individual must be designated as administrator or manager. A manager can only run detailed reports for PCCs included in groups to which he or she is assigned.

Click get reports once you have made your choices.

Note: This is an example detailed report summary.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Detailed Report 22

S e r v i c e F e e F o r m a t s f o r A g e n t s

Service fees must be paid for using a credit card form of payment (FOP)

Step Action Format Example

1 (optional)

Add Service Fee user defined interface data (UDID) identifier Note: Adding an asterisk * to the

format suppresses the service fee UDID information from printing on the passenger invoice. Adding no UDID charges the customer the fee based on the fee group or global fee.

5.U(UDID number)-(code)




2 Display the paperless service fee amount Note: This format can be used

unlimited times without charging the fee


Process the paperless service fee MISF

Waive the service fee. Note: This entry is used for

reporting purposes to capture transactions where service fees are waived by the agent at the point of sale. No fee is charged by ARC.


Process the paperless service fee and override the rules established in the rules engine by agency management.

MISF‡XSF(override amount)



Process the paperless service fee using the specified name in the accounting line

MISF‡N(name number)


Add passenger reference information up to 27 alpha numeric characters Note: Canadian agencies only

MISF‡C*(free text up to 27 characters)


The UDID field determines the service fee level to be charged. The UDID number is determined by your service fee administrator during the rules set-up. Any UDID number from 1-99 can be used for this field. Contact your agency’s service fee administrator to determine what code you should use.

A service fee rule may have 3 different fee levels. You can choose which level to use by adding the correct UDID and code, high (H), medium (M) or low (L). It is only necessary to add a UDID if the medium or low fee is to be charged since the high fee is charged by default.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Service Fee Formats for Agents 23

I s s u e S e r v i c e F e e

To issue a service fee, you would use the following steps:




Display the completed PNR.

*A« 1.1CONSTANTINE/JOAN MS 1 OK 51Y 20JUL S JFKPRG HK1 545P 745A 21JUL M /DCOK*ZA6A4H /N 2 OK 50Y 30JUL W PRGJFK HK1 1240P 355P /DCOK*ZA6A4H /N TKT/TIME LIMIT 1.TAW/ PHONES 1.DFW212-555-1212-H CUSTOMER NUMBER - 129999 REMARKS 1.-IK5106700439003093‡09/05 2.-AC‡333 RECEIVED FROM - TEST PNR X712.X712*A66 1327/28FEB03 EPMLEA

Type the MISF* format to determine what fee amount.


MISF*« OK - SERVICE FEE AMOUNT IS 60.00 The Revenue Advantage tool reads the PNR and looks to match PCC and DK, Man numbers or UDID information. If no match is made, the system applies the global default. If a match is made, the fee group or exception default (high) applies. If you wish to apply the medium or low fee amount, add a UDID to the PNR with either an L (low) or M (medium) using format 5.U6-M.

If the amount matches the fee to be charged, enter MISF to apply the fee.


MISF« OK - SERVICE FEE AMOUNT APPLIED IS 60.00 AGENCY COMMISSION - 57.90 The response validates the fee that has been charged and calculates the agency commission and taxes, if applicable. No documents print. The paperless service fee is validated using the carrier code XD (ARC) or XB (BSP) and carrier number 890 (ARC) or 954 (BSP).

An accounting line is automatically created when the paperless service fee is added. The accounting line shows a change key symbol (⌧ ) after the carrier code and defaults to ALL, but shows the passenger name after the form of payment.


*PAC« ACCOUNTING DATA 1. XD¤8102925630/57.90/ 60.00/ 0.00/ALL/CCIK510670043 9003093 CONSTANTINE JOAN MS/1

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Issue Service Fee 24

When you display the ticketing field, you see the fee has been added.


*T« TKT/TIME LIMIT 1.TAW/ 2.TK 8908102925630-AT CONST/J X712*A66 1340/28FEB Note: Normal voiding applies.

I s s u e T i c k e t s a n d I n v o i c e / I t i n e r a r y

After you have completed the airline ticketing, the system reminds you to issue the service fee:


the your agency subscribes to Revenue Advantage and the TJR entry is activated. This response displays even if the service fee is already issued.

