Research Article Bacopa monnieri Phytochemicals Mediated … · 2019. 7. 31. · (H 2 PtCl 6) was...

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Transcript of Research Article Bacopa monnieri Phytochemicals Mediated … · 2019. 7. 31. · (H 2 PtCl 6) was...

  • Hindawi Publishing CorporationJournal of Neurodegenerative DiseasesVolume 2013, Article ID 972391, 8 pages

    Research ArticleBacopa monnieri Phytochemicals Mediated Synthesis ofPlatinum Nanoparticles and Its Neurorescue Effect on 1-Methyl4-Phenyl 1,2,3,6 Tetrahydropyridine-Induced ExperimentalParkinsonism in Zebrafish

    Jayshree Nellore,1 Cynthia Pauline,1 and Kanchana Amarnath2

    1 Department of Biotechnology, Sathyabama University, Jeppiaar Nagar, Rajiv Gandhi Salai Chennai-119, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India2Department of Biochemistry, Sathyabama University, Chennai 600119, Tamilnadu, India

    Correspondence should be addressed to Jayshree Nellore; sree

    Received 17 October 2012; Revised 2 January 2013; Accepted 17 January 2013

    Academic Editor: Eng King Tan

    Copyright © 2013 Jayshree Nellore et al.This is an open access article distributed under theCreative CommonsAttribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

    Current discovery demonstrates the rapid formation of platinum nanoparticles using leaf extract of a neurobeneficial plant, Bacopamonnieri (BmE). The nanoparticles (BmE-PtNPs) were stabilized and then coated with varied phytochemicals present withinthe leaf extract. These nanoparticles demonstrated the same activity of Complex I, as that of oxidizing NADH to NAD+ usinga spectrophotometric method. This suggests that BmE-PtNPs are a potential medicinal substance for oxidative stress mediateddisease with suppressed mitochondrial complex I, namely, Parkinson’s disease (PD). Hence, the neuroprotective potentials of thephytochemical coated nanoparticle were explored in 1-methyl 4-phenyl 1,2,3,6 tetrahydropyridine- (MPTP-)induced experimentalParkinsonism in zebrafish model. BmE-PtNPs pretreatment significantly reversed toxic effects of MPTP by increasing the levelsof dopamine, its metabolites, GSH and activities of GPx, catalase, SOD and complex I, and reducing levels of MDA along withenhanced locomotor activity. Taken together, these findings suggest that BmE-PtNPs have protective effect in MPTP-inducedneurotoxicity in this model of Parkinson’s disease via their dual functions as mitochondrial complex I and antioxidant activity.

    1. Introduction

    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease ofdopamine (DA) neurons in substantia nigra characterizedpredominantly by resting tremors, bradykinesia, muscularrigidity, and postural instability, along with several non-motor symptoms [1]. The disease is associated with a lossof antioxidants or increase in prooxidant levels and mito-chondrial dysfunction. The neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6- tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) is known to cause asimilar loss of dopaminergic neurons in the humanmidbrainwith corresponding Parkinsonian symptoms [2]. Severalanimal species have also shown sensitivity to MPTP, includ-ing primates, mice, goldfish, and, most recently, zebrafish[3]. MPTP is metabolized to 1-methyl-4-phenyl pyridinium(MPP+) in glial cells in the brain. After release fromthe glia, MPP+ is transported into dopaminergic neurons

    via the dopamine transporter (DAT). MPP+ accumulatesin the mitochondria and induce neuronal cell death viaseveral pathways, including the inhibition of complex Iactivity of the respiratory chain. This contributes to bothreactive oxygen species generation and nigral cell loss.[4]. The excessive production of reactive oxygen species,such as superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical and hydrogenperoxide, may either directly damage the cellular macro-molecule to cause cell necrosis or affect normal cellularsignaling pathways and gene regulation to induce apoptosis[5].

