Report Zamboanga Peace Camp

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Transcript of Report Zamboanga Peace Camp

Providing relevant information on practical ideas to enhance

Muslim Filipino youth capability in conflict resolution and

mediating practices as stakeholders and next leaders of the



National Commission on Muslim Filipinos,

Armed Forces of the Philippines-Civil Military Operations,

06-08 April 2014

Zamboanga City


Providing relevant information on practical ideas to enhance

Muslim Filipino youth capability in conflict resolution and mediating

practices as stakeholders and next leaders of the country.

REPORT Written by Sheryl R. Morales, PhD.

Final editing by Yusuf Roque S. Morales, PhD.



With the advent of climate change, natural disasters, as well as the

advances in peace negotiation with the Moro Islamic Liberation front, the BPCR

Needs to create a grassroots-based constituency that would be able to support

the finalization of the MILF-GRP peace process and be prepared for climate

change adaptation and disaster preparedness which will eventually will be one of

the major causes of conflict- Conflict over battle of resources.

The Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro (October 15, 2012) on its

concern with regards to Territory stated that: Territory refers to the land mass

as well as the maritime, terrestrial, fluvial and alluvial domains, and the aerial

domain and the atmospheric space above it. Governance shall be agreed upon

by parties in this agreement and in the sections on wealth sharing and power

sharing. This will be an opportunity for our young people to help promote and

be involved in peace building programs of the government.

The NCMF-BPR in support to the Medium Term Youth Development Plan,

adheres to its guiding framework for youth development and empowerment.

Filipino youth are significant stakeholders in conflict and peace building,

considering there are instances that our young people are directly involved in

violent conflicts. Also, Filipino youth act as catalyst in peace building,

reconciliation, and post conflict reconstructions, in establishing

t h e m s e l v e s a s t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n o f l e a d e r s .

In their role as youth leaders and in educating them about peace and

conflict resolutions, it is significant for them to learn a positive approach on

difficult situations. Hearing stories, experiences and aspirations of other youth

within the area of ZamBaSulTa. Answering the questions what is in it for them

as youth—transforming them through active listening and telling good stories

d e s p i t e t h e c u r r e n t s i t u a t i o n i n t h e r e g i o n .

The Summer Youth Peace Camp held in Zamboanga provides a safe

space for our Muslim youth to learn together about conflict, to share

their experiences with one another and to build their capacity to engage

and develop future program initiatives like the Bayani Challenge.

The Summer Youth Peace Camp brings together Muslim youth with high

aspiration to be potential multipliers in peace work activities and be motivated to

get engaged as quick response volunteer during disasters.



To socially interact with Filipino Muslim youth and youth organizations from

ZamBaSulTa region, providing them with an appreciative inquiry approach

experience in living and learning together, to allow them to use alternative

conflict and resolution mechanisms based on their standing faith in God (Allah).


To define peace process, understand the need and scope of the

Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro, and provide an appreciative

feedback on the government's effort.

To know the types of conflict in their homes, schools/madrasah and

community; to understand the conduction and importance of peace building

tools and activities.

To learn, formulate and performed appreciative inquiry as a tool to peace

building tool in their homes, schools/madrasah and community.

To understand the current situation of our water resources.

To differentiate natural from manmade events and distinguish government

agencies involve in disaster and calamities.

To restate the communication channels in event of disaster and in


To organize a pool of volunteers as quick response team within their locality.

To appreciate the essence of volunteerism and their role in the community.

To participate in this year's Bayani Challenge, a project of Gawad Kalinga

and the Armed Forces of the Philippines, in one of the ten barangays in



The Group Facilitators consisted of eight uniformed men and woman coming

from the AFP-one for each group. There were also three senior trainers (NCMF)

and a secretariat coming from the First Infantry Division of WestMin Command.

