Report on Institute of Mental Health Castle Peak Hospital ... · Institute of Mental Health Castle...

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Transcript of Report on Institute of Mental Health Castle Peak Hospital ... · Institute of Mental Health Castle...

Report on

Institute of Mental Health

Castle Peak Hospital

July - December 2013


Page No.

I. Mission ………………………………………………………………

P. 1

II. Membership of the IMH Board ….………………………….……....

P. 1

III. Membership of the Executive Committee and the Subcommittees of

the IMH……………………..………………………………….….…

P. 2 – 6

IV. Overview of Programmes Conducted by the IMH…………..………

( July – December 2013 )

P. 7 – 21

V. Statistics of Educational Activities ………………………..……...…

P. 22

VI. Financial Report………...…………………………………….......…

P. 23

VII. Appendix I

- Summary of IMH Activities ………………………….……………

P. 24 – 31


I. Mission

The Institute of Mental Health (IMH) is a centre of excellence for promotion and advocacy of

better community mental health, through advancing science and disseminating knowledge in

mental illness and mental health by intensive education, quality training, and rigorous research.

II. Membership of the IMH (as at December 2013)

Chairman :

Professor SHAM Pak-chung, The University of Hong Kong

Members : Professor CHAN Tsang-sing, The Lingnan University

Professor Raymond CHAN, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Dr. HUNG Se-fong

Dr. Eugenie LEUNG, The University of Hong Kong

Mr. LU Tak-ming

Professor Joyce MA, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor TANG Siu-wa (until 27 November 2013)

Professor Thomas WONG, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Ex-Officio Members:

Mr. CHAN Bing-woon Chairman Hospital Governing Committee Castle Peak Hospital

Dr. Eric CHEUNG Hospital Chief Executive / Co-Chairman Executive Committee of IMH Castle Peak Hospital

Dr. Bonnie SIU Co-Chairman Executive Committee of IMH Castle Peak Hospital


III. The Executive Committee of the IMH

Co-Chairman : Dr. Eric CHEUNG Hospital Chief Executive Castle Peak Hospital / Siu Lam Hospital

Co-Chairman : Dr. Bonnie SIU Associate Consultant Convener of Public Education Subcommittee

Members : Dr. Simon LUI Associate Consultant Convener of Research Subcommittee

Dr. Martina CHEUNG Clinical Psychologist

Ms. Jackaline LEE Cluster Manager (Finance Services)

Ms. Fion LING Senior Hospital Manager (Administrative Services)

Ms. Ann PANG Deputy Department Operations Manager Convener of Patient & Carer Resource Subcommittee and

Dr. Victoria TANG Associate Consultant Convener of Hospital Archives & Gallery Exhibition Subcommittee

Dr. Steve TSO Consultant Convener of Professional Training Subcommittee

Ms. W. H. WONG General Manager (Nursing) Convener of Psychiatric Nursing Education Centre Subcommittee

Secretary : Ms. Rita SIU Assistant Hospital Manager (IMH)


Members of the Public Education Subcommittee

Convener : Dr. Bonnie SIU, Associate Consultant, Forensic Psychiatry

Members : Dr. Quinney CHAN, Medical & Health Officer, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Dr. Martina CHEUNG, Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Psychology Department

Dr. W. K. CHOI, Deputy Chief of Service, Forensic Psychiatry

Dr. Gloria CHOW, Associate Consultant, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Dr. William CHUI, Associate Consultant, General Adult Psychiatry

Mr. W. M. CHUNG, Ward Manager, General Adult Psychiatry

Ms. Angela KWOK, Nursing Officer, Old Age Psychiatry

Mr. Gordon LEE, Occupational Therapist I, Occupational Therapy Department

Dr. Sandy LEUNG, Medical & Health Officer, Old Age Psychiatry

Dr. Amy LIU, Associate Consultant, Forensic Psychiatry (w.e.f. 7 October 2013)

Dr. Eugenia LOK, Associate Consultant, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Ms. Rita SIU, Assistant Hospital Manager (Institute of Mental Health)

