Resource Magazine - Tablet Media Kit

Post on 10-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Resource Magazine - Tablet Media Kit

mag+Tablet Media and Creative Guidelinestablet media

creative guidelines

mag+Tablet Media and Creative Guidelines

Mag+ is the most interactive digital magazine platform available. Our primary goal with Mag+ is to preserve those parts of print magazines that readers value most: that they are

immersive, relaxed, curated, designed and attractive.

and Mag+

This interactive digital magazine

platform allows readers to effortlessly

navigate through pages of stunning

visuals and immersive articles, while

also taking advantage of the digital

extras that are unique to the electronic

version of the magazine. The two axes

of the platform, which users can swipe

to move, and two layers, which users

can activate to bring different layers into

focus, encourages engagement with

stories and advertisements.

Learn more about the Mag+ platform at:

resou rcemagazi n

mag+Tablet Media and Creative Guidelines

Creative Capabilities sTaTic sTaTic+ enhanced+

PresenTing sPOnsOrenhanced

static ad(Works in both orientations)

clickable web link

duel layered creative (a&B)

Multiple web links

One swipe(2 pieces of creative)

social networking component

Two swipe(3 pieces of creative)

Up to 30 second video

audio Files

Over 30 secs. video (streaming)

360 rotation



image gallery (5 max)

Presenting sponsor (only one available per issue)

priCiNG - 1x

priCiNG - 4x (one-year contract)











0 $500 $1000 $2500 $3000prODUCtiON

mag+Tablet Media and Creative Guidelines

Capabilities - statiC

static ad

Stand out from the competition.Stand Out From the Competition.

Uncompromising image quality, delivered from a system that is designed to help photographers get the most from their photography, both technically and creatively.

Available exclusively at authorized dealers.

Distributed by Hasselblad Bron Inc. 1.800.367.6434 |

The New H5D Camera System.

Stand out from the competition.Stand Out From the Competition.

Uncompromising image quality, delivered from a system that is designed to help photographers get the most from their photography, both technically and creatively.

Available exclusively at authorized dealers.

Distributed by Hasselblad Bron Inc. 1.800.367.6434 |

The New H5D Camera System.

• landscape and portrait orientations

single clickable Web Link

• Web linking when user taps on live button

36 E 30th StNEw York NY 10016

212 457

learN MOre

learN MOre

mag+Tablet Media and Creative Guidelines

Capabilities - statiC+

dual Layered creative

clickable Web Link

• Multiple layered technology

• Double tap to turn on and off the top layer

• Multiple web linking when user taps on live buttons

36 E 30th StNEw York NY 10016

212 457

36 E 30th StNEw York NY 10016

212 457

36 E 30th StNEw York NY 10016

212 457

Lorem ipsum doLor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean nec iaculis est, ac vehicula erat. Suspendisse ultrices erat ultrices hendrerit bibendum. Vivamus egestas pharetra nibh, ac lobortis tellus pharetra ut. Integer laoreet varius metus suscipit bibendum. Aenean molestie elit ac orci pulvinar, vitae cursus neque mattis. Etiam

accumsan condimentum mi vel facilisis. Phasellus aliquet sagittis tortor quis ultrices. Morbi urna elit, sodales ac magna non, placerat consequat lacus. Vestibulum venenatisiacuLis risus, ac viverra neque commodo eget. Phasellus bibendum nisl lacinia lacus euismod tempus.

Suspendisse eu tincidunt nisi, vel euismod augue. Ut tristique lobortis tellus et luctus. Mauris suscipit aliquet dui et mattis. Donec semper porta turpis at phllis eros vitae dui

learN MOre

learN MOre

mag+Tablet Media and Creative Guidelines

Capabilities - statiC+

One swipe (scrolling ad)

social networking components

• swipe up or across to see more content

• swipe back down or across to see original page8

Day light & black out stuDiosstate of the art Digital & equipment room

6 cycloramasfull service cafe

10 bathrooms anD shower 2 fully equippeD kitchens

conference room

8 Day light & black out stuDios

state of the art Digital & equipment room6 cycloramas

full service cafe10 bathrooms anD shower 2 fully equippeD kitchens

conference room

36 E 30th StNEw York NY 10016

212 457

36 E 30th StNEw York NY 10016

212 457

36 E 30th StNEw York NY 10016

212 457

<< swipe to see full image >> << swipe to see full image >>

mag+Tablet Media and Creative Guidelines

Capabilities - eNhaNCeD

Two swipe (Three pieces of creative)

