respect for every voice

Post on 18-Oct-2014

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Transcript of respect for every voice

with whatever means you have…..




-Keri Smith

focus on offense..Kevin on building communityBen on building his community (board)

a master at listening...

Ethan Zuckerman’s Global Voices: Sure, the web connects the globe, but most of us end up hearing mainly from people just like ourselves. Zuckerman talks about clever strategies to

open up your twitter world and read the news in languages you don't even know.celebrate bridge figures we have to figure out a way to rewire the systems we have

ways of c r e a t i n g





…in ed We think we have bang up lessons... but have we asked the kids? Do they carry ideas outside the class? Past the tests? Do we hear global voices in our classrooms? Do we speak their language, are we too busy insisting that they speak ours? Are we too busy getting things done to notice.



Mad World – chosen as the Lab theme song.

Peter on going where students are

Per danah boyd style: go to where the clusters are alive and find out why/how.

On Newton’s Law at Harvard, a study showing that barely any can apply it on arrival, and only about half can at the end of the year.

On AP classes… US study asked students as they left class what just went on. Most couldn’t say. How were they able to do well on the test?

They gathered after hours in student organized study groups.


e Gut feeling from kids about end of a highschool course:15% get it per teacher goals, 75% non-legit grades, 10% fail

Erica, valedictorian, speaks out against schooling:



Chimamanda Adichie’s Tedthere’s never a single story about anything

Simon Sinek’sseek all version s of a story

Seth Godin’s seek stories we often avoid

Stanford’s peacedotseek the best stories



A new paradigm shift.

The future of business is sharing. The Mesh, Lisa Gansky

Getting to the heart of the matter begs a …

to deck for culture of trust

Prejudice decreases when discrimination is increased. Every actor has a reason.

- Ellen Langer, Mindfulness

If there is no match, there’s no way to pigeon-hole.

video: digital equity.

slides: green about people

to the your people.

to a person.

Carol Dweck - growth Mindset

What, I messed up? It didn’t work? They didn’t like it?

…what can I learn from that?

What a waste to go into a room with an agenda, Kim Sheinberg (presumed abundance)

Frustrated I had squandered my time talking about my idea instead of getting to know this man.

Are you better off?

Isn’t this it’s own reward? The measures we came up with:Is it awesome? Does it matter?Both beg – to whom.

Perhaps we’re listening for the wrong things..

Maybe fishing with your family is success. To you. To your community.

Cristian talking passion with his brother.

Are we Schooling the World by our definition of success? Is respect for every voice a part of our soul?

Film by Carol Black – high recommend.Book by Jacqueline Novogratz – high recommend.Film by Tom Shadyac – high recommend.

There are many, but along with Jacqueline’s Acumen Fund, are Cameron Sinclair’s Architecture for Humanity, and Scott Harrison’s charity: water - incredible models of listening to culture, to soul..

click to play

Listening to what matters most… modeling detox.

Note: no sound :47 to 1:22 if using ear buds.

Noah sharing that for him, work that matters means he’s working with people.I get real lazy when it comes to independent work.This isn’t a classroom passion.I need to connect to someone who knows it a lot better than I do.I don’t know if I could do it by myself.

Doing what has been considered standard doesn’t equate with success anymore.

We need to be freeing kids up to be themselves. Giving them space to fail. Showing them we trust learning. That it is that fascinating and alluring.

Lucas with a CSU student talking about space and permission to be.

Could we make this a place that would accept me, and more importantly, be able to keep people like me?

On the West Coast, you’ve got Peter Thiel, paying people to drop out of college. And I thought: let’s flip this around. Aren’t there a bunch of those people who dropped out who should be here at the Media Lab and how can we figure that out? That’s one of my missions.

Lab goal: building/supporting spaces for all options (all people) within public ed. [homeschoolers/unschoolers, dropouts, rebels, 4.0’s, homeless -any that are disengaged.] When we exclude, we miss incredible adjacent possibilities. Nothing is for everyone.

Let’s use that for good.

click here for entire interview

We can do any of that. We can do all of that. And more. Together.

We have millions of expert collaborators waiting to be set free, to do stuff that matters.

Let’s find out what makes YOUth hungry…. what they can’t not do.

Lab parent on trusting beyond appearances. Holding out, in order to find that true hunger.

Seth on the need for space to find/make/be himself, to procrastinate, daydream.

click to play

Passion comes from within each of us, it cannot be imposed or mandated from outside.

What (people) wantWhat do customers, friends, the socially networked, users, neighbors, classmates, servers, administrators, employees... maybe even brands... want?notice melike metouch medo what I saymiss me if I'm gone-Seth Godin

devastatingly simple- Anne McCrossan

The shift in education can be devastatingly simple as well.

We don’t need new programs, new standards, new policies, new buildings …we just need a new frame of mind.

A culture of trust.

And people.We need people.

People who want to do things that matter.People who want the thrill of working hard on things that matter.

And they are everywhere. We need to learn from our YOUth how to connect and collaborate this new game.

They’re learning how to play without us. But they’re dying for time and space to do the legit work, the hard work,

the work that will make a difference. Too many of them are waiting for permission for validation.

The beauty and simplicity is that anyone can decide to play. Today even. You even.Let’s at least let kids decide. Let’s let them choose what they want to learn.

click to play

Kids hard at work that matters. It may take time. It may look ridiculous for a while. But it’s legit. It will change the room.

be mindful.

Instead of embracing the diversity of the human mind we have stigmatized

the very differences that are so

characteristic of humans. The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) declared war on the introverts, and the educationally challenged among others and has attempted to

define what a normal human should be, an extroverted individual who works well with people, progresses well in conventional schooling, and will succeed in a conventional job.

Lucas, student, Stigmatizing the Human Mind

looking to measure creativity.

Common statements in the Lab, I can’t stop learning, I want to learn everything.

So how do they learn?.. what do they need?

click to play

When teenage girls can help organize events that unnerve national governments, without needing professional organization or organizers to get the ball rolling, we are in new territory. As Mimi Ito describes the protesters,

Their participation in the protests was grounded less in the concrete conditions of their everyday lives, and more in their solidarity with a shared media fandom…

Although so much of what kids are doing online may look trivial and frivolous, what they are doing is building the capacity to connect, to communicate, and ultimately, to mobilize. .. What’s distinctive about this historical moment and today’s rising generation is not only a distinct form of media expression, but how this expression is tied to social action.

- via Clay Shirky, Cognitive Surplus

They are ready to change the world.

Many of you, like the Youth Digital Media Project – are listening to them.We need to listen louder.

They are connected to each other. That is power like we’ve never seen.

Their Dandelion Effect

previously slides are one story deck of the narrative deck:

The entire narrative deck can be accessed here.. Or you can go to the next slide to access another story deck…

4-39: mindset - the skinny

40-79: redefining success: school as a business … community as a school43-49: the dandelion effect50-53: is respect for every voice a part of your soul54-63: we don’t need more resources, we just need to be more resourceful : on health & wealth64-72: Joi Ito as an exemplar – nothing is for everyone73-79: declaration of interdependence - as glue

80-89: findings in failings : history (deliberately not teaching, homeless analogy) : detox (process/what, unpacking/why, doing/how)90-95: vision/floorplan96-97: connected adjacency

98: suggested book reads 99: faq

100-111: mindset

Suggestion per parents, if you were only going to look at 2 things: slide 25 and detox.

as story

just out: awakening indispensable people via videoswarning – poor quality – ie slidedeck with voice