Respiratory system (tfaree'3)5

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Respiratory system (tfaree'3)5

For cardiovascular system to work efficiently, it has to work

conjunction with respiratory system. Why??

Because we need oxygen, and where we get oxygen? From the


How can we get oxygen from the lungs?

Through the blood. So the heart has to pump blood to the lungs,

so we can oxygenate the blood and then send it elsewhere. So

the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system work in

conjunction with each other.

If there is problem that hit the heart, it will affect the respiratory

system, because right side of the heart pump the blood to the

lungs. If there is problem in the lungs, the right side of the heart

will not able to pump the blood to the lungs. therefore, the blood

will not be oxygenated, because we cannot send oxygen to the

body, therefore the whole system is called cardiopulmonary

system ( so the heart and the lung are called cardiopulmonary

system )

Everybody are setting down relaxed and (شهيق), the air goes in

(inside your lungs), and somehow the oxygen get transport to

the blood and CO2 comes back to the lungs and then (زفير ), we

get CO2 out. This mechanism is involuntary because we cannot

actually set there and stop breathing.

Who regulate this? Your brain. your brain is functioning well,

then your brain will force you to breath. So the mechanism or

the main function of the lungs is to take oxygen to the blood and

take CO2 from the blood which is a waste of the all body all the

cells all tissues and take it to rid through exhalation.

- The respiratory system

So we have different kind of respiration. Respiration involves 3


The process that when we take breath in, that is called

(pulmonary ventilation), So you try to get air into the lungs.

Pulmonary ventilation: So the air goes to your nose, mouth

maybe, goes to your throat, your larynx, your pharynx, all the

part of respiratory system.

so your trachea or we called it also windpipe. What is trachea?

- It is the pipe that actually delivers the breath down to your

lungs, and the air will go down to your lungs, so your right and

left main bronchus, which are the division where the lungs

separate (we have the right lung and the left lung, so at the end

of wind pipe (trachea pipe bifurcate ينقسم) , that means it goes to

the right and left. The right side will go to the right lung and the

left side will go the left lung, and the air continues go in until it

reaches a big sac of alveoli. (alveoli: are the smallest unit where

the gas exchange happens between the blood and the lung.)

- So where does the exchange of gasses happen in the lung ?

It happens in the alveoli.

- Between the alveoli there are a big sacs

( sac: means يس كبير فيهك little alveoli in our lungs "we have

millions of alveoli"

- Inside the alveoli and outside the alveoli there is a lot of

capillaries ( capillaries: are vessels that normally exchange the

gasses between the organs), So we have capillaries everywhere,

that means gas exchange happens between each tissue in the

blood, so we have a lot of capillaries surrounding alveoli and

that side where the oxygen leaves the alveoli and transports to

the blood, and the blood will give away the CO2 back to the

alveoli and that actually when you get the breath out.

-External respiration: is when the gas exchange happening

between the alveoli and the blood vessels inside your lungs.

-Internal respiration: is when oxygen transports to the tissue

itself (So it is when gas exchange happens at cell site)

When we talk about the kidney, liver, or stomach where oxygen

is needed to all systems to function, internal respiration refers to

when actually actual oxygen is given to those tissue themselves.

- Human respiratory system.

We divide respiratory system to two parts:-

► Upper respiratory tract:-

where the air enters the body, where the air is filtered

before it goes down to your lungs.

The main function of your nose and your upper respiratory

tract is to humidify, warm, and cleans that air before it

goes to your lungs.(That is why you breathe through your

nose not through your mouth, because if you breathe

through your mouth then the process doesn't happen and

you get sick "to get sick very frequently")

(People that smoke or people that have any problem with

their nares then they actually use their mouth, are more

frequently to get sick because they don't use their nose to


- Components of the Upper Respiratory Tract :-

♠ Epiglottis: very important window that prevents anything to

enter the lungs except the clean air.

respiratory system

Upper respiratory tract

Lower respiratory tract

- When speaking and using

respiratory system, epiglottis is

open, but when you are eating,

epiglottis is shut, because you are

trying to swallow, to eat, so it

will close the windpipe(trachea)

so the food goes to the

esophagus. If you aspirate(if you

get something inside your

mouth), you'll cough very hard

and you may die, because you can't get food and you can't

get air to trachea.

- Is esophagus a part of respiratory system?

