REPORT - Regent Products Corp.Transoarenl olasUe lama / / LT 10 Pass G, Blacklarev plastic / LT 10...

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Transcript of REPORT - Regent Products Corp.Transoarenl olasUe lama / / LT 10 Pass G, Blacklarev plastic / LT 10...

UUHEAU REPORTTechnical Report: (6610)284-1177(RETESTj

Page 1 of 41OCT.20, 2010


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Green~r.!~! ~:tAn Arfilialr of Oollal Trrr StOll'S, Inc.

GreenbrierInternational, Inc.TEST REPORT




SUBMISSION PROCESSSamole Collection:o Initial Sample Collection

(DC'. 115 Only)

o Second Sample Collection. foC'.213/4161718/101

D Single Sample CollectionAll DC'. - 50Y. of Enllre Quantlt Produced






SHANGHAI(6610)284-1177( RETEST)I92 EASTEROCT.12,2010OCT.20, 2010II2 of 41



C8J Random Sampling of Failure(All DC', - 90'/. of Entire Quanllly Produced)

o Random Sampling of Failure wI Prop 65, IDC" & Non·DC ,,- 90Y. of Entire Quanlltv Producedl

o Vendor Direct




Sample Description: L1GTH UP NECKLACEFinal Packaging: Yes (submitted for review) I X I No (not submilled for review) I ISubmitter: HOME MARK HK LTO Vendor Number: 8819Countrv of Origin: CHINA Style: 1Color: 1 Greenbrier 968707

International SKUNumber:

Department Number: 92 EASTER 2" SKU Number: IPrevious Reoort No.: 66102580601 P.O. Number: 1322209Manufacturer: NINGBO CHENGLIANG Date of Manufacture: 15 JUL,2010

PLASTIC CO., LTODate of Testing: OCT.20, 2010 Place of Manufacture: NINGBO/ZHEJIANGICHIN

ARevised Report: Yes: I I No: I X I 2"· P.O. Number: ICharge Vendor: Yes: I X I No: I I Vendor Item Number: 962118Reason For IRevision:

(6610)284-1177 (RETEST)Page 3 of 41


TEST PROPERTY PASS CAR FAIL COMMENTSLabelina XPhvsical Characteristics XConstruction Qualities XPerformance XColorfastness NIAFlammability XAnalytical: X16 CFR 1303 lead content'BBP I DBP I DEHP content XDnOP I DINP I DIDP contentCA 65 5P XHeavv metals in oackaaina XLead in substrate Xstate laws mercury-in battery X SEE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1

•This thlfd party report was Issued to certify the tested product(s) complied with this rule, ban, standard, orregulation

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:1. The submitted samples comply with state laws mercury-In battery requirement. (PASS)


Category:: Bullon cell

Element: Mercury

Maximum Allowable Limit: 1 ppm

Sample Description Resull(ppm) Conclusion

A. Button cell ND PASS

*::; Average of duplicate analyses

ppm::; part per millionLT = Less ThanNO = Not Detected

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Note:1. The sample(s) was not evaluated to the Normal Use testing requirement specified In ASTM F963-08, Seclion 8.5. It

Is 1he responsibility of the manufacturer, vendor or distributor to conduct tests that will simulate normal use conditions.These tests shall also simulate the normal play mode of the toy and to simulate the expected mode of use of theparticular toy. The tests shall be conducted in an expected use environment. These normal use tests shall sImulatethe intended use of the toy based on Its estimated lifetime

BVCPS (shanghai) contact information for this reportTecbnical Questions:

Primary Contact: Winter Ding 24166888 ext 6830, E-mail: Winter.Ding@cll.bureauveritas.colllBack-Up Contact: Joy Shi 24166888 ex16900, E-mail: Joy.Shi@cn.bureauverilas.colll

Concerns About Billing and GcncralloquJrcs:

Primary Contact: Kid Tian 24166888 ext 6826, E-mail: Kid.Tian@cn.bureauveritas.comBack-Up Contact: Angus Xiong 24166888 ext 6828, E-mail: Angus.Xiong@cll.burcauvcritris.colll



LEAD CONTENT IN SURFACE COATING ("Ban of Lead-containing paint and certain consumer products bearingLead-containing oalnt", Consumer Product Safetv Imorovement Act (CPSIA) of 2008))

Element: Lead

Requirement: Maximum allowable limit (0.009% by weight) gO mg/kg

Sample Description Result ConclusionColor I Component Locatlon Style (mg/kg)

I Surface Coatino

(Al I Green coating on plastic J J 13 Pass

LT = Less than• = Average of duplicate analyses

mglkg = milligrams per kilogram (ppm =parts per million)

TOTAL LEAD CONTENT IN SURFACE COATING (illinois General Assembly, Public Act 095-1019)

Test Method: Acid digestion followed by Atomic Absorpllon Spectrophotometry or Inductively CoupledPlasma Soectrometrv

Element: Lead

Requirement: Maximum allowable limit 10.004% bv weloht) 40 maiko

Samole Descriolion Result Conclusion

Color I Component Location Style (maikoI

I Surface Coatino

(AI I Green coatina on olastic I I 13 Pass

LT = Less than mglkg = milligrams per kilogram (ppm =parts per million)

l'U\t'. ~

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• = Average of duplicate analyses

(6610)284-1177 (RETEST)Page 5 of 41


Test Method: Soluble heavy metals content analysis was determined by Inductively Coupled PlasmaSpectrometrY.

Color I Comoonent Location Stvle

I Surface Coalin9

A. I Coatlno on label I I

~Iement As Ba Cd Cr Hg Pb Sb Se Mass of~axlmum 25 1000 75 60 60 90 60 500 trace

Imil (molkol Amount!'Inalylical 60% 30% 30% 30% 50% 30% 60% 60%Correctlon

Sample Resull (mglkg) (gram) ConclusIon

A. LT2.5 LT 5 LT5 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 LT 5 0.0119 Pass

LT = Less ThanCR = Adjusted analylical resultmg/kg = mliligrams per kifogram (ppm =parts per million)

:; Average of duplicate analyses

As = Arsenic, Sa = Barium, Cd = Cadmium,Cr = Chromium, Hg = Mercury, Pb = Leed,Sb = Antimony, S8 :; Selenium

TOTAL LEAD CONTENT IN SUBSTRATE (300PPM) (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) of 2008)

Element: Lead

Requirement: Maximum allowable limit: (mglkg) 300 mglkg

Sample Description Result Conclusion

Color JComoonent Location SMe (mglkg)

(A) oreen bead (remove coatina I I I LT 10 Pass(6) Rone with bead I I LT 10 Pass(C) Green plastic I I IT 10 Pass(0) PCP board with areen coaUnQ I I IT 10 Pass(E) Black clastic PCP board I IT 10 Pass

(6610)284-1177 (RETEST)Page 6 of 41



(F) Transparent plastic lamp I I LT 10 Pass(G) Black/orev plastic I I LT 10 Pass(H) Tin on PCP board I I 51 Pass(I) Melal sheet on PCP board I / 36 Pass(J) Base of battery I I 58 Pass(K) Bla clrde round I I 46 Pass(L) Batterv I I 97 Pass

LT = Less Than• = Average of duplicate analyses

mglkg = milligrams perkilogram (ppm =parts per million)


Test Method:


EPA 3050B or EPA 3051 Acid digestion followed by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotomelfy OrInductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer

Children's Products age 6 years or below

Maximum allowable limit(Lead)

Material classification: Band I Elastlc, fabric, ribbon, rope and string INature decorative materials I Glass ICrystal decorative components I 200 mg/kg

Plastics I

Other Components

Material classification: Band II Electroplated Metals /

Surface Coatings /600 mg/kg

Printing Ink or ceramic glaze IUn-plated Non-Class I metal"


