Republican Party (United States)

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Republican Party (United States)

Transcript of Republican Party (United States)

  • Republican Party (United States) 1

    Republican Party (United States)

    Republican Party

    Chairman Reince Priebus (WI)

    Senate Leader Mitch McConnell (Minority Leader)(KY)John Cornyn (Minority Whip) (TX)

    House Leader John Boehner (Speaker) (OH)Eric Cantor (Majority Leader) (VA)Kevin McCarthy (Majority Whip) (CA)

    Chair of Governors Association Chris Christie (NJ)

    Founded March20, 1854

    Precededby Whig PartyFree Soil Party

    Headquarters 310 First Street SEWashington, D.C. 20003

    Student wing College Republicans

    Youth wing Young RepublicansTeen Age Republicans

    Ideology Conservatism (American)[1]

    Internal factions: Fiscal conservatism[2]

    Social conservatism[3]




    International affiliation International Democrat Union

    Colors Red

    Seats in the Senate


    Seats in the House




    State Upper House Seats


    State Lower House Seats


    Website [6]

    Politics of United StatesPolitical parties


  • Republican Party (United States) 2

    The Republican Party, also commonly called the GOP (for "Grand Old Party"), is one of the two majorcontemporary political parties in the United States, the other being the Democratic Party. Founded by anti-slaveryactivists in 1854, it dominated politics nationally for most of the period from 1860 to 1932. There have been 18Republican presidents, the first being Abraham Lincoln, serving from 1861 to 1865, and the most recent beingGeorge W. Bush, serving from 2001 to 2009. The most recent Republican presidential nominee was formerMassachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.The party's platform is generally based upon American conservatism, in contrast to the Democratic Party, whosemembers endorse more liberal policies. American conservatism of the Republican Party is not wholly based uponrejection of the political ideology of liberalism; some principles of American conservatism are based on classicalliberalism.[7] Rather, the Republican Party's conservatism is largely based upon its support of classical principlesagainst the social liberalism of the Democratic Party that is considered American liberalism in contemporaryAmerican political discourse.In the 113th Congress, elected in 2012, the Republican Party holds a majority of seats in the United States House ofRepresentatives and a minority of seats in the United States Senate. The party holds the majority of governorships aswell as the majority of state legislatures.


    Founding and 19th century

    Abraham Lincoln, the firstRepublican President (18611865)

    Founded in the Northern states in 1854 by anti-slavery activists, modernizers,ex-Whigs, and ex-Free Soilers, the Republican Party quickly became theprincipal opposition to the dominant Southern Democratic Party and the brieflypopular Know Nothing Party. The main cause was opposition to theKansasNebraska Act, which repealed the Missouri Compromise by whichslavery was kept out of Kansas. The Northern Republicans saw the expansion ofslavery as a great evil. The first public meeting where the name "Republican"was suggested for a new anti-slavery party was held on March 20, 1854 in aschoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin.

    The first official party convention was held on July 6, 1854, in Jackson,Michigan. By 1858, the Republicans dominated nearly all Northern states. TheRepublican Party first came to power in 1860 with the election of Lincoln to thePresidency and Republicans in control of Congress and again, the Northernstates. It oversaw the saving of the union, the end of slavery, and the provision ofequal rights to all men in the American Civil War and Reconstruction, 18611877.[8]

    The Republicans' initial base was in the Northeast and the upper Midwest. With the realignment of parties and votersin the Third Party System, the strong run of JohnC. Fremont in the 1856 Presidential election demonstrated itdominated most northern states.

    Early Republican ideology was reflected in the 1856 slogan "free labor, free land, free men", which had been coinedby SalmonP. Chase, a Senator from Ohio (and future Secretary of the Treasury and Chief Justice of the UnitedStates). "Free labor" referred to the Republican opposition to slave labor and belief in independent artisans andbusinessmen. "Free land" referred to Republican opposition to plantation system whereby slaveowners could buy upall the good farm land, leaving the yeoman independent farmers the leftovers. The Party strived to contain theexpansion of slavery, which would cause the collapse of the slave power and the expansion of freedom.Lincoln, representing the fast-growing western states, won the Republican nomination in 1860 and subsequently won the presidency. The party took on the mission of saving the Union and destroying slavery during the American Civil

  • Republican Party (United States) 3

    War and over Reconstruction. In the election of 1864, it united with War Democrats to nominate Lincoln on theNational Union Party ticket.The party's success created factionalism within the party in the 1870s. Those who felt that Reconstruction had beenaccomplished and was continued mostly to promote the large-scale corruption tolerated by President Ulysses S.Grant ran Horace Greeley for the presidency. The Stalwarts defended Grant and the spoils system; the Half-Breedspushed for reform of the civil service.The GOP supported business generally, hard money (i.e.,the gold standard), high tariffs to promote economicgrowth, high wages and high profits, generous pensions for Union veterans, and (after1893) the annexation ofHawaii. The Republicans supported the pietistic Protestants who demanded Prohibition. As the northern post-bellumeconomy boomed with heavy and light industry, railroads, mines, fast-growing cities and prosperous agriculture, theRepublicans took credit and promoted policies to sustain the fast growth.Nevertheless, by 1890 the Republicans had agreed to the Sherman Antitrust Act and the Interstate CommerceCommission in response to complaints from owners of small businesses and farmers. The high McKinley Tariff of1890 hurt the party and the Democrats swept to a landslide in the off-year elections, even defeating McKinleyhimself.After the two terms of Democrat Grover Cleveland, the election of William McKinley in 1896 is widely seen as aresurgence of Republican dominance and is sometimes cited as a realigning election. McKinley promised that hightariffs would end the severe hardship caused by the Panic of 1893, and that the GOP would guarantee a sort ofpluralism in which all groups would benefit.

    20th century

    Theodore Roosevelt, 26th Presidentof the United States (19011909)

    The Republicans were cemented as the party of business, though mitigated by thesuccession of Theodore Roosevelt who embraced trust busting. He later ran on athird party ticket of the Progressive Party and challenged his previous successorWilliam Howard Taft. The party controlled the presidency throughout the 1920s,running on a platform of opposition to the League of Nations, high tariffs, andpromotion of business interests.

    Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover were resoundinglyelected in 1920, 1924, and 1928 respectively. The Teapot Dome scandalthreatened to hurt the party but Harding died and Coolidge blamed everything onhim, as the opposition splintered in 1924. The pro-business policies of the decadeseemed to produce an unprecedented prosperity until the Wall Street Crash of1929 heralded the Great Depression.

  • Republican Party (United States) 4

    Dwight Eisenhower, 34th Presidentof the United States (19531961)

    The New Deal coalition of Democrat FranklinD. Roosevelt controlled Americanpolitics for most of the next three decades, excepting the two-term presidency ofRepublican Dwight D. Eisenhower. African Americans moved into theDemocratic Party during Roosevelt's time.[citation needed] After Roosevelt tookoffice in 1933, New Deal legislation sailed through Congress at lightning speed.In the 1934 midterm elections, 10 Republican senators went down to defeat,leaving them with only 25 against 71 Democrats. The House of Representativeswas split in a similar ratio.

    Republicans in Congress heavily criticized the "Second New Deal" and likened itto class warfare and socialism. The volume of legislation, and the inability of theRepublicans to block it, soon elevated the level of opposition to Roosevelt.Conservative Democrats, mostly from the South, joined with Republicans led bySenator Robert Taft to create the conservative coalition, which dominateddomestic issues in Congress until 1964. The Republicans recaptured Congress in 1946 after gaining 13 seats in theSenate and 55 seats in the House.

    Richard Nixon, 37th President of theUnited States (19691974)

    Ronald Reagan, 40th President of theUnited States (19811989)

    The second half of the 20th century saw election or succession of Republicanpresidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan,George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush. Today, Reagan remains one of thenation's most popular presidents, according to opinion polling. The RepublicanParty, led by House Republican Minority Whip Newt Gingrich campaigning onthe Contract with America, was elected to majorities to both houses of Congressin the Republican Revolution of 1994.

    21st century

    The Senate majority lasted until 2001, when the Senate became split evenly butwas regained in the 2002 elections. Both Republican majorities in the House andSenate were held until the Democrats regained control in the mid-term electionsof 2006. The Republican Party has since been defined by social conservatism, apreemptive war foreign policy intended to defeat terrorism and promote globaldemocracy, a more powerful executive branch, supply side economics, supportfor gun ownership, and deregulation.