Dr. Dorothy TANG, Medical & Health Officer, Forensic Psychiatry

Dr. Victoria TANG, Associate Consultant, General Adult Psychiatry

Ms. Kat WONG, Ward Manger, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Secretary : Ms. Yennis WAN, Hospital Administrative Officer (Institute of Mental Health)

Members of the Professional Training Subcommittee

Convener : Dr. Steve TSO, Consultant, Siu Lam Hospital

Members : Ms. Yvonne CHEUNG, Advanced Practice Nurse, Nursing Services Division

Mr. Kanny KWONG, Senior Nursing Officer, Nursing Services Division

Mr. Victor LAU, Advanced Practice Nurse, Nursing Services Division

Mr. Colin LAW, Senior Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapy Department

Dr. W. K. SUNG, Associate Consultant, General Adult Psychiatry

Mrs. Denise TSANG-LAW, Senior Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Psychology


Secretary : Ms. Candy TANG, Executive Assistant II (IMH) (until 12 September 2013)

Ms. Peony WONG, Executive Assistant II (IMH) (w.e.f.12 September 2013)


Members of the Psychiatric Nursing Education Centre Subcommittee

Convener : Ms. W. H. WONG, General Manager (Nursing), Nursing Services Division

Members : Mr. Colin CHONG, Nursing Officer, General Adult Psychiatry

Mr. Kanny KWONG, Senior Nursing Officer, Nursing Services Division

Ms. LAU King Yu, Advanced Practice Nurse, Siu Lam Hospital

Mr. Victor LAU, Advanced Practice Nurse, Nursing Services Division

Ms. Ann PANG, Deputy Department Operations Manager, General Adult Psychiatry

Ms. Gertrude SIU, Nursing Officer, Nursing Services Division

Secretary : Mr. T. K. CHAN, Advanced Practice Nurse, Nursing Services Division

Members of the Research Subcommittee

Convener : Dr. Simon LUI, Associate Consultant, General Adult Psychiatry

Members : Mr. T. K. CHAN, Advanced Practice Nurse, Nursing Services Division

Dr. Eric CHEUNG, Hospital Chief Executive

Dr. William CHUI, Associate Consultant, General Adult Psychiatry

Dr. Meranda LEUNG, Medical & Health Officer, General Adult Psychiatry

Ms. K. W. LUI, Social Work Officer, Medical Social Service Unit

Ms. Jolene MUI, Nurse Consultant, Community Psychiatric Service

Mr. Colin LAW, Senior Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapy Department

Dr. Cola LO, Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Psychology Department

Dr. K. S. POON, Medical & Health Officer, General Adult Psychiatry

Dr. Bonnie SIU, Associate Consultant, Forensic Psychiatry

Dr. Steve TSO, Consultant, Siu Lam Hospital

Mr. Stewart WONG, Senior Nursing Officer, Nursing Services Division

Ms. Rhoda YU, Assistant Librarian I, Administrative Services Department

Secretary : Ms. Hera YEUNG, Executive Assistant II (IMH)


Members of the Patient & Carer Resource Subcommittee

Convener : Ms. Ann PANG, Deputy Department Operations Manager, General Adult Psychiatry

Members : Ms. Lanly CHAN, Department Operations Manager, Forensic Psychiatry / Old Age Psychiatry

Ms. Connie CHENG, Program Executive, Hong Kong Red Cross

Ms. CHIU Cheong-lan, Ward Manager, Old Age Psychiatry

Ms. Leslie CHOW, Representative of Pastoral Care Services

Ms. Natalie LAI, Occupational Therapist I, Occupational Therapy Department

Mr. David LEE, Service Manager, Mindset Club/ Day Service (until 10 December 2013)

Ms. Winnie LEUNG, Representative of Pastoral Care Services

Mr. Raymond LEUNG, Hospital Chaplain

Secretary : Ms. L.P. LAU, Executive Assistant IIIA, Mindset Club


Members of the Hospital Archives and Gallery Exhibition Subcommittee

Subgroup 1 Hospital Archives

Convener : Dr. Victoria TANG, Associate Consultant, General Adult Psychiatry

Members : Ms. Abby CHAN, Ward Manager, Siu Lam Hospital (until 9 July 2013)