    Lately, several studies demonstrated the free radicalscavenging activity, reducing the concentration of reac-tive oxygen, and nitrogen species of artificial antioxidantsinclude inorganic nanoparticles possessing intrinsic antioxi-dant properties andnanoparticles functionalizedwith naturalantioxidants or antioxidant enzymes [6].

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    Recent studies have proposed that platinum in the formof nanoparticles has an activity that is similar to that ofoxidizing Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) andreducing ubiquinone (CoQ

    10) [7]. Platinum nanoparticles

    also provide dual functions as mitochondrial complex Ito lower reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and asSuperoxide dismutases (SOD)/catalase mimetics to scav-enge ROS including superoxide anion (O2−) as well ashydrogen peroxide (H

    2O2) and free radicals [8, 9]. This

    suggests that platinum nanoparticles can mimic a part ofthe enzymatic functions of the complex I and indicatestheir possible use in medical treatments for Parkinson’sdisease.

    With such important applications, it is imperative todevelop platinum nanoparticles through environmentallysound and nonpolluting technologies. While a number ofchemical methods [7] are currently available and are exten-sively used, the collaborations are often energy intensiveand employ toxic chemicals, thereby precluding biomed-ical application. With the flourishing demand on “green”nanotechnological processes [10], the field of nanoparti-cle synthesis has recently developed new routes. Biosyn-thetic methods employing either biological microorganisms[11] or plant extracts [12] have emerged as simple andviable alternative to chemical synthetic procedures. Usingplants for nanoparticle synthesis can be advantageous overother biological processes, because they eliminate the elab-orate process of maintaining cell cultures and can alsobe suitably scaled up for large-scale nanoparticle synthesis[13].

    In this work presented here, we describe a single-step “green synthesis” protocol for the production of well-defined platinum nanoparticles by utilising aqueous extractof Bacopa monnieri (BM) leaves. We have chosen Bacopamonnieri (BM) leaves because it is often used to treatpeople with Parkinson’s disease [14]. Studies suggest thatthey improve circulation to the brain, as well as improvingmood, cognitive function, and general neurological function[15]. The presence of bacoside A and B in BM leavesattributes to their neurobeneficial function [16]. In additionto the neurobeneficial effects they exert antiamnesic [17],antioxidant [18], antistress [19], anxiolytic [20], memoryenhancing [21], and antiulcerogenic activities [19]. Recentstudies suggests that Bacopa monnieri also exerts antiinflam-matory [22] and antiarthritis activity [23]. Hosamani andMuralidhara have reported the neuroprotective efficacy ofBacopa monnieri against rotenone-induced oxidative stressand neurotoxicity in Drosophila melanogaster[24]. Recentstudies have demonstrated that pretreatment with the BMextract protected the human neuroblastoma cell line SK-N-SH against H

    2O2and acrolein by modulating the activity of

    several redox regulated proteins, that is, NF-kappaB, Sirt1,ERK1/2, and p66Shc, so as to favor cell survival in responseto oxidative stress [25]. Based on these stipulations, we usedBM extract in the present study to prove its synergisticreduction potential in reducing platinum salts and for thecreation of robust coating on platinum nanoparticles toproduce stable phyto platinum nanoparticles for poten-tial applications in medicine and technology. Since recent

    research in antioxidant nanomaterial has opened a new erain pharmaceutical industries, we, hence forth finally, pro-pose to determine the potentiality of platinum nanoparticlescoated with phytochemicals of Bacopa monnieri leaf (BmE-PtNPs) extract endowed with antioxidants to mitigate theoxidative damage induced by MPTP in zebrafish (Daniorerio).

    Thereby, in the present, we aimed to explore the neuro-protective role of BmE-PtNPs inMPTP-induced zebrafishPDmodel.