    George H. W. Bush, 41st President of the United States (19891993)

  • Republican Party (United States) 5

    George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States (20012009)Father and son presidents of the United States

    In the Presidential election of 2008, the party's nominees were Senator John McCain, of Arizona, for President andAlaska Governor Sarah Palin for Vice President. They were defeated by Senator Barack Obama of Illinois andSenator Joe Biden of Delaware. In 2009, Republicans Chris Christie and Bob McDonnell were elected to thegovernorships of New Jersey and Virginia.2010 was a year of political success for the Republicans, starting with the upset win of Scott Brown in theMassachusetts special Senate election for the seat held for many decades by the Democratic Kennedy brothers. In theNovember elections, Republicans recaptured control of the House, increased their number of seats in the Senate, andgained a majority of governorships.[9] Additionally, Republicans took control of at least 19 Democratic-controlledstate legislatures.[10]

    In the Presidential election of 2012, the Republican nominees were former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusettsfor President, and Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin for Vice President. The Democrats nominated incumbentPresident Barack Obama of Illinois, and incumbent Vice President Joe Biden of Delaware. The campaign focusedlargely on Obama's stewardship of the economy, with the country facing high unemployment numbers and a risingnational debt four years after his first election. Romney and Ryan were defeated by Obama and Biden. In addition, inthe November congressional elections, while Republicans lost 7 seats in the House, they retained control. However,Republicans were not able to gain control of the Senate, continuing their minority status with a net loss of 2 seats.

    Electoral history

    United StatesHouse of Representatives

    Election year # ofoverall seats won

    +/ Presidency



    28 Harry S. Truman

  • Republican Party (United States) 6



    22 Dwight D. Eisenhower












    22 John F. Kennedy






    36 Lyndon B. Johnson






    5 Richard Nixon









    48 Gerald Ford



    1 Jimmy Carter






    34 Ronald Reagan












    2 George H.W. Bush




  • Republican Party (United States) 7



    9 Bill Clinton












    2 George W. Bush












    21 Barack Obama







    United StatesSenate

    Election year # ofoverall seats won

    +/ Presidency



    5 Harry S. Truman



    2 Dwight D. Eisenhower










  • Republican Party (United States) 8



    1 John F. Kennedy






    2 Lyndon B. Johnson






    5 Richard Nixon









    3 Gerald Ford



    0 Jimmy Carter






    12 Ronald Reagan












    1 George H.W. Bush






    0 Bill Clinton










  • Republican Party (United States) 9



    4 [11] George W. Bush












    8 Barack Obama







    Name and symbols

    1874 Nast cartoon featuring the first notable appearance of the Republican elephantThe modern GOP elephantThe current GOP logo, incorporating the Republican elephantThe party's founding members chose the name "Republican Party" in the mid-1850s as homage to the values ofrepublicanism promoted by Thomas Jefferson's Republican party. The idea for the name came from an editorial bythe party's leading publicist Horace Greeley, who called for, "some simple name like 'Republican' [that] would morefitly designate those who had united to restore the Union to its true mission of champion and promulgator of Libertyrather than propagandist of slavery." The name reflects the 1776 republican values of civic virtue and opposition toaristocracy and corruption.[12]

    The term "Grand Old Party" is a traditional nickname for the Republican Party, and the abbreviation "GOP" is acommonly used designation. The term originated in 1875 in the Congressional Record, referring to the partyassociated with the successful military defense of the Union as "this gallant old party"; the following year in anarticle in the Cincinnati Commercial, the term was modified to "grand old party". The first use of the abbreviation isdated 1884.[13]

    The traditional mascot of the party is the elephant. A political cartoon by Thomas Nast, published in Harper'sWeekly on November 7, 1874, is considered the first important use of the symbol.[14] In the early 20th century, theusual symbol of the Republican Party in Midwestern states such as Indiana and Ohio was the bald eagle, as opposedto the Democratic rooster.After the 2000 election, the color red became associated with the GOP, although the party has not officially adopted it. That election night, for the first time, all of the major broadcast networks used the same color scheme for the

  • Republican Party (United States) 10

    electoral map: states won by Republican nominee George W. Bush were colored red, and states won by Democraticnominee Al Gore were colored blue. Although the assignment of colors to political parties is unofficial and informal,they have come to be widely recognized by the media to represent the respective political parties.

    Structure and compositionThe Republican National Committee (RNC) is responsible for promoting Republican campaign activities. It isresponsible for developing and promoting the Republican political platform, as well as coordinating fundraising andelection strategy. Its current chairman is Reince Priebus. The chairman of the RNC is chosen by the President whenthe Republicans have the White House or otherwise by the Party's state committees.The RNC, under the direction of the party's presidential candidate, supervises the Republican National Convention,raises funds, and coordinates campaign strategy. On the local level, there are similar state committees in every stateand most large cities, counties and legislative districts, but they have far less money and influence than the nationalbody.The Republican House and Senate caucuses have separate fundraising and strategy committees. The NationalRepublican Congressional Committee (NRCC) assists in House races, whilst the National Republican SenatorialCommittee (NRSC) does so in Senate races. They each raise over $100 million per election cycle, and playimportant roles in recruiting strong state candidates, while the Republican Governors Association (RGA) assists instate gubernatorial races; it is chaired by Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey.

    Ideology and political positions

    Part of a series on

    Conservatismin the United States

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    v t e [15]

    The Republican Party includes fiscal conservatives, social conservatives, neoconservatives, moderates, andlibertarians. Prior to the formation of the conservative coalition, which helped realign the Democratic andRepublican party ideologies in the mid-1960s, the party historically advocated classical liberalism,paleoconservatism, and progressivism.

  • Republican Party (United States) 11

    Economic policiesRepublicans strongly believe that free markets and individual achievement are the primary factors behind economicprosperity. To this end, they advocate in favor of laissez-faire economics, fiscal conservatism, and the elimination ofgovernment run welfare programs in favor of private sector nonprofits and encouraging personal responsibility.A leading economic theory advocated by modern Republicans is supply side economics. Some fiscal policiesinfluenced by this theory were popularly known as Reaganomics, a term popularized during the Presidentialadministrations of Ronald Reagan. This theory holds that reduced income tax rates increase GDP growth and therebygenerate the same or more revenue for the government from the smaller tax on the extra growth. This belief isreflected, in part, by the party's long-term advocacy of tax cuts. Many Republicans consider the income tax system tobe inherently inefficient and oppose graduated tax rates, which they believe are unfairly targeted at those who createjobs and wealth. They believe private spending is usually more efficient than government spending. Republicansoppose the estate tax.

    United States

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    politics and government ofthe United States

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    Most Republicans agree there should be a "safety net" to assist the less fortunate; however, they tend to believe theprivate sector is more effective in helping the poor than government is; as a result, Republicans support givinggovernment grants to faith-based and other private charitable organizations to supplant welfare spending. Membersof the GOP also believe that limits on eligibility and benefits must be in place to ensure the safety net is not abused.Republicans introduced and strongly supported the welfare reform of 1996, which was signed into law byDemocratic President Clinton, and which limited eligibility for welfare, successfully leading to many former welfarerecipients finding jobs.The party opposes a government-run single-payer health care system, believing such a system constitutes socializedmedicine, and is in favor of a personal or employer-based system of insurance, supplemented by Medicare for theelderly and Medicaid, which covers approximately 40% of the poor.[citation needed]Wikipedia:Link rot[17] The GOPhas a mixed record of supporting the historically popular Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid programs.Congressional Republicans and the Bush administration supported a reduction in Medicaid's growth rate; however,congressional Republicans expanded Medicare, supporting a new drug plan for seniors starting in 2006.