No No No

( مرات علشان ال تغلطون فيها 3 No قلت)

because it is a part of the digestive system.

Make sure that you looked at those items.

-:مثل ( مو كلهم بس ما راح أقولكم شنو بالضبط ) كالم الدكتور >>

(nasal cavity - internal nares – nasopharynx – external nares – trachea) you have

to know them.

األجزاء قالهم عالسريع و يمكن فيه زيادة الزم نعرف بس ما ألن هذه( They are not enough: )!! منّيمالحظة

!!! ذكرهم بالمحاضرة

يعني مهمة الرسمة و الزم نحفظ األجزاء المهمة -

- Upper Respiratory Tract Functions:-

● Passageway for respiration

● Receptors for smell

● Filters incoming air to filter larger foreign material

● Moistens and warms incoming air and it actually

help you producing a voice.

● It prevents unwanted bacteria to enter the body.


We take normal breath during the day and the air don’t reach all

lung tissues, but when we wake up at the morning we sigh(نتمغظ)

To have double volume of air in order to reach all the lung

tissues and this beneficial )التمغط مفيييد(

- Components of the Lower Respiratory Tract:-

♠ Larynx (voice box): the part of respiratory system and it

provides you to produce the sound. (everybody have a different

number of (أوتار), so you can have different voice.

♠ Below the larynx, we have trachea(windpipe).

♠ Below the trachea, we have the carina ( carina: is where the

trachea bifurcates to the right and left main bronchus)

" The right main bronchus goes to the right lung and the left

main bronchus goes to the left "

♠ We have slightly bigger right lung than left lung, because the

left lung surrounds the heart and the heart takes space in that

area, so the left lung is little bit smaller.

♠ Left Lung: it only contains two major lobes:-

1- The left upper lobe

2- The left lower lobe

♠ Right Lung: a bigger size lung that contains 3 lobes:-

1- The right upper lobe

2- The right middle lobe

3- The right lower lobe

(So only the right lung has three lobes)

♠ Also these Lobes contain lot of rooms, inside each lobe there

is lot of separation. It becomes like lots of (تفرعات). All of those

should be reached the oxygen.


The importance of these lobs that if one of them get infected we

can remove it surgically , like in cancer cases (they remove one

lung and still we can breath.

The only difference is that ( قوة الجسم راح تكون مختلفة ) because

you can't get enough gas to do your activities (more oxygen you

get → better and strongly become)

- If you have less oxygen or set in the place and you're not

breathing oxygen "you're breathing CO2", you'll simply pass out.

- People that have a house burning and it has lot of smoke called

Carbon Monoxide (CO), you can die within 2 minutes breathing

CO. (That's danger !!)

(Carbon Monoxide have a high affinity to the blood and it

combines with hemoglobin quickly, in 2 minutes you can pass

out )

Note: You are required to know only items in your exam

(دكتور مقداد قال هالجملة بالمحاضرة وسمعتها بالتسجيل)

- Gass Exchange Between the Blood and Alveoli :-

► What is in the blood that carries the oxygen ?

- It is very important to know it is called Hemoglobin.

♠ Hemoglobin: is the car that transports the gasses to your



Anemic people don’t have enough hemoglobin to carry oxygen.

- What do I mean with healthy hemoglobin ? We actually

exchange gasses between hemoglobin and the alveoli other than

the oxygen like CO2 and CO and others , the environmental air

contain 20.9% oxygen and this is enough for us.

There are several other gases that can combine with hemoglobin

and not let the oxygen combine with it and those gases are CO "

the one I spoke about co2 so people who smoke they have more

co2 attached to their hemoglobin so they are transferring co2

instead of o2 so they are almost tined and don’t feel good

because the hemoglobin is binned by co2 rather than o2 so that's

why we say don’t smoke so we give more chances for the

oxygen to be combined to the hemoglobin therefore you have

better oxygenated you have better looking parts your nails your

toes , your skin will look a lot better when you give it more

oxygen other than giving the other gases that’s why you have to

smell and make sure you are breathing clear air some people

that are sleeping at the hospital we give them some oxygen why

? because they have problems that (24 times %) is nothing

afford them to satisfy their demand so we increase the amount

of oxygen we give them 50, 60, 70, or 100% so we give more

chance for the oxygen to be delivered to the tissues.

