Report on the faunal remains recovered during the 2016 … · 2016. 12. 4. · pheasant recovered...

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Report on the faunal remains recovered during the 2016 excavations in Histon and Impington

by Angelos Hadjikoumis


Excavations conducted in from April until August 2016 in Histon and Impington have brought to light a significant number of faunal remains. Assigning faunal remains to

chronological periods is a notoriously difficult task due to the absence of stylistic criteria or typologies characteristic of specific periods. Besides radiocarbon dating, the

typologies of different categories of artefacts offer opportunities to assign a chronological interval to faunal remains found in association with them. Concerning the faunal

assemblage at hand, the most reliable source of chronological information is provided by pottery typology. In the vast majority of test pits, pottery belonging to a range of

periods has been recovered. As indicated by the pottery types recovered (see P. Blinkhorn’s report), the bulk of the faunal material was deposited from the Roman to the

Medieval period. Prehistoric material is scarce (e.g. test pits 4 and 12) and the same holds true for post-Medieval/modern material (e.g. test pits 10 and 13). Depending on

the location of each test pit, periods of more intense activity appear to be the Roman (test pits 3, 6, 7, 9, 17, 12, 19, 21, 24, 26), the Saxon (test pits 1, 3, 4, 12, 16, 17, 18,

21, 22, 26, 27) and the Medieval (e.g. test pits 1, 4-9, 12, 17, 20-28) periods. As it is obvious from the test pits listed, most areas exhibit activity throughout these periods

and faunal remains could derive from any of these periods. There are some contexts, however, which were attributed to a narrower chronological range such as test pit 1

attributed to the Late Saxon-Early Medieval period, test pit 5 to the Late Saxon-High Medieval period, test pit 8 to the Early-High Medieval period, etc. The subdivision of

the faunal assemblage into test pits or periods, however, would render it statistically unreliable. Therefore, the analyses presented and discussed in this study involved the

data from the entire sample. This inevitably causes a severe loss of chronological resolution. As a partial remedy, the discussion of the results is interspersed with

observations from test pits belonging to more specific chronological periods. The main aim of this study, therefore, is to provide a general picture of the types of

interactions that took place between humans and animals at Histon and Impington over their long history of human occupation with a particular focus on the Roman, Saxon

and Medieval periods.


The faunal material was studied at the facilities of Oxford Archaeology East in Bar Hill. During data recording, obvious new breaks were refitted in an effort to improve

identifiability. Identification of anatomical element and species (or more general taxonomic category) was attempted on every specimen with the aid of published

osteological atlases for macromammals (e.g. Barone 1976; Pales and Garcia 1981; Schmid 1972). The most generic level of taxonomic identification employed was a three-

size scheme for mammals ('large': e.g. cattle/equids, 'medium': e.g. sheep/fallow deer and 'small': e.g. rabbit/cat), and a four-size scheme for birds ('size 1': e.g.

sparrow/songthrush, 'size 2': e.g. pigeon/crow, 'size 3': e.g. chicken/pheasant and 'size 4': e.g. goose/peafowl). The distinction between sheep and goat remains was

attempted on postcranial elements following Boessneck et al. (1964) and on mandibular cheek teeth following Halstead et al. (2002) and Payne (1985).

Besides anatomical and taxonomic identification, age-at-death was estimated based on dental eruption and wear, as well as the epiphyseal fusion state of selected

postcranial anatomical elements. Eruption and wear of mandibular dental remains were recorded following Payne (1973; 1987) for sheep and goats, Grigson (1982) and

Halstead’s (1985) adaptation of Payne for cattle, and Grant (1982) and Bull & Payne (1982) for pig. Age-at-death based on epiphyseal fusion mainly follows Silver (1969) for

sheep, goat, cattle and pig. Moreover, each fragment was recorded in terms of its potential to yield information related to sex, butchery and other modifications such as

burning and gnawing marks. The extent of damage on bone surfaces was graded from 0 (unaffected) to 5 (heavy erosion across whole surface) using a simplified version of

Brickley & McKinley’s scheme for human remains (2004, 14-15).


As mentioned in the introduction of this study, the data recorded from the 2016 assemblage were pooled to increase sample size. This inevitably lowers the chronological

resolution but still allows for a general approach in establishing the types of human-animal interactions that took place in the area in the Roman, Saxon and Medieval

periods. Before presenting the animal remains, it should be mentioned that a fragment of a human skull was identified in the material from test pit 22, which yielded mainly

Saxon but also some Medieval pottery (Figure 1). Although the exact age of the individual cannot be estimated precisely, a very young age can be excluded on the basis of

the fused state of the sutures on the fragment.

Figure 1: Fragment of a human skull recovered from pit 22 (spit 1)

The animal remains of the sample have been divided into mammals (sizes from cattle to rabbit), micromammals (rodents) and birds. The most abundant group was that of

the mammals (Table 1) with 183 specimens identified and further 117 attributed to a size category (i.e. large, medium and small mammal). The most abundant species in

the assemblage is the sheep with 42.1% of the mammalian assemblage. Although the presence of goat amongst specimens generically identified as ‘sheep/goat’ cannot be

excluded, it can be reasonably assumed that the goat was either absent or very scarce in the area throughout its history. Pig is the second most abundant taxon in the

assemblage with 23.5% and cattle the third with 13.7%. The percentages of large (24.8%) and medium (73.5%) mammal remains correspond well with this pattern. Despite

the differences in abundance between taxa a more balanced picture emerges when body size is taken into account, with each contributing a similar quantity of food, at

least in terms of meat (e.g. cattle larger than pig and pig larger than sheep). As it has been mentioned in the introduction, little can be said concerning chronological

patterns in the importance of each of the three major domestic animals. In general, their remains appear relatively evenly distributed chronologically, perhaps with a trend

of sheep to be more abundant in contexts where Medieval pottery is dominant.