(6610)284-1177 (RETEST)Page 7 of 41

SampleColor Location Style Results Conclusion


Material classification: Band l-A, arean bead (remove coatina ) f f LT 10 PassB, RODe with bead / / LT 10 PassC, Green clastic / / LT 10 PassD, PCP board with Qf8en coatinQ / / LT 10 PassE, Btack oIaslie PCP board / LT 10 PassF, Transoarenl olasUe lama / / LT 10 PassG, Blacklarev plastic / / LT 10 PassH, Tin on PCP board I I 51 PassI. Melal sheet on PCP board I f 36 PassJ, Base of batteIV / / 56 PassK. Bla cirde round / I 46 PassL. Batterv I / 97 Pass

mglkg = milligrams per kilogram (ppm=parts per million)CR =adjusted analytical result

LT = Less Than• = Average of duplicate analysis

# Class' Metal Refers to Staln/ess and surgIcal steels, Kafat gold, Sterling silver, Platinum group metals

MERCURY-CONTAINING BATIERY MANAGEMENT ACT (United States Public law 104·142, Title II)

Category:: Alkaline-manganese button cell

Elemen!: Mercury

Maximum Allowable limit 25 mglcell

Sample Description Result (mgfcell) Conclusion

A. I Battery LT 5 Pass

mglcell = milligrams per button cell• = Average of duplicate analyses

LT = Less ThanNO =Not Detached


Act (CPSJA) of 2008 Sec. 108(a) Prohibition On Sale of Certain Products ContaIning Specified Phthalates • BBP f DBP fOEHP CONTENT)

Sample Test Component location StyleIdentitv

(Al Green coatlno Plastic beads I

18) Pink plastic Beads (remove coating) I

leI Green oJastic Leaf I


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Test Parameter: DBP I BBP DEHP

Limit (%): 0.1 I 0.1 0.1

Sample Result (%) Conclusion

tA) LT 0.005 LT 0.005 0.00968 Pass

(8) LT 0.005 LT 0.005 LTO.005 PasstC) LT 0.005 LT 0.005 LT 0.005 Pass

Detection Umit :

SSP =Butyl benzyl phthalate (0.005%)DBP =Dibutyl phthalate (0.005%)DEHP = DI(2-e/hylhexyl) ph/halate (0.005%)

Results reporled in percentageLT =Less thanNO =None detected


Act (CPSIA) of 2008 Sec. 108(b)(1) Prohibition On Sale of Certain Products Containing Speclfled Phthalates . DNOP IDINP I DIDP CONTENn

Sample Tesl Component Location StyleIdentitv

tAl Green coat Ina Plastic beads I

(8) Pink Dlastic Beads (remove coating) I

tCI Green Dlastic Leaf I

Test Parameter: DNOP DINP DIDP

Umil(%): 0.1 0.1 0.1

Samole Result (%) Conclusion

tAl LT 0.005 LT 0.005 LT 0.005 Pass(8) LTO.005 LT 0.005 LT 0.005 PasstCI LT 0.005 LT 0.005 LT 0.005 Pass

Detection limIt:

DNOP =D/-n-octyl phthalate (0.OO5%)OINP =Oi·/so-nonyl phthatate (0.005%)DIOP =Di·iso-decyl phthalate (0.005%)

Results reporled in percentageLT =Less thanNO =None detected



GIIBI - 08000 - US

BV Lab Number.

Test Date:

(6610)284-1177 (RETEST)


Page 9 0141

.VJ;~ ".VI

No. of -Evaluation Citation I MethodSamnles

Criteria Results Rating

SCOPE,PLAYING CARDS ARE NOT TO BE TESTED UNDER TIllS PROTOCOL. THEY SHOULD BE TESTED UNDER GRBI-TY-PTCL-08031-US PER CLIENT'S REQUEST.Pencils/Colored Pencils arc not to be tested under this protocol. They should be tested under GRBI-5010-US per client's request.Note: If the pencils/colored pencils contain components not covered under GRBI-HL-PTCL-0501 O-US (paints. plush toppers. ctc.). still test to GRBI-HL-PTCL-OSOIo-US. but please applyapplicable sections of this protocol.ALL kcychains arc to be tested to this protocol per client's request. Adult kcychains shall be evaluated as over 8 years. CbHdrcn's kcychainsl Toy kcychains shall be age graded and tested perthe a.e l!Tade SOP and age grading guidelines.SUPPLEMENTAL PROTOCOLS

Electronic products shall comply with the requirements of

• MC-4999.9-NA FCC Part 15 CPSD-EL-PTCL- the FCC Part 15 protocol. Acceptable documentationN/A IElectronic products 04999.9-NA - supporting FCC Verification or Declaration of

Conformity shall be orovided bv the submitter.

· California Proposition 65 GRBI-HL-PTCL- - Refer to supplementary protocol ofGRBI-HL-PTCL-M PASS

06572-US 06572-US.• Food's reQuirements GRBI-98XX-US -- Test to 3001icablc food suDolementarv orotocol N/A I

GRBI-GB-PTCL-All samples shall be reviewed against the requirements of

• CPSIA Rcquirements CPSIA Requirements supplemental protocol to dctcnnine M PASS08444-US --

if additional testin!! or labelinl! is reauired.LABELING

[UPLRlFPLA][Packaging and Labeling Evaluation]

- Shall be labeled with product identification.- Shall be labeled with the manufacturer. packer.

One Time Usc Products - Fair F.P. and L. Act (16 or distributor's name and address (city, state and ZIP).Packaging and Labeling Act - or all CFR 500) OR NIST - Net quantity ofcontents shall be on PDP and beother products - Uniform Laws and - expressed in terms ofweight or mass. measure. numerical M PASSUniform Packaging and Labeling Regulations Handbook count. or combination so as to givc accurate informationRegulations 130 to facilitate consumer comparison (English and metric

units).- Glue and Adhesives sold with the product shallcomply with the labeling requirements of 16 CFR 500."Regulations under section 4 of the Fair Packaging andLabcline Act"


fi·;··i.~'"GRBI - 08DDO - US

BV Lab Number.Test Date:

(6610)284-1177 (RETESnOCT.20. 2010Page 10 0141

..... A~ "",v

Evaluation Citation I Method No. of Criteria Results RatingSamples[packaging and Labeling Evaluation1

Parts LabelingCPSD-HL-OI057- N/A /MTIID I Visual - Shall match the actual content if present

[packaging and Labeling Evaluation]

Accuracy or adequacy of instructions CPSD-HL-OI057-M PASSMTIID I Visual - Shall be legible and easy to und~tand: instructions shall

be consistent with sample performance[Packaging and Labeling Evaluation]

Shall be marked with the country oforigin when importedinto the U.S. in a conspicuous place to indicate to the

Country oforigin marking Country ofOrigin 19 ultimate purchaser in the U.S.. the English name of the MPASSCFR 134.11 - country oforigin. (MADE IN CHINA)

. All individually packaged items shall containthe country oforigin• All items shipped in bulk or displayed in bulkmust contain the countrY oforimAll products shall be tested according to either the Mappropriate age grade. as determined by BVCPS. or thelabeled age grade if it is more stringent In the event the Label Age Grade: ages 3 and up

ASTM F963-08. sample is not age labeled. BVCPS will determine theAge Grading

Section 5.21 Annex Al -- appropriate age grade and test accordingly Tested Age Grade: over 3 years PASSofage

Note: If the Label Age Grade is different from theAppropriate Age Grade. report as FAIL. Appropriate Age Grade: over 3

years of 32<

Sruffed toys shall have a tab or label securely affixedwhich contains:

Pennsylvania. Ohio. - A statement that"All New Material" was used

Stuffed toys labeling and Massachusetts - Type of materialN/A /Stuffed Toy Labeling -- The assigned state registration number-

Law (pennsylvania at a minimum)- The name and principal place ofbusincss (cityand state) of the manufacturer or vendor

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BUREAUu*.···......GRBI - 08000 - US

BV Lab Number.

