REV. USUKI’S PAGE - WLABT – A Jodo Shinshu Temple of...

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Transcript of REV. USUKI’S PAGE - WLABT – A Jodo Shinshu Temple of...

(cont’d on page 2)

Vol. 56, No. 1 January 2013


Moving Forward

When people walking the same path gather together, they talk things out with each other. And people who express what is on their minds become aware of their feelings and, moreover, they are healed by the others.

Rennyo Shonin

Happy New Year to everyone, including the many people with whom I had the privilege and pleasure of sharing the Onem-butsu teaching this past year. This may be an old cliché, but each year keeps getting better

and better as I am allowed to explore the many opportunities and adventures that await discov-ery at our temple. I am beginning my ninth year at WLABT, and I am thrilled to have come to know many of you on a more personal basis. I have also had the unimaginable pleasure of watching small children growing up to become wonderful young adults, though I sadly antici-pate saying goodbye this year to many who will be moving on to college and beyond. For them, particularly the Jr. YBA students, we have some time left to enjoy ourselves and share in the many activities of 2013.

As a sangha, we have also shared together in the grief of the loss of many family members and friends of the community, who were a signi-ficant part of this temple. Although Sunday ser-vices, memorial services, and funerals are part of the many services conducted here, parting with loved ones is not something we look for-ward to. However, we can find comfort in recog-nizing that these people have all given us the boundless wisdom and compassion that causes us to be mindful of our precious lives and keeps us cognizant of our existence while we continue to grow in the most profound ways.

This past month also marked an important milestone for the Asoka Fujinkai, whose mem-bers have diligently stayed together for 50 years as one of the liveliest groups in our temple. It was founded by Rev. and Mrs. Fujimura, and Mr. Shohei Iwamoto. In the photo on page 7, taken in 1965, you may recognize Mrs. Shoko Kishi, Mrs. Hisako Nakagawa, Mrs. Tamiko Hada, Mrs. Ritsuko Uto, Mrs. Noriko Matsu-moto, Mrs. Hiroko Udo, and others. While cele-brating their 50th anniversary in December, they have also decided to bring the organization to a close. After so many years of enjoying mutual camaraderie and contributing much to the tem-ple, the organization has reached a point where the ladies felt it would be more prudent for them to join the West LA BWA so they can continue to enjoy each other and still contribute efforts to the temple. We truly commend and graciously thank them for their wonderful nature and dili-gence over these long years. They will be recog-nized at the New Year’s Party (Shinnen enkai) this month. I was not able to appreciate the full breadth of what they did for the temple over these long years, but their vibrant and enter-taining gatherings certainly gave me a huge lift and helped me to keep a positive attitude.

Through this process of working together and seeking the same path (Ondobo Ondogyo), Shin-ran Shonin explained to us that we are all part of the same equation, with no difference due to status or capabilities. We’re allowed to under-stand and appreciate the fruits of our total rela

mail: Web:

West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple January 2013


tionship through the causes and conditions of our existence and the guidance of the Onem-butsu that embraces all of us at all times. As we explore the coming year while enjoying the day-to-day adventures, I hope your gratitude toward all things in life becomes more apparent and real. With this understanding I also hope that you become more conscious of your own spiri-

tual endeavors, while taking into account the welfare of your family and the community so that we can all continue to enjoy life in our temple together.

Namo Amida Butsu

Rev. Fumiaki Usuki

Shinshu Corner

Shinran in the Contemporary World

Hongwanji International Center, 1979, pages 49-52

Shinran’s devotion and gratitude to his master Honen never wavered throughout his life. In The Hymns on the Patriarchs (Koso-wasan) Shinran expresses this deep relationship:

Even in many rebirths of countless past kalpas, Never knew I the way of emancipation; Without having met my master Honen, This life, too, would have been in vain.

Although Shinran studied directly under Honen for a few years, he alone of all the disciples must have been the closest to his master.

Soon after Shinran met Honen, persecution against the newly formed Pure Land school by the political powers and the older, rival Buddhist sects increased. The monks of Enrya-kuji and Kofukuji petitioned the imperial rule to prohibit nembutsu practice and finally in 1207 forced the banishment of Honen to remote Tosa. At the end of Kyo-Gyo-Shin-Sho Shinran refers to this event, known as the persecution of Jogen, in the following words:

The emperor above and ministers below violate the law and go against righteous-ness; they manifest wrath and show vengeance. Accordingly, the founder and promulgator of the true teaching, Honen, and some of his disciples, without proper citation of crimes, were sentenced to death, and others were laicized, given secular names and exiled.

