Report to NuPECC on NSAC activities R.E. Tribble, NSAC Chair October 26, 2007.

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Transcript of Report to NuPECC on NSAC activities R.E. Tribble, NSAC Chair October 26, 2007.

Report to NuPECCon NSAC activities

R.E. Tribble, NSAC ChairOctober 26, 2007

NSAC Charges

• FRIB Task Force- report accepted by NSAC, August 2007

• Performance Measures and Milestones

• Long Range Plan (How I spent 2007)

FRIB Task Force• Charge: “evaluate scientific reach and technical

options for RIB Facility at about 1/2 the cost of RIA”

• Task Force chair – J. Symons

• Report conclusion:

“We recommend that DOE and NSF proceed with solicitation of proposals for a FRIB based on the 200 MeV, 400 kW superconducting heavy-ion driver linac at the earliest opportunity.”

• Report submitted to NSAC and accepted in

early August, 2007

• Charge given to NSAC in July, 2006 (

• Charge letter requests:– new study of opportunities and priorities– consider program in international context

– detail how NS contributes to education, society

• Charge letter projects budget for:– 12 GeV upgrade at JLAB (DOE)– Funding for RIB facility at about 1/2 the cost of RIA (DOE)– DUSEL funding decision at NSF

• Interim report requested by October, 2007• Final report by end of 2007

2007 Long Range Plan

• NSAC Task Force to evaluate RIB options • Other Recent NSAC reports available:

– A Vision for Nuclear Theory (10/03)– Report of the NSAC Subcommittee Review of Heavy Ion

Nuclear Physics (10/04)– Education in Nuclear Science (11/04)– Guidance for Implementation of the 2002 LRP (6/05)– Recommendation to the DOE & NSF on a United States

Program in Neutrino-less Double Beta Decay (9/05)– Recommendations to the DOE & NSF on U.S. Program of

Reactor- and Accelerator-based Neutrino Oscillation

Experiments (2/06)

2007 Long Range Plan: NSAC input

Many other reports available!

Town Meetings sponsored by DNP:- Nuclear Structure and Astrophsyics- Neutrinos and Symmetries Chicago, 1/19/07 – 1/21/07

- Phases of QCD matter- QCD and Hadron Physics Rutgers, 1/12/07 – 1/14/07

[White Papers written]

2007 Long Range Plan: Community input

The NSAC Process:– Assemble Working Group (12/06)– Establish subgroups and make writing

assignments – Obtain White Papers from DNP Town Meetings– Meeting of Working Group to develop

recommendations (April 30 – May 4)– Produce report

2007 Long Range Plan

Long Range PlanWorking Group members:Elizabeth Beise Edward Hartouni Lia Merminga Susan Seestrom

Douglas Bryman Ulrich Heinz Curtis Meyer Bradley Sherrill

Adam Burrows David Hertzog Zein-Eddine Meziani James Symons

Lawrence Cardman Roy Holt Richard Milner Tony Thomas

Richard Casten Calvin Howell Berndt Mueller Robert Tribble

Gordon Cates Barbara Jacak Witold Nazarewicz Thomas Ullrich

Jolie Cizeweski Peter Jacobs Heino Nitsche Ubirajara van Kolck

David Dean Robert Janssens Margaret Norris Steven Vigdor

Abhay Deshpande Xiandong Ji Michael Ramsey-Musolf Michael Wiescher

Charlotte Elster David Kaplan Winston Roberts John Wilkerson

Rolf Ent Dmitri Kharzeev David Robertson Boleslaw Wyslouch

Bradley Filippone Roy Lacey Hamish Robertson Sherry Yennello

Stuart Freedman David Lee Thomas Roser Glenn Young

Thomas Glasmacher I-Yang Lee Guy Savard William Zajc

Timothy Hallman Naomi Makins Hendrik Schatz

Long Range Plan Update

• White Papers from Town Meetings completed on time – provided excellent input to WG

• Working Group resolution meeting April 30 – May 4 in Galveston, TX

Meeting Schedule

WG Meeting Schedule• Town Meeting Reports• U.S. User Facility Reports• FRIB Task Force Report• International Activities• New Facilities and Major Upgrades• New Initiatives – equipment, experiments,

and theory• Research Program• Discussion of Priorities• Recommendations set

Long Range Plan Update

• White Papers from Town Meetings completed on time – provided excellent input to WG

• Working Group resolution meeting April 30 – May 4 in Galveston, TX

• Key questions for field decided

The Science – QCD

• What are the phases of strongly interacting matter and what roles do they play in the cosmos?

• What is the internal landscape of the nucleons?• What does QCD predict for the properties of strongly

interacting matter? • What governs the transition of quarks and gluons

into pions and nucleons? • What is the role of gluons and gluon self-

interactions in nucleons and nuclei? • What determines the key features of QCD, and what

is their relation to the nature of gravity and spacetime?