Test Date:

(6610)284-1177 (RETEST)

OCT.20, 2010Page 11 0141

<l,V:l,~ .....v

Evaluation Citation I Method No. of Criteria Results RatingSamnles

Shall have special labeling for specific features such asbut not limited to:- Aquatic Toys- Crib And Playpen Toys- Mobiles- Strollers And Carriages- Toys Intended To Be Assembled By An Adult- Simulated Protective Devices- Toys With Functional Sharp Edges And SharpPoints- Small Objects. Small Balls. Marbles andBalloons- Toy Caps- Art Materials- Electric Toys

ASTM F963 Labeling ASTM F963-08, 4-7 - - Battery-Operated Toys M PASS- Battery-Powered Ride On Toys- Toys In Contact With Food- MagnetsPackaging.. literature accompanying toys. and point"f-sale presentations shall not usc words. statements. orgraphic material that arc inconsistent in any way with thesafety labeling instructions for use assembly or agegrading of the toy.Information and instructions provided for the safe use orassembly of a toy shall be easy to read and understand bypersons of the age level for whom the toy is intended.Shall be in the English language at a minimum.Either a principal component ofa toy or the packaging ofa toy shall be marked with the name and address of theDroducer or the distributor.

CSPAwaming Client's requirement - CSPA warnings shall Dot be fOWld on thc packaging ifnotM PASS

rcauired for the oroduet.

Age grade labeling and CSPA CPSD-HL-OI057- Sticker on packaging for age grade and CSPA warning

warning MTHD I Visual - labels is not allowed. It shall be part of the actual M PASSI packaginR artwork.


u·;··'·~'"GRBI - 08000 - US

BV Lab Number.

Test Date:

(6610)284-11n (RETEST)OCT.20. 2010

Page 120141

........... ~ ....v

Evaluation Citation I Method No. of Criteria Results RatingSamDI..

16 CFR 1500.130 Pressurized16 CFR 1500.130

Self-pressurized containers shall conform to the labeling N/A 1container labclinl! -- rcauircmcnts as defined bv 16 CFR 1500.130

All fiUing materials shall have a securely affixed tag orlabel which contains the following information:-The statement, "UNDER PENALTY OF LAW TIllSTAG NOT TO BE REMOVED EXCEPT BY TIlE

Bedding And Upholstered Furniture Association ofBeddingCONSUMER"

- ·A description of the filling contents preceded by the N/A 1Labeling and Furniture

statemcn~ "ALL NEW MATERIALS CONSISTING OF"-The assigned state number (i.e. REG. NO. PA")-The statements. "Certification is made by themanufueturcr that the materials in this article arcdescribed in accordance with law".

15 eFR 1150 Toy Gun Marking15 CFR 1150 1ASTM Sample shall comply with the requirements as defined in

N/A /F963-QS Section 4.30 -- 15 CFR 1150(16 CFR 303 Textile I.belms]

Shall have a label securely affixed that contains:

Labeling review: fiber 16 CFR 300 / 303 -- - The name and manufacturer or other marketingN/A /or registration number

- The country oforigin- The generic name and percentage ofall fibers inthe oroduct

ASTM F963-0S.Samples shall meet the requirements intended to

Section 4.29 /16 CFRminimize the potential risks associated with the use ofart

LHAMA Evaluation - doc review1500.141 ASTM - materials that present chronic. long-term health hazards N/A /

04236(ASTM D4236/LHAMA). In lieu aftesting. test reportcan be submitted ifdated within five years.

Labeling review: care 16 CFR423 - Shall have a label securely affixed that contains regularN/A /

care (custOmary and routine) information.


GRBI- 08000 - US

BV Lab Number.Test Date:

(6610)284-1177 (RETEST)

OCT.20. 2010Page 130141

A>J"~ ........

Evaluation Citation I Method No. of Criteria Results lUlingSamoles

[Wearing Apparel - Care Label]

Forwcaring apparel covered by 16 CFR423:With care label: Conduct laundry test according to thelabeled care instruction. Evaluate for general appearanceas acceptance criteria.

Labeling review: care 16 CFR423 -- Without care label: Failed for labeling requirement NoNIA I

softlinc tcst will be conducted.

For wearing apparel not covered by 16 CFR 423:With care label: Conduct laundry test according to thelabeled care instruction. Evaluate for general appearanceas acceptance criteria.Without care label: No softlinc tcst is reouired.

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GRBI - 08000 - US

BV Lab Number.

Test Date:

(6610)284-11n (RETEST)

OCT.20. 2010

Page 140141

.V"'~ .....u

Evaluation Citation I Method No. of Criteria Results RlltingSamnles

(Ira button cell is found to have intentionally addedmercury. such as by testing at over 1ppm. CT requiresproducts containing mercury have labeling to indicate thepresence ofmercury and instructions on how to properlydispose of the product. Requirements vary by state.Registration with !MERe may be required.)

Product and Packaging (usc/care manual also acceptablein place ofproduct. where the size or function preventspermanence or legibility) for items vrith non-replaceablebutton cells found to have intentionally added mercurymust be clearly marked with the following "BatteryContains Mercury. Do Not Put in Trash. Recycle orManage as Hazardous Waste." or equivalent.

CT: CGS Section 22a-CT. NY and rN further require that the product with

Mercury labeling as applicable to 619. NY: Chap 145.button cell bancrics that contain Hg to be replaceable. N/A

Bunon Cell Banery powered devices. Title 21 Ch. 27 2101- AllProduct with button ceUs found to have intentionally (Hg<IPPM)

I(IfApplicable) 2115, IN: Ie 13-20-

added mercury that may be distributed to CT. NY or IN17.5

shall have the batteries replaecable. allowing for use ofcommon household tools.

EXEMPTIONS: Novelty items with removable buttoncells as the only mercury added component - Noveltyitems are products intended mainly for personal orhousehold enjoyment or adornment. including itemsintended for use as practical jokes, figurines. games. cards. ornaments. yard statues and figures.candles. jewelry. holiday decorations and footwear andother items ofapparcl.

Greenbrier requiremcnt:Notes to lab: Meeury level of 1 ppm is Greenbrier'srCQuirement.

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GRRI • 08000 • US

BV Lab Number.

Test Date:

(6610)284-1177 (RETESnOCT.20, 2010

Page 15 of 41

............ -..Evaluation Citation I Method No. of Criteria Results Rating

SamDlesChemistry sets. science education sets and replacementchemicals for such sets. are exempt from section 2(P)(1)of the Federal Ha7..ardous Substances Act if(i) the immediate container ofhazardous chemicalbears on its main panel the name. appropriate signal word.and additional statement "Read back (or side) panelbefore using" and bears on the back (or side) panel theremainder of the appropriate cautionary statement:

• Chemistry set labeling 16 CFR 16 CFR 1500.83(a)(23) -- Oi) the experiment manual or other instruction bookN/A /

or booklet bears the following caution statement withinthe borders of a rectangle and in the type size specified in1500.121:

WARNING - This set contains chemicals thatmay be hannful ifmisused. Read cautions on individualcontainers carefully. Not to be used by children exceptunder adult supervision.(iii) the outer carton bears on the main panel thecaution statement specified in (ij).

16 CFR 1500.14(b)(1-Substances have a special hazards to health shall have

Labeling ofhazardous substances -- confonn labeling requirement as defined by 16 CFR N/A /5)

1500.14(b)(1-5)[Markin8][Dollar Tree Requircment]All tableware items. rcgardless of extractable Lead &

Califomia tableware safety programs - California health andCadmium test result. distnbutcd in the State of Califomiamust be permanently and indelibly marked with the namc.ceramic or pewter or enamel safety code section - or if the item is too small. a registered trademark. of the

N/A /metalware 108870

manufacturer or importer.

