Representation of Characters

Post on 06-Dec-2015

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Media Studies

Transcript of Representation of Characters

Representation of characters

Representation of characters

By MaryRellin

Movie one

Mockingjay - Part 1: Ending Scene

Character: Katniss


There is a big white pillow, and a plastic/metal thing around Katniss neck (which she is gripping tightly). Connotation of the pillow is that it makes Katniss head looks small and fragile having been engulfed in its mass. The plastic metal prop around her neck makes her look trapped, and her gripped hands presents her desperation as well as her widened red eyes (which shows fear and terror).

This presents Katniss to be desperateand scared; she looks fragile and this image makes the audience dread for what will happen to her next (as it suggests something bad will happen next).


Katniss is in a room which seems like a hospital room. This shows that she has been injured, which presents her a victim and venerable.


The lighting is a dim, warm, yellow glow. This suggests of a poor quality lighting (as old bulbs had yellow glow) and suggests that is hospital is sketchy. Which suggests that conditions there arent good/normal, thus suggesting a ominous next scene.

Character: Katniss


Everyone is wearing grey except Katniss, this immediately make her stand out. Also everyone is arranged around her bed, which shows that she is the centre of attention. This mean she is the most important charterer in this scene.

The fact that she is in a bed, in a room which look like hospital room, presents her to be injured (presenting her as venerable.) But her expression is calm and her body language comfortable (and every other character in the room). Illustrating that its a normal visit as there is no tension like in the previous scene.


Katniss is in a room with advanced computers on the wall, which suggest that she is being cared well. The room doesnt seem like an advanced hospital due to the tilled walls and roof, which seems cheap. This suggests that the place is a hideout, presenting that the characters are running away (making them look like rebels).


The lighting is lighter and is a clean white shine, which presents a lighter atmosphere.

Character: Katniss


The hall is deserted and Katniss is the only one you can see, this suggests that something ominous might happen due past reference of thriller/ horror films. She is also not wearing any shoes, and is wearing a hospital dress. This either suggests she has something on her mind so she doesnt bother with shoes, or she is in a rush. However, she body movement is calm, which suggests she is taking her time or being cautious.


Katniss is a deserted hall, which suggest that she is alone and has been deserted (which is a surprising scene since hospitals tend to be busy). It suggests that something has happened and that Katniss is about to find out.


The lighting is a dim yellow again, which darkens the atmosphere. This presents Katniss as if she is danger, as there is tension created by the dark, deserted hall (which has had many past reference to previous thriller/horror films).

Character: Katniss


Katniss has blood shot red eyes and the plastic/metal thing on her neck which still suggests that she is venerable due to her injury. Throughout the whole build-up to this scene (where she sees her lover under pain), she was walking slowly and the tension music was slowly building up. Which was all suggesting something bad to happen.

Here in this scene her downfallen expression is evident, which shows she is suffering emotionally (probably more that physically). This makes the character seem like a caring person to care deeply of those she loves.


Katniss is in a dark room which seems like a laboratory, this suggest that her lover is being confined in a room under pain. This image makes her look like a heroine, as the next few scenes one would expect her to save her lover.


The lighting dark, all the light is on her face. Its highlights her expression, which expresses her anguish and grief.

Movie two

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2011

Character: MikaelBlomkvist


Mikael in this scene looks tortured as he is hanged on a string around his shoulders. This presents him to be suffering and defenceless. The outfit he is wearing are normal clothes which suggests he is a normal citizen, and making him seem like an innocent victim.

The person facing him isnt doing anything, which suggests he is the one torturing Mikael. There is also a camera facing Mikael, which suggest that he is objectified and being filmed for the satisfaction of the other person.


He is in a white tiled room, which suggest that he is in an abandoned warehouse far away form other people. This shows him to have no hope and that escape is impossible, presenting him to be miserable and doomed.


The lighting is light, this suggest that he is on a stage and he is the main attraction.

Character: MikaelBlomkvist


This shot shows Mikael on a computer screen being tortured and filmed. This presents him to be objectified as an object and not a person, making him seem hopeless. Suggesting he is a victim of a person who had mental problems, as it seems the person torturing him is filming for this entertainment. Or that the video is being filmed because of another agenda, like Mikael is being used a bribe. If so this presents him as someone important or valuable.


He is in a poor white tiled room(notice the blackening of the times on the corners). This suggest he is in an abandoned place again.

Character: MikaelBlomkvist


Here you can see that he has injuries on his face, which suggest that he has been beaten up. The prop which tights his arms which leaves him unable to move makes him look helpless. Mikaels expression shows he has given up hope, also he is avoiding eye contact with the other person. This presents that he his succumbing under the torture of the other person.


There is a low prominent humming of a non diegetic sound, which is even louder than the persons voice. The effect of this is that is make creates tension, and it also suggest that its what Mikael is feeling- the continuous feeling of numbing pain/terror.



Martin is dressed smartly and his body posture suggests that he is comfortable. His lack of emotional expression also suggests that he is content, his calmness suggest that he feels no emotion seeing a person injured in front of him or that he is simply doing a job (nothing personal). It also suggest he is two-faced and can conceal his emptions well.

The room from this perspective seems like its on good quality (black leather sofa and modern lights). This makes one think of a studio where the white tiled room was intentionally built for the purpose of filming. And with Martins seat and camera, its makes him seem like the director. This makes Martin an interesting character who seems to have money (since the scenes suggests that the room belongs to him) but like to torture and film for his own enjoyment.


It dark again, which imitates the darkness behind the stage, suggesting that Martin is the audience/director.

Movie three

Lucy (2014) - Hospital corridor fight scene



In this hall Lucy is being targeted by men (in suits which makes them seem important) and who are pointing guns. At this moment Lucy, looks like the victim as she seems defenceless and outnumbered. She is also wearing a tight black dress which makes her look even more venerable as she is seems like the stereotypical damsel in distress.


She is in a hospital hallway, which suggest that there will be death.



Lucy is standing still with an expressionless face, which makes her look brace considering that shes in danger. This can also make her seem reckless with no sense of danger. The person on the back with the gun is presented to be on her side, which shows she is not just an innocent damsel in distress as she has friends with weapons (suggesting she knows whats happening and is not an innocent bystander.)



Lucy is walking briskly with no excess actions like a robot (notice the still arms) and a calm expression, this shows she has no fear. The men in the background floating with confused expression are Lucys doing, evident by her none surprised expression which suggests that she has supernatural powers. This presents her character as an unfeeling person: she feels not fear, surprise nor pain. Making her not the damsel in destress but an invincible heroine. But it also makes her inhumane and robot like.

There is a dead body on the ground which suggest that there has been a killing, this doesnt move Lucy, which suggest shes already seen several killings already and is used to the sight of corpses and blood.



Here Lucy has a briefcase which she took from the man standing motionless in the background. This prop suggests something important, and that the violence was due to this important prop. This hints the intentions of Lucy, to why and what she is doing, e.g. she wants to retrieve something important that was stolen.

Lucy hasnt killed the men, which shows that Lucy doesn't use unnecessary violence, making her seem like a good heroine.

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