The facilitators were selected by commanding officer of the First Infantry

Division. There were one (1) female facilitator and seven (7) male facilitators

The facilitators have their previous experiences in handling youth camp like the

annual Youth Leadership Summit (YLS), an activity of the AFP-Civil Military

Operations. Senior Trainers have been conducting Peace Camp every summer

for years and have been travelling within the Mindanao region as Peace



The participants were selected from the areas of Zamboanga, Basilan and

Tawi-tawi. Fifty five of the participants were selected, though only 35 actually

attended the Summer Youth Peace Camp (20 participants coming from Muslim

Student Association of Ateneo de Zamboanga cancelled their participation due

to security concerns and other issues). Twenty-eight males and seven females

participated the peace camp. There were thirteen participants having the age

range of 13 to 17; fifteen participants within the age range of 18 to 22; three

participants within the age range of 23 to 27; and four participants within the

age range of 28 to 32. All of the participants speak Tausug, one of the local

dialects use in the region, and understand Tagalog and English language.

Ten percent of the participants were college graduates and presidents of youth

organizations in their area; 50% are studying in college; 3.33% were vocational

course graduate; 6.67% were studying in madrasah; 13.33% were high school

graduates; and 16.67% were studying in high school.

Since majority of the participants are youth leaders, in their participant's data

sheet, we included on the last portion of the form the type of person they are.

The participants who said they are the type of person who asserts authority and

volunteer to lead a group is 48.48%; directs people to perform their work is

12.12%; charms people and can easily be with is 15.15%; seeks the opinion of

others before making decision is 15.15%; and 9.09% from the participants said

they can be any of these type of person based on a given situation.


Day ONE : 06 April 2014

07:00 - 08:00 H Arrival of Training Facilitators

08:00 - 09:00 H Brief Introduction of the Facilitators

Expectation and Need Assessment

09:00 – 12:00H Facilitators' Training Proper on

Guidelines for participants

Handling groups: Simple Tools and Methods

House Rules

Facilitators' Output/Report: Changing Mind-sets


12:00 -13:00H Lunch Break

13:00 -15:00H Preparation for the arrival of the participants

15:00 -17:00H Arrival and Registration of the participants

17:00-18:00H Early Dinner

18:00 -19:00H Grouping Assignments

Formal Welcoming of Participants

Discussion of House Rules

Distribution of Tasks

22:00H Lights off

Day TWO: 07 April 2014

05:30 H Wake-up call

05:30-06:30H Morning Exercise

06:30-07:30H Breakfast Preparation

07:30-08:00H Program Preparation

08:00-09:00H Status of peace process (video of OPAPP)

09:00-10:30H Peace building Workshop

10:30-11:30H Synthesis 1

11:30-13:00H Lunch Preparation/lunch

13:00-16:00H Workshop on Appreciative Inquiry

16:00-16:30H Synthesis 2

16:30-18:00H Dinner Preparation/Early Dinner


18:00-20:00H Discussion on Climate Change: Water Valuing

20:00-22:00H Socials

Day THREE: 08 April 2014

05:30 H Wake-up call

05:30-06:30H Morning Exercise

06:30-07:30H Breakfast Preparation

07:30-08:00H Program Preparation

08:00-11:00H Community Awareness and Response in Emergencies

11:00-11:30H Synthesis 3

11:30-13:00H Lunch Preparation/lunch

13:00H Culminating Activity-Bayani Challenge

14:00H Closing Program

Statement of Reflection

Departure of Participants


This part of the report did not cover the entire detail of the Summer Youth Peace

Camp. This part will only provide key parts of the program and a concise

narrative of its impact to the participants. Throughout the Camp non‐formal

education was used as the methodology for learning, this included

experiential learning, role‐plays, discussions, group assignments, reflection,

individual work, small groups, inputs and exercises .

The program was designed to allow participants as well as the facilitators to first

learn their strengths as an individual which later can help the group performed its

daily tasks.


During the first day, all facilitators

were oriented about the program flow

and their duties and responsibilities.

The facilitators were given a short

evaluation and they were rank

according to highest to lowest pointer.


This was done to allow the facilitators to choose whom they prefer to be their



Later in the afternoon, the participants gradually arrived. The usual

registration process was done and a brief participant data sheet was

answered. After all the participants arrived, we had some expectation check.

Since majority of the participants were first timers, the usual expectation

raised were to learn something from the camp like to be able to learn 'disaster

preparedness' and know about 'peace and conflict resolution'. Younger

participants said they would like to gain new friends and experience the

challenge of living with only limited resources on hand. We also asked the

participants what were their expectation to their facilitators who were mostly

from the AFP though we

have 2 alternative female

facilitator coming the PNP.

