Results in Physics - · 2NaSiO 4F – Coexistence of the Eu ... [5–11]. This gives us...

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Results in Physics 6 (2016) 70–73

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Results in Physics

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Synthesis and tunable luminescent properties of Eu-dopedCa2NaSiO4F – Coexistence of the Eu2+ and Eu3+ centers� 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 759 3183245; fax: +86 759 3183510.E-mail address: (M. Xie).

Mubiao Xie a,⇑, Dongyu Li b, Guoxian Zhu a, Rongkai Pan a, Xionghui Fu c

a Institute of Physical Chemistry, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang 524048, Chinab School of Physics Science and Technology, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang 524048, ChinacDepartment of Chemistry, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history:Received 25 December 2015Accepted 28 January 2016Available online 3 February 2016

Keywords:PhosphorsLuminescenceWhite LEDOptical materials

Novel phosphors Ca2NaSiO4F:Eu were synthesized successfully by the conventional solid-state method inCO atmosphere, and their spectroscopic properties in UV�vis region were investigated. The photolumi-nescence properties show that Eu3+ ions were partially reduced to Eu2+ in Ca2NaSiO4F. As a result of radi-ation and re-absorption energy transfer from Eu2+ to Eu3+, both Eu2+ bluish-green emission at around520 nm and Eu3+ red emission are observed in the emission spectra under the n-UV light excitation.Furthermore, the ratio between Eu2+ and Eu3+ emissions varies with increasing content of overall Eu.Because relative intensity of the red component from Eu3+ became systematically stronger, whitelight emission can be realized by combining the emission of Eu2+ and Eu3+ in a single host lattice undern-UV light excitation. These results indicate that the Ca2NaSiO4F:Eu phosphors have potential applica-tions as a n-UV convertible phosphor for light-emitting diodes.� 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is anopenaccess article under the CCBY license (http://


Phosphor-converted white light-emitting diodes (pc-WLED)have attracted much attention in recent years for their high effi-ciency, reasonable cost, long lifetime and environmental friendli-ness [1]. As is known to all, the pc-WLED by fabricating a blueLED chip with the yellow-emitting phosphor Y3Al5O12:Ce3+ hassome important drawbacks. Consequently, w-LEDs with a near-UV (350–420 nm) LED chip and tri-color (red, green and blue) ortwo complementary wavelength phosphors being fabricated werestudied widely [2–4]. In consideration of the merits and drawbacksin compatibility and cost for tri-color phosphors with differenthosts, it is better to develop a single-component white-light phos-phor for fabricating white LED devices. Generally, single-component white-light phosphor can be obtained by two meansas follows: (a) co-doping two or more activators into the samehost; (2) different luminescence center from the same ion in thehost, for example, different Ce3+ emission in one host [5–11]. Thisgives us an idea that it would be better if white light can be real-ized by two activators from the same element in different valencestates. Hence, we consider exploring a single-component white-light phosphor doped with Eu2+ ions with bluish-green emission

and Eu3+ ions with red emission. Recently, some Eu2+/Eu3+

co-doped phosphors have been reported, such as in CaO [12],Sr2B5O9Cl [13], SrB4O7 [14], Ca3Y2Si3O12 [16], LiMgPO4 [17],LiBaBO3 [18], Sr1.5Ca0.5SiO4 [19], and Ba2Lu(BO3)2Cl [20].

The detail structure of Ca2NaSiO4F was first reported by Andacwith the orthorhombic structure, and Krüger and Kahlenbergreported another monoclinic structure [21,22]. To the best of ourknowledge, until now, very few phosphors with Ca2NaSiO4F as hostwere reported. Recently, You et at reported the structure and pho-toluminescence properties of phosphors Ca2NaSiO4F:Re (Re = Eu2+,Ce3+, Tb3+) for wLEDs, and energy transfer mechanisms forCe3+ ? Tb3+ were studied systematically [23]. In this work, wereport the preparation and luminescent properties of Eu2+/Eu3+

co-doped phosphors Ca2NaSiO4F:Eu2+/Eu3+. White light emissioncan be realized in this case by adjusting the Eu overall concentrat-ing. It is believed that this phosphor Ca2NaSiO4F:Eu can act as apromising candidate for application in n-UV w-LEDs.


The Ca2NaSiO4F:xEu (x = 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10) phos-phors were synthesized by a high-temperature solid-state reaction.The raw materials were CaCO3 [analytical reagent (AR)], SiO2 (AR),NaF (AR), and Eu2O3 (99.99%). The raw materials were carefullyweighed stoichiometrically and ground in an agate mortar. After

Fig. 2. PLE (a: kem = 520 nm; c: kem = 614 nm) and PL (b: kex = 356 nm; d:kex = 268 nm) spectra of sample Ca2NaSiO4F:0.01Eu.

