Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us...

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Transcript of Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us...

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

Scripture Reading

Revelation 5

Text vv.9-10

This series of messages follows much of Darrell Johnson’s Discipleship on the Edge

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

Do you sometimes get gifts that you are not sure what they can do for


I once got a computer program in the mail from a cousin in Holland.

I wasn’t sure what it did.I did not explore what it could do for

me.I never installed it on my computer.

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

Did I value this gift?

Would I praise this gift or the giver?

Not really.

This could be the same with Christmas.

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

This morning we look at the hymn of praise

to the Lamb for the gifts that he has given to

you and me.

To help us value the Gift of Jesus

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

Rev.5:9-10:   "You are worthy to take the scroll       and to open its seals,    because you were slain,       and with your blood

you purchased men for God       from every tribe and language and people and

nation.  You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,       and they will reign on the earth."

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

"You are worthy to take the scroll       and to open its seals,    because you were slain,       and with your blood you purchased men for God       from

every tribe and language and people and nation.  You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,       and they will reign on the

earth.” Rev.5:9-10

As I see it there are 3 gifts here:1.We are purchased with Jesus’ blood.2.We are made a kingdom and priest to serve our God.3.We reign on the earth.

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

"You are worthy to take the scroll       and to open its seals,    because you were slain,       and with your blood you purchased men for God       from every tribe

and language and people and nation.  Rev.5:9

We are purchased with the Lamb’s blood from every tribe….

As free people we can hardly imagine being a slave.

-Human trafficking today- horrors of being a slave to others


Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

1. Purchased and Set Free- sometimes we can feel that we are slaves to bad habits, to sin.- we under-realize what we have been given- we under-utilize the gift the slain lamb has given

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

Romans 6:17-18:“But thanks be to God that,

though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed

the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. You have been

set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.”

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

We are no longer slaves to the devil and sin!

We have been bought with the blood of the Lamb!

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 11Q. What is your only comfort in life and in death?

A.That I am not my own, but belong—body and soul, in life and in death—to my faithful Savior Jesus

Christ.He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood,and has set me free from the tyranny of the

devil.He also watches over me in such a waythat not a hair can fall from my headwithout the will of my

Father in heaven:in fact, all things must work together for my

salvation. Because I belong to him,Christ, by his Holy Spirit,assures me of eternal lifeand makes me

wholeheartedly willing and readyfrom now on to live for him.

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

This Christmas, join in the praise to Jesus,

the slain Lamb on the throne by realizing that you have been bought out of slavery to sin and

by utilizing that freedom to serve God.

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

2. Kingdom of Priests"You are worthy to take the scroll

      and to open its seals,    because you were slain,       and with your blood you purchased men for God

      from every tribe and language and people and nation.  You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,       and they will reign

on the earth."

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

 ”You have made them to be a kingdom

and priests to serve our God,” v. 10

2. Kingdom of Priests

- Not just individuals- but a new community- not all the same- but from different tribes, languages- kingdom/community of those obeying the King of kings

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

 ”You have made them to be a kingdom

and priests to serve our God,” v. 10

2. Kingdom of Priests

- not just in the future- but a kingdom today- not a self-serving kingdom- but a community of people seeking to serve God and be involved in his mission in the world today.

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

 ”You have made them to be a kingdom

and priests to serve our God,” v. 10

2. Kingdom of Priests

- Priests – function between God and people- represent God to the people- represent the people to God

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

 ”You have made them to be a kingdom

and priests to serve our God,” v. 10

2. Kingdom of Priests

- How are we representing God to our neighbours?- How are we praying for our neighbours?- bowls of incense – prayers of the saints. Selfish or intercessory?

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

Michael Frost, author and church planter in

Australia, calls the church,

“the trailer for the blockbuster that is to come.”

“Street Pastors” to clean up their streets

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

This Christmas, realize that because of Jesus being the slain Lamb on the


that we as a church have a purpose outside of ourselves.

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

3. Reign with Christ"You are worthy to take the scroll

      and to open its seals,    because you were slain,       and with your blood you purchased men for God

      from every tribe and language and people and nation.  You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,       and they will reign

on the earth."

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

and they will reign on the earth.” v.10

3. Reign on EarthOften only seen as a future

aspect of the gift.

But even as Christ is already on the throne,

we are to reign today.

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

Ephesians 2:4-6:“But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us

alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace

you have been saved. 6And God raised us up with Christ and seated

us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, …”

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

and they will reign on the earth.” v.10

3. Reign on Earth

How do we reign?

How did Jesus reign?

Did he reign like a lion?Did Jesus reign like a slain lamb?

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

and they will reign on the earth.” v.10

3. Reign on EarthAs we saw last week, Revelation

5 glasses show us that self-sacrifice is the way of Christ.

Jesus reigns not as a fierce lion but a slain lamb.

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

and they will reign on the earth.” v.10

3. Reign on EarthDarrell Johnson:

“Not as the ferocious lion who hurts people to assert his rule, but who takes into himself the

hurts of others, thereby making his rule happen.” Discipleship, p. 160

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

and they will reign on the earth.” v.10

3. Reign on EarthDarrell Johnson:

“And we reign with him in the same way. Not as lions. But as lambs. The

cross is not only the ground of our salvation. It is also the pattern of our salvation, the way of salvation. The

cross is the throne from which he reigns. And he calls us to join him on his throne. He calls us to take up the

cross daily. It is the way he makes the kingdom of heaven come on earth.”

Discipleship, p. 160

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

and they will reign on the earth.” v.10

3. Reign on EarthThe way of self-sacrifice can

seem foolish and weak.

But it is the way of the slain lamb who has 7 eyes and 7 horns

- All wise 7 all powerful

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

Remember the gift I received – the computer program.


May none of your gifts this Christmas fall into this category.

Revelation of Jesus– Things are Not as They Seem – In Praise of the Lamb and His Gifts to Us

This Christmas, with the benefit of Revelation 5 glasses,

fully realize, fully use and

fully be thankful for what Jesus has done for us:

Setting us free from singiving us a purpose and

Allowing us to reign with Him through self-sacrifice.