The youngest participant

said that 'he hope they

will not point a gun on

them' and most of them

were not comfortable see-

ing their facilitators wear-

ing camouflage uniform.

Almost 90 percent said

'we hope that you

(soldiers) will be good to

us and will not be harsh.

The morning of the second day, the participants were given an activity called

'balloon party' here they wrote their strengths and put it inside a balloon. The

balloons were put together and each group selected a representative to look

for all of the names of their members and facilitator. The balloons have to be

popped, must be read by all the groups and have written in a banner-- all the

strengths of the members. The group of 1LT Chesler Mastino won the game

and had their free fire woods as reward.


After the breakfast preparation, all participants had their first topic which was


Module I- Status of Peace Process presented by Dr. Yusuf Morales. The

participants watched the video presentation from the OPPAP on the current

Comprehensive Agreement of the Bangsamoro and the concept behind the

creation of the Framework

Agreement on Bangsamoro, the

content of the four annexes on

Power, Weal th sharing,

Transnational modalities and


An explanation on the content

of the CAB was also presented.

After which an open forum to

both the participants and AFP.

Questions such as the status of

the non-Muslims, justice

systems and arms control were discussed. The oldest participant raised about

how they could help the government spread the accurate information so that

false notions will be prevented.


Mr Morales presented the 4-phase-13 step transcend approach to conflict

resolution which consists of positive appraising situation as well as engaging

stakeholders in taking positive steps towards acknowledging and resolving the

conflict generated from interest groups. This unit also discussed reshaping of

goals that were originally illegitimate/unethical to goals that answered to

collective need. Discussions on ethical resolution/facilitation were also



During the afternoon, Prof Sheryl R. Morales, discussed the module on

Appreciative inquiry which was an approach to organizational and community

development. The module emphasized the Islamic teaching all things must be


O you who believe! Eat of the good things that We have provided for

you, and be grateful to God, if it is Him that you worship. Qur'an 2.172


around affirmative topics to ignite constructive dialogue and inspired action within organizations and communities. Change research shows that community innovation methods that evoke stories, and affirm and compel groups of people to envision positive images of the future grounded in the best of the past, have the greatest potential to produce deep and sustaining change and inspire collective action. In order for the participants to understand how AI works, a group workshop was done. Here, the participants were asked to share about their beautiful experiences on: (1) Peace, (2) Gender, (3) Education and (4) Culture. A participant shared a story on her experience of Peace, she said: ―that she had a fight with her sister and her mom said that there is nothing wrong admitting or apologizing from the wrong actions you had committed‖. So what

she did is apologized to her sister and finally they had 'peace.' So peace for her is A C C E P TA N TA N C E a n d ADMITTANCE of your fault. The other participant shared her experience on gender issue. She used to have reservation on gay people, one day she saw these gays laughing and having fun then an old woman was being bullied by other boys. What the gays did was to defend the old woman from the bullies. So

from then on she realized that though they are gays, they are to respected and can defend people who are being belittled by others. She quoted that the gays earned her RESPECT. A male participant shared his experience on Education. He said that education

SHARES THE GOOD things in life. The other participant who is educated in

madrasah said Education is learning the beauty of the Holy Quran. Ones you

have learned the holy Quran, then you can share good thins to men.

A participant also shared his story on Culture. His experience on attending festivities of both religion gave him a chance to get to know and understand his friends. He said that culture is part of the IDENTITY of a person and ones you removed culture then his personality will not be completed.

CLIMATE CHANGE This module was also discussed by Prof Sheryl R. Morales. A documentary video presentation on the current issues on climate change in the Philippines.