{Sec corresponding table G-OI04 at the end of thisorotocoll

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GRBI - 08000 - US

BV Lab Number:

Test Date:

(6610)284-1177 (RETEST)

OCT.20, 2010

Page 16 0141

.I.'J"'~ y.<.u

Evaluation Citation I Method No. of Criteria Results lUtingSam.l..

Cosmetics shall conform to the requirements of theFDCA as codified in 21 CFR 700 through 740 and coloradditive regulations in 21 CFR 73. 74. 81, and 82.

ASTM F963-08. Ingredients. color additives. etc. shall be evaluated in

• FDA ingredient list evaluation FDA Section 4.3.4/21 CFR accordance with associated requirements in addition toN/A /

21 CFR Cosmetic labeling review 73.74. 81. 82. 700---

any required warning labels. (Vendor shall be responsible740 for the accuracy of information contained)

Notc: Ingredients must be listed in descending orderexcept for quantities under 1 % and color additives listedat the end.Self-pressurized containers shall contain no banned CFC

CAA Ozone Protection - ingredientCAA Title VI

-- or HCFC propellant as specified in Clean Air Act Title VlN/A I

list review - Stratospheric Ozone Protection. (Vendor shall beresponsible for providin,g accurate inJ:!:l"edient list)

CPSD-EL-01090- Verify Client Acceptable Safety Agency Listing by

• Safety agency listing verification MTIID / Verification --contacting Listing Agency with the sample's Listing NlA /

procedureNumber. Manufacturer. Model Number. and/or AgencyControl Number. Shall be verified.


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BUREAU..*;•••.~...GRBI - 08000 - US

BV Lab Number.

Test Date:

(6610)284-11n (RETEST)

OCT.20. 2010

Page 17 0141

J.VJ:.;J ".VI

Evaluation Citation I Method No. of Criteria Result! RatingSamplesA label review is onlyrequircd ifComposite Wood ispresent in the sample. as stated by the Sample DeclarationForm.

Vendor must provide a completed and approved SampleDeclaration Form ifwood is present in the product.Sections A.. B and 0 must always be completed.

If Vendor selects B.3 .•- Section C must be completed.- An acceptable label must be present on the

Title 17. CA Code ofproduct andlor the outCT packaging.

Regulations. Section- Ifa label is present. it shall consist ofa stamp.

CARB formaldehyde documentation 93120.7(d)tag. or sticker and be in English. A bar code cannot

• - replace the label information. The label shall include: N/A /and label review Fabricator Label

Requirements CPSD- - Name of fabricator or responsible party.

GB-08616-MTHD - Date ofproduction for the finished good.- a statement ofcompliance which includesidentification of the state ("California". "CA", Calif."."CARB". or equivalent) section code 93120 forFormaldehyde- (If Applicable) Has No Added Formaldehydebased resins (NAF) or Ultra Low Emitting Formaldehydeb3SCd resins (ULEF)

For finished goods. ifa label is NOT present. vendor shallindicate if the raw material was manufactured beforeSeptember 30. 2009 for HWPW-CC (selection ofB.2 onForm).[Liquid Screen][GC scan]

Liquid toxicity 16 CFR 1500.231 -To identify the presence ofpotentiaUy ha7..ardous

document review16 CFR 1500.231 1 ingredients. atlliquid filled items intended or likely to be N/A I

used by children shall comply with this requirement. Inlieu of testing. tcst report can be submitted if dated withinone VC3T.

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GRBI - 08000 - US

BV Lab Number.

Test Date:

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Page 18 of 41

• 'I'" ~ ~ ......

EvaJuation Citation I Method No. of Criteria Results RatingSamolesShall be fitted with impact-resistant lenses to protect theconsumer from potential eye injuries. Lenses shall meetan AQL of6.5 as specified in 21 CFR 801.410 when

Lenses - impact resistance -21 CFR 801.410 -- subjected to FDA using MIL-SID lOSE or FDA N/A I

documentation review approved statistical sampling plan. In lieu of testing. testreport can be submitted ifdated within one year.It is the vendor's responsibility to assure the manufactureris re$tistered under the FDA- Shall be labeled as "Novelty Glasses" on the packaging.- Shall not be labeled as "Sunglasses"- Shall be accompanied with the following warning

Labeling - toy or novelty glassesCPSD-HL-O1057- statement on the packaging:

N/A /MTHDI Visual - "wARNlNG: Novelty Glasses are not to be worn outsideas sunglasses to protect the eyes against strong sunlight."Note: This requirement does not apply on any actualelasses or sun~lasses.Product shall not contain the following Illinois leadwarning label per client's requirement. Refer to the

Illinois Lead Poisoninganalytical section for details.

TlIinois lead warning label -- M PASSPrevention Act "WARNING: CONTAINS LEAD. MAYBE HARMFUL



GRBJ - 08000 - US

BV Lab Number.Test Date:

(6610)284-11n (RETEST)

OCT.20. 2010

Page 19 0141

........ A .... .-.Evaluation Citation I Metbod No. of Criteria Results Rating

SamplesExamine the retail packaging (or submitted art\Vork).

Record each objective (factual) claim which can besubstantiated by the testing within this protocol and r.lteaccordingly.

Any net quantity/dimensional claims evaluated in othersections of this protocol need not be recorded.

CPSD-HL-08612-• Claim verification - level 3 MTHD/Claim 1 Additional testing required outside of the protocol shall N/A I

verification be approved by the master client. Any objective claimnot tested at the request of the client. shall be recorded as"Not Tested Per Client Request.~

All subjective (opinion) claims shall be recorded as "NT'for Not Tested. No rating will be applied to the listedsubjective claims.

Note: Additional ch~esmay applyANALYTICAL

Shall not contain compounds ofwhich the metal contentof the soluble material exceeds the levels by weight

• ASTM F963 Soluble heavy metals ASTM F963-08. (mglkg) of the eontained solid including pigments. film M PASScontent section -- solids and drieY1i [Antimony (Sb) 60. Menic (As) 25.

Bari~a.~a) 1000. Cadmium (Cd) 75. Chro':)UJn (Crl 60.Lead b 90. Mercury (II.) 60. Selenium (Se 5001Specifie art materials shall comply with the requirements

CPSC extraetable lead from crayons CPSC Guidance Letter as defined by the guidelines ofthe CPSC ofno greater N/A Iand art supplies - doc 1 -- than 0.01 % (1 OOppm) lead. In lieu oftesting. test report

can be submitted ifdated within one vear.Shall not contain more than 0.0065% ofmerCUI)' for

Mercury in cosmetics - documentation21 CFR 700.13 -- cosmetics intended for use with the eyes and 0.0001 % of N/A I

review merCUI)' for other eosmetics. In licu of testing, test reportean be submitted ifdated within one year


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SamDlesAlkaline-manganese batteries. alkaline-manganese button

Battery Act Public Lawcell batteries. zinc-carbon batteries. mcrcuric-oxidc button

• Mercury in batteries US PL 104-142/ CPSD-AN- -- cell batteries shall conform to respective requirements.M PASS

Actual testing would be conducted on button cell00078-MTHD batteries. It is the vendor's responsibility for the

confonnitv to this reQuirement for other batteries.

State of Connecticut:No mercury shall be intentionally added to novelty items

eGS Chapter 446mexcept for replaceable button cell. Only button cell would

Mercury in Novelty (button) - docState ofNcw York: -- be audited for the compliance. In lieu of testing. guarantee

N/A /review

Laws of2004, Chapterletter can be submitted ifdated within one year. For othercomponents. it is the vendor's responsibility for the

145compliancc of the rCl.!Ulation.All metal componcnts of cups. mugs or other food contactarticles shall be constructed of an FDA recognized gradeofstainless steel.