The triad of sheep, pig and cattle clearly dominate the assemblage but they are not the only mammals present in the assemblage. In fact, dog remains are as abundant as

cattle remains, although they are ‘inflated’ by the presence of a partial skeleton that contributed more than half of the dog remains. The specific skeleton belonged to a dog

younger than 6 months old and was recovered at test pit 25 (spit 3), which yielded almost exclusively Medieval pottery. Less common taxa in the assemblage include the

lagomorphs (4.9%), deer (1.1%) and cat (1.1%). Among the lagomorphs (rabbit/hare), only rabbit remains were identified. Although the presence of hare remains amongst

the generically identified ‘lagomorph’ remains cannot be excluded, it can be relatively safely assumed that the majority, if not all, lagomorph remains belonged to rabbits.

The separation between wild and domestic rabbit remains based on morphological criteria is impossible. The cat is represented by only two fragments, one from test pit 7

(Roman and Medieval pottery) and another from test pit 13, which yielded only materials of modern or very recent chronology. The two deer remains were both antler

fragments and were recovered from test pits 16 and 27, both of which yielded Saxon and Medieval pottery. Unfortunately, none of these fragments allow identification as

to whether they belonged to red or fallow deer. The fact that they are antler fragments raises the question whether deer populations existed in the area in the Saxon and

Medieval periods or antlers were imported as raw material for the manufacture of different objects. In fact, one of the fragments (test pit 27, Late Saxon-Early Medieval

pottery) bears direct evidence of working in the form of sawing marks (Figure 2).

Taxon Raw data Corrected data


Cattle 25 13.7% 23 13.7% 3

Sheep/(goat) 77 42.1% 72 42.9% 8

Pig 43 23.5% 36 21.4% 3

Cat 2 1.1% 2 1.2% 1

Deer 2 1.1% 2 1.2% 1

Dog* 25 13.7% 25 14.9% 2

Lagomorph 9 4.9% 8 4.8% 2

Total 183 100.0% 168 100.0% 20

Large mammal 29 24.8% 29 24.8% N/A

Medium mammal 86 73.5% 86 73.5% N/A

Small mammal 2 1.7% 2 1.7% N/A

Total 117 100.0% 117 100.0% N/A

*Includes 1 partial skeleton Table 1: Taxonomic composition of the mammalian remains recovered during the 2016 excavations in Histon and Impington.

Figure 2: Deer antler with sawing marks recovered from test pit 27 (spit 5).

Besides taxonomic composition, the age-at-death for the main taxa provides further insights into the husbandry practices and desired products. Concerning cattle, the

majority of animals were subadult/adult or older. The presence of few remains belonging to newborn and immature animals suggests that cattle were also reared locally

and, in addition, leave open the possibility of dairying. Concerning sheep, the situation is quite similar to that of cattle with the majority of animals slaughtered around their

optimal weight with some newborn and immature animals also slaughtered. As far as pigs are concerned, the trend in age-at-death is clearer, possibly due to the fact that

pigs are reared without any secondary products in mind. It can be confirmed that pigs were reared locally, probably at the household level, as indicated by the presence of

several newborn and foetal remains. Besides these very young remains, the majority of the rest of remains belonged to immature animals and very few to adult animals.

This is compatible with household rearing of pigs, the majority of which were slaughtered within their first or, latest, second year of life. Interestingly, among the few adult

pig remains was a permanent mandibular canine of a female pig. As expected, more female than male pigs were likely to reach adulthood as more of them are needed for

reproductive purposes.

In addition to the macromammal remains presented above, three micromammal remains were also recorded. Two of them belonged to rats and another one was identified

only generically as rodent. Moreover, 48 avian remains were also identified in the assemblage (Table 2). The avian assemblage is clearly dominated by gallifrom species

(mainly, if not exclusively, chicken and pheasant). The pheasant percentage is ‘inflated’ by the presence of at least 20 fragments belonging to the skeleton of a single male

pheasant recovered in test pit 21, which yielded a wide range of pottery (from Roman to post-Medieval). The pheasant remains belonged to an adult male bird, as indicated

by the presence of a spur on its tarsometatarsus (Figure 3). Moreover, the presence of egg-laying hens is indicated by the presence of a femur (possibly chicken) filled with

medullary bone, which acts as a calcium reservoir from which the female bird draws to form the eggshell (Figure 4). Although all bird remains unambiguously identified as

galliform were fully fused, the presence of some immature (chicken-sized) bones in the ‘indeterminate bird’ category further supports the interpretation involving the

rearing of chicken locally.

1 cm

Besides galliforms, duck and geese are also present in the assemblage. Although the exact species and status (i.e. wild or domestic) are not morphologically identifiable, it is

likely that at least some of these remains belonged to domestic birds. Interestingly, four out of the five such remains derived from test pit 20, which yielded Medieval

pottery. The presence of some immature duck/goose remains from the same context provide further support for the domestic status of some of them.