BREAKFAST DRILL On the third day morning, CAPT Franco Salvador Suelto, chief Admin Section of OG7 1st Infantry Division of the Philippine Army gave the participants a morning ac-tivity. Here, participants performed sever-al tasks to strengthen their leadership and creativity skills. Team work and communi-cation were exhibited to performed the tasks accurately under time pressure. DISASTER PREPAREDNESS The module was discussed by LTJG Fernando of the Philippine Coast Guard Zamboanga District. The participants were asked to performed fire and earthquake drills. As discussed, Disaster Preparedness refers to measures taken to prepare for and reduce the effects of disasters. That is, to predict and—where possible—prevent them, mitigate their impact on vulnerable populations, and respond to and effectively cope with their consequences. Disaster preparedness is best viewed from a broad perspective and is more appropriately conceived of as a goal, rather than as a specialised programme or stage that immediately precedes disaster response. Also, PCG gave importance that before saving people you as the rescuer must take precautions as well. How can you save lives if your own life will be compromise? That is so because Disaster preparedness is achieved partially through readiness measures that expedite emergency response, rehabilitation and recovery and result in rapid, timely and targeted assistance. It is also achieved through community-based approaches and activities that build the capacities of people and communities to cope with and minimize the effects of a disaster on their lives.

A fire and earthquake drill was conducted a l o n g w i t h t h e participants to further understand and realize the importance of presence of mind a n d f o l l o w i n g direction from the authority.


BAYANI CHALLENGE Last part of the module was discussed by Clipse Iriberri of Gawad Kalinga. Mr. Iriberri gave the participants an overview of this year's Bayani Challenge which will happen in ten barangays in Zambaonga City. Gathering one million volunteers across 12 provinces from April 9 to June 12, the Bayani Challenge 2014: Walang Iwanan will be the most massive showcase of volunteerism that the country has seen. Every year since 2006, Gawad Kalinga (GK) and its partners have staged the Bayani Challenge with the objective of building relationships, bringing out the hero in everyone and raising resources and results for the poor that can only be achieved by working together. At the end of Mr. Iriberri’s discussion, the participants committed themselves to participate the Bayani Chal-lenge Program.


The camp was concluded with a short closing program. Nurhalima Sihabun

was awarded as the most performing participant. She was able to show

others her endurance on all physical activities and her realization on the

importance of socialization to people. She admitted that before the camp she

was a loner---but upon hearing statements from the rest of the participants,

she realized that indeed LOVE and UNDERSTANDING will bring peace within


The negative connotation of the participants to uniformed men was at least

given positive feedback. Some of the participants said that they now feel

PROTECTED with uniformed men. One of the facilitator, CAPT MAZO, was

mentioned by his members as their new role model.


AFP Group Facilitators

1 CPT BARD CAESAR P. MAZO 09359757637

2 1LT JOEL G. MEJIA 09173252007


4 2LT JAR-AR G. CONCEPCION 09177946025

5 CPL AL S. SAING 09128879253


7 2LT AARON JAKE B. BUNGAG 09154430254

8 1LT MYVEN M. PRIMA 09177840925

AFP Co-Facilitators

9 1LT CHESLER O. MASTINO 09157561003

10 CAPT NURHAIDIN L. NASTAIN nastaineln@yahoo.vom 09156285683

11 CPL NOVER B. RILLERA 09076460182

12 CPT ISRAEL O. GALORIO 09173065653

13 MAJ JARAN D. ABDULA 09355651164




Roque Yusuf Morales, PhD.

Bureau of Peace and Conflict Resolutions,

National Commission on

Muslim Filipinos

Sheryl R. Morales, PhD.

Lead Facilitator/Training Consultant,

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Capt Franco Salvador Suelto

Chief Admin Section, OG7 First Infantry Division,

Philippine Army

Gebran Malbun

Zamboanga Peace Camp Coordinator





Morning Exercise with the Participants

Participants taking notes

Prof Sharima Morales synthesizing

their balloon party team-building




Participants preparing their lunch.

Group workshop with facilitator kuya Jay-Ar.

Dr. Yusuf Morales discussing on Peace

and Conflict Resolutions.



Prof Sharima discussing on the Appreciative

Inquiry Tool.

Group Presentation during the AI workshop.

Team-building activity –

knowing the group’s strengths

and weaknesses.



Capt Suelto during his discussion with the participants.

Participants seriously working on her

Synthesis 2 activity.

Bro Salman Galang explaining the

context of the activity in relation

to holy scriptures of different






Gawad Kalinga organizer in

Zamboanga with Prof Sharima.