21 CFR 170.39 / Stainless Steel Grades: 302. 304. 304F, 316. 321. 410,ASTM E1086-94 Metal 416.420 (cutlery only). 440. 440A. 44OC. 904L. A-36

• FDA FSSE21 CFR 175-177- composition / andCF-1018.N/A /

document review Substances Generally-

For any other grade ofstainless steel or other metal.Recognized as Safe vendor need to provide the list ofcompositions or will

(GRAS) have the material evaluated which shall be submitted tothe FDA for review and approval for use in food contactarticles. (Vendor shall be responsible for the accuracy ofinformation orovided)[Ceramic interior]

ASTM F963-08 sectionToys made ofceramic intended or likely to hold food• FDA Extractable lead & cadmium FDCA section -- N/A /

402shall conform to the applicable requirements of theFDCA. Section 402 (a)(2)(c) and FDA CompliancePoliCY Guides[Lead and cadmium]

CA Health & Safety 25249.5 CA Health & Safety• (Icad/cad)-12 pes CA Hcalth & Safcry Code. section 108860 / - Toys made ofceramic intended or likcly to hold food N/A /

Code 108860 section 25249.5 shall conform to the applicable requirements of the stateofCalifornia.

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Evaluation Citation / MethodNo. of

Criteria Results RatingSamples

Extractable Pb & Cd (lip & rim)ASTM C927-80 Exterior decorations applied within 20 mm of the rim of

• (R2004) / CPSD-AN- - cups. mugs. glasses or other vessels shall conform to the N/A /SGCD

00011-MTIID aoolicable reauirements as defined bv the standardsThe sum oflcad. cadmium. hcxavalent chromium and

Model Toxies in mercury shall not excccd lOOppm in packaging materials.Packaging Legislation

• Heavy metals in packagingof Toxies in Packaging - Note:

M PASSClearinghouse / 1. In lieu of testing. test report can be submitted ifdated

CPSD-AN-Q0065- within one year.MTIID 2. Max composite up to 3 likc materials.

3. ComDOsite across stvles is acccntabic.Products intended for use by children. including toys andparts of toys. must not be toxic (acute). a skin irritant. eyeirritant. corrosive. or a strong sensitizer. Products that arcnot intended for use by children must be labeledappropriately ifa toxicological hazard is presentToxicological Risk Assessment shall be conducted to

16 CFR 1500.3 Toxicological risk16 CFR 1500.3 - substantiate the compliance of the regulation for the

N/A Iasscssmcnt- doc rev1ew following components:- All toy cosmetics. liquids, pastes. putties. gelsand powders regardless of claim- Other materials bearing a ''NON-TOXIC'' claimon samples and/or its packagingIn lieu of testing. test report can be submitted ifdatedwithin fivc vears.[Liquid Screen)

16 CFR 1500.3Method of test for flashpoint ofpotentially volatile• Combustible liquids (c)(6)(iii) /16 CFR - NIA /

1500.43(3)combustible materials (ISO degrees F /65.6 dcgrees C).All liquid filled items intended or likely to be used bychildren shall comoly with this rcouircmcnt

ASTM F963-QS sectionPacifiers. rattles. and tccthers shall not intentionally

• ASTM F963 DEHP Content contain Di (2-cthylhexyl) phthalate. Shall not contain NIA /4.3.8 --

more than 3% of total solid.

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.. .., ...... ...Evaluation Citation I Method No. of Criteria Results RatingS.amnles

[Button cell)

For replaceable (can be replaced with a commonhousehold tool without destroying the sample) button cell

CPSD-AN-00078-that contains intentionally added mercury. the product or

Mercury in noveltyMTIID - packaging shall contain a label stating that the battery N/A I

contains mercury and that they shall be recycled ordisposed properly.

"Battery Contains Mercury. Do Not Put in Trash.RecYcle or Manac:c as Hazardous Waste." or eauivalent.Rubber nipples on pacifiers. when sampled to ASTM

ASTM F963-08 Nitrosamincs in ASTM F963-08 sectionF1313. shall not contain more than 10 parts per billion

rubber pacifiers - doc 4.20.11 ASlM FBI3 -- (Ppb) of any onc nitrosamine per three aliquots of sample N/A Inor exceed 20 ppb total nitrosamincs. In lieu of testing.test reoort can be submitted ifdated within one vear.[Toy]

Product intended to be used in contact with food shallconfonn to the applicable requirements ofthe Food.Drug. and Cosmetic Act (FDCA). specifically 21 CFR

21 CFR 175-177. 181 SolventASlM F963-08. 170 through 189. In lieu oftcsting, tcst report can be

Extractive - docSection 4.3.3 I 21 CFR _. submitted ifdated within two years. For food contact N/A I

170-189 items containing PVC. PETG. Styrene Block Polymers.Polyester Elastomers or ABS (Acrylonitrile>30%). it isacceptable for the vendor to submit either a test report ora lener ofcompliance (dated within two years) indicatingthe only food grade materials were used in thcmanufacturing process.

ASTM F963 Total platc count and ASlM F963-08.Pure water used in filling of toys shall mcet thc

• -- requirements of< I "" 100 CFU/mI of total platc count and N/A Itotal colifonn Scction

< I "" 1 CFU/l OOml of total Coliform.


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Evaluation Citation 1Method No. of Criteria Results RatingSamolesCosmetics. Liquids. Pastes. Putties. Gels and Powdersused in toys (excluding art materials) shan not becontaminated with Salmonen~ E. Coli. Pseudomonasaeruginos~ or Staphylococcus aurcus and be subjcct torequirements of< 5.000 CFU/ml « 500 CFU/ml for

USP 61 Microbial limit test ~ doc ASTM F963-08. cosmeties intended for usc with the eyes and baby

revicw Section 18.4.1 1 - products) for total viable count (total plate count + yeast N/A IUSP <61> & mold count) as intended to minimize risk associated

with lack ofcleanliness. shelf life and contamination. Inlieu of testing. test report can be submitted ifdated within6 months. In addition.. this requirement would also beapplied to silly putter. playdough and modeling clay perclient's rCQuest.Formulations used to prevent microbial degradation inCosmetics. Liquids. Pastes. Putties, Gels and Powders

USP 51 Preservative effectiveness ~ASTM F963-08. used in toys (excluding art materials) shall be tested for

doc review Section 18.4.21 - microbial control and preservative effectiveness. Per N/A IUSP<51> client's request. this requirement would be applied to

cosmetic only. In lieu of testing, test report can besubmitted ifdated within 6 months.

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Evaluation Ciution / Method No. of Criteria Results RatingSamples

All accessible surface coatings ofjewelry for childrenunder 12 years ofage, child care articles for childrenunder 6 years ofage. and toys with paint for childrenunder 12 years of age, in the as received state. shallcontain less than 0.004% (4Oppm) lead or leadcomponents in which the lead contcnt is the weight of thetotal content.As a client requirement, the warning label is not allowed.

Illinois Lead Poisoning In case of insufficient material for testing found on thePrevention Act /• ntinois lead content in surface AOAC974.02 number ofsamples specified in the protocol, vendor needs M PASS

coatings - to provide additional samples for testing.modified I CPSD-AN-

OOOOI-MTIID The vendor is responsible for compliance of inaccessiblematerials and materials on all other products outside ofthe above scope.

Report actual results or include data table within report.Component testing is not allowed since compliance to theCPSIA is also required.Compositing is not allowed.

Until Januarv I. 2010. this is a client reauirement.HAZARDS

Shall meet the requirements specified in the standard.

ASTM F963-08 Mechanical hazards ASTM F963-08. .- M PASSSection 4 {Sec corresponding table T-0002 at the end of this


16 CFR 1510 Rattles 16CFRI510/ASTM Rattles shall meet the safety requirements as specified in N/A IF963-08 Section 4.23 - 16 CFR 1510

ASTM F963·08. Samples shall meet the safety requirements as specified in• 16 CFR 1511 Pacifiers Section 4.20 /16 CFR - 16 CFR 1511 ifnipple length longer than 0.63 inch N/A I


Mechanical hazards - dive stick 16 CFR 1500 -- Samples shall meet the safety requirements as specified in N/A I16 CFR 1500

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.V.~ "...uEvaluation Citation I Method No. of Criteria Results Rati.g

Sam.lesNo person. firm. corporation. or association shall import.manufacture. sell. offer to sell. or distribute a Yo-Vowatcrball toys.

