Representations of rock music

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Representations of rock music

Representations of rock

Artists/bands and Rock Rock artists in music magazines are often represented as angry, violent and rebellious in the music industry through their loud acentric music style. This is further reinforced through their darkly themed punk fashion. For example, leather jackets and torn clothing which all contribute to creating the bad boy or bad girl image that rock artists and bands are notorious for. More over, Rick artist/bands portray a messy yet edgy image which is emphasised through their usually wild and unkept hair. Rock is commonly associated with black. Black has connotations of darkness, evil and dominance all of which are associated with rock. Most importantly, Rock artists tend to wear a lot of black clothing and much of their music equipment such as amplifiers and drums are always coloured black. Also their stage make up is quite dark and edgy. For example their black eyeliner, . shadowy eye makeup and black nail polish. In addition, on stage rock artists uphold a loud presence which is further emphasised through their screaming and wild movements on stage. Overall , rock music has stereotypes of sex, violence and rebellion and most people consider rock to be loud and overly aggressive.

Typical representations of Males and Females

MalesWithin the genre of rock men are usually presented as energetic, wild and carefree. This is done through their acentric personality and demanding stage presence; further emphasised by their dramatic poses. In images they have portray a scruffy image as they are usually dressed casually. Through their rebellious streak they are able to give off the bad boy image to their audience. At times, male are portrayed as aspirational figures to the male member of the audience, often being considered as role models. For female fans however, they are admirable figures. Also in images are usually taken on stage with an instrument such as the guitar or drums.

Females Females in rock magazine are usually dark clothing consisting of leather jackets/boots, ripped jeans/shorts, beanies, t-shirts with gothic designs. They have usually dark toned makeup on such as a dark shade of lipstick, Smokey eyes and heavy black eye liner. In addition, like males their hairstyles are quite funky and acentric. Their hairs is usually colours brightly in eclectic colours and they also maintain a messy image. In images they are posed sometimes in a proactive manner giving off elements of sex appeal to the male member of the audience. However, like male artists and bands they are more commonly presented as fun, energetic, wild and carefree. Furthermore, females tend to be the lead singers in the bands and so most images are taken on stage with their microphones in hand.