Words were incapable of expressing the deep anger and profound sorrow that Shinran felt against the authorities who had banned the only true teaching founded in the age of corrup-tion and who had exiled his revered and beloved teacher Honen.

Shinran himself was banished to Echigo, but he utilized this opportunity to enter the life of a

common man, discard all worldly pretenses, and nurture silently the shinjin that is true and real. For almost thirty years, from age 35 and on, Shinran lived in the remote provinces of Echigo and Kanto, and while upholding the teaching of Honen, developed his own religious insights and philosophy. The record of his inner life is contained in Kyo-Gyo-Shin-Sho and in the many poems and letters he wrote in his later years.

The religious life of Shinran, which opened up with the encounter with Honen, thus unfolded on a unique course during the years of travail in the harsh life of Echigo. The practical aspect of a religious person’s life cannot be other than religious; that is, Shinran’s relationship with society was cemented with the strong bond of dedication to the life of shinjin, contained in the saying “Believe in the teaching oneself and teach others to believe.”

During the seven years of life in Echigo, Shinran married Eshinni, and at the age of 42 he moved with his family to Kanto in Eastern Japan. During this migration, he had a significant religious experience. Shinran recalled the event much later when he was 59 years old and related it to his wife Eshinni when he was confined to bed with a bad cold and high fever. It has to do with Shinran’s desire to read the Pure Land sūtras a thousand times in the hopes that it would bring worldly benefits to the people and his sudden abandonment of the plan. The account recorded in one of the extant letters of Eshinni, written to her daughter, shows the deep religious thought of Shinran and suggests for us the way to lead our own religious thought of Shinran and suggests for us the way to lead our own religious life. The letter reads:

West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple January 2013


From abut the noon of the 14th day of the 4th month, 3rd year of Kangi, Zenshin (Shinran) felt a cold coming on and went to bed in the evening. He became quite ill, but he did not let anyone rub his back and legs. He would not let anyone nurse him and he just lay quietly. When I touched his body, it was burning with fever. His headache was not normal; it was very severe. On the dawn after four days which was passed in such a condition, he said in the midst of his discomfort, “I shall quit.” I asked him, “What is the matter? Did you say something? Was it something said in delirium?”

Then he replied, “No, I’m not delirious. Two days after confinement to bed I found myself reciting the Larger Sūtra continuously. Even when I closed my eyes, I could see very clearly every character of the sūtra. This is strange, I thought. There should be nothing on my mind other than the recitation of the Nembutsu in faith and gratitude. But when I carefully thought about the matter, I remembered an incident which occurred seventeen or eighteen years ago. I had begun reading the Triple Sūtras faithfully a thousand times for the benefit of sentient beings, until I realized it was a great mistake. I stopped reading after I reflected on what was lacking other than to recited the Name and on why I desired to read the sūtra, when I deeply realized that the true repayment of the Buddha’s blessings is only to believe in the teaching oneself and then to teach others to believe, as in the famous quotation, “Believe in the teaching oneself and then teach others to believe; this is the most difficult of all difficult things.” Such thoughts must have still remained within my mind. I realized then how difficult it is, when people hold attachments like this, to rid oneself of self-generated faith and that we must reflect carefully on this matter. Thus, I stopped reading the sūtra. So on the dawn after the fourth day in bed I said that I shall quit. Soon after he explained this, he perspired profusely and he became well.

To be continued …

Happy Birthday

Rev. Ensei Nekoda

Mrs. Toshiko Uyekubo

Rev. Fumiaki Usuki

80+ Lunch - November 19, 2012

BWA Cabinet Installation: Bodhi Day Service - Sunday, December 2, 2012 (photo by Vance Nishimoto)

West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple January 2013



As I prepare to turn over the president’s gavel to Bev Yahata, this is an appropriate time to look back and take stock of the last two years, during which I served as this Temple’s presi-dent. Most of what a Temple

president does is wholly unglamorous and unre-markable. But we’ve had some signal successes recently, and I’d like to publicly thank those who made these things possible. And we have some transitions also to celebrate.

By all measures, the zenith of the last two years was our hosting of the 2011 Southern District Conference at UCLA. The credit for the choice of location goes to co-chair Rick Stambul. But the credit for the unqualified success of the confer-ence goes to all the members of the sangha who participated and helped—particularly the mem-bers of the Conference committee, which met monthly in the winter and spring in anticipation of the event. We were definitely well-prepared! I think, all told, we made about 15 or 20 site vis-its in preparation, and it really paid off. The Japanese keynote address, delivered by Rev. Yushi Mukojima, was warm and heartfelt, from the reports I received. And Dr. Jeff Wilson’s excellent English keynote speech on “Radical Shinran” was memorialized in Rick’s Bulletin article in the October 2011 issue, available on our website. I invite you to look at that article again and recreate in your minds Dr. Wilson’s speech.