  • Republican Party (United States) 12

    In 2011, House Republicans overwhelmingly voted for a proposal named The Path to Prosperity and for majorchanges to Medicare, Medicaid, and the 2010 Health Care Legislation. Many Republicans support increased healthinsurance portability, laws promoting coverage of pre-existing medical conditions, a cap on malpractice lawsuits, theimplementation of a streamlined electronic medical records system, an emphasis on preventative care rather thanemergency room care, and tax benefits aimed at making health insurance more affordable for the uninsured andtargeted to promote universal access. They generally oppose government funding for elective abortions.Republicans are generally opposed by labor union management and members, and have supported various legislationon the state and federal levels, including right to work legislation and the Taft-Hartley Act, which gives workers theright not to participate in unions, as opposed to a closed shop, which prohibits workers from choosing not to joinunions in workplaces. Some Republicans are opposed to increases in the minimum wage, believing that suchincreases hurt many businesses by forcing them to cut jobs and services, export jobs overseas, and raise the prices ofgoods to compensate for the decrease in profit.

    Separation of powers and balance of powersMany contemporary Republicans voice support of strict constructionism, the judicial philosophy that theConstitution should be interpreted narrowly and as close to the original intent as is practicable rather than a moreflexible "living Constitution" model. Most Republicans point to Roe v. Wade as a case of judicial activism, wherethe court overturned most laws restricting abortion on the basis of a right to privacy inferred from the Bill of Rightsand the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Some Republicans have actively sought to blockjudges whom they see as being activist judges and have sought the appointment of judges who claim to practicejudicial restraint. The issue of judicial deference to the legislature is a matter of some debatelike the Democrats,most Republicans criticize court decisions that overturn their own (conservative) legislation as overstepping boundsand support decisions that overturn opposing legislation. Some commentators have advocated that the Republicanstake a more aggressive approach and support legislative supremacy more firmly.The Republican Party has supported various bills within the last decade to strip some or all federal courts of theability to hear certain types of cases, in an attempt to limit judicial review. These jurisdiction stripping laws haveincluded removing federal review of the recognition of same-sex marriage with the Marriage Protection Act, theconstitutionality of the Pledge of Allegiance with the Pledge Protection Act, and the rights of detainees inGuantanamo Bay in the Detainee Treatment Act. The Supreme Court overruled the last of these limitations inHamdan v. Rumsfeld.Compared to Democrats, many Republicans believe in a more robust version of federalism with greater limitationsplaced upon federal authorities and a larger role reserved for those of the individual States. Following this view onfederalism, Republicans often take a less expansive reading of congressional power under the Commerce Clause,such as in the opinion of William Rehnquist in United States v. Lopez. Many Republicans on the more libertarianwing wish for a more dramatic narrowing of Commerce Clause power by revisiting, among other cases, Wickard v.Filburn, a case that held that growing wheat on a farm for consumption on the same farm fell under congressionalpower to "regulate commerce ... among the several States".President George W. Bush was a proponent of the unitary executive theory and cited it within his Signing statementsabout legislation passed by Congress. The administration's interpretation of the unitary executive theory was calledseriously into question by Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, where the Supreme Court ruled 53 that the President does not havesweeping powers to override or ignore laws through his power as commander in chief, stating "the Executive isbound to comply with the Rule of Law that prevails".[18] Following the ruling, the Bush administration has soughtCongressional authorization for programs started only on executive mandate, as was the case with the MilitaryCommissions Act, or abandoned programs it had previously asserted executive authority to enact, in the case of theNational Security Agency domestic wiretapping program.

  • Republican Party (United States) 13

    Environmental policiesThe Republican Party had long supported the protection of the environment. For example, Republican PresidentTheodore Roosevelt was a prominent conservationist whose policies eventually led to the creation of the modernNational Park Service. Republican President Richard Nixon was responsible for establishing the EnvironmentalProtection Agency in 1970. More recently, California Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, with thesupport of 16 other states, sued the Federal Government and the United States Environmental Protection Agency forthe right to set vehicle emission standards higher than the Federal Standard, a right to which California is entitledunder the Clean Air Act.This association however has shifted as the Democratic Party came to also support environmentalism. For example,Democratic President Bill Clinton did not send the Kyoto Protocol to the U.S. Senate for ratification, as he thought itunfair to the United States. President George W. Bush also publicly opposed ratification of the Kyoto Protocols onthe grounds that they unfairly targeted Western industrialized nations such as the United States while favoringdeveloping Global South polluters such as China and India.In 2000, the Republican Party adopted as part of its platform support for the development of market-based solutionsto environmental problems. According to the platform, "economic prosperity and environmental protection mustadvance together, environmental regulations should be based on science, the governments role should be to providemarket-based incentives to develop the technologies to meet environmental standards, we should ensure thatenvironmental policy meets the needs of localities, and environmental policy should focus on achieving resultsprocesses."The Bush administration, along with several of the candidates that sought the Republican Presidential nomination in2008, supported increased Federal investment into the development of clean alternative fuels, increased nuclearpower, as well as fuels such as ethanol, as a way of helping the U.S. achieve energy independence, as opposed tosupporting less use of carbon dioxide-producing methods of generating energy. McCain supports the cap-and-tradepolicy, a policy that is quite popular among Democrats but much less so among other Republicans. SomeRepublicans support increased oil drilling in protected areas such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a positionthat has drawn sharp criticism from some activists.

    Social policiesThe Republican Party is generally associated with social conservatism, although it does have centrist and libertarianfactions.

    Abortion and embryonic stem cell research

    A majority of the GOP's national and state candidates are pro-life and oppose elective abortion on religious or moralgrounds. However many hold exceptions in the case of incest, rape or the mother's life being at risk. When Congressvoted on the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act in 2003, Congressional Republicans voted overwhelmingly to supportthe ban.Although the GOP has voted for increases in government funding of scientific research, some members activelyoppose the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research beyond the original lines because it involves thedestruction of human embryos, while arguing for applying research money into adult stem cell or amniotic stem cellresearch. However, human embryo's are not and have not been destroyed simply for the purpose of collecting stemcells; the embryos from which stem cells are obtained are already slated for destruction, resulting from extraembryos created for In-vitro-ferilization.[19][20][21] The stem cell issue has garnered two once-rare vetoes on researchfunding bills from President Bush, who said the research "crossed a moral boundary".In August 2012, the party approved a platform advocating banning abortions, without exceptions for the cases of rape or incestWikipedia:Verifiability. The text specifically stated that "the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed." It also opposed using public revenues to promote abortions, to perform them,

  • Republican Party (United States) 14

    or to fund organizations that do either such things.[22]

    Civil rights

    Republicans are generally against affirmative action for women and some minorities, often describing it as a quotasystem, believing that it is not meritocratic and that it is counter-productive socially by only further promotingdiscrimination. Many Republicans support race-neutral admissions policies in universities, but support taking intoaccount the socioeconomic status of the student.

    Second Amendment rights

    Republicans generally support gun ownership rights and oppose laws regulating guns, although some Republicansfavor limited restrictions in some urban areas on the grounds of public safety.

    The War on Drugs

    Republicans generally support the War on Drugs, and oppose the legalization of drugs, believing that smoking anddrugs are immoral and wrong, and the country should do its best to protect people from illegal drugs, and supportJust Say No.[citation needed]


    Most Republicans support school choice through charter schools and school vouchers for private schools; many havedenounced the performance of the public school system and the teachers' unions. The party has insisted on a systemof greater accountability for public schools, most prominently in recent years with the No Child Left Behind Act of2001. Many Republicans, however, opposed the creation of the United States Department of Education when it wasinitially created in 1979.[citation needed]

    LGBT issues

    Groups advocating for LGBT issues inside the party include the Log Cabin Republicans, GOProud, YoungConservatives For The Freedom To Marry, and College Republican National Committee.A November/December 2013 Public Religion Research Institute poll sponsored by the Ford Foundation found thatRepublicans are divided in their perceptions of their own party: 45% think the GOP is friendly toward LGBT people,while 41% think the party is unfriendly.