The remains of more than one species of columbiforms (pigeon family) were also identified in the assemblage. A single pigeon specimen, unknown whether wood pigeon or

rock dove/domestic pigeon, was recovered from test pit 7 (Roman and Medieval pottery). Another columbiform specimen from test pit 21 (Roman-post-Medieval pottery)

was identified as either turtle or collared dove. The collared dove arrived in the UK only in the 1950s and, although it cannot be excluded that this specimen belonged to a

collared dove, it is more likely that it belonged to a turtle dove. Lastly, two corvid remains (possibly rook or carrion crow) were recovered from test pit 6, which yielded

predominantly Medieval pottery. The immature appearance of both specimens suggests that corvids were nesting nearby, if not within the settlement.


Chicken 3 6.3% 2

Pheasant* 16 33.3% 2

Galliform 10 20.8% N/A

Duck/goose 5 10.4% 2

Pigeon 1 2.1% 1

Turtle/collared dove 1 2.1% 1

Corvid 2 4.2% 1

Indeterminate bird 10 20.8% N/A

Total 48 100.0% 9

*Includes 1 partial skeleton

Table 2: Taxonomic composition of the avian remains recovered during the 2016 excavations in Histon and Impington.

Figure 3: A selection of male (note arrow and text) pheasant remains recovered in test pit 21 (spits 4-5).

Figure 4: Galliform (possibly chicken) femur of a female egg-laying bird filled with medullary bone (note arrows), recovered from test pit 20 (spit 3).

Beyond taxonomic composition and age-at-death, butchery marks were recorded on the postcranial remains of sheep, cattle and pig. The most common types of butchery

marks were sawing and chopping marks. The large number of sawing marks (see examples in Figure 5) is more compatible with Medieval butchery. Moreover, besides the

deer antler mentioned above (Figure 2), three more examples of, taxonomically unidentified, worked bone were recorded. The exact purpose of two of them (Figures 6 and

7) remains unknown, while the third one is a fragment of a bone knife handle (Figure 8).

Figure 5: A selection of animal with sawing marks.

Figure 6: Worked bones from test pit 4 (spit 2).

Figure 7: Worked bones from test pit 20 (spit 5).

Figure 8: Knife handle from test pit 22 (spit 2).


Despite the small size of the sample and its low chronological resolution, the analyses conducted on the recorded dataset reveal several insights into the human-animal

interactions that took place in Histon and Impington, especially during the Roman, Late Saxon and Medieval periods. The predominance of sheep herding was likely

characteristic of the area, at least through the Saxon and Medieval periods but possibly even during earlier and later periods. Beyond the abundance of sheep, cattle

herding was locally just as important economically. Cattle and sheep herds were managed mainly for meat but there are also indications for the exploitation of secondary

products such as milk, wool (for sheep) and traction (for cattle). Pig husbandry with somewhat lower, but still very high, importance constituted the third pylon of the area’s

pastoral economy. In the absence of strong indications that the importance of each pylon changed radically from period to period, the area’s animal economy appears to

have been balanced on sheep, cattle and pig husbandry, rather than specialised on one of them. Although not much can be said in terms of age-at-death and male:female

ratios, the few available indications suggest that sheep, cattle and pig husbandry were conducted on different scales. Sheep and cattle herds for example, were probably

kept in herds moved around the settlement and further afield to feed in available pastureland, fields in fallow and fields after harvest (e.g. stubble for sheep). Pigs on the

other hand, were more likely kept on a household basis and reared mostly on household waste.

This strategy may have been adopted primarily to ensure flexibility and safety in food production, rather than specialisation on specific products that would involve higher

risk. It also appears to be the dominant pattern in the area in general as recent studies (personal unpublished data) as suggested by faunal compositions in Late Saxon

Huntingdon and Medieval Huntingdon and Cambridge. Besides sheep, cattle and pig, few other mammals were involved in the area’s economic system. Only dogs were

probably employed in herding but also as settlement and livestock guards, while interactions with wild animals were only an occasional occurrence. Occasionally deer may

have been hunted but this cannot be confirmed as identified remains only include antler, which could have been collected after being shed or imported from elsewhere as

raw material. The absence of equid remains is also intriguing as it is difficult to envisage a scenario according to which human communities at Histon and Impington chose

not to use horses, donkeys or mules for transport, trade, agricultural and pastoral tasks. The most likely explanation is that the remains of equids were disposed of

following different trajectories than food waste (e.g. outside the settlement).

Another component of the area’s economy is the domestic rearing of avian taxa and mainly chicken and anatids (geese and ducks). The presence of pigeon remains raise

the possibility that dovecotes were maintained in the area. Moreover, the presence of pheasant remains suggest that pheasants were occasionally hunted and consumed in

the area. The same can be suggested for the pigeon (if not domestic) and turtle dove remains. The presence of immature remains of chicken- or duck-sized birds, as well as

evidence of egg-laying females, suggest the local production of poultry and eggs, perhaps on a household basis as it was the case with pigs. Beyond the mammals and birds

of economic importance, the presence of remains of rodents and corvids (crow family) is compatible with domestic contexts and the feeding and nesting opportunities they

provide for commensal fauna.

Besides food production, the faunal assemblage yielded evidence of additional activities. The predominance of sawing and chopping marks on most of the remains, as well

as their location at specific locations (e.g. mostly near ends of bones and through vertebrae and ribs) are more indicative of uniformity in butchery thus suggesting the

presence of specialised butchers or at least a small number of people who butchered animals with specialised tools and in specific ways. The types and locations of

butchery marks on the animal remains, combined with the scarcity of burning marks, suggest that the majority of cooking involved pots rather than cooking on open fire.