Ms. Christine CHAN, Advanced Practice Nurse, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Mr. Kanny KWONG, Senior Nursing Officer, Nursing Services Division

Mr. LAM Hung Fat, Nursing Officer, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (w.e.f. 13

September 2013)

Mr. Victor LEE, Occupational Therapist I, Occupational Therapy Department

Mr. David LEE, Service Manager, Mindset Club/ Day Service (until 10 December 2013)

Dr. S. W. LI, Chief of Service , Old Age Psychiatry

Mr. Robin LEUNG, Department Operations Manager, Child & Adolescent

Psychiatry (until 13 September 2013)

Mr. K H SIU, Service Manager, Mindset Club/ Day Service (w.e.f. 11 December


Ms. Daisy WONG, Assistant Hospital Manager, Administrative Services Department

Ms. M. F. YEN, Advanced Practice Nurse, Community Psychiatric Service

Secretary : Ms. Kelly TSANG, Executive Assistant II, Nursing Services Division

Subgroup 2 Gallery Exhibition

Convener : Dr. Victoria TANG, Associate Consultant, General Adult Psychiatry

Members : Ms. Josephine AU, Department Operations Manager, Siu Lam Hospital

Ms. Anita CHAN, Occupational Therapist I, Occupational Therapy Department

Ms. Christine CHAN, Advanced Practice Nurse, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Ms. Alice CHU, Occupational Therapist I, Occupational Therapy Department

Ms. Joey LAI, Registered Nurse, Mindset Club/ Day Service

Mr. H. C. LAU, Enrolled Nurse, Forensic Psychiatry

Mr. K. M. LAU, Registered Nurse, Forensic Psychiatry

Mr. W. L. AU, Registered Nurse, Forensic Psychiatry

Dr. Steve TSO, Consultant, Siu Lam Hospital

Mr. C. C. WONG, Registered Nurse, Forensic Psychiatry

Mr. Edmen WONG, Ward Manager, Siu Lam Hospital

Dr. Evelyn WONG, Medical & Health Officer, General Adult Psychiatry

Secretary : Ms. Kelly TSANG, Executive Assistant II, Nursing Services Division


IV. Overview of Programmes Conducted by the IMH (July to December 2013)

Public Education

(1) Certificate Course in Mental Health

Certificate Course in Mental Health (MHC09)

The 12-hour Certificate Course in Mental Health (MHC) was specifically designed to serve the

needs of the society since October 2009. It provides training on common mental illnesses and

skills in managing mental illnesses to professionals, health care professionals and related

personnel who may come into contact with people with mental health problems or their carers in

their daily practice by comprehensive lectures, case discussions/ vignettes, and interactive

workshops. In view of the overwhelming responses from the previous classes, the ninth course

(MHC09) was conducted on 6 and 13 July 2013, with 66 participants including health care

professionals of the Hospital Authority, government departments and non-government



Certificate Course in Mental Health for Correctional Health Professionals


The Certificate Course in Mental Health for Correctional Health Professionals was organised

to provide training to those healthcare professionals of the Correctional Services Department

(CSD) on the knowledge and skills in identifying and managing different mental disorders.

Contents of the course were tailor-made for the unique nature of the CSD services, which

focused on practical skills training in mental health assessments and management of mental

disorders using an evidence-based approach. Positive feedback was received in the previous

classes and the third class was conducted on 14 and 28 September 2013 for 41 professionals

including doctors and nurses from the CSD and the Correctional Medical Service of the

Department of Health in Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre.

(2) Basic Psychological Life Support Course

The Public Education Subcommittee (PES) and the Hong Kong St. John Ambulance have

been co-organising the Basic Psychological Life Support (BPLS) Course since January 2011.

The BPLS Course provided knowledge on common mental health problems and treatments,

positive psychology, recognising stress and anxiety and skills in dealing with the

psychological reactions of victims in a first aid situation. For the BPLS Provider Course held

on 21 July and 17 August 2013, a total of 99 members of the general public participated.