    Same-sex marriage

    The 1992 Republican Party platform was the first Republican Party platform that adopted language opposingsame-sex marriage. The 1996 Republican Party platform adopted support for the Defense of Marriage Act.[23] The2004 Republican Party platform adopted support for a constitutional amendment to the United States Constitutiondefining marriage between a man and a women.[24]

    In March 2011, after the Obama administration refused to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court, HouseSpeaker John Boehner said the House of Representatives would defend the law in court.[25] In July 2013, after theUnited States v. Windsor decision, John Boehner dropped defense of the Defense of Marriage Act in court.[26]

  • Republican Party (United States) 15

    Support for same-sex marriage in the Republican Party

    Republican Party % of support of same-sex marriage

    Millennial Republican[] 50

    Generation X Republican 42

    Non-evangelical Republican 42

    All Republicans[27] 40

    Conservative Republican 28

    Baby Boomer Republican 27

    Silent Generation Republican 18

    White evangelical Protestant Republican 18

    Notable supporters of same-sex marriage in the Republican Party include former Vice President Dick Cheney,former First Lady Laura Bush, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, former GOP national chairman KenMehlman, Sen. Rob Portman, former Gov. Jon Huntsman, Jr., former Gov. Tom Ridge, former Rep. Bob Barr, andformer Solicitor General Theodore Olson. The last figure co-led the successful legal campaign against Californiananti-same-sex marriage measure Proposition 8 and the Virginian anti-same-sex marriage Marshall-NewmanAmendment. In 2013, more than one hundred former Republican lawmakers, leaders and governors signed anamicus brief calling for California's ban on same-sex marriage to be overturned. A 2013 College Republican reportfound that "there is hardly an appetite from this generation to see the GOP crusade against same-sex marriage. In theshort run, as we wait for the Supreme Court rulings on the Defense of Marriage Act and Californias Proposition 8,the best course of action for the party may be to promote the diversity of opinion on the issue within its ranks (afterall, for quite some time, former vice president Dick Cheney was to the left of President Obama on same-sexmarriage) and to focus on acceptance and support for gay people as separate from the definition of marriage."A May 2012 United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll found that only 37% ofRepublicans supported a constitutional amendment to the United States Constitution defining marriage between aman and a women. A November/December 2013 Public Religion Research Institute poll sponsored by the FordFoundation found that 63% of Republicans believe same-sex marriage should be left up to individual states todecide.

    Civil unions

    The 2004 Republican Party platform adopted the statement that "We further believe that legal recognition and theaccompanying benefits afforded couples should be preserved for that unique and special union of one man and onewoman which has historically been called marriage." The 2008 Republican Party platform removed the languagefrom the platform.A March 2013 Pew Research Center poll found that Republicans were divided over the specific question of whetheror not "same-sex couples should have the same legal rights as heterosexuals", with 49% of Republicans agreeing and48% that disagreeing.[28]

    Notable supporters of civil unions in the Republican Party include former President George W. Bush, Rep. PaulRyan, Gov. Chris Christie, and Sen. Orrin Hatch.

  • Republican Party (United States) 16

    Military service

    The 1992 Republican Party platform adopted support for continuing to exclude homosexuals from the military as amatter of good order and discipline.[] The support for the exclusion of homosexuals from military service wouldremain in the Republican Party platform until the 2012 Republican Party platform, which removed that languagefrom it.[29]

    A May 2012 United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll found that only 41% ofRepublicans supported restoring the prohibition against gays serving openly in the military.Anti-discrimination lawsThe 1992 Republican Party platform adopted opposition to including sexual preference into anti-discriminationstatutes. The 2000 Republican Party platform included the statement: "We support the First Amendment right offreedom of association and stand united with private organizations, such as the Boy Scouts of America, and supporttheir positions."[30] The 2004 Republican Party platform removed both parts of that language from the platform andstated that the party supports anti-discrimination legislation. The 2008 and 2012 Republican Party platformsupported anti-discrimination statues on based on sex, race, age, religion, creed, disability, or national origin, butboth platforms were silent on sexual orientation and gender identity.[]

    A November/December 2013 Public Religion Research Institute poll sponsored by the Ford Foundation found that61% of Republicans support laws protecting gay and lesbian people against employment discrimination, with only33% opposing such laws.[] A 2007 Gallup poll showed 60% of Republicans supported expanding federal hate crimelaws to include sexual orientation and gender identity, with only 30% opposing such laws.

    Foreign aid

    The 2012 Republican Party platform opposes the Obama administration from attempting to impose its "culturalagenda", including a "homosexual rights agenda" in other countries by restricting foreign aid.

    National defense and military spendingAlthough the Republican Party has always advocated a strong national defense, historically they disapproved ofinterventionist foreign policy actions. Republicans opposed Woodrow Wilson's intervention in World War I and hissubsequent attempt to create the League of Nations. They were also staunchly opposed to intervention in World WarII until the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. However, recent trends have seen more influence from theinterventionist neoconservative ideology,[31] which advocates for the "assertive" promotion of democracy andpromotion of "American national interest" in international affairs (including by means of military force).[32][33]

  • Republican Party (United States) 17

    Dwight EisenhowerIn 1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower was drafted by the Republican Party to counter the candidacy of non-interventionistSenator Robert Taft. Eisenhower's campaign was a crusade against the Truman administration's policies regarding"Korea, Communism and Corruption."

    Ronald Reagan


    U.S. Army Rangers conduct an airborne assaultin Saint George Parish, Grenada during the


    On October 25, 1983, at the request of the regional governments,Reagan ordered Operation Urgent Fury, a military invasion of thesmall, Caribbean island of Grenada, where over a thousand Americanstudents and their families were in residence. A Marxist coup d'tat hadoverthrown the established government and shot its leader MauriceBishop. This was the first actual rollback that destroyed a Communistregime and marked the continued escalation of tensions with the SovietUnion known as the Second Cold War. Democrats had been highlycritical of Reagan's anti-Communism in Latin America, but this timeReagan had strong support from the voters and leading Democrats saidthe invasion was justified.[34] It built the President's image of decisivestrong action a year before the 1984 election, when Mondale said hetoo would have ordered the invasion. Indeed Mondale attacked SenatorGary Hart, his chief opponent for the Democratic nomination, as isolationist and weak on fighting dictatorships.[35]

    Cold War

    President Reagan escalated the Cold War by accelerating a reversal from the policy of dtente, which began in 1979under President Jimmy Carter following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Reagan then ordered a massive buildupof the United States Armed Forces.

    Covert operations

    Under a policy that came to be known as the Reagan Doctrine, Reagan and his administration also provided overtand covert aid to anti-communist resistance movements in an effort to "rollback" Soviet-backed communistgovernments in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The policy was politically controversial, with liberal Democratsespecially angry with Reagan's operations in Latin America.[35] Covert operations elsewhere, especially inAfghanistan against the Soviets, however, usually won bipartisan support.[36]

    George H. W. Bush

    Gulf War 199091On August 1, 1990, Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait. President Bush formed an international coalitionand secured UN approval to expel Iraq. On January 12, 1991, Congress voted approval for a military attack,Operation Desert Storm, by a narrow margin, with Republicans in favor and Democrats opposed. The vote in theHouse was 250183, and in the Senate 5247. In the Senate 42 Republicans and 10 Democrats voted yes to war,while 45 Democrats and two Republicans voted no. In the House 164 Republicans and 86 Democrats voted yes, and179 Democrats, three Republicans and one Independent voted no.[37] The war was short and successful, but Husseinwas allowed to remain in power. Arab countries repaid all the American military costs.[38]

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    1990s opposition politicsIn the 1990s, Republicans in Congress split over U.S. military intervention in the Yugoslav wars under DemocraticPresident Bill Clinton. Examples of interventionist-minded Republicans are then Senate Majority Leader Bob Doleand Senator John McCain and examples of opposing figures are later Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott and HouseMajority Leader Dick Armey, the latter of which who called Kosovo deployment "poorly considered and unlikely toachieve our desired ends." In 2000, successful Republican Presidential candidate George W. Bush ran on a platformthat generally opposed U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts, saying that the U.S. didn't have the responsibly of"nation building". As such, he advocated U.S. military withdrawal from the Balkan NATO peacekeeping mission.

    George W. Bush

    Invasion of Afghanistan

    After the September 11 attacks in 2001 in New York, Bush launched the War on Terrorism, in which the UnitedStates led an international coalition invaded Afghanistan, the base of terrorist Osama bin Laden. This invasion led tothe toppling of the Taliban regime. After a surprise raid on bin Laden's compound on May 2, 2011, ordered byBarack Obama, bin Laden was killed and his body disposed of in the sea. There was bipartisan support for thisaction, with notable Republican and Democratic figures speaking out in support of the raid.

    Invasion of Iraq

    President George W. Bush, surrounded by leaders of the House andSenate, announces the Iraq war resolution on October 2, 2002.

