Representations in Rock Magazines

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Representations in Rock Magazines

Representations in Rock Magazines

The chain prop connotes aggression and violence and is associated with masculinity.

The sunglasses represent the artists to be mysterious and unknown. It also connote shyness.

The cover story ‘sex, drugs and violence’ immediately suggests that rock is a violent genre and represents the white, male artists to be violent and fun loving.

The cover line ‘life is loud’ suggests that the artists who are aged around 32+ are typically fun loving and daredevils. It also includes only male artists so suggests that only males are like this.

The artists maintain emotionless and stern poses which connotes that males are typically aggressive or violent.

The use of bold sans-serif fonts stand out and suggest a more masculine audience.

The main artist has a tattoo sleeves which suggests that tattoos are popular.

The use of a baseball bat prop signifies violence and aggression which also suggest that the male gender are specifically violent.

The main artist is leaning forward with the chain prop he is holding which suggest that he is trying to create interaction or a fight.

There is no particular use of lighting which could suggest an unbalance or the unknown. This connotes that the male genre are stereotypically strange or different.