(3) Management of Workplace Violence Training

In response to the training request from the public, the PES organised a Management of

Workplace Violence Training at Castle Peak Hospital for individual applications. The training

consisted of one half-day seminar and one half-day workshop on Breakaway Techniques,

which were conducted on 5 and 12 July 2013 respectively, with a total of 126 participants

including healthcare professionals/ workers, carers and frontline staff of external



(4) Mental Health Talk

The Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Limited invited the PES to organise a series of four

one-hour mental health talks for their staff from August to November 2013. It aimed to

provide participants with knowledge on common and stress related mental illness in order to

enhance personal wellness and work performance. Over 664 participants had attended the

captioned talks and positive feedback was received.

(5) Educational Materials

The publications of the IMH provide a good source of information on mental illnesses and

self-help guide to the general public. The information is handy and easily accessible at the

service units of CPH and online at the IMH website. To ensure the information is accurate

and up-to-date, the PES has continuously been reviewing all educational materials and reprint

those pamphlets with high demand. The materials updated from July to December 2013 were

listed as follows:

Two educational pamphlets were reviewed and printed:

Depression “生仍可戀”

Dementia “老年精神病系列之認知障礙症”

In view of high demand, an educational pamphlet on early psychosis “思覺失調” was

reprinted. All of the above updated materials are available for free distribution in different

service units and accessible on the IMH website.


(6) Health Column in Sing Tao Daily

The PES continues to collaborate with the Sing Tao Daily in publishing articles written by

CPH colleagues as an effective medium to disseminate mental health knowledge to the public.

The articles are published under the health column “保健至專” inside the feature page of the

paper on alternate Mondays.

CPH colleagues have contributed to this project by actively submitting their articles.

Published articles are shared to all CPH staff via email. The collection of articles has also

been uploaded to the IMH website for public access.

Articles published from July to December 2013 were listed as follows:

適解刻下困擾 (08.07.2013)

你也可以輔導他人 (29.07.2013)

對立反抗症孩童品行障礙 (05.08.2013)

樂健身心動起來 (19.08.2013)

長者早防認知障礙 (09.09.2013)

雙向溝通強化療效 (30.09.2013)

「心理醫生」純屬虛構 (07.10.2013)

理所當言多溝通 (28.10.2013)

壯年期智障者社交 (04.11.2013)

主題樂園自療法 (11.11.2013)

問有誰共鳴? (18.11.2013)

怒火背後的情感 (09.12.2013)

癌症患者身心同療 (30.12.2013)


(7) Mass Media Programmes

The PES had coordinated two mass media programmes to promote mental health, including a

series of four phone-in radio programmes under “精靈一點” by RTHK Radio One. Delivered

by different clinical psychologists of CPH, the programmes were on-air on four consecutive

Fridays from 12 July to 2 August 2013.

Another programme was a collaboration with iCable for two episodes of television

programme entitled “至 FIT 男女”. The two topics on “Perinatal Depression” and “Elderly

Mental Health Problems” were broadcasted on iCable News & Finance Channel on 1 and 8

September 2013 respectively.


Professional Training

(1) 2-Day Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Training

A two-day Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Training was successfully held on 1 and 2

November 2013, with an attendance of 99 mental health professionals, including psychiatrists,

psychiatric nurses, occupational therapists, clinical psychologists and social workers.

Professor Jesse H. Wright, Professor and Vice Chairman for Academic Affairs as well as

Director of the Depression Center in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,

University of Louisville in USA, was invited to deliver this training programme. The two-day

workshop covered topics on “CBT for chronic depression”, “Interpersonal and family

oriented CBT”, “Well-being therapy” and “Existential and growth oriented CBT”, with

demonstrations of simulated brief sessions. Among the 64.6% of evaluation forms collected,

all participants gave positive feedback on the performance of Dr. Wright, with compliment on

his skills and rich experience. Over 90% of them were satisfied with the workshop in general

and showed interest in attending CBT training organised by the IMH in the future.