    In 2003, following the bipartisan Iraq war resolutionand the perceived issues regarding UN weaponsinspectors, President Bush launched the invasion ofIraq, in conjunction with coalition partners, mostnotably, the United Kingdom. The invasion wasdescribed by Bush as being part of the general 'War onTerrorism'. Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was capturedand executed, but his supporters and other opposingforces staged an insurgency that dragged on for years.It was a major election issue in 2004 (when Bush wasreelected) and in 2006 and 2008 (when PresidentObama was first elected to the Presidency, andDemocrats increased their numbers in both Houses ofCongress).[39]

    Significant public support for the war effort existed in the early days among both parties and others, but opinionschanged course soon with about half of Americans surveyed in November 2003 judging the end result as not worthit. The lack of expected stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction and the failures of the military occupation of Iraqaltered voters' views. Polling done by CBS News on the ten-year anniversary of the U.S. invasion found thatRepublicans, by a margin of 61%, believed that the military action was the right thing to do, with majorities ofDemocrats and independents disagreeing. However, that same poll found that Republicans were divided on 46% to45% lines on the question of if U.S. forces succeeded in their overall objectives. By January 2014, 52% ofRepublicans were supportive of military action in Iraq, with 38% saying the war had succeeded, showing thatsupport for the war among Republicans has declined over time.

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    2010s opposition politicsPresident Barack Obama, inaugurated in January 2009 and later reelected to a second term, continued the previouspolicy of keeping large-scale intervention in the War in Afghanistan, with a plan of removing combat troops whileAfghan forces trained to replace them until late 2014. An October 2012 Pew Research Center poll foundRepublicans evenly divided at 48% over the choices of keeping American military forces in Afghanistan "until thesituation has stabilized" analogous to Obama's policies versus making them leave "as soon as possible". An article inthe news-magazine Foreign Policy stated that this represented a move from a previous "hawkish" stance byRepublicans.

    PoliciesAs a result, some in the Republican Party support unilateralism on issues of national security, believing in the abilityand right of the United States to act without external support in matters of its national defense. In general,Republican thinking on defense and international relations is heavily influenced by the theories of neorealism andrealism, characterizing conflicts between nations as struggles between faceless forces of international structure, asopposed to being the result of the ideas and actions of individual leaders. The realist school's influence shows inReagan's Evil Empire stance on the Soviet Union and George W. Bush's Axis of evil.Republicans secured gains in the 2002 and 2004 elections, with the War on Terror being one of the top issuesfavoring them. Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, some in the party support neoconservative policies with regardto the War on Terror, including the 2001 war in Afghanistan and the 2003 invasion of Iraq.The doctrine of preemptive war, wars to disarm and destroy potential military foes based on speculation of futureattacks rather than in defense against actual attack, has been advocated by prominent members of the Bushadministration, but the war within Iraq has undercut the influence of this doctrine within the Republican Party. RudyGiuliani, mayor of New York at the time of the September 11 terrorist attacks, and a candidate for the Republicanpresidential nomination in 2008, has stated his support for that policy, saying America must keep itself "on theoffensive" against terrorists.The George W. Bush administration took the position that the Geneva Conventions do not apply to unlawfulcombatants, saying they apply to soldiers serving in the armies of nation states and not terrorist organizations such asAl-Qaeda. The Supreme Court overruled this position in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, which held that the GenevaConventions were legally binding and must be followed in regards to all enemy combatants. Prominent Republicanssuch as John McCain, Mike Huckabee, and Ron Paul strongly oppose the use of enhanced interrogation techniques,which they view as torture.

    Other international policies

    IsraelThe Republican leadership supports a strong Israel, but supports efforts to secure peace in the Middle East betweenIsrael and its Arab neighbors.

    RussiaThe Republican Party claims the U.S. should promote friendship not only between the United States and Russia, butalso between Russia and its neighbors. With Russia, the U.S. needs patience, consistency, and a principled relianceon democratic forces. Russia must stop encouraging the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.[40] The partystress the common interests of the two countries which includes ending terrorism, combating nuclear proliferation,promoting bilateral trade.[41]

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    TradeThe party, through former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, has advocated reforms in the United Nations to haltcorruption such as that which afflicted the Oil-for-Food Program. Most Republicans oppose the Kyoto Protocol. Theparty promotes free trade agreements, most notably North American Free Trade Agreement, DominicanRepublicCentral America Free Trade Agreement and an effort to go further south to Brazil, Peru and Colombia,although some have a protectionist view of trade.

    ImmigrationRepublicans are divided on how to confront illegal immigration between a platform that allows for migrant workersand easing citizenship guidelines, and border enforcement-first approach. In general, pro-growth advocates withinthe Republican Party support more immigration, and traditional or populist conservatives oppose it. In 2006, theWhite House supported and Republican-led Senate passed comprehensive immigration reform that would eventuallyallow millions of illegal immigrants to become citizens, but the House, also led by Republicans, took anenforcement-first approach, and the bill failed to pass the conference committee.Lately, after the defeat in the 2012 presidential elections, and considering the low percent of Latinos that votedRepublican, several Republicans are advocating a friendlier approach to immigrants. Former US Secretary ofCommerce Carlos Gutierrez is promoting the creation of a SuperPAC for immigration reform.Proposals calling for systematic reform of the U.S. immigration system such that residents that have come into theU.S. illegally have a pathway to legal citizenship have attracted broad Republican support in some polls. Forexample, the Public Religion Research Institute found in late 2013 that 60% of Republicans supported the pathwayconcept, compared to 63% of Americans as a whole.

    Political status of Puerto RicoThe Republican Party has expressed its support for the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico to exercise their right todetermine a future permanent non-territorial political status with government by consent, full enfranchisement and tobe admitted to the union as a fully sovereign U.S. state. Puerto Rico has been under U.S. sovereignty for over acentury and Puerto Ricans have been U.S. citizens since 1917; but the islands ultimate status still has not beendetermined and its 3.9 million residents still do not have voting representation in their national government. Thefollowing is a section from the 2012 party platform (slightly changed on the last sentence from the 2008, 2004 and2000 platforms).[42]

    We support the right of the United States citizens of Puerto Rico to be admitted to the Union as a fullysovereign state if they freely so determine. We recognize that Congress has the final authority to definethe constitutionally valid options for Puerto Rico to achieve a permanent non-territorial status withgovernment by consent and full enfranchisement. As long as Puerto Rico is not a State, however, thewill of its people regarding their political status should be ascertained by means of a general right ofreferendum or specific referenda sponsored by the U.S. government.

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    Voter baseIn general terms, the number of Americans self-identifying as Republicans has been around 30% over the pasttwenty years. According to Gallup polling, 29% of Americans identified as Republicans versus 31% doing so asDemocrats and 38% as independents in 2010, which represented a slight drop from the 31% identified asRepublicans in 1988. In a 2014 Gallup survey, Republican identification was down to 25 percent, the lowest in atleast 25 years.[43][44]

    Historically speaking, the Republican base initially consisted of northern white Protestants and African-Americansnationwide, with the first Presidential candidate, John C. Fremont, receiving almost no votes in the South. This trendcontinued into the 20th century, with 1944 Republican presidential candidate Thomas E. Dewey having only 10% ofhis popular votes in the South. After the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the core base shifted considerably. The party'sbase consists of groups such as white, married Protestants, rural and suburban citizens, and non-union workerswithout college degrees, with urban residents, ethnic minorities, the unmarried, and union workers having shifted tothe Democratic Party.

    Business communityThe GOP is usually seen as the traditionally pro-business party and it garners major support from a wide variety ofindustries from the financial sector to small businesses. Republicans are about 50 percent more likely to beself-employed, and are more likely to work in management.[45]

    A survey cited by the Washington Post in 2012 stated that 61 percent of small business owners planned to vote forthen-Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney. Small business became a major theme of the 2012 RepublicanNational Convention. For example, South Dakota Senator John Thune discussed his grandfathers hardware store andNew Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte referred to her husbands landscaping company.