Cooking on open fire or in ovens cannot be excluded and probably occurred less frequently as indicated by the very few specimens bearing burning marks. Most of these

were sheep remains (or medium mammal) and a lagomorph (rabbit/hare), which may have been preferred over cattle for this type of cooking.

Moreover, although the presence of few bone artefacts does not constitute proof of their manufacture locally it does shed light into other activities related to animal

remains. The presence of a deer antler specimen abandoned in the process of being shaped into some sort of tool (Figure 2) suggests that some bone working was taking

place locally. Bone working usually constitutes a specialised activity carried out, full-time or part-time, by a member of the community. Alternatively, such objects could

have also been imported to the community by trading members or visiting traders.

In conclusion, the composition of the assemblage appears to be in accordance with animal husbandry in rural settlements, mainly of Saxon and Medieval chronology, in the

wider Cambridgeshire area. Sheep and cattle husbandry, accompanied with household rearing of pigs and poultry formed part of the economic basis of human settlement

at Histon and Impington and defined the day-to-day activities of many of the inhabitants. Not only herders were involved in animal-related activities as every household

kept some animals for production of meat and secondary products (e.g. eggs and milk) on the household level. Moreover, expert butchers and craftsmen were also among

the inhabitants of Histon and Impington that worked with animals in one way or another.

Raw data

TP Spit Location Pottery Element Taxon Prox fusion Dist fusion Side Age Sex Butchery Other modifications Erosion

1 1 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


1 1 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Flat bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


1 1 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Long bone Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


1 2 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Rib Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


1 2 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Mandibular canine Pig Indeterminate Absent Left Adult Female

1 2 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Tibia Sheep Absent Fused Left >1.5 years

Dismembering, chopping, filleting


1 2 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Metacarpus IV Pig Indeterminate Absent Right


1 2 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Metatarsus Sheep Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Chop mark


1 3 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Permanent Incisor Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Unsided

1 3 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


1 4 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Permanent Incisor Pig Indeterminate Absent Unsided

1 4 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Metacarpus Sheep Indeterminate Indeterminate Unsided

Skinning mark Gnawed 1

1 4 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Calcaneus Sheep Indeterminate Absent Right

Gnawed 2

1 4 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Long bone Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


1 4 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Long bone Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


1 4 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Metatarsus Sheep Indeterminate Absent Unsided


1 4 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Skull Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


1 5 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Mandible Dog Indeterminate Absent Left Adult


1 5 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Maxilla Dog Indeterminate Absent Left Adult


1 5 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Vertebra Dog Fused Absent Unsided Adult


1 5 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Vertebra Medium mammal Unfused shaft Absent Unsided


1 5 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Long bone Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


1 5 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Gnawed 2

1 6 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

First phalanx Cattle Fused Absent Unsided >1.5 years

Gnawed 2

1 6 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Permanent Incisor Pig Indeterminate Absent Unsided

1 6 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Gnawed 2

1 6 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Long bone Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


1 6 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Loose mandibular tooth

Sheep Indeterminate Absent Left >1 year

1 6 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Vertebra Dog Fused Absent Unsided Adult


1 6 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Femur Dog Absent Indeterminate Unsided


1 7 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Ulna Cattle Indeterminate Absent Right

Gnawed 2

1 7 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Loose maxillary tooth Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Right >3-4 years

1 7 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


1 7 14 School Hill Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


3 1 6 Priors Close Roman & Late Saxon Pelvis Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Right

Sawn/chopped 2

3 2 6 Priors Close Roman & Late Saxon Tibia Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Burnt 2

3 3 6 Priors Close Roman & Late Saxon Vertebra Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


3 3 6 Priors Close Roman & Late Saxon Mandible Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Left&Right <2 years 2

23 3 6 Priors Close Roman & Late Saxon Maxilla Pig Indeterminate Absent Left


3 3 6 Priors Close Roman & Late Saxon Loose maxillary tooth Cattle Indeterminate Absent Right

3 3 6 Priors Close Roman & Late Saxon Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


3 3 6 Priors Close Roman & Late Saxon Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


3 4 6 Priors Close Roman & Late Saxon Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


3 4 6 Priors Close Roman & Late Saxon Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


3 6 6 Priors Close Roman & Late Saxon Long bone Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


3 8 6 Priors Close Roman & Late Saxon Tibia Cattle Absent Indeterminate Left


4 1 6 Cottenham Road Bronze Age-14th century Femur Cattle Fusing Absent Unsided <3.5 years

Gnawed 2

4 1 6 Cottenham Road Bronze Age-14th century Valve Bivalve mollusc (oyster?)