NY restriction of sale of Section 399 General N/A IYo-Yowatcrball Business Law / A472

--"Yo-Yo watcrball toy" means a yo-yo waterball. wateryo-yo. or any similar toy made of rubbeT or rubberlikematerial consisting ofa ball that is filled with a liquid andattached to an clastic cord with a £ineer loop at the end.[S;ze 0-16]

Visual! ActualHood and Neck Area

MeasurementHood and neck drawstrings are not allowed at allan anychildren's clothing (outenvear and non-outwear). No

CPSC Guideline.toggles. knots or attachment at the free ends.

• US Drawstring requirementsASTM F1816. New - Waist and Bottom Area On Upper Garments (tops, N/A I

York State Law Amendment

jackets. dresses)

Wisconsin State LawMay not exceed 3 inches (75mm) in length on each side

ATCP 139outside the drawstring channel when garment is expandedto its fullest width. Drawstrings must be bartacked. atcenter back so string cannot be pulled out.No toggles. knots or attachment at the free ends. Must befinished. at both ends.(Client's Requirement}

Samples shall meet the requirements intended to

• ASTM F963~08 BIO ride on toysASTM F963-08 section minimize the risk or injury associated with battery N/A I

4.25.10 - leakage. overheating. explosion. fire and choking. Shallalso include associated insrructionalliterature.Testing shall be carried out twice with two differentbrands ofbattcries. (Ener¢zer and Duracell)Samples shall meet the requirements intended tominimize the risk or injury associated with battery

• ASTM F963-08 Battery Operated ASTM F963-08 section leakage. overheating. explosion. fire and choking. ShallM PASS

Toys 4.25.1 to 4.25.9-

also include associated instroctionalliterature.Testing shall be carried out twice with two differentbrands ofbattcrics. (Encrcizer and Duracell)


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Evaluation Citl.tion I Method No. of Criteria Results RatingSamnles

16 CFR 1505 Electrically operatedASTM F963-08 Toys operating from nominal120-V branch circuits shall

• Section 4.4 / 16 CFR -- conform to the requirements of 16 eFR 1505 N/A /toys

1505[For electrically operated product]

· UL Testing UL Standard -- Item will be audited to verify compliance with the N/A /selected sections of the applicable and/or labeled ULstandard.Party poppers (also known as champagne party poppers

• 16 eFR 1507 Pyrotcchnic16 CFR 1507.11 -- and party surprise poppers) and Christmas crackers shall

N/A /Composition contain no more than 0.25 grains (16.2 mg) of

ovrotcchnic material.Loose fillers shall be visually evaluated for objectionablematter and labels shall be evaluated accordingly.Shall meet the requirements of the "Tolerances of the

PA stuffed toy law (47.317) tolerance ASTM F963-08 section Commonwealth ofPcnnsylvania Regulation for StuffedN/A /

- documentation review 4.3.7 - Toys". In lieu oftcsring. test report can be submitted ifdated within one year.Note: Ifno documentation is provided. testing shall beperformed for confirmation to compliance.Shall meet the requirements of the "Tolerances of the

PA Stuffed Toy Law (47.317) ASTM F963-08Commonwealth ofPcnnsylvania Regulation for Stuffed

• - Toys". N/A /Tolerance Section 4.3.7

Note: If documentation is provided. no need to conductactual testiDl.!.


ASTM F963-08.[Solids]

16 CFR 1500.44 Flammability Section 4.2/16 CFR -- Shall not exceed the maximum allowable limit ofnoM PASS

1500.44 Annex A4£reater than 0.1 inches per second

Flammability ofself-pressurized16 CFR 1500.3 Self-pressurized container shall meet the flammability

(e)(6)(viii) 116 CFR - requirements of16 CFR 1500.3(e)(6)(viii). N/A 1containers


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LV,"," .MU

Evaluation Citation I Method No. of Criteria Results RatingSamples

ASTM F963-08.[Clothing textiles]

• 16 CFR 1610 Flammability Section 4.2 Annex ASI -- N/A /16 CFR 1610

Textile fabrics used in toys should comply with 16 CFR1610 as aoolicable[Costume]

• 16 CFR 1610 Flammability 16 CFR 1610 -- N/A /Costumes should comolvwith 16 CFR 1610 as aoolicable

• Flammability ofvinyl plastic film 16 CFR 1611 -- Textile fabrics used in toys should comply with 16 CFRN/A /

1611 as applicable

CPAI-75 Flammability (sleepingMaterials shall comply with the requirements as defined.

CPAl-75 -- In lieu of testing. test report can be submitted ifdated N/A /bags) - doc review

within one yC3f.


Camping tent3ge materialCPAl-84 -- Materials shall comply with the requirements as defined. N/A /

flammabilityIn lieu of testing. test report can be submitted ifdatedwithin onc vear.

PERFORi\IANCEShall comply with luminous transmittance properties andtraffic signal recognition requirements for non-prescription sunglasses and fashion eyewear as specified

ANSI 280.3 Luminous transmittance -ANSI Z80.3

based on intended primary function: general purpose,N/A /

documentation review -- cosmetic usc, and special pwpose (skiing, climbing.beach. etc). In lieu of testing, test report can be submittedto substantiatc UVAIUVB protection claim ifdatedwithin onc ycar.

Shall be tested to substantiate fiber content. Shall not

· AATCC 20A Quantitative 16 CFR303exceed a deviation of+ 1- 3% from the label as allowed

N/A /-- for blends and no deviation for items labeled 100% ofafiber.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The information presented under the "Criteria" of this protocol is for information only and docs not replace the content of the standard Details of the requirements should bereferred to the original standards.



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Additional Charge For This TestMandatory RequirementBy Request Only

ClaimedRecordedMeetsDocs Not MeetNot ApplicableNot Tested


I Image Appendix I


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T-0002 AbuseTestConditions wAge.jpg

Testing Parameter

Drop Test

Torque Test

Tension Test

Compression Test

Age (Months) I Abuse Test Conditions

o to ~18 4.5 ft. (1.37 m) 10 drops>18 to~6 3 ft. (0.91 m) 4 drops>36 to ~6 3 ft. (0.91 m) 4 drops

o to ~18 2 in -lb. (0.23 N· m)>18 to~6 3 in -lb. (0.34 N- m)>36 to ~6 4 in -lb. (0.45 N - m)

o to ~18 10 lb. (44.5 N)>18 to~6 15 lb. (66.8 N)>36 to ~6 15 lb. (66.8 N)

o to ~18 20 lb. (89 N)>18 to~6 251b. (111.3 N)>36 to ~6 30 lb. (133.5 N)

G-OI04Trademark ofthemanufacturerorimporter.bmp


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~" .. ,••~~VJbsort'K1Ii'/ll.GIBSONtl~CC1J

~- :::MINI. 1I.ri;~,.,..,~

No. Of Samples Required for Complete Testing Toys and Hardgoods (case by case for assortments)12

Electric/Battcry Operated (per style)Electric (per style with adapter/transformer)ninnl"T"Uor.'m MlI~ 'Pitr.hf"'l"'C:"t'.n~tpt'llin/rim\

Client Approval:

Creation Date:Last Revision Date:Pricing Review Date:

SEPTEMBER 22. 20 I0/ Debbie SmithMAY 05. 2004SEPTEMBER 17.2010MAY 03. 2010

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No. Of (Fullv Packed) Cartons For Transit Testing; .No. OfWorking Days For Complete Testing: 5 Sample Size And TAT Subject To Change Based

On Product RequirementsTechnical Review Date: MAY 03. 2010


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..................""" ..., ...~.........., ..... ""......................., .. "'Evaluation Citation I Method No. of

Criteria Results IUtingSamDlesLABELING

A permanent and distinguishing mark or code on theproduct and its packaging. to the extent practicable.allows the manufacturer and purchaser to ascertain thename of the manufacturer or private labeler. location anddate ofproduction of the product.