Video Links (30 second clip) audio Links (30 second clip)

36 E 30th StNEw York NY 10016

212 457

36 E 30th StNEw York NY 10016

212 457


36 E 30th StNEw York NY 10016

212 457

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imper-diet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pre-tium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut

• One-touch video• Can be viewed with

ad or on a separate video player




Video Links (30 second clip)

• One - touch video

• Can be viewed with ad or on a seperate video player

Two Vertical Swipe (Three pieces of creative)

• One-touch audio player

mag+Tablet Media and Creative Guidelines

Capabilities - eNhaNCeD+

360o rotation

VIGOROUS.Strength comes from reach, range and

superior optical performance.

At F2.8, the new Sigma 120-300mm

lens brings superior technology to

telephoto performance.

SIGMA Corporation of America | 15 Fleetwood Court | Ronkonkoma, NY 11779, U.S.A. | Tel: (631) 585-1144 | www.SigmaPhoto.comFollow us Twitter @sigma_photo and

Case and Hood LH1220-01 included.USA 4 Year Service Protection

120-300mm F2.8 DGOS HSM

SIGMA USB DockThe ultimate tool for the modern photographer.From focus, to AF & OS- customization never thought possible. Sold separately.

SIGMA_120_300_ResourceMagazine.indd 1 8/27/13 10:53 AM

VIGOROUS.Strength comes from reach, range and

superior optical performance.

At F2.8, the new Sigma 120-300mm

lens brings superior technology to

telephoto performance.

SIGMA Corporation of America | 15 Fleetwood Court | Ronkonkoma, NY 11779, U.S.A. | Tel: (631) 585-1144 | www.SigmaPhoto.comFollow us Twitter @sigma_photo and

Case and Hood LH1220-01 included.USA 4 Year Service Protection

120-300mm F2.8 DGOS HSM

SIGMA USB DockThe ultimate tool for the modern photographer.From focus, to AF & OS- customization never thought possible. Sold separately.

SIGMA_120_300_ResourceMagazine.indd 1 8/27/13 10:53 AM

VIGOROUS.Strength comes from reach, range and

superior optical performance.

At F2.8, the new Sigma 120-300mm

lens brings superior technology to

telephoto performance.

SIGMA Corporation of America | 15 Fleetwood Court | Ronkonkoma, NY 11779, U.S.A. | Tel: (631) 585-1144 | www.SigmaPhoto.comFollow us Twitter @sigma_photo and

Case and Hood LH1220-01 included.USA 4 Year Service Protection

120-300mm F2.8 DGOS HSM

SIGMA USB DockThe ultimate tool for the modern photographer.From focus, to AF & OS- customization never thought possible. Sold separately.

SIGMA_120_300_ResourceMagazine.indd 1 8/27/13 10:53 AM

VIGOROUS.Strength comes from reach, range and

superior optical performance.

At F2.8, the new Sigma 120-300mm

lens brings superior technology to

telephoto performance.

SIGMA Corporation of America | 15 Fleetwood Court | Ronkonkoma, NY 11779, U.S.A. | Tel: (631) 585-1144 | www.SigmaPhoto.comFollow us Twitter @sigma_photo and

Case and Hood LH1220-01 included.USA 4 Year Service Protection

120-300mm F2.8 DGOS HSM

SIGMA USB DockThe ultimate tool for the modern photographer.From focus, to AF & OS- customization never thought possible. Sold separately.

SIGMA_120_300_ResourceMagazine.indd 1 8/27/13 10:53 AM

VIGOROUS.Strength comes from reach, range and

superior optical performance.

At F2.8, the new Sigma 120-300mm

lens brings superior technology to

telephoto performance.

SIGMA Corporation of America | 15 Fleetwood Court | Ronkonkoma, NY 11779, U.S.A. | Tel: (631) 585-1144 | www.SigmaPhoto.comFollow us Twitter @sigma_photo and

Case and Hood LH1220-01 included.USA 4 Year Service Protection

120-300mm F2.8 DGOS HSM

SIGMA USB DockThe ultimate tool for the modern photographer.From focus, to AF & OS- customization never thought possible. Sold separately.

SIGMA_120_300_ResourceMagazine.indd 1 8/27/13 10:53 AM

VIGOROUS.Strength comes from reach, range and

superior optical performance.

At F2.8, the new Sigma 120-300mm

lens brings superior technology to

telephoto performance.