We have also had two more very successful Obon festivals, and I can’t miss the opportunity to thank Tosh Ishioka for his sixteen years of service as Obon Chairman, nor to thank Neal Yahata for agreeing to take over the reins from

Tosh, who continues to help, and not just in advisory capacity. And while I am thinking of torch-passing—Sei Shohara, who has bird-dogged the treasury for so many years, retired as Treasurer at the end of 2012. His duties have been distributed, and I thank Haru Matsumune, Shirley Ito, Betty Takahashi and George Lin for stepping up to ensure that the transition is as transparent as possible. You can appreciate the weight Sei was shouldering all these years when you consider that it takes four people to cover the tasks he was performing. Sei, dōmo arigato gozaimasu!

I also want to thank Rev. Fumiaki Usuki for keeping me on the right path. He’s here for the long term, and has to adjust every two years to a new president, and understand what the president needs to know. In my case, I needed to be taught nearly everything, and Rev. Usuki, Rick Stambul and Sei Shohara helped me through that on a weekly basis. I relied on the Board members as well for advice, and they were always forthcoming. Finally, I want to thank the members of the sangha, who were patient with me and understood that my knowledge of Temple affairs was very limited. Without everyone’s help and support, I could not have dispatched these duties at all.

Our next president takes up the gavel with far more knowledge of the Temple than I did two years ago. Bev Yahata grew up in this Temple, and comes from a Temple-pioneer family. So she won’t need as much guidance as I did. I know you will welcome her and give her your support. In gassho,

Rob Kafka

Save the date!


9:30 am - 1:30 pm Saturday, March 16

Please sign up for 2012-2013 at or by picking up a scanbar letter at the temple.

~ Thank you very much ~ You must register every year, even if you signed up before.

West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple January 2013



Happy Holidays December 23-26 (Sunday-Wednesday)

TEMPLE CLOSED December 30 (Sunday): Regular family service December 31 (Mon.): Joya-e New Year’s Eve service


Happy New Year! January 1 (Tuesday): New Year’s Day service

January 2-3 (Wednesday-Thursday)

TEMPLE CLOSED January 5 (Saturday): Shotsuki hoyo January 6 (Sunday): Matinee with BWA

(see flyer on the back of this page) January 13 (Sunday): Service, cabinet installation,

New Year luncheon

Obento lunch by pre-order only. January 18 (Friday): Bingo January 20 (Sunday): Southern District Ho-onko

service, lunch, dance concert, LA Nishi Betsuin January 27 (Sunday): Regular family service January 28 (Monday): 80-Plus lunch February 2 (Saturday): Shotsuki hoyo February 3 (Sunday): Regular family service

February 10 (Sunday): Nirvana Day service

February 15 (Friday): Bingo February 17 (Sunday): Regular family service February 23 (Saturday): Winter Pacific Seminar February 24 (Sunday): Regular family service March 3 (Sunday): Temple & garden clean-up

March 10 (Sunday): Regular family service March 16 (Saturday): Spring Ohigan seminar March 17 (Sunday): Spring Ohigan service March 24 (Sunday): Regular family service March 30-31 (Saturday-Sunday):

BCGA Cymbidium show

Jr. YBA Installation: Thanksgiving Service - Sunday, November 18, 2012



The Manzanar Fishing Club

A film by  Cory Shiozaki  


        Date:    January 6, 2013         Time:   12:00 p.m.         Location:  WLA Buddhist Temple             Social Hall             2003 Corinth Ave., WLA  

FREE SHOW ‐  FAMILY AND FRIENDS WELCOME !!!! Light lunch and beverage served 

West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple January 2013


Asoka Fujinkai ~ In Appreciation: Thank You for 50 Years

Identities of those in the above photo will be provided in the next newsletter.

The Asoka Fujinkai was organized in October 1962, through the concerted efforts of Rev. and Mrs. Bunyu Fujimura and Mr. Shohei Iwamoto, for the benefit of the married women from Japan residing in the local area. The Asoka’s monthly meetings were enhanced by religious and educa-tional messages.