Indeterminate Absent Unsided

4 1 6 Cottenham Road Bronze Age-14th century Metatarsus IV Dog Indeterminate Fused Right >8 months


4 1 6 Cottenham Road Bronze Age-14th century Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


4 2 6 Cottenham Road Bronze Age-14th century Permanent Incisor Pig Indeterminate Absent Unsided

4 2 6 Cottenham Road Bronze Age-14th century Long bone Bird (chicken size) Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Butchered/worked? 1

4 3 6 Cottenham Road Bronze Age-14th century Long bone Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


4 3 6 Cottenham Road Bronze Age-14th century Femur Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Right

Sawn Gnawed 2

4 4 6 Cottenham Road Bronze Age-14th century Tibia Sheep/goat Absent Newborn Right

Chopped near distal end 2

4 5 6 Cottenham Road Bronze Age-14th century Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


4 5 6 Cottenham Road Bronze Age-14th century Loose mandibular tooth

Sheep Indeterminate Absent Left 1-4 years

5 1 The Old House 2 Station Road

10-14th century Vertebra Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


5 1 The Old House 2 Station Road

10-14th century Tibia Rodent Indeterminate Fusing Unsided immature


5 2 The Old House 2 Station Road

10-14th century Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


5 2 The Old House 2 Station Road

10-14th century Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


5 2 The Old House 2 Station Road

10-14th century Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


5 2 The Old House 2 Station Road

10-14th century Calcaneus Sheep Unfused shaft Absent Right <2.5 years


5 2 The Old House 2 Station Road

10-14th century Astragalus Sheep Indeterminate Absent Left


5 2 The Old House 2 Station Road

10-14th century Axis Sheep/goat Fusing Absent Unsided

Chopped on mid-line 2

5 2 The Old House 2 Station Road

10-14th century Vertebra Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


5 2 The Old House 2 Station Road

10-14th century Femur Size 3 Galliform (chicken?)

Fused Fused Left


5 3 The Old House 2 Station Road

10-14th century Vertebra Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Sawn/chopped 2

5 3 The Old House 2 Station Road

10-14th century Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


5 4 The Old House 2 Station Road

10-14th century Humerus Sheep/goat Indeterminate Indeterminate Right


5 4 The Old House 2 Station Road

10-14th century Loose maxillary tooth Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Right 2-3 years

5 5 The Old House 2 Station Road

10-14th century Pelvis Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Right

Cut and chopped (both dismembering)

Gnawed 2

6 1 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Rib Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


6 2 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Rib Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Chopped near head Gnawed 1

6 2 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Humerus Pig Unfused shaft Absent Left <3.5 years

Sawn/chopped near prox end 2

6 2 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Tibia Pig Absent Unfused shaft Left <2 years



6 2 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


6 2 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Humerus Sheep/goat Unfused shaft Absent Left <3 years

Sawn/chopped near prox end 2

6 2 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Vertebra Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


6 2 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Metacarpal Pig Indeterminate Unfused shaft Left <2 years


6 2 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Permanent Incisor Pig Indeterminate Absent Unsided

6 2 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Humerus Chicken Fused Fused Left Adult


6 3 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


6 3 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Loose maxillary tooth Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Right >2 years

6 3 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Pelvis Pig Indeterminate Absent Left


6 3 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Tibia Cattle Fused Absent Left >3.5 years


6 4 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Radius Pig Absent Unfused epiphysis

Left <3.5 years


6 4 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Femur Pig Newborn Newborn Right Newborn


6 5 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Permanent Incisor Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Unsided

6 6 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Radius Pig Fused Indeterminate Left >1 year

Gnawed 1

6 6 13 Water Lane Roman & 10-14th century Mandible Cattle Indeterminate Absent Left


7 1 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Pelvis Cat Indeterminate Absent Right


7 2 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Loose maxillary tooth Cattle Indeterminate Absent Right >1.5 years

7 2 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Radius Pig Newborn Newborn Left Foetal


7 2 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


7 3 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


7 3 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Loose mandibular tooth

Sheep Indeterminate Absent Right 6-12 months

7 3 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Vertebra Medium mammal Unfused shaft Absent Unsided


7 3 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Tibia Sheep/goat Absent Indeterminate Left


7 3 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Radius Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Left


7 3 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Radius Pig Fusing Absent Left <1 year


7 3 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Humerus Pig Indeterminate Indeterminate Left

Dismembering 2

7 3 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Scapula Pigeon Fused Absent Left Adult


7 4 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Deciduous incisor Pig Indeterminate Absent Unsided

7 4 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Permanent Incisor Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Unsided

7 4 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


7 4 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


7 4 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Long bone Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


7 5 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Maxillary canine Pig Indeterminate Absent Left


7 5 3 Burgoynes Farm Close

Roman & 10-14th century Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


8 1 5 New School Road 11-14th century Metatarsus Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Unsided


8 1 5 New School Road 11-14th century Pelvis Brown rat Fused Absent Right Adult


8 2 5 New School Road 11-14th century Rib Cattle Indeterminate Absent Unsided



8 3 5 New School Road 11-14th century Rib Cattle Indeterminate Absent Unsided


8 3 5 New School Road 11-14th century Ulna Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Right



8 3 5 New School Road 11-14th century Tibia Rabbit Fused Indeterminate Left Adult


8 4 5 New School Road 11-14th century Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


8 5 5 New School Road 11-14th century Mandible Sheep Indeterminate Absent Right 3-4 years


8 5 5 New School Road 11-14th century Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


8 5 5 New School Road 11-14th century Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


8 5 5 New School Road 11-14th century Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided



8 5 5 New School Road 11-14th century Long bone Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


8 6 5 New School Road 11-14th century Loose mandibular tooth

Sheep Indeterminate Absent Left 1-6 years


9 1 1 Park Lane Roman & Medieval Humerus Sheep/goat Indeterminate Indeterminate Right

Gnawed 2

9 1 1 Park Lane Roman & Medieval First phalanx Sheep/goat Fused Absent Unsided >1 year


9 5 1 Park Lane Roman & Medieval Maxilla Pig Indeterminate Absent Right


9 7 1 Park Lane Roman & Medieval Skull Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


