Responsible Travel Week 2016 #rtweek16

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Transcript of Responsible Travel Week 2016 #rtweek16

8 - 1 4 f e b , 2 0 1 6

@ r o n m a d e r • p l a n e t a . w i k i s p a c e s . c o m / r t w e e k 2 0 1 6 • 1 2 . 2 0 1 6

Corazones @ Boris

8 - 1 4 f e b , 2 0 1 6

@ r o n m a d e r • p l a n e t a . w i k i s p a c e s . c o m / r t w e e k 2 0 1 6 • 0 8 . 2 0 1 6

Corazones @ Boris

Fall in love with responsible travel February 8-14 as hosts our eighth annual Responsible Travel Week, a celebration that kicks off 2016 in fine style. Join us online and create local events. This presentation recaps RT Week with posters, screenshots and artwork. Your comments are welcome and so are embeds, likes, hearts, clips and shares.

- Ron Mader (Las Vegas, 2016)

p l a n e t a . c o m • p l a n e t a . w i k i s p a c e s . c o m / r t w e e k 2 0 1 6

About This Presentation

p l a n e t a . w i k i s p a c e s . c o m / r t w e e k 2 0 1 6

Change The World

H e l p E d i t



Fish graphic @BioDivLibrary

Responsible Travel is #OpenAccess



8 9


10 11


Save the Dates Responsible Travel Week, February 8-14

p l a n e t a . c o m

F a l l i n l o v e w i t h

r e s p o n s i b l e t r a v e l

F e b 8 - 1 4 .

P l a n e t a . c o m h o s t s o u r 8 t h a n n u a l

R e s p o n s i b l e T r a v e l W e e k , a w e e k - l o n g

f r i e n d l y c o n f a b t h a t

k i c k s o f f 2 0 1 6 i n f i n e

s t y l e . P l e a s e c i r c l e t h e

d a t e s o n y o u r c a l e n d a r .

p l a n e t a . w i k i s p a c e s . c o m / r t w e e k 2 0 1 6

Fall in love with responsible travel as hosts

our eighth annual Responsible Travel Week, a celebration that kicks off

2016 in fine style. Join us online and

create local events. Hashtag: #rtweek16

What does responsible travel look like in augumented reality?

Photo: Michael Matti

Photo: Michael Matti

Die Unkonferenz zur Woche des verantwortungsbewussten Reisens hat begonnen. Schaut mal nach #rtweek16 auf.

@1fachgutereisen @respontour

The unconference Responsible Travel Week has begun. Look to #rtweek16

Thursday, Feb 11: 830am Las Vegas, 630pm Athens

#RTWeek16 Hangout 1 1 FEB

Guests Antonis Petropoulos

photo: piet theisohn


Please tag posts about Responsible Travel

g r a p h i c @ o p e n c l i p a r t

p l a n e t a . w i k i s p a c e s . c o m / r t w e e k 2 0 1 6

How to make a poster Be creative. Responsible Travel Week is more fun if you make your own poster.

Bonus points for popup museums and foamboards celebrating responsible travel. Upload your work on our Facebook event page, Twitter and Flickr.

Top advice: Play. Make something that you have fun doing that celebrates responsible travel. This is not about about making the perfect poster, but rather

the first step in a series of creative endeavors this year.

We love PowerPoint. Combine it with Slideshare, you have an easy way of sharing this artwork and other responsible travel presentations with the world.

Share your work via Facebook, Twitter AND good old-fashioned dead tree media. Please call attention to the hashtag #rtweek16

Favorite posters are featured on our wiki

Registration is open for our annual celebration of Responsible Travel Week,

February 8-14, 2016.

Registered Guests

Image: stevepetmonkey/

facebook .com/groups/irresponsibletourism

R e s p o n s i b l e T r a v e l a n d T o u r i s m C o l l e c t i v e


The quest of the responsible traveller is to learn, to be understanding, to share, to contribute – rather than act as a consumer who seeks maximum gratification at a minimum expense. – Rolf Wesche and @andydrumm

La búsqueda del viajero responsable es aprender, ser comprensivo, para compartir, para contribuir - en lugar de actuar como un consumidor que busca la máxima satisfacción a un costo mínimo. – Rolf Wesche y @andydrumm

People are the heart of the responsible travel movement. Respect people who live in the places you visit on your travels.