SIGMA Corporation of America | 15 Fleetwood Court | Ronkonkoma, NY 11779, U.S.A. | Tel: (631) 585-1144 | www.SigmaPhoto.comFollow us Twitter @sigma_photo and

Case and Hood LH1220-01 included.USA 4 Year Service Protection

120-300mm F2.8 DGOS HSM

SIGMA USB DockThe ultimate tool for the modern photographer.From focus, to AF & OS- customization never thought possible. Sold separately.

SIGMA_120_300_ResourceMagazine.indd 1 8/27/13 10:53 AM


FOCUS: XXXX-“xxxxx” Page 129 FOCUS: XXXX-“xxxxx” Page 129

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mag+Tablet Media and Creative Guidelines

Capabilities - eNhaNCeD+



image gallery (5 max)

TaP TO VieW MOre sTUdiO iMages


mag+Tablet Media and Creative Guidelines

Capabilities - preseNtiNG spONsOr

Presenting sponsor



fall 2013

• premier placement

mag+Material specifications

Specs + Design Guidelines+ screen size:

1024 pixels by 768 pixels (landscape), 768 pixels by 1024 pixels (portrait)

+ Full background size: 1024 pixels by 1024

+ resolution: 132 ppi+ color: rgB+ image format: Png, either 8 or 24 bit,

with transparency if required+ Minimum suggested font size: 8pt

Ipad template + Layout

iPad Layout Basics+ For layouts to move through our production system, the indesign template must be used and its conventions closely followed. here are the basics.

piNNiNG: To keep elements such as logos and disclaimer copy visible in either orientation, you can set those elements to move when the device is turned so that they remain pinned against an edge. Put those objects on the “B - slides – pinned blocks” layer and add a note in the “notes” layer.

sNappiNG: You can make Layer a content scroll freely or snap into place, one screen at a time. You can also make the Layer a trigger a slide change in the Layer B, so that elements on the two layers can reference each other. dictate these in the “notes” layer.

FaDiNG: You can dictate that images on the Layer B remain faded back until the user activates the looking mode, or that

live area(768 px by 768 px)

128-pixel regions in which the content is only visible in one orienta-tion. To keep something in this area visible when the device is turned, see Pinning on next page.

The live area is the“safe zone” in which content will be visible in either orientation. content does not shrink, expand or change in any way when device is turned.

images start at full transparency and fade back once the user begins scrolling up.

layer a MaiN tOWer: no text or image frames on this layer can overlap. Think of elements like a tower of blocks. Put elements you want to scroll freely in one long page here.

layer b sliDes–MaiN CONteNt: Put background images here. do not use transparency in the Png files on this layer. each time you want Layer B to change, start a new page in the template.

layer b sliDes–piNNeD blOCks: Put anything you want over the background images here, as well as anything you want to pin against an edge.

Master GUiDes: do not edit the guides on this layer.

mag+Material specifications


screen size: 1024 x (>768) pixels Landscape

768 x (>1024) pixels Portrait

File Format: png-24 file without transparency

color space: rgB

sliDe shOW

Max. File size: 5mb

note: Buttons on slide show must remain in the same location at all times. We recomend that the same number of slides be submitted for both orientations.

30 seCOND viDeO

Max. File size: 10mb

File Format: 720p .mp4 file using .h264 compression

Full screen: 1024x768

in-content: specs are TBd depending on scope.

phOtO explOrer

Popsci will consult on development of these assets.

data capture hTML5 based execution

Popsci will consult on development of these assets.

siNGle sUbtle aNiMatiON

Popsci will consult on development of these assets.


File Format: .mp3 Max.

File size: 5mb Max.

Length: 90 seconds

phOtO 360

Max. screen size: 1024 x 568 pixels Landscape

768 x 824 pixels Portrait

File Format: .png or .jpg (minimum 25 images)

Max. File size: 5mb

note: all images must have the same root name with ascending suffixes (image01.jpg, image02.jpg, etc.)

30 seCOND viDeO

Max. File size: 10mb

File Format: 720p .mp4 file using .h264 compression

Full screen: 1024x768

in-content: specs are TBd depending on scope

paNOraMiC vieW

Popsci will consult on development of these assets. specs are TBd depending on scope.

Feature Builder

Popsci will consult on development of these assets. specs are TBd depending on scope



WinTer 2014

sPring 2014

sUMMer 2014

FaLL 2014

WinTer 2015








aD Material

DrOp DeaD Date






ClieNt apprOval Date













aD Material









US 20 Jay st #735Brooklyn, ny

tweet us @resourcemag