Philippine Red Cross during their brief discussion on First Aid Tools and

treating simple fracture .

Mr. Clipse Iriberri of Gawad Kalinga


The local TV Patrol Zamboanga reported the Peace Camp and came out in TV news on

April 7, 2013. Several write ups were published online through the Philippine Information

Agency (PIA).

NCMF, AFP hold peace building, disaster preparedness camp in Zambo City

From the Philippine News Agency (Apr 7): NCMF, AFP hold peace building, disaster preparedness camp in Zambo City

Zamboanga City -- The National Commission on Muslim Filipinos’ (NCMF) Bureau of Peace and Conflict Resolution (BPCR) is

holding a three-day peace building and disaster preparedness camp in this city.

The event, dubbed as 2014 Summer Peace Building Camp, is being held starting Monday until Wednesday at the Girl Scout

Camp at the Mayor Cesar Climaco Freedom Park in Mount Abong-Abong, Pasonanca, this city.

BCPR Focal Person in-charge Dr. Yusuf Morales said the peace building camp is part of the programs of the BPCR on instructions of

NCMF Secretary Mehol Sadain as a response to the social preparation of the Mindanao youth in preparation and response to the on-

going peace processes of the government.

“We feel that there is a need to prepare our youths to respond to man-made disasters and natural disasters because the next contours

of conflict would already be the small sporadic opposition to the CAB (Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro) or the disas-

ters that would happen like the (typhoon) „Yolanda‟ and „Bohol‟ (earthquake),” Morales said in an interview.

The participants of the three-day event that formally opened Monday are composed of school-based youths, madrassah-based youths

and out-of-school youths.

Morales said that the peace building camp is divided into four components and these are: discussion of present state of the peace

process; peace and conflict resolution tools (specifically appreciative inquiry; to prepare the youths for climate change and disaster

relief operation; and, the Bayanihan or volunteerism.

“So considering that the youth plays a vital role in nation building, the NCMF decided to host this peace building and disaster prepar-

edness camp in order to start a core group of Muslim and Christian youths who can play an important official role to partner with gov-

ernment agencies in disaster preparedness. They will serve as the Quick Response Team,” Morales said.

The three-day event is being held in partnership with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) through the Army’s First

Infantry Division, which is one of the units under the Western Mindanao Command (Westmincom).

First Infantry Division Civil-Military Operations’ Administrative Officer Capt. Frank Suelto said the peace building camp “will

be the first of a series of NCMF-AFP Youth Camp” to be held in the region.

Suelto said there will be more similar activities in the future that will advocate peace building to include the role of the youths

in nation building.

“The objectives of this activity are to develop the leadership of the youth as preparation for their role in the society and their

role in nation building,” Suelto said.


The local TV Patrol Zamboanga reported the Peace Camp and came out in TV news on

April 7, 2013. Several write ups were published online through the Philippine Information

Agency (PIA).

ZAMBOANGA CITY, April 8 (PIA) – About 80 young leaders composed of out-of-school youth (OSY) and students from local

schools and universities here are attending a peace camp initiated by the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF), in

coordination with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), from April 6-8 at the Girl Scout Camp in Abong-Abong.

Yusuf Morales of the NCMF‟s Bureau of Peace and Conflict Resolution (BPCR) said that they will be orienting the youth on top-

ics like the peace process, conflict resolution and disaster preparedness.

“We feel the urgent need to orient the youth to be able to respond to both man-made and natural disasters. We need to get

them highly involved in these areas, as we envision them to be one of the first responders in times of emergencies here,” Mo-

rales said. “We want to start this core group of Muslim and Christian youth to partner with government agencies for disaster

preparedness,” he added.

Morales shared that according to the Philvolcs, there is a great possibility that the Sulu and Cotabato continental shelves will

move in the coming years, although the exact time of this phenomenon is still being determined through intensive research.

“This event will cause natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis, and we need to get everybody, especially the youth

ready for any calamity.”

The peace camp modules serve as a “training for trainers”, and Morales hoped that the insights that the youth will receive there

will be replicated at their own levels, in their own schools and communities.