    DemographicsThe Democrats do better among younger Americans and Republicans among older Americans. In 2006, the GOPwon 38% of the voters aged 1829.Low-income voters tend to favor the Democrats while high-income voters tend to support the Republicans. In 2012,Obama won 60% of voters with income under $50,000, and 45% of those with incomes higher than that.[46] Bushwon 41% of the poorest 20% of voters in 2004, 55% of the richest twenty percent, and 53% of those in between. Inthe 2006 House races, the voters with incomes over $50,000 were 49% Republican, while those under were 38%.Republicans hold a large majority in the armed services, with 57% of active military personnel and 66% of officersidentified as Republican in 2003.


    Since 1980, a "gender gap" has seen slightly stronger support for the GOP among men than among women. In 2012,Obama won 55% of the women and 45% of the menand more women voted than men. In the 2006 House races,43% of women voted for GOP, while 47% of men did so. In the 2010 midterms, the "gender gap" was reduced withwomen supporting GOP and Democratic candidates equally 49% to 49%. In recent elections, Republicans havefound their greatest support among whites from married couples with children living at home.[47] Unmarried anddivorced women were far more likely to vote for Kerry in 2004.[48] 2012 returns reveal a continued weakess amongunmarried women, a large and growing portion of the electorate.

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    LGBT voters

    In the 1996 presidential election, Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole won 23% of the gay, lesbian, andbisexual voters.[49] In the 2000 presidential election, George W. Bush won 25% of the gay, lesbian, and bisexualvoters.[50] In the 2004 presidential election, George W. Bush won 23% of the gay, lesbian, and bisexual voters.[51] Inthe 2006 mid-term election, Republicans won 24% of the gay, lesbian, and bisexual voters.[52] In the 2008presidential election, Republican presidential candidate John McCain won 27% of the gay, lesbian, and bisexualvoters,[53][54] while only 19% of the gay, lesbian, and bisexual voters voted for other Republicans.[55] In the 2010mid-term election, Republicans won 29% of the gay, lesbian, and bisexual voters, doubling their vote from 2008 andthe highest Republicans ever won the gay vote from exist polling. This is manly due to the Tea Party movement, andtheir concentration on focusing mostly on fiscal issues. In the 2012 presidential election, Republican presidentialcandidate Mitt Romney won 22% of the gay, lesbian, and bisexual voters, the lowest any Republican candidate forpresident has ever received in the gay vote from exist polling.[56][57][58] The opposition to gay rights largely comesfrom the socially conservative wing of the party.A June-September, 2012, Gallup poll found that 13% of LGBT Americans described themselves as Republicans,20% described themselves as conservative, and 22% of LGBT registered voters said they preferred Romney forpresident. LGBT Americans who describe themselves as conservative or Republicans tend to be older, white, andmore religious.[59] A November/December 2013 Public Religion Research Institute poll sponsored by the FordFoundation found that 72% of LGBT Americans think the Republican Party is unfriendly towards LGBT people,with 15% thinking the Republican Party is friendly towards LGBT people.


    In 2012, the Pew Research Center conducted a study of registered voters with a 3528, Democrat-to-Republican gap.They found that self-described Democrats had a +8 advantage over Republicans among college graduates, +14 of allpost-graduates polled. Republicans were +11 among white men with college degrees, Democrats +10 among womenwith degrees. Democrats accounted for 36% of all respondents with an education of high school or less, Republicanswere 28%. When isolating just white registered voters polled, Republicans had a +6 advantage overall and were +9of those with a high school education or less.An analysis of 2008 through 2012 survey data from the General Social Survey, the National Election Studies, andthe Pew Research Center for the People and the Press led to the following assessment of the overall educationalstatus of self-identified Democrats and Republicans:

    On average, self-identified Republicans have more years of education (4 to 8 months each, depending onthe survey) and are probably more likely to hold, at the least, a 4-year college degree. (One major surveyindicates that they are more likely, while the results of another survey are statistically insignificant.) Italso appears that Republicans continue to out-test Democrats in surveys that assess political knowledgeand/or current events. With respect to post-graduate studies, the educational advantage is shiftingtowards self-identified Democrats. They are now more likely to hold post-graduate college degrees.(One major survey indicates that they are more likely, while the results of another survey are statisticallyinsignificant.)[60]


    A majority of the Republican voter base is White American. While historically the party had been supporters of rights for African Americans since the 1860s, it lost its leadership position; the GOP has been winning under 15% of the black vote in recent national elections (1980 to 2008). The party has recently nominated African American candidates for senator or governor in Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Maryland, though none were successful. In the 2010 elections, two African American Republicans were elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. The Republican Party abolished slavery under Abraham Lincoln, defeated the Slave Power, and gave blacks the vote

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    during Reconstruction in the late 1860s. Until the New Deal of the 1930s, blacks supported the GOP by largemargins.[61] Most black voters switched to the Democratic Party in the 1930s when the New Deal offered thememployment opportunities, and major figures, such as Eleanor Roosevelt, began to support civil rights. They becameone of the core components of the New Deal Coalition. In the South, blacks were able to vote in large numbers after1965, when a bipartisan coalition passed the Voting Rights Act, and ever since have formed a significant portion(2050%) of the Democratic vote in that region.[62]

    In recent decades, the party has been moderately successful in gaining support from Hispanic and Asian Americanvoters. George W. Bush, who campaigned energetically for Hispanic votes, received 35% of their vote in 2000 and44% in 2004. The party's strong anti-communist stance has made it popular among some minority groups fromcurrent and former Communist states, in particular Cuban Americans, Korean Americans, Chinese Americans, andVietnamese Americans. The election of Bobby Jindal as Governor of Louisiana has been hailed as pathbreaking. Heis the first elected minority governor in Louisiana and the first state governor of Indian descent. In the 2008presidential election, John McCain won 55% of white votes, 35% of Asian votes, 31% of Hispanic votes, and 4% ofAfrican American votes.[63] In the 2010 House election, the GOP won 60% of the white votes, 38% of Hispanicvotes, and 9% of the African American vote. According to John Avlon in 2013, the Republican party is more diverseat the statewide elected official level than the Democratic Party, including Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval andSouth Carolina Senator Tim Scott.For decades, a greater percentage of white voters identified themselves as Democrats, rather than Republicans.However, since the mid-1990s whites have been more likely to self-identify as Republicans than Democrats.[64]

    Religious belief

    Religion has always played a major role for both parties but, in the course of a century, the parties' religiouscompositions have changed. Religion was a major dividing line between the parties before 1960, with Catholics,Jews, and Southern Protestants heavily Democratic, and Northeastern Protestants heavily Republican. Most of theold differences faded away after the realignment of the 1970s and 80s that undercut the New Deal coalition.[65]

    Voters who attend church weekly gave 61% of their votes to Bush in 2004; those who attend occasionally gave himonly 47%, while those who never attend gave him 36%. Fifty-nine percent of Protestants voted for Bush, along with52% of Catholics (even though John Kerry was Catholic). Since 1980, large majorities of evangelicals have votedRepublican; 7080% voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004, and 70% for GOP House candidates in 2006. Jews continueto vote 7080% Democratic. Democrats have close links with the African American churches, especially theNational Baptists, while their historic dominance among Catholic voters has eroded to 5446 in the 2010 midterms.The main line traditional Protestants (Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Disciples) have droppedto about 55% Republican (in contrast to 75% before 1968). The mainline denominations are rapidly shrinking insize. Mormons in Utah and neighboring states voted 75% or more for Bush in 2000.[66]

  • Republican Party (United States) 24

    This map shows the vote in the 2004 presidential election by county. Allmajor Republican geographic constituencies are visible: red dominates themap, showing Republican strength in the rural areas, while the denser areas

    (i.e., cities) are blue. Notable exceptions include the Pacific coast, NewEngland, the Black Belt, areas with high Native American populations, and

    the heavily Hispanic parts of the Southwest.


    Since 1980, geographically the Republican "base"("red states") is strongest in the South, theMidwest, and Mountain West. While it is weakeston the West Coast and Northeast, this has notalways been the case; historically the northeastwas a bastion of the Republican Party withVermont and Maine being the only two states tovote against Franklin Roosevelt all four times.The Midwest has been roughly balanced since1854, with Illinois becoming more Democraticand liberal because of the city of Chicago (seebelow) and Minnesota and Wisconsin moreRepublican since 1990. Ohio and Indiana bothtrend Republican. Since the 1930s, the Democratshave dominated most central cities, while theRepublicans now dominate rural areas and themajority of suburbs.