Verified the presence and verified the format accur3cy. Ifinternal coding is used. de-code system shall also besubmitted for verification (refer to GRBI-GB-SUPP·

Consumer Product TRACKING LABEL CODE & PROCEDURE).M• Tracking label for children's product Safety Improvement - PASS

Act of2008 Note: Internal coding for manufacturer or private labclcron the tracking label is not accepted.

Client's requirement- Greenbrier has mandated that all children's dinnerware(plates, cups. ctc.) shall have a tracking label. regardless ifthe submission falls within FDA jurisdiction only.- Infonnation for tracking label on product mush beindentical with. the infonnation for tracking label onoackacin•.


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Evaluation Citation I Metbod No. of Criteria Results RatingSam.lesAll accessible surface coatings. before and after usc andabuse testing. on items intended for children ages 12 andunder shall not contain lead or lead components in which

Consumer Product the lead content is in excess of0.009% (9Oppm) of theSafety Improvement weight ofthe total content.

Act of 2008 / 16 CFR

• Total 1cad content in surface coatings 1303/ CPSC-CH- In case of insufficient coating for testing found on number M PASSEI003-09 / AOAC - of samples specified in the protocol. vendor needs to974.02 modified / provide additional samples fOT testing.CPSD-AN-00001-

MTHD Report actual results or include data table within report.Issue a third party test report.Component testing is not allowed.Com'Dositim!: is not allowedAll accessible surface coatings in the assembled state onadult furnimre [exempt factory applied coatings on metalcomponents/parts} and household paint shall not containlead or lead components in which the lead content is inexcccd of 0.009% (9Oppm) ofthc wcight ofthc total

Consumer Product content.

Safety ImprovementIn case of insufficient coating for testing found on numberAct 0[2008116 CFR

1303/ CPSC-CH- of samples specified in the protocol. vendor needs to• Total lead content in surface coatings provide additional samples. dipped parts or N/A /

EI003-09 / AOAC -974.02 modified / components/parts for testing.

CPSD-AN-OOOO1-Report actual results or include data table within reportMTHDIssue a program audit reportComponent testing is allowedBased on CPSC SOP, will composite up to 3 colors. If anycolor in the compositc exceeds 80% of the limit (72 ppm).based on the lowest weight component. individual colorswill be analyZed.

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Eva.lua.tion Citation I Method No. of Criteria Results RatingSamplesAll accessible substrates. before and after usc and abusetesting. on items intended for children ages 12 and undershall not contain lead in excess of 0.03% (30Oppm) of theweight ofthc total content.

Consumer ProductNote: The lead limit will be reduced. if technologically

Safety Improvement feasible. to 0.01% (IOOppm) on Aug. 14.2011.

Act of2008/EPA Notc: The matenals listed in the Lead content in substrate3050B (modified) /exemption list below will be exempted from testing; it is

• Total lead content in substrate EPA 3051 (modified) /1 the vendors responsibility to ensure compliance to the M PASSmaterials EPA 3052 (modified) /

applicable requirements.CPSD-AN-00185.00 196-MTHD.I

In case of insufficient material for testing found onCPSC-CH-EIOOI-08/CPSC-CH-EI002-08 number ofsamples specified in the protocol. vendor needs

to provide components/parts for testing.

Report aerual results or include data table within report.Issue a program audit report (wri1 February 2011).Component testing is allowed.Comoosirin2 is not allowed

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Evaluation Citation I Method No. of Criteria Results RatingSamDles

Any accessible metal component of items intended forchildren ages 12 and under shall not contain lead in excessof 0.03% (300ppm) of the weight of the total content.

Note: The lead limit will be reduced. iftcchnologicallyfeasible. to 0.01% (lOOppm) on Aug. 14.2011.

Components composed of surgical steel. stainless steelConsumer Product within UNS S13800 - 566286. excluding 303Pb (UNS

Total lead content in children's metalSafety Improvement 830360): gold (at least 10 karat), sterling silver (at least

• Act 0120081 CPSC- I 925/1000). platinum. palladium. rhodium. osmium. M PASSjewelry CH·EI001-081 CPSD- iridium. ruthenium, and titanium arc exempt Any 000-

AN-OOI 85-MTHD precious metal components such as solder. base metal inelectroplate and fill arc not included in these exemptionsand must comply.Report actual results or include data table within report

Issue a third party test reportCompositing is not allowedComponent testing is not allowedDocumentation ofcomponent testing is not allowed


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Evaluation Citation I Method No. of Criteria Results RatingSamDlesActual testing would be conducted on the all accessibleplastics materials (including natural and syntheticrubber). plasticizer print. scrapable surface coatings,decals, polymeric coated materials (unscrapable).adhesives and scalants (exclude adhesive for stickers), toynail polish. reusable packaging. electrical plug or cablesand inaccessible plastic sheath of electrical wires

Vendor shall be responsible for the compliance of allother accessible materials and inaccessible materials.

Children's toys and childcarc articles in the as receivedConsumer Product state shall not contain concentrations ofmore than 0.1 %

Safety Improvement BBP. DBP or DEHP. individually.Act 012008/ CA Prop

• BBP I DBP I DEHP content DnOP I 65/ CPSC-CH-CIOOl-1

Children's toys that can be placed in the mouth orM PASSDINP IDIDP content 09.3 modified / CPSD- childcare articles in the as received state shall not contain

AN-00095-MTHD / concentrations ofmore than 0.1 % DINP. DIDP or DnOP.CPSD-AN-00143- individually.

MTHDModification = expand scope to include inflatablechildren's products

In case of insufficient material for testing found onnumber ofsamples specified in the protocol. vendor needsto provide components/parts for testing.

Report actual results or include data tablc within report.Issue a program audit report (until third party testing isrequired).Component testing is allowed.Comoositinl.! is not allOWed.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The information presented under the "Criteria" of this protocol is for infonnation only and does not replace the content of the standard. Details of the requirements should bereferred to the original standards.

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Lead content in substrate exemption list

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a. Accessible electronics:Lead blended into the glass ofcathode ray tubes. electronic components and fluorescent tubesLead used as an alloying clement in steel. (Max. amount oflcad < 0.35% by weight)Lead used in the manufacture of aluminium. (Max. amount of lead < 0.4% by weight)Lead used in copper-based alloys. (Max. amount oflcad < 4% by weight)Lead used in lead-bronze bearing shells and bushingsLead used in compliant pin connector systemsLead used in optical and filter glassLead oxide in plasma display panels (PDP) and surface conduction electron emitter displays (SED) used in structural clements: notably in the front and rear glass dielectric layer. the bus

electrode. the black stripe. the address electrode. the barrier ribs. the seal frit and fut ring as well as in print pastcs.Lead oxide in the glass envelope ofBlack Light Blue (BLB) lamps

b. Spare parts or other removable components (such as battery packs and light bulbs) shall be considered inaccessible provided that lead containing component is inaccessible when the product isasscmblcd in functional fonn or in thc criteria for excmption.c. Precious gemstones: diamond. ruby. sapphire. emeraldd. Certain semiprecious gemstones provided that the mineral or material is not based on lead or lead compounds. this docs not include materials such as. aragonite. bayldonite. boledite. cerussite.crocoite. galena. linarite. mimetite. phosgenite. vanadinite and wulfenitc as these are known to contain lead.c. Naruml or cultured pearlsf. Woodg. Paper and similar materials made from wood or other cellulosic fiberh. Printing inks that usc the CMYK process (cxcluding spot colors. other inks that arc not used in CMYK process. inks that do not become part of the substratc under 16 CFR part 1303. and inksuscd in after-trcatment applications. including scrcen prints. transfers. decals. or other prints)i. Textilcs (natural and manufactured. dyed and undyed) cxcluding after-trcatments applicationsJ. Other plant-dcrived and animal-derivcd materials. including animal glue. bec's wax. sccds, nut shells. flowers. bones. sea shells. Coral. amber. fcathers. fur. and leatherk. Certain mctals and alloys that contain no lead or lcad-eontaining mctals intentionally added like surgieal steel: stainless steel within UNS 513800 - S66286. excluding 303Pb (UNS S30360): andprecious metals like gold.. sterling silver. platinum. palladium. rhodium. osmium. iridium. ruthenium. titanium. It docs not cxtend to the non-steel or non-precious metal components ofa product such assolder or base materials in electroplate. clad or fill applications.L Until July I. 2011. a SOE shall apply to the following parts ofbicycles, jogger strollers. and bicycle trailers:

components made with metal alloys. includingsteel containing up to 0.35% lead.aluminium with up to 0.4 % lead.Copper with up to 4.0 % lead