The invoice/itinerary reflects the amounts for each accounting line in the PNR, such as the paperless service fee accounting line and airline accounting line(s).

If you are exchanging tickets, issue the paperless service fee documents first, prior to issuing the exchange tickets.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Issue Tickets and Invoice/Itinerary 25

F o r m a t F i n d e r h e l p s y s t e m

The Format Finder help system displays Sabre system formats and procedures. It incorporates all Fox online help content and is available on the Internet and from your desktop. If you are using the Sabre eVoya WebtopTM or Sabre for Windows, launch Format Finder by pressing Ctrl+Z; if you are accessing the help system from the Agency eServices Web site, under the Support tab, click “Online w/Format Finder.”

You can find the desired information in the Format Finder help system by using the Table of Contents, Index, or Search. The following table suggests the most efficient way to access the relevant information in Format Finder.

Most of the topics in this curriculum are located in Format Finder on the main Table of Contents under the book, Revenue Advantage.

Curriculum Topic

Table of Contents

Sub-Book in the Table of Contents

Index or Search

Accounting Lines Invoice and Itinerary

Issue tickets Ticketing

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Format Finder help system 26

A s s e s s m e n t

Choose the answer that best answers the question.






Which format displays the paperless service fee amount?


b. 5.U6-L

c. MISF*

What carrier code is the paperless service fee validated on for an ARC agency?

a. XD

b. XR

c. XB

A paperless service fee can be paid for with cash or a check?

a. True

b. False

Which format adds a low service fee UDID for number 6, and suppress printing the UDID on the passenger receipt?

a. 5.U6-L

b. 5.U*6-L

c. 5.U*6-H

Which format overrides the service fee and charges $25.00 to the customer?


b. MISF‡XF25.00

c. MISF‡XSF25.00

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Assessment 27

R e f e r e n c e - A R C I n f o r m a t i o n

Airline Report Corporation (ARC) requires travel agencies to sign a memorandum of agreement (MOA) to the ARC travel agency service fee (TASF) program to process TASF documents. To receive a MOA to participate in the ARC TASF program, fax your request to ARC at (703) 816-5100 and include your ARC number. ARC has published detailed instructions on their website at For questions, call ARC at (703) 816-5106 or the ARC travel agency services help desk at 703-816-8003.

Credit card is the only form of payment permitted on TASF documents. Credit cards accepted by ARC include:

Accepted Credit Cards

Air Travel Card (TP) American Express (AX)

Carte Blanche (CB) Diners Club (DC)

Discover (DS) Discover (DS)

MasterCard (CA) Visa (VI)

JCB International (JC) ARC charges the agency to process the credit card payment. The ARC processing fee is automatically calculated by the Sabre system and prints on the TASF document as a dollar amount. The current ARC processing fee is:

• 70 cents for service fees under $20.00

• 3.5% of the amount for service fee over $20.00

A refund/exchange notice (REN) must be issued and submitted to ARC if the travel agency needs to refund the service charge to the customer. The ARC processing fee is non-refundable. The Revenue Advantage paperless service fee document is also sometimes referred to as an electronic miscellaneous charges order (eMCO).

Note: The ARC processing fee is slightly higher for hand written manual documents

Caution: All ARC information is subject to change and should be verified directly with ARC.

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Reference - ARC Information 28

Revenue Advantage Paperless Service Fees Student Guide March 2003 Reference - BSP Information 29

R e f e r e n c e - B S P I n f o r m a t i o n

The Bank Settlement Plan (BSP) of Canada travel agency service fee (TASF) is an automated, electronic, paperless method of issuing, reporting and processing travel agent service fees that are paid by credit card. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) (whom administers the BSP program) has published detailed instructions on their Web site at Credit Card is the only form of payment permitted on TASF transactions through BSP. Credit Cards accepted by BSP include:

Accepted Credit Cards

American Express (AX) Diners Club (DC)

MasterCard (CA) Visa (VI) BSP charges the agency to process the credit card payment. The BSP commission/fee, currently 3%, is automatically calculated by the Sabre system and prints in the accounting line of the PNR as a dollar amount. The BSP processing fee (3%) is non-refundable.

Note: The BSP processing fee is slightly higher for hand written manual documents.

Caution: All BSP information is subject to change and should be verified directly with IATA..