    The South has become solidly Republican in national elections since 1980, and has been trending Republican at thestate level since then at a slower pace.[67] In 2004, Bush led Kerry by 70%30% among Southern whites, who madeup 71% of the Southern electorate. Kerry had a 7030 lead among the 29% of the voters who were black orHispanic. One-third of these Southern voters said they were white evangelicals; they voted for Bush by 8020; butwere only 72% Republican in 2006.

    The Republican Party's strongest focus of political influence lies in the Great Plains states, particularly Oklahoma,Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota, and in the Mountain states of Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah (Utahgave George W. Bush more than 70% of the popular vote in 2004). These states are sparsely populated with fewmajor urban centers, and have majority white populations, making it extremely difficult for Democrats to create asustainable voter base there. While still remaining notably Republican, Montana is the only state in the region with amore moderate lean.[68] Unlike the South, these areas have been strongly Republican since before the partyrealignments of the 1960s. The Great Plains states were one of the few areas of the country where Republicans hadany significant support during the Great Depression.

    Conservatives, moderates, liberals, and progressivesRepublican conservatives are strongest in the South, Mountain West and Midwest, where they draw support from social conservatives. The moderates tend to dominate the party in New England, and used to be well represented in all states. From the 1940s to the 1970s under such leaders as Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, and Gerald Ford, they usually dominated the presidential wing of the party. Since the 1970s, they have been less powerful, though they are always represented in the cabinets of Republican presidents. In Vermont, Jim Jeffords, a Republican Senator became an independent in 2001 due to growing disagreement with President Bush and the party leadership. In addition, moderate Republicans have recently held the governorships in several New England States, while Lincoln Chafee, a former moderate Republican senator is the independent governor of Rhode Island. Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, both of Maine, and Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts are notable moderate Republicans from New England. From 1991 to 2007, moderate Republicans served as governors of Massachusetts. Prominent Republican moderates have included Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard M. Nixon and George Bush Sr., as well as Senate leaders Howard Baker and Bob Dole, and New York Mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael

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    Bloomberg.Some well-known conservative radio hosts, including national figures such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, GlennBeck, Neal Boortz, Laura Ingraham, Michael Reagan, Howie Carr, and Michael Savage, as well as many localcommentators, support Republican causes, while vocally opposing those of the Democrats.[69]

    Traditionally, the Republican Party has included a liberal wing made up of individuals who, like members of theliberal wing of the Democratic Party, believe in the power of government to improve people's lives. During theProgressive Era, many of the leading liberal reformers were Republicans, such as Theodore Roosevelt,[70] CharlesEvan Hughes, George W. Norris, Hiram Johnson, and Fiorello La Guardia. In contemporary politics, however,liberalism is no longer as strong a force as it once was within the Republican Party. Prominent liberal Republicans ofthe Twentieth Century included Nelson Rockefeller, John Lindsay, Jacob Javits,[71] Thomas Dewey, WendellWillkie, Alf Landon, Robert McNamara,[72] and Robert La Follette.Some long time Republicans have spoken out for more steeply progressive taxation than mainstream GOP leadershave supported. These include Bruce Bartlett, Paul O'Neill, David Stockman, and Sheila Bair. Similarly, RepublicanWall Street Journal opinion columnist Peggy Noonan has called for a renewed focus on jobs instead of debt anddeficit.

    TrendsAs of 2004[73], the Republican Party had remained fairly cohesive, as both strong economic libertarians and socialconservatives opposed the Democrats, whom they saw as the party of bloatedWikipedia:Manual of Style/Words towatch#Unsupported attributions and more secular, liberal government.[74] Yet, some libertarians have argued that theGOP's policies have grown increasingly restrictive of personal liberties, and has contributed to increasing corporatewelfare and national debt. Some social conservatives have expressed dissatisfaction with the party's support foreconomic policies that they see as sometimes in conflict with their moral values.[75]

    In January 2013, the Republican Party's favorability ratings reached an all-time low of 33% as measured by PewResearch Center, and only 25% approved of the GOP leadership. In February 2013, a follow-up poll showed that62% of Americans polled and 65% percent of independent voters viewed Republicans as "out of touch with theAmerican people."In March 2013, National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus gave a stinging report on the GOPs failures in 2012,calling on the party to reinvent itself and officially endorse immigration reform. He said, "Theres no one reason welost. Our message was weak; our ground game was insufficient; we werent inclusive; we were behind in both dataand digital; and our primary and debate process needed improvement." He proposed 219 reforms that including a$10 million marketing campaign to reach women, minorities and gays; a shorter, more controlled primary season;and better data collection and research facilities.[76]

    With a majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents under the age of 49 supporting legalrecognition of same-sex marriages versus the opposition from those over 50, the issue remains a particular dividewithin the Party. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has remarked that the "Party is going to be torn on thisissue" with some constituents "going to flake off."It has been reported recently (as of late 2011, early 2012) that the Republican Party has veered far more towards the'right' or conservative side of the political spectrum in the most recent election cycle. As the republican party veersmore conservative, an independent study group examining the economic situation of the United States, known as'Simpson-Bowles,' (of which the two main members are a high powered democrat and republican, specifically aformer Chief of Staff of President Clinton and Republican whip for 20 some years) has determined that the positionput forth by President Obama in the 2011 debt crisis is the best overall path for the United States to travel,economically.[77][78][79][80][81][82]

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    The Republican party's candidate for President in 2012, Mitt Romney, lost to President Barack Obama, the fifth timein six elections the Republican candidate received fewer votes than his democratic counterpart has inspired somerepublicans to speak out against their own party; former Senator Bob Dole said, "today's GOP members are tooconservative and overly partisan. They ought to put a sign on the National Committee doors that says closed forrepairs,"[83] where former Senator Olympia Snowe of Maine has said she is in agreement with Bob Dole.[84] FormerChairman of the Joint Chiefs, Colin Powell said the GOP has "a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party,".. ."The whole birther movement: Why do senior Republican leaders tolerate this kind of discussion within theparty?" Powell asked. "I think the party has to take a look at itself."[85] The CRNC released a report in June 2013which was highly critical of the party.[86]

    State and territorial parties Alabama Republican Party [87] Republican Party of Alaska [88] Arizona Republican Party [89] Republican Party of Arkansas [90] California Republican Party [91] Colorado Republican Party [92] Connecticut Republican Party [93] Republican State Committee of Delaware [94] Republican Party of Florida [95] Georgia Republican Party [96] Hawaii Republican Party [97] Idaho Republican Party [98] Illinois Republican Party [99] Indiana Republican Party [100] Republican Party of Iowa [101] Kansas Republican Party [102] Republican Party of Kentucky [103] Republican Party of Louisiana [104] Maine Republican Party [105] Maryland Republican Party [106] Massachusetts Republican Party [107] Michigan Republican Party [108] Republican Party of Minnesota [109] Mississippi Republican Party [110] Missouri Republican Party [111] Montana Republican Party [112] Nebraska Republican Party [113] Nevada Republican Party [114] New Hampshire Republican State Committee [115] New Jersey Republican State Committee [116] Republican Party of New Mexico [117] New York Republican State Committee [118] North Carolina Republican Party [119] North Dakota Republican Party [120] Ohio Republican Party [121] Oklahoma Republican Party [122]

  • Republican Party (United States) 27

    Oregon Republican Party [123] Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania [124] Rhode Island Republican Party [125] South Carolina Republican Party [126] South Dakota Republican Party [127] Tennessee Republican Party [128] Republican Party of Texas [129] Utah Republican Party [130] Vermont Republican Party [131] Republican Party of Virginia [132] Washington State Republican Party [133] West Virginia Republican Party [134] Republican Party of Wisconsin [135] Wyoming Republican Party [136] Republican Party of American Samoa District of Columbia Republican Committee [137] Guam Republican Party Northern Mariana Islands Republican Party Republican Party of Puerto Rico Republican Party of the Virgin Islands

    Footnotes[1] http:/ / www. balancedpolitics. org/ ideology. htm[2] http:/ / www. ontheissues. org/ Background_Principles_+ _Values. htm[3] http:/ / www. theatlantic. com/ politics/ archive/ 2013/ 06/ social-conservatives-still-control-the-gop/ 276910/[4] http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=z3b7syYOqskC& printsec=frontcover& dq=neoconservatives& hl=en& sa=X&

    ei=CinxUuWPNfSrsATZ4YHgBQ& ved=0CDQQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage& q=neoconservatives& f=false[5] http:/ / www. rlc. org/ principles[6] http:/ / www. gop. com/[7] Brian R. Farmer. American political ideologies: an introduction to the major systems of thought in the 21st century. Jefferson, North

    Carolina, USA: McFarland & Company, 2006. Pp. 64.[8][8] Gould[9] Donald T. Critchlow, The Conservative Ascendancy: How the Republican Right Rose to Power in Modern America (2011) pp 280312[10] Khan. Huma. Will Redistricting Be a Bloodbath for Democrats? (http:/ / abcnews. go. com/ Politics/

    republicans-historic-win-state-legislatures-vote-2010-election/ story?id=12049040#. T4eD_NnhdeM). 2010-11-04. Retrieved2012-04-13.