    2. Experimental Procedure

    2.1. Materials. The components (natural constructs) used inthe synthesis of platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) were pro-cured from standard vendors. MPTP and Chloroplatinic acid(H2PtCl6) was purchased from Bio Corporals, Vadapalani,

    Chennai. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), 5,5-dithio-bis (2 nitro benzoic acid) (DTNB), nitro bluetetrazolium, perchloric acid, potassium dihydrogen phos-phate, Acetonitrile, citric acid, 5-5-dithiobis-p-nitrobenzoicacid, Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate (KH

    2PO4), Ethylene

    diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA), and octanesulfonic acidwere obtained from Southern Scientific Corporation, Chen-nai.

    2.1.1. Synthesis of Bacopa monnieri-Stabilized PlatinumNanoparticles (BmE-PtNPs). A general method was used tosynthesize platinum nanoparticles with slight modifications[12].The Bacopa monnieri leaves extract (BmE) was preparedby weighing 50 g of Bacopa monnieri leaves in 250mL beakeralong with 100mL of distilled water and maintained at 80∘Cfor 2 hrs before decanting it. The solution was filtered by0.45 𝜇m Milipore membrane filter and followed by 0.2𝜇mMillipore membrane filter. For the synthesis of platinumnanoparticles, 40ml of 1mM was reacted with 10mL of theBacopa monnieri leaves extract in Erlenmeyer flask at roomtemperature. The formation of platinum nanoparticles wasconfirmed by the change in the color of the mixture frompale yellow color to dark brown.

    The final concentration of metal nanoparticles in thesolution was around 6 × 10−4M. The NPs synthesized werefound to be stable for more than a month when stored inclosed containers, and no visible change was observed forseveral days.

    2.1.2. Characterization. The characterization of synthesizednanoparticles was carried out according to the methodsdescribed previously [26]. The stability and identity of theBmE-PtNPs were measured by recording UV absorbance.The absorbance peak at ∼330–380 nm confirmed the reten-tion of nanoparticulates in all the above mixtures. The sizeand shape of the nanoparticles were determined by usingTEM on a JEOL TEMSCAN2000EX model operating ataccelerating voltage at 80KeV. The sample for TEM wasprepared by putting one drop of the suspension onto standardcarbon-coated copper grids and then drying under an IRlamp for 30min. FTIR spectra of freeze-dried BmE-PtNPswere investigated by analyzing the sample under Brukere

  • Journal of Neurodegenerative Diseases 3

    Tensor 27 FTIR spectrometer in attenuated total reflectionmode using the spectral range of 2000–400 cm−1 with theresolution of 4 cm−1. The energy dispersive X-ray analysis ofisolated nanoparticles was carried out bymeans of JEOL EDXmodel-JSM-5610 LV.

    2.1.3. Oxidation of NADH by BmE-PtNPs. To investigate thechemical change of BmE-PtNPs by NADH oxidation, UV-Vis surface Plasmon resonance absorption spectra of BmE-PtNPs were measured from 200 to 800 nm after incubationwith NADH. BmE-PtNPs at 50𝜇g/mL were incubated with100 𝜇M NADH in water at room temperature for 12 h. Sub-sequently, the incubated mixture was centrifuged to removeNADH and NADwhich impede the spectrummeasurement.Then, samples were redispersed with the equal volume ofwater. This washing process was repeated 10 times.

    2.1.4. Animals. Wild-type adult (

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    200 300 400 500 600 700 800


    Wavelength (nm)

    (A) (B)

    (a) (b)




    00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




    e cou









    Base (157)



    02000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400

    1705 1389 1270






    Figure 1: Characterization of Bacopa monnieri phytochemicals coated platinum nanoparticles (BmE-PtNPs). (a) UV-Vis Spectra of BmE-PtNPs. The inset shows two bottles with the Bacopa monnieri leaf extract before (A) and after (B) reaction with 1mM PtCl


    2− ions for 3 hrsat 95∘C. A color version of the inset can be seen. (b) TEM images of BmE-PtNPs. (c) EDAX of BmE-PtNPs. (d) FTIR spectra of BmE-PtNPs.