Travel is more than bums on seats,

it's hearts that are engaged

@ r o n m a d e r 2 0 1 6

Opening Doors

@ c a t h e r i n e m a c k

I have been wary of tackling the subject of disability for some time. I admit it, I was afraid of getting it wrong, using politically incorrect terminology or causing offence, and so, to my shame, I am only now starting to try and understand some of the real issues. It would appear, however, that I am not alone, with many others working in tourism nervous of getting it wrong. - Catherine Mack, Opening doors to the disabled, Irish Times

Translating MLK

Photo: National Mall and Memorial Parks

The time is always right to do the right thing. El tiempo es siempre derecho a hacer lo correcto.

If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way. Si no puedo hacer grandes cosas, puedo hacer cosas pequeñas en una gran forma.

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. He decidido seguir con el amor. El odio es una carga demasiado pesada de soportar.

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. La fe es dar el primer paso, incluso cuando no ves toda la escalera.

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others? La pregunta más persistente y urgente de la vida es, '¿Qué estás haciendo por los demás?

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. Nuestras vidas empiezan a terminar el día que guardamos silencio sobre las cosas que importan.

Red Peak (lDesigned by Aaron Dustin from Wellington


Centennial Park, Sydney Photo: Royston Rascals

I hope this music connects you to your heart and gives you space to ‘be’ – Corrina Bonshek @bon_music


What if we rephrase the question: Should Las Vegas host trophy hunting conventions?

Yes – Trophy hunting is legal No – Trophy hunting is awful

Responsible Tourism in South Africa Group renamed and relaunched as

Better Tourism Africa


Photo: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

How to create a local event Responsible Travel Week is more fun if you host a local event.

1.  Plan something that educates and inspires. A slideshow. Green drinks. Photo safari. Popup museum. Soundwalk. Video night.

2.  Invite friends and colleagues. Make strangers welcome.

3.  Figure out the time and place.

4.  Announce your plans via Facebook, Twitter AND good old-fashioned dead tree media. Please call attention to the hashtag #rtweek16

5.  Look for the event on our wiki

Como crear un evento local Semana de Viajes Responsables es más divertida si alojas un evento local.

1. Planear algo que educa y inspira. Presentación de diapositivas. Bebidas verdes. Safari fotográfico. Museo emergente. Soundwalk. Noche de vídeo.

2. Invitar a amigos y colegas. Hacen extraños bienvenida.

3. Averiguar el momento y lugar.

4. Anunciar tus planes a través de Facebook, Twitter y buenos medios de árboles muertos. Por favor llame la atención sobre la etiqueta # rtweek16

5. Busque el evento en nuestro wiki

RTUnite • London Feb 9, 2016, 630-1030pm



The Thirsty Bear, 62 Stamford Street


Photo: HiDrivePhoto


Indigenous Peoples Week

Textile: Tienda Ayuuk/Oaxaca

14 8 9 10 11 12 13 M o n d a y T u e s d a y Wednesday T h u r s d a y F r i d a y S a t u r d a y S u n d a y

A u g u s t 2 0 1 6

p l a n e t a . w i k i s p a c e s . c o m / i n d i w e e k 2 0 1 6

p h o t o @ r o n m a d e r

We are all members of one community

and we have a common goal ... improving the economic and social

conditions of our city and making it a more desirable place in which to live.

Todos somos miembros de una comunidad

y tenemos un objetivo común ... la mejora de las condiciones

económicas y sociales de nuestra ciudad y por lo que sea un lugar

más deseable en el que vivir. - Robert West, San Antonio Riverwalk Photo: Kent Kanouse

Las Vegas, Nevada Photo: Kevin Scuiller

p l a n e t a . w i k i s p a c e s . c o m / r t w e e k 2 0 1 7

Photo: Kevin Scuiller

# r t w e e k 1 7

p l a n e t a . i k i s p a c e s . c o m / r t w e e k 2 0 1 7

# r t w e e k 1 7

Photo: Kevin Scuiller

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