Some of the yearly activities of the Asoka Fujinkai included cooking of wonton and chicken wing for their booths in the Hanamatsuri and Obon Festi-vals, annual family gatherings, cooking lessons and demonstrations. The Asoka also sponsors the annual Hatsumairi service in conjunction with the commemoration of Shinran’s birthday in May.

text: BCA 75th Anniversary History 1899-1974, photo: WLABT 15th Anniversary Album 1950-1965

2011 Obon Festival (L to R): Noriko Matsumoto, Hisako Kokado, Ritsuko Uto, Hisako Nakagawa, Toshie Doi, Tamiko Hada, Matsumi Baba, Ikuko Yamamoto, Reiko Totani, Toshiko Yamane, Rika Uto, Terumi Yamamoto

West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple January 2013

JANUARY SHOTSUKI HOYO, 10 a.m. Saturday, January 5, 2013

Abe, Ichiro

Akutagawa, Kazue

Baba, Hiroshi

Barbeiro, David

Doi, Shunji

Fujimoto, Ken

Hanamoto, Michiye

Hashimoto, Gizo

Hirano, Alan

Ichiho, Kameichi

Ige, Takeo

Ii, Fukuso

Ikeda, Takeo

Ishiwata, Hiroshi

Iwasaki, Chito

Iwashita, Takamori

Kaba, Tadashi

Kageyama, Kiyoko

Kajiwara, Rinzaburo

Kakehashi, Rokuzo

Kawasaki, Toshio

Kawasaki, Yukio

Kimura, Kazuyoshi

Kosaka, Ichitaro

Kuramoto, Hiroshi

Masuda, Minoru

Matsumoto, Ruby

Mayeda, Hisa

Mayetani, Toki

Middo, Masunaga

Middo, Sakae

Middo, Wasaku

Minazumi, Yoshiko

Misono, Sukenari

Nakagawa, Chita

Nakagawa, Gisuke

Nakagawa, Ichino

Nakamura, Kiyoko

Nakamura, Natsue

Nakamura, Yutaro

Naramura, Marveene

Nomura, Sekizo

Nomura, Toshihiro

Nunokawa, Yuriko

Ohara, Kiku

Oka, Noboru

Okumoto, Kanzaburo

Oshinomi, Michiko

Ozamoto, Keijiro

Ozamoto, Sadako

Sakahara, Gosaku

Sakahara, Rose

Sakamoto, Marie

Sasaki, Fumiko

Sasaki, Kameji

Shirai, George

Sunada, Teruko

Suzuki, Yoshifuru

Takami, Sakutaro

Takami, Suye

Takazumi, Teruo

Takeuchi, Norie

Takimoto, Kumaichi

Tanaka, Takako

Tochioka, Tadao

Toma, Yoneko

Totani, Tokumatsu

Toya, Craig

Uyeda, Ene

Uyeda, Mitsutaro

Uyekubo, Ichiro

Watarida, Itaro

Yahata, Nobu

Yahata, Tsuneko

Yamanaka, Koyomi

Yamane, Nobuko

Yamatoku, Kazuo

Yoshida, Miyo

Yoshida, Nancy


John Yamamura

January 27, 1920 - November 8, 2012


FEBRUARY SHOTSUKI HOYO, 10 a.m. Saturday, February 2, 2013

Akutagawa, Hidemi

Akutagawa, Hidetaro

Akutagawa, Karoku

Akutagawa, Kinu

Akutagawa, Misuno

Akutagawa, Shinpei

Akutagawa, Tetsuo

Arita, Kayo

Arita, Kosaburo

Doi, Yaeno

Endo, Kathleen

Fukumoto, Furi

Gomez, Frances

Hatanaka, Ben

Hatanaka, Haru

Hayashida, Minoru

Higa, Risa

Ikkanda, Tsuma

Ishibashi, Tama

Ishibashi, Yoshio

Ishioka, Wakano

Iwasaki, Toshio

Kato, Yasutaro

Kawaguchi, Natsuto

Kawai, Ichisaburo

Kobuke, Yoshio

Koda, Takao

Kojima, Kenzo

Kokado, Robert

Kokuryo, Atsushi

Kudo, Goro

Marumoto, Hamaye

Marumoto, Rokuichi

Matsuno, Tosa

Matsuura, Yoshinori

Mihara, Gunzo

Mihara, Katsuji

Mochizuki, Hama

Morikawa, Mitsuru

Morimoto, Shizue

Morita, Masato

Nakamoto, Hiroshi

Nakashima, Dan

North, Joyce

Ohara, Kageo

Ohkawahira, Richard

Onami, Masato

Oshinomi, Masato

Oshinomi, Ted

Ouchi, Moto

Ozamoto, Sae

Sakahara, Shigenobu

Sakata, Ichijiro

Sasaki, Chitose

Shimasaki, Masateru

Soga, Toshiye

Takeda, Ichizo

Takeda, Ishi

Takeda, Paul

Takemoto, Katsumi

Takenaka, Akiyo

Tanaka, Kenjiro

Tanaka, Tetsuji

Tanaka, Yoshiye

Terashita, Sueko

Uchida, Jue

Yagura, Katherine

Yamamura, Yaeno

Yamanaka, Sotaro

Yamane, Sadako

Yoshii, Masuki

West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple January 2013




2013 Buddhist Men Cabinet

At the Bodhi Day Service on December 2, 2012, the Buddhist Men Cabinet for 2013 was installed. The Cabinet is composed of the following members:

President ............. Milton Iwamoto Vice President ..... Jim Shimomaye Recording Secretary .. Sei Shohara Religious Chairman Rick Stambul Publicity Chairman Jack Fujimoto Historian ................ Masao Sasaki Treasurer ................. Ichiro Ouchi Membership Chairman ............... Hidemi Ohkawahira

Photo by Vance Nishimoto

Buddhist Men Recognition At the November meeting of the Buddhist Men, Ichiro Ouchi was singled out for aspecial recognition by President Milton Iwamoto for his taking on the position ofTreasurer for 2013. For 32 years, Ichiro has maintained accurate and meticulous records of the Buddhist Men activities. To note the depth and transparency of his records, one only has to ask “how many hot dogs did we sell at obon?” Or “how many bowls for udon did we order?” And we go to Ichiro’s records. Ichiro is good for his 33rd year as Buddhist Men Treasurer.

3I Group

In Spring 2012, several Buddhist Men members decided to become “intelligent investment indi-viduals” rather than remaining “ignorant invest-ment individuals” and thus, the “3 I’s” nomen-clature. The group became the primary advisory body to the Temple Endowment Committee chair, Victor Naramura.

In November, the 3 I’s worked with Victor to

propose to the Board that the donated individ-ual bonds in the Temple Endowment Fund be converted in the portfolio to two mutual funds, one focused on income and the other on growth. The Temple Board accepted these recommenda-tions. Through this process, the 3 I’s are focus-ing on becoming “intelligent investors” through considerable research.

Centum Man

In 2013, Stanley Ikeda, member of the Buddhist Men and long time head of the Buddhist Men sponsored Hot Dog and Chili booth, will join others who attain the lofty age of 100 years. In addition to Stanley, Mike Shintaku and Torako Akutagawa of our Temple will be attaining this lofty age.

Special recognition for these individuals will be featured at the March 2 Cherry Blossom Festi-val in Stoner Park.

If others in the Sawtelle community in this classification are known, please inform Jack Fujimoto,


Bodhi Day Service and Oseibo Taikai - Sunday, December 2, 2012

Dharma School attendance awards Ryan Ohkawahira and Christopher Pedersen with

Rev. Usuki (missing: Jennalee Leopard) Photo by Vance Nishimoto

Dharma School skit “The Old German Shepherd”

Skit photos by Rev. Fumiaki Usuki

Thank you , Dharma School parents, for lunch!

West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple January 2013



Nearly fifty years ago a job change brought us from Fullerton to our current residence. We couldn’t qualify for a home in WLA near the Temple. So the best we could do was to get a second and move into a new development just beyond the Getty Mu-seum on Pacific Coast Highway.

The small community of Pac i f i c Pa l i sades is nearby where we do much of our daily-needs shopping. The local newspaper is the Pali-sades-Post, printed on Thursday and appearing in our mail on Monday or thereabouts. In the November 29 issue, what a pleasant surprise to

see an action photo of Kylie Mizushima on the basketball court of Palisades High School (Pali High)!

The photo was part of Post article on a game between Pali High and Taft. It was apparent from the article that Kylie is a key player for Pali, with quotes such as “Kylie Mizushima, Pali’s lone senior, scored a game-high 15 points,” “Mizushima hit a jumper with 59 seconds to play to make it Taft 47, Pali 44,” and “The teams would trade points from there, with Mizushima hitting a pair of free throws …” (See

Unfortunately, despite Kylie’s efforts, Pali lost.

Kylie is Justin’s sister, daughter of Grace and Greg Mizushima, and granddaughter of Mrs. Noriko Matsumoto, a Temple and Asoka Fujin-kai member.