    uses a direct interaction of Chloroplatinic acid with Bacopamonnieri leaf extract in aqueous media without the interven-tion of any external man-made chemicals and, hence, 100%biogenic.The colloidal solution of BmE-PtNPs showed a veryintense brown color which indicates the reduction of plat-inum ions (Figure 1(a) (inset)).The formation of BmE-PtNPswas further confirmed by tracing the reaction with UV-Visible spectroscopy. The absorption spectrum of the brownplatinum collides prepared by biogenic process showed a sur-face plasmon absorption band with a maximum of ∼340 nm(Figure 1(a)). TEM (Figure 1(b)) analysis exposes mostlyspherical shaped platinum nanoparticles of approximate sizeof 5–20 nm. Under careful observation, it was evident thatthe edges of the particles were lighter than the centers,suggesting that some bioorganic compounds such as proteinsin Bacopa monnieri leaf extract capped the platinum NPscontributing to excellent robustness against agglomeration[13].The result obtained in the synthesis and characterizationof nanoparticles is strongly supported by previously pub-lished report on the synthesis of platinumnanoparticles usingphytochemicals [12]. The compositional analysis through

    energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrometers illustrated thepurity of the platinum, with the spectra showing a strongPt signal (Figure 1(c)). Prominent bands were observed inthe FTIR spectra (Figure 1(d)) at 616, 887, 1015, 1049, 1270,1389, and 1705 cm−1, these peaks are assigned to alcohols C–Nstretching vibration of aliphatic amines, phenolic groups, C–N stretching vibration of aromatic amines, germinal methyls,C=C groups or aromatic rings, and carbonyl groups, respec-tively. Significant peaks were not observed in the amide I(1640 cm−1) or amide II (1540 cm−1) regions that are char-acteristic of proteins/enzymes accountable for the reductionof metal ions to nanoparticles by biological processes. Theseresults indicate that phytochemicals of BM leaf extract likeflavanoids that have functional groups of amines, alcohols,ketones, aldehydes, and carboxylic acid are robustly coatedover the platinum nanoparticles synthesized. Because of thephytochemical coating and the redox chemistry of BmE-PtNPs, it is possible that they are biologically active asantioxidants [13].

    To determine if BmE-PtNPs can oxidize NADH, 100 𝜇MNADH was incubated with 50 𝜇g/mL BmEPt nps for 3 h and

  • Journal of Neurodegenerative Diseases 5






    200 260 320 380 440 500 560 620 680

    3 hrs6 hrs

    Wavelength (nm)


    Figure 2: Change in absorption spectra at 3 h and 6 h, respectively.BmEPt nps were incubated with NADH in water at room temper-ature. The concentrations of platinum in BmE-PtNPs and NADHwere 50 𝜇g/mL and 100𝜇M, respectively.

    6 h, respectively. The absorbance decreased and increasedwith time at 340 and 260 nm, respectively (Figure 2). Thisobservation indicated that BmE-PtNPs oxidized.

    NADH to NAD +. This is because the bands at 340 and260 nm are from the n-𝜋∗ transition of dihydronicotinamidepart and 𝜋∗-𝜋∗ transition of the adenine ring, respectively.This result demonstrates that BmE-PtNPs have an activitysimilar to mitochondrial NADH :Ubiquinone oxidoreduc-tase, which is concurrence with the earlier published resultsof pectin protected platinum nanoparticles [9]. This suggeststhat BmE-PtNPs are a potential medicinal substance foroxidative stress mediated disease with suppressed mitochon-drial complex I, namely, Parkinson’s disease (PD).

    Oxidative stress was generated in zebrafish by exposure toMPTP, which is an intracellular free radical-generating com-pound resulting in corresponding Parkinsonian symptoms[2]. The intraperitoneal administration of a single dose ofMPTP (225mg/kg bwt) resulted in a profound increase in thelevels of MDA, diminished activities of antioxidant defensemechanism in charge for scavenging free radicals and main-taining redox homeostasis such as SOD, CAT, GPx, GSH,and complex I were observed in experimental Parkinsonism-induced group (MPTP) (Figures 3(a) and 3(b)). The BmE-PtNPs concentrations tested were 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 𝜇mol,respectively. The MDA levels were significantly decreased by0.4 𝜇mol of BmE-PtNPs (Figure 3(a)). This makes clear theinhibitory effect of BmE-PtNPs over ROS generation duringMPTP-induced oxidative stress.