BV Lab Number.Test Date:

(6610)284-11n (RETEST)OCT.20.2010Page 37 of 41

Definitions:I. "Children's toy" means a consumer product designed or intended by the manufacturer for a child 12 years of age or younger for usc by the child when the child plays per CPSC Draft Guidance ofCPSIA section 108 refer to the usc ofASTM F963.2. "Child care article" means a consumer product designed or intended by the manufacturer to facilitate sleep. or the fceding ofa child 3 years of age or younger or to help such children withsucking or teething. Products used directly in the mouth by the child arc primary products and are subject to the regulation. Products that have direct contact with the child. but mayor may not have directmouth contact. would also be considered primary products. Products that arc not necessarily in direct physical contact with the child, but are in close proximity to the child mayor may not be subject to thercgulation per CPSC Draft Guidance ofCPSIA section 108. Products that are used by the parent. but have no contact with the child. are considered secondary products and would not be subject to thercgulation pcr CPSC Draft Guidance ofCPSIA section 108. Products that are used by the parent. but have no contact with the child, arc considered secondary products and would not be subject to theregulation pcr CPSC Draft Guidance of CPSIA section 108.3. "Can be placed in a child's mouth" means ifany part of the toy can actually be brought to the mouth and kept in the mouth by a child so that it can be sucked or chewed. If the product can onlybe licked. it is not regarded as able to be placed in the mouth. If a toy or part ofa toy in one dimension is smaller than 5 centimeters, it can be placed in the mouth. Per CPSC Draft Guidance. pool toys andbeach balls, or articles such as these must be considered in the deflated state. Some general purpose balls that are permanently inflated by the manufacturer and cannot be rc-inflated by the consumer maybe considered in the inflated (normal) state.





Additional Charge For This TestMandatory RequirementBy Request Only

ClaimedRecordedMeetsDoes Not MeetNot ApplicableNot Tested


No. Of Samples ReQuired for Complete TestinJt 6No. Of (Fully Packed) Cartons For Transit TestinJt: -No. OfWorkin~ Days For Complete TestinJt: 7

Client Approval: I Debbie SmithCreation Date:Last Revision Date: OCTOBER 06, 2010Pricing Review Date:Technical Review Date:

U::->·j \~~;

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GRBI -6572-US

Califomia Proposition 65

BV Lab Number.Test Date:

(6610)284-1177 ( RETEST)

OCT.20. 2010

Page 38 of41

Product I CltationIMethod I Test RequIrements Warning Statements I Results I Ratlna

NOTE: Please notify Bureau Veritas if you have any settlements that are different from the requirements listed below.


1. Toys (e.g., toy balls. bats. CPSD-AN~0095-MTHD The product may not contain more than No warnings are allowed by the settlement; M/PASSand gloves. bath toys. fake I CPSD-AN.o0143- 1000ppm (0.1%) of each ofOEHP. SSP, DB?, reformulation of product is required.

teeth); MTHD OIOP.DnHPChild Care Articles (e.g.. Note: Actual testing will be conducted on

sipper bottles. baby bibs. art (County of accessible high risk plastics. coatings. toy nail

smocks): Sacramento. polish, reusable packaging and inaccessible

Watches (PVC components) 07AS04683 I Alameda plastic wires for electronics as conducted for

Superior Court. CPSIA (refer to CPSIA protocol 8444-US for

BG07350969. additional information). Will composite up to 3

RG08367601. like materials.


RGOB378050) Vendor is responsible for compliance of all

other materials. The CPSC Draft Guidance

document will be used to determine applicable


Definitions aftoys and child care articles:

- Toys are defined as products designed to be

used by children under 6 years of age when

they play.

- Child eare Articles are defined as products

designed to facilitate sleep. relaxation.

grooming, hygiene. or feeding of children under

3 years of age, orto help children under 3

years of aae with suckino orteethino.


GRBI ~572·US

Califomia Proposition 65

BV Lab Number.

Test Date:

(6610)284-1177 (RETEST)

OCT.20.2010Page 39 of 41

Product CitationIMethod Test Reaulrements Warnlna Statements Results I Ratlno

2.Toys (e.g.. toy balls. bats. EPA 3051 (mod) a) Any PVC component may not oontain more No warnings are allowed by the settlement; M/PASS

and gloves. bath toys): than 200ppm lead. reformulation of product is required.

Child Care Articles (e.g., (Alameda Superior

sipper bottles. baby bibs. art Court. BG07350969. b) Any non-PVC component may not contain

smocks) RG08378050. more than 600ppm lead.

San Francisco Superior

Court. 07-462991) c) Both PVC and non-PVC component of baby

bibs may not contain more than 200ppm lead.

Note: Materials exempted from testing under

CPSlA (e.g .. textiles) will not be tested. The

vendor is responsible for compliance of

untested materials. Will composite up to 3

materials (as under CPSIA). If the composite

result exceeds the adjusted limit (regulatory

limit divided by the number of composites).

individual materials win be analyzed.

Definitions of toys and child care articles:

Toys are defined as products designed to beused by children under 6 years of age when

they play.

- Child care Articles are defined as products

designed to facilitate sleep. relaxation.

grooming. hygiene. or feeding of children under

3 years of age. or to help children under 3

years of age with sucking or teething.


GRBI -o572-US

California Proposition 65

BV Lab Number.

Test Date:

(6610)284-1177 (RETEST)


Page 40 of 41

Product CitationIMethod Test Reaulrements Warnina Statements Results I Ratlna3. Children's Jewelry Test and report as Shall be made of one of the following materials: Labeling is not allowed by the Consent Decree. MJPASS

specified in the consent · Nonmetallic materials in class 1{see Product must comply with the material and leadSold or marketed to children 6 judgment

jewelry requirements above)requirements.· Nonmetallic materials in class 2 (see

years and younger jewelry requirements above)

(County of Alameda · Metallic materials which are either class 1components or contain less than 0.06%

case No. RG-04- Lead162075 and Assembly · Glass and crystal decorative components

Bill No. 1681) that weigh in total no more than 1.0 gram.excluding those components that containless than 0.02% lead.

· Printing ink or ceramic glaze that containsless than 0.06% lead

· Class 3 components contain less than0.02% lead


,~ -:.•. ~

\ '7~7~


BV Lab Number.Test Date:

(6610)284-1177 ( RETEST)

OCT.20, 2010





Not ApplicableAdditional Charge For This Test


Does Not Meet

Not Tested

Mandatory Requirement

No. Of Samoles Reauired For Comolete Testino: 8No. Of (Fullv Packed) Cartons For Transit Testina: 1

No. OfWorkina Davs For Comolete Testina: 10

See below pricing chart for exceptions

Creation Date:

Editorial Revision Date:

Pricing Review Date:Technical Review Date:

AugustS. 2004July 15. 2009

October 28. 2005December 8. 2004


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