West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple January 2013


Buddhist Men Service and Longevity Party

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Photos by Mas Sasaki

West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple January 2013


West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple January 2013


West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple January 2013




>> Schedule subject to change. Please confirm date and time prior to event. <<

REGULAR WLABT SCHEDULE (exceptions listed in calendar below)

Rev. Usuki’s days off: Mon and Tue SDMA Meeting (LA Betsuin): 2nd Tue Family Service, Dharma School, and Discussion (Eng): every Sun Shotsuki Hoyo: 1st Sat Study Class (Eng): every Thu Temple Board Meeting: 1st Wed Omimai: 3rd Thu

80 Plus Lunch: last Mon No Lunch in July and Dec

Buddhist Men: 2nd Thu BWA: monthly (Sun) Sangha Teens: (TBD) Jr. YBA Class: monthly (Sun) Taiko: every Thu

Bingo: 3rd Fri No Bingo in July and Dec

Ikebana: 1st, 3rd, and 4th Thu Shigin: every Tue WLA Youth Club: 2nd Wed

Professional Temple Cleaning: 1st and 3rd Wed

2013 WLABT Obon - planning meetings (7:30 pm, 2nd Wed): April 10, May 8, June 12 (tentative)

TEMPLE CLEAN-UP ASSIGNMENTS Temple: Onaijin, Minister’s room, pews

BWA: Kitchen, office

Dharma School/PTC: Classrooms and upstairs hallways

Jr. YBA, Sangha Teens: All windows: main building and social hall

Taiko: Basement and stairways

Buddhist Men: Mop floors, clean patio area, dumpster area, parking lot, garage

Garden Maintenance Group: Temple and minister’s residence gardens


Temple members not in any organiza-tions are encouraged to help at these general Clean-ups. There are many other areas that need attention. Clean-up dates are

March 3, June 30, and December 15.


1 Tue 8:00 am doors open 10:00 am New Year’s Day Service (toban: Temple)

2-3 Wed-Thu Temple closed 6,27 Sun 9:30 am Family service

9 Wed 7:30 pm Temple Annual Meeting 13 Sun 11:00 am Service, Installation of Temple Cabinet, and Temple New Year Party20 Sun 10:00 am SD Ho-onko Service (LA Betsuin), lunch, dance concert

youth: Rev. K. Nakata, (J) Rev. G. Matsubayashi, (E) Rev. Tetsuo Unno


3,17,24 Sun 9:30 am Family service 8 Fri 7:00 pm Service and SD Council meeting (Senshin)

10 Sun 9:30 am Nirvana Day Service (toban: Dharma School)18 Mon Temple closed (President’s Day) 23 Sat Winter Pacific Seminar (LA Betsuin): Rev. Dr. Takamaro Shigaraki

2/26-3/03 Tue-Sun BCA Ministers’ Meeting and National Council Meeting: Rev. Usuki at San Mateo


3 Sun 8:00 am General temple and garden clean-up (NO service) 9 Sat 10:00 am Shotsuki hoyo (2nd Saturday)

10,24 Sun 9:30 am Family service 16 Sat 9:30 am Ohigan Seminar: (J) Rev. Seikan Fukuma

- 1:30 pm (E) Rev. 2:00 pm Chirashi preparation for Ohigan Service otoki (BWA)

17 Sun 10:00 am Ohigan Service: (toban: BWA) (J) Rev. Seikan Fukuma, (E) Rev.

30 Sat 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Bay Cities Gardeners’ Association Cymbidium Show 31 Sun 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Bay Cities Gardeners’ Association Cymbidium Show

NO service



7 Sun 10:00 am Hanamatsuri/Hatsumairi Service (toban: Buddhist Men) 13 Sat 9:00 am -12:00 pm Tri-Temple Seminar (WLABT): Ms. Eiko Masuyama

14,28 Sun 9:30 am Family service 21 Sun 10:00 am Eshinni/Kakushinni/Takeko Kujo Memorial Service (toban: BWA)

4/26-28 Fri-Sun FDSTL Conference (San Mateo)


5 Sun 9:30 am Family service 10 Fri 7:00 pm Service and SD Council meeting (Senshin) 12 Sun 9:30 am Mother's Day Service and Gotan-e (toban: Sangha Teens and Temple) 19 Sun TBD - Temple exchange: WLABT visits Oxnard: Gotan-e service, strawberry festival 20 Mon 12 noon 80 Plus lunch (next-to-last Monday) 26 Sun NO service: Temple closed (Memorial Day weekend) 27 Mon 10:00 am Memorial Day Cemetery Services - Woodlawn

11:30 am - Inglewood


2,9 Sun 9:30 am Family service 8 Sat all day Southern District Buddhist Conference (host: LA Betsuin)