    Glutathione (GSH) is a tripeptide with a free reductivethiol functional group, responsible for the detoxification ofperoxides such as hydrogen peroxide or lipid peroxides andacting as an important antioxidant in cells. During the detox-ification process, GSH (reduced form) becomes oxidizedglutathione (GSSG) which is then recycled to GSH by theenzyme glutathione reductase present in cells. The increasedMDA levels in MPTP could be due to their increasedproduction and/or decreased destruction by antioxidantssuch as GSH, SOD, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase [38].The activities of antioxidant defense enzymes in charge forscavenging free radicals and maintaining redox homeostasis

















    trol (

    %) ∗ #††$ ‡




    0.3 𝜇





    0.4 𝜇





    0.5 𝜇


















    trol (


    ∗∗∗ ∗







    0.3 𝜇





    0.4 𝜇





    0.5 𝜇






    Figure 3: (a) Effects of Bacopa monnieri phytochemicals coatedplatinum nanoparticles (BmE-PtNPs) on the content/activity ofMDA, GSH, SOD, GSH-Px, and CAT in the MPTP zebrafish brain.Data were shown as mean ± SEM. 𝑛 = 6–8, ∗#†$‡𝑃 < 0.05,∗∗##††$$‡‡

    𝑃 < 0.01, ∗∗∗###†††$$$‡‡‡𝑃 < 0.001 versus MPTP group.(b) Effects of Bacopa monnieri phytochemicals coated platinumnanoparticles (BmE-PtNPs) on the activity of complex I in theMPTP zebrafish brain. Data were shown as mean ± SEM. 𝑛 = 6–8,∗

    𝑃 < 0.05, ∗∗𝑃 < 0.01, ∗∗∗𝑃 < 0.001 versus MPTP group.

    such as GSH, SOD, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase arediminished during oxidative stress induced by MPTP. Inthe present study, a statistically significant increase in thelevels of GSH, SOD, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase inthe MPTP treated zebrafish with 0.4𝜇mol of BmE-PtNPs isbeing proved.This study demonstrates that BmE-PtNPs act asreductive catalyst, by the ability to scavenge ROS, superoxideanion radicals (O


    −), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). This

    data is in good accordance with the previous studies whereplatinum nanoparticles are known to act as a SOD/catalasemimetics to extend the lifespan of C. elegans, extended

  • 6 Journal of Neurodegenerative Diseases




    0Control MPTP







    + MPTP


    0.4 𝜇mol BmE-PtNPs

    Figure 4: Effects of Bacopa monnieri phytochemicals coated plat-inum nanoparticles (BmE-PtNPs) on the contents of dopamine,DOPAC, and HVA in the MPTP zebrafish brain. Data were shownas mean + SEM. 𝑛 = 6–8, ∗†‡𝑃 < 0.05, ∗∗††‡‡𝑃 < 0.01, ∗∗∗†††‡‡‡𝑃 <0.001 versus MPTP group.

    the lifespan of the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans[39–41], inhibited pulmonary inflammation in mice exposedto cigarette smoke [42], inhibited cell growth of humantongue carcinoma cells [43], and furthermore amelioratedneurological function and brain damage after ischemic stroke[44].

    The mitochondrial respiratory chain, especially at com-plexes I, is thought of as a primary site of ROS generation.In some oxidative stress diseases such as Parkinson’s disease,excessive ROS generation is responsible for pathogenesis dueto the suppression of complex I. In the current study asignificant inhibition of complex I activity was observed inthe experimental Parkinsonism-induced group (Figure 3(b)),which was attenuated by the pretreatment of various concen-trations of BmE-PtNPs (Figure 3(b)). However, 0.4 𝜇mol ofBmE-PtNPs demonstrated a noteworthy effect on restoringthe complex I activity as well as the levels of GSH, SOD,catalase, and glutathione peroxidase in the MPTP treatedzebrafish. This result demonstrates that BmE-PtNPs servedual functions asmitochondrial complex I to lower ROS gen-eration and as SOD/catalase mimetics to scavenge generatedexcessive ROS.

