Revelations of Zodiacal Signs and Lunar Mansions

Post on 13-Mar-2016

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An intensive esoteric inquiry into Zodiacal Signs and Lunar Mansions to indicate the individual’s egoic progress towards self-realization and attainment of one’s ultimate destiny. This unusual study attempts to discuss the evolutionary impact of astrological factors. Sorrows, frustration, ill-health, poverty, social and marital discord arise when the individual tried to resist the psychological orientation needed for one’s enduring unfoldment. The usual remedial measures for planetary afflictions are mere short-term palliatives which do not result in permanent cure of the basic disharmony. The present study shows the inspired by the planetary forces. If these directions could be rightly comprehended, the individual may realize permanent equipoise and meaningful life – style and peace of the mind.

Transcript of Revelations of Zodiacal Signs and Lunar Mansions