Obon: Arizona 11-12 Tue-Wed SDMA Fuken (Rev. Usuki away) - dates tentative

11 Tue 7:30 pm Start of Bon dance practice every Tuesday and Thursday (4 weeks) 12,19,26 Wed 7:30 pm Taiko (Wednesdays during Bon dance practice weeks)

13 Thu 7:30 pm Bon dance practice 14 Fri 80 Plus Yard Sale set-up 15 Sat 9:00 am - 3:00 pm 80 Plus Yard Sale 16 Sun 10:00 am Father's Day/Graduation Service and Scholarship Presentation (toban: Jr. YBA)

Lunch (toban: Jr. YBA) 18,25 20,27

Tue Thu

7:30 pm Bon dance practice

22 Sat 9:30 am Obon Cemetery Services - Woodlawn 11:00 am - Inglewood

22-23 Obon: Sun Valley 23 Sun 9:30 am Obon/Hatsubon Service (toban: BWA) 29 Sat Obon: West Covina (Saturday only)

29-30 Sat-Sun Obon: OCBC, San Fernando Valley - WLA Taiko 30 Sun 8:00 am General temple clean-up


2 Tue 7:30 pm Bon dance practice 3,10 Wed 7:30 pm Taiko

4 Thu Temple closed 5 Fri 7:00 pm Tent set-up 6 Sat Obon: Senshin 7 Sun 8:00 am Garden clean-up, booth construction, and lunch (NO service)

13 Sat Obon: Oxnard (Saturday only) 13-14 Sat-Sun WLABT Obon Festival and Bon dance (also Pasadena Obon)

15 Mon 7:00 pm General take-down, clean-up 20 Sat Obon: Santa Barbara

20-21 Sat-Sun Obon: LA Betsuin 21 Sun NO service

27-28 Sat-Sun Obon: Venice, Vista, Higashi 7/27-8/3 Sat-Sat LABCC camp

28 Sun 9:30 am Family service Obon: Guadalupe (Sunday only)



No Dharma School, No Taiko, No Study Classes

3 Sat Obon: San Diego, San Luis Obispo (both Saturday only) 3-4 Sat-Sun Obon: Gardena

4 Sun 9:30 am Family service 10 Sat Obon: Las Vegas

11,18,25 Sun NO service 13-15 Tue-Thu BCA MA Fuken (Rev. Usuki away)

Rev. Usuki vacation 8/31-9/02 Sat-Mon SD Jr. YBL Conference (host: Arizona)


2 Mon Temple closed (Labor Day) 8,22,29 Sun 9:30 am Family service

13 Fri 7:00 pm Service and SD Council meeting (Senshin) 14 Sat 9:30 am Ohigan Seminar: (J) Rev. Ryuta Furumoto

- 1:30 pm (E) Rev. 15 Sun 10:00 am Ohigan Service (toban: Buddhist Men), lunch (toban: Buddhist Men)

(J) Rev. Ryuta Furumoto, (E) Rev.


6,13 20,27

Sun 9:30 am Family service (10/27 NO Dharma School)

12 Sat FBWA delegates’ meeting (at WLABT) 19 Sat 11:00 am Buddhist Men - BWA Memorial Service (toban: BWA) 26 Sat 5:00 pm Family Fun Night (toban: Jr. YBA and Dharma School)


3,24 Sun 9:30 am Family service 8 Fri 7:00 pm Service and SD Council meeting (at WLABT) 9 Sat 5:30 pm Buddhist Men service and longevity party

10 Sun 10:00 am Eitaikyo Perpetual Memorial Service (toban: Eitaikyo Committee) (J) Rev. , (E) Rev. Carol Himaka (tentative) (NO family service or Dharma School)

17 Sun 9:30 am Thanksgiving Service (toban: Temple) 18 Mon 12 noon 80 Plus lunch (next-to-last Monday)

27-30 Wed-Sat Temple closed


1,22,29 9:30 Family service 8 Sun 9:30 am Bodhi Day Service, Oseibo Taikai, and lunch (toban: Dharma School)

14 Sat 8:00 am Mochitsuki (Jr. YBA and Temple) 15 Sun 8:00 am General temple and garden clean-up (NO service) 19 Thu 6:30 pm Taiko Party

23-26 Sun-Wed Temple closed 29 Sun 6:00 pm Kubota Nikkei Mortuary memorial service and dinner 31 Tue 6:00 pm Joya-e Year-End Service (toban: Temple)