In addition to the NCMF, the AFP is also highly involved in the camp. Modules on topics such as disaster preparedness will be

handled by specialist from the Western Mindanao Command (WesMinCom).

“This is the first time that we are working together with another agency for such a purpose,” said Capt. Frank Suelto of WesMin-

Com. “We have mobilized the AFP‟s resources to support this activity for youth development.”

On April 8, representatives from Gawad Kalinga will be having a “bayanihan challenge” for the youth camp participants. “Gawad

Kalinga is trying to raise one million volunteers to help them build homes for the needy, and the NCMF will be pooling our own

youth volunteers to help raise the one million,” said Morales.

“Our local partners here like civil society groups play a crucial role in assisting government efforts for disaster preparedness.

The NCMF hopes to prepare the Zamboanga youth for that by organizing a youth core group,” he added.

Meanwhile, Bans Isnani, a fourth year high school student displaced by the September siege shared his expectations. “I just

want to know how I could help whenever needed,” he said. (FPG/DIS/PIA9-ZBST)

- See more at:

Zambo youth tackles peace, disaster preparedness

BY: DOMINIC ILAGAN SANCHEZ, Tuesday 8th of April 2014


The local TV Patrol Zamboanga reported the Peace Camp and came out in TV news on

April 7, 2013. Several write ups were published online through the Philippine Information

Agency (PIA).

- See more at:

NCMF, AFP partners for youth peace camps in Mindanao


Thursday 10th of April 2014

ZAMBOANGA CITY, April 10 (PIA) - The two-day peace camp ended Tuesday where the participants expressed their apprecia-

tion for being able to attend such an event.

One youth leader-participant said his experience during the camp is one that he will carry on and remember for a long time.

Participants did not only enjoy meeting with youth representatives from other provinces but were also equipped with the tools

and knowledge on disaster preparedness and response, and got oriented on climate change.

They were also updated on the status of the peace process through video presentation, courtesy of OPAPP.

The participants also underwent peace building and appreciative inquiry workshops, and were also given sessions on community

awareness and response to emergencies with the Philippine Red Cross-Zamboanga demonstrating to them basic first aid re-


Dr. Yusof Roque Morales-Focal Person In Charge-National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (FPIN-NCMF) said this peace camp

is a result of a MOA signing between the AFP and the NCMF held October 8, 2013 at the General Headquarters, Camp

Aguinaldo, Quezon City where both parties agreed to launch four initial peace and development programs that will counter RIDO

conflict, address “gun culture” and promote a culture of peace in Mindanao.

Dr. Morales said this peace camp is the third in the four initial peace programs, the other three include Bayanihan for Peace,

Reconciliation, and Healing; Peace Radio; and Enhancement of Cultural Sensitivity and Diversity Awareness among AFP per-


“This peace camp is the first leg of a series of camps. The next leg will be conducted in Cotabato, Tawi-Tawi, Dimataling, Zam-

boanga del Sur and Davao.”

“We hope to create critical mass of youth in these key areas who would become able partners of the government,” Morales add-


He also informed that the youth-participants would become counterpart-volunteers for the one million Bayani Challenge- a com-

mitment made by the AFP-NCMF to raise 1million volunteers for the Bayanihan Challenge. (FPG/JPA/ PIA9)

- See more at:


The local TV Patrol Zamboanga reported the Peace Camp and came out in TV news on

April 7, 2013. Several write ups were published online through the Philippine Information

Agency (PIA).

Dr. Morales (NCMF)

being interviewed by

TV Patrol Zamboanga

Capt Suelto (AFP)

being interviewed by

TV Patrol Zamboanga


ABPIA Islamic School

Institute for Comparative and Advanced Studies Philippines

And the office of

Mayor Maria Isabelle Climaco Salazar

City of Zamboanga

The Peace Camp was published on the Philippine Information Agency.

Other Participating Government Agencies


People’s Organization:


The Philippine National Police-Zamboanga Police Office

Philippine National Red Cross—Zamboanga Chapter

Philippine Coast Guard-Maritime Search and Rescue

Local Barangay Abung-abong Zamboanga

Khairul Bariyyah Youth Movement (KBYM)

ABCIM Philippines