Retirement planning for a second income

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Retirement planning for a second income


One of the biggest mistakes in my life has been not planning my retirement solutions before it was too late.Stupid as it sounds, I just didn't foresee how quickly the

years would pass, and I didn't plan ahead far enough.

Whether you are... Close to retirement Already retired Nowhere near retiring OR you're planning early retirement

Sorry - it's something you should think about before it's too late for YOU!

.....YOU can avoid making my mistake –or recover from it, as I am - even if you think you've missed the boat.

There's still plenty of time to sort that out. Heck - you do the lottery every week... your numbers could come up. You're sure you'll have a successful business before you retire. You can't imagine you will ever want to retire – you love what you do. You have more pressing things to spend your money on. Mistrust of pension companies.

If you are like me these are some of the excuses I gave myself:

My monthly council tax costs more than the amount I receive for a week's pension.

My monthly heating and electricity bill uses up about 75% of a week's pension.

The holiday I have planned for later in the year is costing over 3 times my monthly pension income (excluding spending money and food!)

My last car repair bill cost 3 weeks of pension income.

Thank goodness I paid off my mortgage some time ago! Have you?

If I were relying solely on my pension income I would be in a sorry financial state. For instance:

One of the most obvious retirement solutions is that you should be saving hard for your retirement and – despite my own “lost the lot” experience –I still believe you should regularly put aside money for that inevitable rainy day:

A big unexpected bill Redundancy Sudden down-turn in your business Or your spouse walks out on you

without warning!

It's never too early to start putting some of those tips in place, and I've already done several of them myself. Here are the steps I have taken for "me time":

Weekly yoga and dancing classes. Meeting for a local book club

(sometimes we even discuss the book we've read!)

Gone back to Church and started to get involved with some of their activities.

Volunteering at a local re-homing center for dogs. I still can't believe they don't charge me for going to walk and cuddle these adorable guys.

And of course......

I am building an online business along-side my current offline business. I'm already seeing positive results from all these small steps that are building my happy retirement solutions.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably IS too good to be true. "Get rich quick" is more likely to be "Get poor quick".Never invest more than you can afford to lose, and always take professional, independent advice.

I'd love to hear you you plan to finance your retirement in the comments below - and please share this post if you know anyone who still hasn't got their plans in order!

Have you got your retirement solutions safely in place?

Or are you wondering how you will cope? Emotionally and / or financially?

Would you like to retire early? Or do you think you'll never be able to

afford to stop work?