9 7 1 Park Lane Roman & Medieval Femur Sheep/goat Absent Indeterminate Unsided


10 2 54 Cambridge Road Post-Medieval Femur Rat Unfused shaft Unfused shaft Left Juvenile


10 2 54 Cambridge Road Post-Medieval Vertebra Sheep/goat Unfused Absent Unsided Immature



10 2 54 Cambridge Road Post-Medieval Tibia Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Left


10 3 54 Cambridge Road Post-Medieval Femur Pig Unfused epiphysis

Absent Unsided <3.5 years


10 3 54 Cambridge Road Post-Medieval Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided



10 4 54 Cambridge Road Post-Medieval Femur Rabbit Absent Fused Right

Gnawed by cat or other small carnivore


12 2 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Femur Medium mammal Indeterminate Indeterminate Unsided

Sawn at 2 points 2

12 3 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


12 3 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Third phalanx Pig Fused Absent Unsided


12 4 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval First phalanx Pig Fusing Absent Unsided <1-1.5 years


12 4 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Mandible Sheep Indeterminate Absent Left 3-4 years


12 5 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval First phalanx Cattle Unfused shaft Absent Unsided <1.5 years


12 5 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Humerus Sheep/goat Indeterminate Indeterminate Right


12 5 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Loose mandibular tooth

Sheep Indeterminate Absent Left 1-4 years

12 5 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Burnt (partly calcined) 1

12 5 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Burnt (calcined) 2

12 5 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Radius Pig Indeterminate Absent Unsided


12 6 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Calcaneus Sheep Fused Absent Right >2.5 years


12 6 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Carpal Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


12 6 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Pelvis Cattle Indeterminate Absent Left



12 6 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Mandible Pig Indeterminate Absent Unsided


12 6 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


12 6 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


12 6 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


12 6 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Permanent Incisor Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Unsided


12 6 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Radius Size 4 bird (Goose?) Indeterminate Indeterminate Unsided


12 7 12 Pages Close Prehistoric-Medieval Calcaneus Cattle Indeterminate Absent Left


13 1 24 Mill Lane Modern Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided



13 2 24 Mill Lane Modern Metacarpus II Cat Indeterminate Fused Right Adult


13 3 24 Mill Lane Modern Vertebra Lagomorph (rabbit/hare)

Unfused Absent Unsided Immature


13 6 24 Mill Lane Modern Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


15 1 18 Cambridge Road Late Medieval-Modern Pelvis Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Left

Sawn at 2 points 2

15 2 18 Cambridge Road Late Medieval-Modern Vertebra Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Sawn at 2 points 2

15 3 18 Cambridge Road Late Medieval-Modern Vertebra Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


15 3 18 Cambridge Road Late Medieval-Modern Calcaneus Sheep Unfused shaft Absent Left <2.5 years


16 3 2 Church Street Late Saxon-Medieval Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


16 4 2 Church Street Late Saxon-Medieval Femur Sheep/goat Fused Absent Left >3-4 years

Gnawed 2

16 4 2 Church Street Late Saxon-Medieval Antler Deer Indeterminate Absent Unsided


16 7 2 Church Street Late Saxon-Medieval Long bone Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


17 4 16 Glebe Way Roman-post-Medieval Mandibular canine Pig Indeterminate Absent Right


17 4 16 Glebe Way Roman-post-Medieval Loose mandibular tooth

Pig Indeterminate Absent Unsided Adult

17 5 16 Glebe Way Roman-post-Medieval Loose maxillary tooth Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Right

17 5 16 Glebe Way Roman-post-Medieval Humerus Cattle Newborn Newborn Right <0.5 year



17 6 16 Glebe Way Roman-post-Medieval Loose maxillary tooth Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Right

18 1 18 Nun's Orchard Early/Middle Saxon Radius Sheep/goat Indeterminate Indeterminate Left


18 2 18 Nun's Orchard Early/Middle Saxon Vertebra Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


18 2 18 Nun's Orchard Early/Middle Saxon Vertebra Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


18 2 18 Nun's Orchard Early/Middle Saxon Sacrum Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


18 2 18 Nun's Orchard Early/Middle Saxon Scapula Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Gnawed 2

18 2 18 Nun's Orchard Early/Middle Saxon Long bone Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Gnawed 2

18 3 18 Nun's Orchard Early/Middle Saxon Long bone Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


18 4 18 Nun's Orchard Early/Middle Saxon Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


18 4 18 Nun's Orchard Early/Middle Saxon Humerus Chicken Fused Absent Left Adult


19 1 32 Cambridge Road Roman Humerus Sheep/goat Absent Indeterminate Left



19 1 32 Cambridge Road Roman Femur Sheep/goat Unfused shaft Absent Right <2.5-3.5 years


19 2 32 Cambridge Road Roman Vertebra Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Sawn/chopped middle 2

19 2 32 Cambridge Road Roman Femur Pig Unfused shaft Absent Right <3-3.5 years

Sawn twice 2

20 3 9 Church Street Medieval Femur Size 3 bird (Galliform) Indeterminate Fused Left Adult Female


20 4 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Sawn/chopped 2

20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided



20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Sawn/chopped 2

20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Sawn/chopped 2

20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Sawn/chopped 2

20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Vertebra Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Sawn/chopped 2

20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Humerus Sheep Unfused shaft Absent Left <2.5-3.5 years



20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Radius Sheep Fused Absent Right >0.5 years


20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Ulna Sheep Fusing Absent Right <2.5-3.5 years


20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Loose mandibular tooth

Sheep Indeterminate Absent Right 3-4 years

20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Indeterminate Indeterminate Indeterminate Absent Unsided


20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Tibia Rabbit Absent Fused Left Adult


20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Metapodial Rabbit Indeterminate Absent Left


20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Metapodial Rabbit Indeterminate Absent Left


20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Humerus Lagomorph? Unfused shaft Absent Left Immature


20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Ulna Anserinae (duck/goose)

Fused Fusing Right Subadult


20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Ulna Anserinae (duck/goose)

Fused Absent Right Subadult?