The respiratory cycle:

The respiratory cycle is when you take a deep breath

"inhalation" which is involuntary so if you stop breathing your

brain will force you to breathe and that mechanism is something

that you can't control but you have to take the breath in , you

have to make the mechanism, the breath is not going to go in

unless you take it , so I'm taking the breath in but in order to get

the breath out I have to relax , this is the physiology of the lungs

So take the breath in you have to have a good muscle, and the

main muscle of breathing is diaphragm , the diaphragm helps

you to take the breath in, the diaphragm is located just below the

thorax and it moves downwards when you take the breath in,

because it moves upwards, when you have a bigger belly for

any reason like when you are pregnant its better to breathe

when you are standing because the diaphragm starts to down

and its can't go down because your belly is big, so the smaller

the belly is , the better function for the diaphragm, especially if

you are standing , if you are laying down or on a side of you ,

the diaphragm can move quickly because the weight of your

belly is controlled by the gravity rather than your self . when

you are standing s better than when you are laying down that's

why if you have a big belly for any reason they ask you when

you lay down to put your belly aside to take the weight out of

your chest then the diaphragm will work better.

The regulation of the breath intake is controlled by the medulla

in your brain, in the back of your head. it controls the breathing

by having sensors located everywhere but mostly on the

receptor cells in the carotid and aortic bodies , responses to large

decrease in arterial O2 so if your O2 gets low in your blood and

the CO2 gets high its stimulate you to breathe quickly so you are

increasing the respiratory rate so instead of breathing 10, 12 you

breathe 20 or 25 when you exercise. So those receptors decide

how much CO2 and if that CO2 increases above the level then

we need to get rid of it by breathing faster so these sensors

sense whether you need to get rid of more CO2 or not. That's

how important your nervous system with your respiratory

system, so the respiratory system used to run mainly by the

brain , if your brain is not working then you can't breathe , when

you are sleeping, you don't stop breathing because your brain

breathes for you and if your brain is not functional you can't


The disorders are just for you to understand . some disorders

that we might have in our lungs that can affect the normal

physiology in our bodies.

Asthma is a very common disease that happens when your

airway collapses, when you try to get the air out but you can't

get it out because something is suffocating you that's what

happens inside your lungs , this disorder of the lung will prevent

its normal physiology. People with asthma take a class of drugs

called bronchodilators examples: Ventolin, levalbuterol, and

atrimin , and those drugs will open the airways.

The lymphatic system

The lymphatic system function to produce antibodies and

lymphocytes that are important to immunity . the body contains

lots of organs each organ has a function and the body works on

protecting these organs

The lymphatic system functions to maintain a balance of fluid

in the internal environment.

Organs of the lymphatic system are:

The spleen and the thymus and the tonsils ( many people

remove their tonsils because they get infected and they prevent

the breathing by blocking the airway.

The spleen is located in the abdominal cavity behind the

stomach, the stomach is under the diaphragm so at that part of

the body the spleen is located behind it.

The thymus is located in the thoracic cavity . the tonsils are

spread all over the body.

The image:

Lymph vessels they are similar to vessels carry lymph fluid

which cleans the body from any microbes and germs.

The lymph vessels are clear and go through the lymphatic

system in order to clear any unwanted items in the system. Any

unwanted items in the blood will be transferred to the lymphatic

system and it will be cleared outside the body throughout the

thymus , spleen, and tonsils.

The difference between the lymphatic vessels and blood vessels:

The lymph vessels do not form a closed circuit but all the blood

vessels in the body contains a closed circuit that means that the

blood pumped from the heart to the lower limb is the same

blood that comes back to the heart because it’s a closed system

and the blood can not escape from the blood vessels , on the

other hand the lymph vessels do not form a closed circuit like

the cardiovascular system so they are an open ended vessels that

would be able to contain and clear the external environment of

those vessels so the blood vessels are in tubes in your body and

outside those tubes is the external environment and the lymph

vessels can have access to that environment , so it can clears it.

A lot of people can have edema they have more fluid in their

bodies and the doctors try to know if they have any problems in

their lymphatic system because the lymphatic system is

supposed to clear any excess fluid in your body and maintain its

the normal balance.

Lymph vessels contain valves to prevent the backflow , so the

veins and the lymph vessels have something in common which

is valves.

All the three groups of the tonsils are in the mouth. They

prevent any unwanted bacteria in the air enters the lungs and

goes through the blood stream.