BWA Meetings (11:00 am unless otherwise noted): 1/6, 2/3, 3/10, 4/7 (12:30), 5/5, 6/2, 7/7 (1:30 pm), 8/4, 9/8, 10/6, 11/10, 12/15 (10:00 am meeting, party)

Matinee (12:00 pm): 1/6, 3/10, 5/5, 6/2, 9/8, 11/10



RESIDENT MINISTER….……Rev. Fumiaki Usuki


PRESIDENT ...................................................................... Beverly Yahata PRESIDENT-ELECT ......................................................... Connie Yahata SECRETARY ................................................................... Masako Ishioka TREASURER ...........................................................................George Lin CORRESPONDING SECRETARY ................................................... TBA COMMUNITY RELATIONS.................................................Ichiro Ouchi LEGAL ADVISOR ............................................................... Rick Stambul

COMMITTEE CHAIRS FINANCE: Endowment ..................................... Victor Naramura Uketsuke .............................................. Lorraine Soda Bingo.................................................... Bob Fujimoto OPERATIONS: Building & Property Maintenance. ..... Stig Pedersen / ............................................................... Joko Tamura Duplex Administrator ........................ Beverly Yahata Facilities ................................................ Rick Stambul Ministerial Affairs ................................ Rick Stambul Nominations……………………………...Rob Kafka Office Management ........................ Haru Matsumune Insurance ............................................... Rick Stambul Sawtelle Property .......... Stig Pedersen / Joko Tamura

DHARMA ACTIVITIES: Buddhist Education ...................... Ayanna Yonemura Guest Speakers……………………..Yasuko Shohara Religious Service ................................ Connie Yahata SANGHA ACTIVITIES: Membership .............................................. Kay Kafka Publication ...................................... Haru Matsumune 80+ Lunch ............. Masako Ishioka / Lorraine Soda / ....................................................... Kayo Ohkawahira Obon ....................................................... Neal Yahata Omimai ..................................................... Rob Kafka Scholarship ...................... Vance & Kathy Nishimoto


Buddhist Men ......................................... Milton Iwamoto Buddhist Women’s Association ............... Connie Yahata Dharma School ................................... Grace Mizushima Jr. YBA ................................................ Vance Nishimoto YBA ....................................................... Jim Shimomaye Taiko ....................................................... Beverly Yahata

West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple January 2013


本 願 寺 新 報

West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple January 2013


January 2013 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Bulletin folding

toban: Dharma School



8 am door open 10 am New Year service

2 Temple closed

3 Temple closed

4 5

10 am Shotsuki hoyo


9:30 am Family service

11 am BWA meeting 12 pm Matinee w/BWA

7 Rev. Usuki off


10:30 am SDMA mtg at LA Betsuin

9 7:30 pm service and annual general mtg

10 1 pm Study Class (E) 7:00 pm B-Men mtg

7:30 pm Taiko

11 12


11 am Family service, temple board installation, New Year party

14 Rev. Usuki off

15 Rev. Usuki off

16 17

10 am Omimai

1 pm Study Class (E)

7:30 pm Taiko

18 7 pm Bingo


20 9:45 am

SD Gathering Ho-onko service

lunch dance concert (LA Betsuin)

21 Rev. Usuki off

22 Rev. Usuki off

23 24 1 pm Study Class (E) 7:30 pm Taiko

25 26


9:30 am Family service 12 pm Shigin (Hada)

28 12 pm 80+ lunch

29 Rev. Usuki off

30 31 1 pm Study Class (E) 7:30 pm Taiko

Office hours: 10 am - 4 pm

phone: 310-477-7274 e-mail:


2013 年 1 月 日曜日 月曜日 火曜日 水曜日 木曜日 金曜日 土曜日





午前8:00 ドア•オプン

午前10:00 新年サービス





4 5

午前10 祥月法要



午前11 BWAミー テング、正午ムービー

7 宇宿先生休み


午後10: 30 開教師会


9 午後7:30 Annual ミーテング

10 午後1:00 スタデークラス(英)



午後7:30 タイコ

11 12





14 宇宿先生休み

15 宇宿先生休み

16 17 午前10:00おみまい

午後1:00 スタデークラス(英)

午後7:30 タイコ

18 午後7:00ビンゴー


20 午前9:45

Southern District 報恩講サービス

ランチ dance concert

21 宇宿先生休み

22 宇宿先生休み

23 24

午後1:00 スタデークラス(英)

午後7:30 タイコ

25 26



午後12:00 詩吟 (秦)



29 宇宿先生休み

30 31

午後1:00 スタデークラス(英)

午後7:30 タイコ


午前十時 — 午後四時

電話:310 - 477 - 7274