20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Humerus Anserinae (duck/goose)

Fused Fused Right Adult?


20 5 9 Church Street Medieval Ulna Anserinae (duck/goose)

Unfused shaft Unfused shaft Left Immature


20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Scapula Sheep Fused Absent Left >0.5 years

Dismembering marks 1

20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Scapula Sheep Fused Absent Left >0.5 years



20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Sawn twice 2

20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided



20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided



20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided



20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided



20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Sawn/chopped 2

20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Sawn/chopped 2

20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Sawn/chopped 2

20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Sawn/chopped 2

20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Vertebra Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Radius Medium mammal Absent Indeterminate Unsided



20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Humerus Sheep Absent Fused Left >0.5 years

Dismembering marks 2

20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Vertebra Size 3 bird Indeterminate Absent Unsided


20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Vertebra Size 3 bird Indeterminate Absent Unsided


20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Vertebra Size 3 bird Indeterminate Absent Unsided


20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Vertebra Size 3 bird Indeterminate Absent Unsided


20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Pelvis Size 3 bird Indeterminate Absent Unsided


20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Tibiotarsus Size 3 bird (Galliform) Indeterminate Absent Left


20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Humerus Corvid (rook or carrion crow)

Fusing Fusing Left Subadult


20 6 9 Church Street Medieval Tibiotarsus Corvid? Fusing Fusing Left Subadult


20 7 9 Church Street Medieval Loose maxillary tooth Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Left

20 8 9 Church Street Medieval Scapula Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Left


20 8 9 Church Street Medieval Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


21 1 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Vertebra Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


21 1 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Long bone Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


21 1 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Humerus Sheep/goat Absent Indeterminate Left

Gnawed 2

21 1 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Radius Sheep/goat Absent Indeterminate Unsided


21 1 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Radius Pig Absent Unfused shaft Right <3-3.5 years


21 1 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Loose mandibular tooth

Sheep Indeterminate Absent Right 4-8 years

21 1 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Femur Sheep/goat Absent Unfused shaft Unsided <2.5-3.5 years

Copper stained 2

21 1 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Humerus Turtle/collared dove Fused Fused Right Adult


21 1 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Synsacrum Size 2 bird Indeterminate Absent Unsided Newborn


21 1 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Skull Pig Newborn Absent Unsided Newborn


21 1 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Femur Pig Newborn Newborn Right Newborn


21 1 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Femur Pig Newborn Newborn Left Newborn


21 1 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Tibia Pig Newborn Newborn Right Newborn


21 1 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Tibia Pig Newborn Newborn Left Newborn


21 2 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Loose mandibular tooth

Cattle Indeterminate Absent Left 0.5-5 years

21 2 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Gnawed 2

21 2 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Lateral metapodial Pig Newborn Newborn Unsided


21 3 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Radius Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Unsided


21 4 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Cut near head of rib 2

21 4 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Loose maxillary tooth Cattle Indeterminate Absent Left

21 4 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Mandible Pig Indeterminate Absent Unsided


21 4 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


21 4 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Femur Size 3 galliform Indeterminate Indeterminate Unsided


21 4 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Tibiotarsus Pheasant Fused Fused Left Adult


21 4 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Tibiotarsus Pheasant Absent Fused Right Adult


21 4 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Tarsometatarsus Pheasant Indeterminate Indeterminate Right Adult Male


21 4 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Carpometacarpus Pheasant Fused Fused Left Adult


21 4 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Ulna Pheasant Indeterminate Fused Left Adult


21 4 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Skull Size 3 galliform Indeterminate Absent Unsided Adult


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Sternum Pheasant Indeterminate Absent Unsided


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Synsacrum+Pelvis Size 3 galliform Indeterminate Absent Unsided


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Furcula Size 3 galliform Indeterminate Absent Unsided


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Mandible Pheasant Indeterminate Absent Unsided


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Femur Pheasant Fused Fused Right Adult


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Femur Pheasant Indeterminate Fused Left Adult


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Tibiotarsus Pheasant Fused Absent Right Adult


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Carpometacarpus Pheasant Fused Fused Right Adult


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Humerus Pheasant Fused Fused Right Adult


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Humerus Pheasant Fused Fused Left Adult


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Ulna Pheasant Indeterminate Fused Right Adult


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Radius Size 3 galliform Fused Fused Right Adult


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Coracoid Pheasant Indeterminate Fused Right Adult


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Coracoid Pheasant Indeterminate Fused Left Adult


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Scapula Size 3 galliform Indeterminate Absent Left


21 5 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Radius Cattle Fused Absent Left >1.5 years

Chopped 3

21 6 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


21 7 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Metacarpus Sheep/goat Absent Indeterminate Unsided

Gnawed 2

21 8 9 Church Street (Garden)

