Repower Ontario - Navigation and Transformation in the Green Economy

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Repower Ontario - Navigation and Transformation in the Green Economy

REpower Ontario

Give a Taste

Foot in the Door

Get a Pulse

Mother Earth is trying to get our attention

Earthquakes are up 150% in 2010

243 Earthquakes M4.0 from August 1 –August 15 2010

We seem to be sinking….

SinkholeJune 2010


SinkholeJune 2010

Trans-Canada Highway east of the Alberta-Saskatchewan border

SinkholeJuly 2010


Do We Get The Picture?

China 2010

Pakistan 2010

China 2010

China 2010

Russia 2010

Manitoba 2010

Alberta 2010Quebec 2010 British Columbia 2010

We are at a turning point in human civilization, one that requires moral leadership and generational responsibility.

To build the future we need a generation of everyday

heroes, people who – whatever their walks of life – have the courage to think in fresh ways and to act to meet our planetary crisis

head on.

We Are The Ones

Responding to this crisis has to recognize that today’s youth want prosperity. …A huge chunk of our fellow human beings are young, and ambitious for better lives – and they are going to try and get it no matter what we do.

492 Sri Lankan migrants seeking refugee status in Vancouver

We need a 21st Century form of prosperity for all who inhabit our

planet. The future

needs to be bright, green

and freely available to all.

We need, in the next twenty-five years or so, to do something never before done .

Renewable Energy


We need to consciously

redesign the entire material basis of our civilization.

We must offer a 21st century form of prosperity that is dramatically more

ecologically sustainable and not only functions in areas of chaos and corruption, but also helps transform


That alone is a task

of heroic

magnitude, but

there’s an additional

complication: we

only get one shot.

We Are The Ones

Change takes time,

and time is what

we don’t have a lot

of . . . Fail to act

boldly enough and

we may fail


But the promise of the future is a compelling one

Ontario means "beautiful water” in Iroquois

We Are The Ones

Yes We Can We don’t have to destroy the planet or

impoverish other people to live well.

We can save $ and energy.

We can live in close-knit communities, cut down our commutes and spend more time with friends and family.

If we earn extra $ we can invest in companies with smart solutions and often pocket a nice dividend cheque.

We can create lives that are so easy on the planet, exploit no-one and leave us happier and better off.

We can change the world and create healthy prosperity.

We need a movement to win the race.

We need millions of people who are committed to doing their part to embrace good ideas, find new solutions in their own work, and live and share what they learn.

This is what ‘going green’ is all about in Ontario…a movement enabled by the Green Energy & Economy Act and the Water Opportunities Act.This movement is

the calling of REpower Ontario

Here is Where the Current

Opportunities Are

But it’s more than jobs…the Green Economy is about….

It’s also about rethinking the way we work

We have the chance now to create new markets, new technologies,

new industries, and a new workforce. Let’s do it right – with good wages, equal opportunity,

and pathways to success for those whom pollution-based economy

has left behind.Van Jones

Past Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation for the White House Council on

Environmental Quality

Most of the jobs are in the early stage of development or brand new.

Some call the Green Economy the Wild West of the Career World.

It’s a rapidly


landscape and

it is easy to


overwhelmedEarth From NASA’s Satellite

REpower Ontario provides the

navigational tools to help Ontarians guide themselves through this transformational

time…..while creating a new prosperity

We explore the opportunities through

3 interconnected lenses

We provide core contentThe World We Live In

The DaVinci Project

The 21st Century


21st Century


The Intelligent


Field Trips

We provide tools to help you find your place in the Green Economy

Which results in….

The REpower Compass

To Step Up

We are being beckoned

To Step Out

Come Join the REpower Ontario Movement

Navigation Transformation