    [11] Vice President Dick Cheney provided tie breaking vote, giving Republicans a majority[12] Gould, pp. 1415[13] "Grand Old Party," Oxford English Dictionary[14] Cartoon of the Day: "The Third-Term Panic" (http:/ / www. harpweek. com/ 09Cartoon/ BrowseByDateCartoon. asp?Year=2003&

    Month=November& Date=7). Retrieved on 2007-02-21.[15] http:/ / en. wikipedia. org/ w/ index. php?title=Template:Conservatism_US& action=edit[16] http:/ / en. wikipedia. org/ w/ index. php?title=Template:Politics_of_the_United_States& action=edit[17] Unsettling Scores: A Ranking of State Medicaid Programs, P. 15 (http:/ / www2. citizen. org/ hrg/ medicaid/ assets/ reports/

    2007UnsettlingScores. pdf)[18] [ Opinion of the court, Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, p. 72][19] Stem cells: What they are and what they do (http:/ / www. mayoclinic. com/ health/ stem-cells/ CA00081). (2013-03-23).

    Retrieved on 2013-07-15.[20] Watson, Stephanie. (2004-11-11) HowStuffWorks "Embryonic Stem Cells" (http:/ / science. howstuffworks. com/ life/ cellular-microscopic/

    stem-cell2. htm). Retrieved on 2013-07-15.[21] FAQs [Stem Cell Information] (http:/ / stemcells. nih. gov/ info/ pages/ faqs. aspx#wherefrom). Retrieved on 2013-07-15.[22] GOP OKs platform barring abortions, gay marriage (http:/ / finance. yahoo. com/ news/

    gop-oks-platform-barring-abortions-gay-marriage-204947742. html) retrieved 31 October 2012

  • Republican Party (United States) 28

    [23] Republican Party Platform of 1996 (http:/ / www. cnn. com/ ALLPOLITICS/ 1996/ conventions/ san. diego/ facts/ gop. platform/ platform.all. shtml)

    [24] Republican Party Platform of 2004 (http:/ / www. presidency. ucsb. edu/ papers_pdf/ 25850. pdf)[25] Boehner: House Will Defend DOMA; Courts, Not Obama, Should Decide (http:/ / www. npr. org/ blogs/ itsallpolitics/ 2011/ 03/ 04/

    134268656/ boehner-house-will-defend-doma-courts-not-obama-should-decide)[26] House GOP drops DOMA defense (http:/ / www. washingtonblade. com/ 2013/ 07/ 19/ house-gop-drops-doma-defense-in-gay-troop/ )[27] March 2014 Post-ABC national poll: Politics, 2014 midterms, gay marriage (http:/ / www. washingtonpost. com/ page/ 2010-2019/

    WashingtonPost/ 2014/ 03/ 05/ National-Politics/ Polling/ question_13288. xml?uuid=VWqBHKQjEeO4ZTiyVNkgYw#)[28] Gay Marriage: Key Data Points from Pew Research | Pew Research Center (http:/ / www. pewresearch. org/ 2013/ 03/ 21/

    gay-marriage-key-data-points-from-pew-research/ ). Pew Research (2013-06-11). Retrieved on 2013-07-15.[29] Republican Party Platform of 2012 (http:/ / www. gop. com/ wp-content/ uploads/ 2012/ 08/ 2012GOPPlatform. pdf)[30] Republican Party Platform of 2000 (http:/ / www. presidency. ucsb. edu/ ws/ ?pid=25849)[31] http:/ / www. brookings. edu/ research/ interviews/ 2010/ 08/ 03-neoconservatism-vaisse[32] (http:/ / www. britannica. com/ EBchecked/ topic/ 1075556/ neoconservatism) Britannica Academic Edition. Retrieved 11 November

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    [37] Dilip Hiro, Desert Shield to Desert Storm: The Second Gulf War (2003) p. 300[38] Gary R. Hess, Presidential Decisions for War: Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and Iraq (2009) pp 153219[39] Hess, Presidential Decisions for War: Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and Iraq (2009) pp 22176[40][40] Republican Platform adopted at GOP National Convention Aug 12, 2000[41][41] 2008 Republican Party Platform, September 1, 2008[42] 2008 Republican Platform (http:/ / platform. gop. com/ 2008Platform. pdf)[43] Kaplan, Rebecca. January 8, 2014. Record number of Americans identify as independent (http:/ / www. cbsnews. com/ news/

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    Report by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, January, 2005. Page 3: "The marriage gap is one of the most important cleavages in electoralpolitics. Unmarried women voted for Kerry by a 25-point margin (62 to 37 percent), while married women voted for President Bush by an11-point margin (55 percent to 44 percent). Indeed, the 25-point margin Kerry posted among unmarried women represented one of the highwater marks for the Senator among all demographic groups."

    [49] CNN 1996 Exist poll (http:/ / www. cnn. com/ ALLPOLITICS/ 1996/ elections/ natl. exit. poll/ index2. html)[50] 2000 Exist poll (http:/ / www. ropercenter. uconn. edu/ elections/ how_groups_voted/ voted_00. html)[51] 2004 CNN Exist poll (http:/ / www. cnn. com/ ELECTION/ 2004/ pages/ results/ states/ US/ P/ 00/ epolls. 0. html)[52] 2006 CNN Exist poll (http:/ / www. cnn. com/ ELECTION/ 2006/ pages/ results/ states/ US/ H/ 00/ epolls. 0. html)[53] CNN 2008 Exist poll (http:/ / www. cnn. com/ ELECTION/ 2008/ results/ polls/ #val=USP00p3)[54] Fox News 2008 Exist poll (http:/ / www. foxnews. com/ politics/ elections/ 2008-exit-poll)[55] CNN 2008 Exist poll (http:/ / www. cnn. com/ ELECTION/ 2008/ results/ polls/ #val=USH00p3)[56] 2012 CNN Exist poll (http:/ / www. cnn. com/ election/ 2012/ results/ race/ president)[57] Fox News 2012 Exist poll (http:/ / www. foxnews. com/ politics/ elections/ 2012-exit-poll)[58] The New York Times 2012 Exist poll (http:/ / elections. nytimes. com/ 2012/ results/ president/ exit-polls)[59] LGBT Americans Skew Democratic, Largely Support Obama (http:/ / www. gallup. com/ poll/ 158102/

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    [66] The Democratic Obama administration's support for requiring institutions related to the Roman Catholic Church to cover birth control andabortion in employee health insurance has further moved traditionalist Catholics toward the Republicans.

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    [81] McCain: Simpson-Bowles `Template' for Budget Deal: Video (http:/ / www. bloomberg. com/ video/mccain-simpson-bowles-template-for-budget-deal-kL8ikLMHR92lahfvzzt1zQ. html). Bloomberg (2012-09-25). Retrieved on 2013-07-15.

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    [83] Reagan, Nixon would never get voted in by today's Republicans, Bob Dole says (http:/ / www. nydailynews. com/ news/ politics/bob-dole-today-gop-dismiss-reagan-nixon-article-1. 1355137). NY Daily News (2013-05-26). Retrieved on 2013-08-17.

    [84] Olympia Snowe: Bob Dole is right about GOP - Kevin Robillard (http:/ / www. politico. com/ story/ 2013/ 05/olympia-snowe-bob-dole-91930. html). Politico.Com (2013-05-29). Retrieved on 2013-08-17.

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