The Science – Physics of Nuclei and Nuclear Astrophysics

• What is the nature of the nuclear force that binds protons and neutrons into stable nuclei and rare isotopes?

• What is the origin of simple patterns in complex nuclei?

• What is the nature of neutron stars and dense nuclear matter?

• What is the origin of the elements in the cosmos?

• What are the nuclear reactions that drive stars and stellar explosions?

The Science – Fundamental Symmetries and Neutrinos

• What is the nature of the neutrinos, what are their masses, and how have they shaped the evolution of the universe?

• Why is there now more matter than antimatter in the universe?

• What are the unseen forces that were present at the dawn of the universe but disappeared from view as it evolved?

• Near Perfect Fluid discovered at RHIC

• Jet Quenching in high energy density matter

indicates large parton energy loss

• Novel Particle Production Mechanisms point

to deconfined, thermalized and collectively

flowing quarks in RHI collisions

• The 4500 particles produced (on average) in

central Au-Au collisions at RHIC smaller than

expected and may indicate saturation effects

Highlights from Phases of Matter

• New results on origin of nucleon spin

• Charge distribution of neutron mapped with high precision

• Precision predictions coming from Lattice QCD


• Tight constraints set on strange quark contributions to

electric and magnetic properties of proton

• Initial results found on Generalized Parton Distributions in


• Sizeable spin-orbit correlations found in quark

distributions and process of hadron formation

• Three nucleon short-range correlations observed in nuclei

Highlights from QCD and Hadrons

• Charge radii of neutron rich nuclei 6(8)He and 11Li found

• Two-proton emission observed in 45Fe

• Physics and chemistry of superheavy elements determined

• New constraints on the compressibility of nuclear matter

• Precision measurements of stellar reaction rates carried

out and improved ab initio theoretical description of

nuclear reaction rates for astrophysics

• Understanding of theory of heavy nuclei and supernova

explosions via density functional theory provide new

insight into supernova mechanism

Highlights from NS and NA

• Discovery of flavor oscillations among neutrinos

• Observation of oscillations among reactor antineutrinos

• Most precise measurement of the anomalous magnetic

moment of the muon

• Most precise determination of the low-energy weak

mixing angle in parity-violating electron-electron


• New theoretical calculations on interpretation of neutrino

studies and fundamental symmetry tests provide new

implications for the New Standard Model

Highlights from FS and Neutrinos

Long Range Plan Update

• White Papers from Town Meetings completed on time – provided excellent input to WG

• Working Group resolution meeting April 30 – May 4 in Galveston, TX

• Key questions for field decided

• Four Recommendations established

Issues ‘on the table’ for LRP• JLAB upgrade (in FY08 budget)• DUSEL (NSF site selection process underway)• RHIC II – electron cooling and det. upgrades• FRIB • EIC • New Standard Model initiative• Upgrades at Low Energy Facilities• GRETA• General Research and Operations budgets• No major construction for nearly a decade

Four Recommendations To Guide U.S. Program

for the Next Decade

Outcome of Working Group Meeting:

Recommendation I

• We recommend completion of the 12 GeV Upgrade at Jefferson Lab. The Upgrade will enable new insights into the structure of the nucleon, the transition between the hadronic and quark/gluon descriptions of nuclei, and the nature of confinement.

Recommendation II

• We recommend construction of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, FRIB, a world-leading facility for the study of nuclear structure, reactions and astrophysics. Experiments with the new isotopes produced at FRIB will lead to a comprehensive description of nuclei, elucidate the origin of the elements in the cosmos, provide an understanding of matter in the crust of neutron stars, and establish the scientific foundation for innovative applications of nuclear science to society.

Recommendation III

• We recommend a targeted program of experiments to investigate neutrino properties and fundamental symmetries. These experiments aim to discover the nature of the neutrino, yet unseen violations of time-reversal symmetry, and other key ingredients of the new standard model of fundamental interactions. Construction of a Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory is vital to US leadership in core aspects of this initiative.

Recommendation IV

• The experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider have discovered a new state of matter at extreme temperature and density—a quark-gluon plasma that exhibits unexpected, almost perfect liquid dynamical behavior. We recommend implementation of the RHIC II luminosity upgrade, together with detector improvements, to determine the properties of this new state of matter.

Further Into the Future

An Electron Ion Collider (EIC) with polarized beams has been embraced by the U.S. nuclear science community as embodying the vision for reaching the next QCD frontier. EIC would provide unique capabilities for the study of QCD well beyond those available at existing facilities worldwide and complementary to those planned for the next generation of accelerators in Europe and Asia. In support of this new direction:

• We recommend the allocation of resources to develop accelerator and detector technology necessary to lay the foundation for a polarized Electron Ion Collider. The EIC would explore the new QCD frontier of strong color fields in nuclei and precisely image the gluons in the proton.