M. Xie et al. / Results in Physics 6 (2016) 70–73 71

mixing and thorough grinding, the mixtures were preheated at600 �C for 3 h in CO reducing atmosphere, then the temperaturewas increased to 950 �C, and kept at 950 �C for 4 h. The final prod-ucts were cooled to room temperature by switching off the mufflefurnace and ground again into white powder.

The phase purity and structure of the final products were char-acterized by a powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis using Cu Karadiation (k = 1.5405 Å, 40 kV, 30 mA) on a PANalytilal X’pert Pow-der X-ray Diffractometer at room temperature (RT). The Photolu-minescence properties were measured on a HITACHI F7000fluorescence spectrometer equipped with a 450W Xenon lampas the excitation source. The luminescence decay spectra weremeasured by a FLS 920 steady-state spectrometer equipped witha fluorescence lifetime spectrometer, and a 150 W nF900 ns flashlamp was used as the flash-light source, respectively. All the mea-surements were performed at room temperature (RT).

Results and discussion

The phase purities of the as-prepared samples were examinedby X-ray diffraction (XRD) at RT. Fig. 1 shows the XRD patternsof typical samples Ca2NaSiO4F:0.01Eu2+/Eu3+ (a), Ca2NaSiO4-F:0.06Eu2+/Eu3+ (b), Ca2NaSiO4F:0.10Eu2+/Eu3+ (c) and the standarddata. The diffraction patterns of the samples agree well with thestandard data for Ca2NaSiO4F (JCPDS 27-1228). Hence, it can beconcluded that the dopant Eu ions are completely incorporatedinto the host lattice by substituting for Ca2+ ions without makingsignificant changes to the crystal structure.

It has been reported that Eu3+ ions can be partially reduced intoEu2+ in air or weak reduction atmosphere [12–20]. That is to say,Eu3+ and Eu2+ can coexist stably in a single host lattice. It is a goodway to design white light emitting phosphors with Eu3+ (red emis-sion) and Eu2+ (bluish–green emission) ions in a single host latticefor solid state lighting application. The photoluminescence excita-tion (PLE) and photoluminescence emission (PL) spectra of Ca2-NaSiO4F:0.01Eu phosphor are presented in Fig. 2. By monitoring520 nm emission (curve a), it can be seen that the excitation spec-trum exhibits a broad band with a peak at around 356 nm, whichcorresponds to the 4f? 5d allowed transition of Eu2+. The emis-sion spectrum (curve b) under 356 nm excitation shows a broadband and some weak lines ranged from 570 to 700 nm. Thisobserved broad-band emission is attributed to the 4f65d–4f7 tran-

Fig. 1. XRD patterns of samples Ca2NaSiO4F:xEu2+/Eu3+ (a: x = 0.01; b: x = 0.06; c:x = 0.10).

sition of the Eu2+ ions, which dovetail with the work reported byYou [23]. Besides, three small narrow emission lines with peakscentered at �577, �65, �700 nm exist in curve b, which corre-spond to the 5D0 ?

7F0, 5D0 ?7F2 and 5D0 ?

7F4 transitions ofEu3+. It indicates that Eu3+ ions are not reduced into Eu2+ ions com-pletely. In order to prove the existence of Eu3+ ions in the Ca2-NaSiO4F host, 614 nm emission line is chosen as monitoringwavelength to measure the excitation spectrum, as shown in curvec. A broad band with a maximum at �268 nm and several sharplines can be seen in curve c. The broad band should be assignedto the charge transfer transition between oxygen ligand and Eu3+.The sharp peaks in the range of 300�500 nm are attributed tothe 4f6�4f6 intraconfiguration transitions of Eu3+ ions. Therefore,it can be confirmed that both Eu2+ and Eu3+ ions exist in the Ca2-NaSiO4F host. Fig. 2(d) shows the emission under the excitationof 268 nm which is corresponds to the Eu3+ charge transfer band.The Eu3+ characteristic emissions can be observed clearly in theemission spectrum (curve d). It should be noted that the excitationspectrum (Fig. 2c) shows no absorption at 356 nm wavelength. Itmeans that 356 nm light can hardly excite Eu3+ ions directly. Sowhy Eu3+ emissions can be detected upon 356 nm excitation inFig. 2b?We believe that the energy transfer from Eu2+ to Eu3+ couldbe the only reason. However, we should be also aware that Eu2+

excitation band cannot be detected by monitoring Eu3+ 614 nmemission as shown in Fig. 2c. So it is concluded that the energytransfer of Eu2+ to Eu3+ is by means of radiation and re-absorption. This is not surprising, because overlap between theexcitation spectrum of Eu2+ and emission spectrum of Eu3+ canbe clearly seen at around 465 nm in this case.