Roman-post-Medieval Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Gnawed 2

22 1 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Calcaneus Lagomorph (rabbit/hare)

Fused Absent Right Adult

Burnt 2

22 1 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Long bone Small mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


22 1 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Long bone Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided



22 1 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


22 1 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Skull Human Indeterminate Absent Unsided Adult


22 1 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Loose mandibular tooth

Sheep Indeterminate Absent Left 1-4 years

22 2 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


22 2 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


22 3 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Burnt tip 2

22 3 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


22 4 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Humerus Cattle Absent Fused Left >1.5 years

Sawn/Chopped longitudinally 3

22 4 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Femur Sheep/goat Absent Newborn Left Newborn


22 4 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


22 4 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


22 4 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


22 4 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Ulna Pig Unfused shaft Absent Right <3 years


22 5 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Second phalanx Cattle Fused Absent Unsided >1.5 years


22 5 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Metatarsus Cattle Indeterminate Unfused shaft Right >2-3 years


22 5 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Mandible Cattle Indeterminate Absent Left 2.5-5 years


22 5 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Loose mandibular row

Sheep Indeterminate Absent Left 3-6 years

22 5 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Metatarsus Sheep Absent Fused Left >1.5-2 years


22 5 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Long bone Indeterminate Indeterminate Absent Unsided

Worked into knife handle

22 6 10 Church Street Early-Late Saxon (some Medieval)

Loose maxillary tooth Cattle Indeterminate Absent Right

23 1 31 Park Lane Late Medieval Pelvis Lagomorph (rabbit/hare)

Unfused shaft Absent Left Juvenile


23 2 31 Park Lane Late Medieval Rib Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


23 3 31 Park Lane Late Medieval Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


24 3 5 Barrowcrofts (North) Roman & Early Medieval Femur Cattle Indeterminate Absent Unsided


24 4 5 Barrowcrofts (North) Roman & Early Medieval Loose maxillary tooth Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Left

25 1 3 West Road Medieval Vertebra Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


25 1 3 West Road Medieval Humerus Size 3 bird Young Unfused shaft Right


25 1 3 West Road Medieval Radius Size 3 Galliform Fused Absent Left


25 2 3 West Road Medieval Humerus Size 3 bird Young Young Left


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Skeleton Dog

<6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Humerus Dog Unfused shaft Unfused shaft Right <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Ulna Dog Unfused shaft Absent Left <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Pelvis Dog Unfused shaft Absent Right <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Pelvis Dog Unfused shaft Absent Left <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Radius Dog Unfused shaft Unfused shaft Left <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Radius Dog Unfused shaft Unfused shaft Right <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Femur Dog Absent Unfused shaft Right <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Metapodial Dog Indeterminate Unfused shaft Unsided <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Metapodial Dog Indeterminate Unfused shaft Unsided <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Metapodial Dog Indeterminate Unfused shaft Unsided <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Metapodial Dog Indeterminate Unfused shaft Unsided <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Metapodial Dog Indeterminate Unfused shaft Unsided <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Scapula Dog Unfused shaft Absent Right <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Skull Dog Indeterminate Absent Unsided <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval First phalanx Dog Unfused shaft Absent Unsided <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval First phalanx Dog Unfused shaft Absent Unsided <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Rib x almost all Dog Indeterminate Absent Unsided <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Vertebrae x almost all

Dog Indeterminate Absent Unsided <6 months


25 3 3 West Road Medieval Tibiotarsus Chicken Absent Fused Left Adult


26 4 1 Park Drive Roman-Late Medieval Rib Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


26 4 1 Park Drive Roman-Late Medieval Loose maxillary tooth Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Left Adult

26 4 1 Park Drive Roman-Late Medieval Long bone Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


26 6 1 Park Drive Roman-Late Medieval Rib Large mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


26 6 1 Park Drive Roman-Late Medieval Tibia Pig Unfused shaft Absent Left <3-3.5 years


26 7&8 1 Park Drive Roman-Late Medieval Loose mandibular tooth

Sheep Indeterminate Absent Left 4-8 years

27 1 19 Cottenham Road Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Loose mandibular tooth

Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Left 1-4 years

27 5 19 Cottenham Road Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Incisor Small mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided

27 5 19 Cottenham Road Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Metatarsus Cattle Indeterminate Absent Left


27 5 19 Cottenham Road Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Metapodial Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Unsided


27 5 19 Cottenham Road Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Antler Deer Indeterminate Absent Unsided



27 6 19 Cottenham Road Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Mandible Pig Indeterminate Absent Unsided


27 6 19 Cottenham Road Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Sacrum Medium mammal Indeterminate Absent Unsided


27 6 19 Cottenham Road Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Second phalanx Pig Fused Absent Unsided >1 year


27 6 19 Cottenham Road Late Saxon-Early Medieval

Metatarsus Pig Indeterminate Absent Unsided


28 3 5 Barrowcrofts (South) Early Medieval Radius Sheep/goat Absent Fused Left >3 years


28 3 5 Barrowcrofts (South) Early Medieval Loose maxillary tooth Cattle Indeterminate Absent Right

28 3 5 Barrowcrofts (South) Early Medieval Loose maxillary tooth Pig Indeterminate Absent Right

28 3 5 Barrowcrofts (South) Early Medieval Metatarsus Sheep Indeterminate Indeterminate Unsided


28 3 5 Barrowcrofts (South) Early Medieval Radius Sheep/goat Indeterminate Absent Unsided