Revelation Letters to the Seven Churches Chapters 2 and 3.

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Revelation Letters to the Seven Churches Chapters 2 and 3.


Letters to the Seven Churches

Chapters 2 and 3


1. EPHESUS 2:1-7

Doctrinally Pre-Occupied Church

JESUS: Sovereign Lord* 2:1, see 1:16

“… Him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lamp-stands.”

• PRAISE: Preserved correct doctrine 2:2, 6

• CRITICISM: Forsaken first love 2:4

• ADVICE: Recapture initial responses OR removal 2:5

• PROMISE: Eternal life 2:7

2. SMYRNA 2:8-11 Suffering Church

JESUS: Risen Lord* 2:8, see 1:17-18

“ … Him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again.”

• PRAISE: Endured Jewish persecution from synagogue of Satan 2:9


• ADVICE: Persevere to martyrdom 2:10

• PROMISE: Deliverance from second death 2:11

3. PERGAMUM 2:12-17 Compromising Church

JESUS: Warring Lord* 2:12, 16, see 1:16

“… Him who has the sharp, double-edged sword.”

• PRAISE: Consistency in spite of opposition

~~Satan’s throne 2:13 ~~martyrdom of Antipas 2:13

• CRITICISM: Practice of cultural conformity

~~error of Balaam ~~Nicolaitanism

• ADVICE: Repent OR Divine attack* 2:6

• PROMISE: Satisfaction and security 2:17

4. THYATIRA 2:18-29 Apostate Church

JESUS: Judging Lord* 2:18, see 1:14-15

“… The Son of God, whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like burnished bronze.”

• PRAISE: Increasing Christian activity 2:15

• CRITICISM: Moral and religious complacency* 2:20

• ADVICE: Hold fast in opposing false teaching OR death 2:22, 25

• PROMISE: Rule with Christ 2:26-27

5. SARDIS 3:1-6 Formalistic Church

JESUS: Omniscient* Lord 3:1, see 1:16

“ … Him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars.”

• PRAISE: A few consistent Christians 3:4

• CRITICISM: Complacent, empty profession 3:1-2

• ADVICE: “Wake up” OR Divine intrusion 3:3

• PROMISE: Acknowledged before God 3:5

6. PHILADELPHIA 3:7-13 Loyal Church

JESUS: Authoritative Lord 3:7

“…Him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.”

• PRAISE: Endurance of Jewish persecution 3:8-10


• ADVICE: Hold on to what you have 3:11

• PROMISE: Preservation and security 3:10-12

7. LAODICEA 3:14-22 Materialistic Church

JESUS: Accurate Lord* 3:14

“… words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation.”

• PRAISE: None

• CRITICISM: Ineffective and self-reliant 3:15-16

• ADVICE: “Open door” OR be permanently separated 3:16, 19-20

• PROMISE: Fellowship and reign 3:20