Luminescence spectra of samples Ca2NaSiO4F:xEu under356 nm excitations are presented in Fig. 3. As mentioned above,the short-wavelength part of the spectra, bluish-green broad bandemission with a maximum about 510 nm is attributed to the4f65d1 ? 4f7 transition of Eu2+, while the series of sharp peakslocated in the long-wavelength range is ascribed to the 5D0 ?

7FJtransitions of Eu3+. Furthermore, the relative intensity of Eu3+ ver-sus Eu2+ luminescence vary with the doping content of overall Eu.To observe directly the relative emission intensity variation, theintensities of Eu2+ and Eu3+ (5D0 ?

7F2 transition) as a function ofthe overall Eu content are given in Fig. 4. With the overall Eu con-centration increasing, it can be seen that the relative emissionintensities of Eu2+ ions decrease systematically, while those of

Fig. 3. PL spectra of samples Ca2NaSiO4F:xEu (x = 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10)under 356 nm excitation.

Fig. 4. Emission intensities of Eu2+ and Eu3+ (5D0 ?7F2) as a function of the overall

Eu content (x value).

Fig. 5. Decay curves for Eu2+ emission in Ca2NaSiO4F:xEu samples (kex = 356 nm,kem = 520 nm).

Table 1CIE chromaticity coordinates for Ca2NaSiO4F:xEu upon excitation at 356 nm.

Samples Number Eu concentration (x) Chromaticity coordinates

1 0.01 (0.259, 0.384)2 0.02 (0.283, 0.284)3 0.04 (0.356, 0.381)4 0.06 (0.415, 0.377)5 0.08 (0.461, 0.377)6 0.10 (0.527, 0.377)

Fig. 6. CIE chromaticity diagram for samples Ca2NaSiO4F:xEu under 356 nmexcitation: 1: x = 0.01; 2: x = 0.02; 3: x = 0.04; 4: x = 0.06, 5: x = 0.08, 6: x = 0.10.

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Eu3+ increase distinctly. There should be three reasons for thisintensity variation [15]: (a) concentration quenching of Eu2+ ions;(b) the increasing difficulty of Eu3+ ? Eu2+ reduction with increas-ing content of the Eu; (c) energy transfer from Eu2+ to Eu3+ occurs.However, it still needs to be pointed out that the reason for whythe difficulty increases in the reduction process is not clear in thepresent experiment. Further work should be done to reveal it.

In general, if the radiative energy transfer works, the decay timeof the sensitizer remains constant with increasing concentrationsof the activator [24]. Fig. 5 presents the decay curves of the Eu2+

emission in Ca2NaSiO4F:xEu (x = 0.01, 0.10) upon excitation at356 nm. We find that the two decay curves for different Eu concen-tration samples overlap each other, with a similar decay timeabout 235 ns, which further proves that the mechanism ofEu2+ ? Eu3+ energy transfer is considered to be the radiation andre-absorption, but not the resonance non-radiative energy transfer.

The CIE chromaticity diagram and CIE chromaticity coordinatesfor the Ca2NaSiO4F:xEu (x = 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10) phos-phors upon excitation at 356 nmwere calculated through emissionspectra, and shown in Table 1 and Fig. 6, respectively. It appears

that the emission color can be tunable by controlling the Eu overallconcentration. As the x value increases from 0.01 to 0.10, thecorresponding emission color of the phosphors shifts frombluish-green to white and eventually to orange-red. In particular,

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by controlling Eu overall concentration at x = 0.10, a white lightemission with CIE coordinates of (0.356, 0.381) is realized asshown in points 3 in Fig. 6. Even though the white light point inthis case deviates from the regular white light point (0.333,0.333) a little, it is still a fact that the phosphors Ca2NaSiO4F:Eumay be a potential single-component white-light phosphor for n-UV LEDs, because CIE coordinates can be further improved by mak-ing fine adjustments of Eu overall concentration.


In summary, bivalent Eu2+ and trivalent Eu3+ ions were detectedtogether in a novel phosphors Ca2NaSiO4F:Eu by UV�vis lumines-cence spectroscopy. The blue emission of Eu2+ at around 520 nmand red emission of Eu3+ appears simultaneously upon excitationat 356 nm due to radiative energy transfer from Eu2+ to Eu3+. Therelative intensity of Eu3+ versus Eu2+ luminescence gets higherand higher. Hence, the emission color of Ca2NaSiO4F:xEu changescontinuously from bluish-green to white and eventually toorange-red as the concentration of the Eu increases. The presentresults show that the Ca2NaSiO4F: Eu phosphor can act as asingle-component white-light phosphor for wLEDs.


The work is financially supported by National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (Grant No. 21401165, 11404283), NaturalScience Foundation of Guangdong Province (Grant No.2014A030307040, 2014A030307028), Training Program for Excel-lent Youth Teachers in Universities of Guangdong Province (No.YQ2015110), Overseas Scholarship Program for Elite Young and

Middle-aged Teachers of Lingnan Normal University, and theFundamental Research Funds for the Central University (No.21614334).


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