Nuclear Theory

• We recommend the funding of finite-duration, multi-institutional topical collaborations initiated through a competitive, peer-review process

Accelerator R&D

• We must support the development of new capabilities that will enable future discoveries. . . targeted support of proposal-driven accelerator R&D supported by DOE and NSF nuclear physics

Gamma-Ray Tracking

• the construction of GRETA should begin upon successful completion of GRETINA. This gamma-ray energy tracking array will enable full exploitation of compelling science opportunities in nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, and weak interactions

International Collaborations As nuclear science facilities become larger and more complex, the costs of

construction and operation escalate. It is not only natural but necessary that we maintain a global view of our field in order to maximize the potential for future discoveries. New facilities that will impact nuclear science are coming on-line in Europe and Japan. In Europe the LHC at CERN will soon be observing Pb-Pb collisions in a totally new energy regime. U.S. nuclear scientists already are involved in preparing several of the large detectors for these experiments. Construction has now begun at GSI on the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). The FAIR facility will open new possibilities for research in rare isotopes and in QCD. Also underway in Europe is an upgrade of the facilities at GANIL in France which will greatly extend the rare isotope research capabilities there. In Japan, the RI Beam Factory (RIBF) at RIKEN, has begun initial operations. As the beam power at RIBF is increased, it will become the premier facility for producing nuclei far from stability until FRIB is completed. Also in Japan, the JPARC facility, which features high-power, high-energy proton beams, is nearing completion. These new facilities, along with existing ones such as ISAC at TRIUMF, provide opportunities for nuclear scientists in the U.S. to carry out research abroad that is not possible with our existing facilities.

Assumptions in Plan[priorities set]

• DOE NP Budget doubles in 10 years

• 1% over C.E. in research budgets

• C.E. for operations

• No major Low Energy upgrades

• DUSEL + major equipment funding – NSF

• GRETA not fully funded

• RHIC II partial support from RHIC ops.

DOE NP Budget Profile

Long Range Plan Update

• White Papers from Town Meetings completed on time – provided excellent input to WG

• Working Group resolution meeting April 30 – May 4 in Galveston, TX

• Key questions for field decided• Four Recommendations established

• Writing assignments made, schedule fixed

LRP Sections• Overview (RET)

• Science– QCD and Phases of Matter (R. Lacey)– QCD and Hadron Structure (R. Ent)– Emerging QCD Frontier (T. Ulrich)– Nuclei: From structure to Exploding Stars (D. Dean)– In Search of the New Standard Model (M. Ramsey-Musolf)

• International Facilities/Collaborations (X. Ji)

• Facilities and Equipment (I.-Y. Lee)

• Education (P. McMahan)

• Connections to other Fields (W. Nazarewicz)

• Applications (S. Seestrom)

• Recommendations (RET)

• Resources (RET)

Long Range Plan Update

• White Papers from Town Meetings completed on time – provided excellent input to WG

• Working Group resolution meeting April 30 – May 4 in Galveston, TX

• Key questions for field decided• Four Recommendations established• Writing assignments made, schedule fixed

• Present status

LRP Status

• Drafts of all sections but Overview completed by early August

• Review of sections completed by mid September • Technical writer now working on sections• Overview draft posted early October• Layout to begin by early November• Goal is to have LRP completed and ready to be

printed before NSAC meeting 12/3 and 12/4• If NSAC approves LRP, should be printed before

end of 2007

Funding Status in U.S. for NP

Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

Status of FY 2008 Budget Request

Administration Request

FY 2008 Budget Request for Office of Science (SC): $4,398 Million

• This is +$297 Million over FY 2007 Request of $4,101 M (+7.2%)

• This is +$602 Million over FY 2007 Appropriations of $3,796 (+16%)

FY 2008 Request for Nuclear Physics: $471.3 Million

• This is +$16.8 Million over FY 2007 Request of $454.1 M (+3.8%)

• This is +$48.5 Million over FY 2007 Appropriations of $422.8 M (+11%)

Congressional Action

House of Representatives Appropriations provides for SC: Request + $116M

House of Representatives Appropriations provides for NP: Request

Senate Markup provides for SC: Request + $99.4M

Senate Markup provides for NP: Request

Conference to resolve differences Mid-November?

Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

FY 2008 Nuclear Physics Budget RequestBreakout

(millions) Request FY06 FY07 FY08 vs FY07

Research Operating 125.1 139.2 150.4 + 8 %Research Cap. Equip. 8.5 12.4 19.2 + 64 % <Research> 133.6 151.6 169.6 + 12 %

RHIC 116.4 135.5 146.5 + 8 %CEBAF 65.3 70.4 78.2 + 11 %HRIBF 10.9 12.9 13.9 + 8 %ATLAS 9.0 11.7 13.8 + 17 %88-Inch Cyclotron 3.0 3.1 3.3 + 5 %MIT/Bates 2.5 2.0 2.0 <Facility Operations> 207.1 235.6 257.7 + 9 %

12 GeV Upgrade R&D/PED 4.5 9.5 14.5EBIS (RHIC) 2.0 5.1 4.2 <Construction> 6.5 14.6 18.7 + 28 %

Other (GPP/SBIR/etc) 19.8* 21.0 25.3 <Stewardship> 19.8 21.0 25.3 + 19 %

Nuclear Physics Total 367.0 422.8 471.3 + 11 %

* Includes SBIR/STTR

Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

Office of Science BudgetDoubling from FY 2006 to FY 2016









Fiscal Year










t D


rs in




FY 1995 levelplus inflation

SC budget doublesto $7.2B in FY 2016

from $3.6B in FY 2006

FY 2008 is a very important year (President’s American Competitiveness Initiative)

“We must continue to lead the world in human talent and creativity.  Our greatest advantage in the world has always been our educated, hardworking, ambitious people -- and we're going to keep that edge.  Tonight I announce an American Competitiveness Initiative, to encourage innovation throughout our economy, and to give our nation's children a firm grounding in math and science.”

“First, I propose to double the federal commitment to the most critical basic research programs in the physical sciences over the next 10 years. This funding will support the work of America's most creative minds as they explore promising areas such as nanotechnology, supercomputing, and alternative energy sources.”


October 10-13, 2007 DNP Newport News 2007

FY2008 MPS Budget Request($M)

FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008

Actual Request Request House SenateAstronomical Sciences $199.75 $215.11 $232.97 -Chemistry 180.70 191.10 210.54 -Materials Research 242.59 257.45 282.59 -Mathematical Sciences 199.52 205.74 223.47 -Physics 234.15 248.50 269.06 -

Multidisciplinary Activities 29.9 32.40 34.37 -

Total, MPS $1,086.61 $1,150.30 $1,253.00 $1,253.00 $1,253.00

Totals may not add due to rounding.

Mathematical and Physical Sciences Funding(Dollars in Millions)

FY 2008 Appropriation

The America COMPETES Act: double NSF budget over 7 years

Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)Plan to issue a Financial Opportunity Announcement (FOA) in FY 2008

Planned process for proceeding with a Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)

• NSAC examined the technical options and scientific scope for a world-class U.S. rare isotope beam facility that can be constructed within the projected resources (i.e.; ≤ 1/2 cost of RIA)

• Findings and Recommendations– Deferred to NAS RISAC Report on Scientific Opportunities/Priorities– Facility should be based on a heavy ion driver with a gas catcher and

reaccelerated beams, as well as capabilities for stopped and fast fragment beams

– A facility with ~80% of RIA’s scientific reach without multi-experiment capabilities can be built for about half the cost of RIA (i.e.; < $550 M) by utilizing existing infrastructure

• Planning to issue and award FOA for Conceptual Design and Site in FY 2008

• Conceptual Design Report (CDR) funding requested for FY 2009-2010

• Preliminary Engineering and Design (PED) funding requested for FY 2011-2013

• Construction starts in FY 2013

Office of Science

U.S. Department of Energy

Rare Isotope Beam (RIB) Experiments

Planned process for proceeding with Rare Isotope Beam Experiments

• Initiative to allow U.S. researchers to participate in forefront rare isotope beam studies while FRIB is being constructed. (~$50M over ~ 8 years)

• NSAC was asked to identify opportunities made available by research facilities operating and planned abroad for rare isotope beam studies – in their development of a U.S. Long Range plan.

• Representatives from various countries were invited to discussed their capabilities

• NP will issue a solicitation for letters of intention in FY 2008

• Plan to issue a proposal solicitation in FY 2009

Criteria will be based on traditional considerations plus whether:

– There is some particular outstanding scientific opportunity afforded by facility and U.S. investments

– There is the opportunity for significant role by U.S. participants

– The activity has relevance/impact on the planned U.S. FRIB facility and program

• The facilities with existing or planned forefront rare isotope beam capabilities include (but not limited to):

• RIBF/RIKEN (Japan), ISAC/TRIUMF (Canada), FAIR/GSI (Germany), SPIRAL II/GANIL (France), etc.

• As well as facilities in the U.S., such as the NSCL/MSU (NSF), HRIBF and ATLAS.

October 10-13, 2007 DNP Newport News 2007

Underground Science

• DUSEL Community Town Meeting– November 2-4, Washington, D.C.

Online registration deadline October 25

• Fourth solicitation (S4, in preparation) to develop technical designs for initial suite of experiments

• DUSEL R&D - Deadline Monday December 3, 2007- Proposals should be submitted to both agencies DOE/NSF