    Postmortem studies provided evidence for the decrease inthe content of dopamine (DA) and its metabolites dihydrox-yphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), and homovanillic acid (HVA)in the brains of Parkinson’s disease. Our results showed thatthe DA, DOPAC, and HVA contents in MPTP zebrafish weremarkedly lower than those of control fish, and BmE-PtNPsincreased DA, DOPAC, and HVA levels (Figure 4).

    In Parkinson’s disease, the most debilitating symptomof the disease is the loss of motor control. Figure 5 showsthe results for the locomotion activity. MPTP administrationresults in a significant reduction in the total movement









    0Control MPTP




    + MPTP0.4 𝜇mol BmE-PtNPs











    0Control MPTP


    n sp




    + MPTP0.4 𝜇mol BmE-PtNPs













    Control MPTP


    ber o

    f lin

    e cro



    0.4 𝜇mol BmE-PtNPs+ MPTP


    Figure 5: Effects of Bacopa monnieri phytochemicals coated plat-inum nanoparticles (BmE-PtNPs) on zebrafish brain locomotoractivity. Datawere shown asmean± SEM. 𝑛=6–8; one-wayANOVAtest was performed.

  • Journal of Neurodegenerative Diseases 7

    distance, mean velocity, and mean distance per movementin zebrafish compared to the control animals. This findingpoints the correlate loss of dopamine due to MPTP neuro-toxicity. However, these reductions were partially rescued inBmE-PtNPs (0.4 𝜇mol/kg body weight) treatment animals,while BmE-PtNPs alone did not affect the locomotor activity(data not shown). Our current results suggest that BmE-PtNPsmay be potentially effective in protecting against ROS-mediated disease, by scavenging ROS under pathophysiolog-ical conditions.

    4. Conclusion

    In conclusion, platinum nanoparticles (BmE-PtNPs) havebeen synthesized from Bacopa monnieri leaf extract (BmE).The analysis of the chemical composition by EDAX stronglysuggests the formation of elemental platinum nanoparticlesinstead of their oxides. From the TEM analysis, the approx-imate sizes of the nanoparticles are found to be 5–20 nm.FTIRmeasurements provided strong evidence for proteins toform a coat covering the platinum nanoparticles to stabilizeand prevent the agglomeration of the particles. This simpleprocedure for the biosynthesis of platinum nanoparticles hasseveral advantages such as cost effectiveness, compatibility,and eco friendliness for biomedical and pharmaceuticalapplications. In addition, the ecofriendly method will be acompetitive alternative to the existingmethods for producingnanoscale inorganic materials.

    The antioxidant and neurorescue activities of nanosizedBacopa monnieri phytochemicals coated platinum nanopar-ticles (BmE-PtNPs) were ascertained by alleviating the ROSgeneration and scavenging free radicals, thus increasing thelevels of dopamine, its metabolites, GSH, and activities ofGPx, catalase, SOD, and complex I and reducing levels ofMDA along with enhanced locomotor activity. These resultsprovide ample evidence pertaining to the neuroprotectiveability of BmE-PtNPs in MPTP-induced neurotoxicity inzebrafish model of Parkinson’s disease via its dual functionsas mitochondrial complex I and antioxidant activity (SODand catalase mimic activities). Further study is necessary tomanifest the exact mechanism of action of BmE-PtNPs onneuroprotection in MPTP-induced experimental Parkinson-ism in zebrafishmodel. Such a biocompatible and ecofriendlynanoparticle holds promise as a potential therapeutic optionfor Parkinson’s disease.


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