Simulated brief sessions

Lecture session Discussion session


Psychiatric Nursing Education

(1) Re-accreditation by the Nursing Council of Hong Kong

Re-accreditation by The Nursing Council of Hong Kong was completed on 20 August 2013

and four intakes of nurse trainees under the Two-year Enrolled Nurse (Psychiatric) Training

Programme (ENP) have been approved for the coming two years until 24 September 2015.

(2) Two-year Enrolled Nurse (Psychiatric) Training Programme

The Graduation Ceremony for Class 8 of Enrolled Nurse (Psychiatric) Training Programme

for the Hospital Authority was held on 9 October 2013. All the 30 pupil nurses graduated.

During the report period, there were four classes (Classes 9 to 12) with a total of 112 trainees

undergoing training in CPH.



(1) Research Skills Training Workshop

The Research Subcommittee has been organising Research Skills Training Workshops which

comprise a series of interactive small-group workshops conducted by experienced researchers.

The series of workshops repeats once every six months, and is open to all CPH staff. The

workshops aim at promoting a culture of research and enhancing research skills among the

staff of CPH. The second series of four workshops in 2013 was held from October to

December, and trainee family physicians from Tuen Mun Hospital were invited. A total of 26

CPH and TMH staff members had participated in these four workshops.

(i) Critical Appraisal of Research Papers (23 October 2013)

This workshop was conducted by Dr. William Chui which was about critical appraisal of

research papers.

(ii) Searching Medical Literature and Using Reference Management Software

(27 November 2013)

Conducted by Dr. Joanna Lam, this workshop focused on techniques in performing online

search for medical literature, and techniques in using Endnote, a citation management



(iii) Application of SPSS for Clinical Study (4 December 2013)

This workshop was conducted by Mr. Kenny Wong, Manager from the HA Head Office. He

demonstrated the basic concepts of biostatistics and the use of SPSS, a statistics software

commonly used in biomedical research. The workshop provided participants with hands-on

experiences on how to create data files and perform data analysis with SPSS.

(iv) Writing Research Proposals and Scientific Papers (18 December 2013)

Conducted by Dr. Simon Lui, this workshop was on research methodology, concept of

research paradigm and common pitfalls in research design.


(2) Research Studies

As of December 2013, CPH has more than 25 on-going research projects and the IMH is

actively involved in the following research projects:

“A four-year prospective family study in patients suffering from first episode

psychosis: A quest for intermediate phenotypes and aetiology of psychosis” – Data

collection stage. As of December 2013, a total of 196 patients with first-episode

psychosis have been phenotyped whereas 91 healthy controls and 252 patients have been

recruited for endophenotyping and genotyping respectively.

“Neurological soft signs in chronic patients with psychosis and its susceptibility

genes: An extended study” – Data collection stage. As of December 2013, a total of 35

participants have been recruited.

“Theory of mind performance in patient with first-episode schizophrenia and

first-degree relatives: A cross-sectional case control study” – Write up stage.

“Schizotypy traits or features in nonpsychotic first-degree relatives of patients with

schizophrenia: Cluster analysis using the Chapman Psychosis Proneness Scales” –

Write up stage.


Patient and Carer Resource (1) Community Partnership and Teen’s Life Coach Events

A community partnership and teens life coach programme was jointly organised with the

Jardine Matheson Group. The programme included the following activities during the report


“Mini-Mindset Day” was conducted on 3 August 2013 with 24 patients participated.

“Central Rat Race (鼠戰中環)” was conducted on 20 October 2013 with 20 patients


“Mindset Fun Day (鳥溪沙青年新村活動日) ” was conducted on 16 November 2013

with 14 patients participated.


(2) Partnership Programme with Mass Volunteers Service

Two activities under the Health in Mind (HIM) Programme were jointly organised with the

Mass Volunteers Service, including:

“Sports Day (全能運動會)” at Fung Kai No.1 Secondary School which was conducted

on 30 November 2013 with 23 patients participated.

“Running Sport (運動同樂日)” at San Wui Commercial Society Secondary School which

was conducted on 14 December 2013 with 18 patients participated.

(3) Educational Talks

Two educational talks to enhance communication skills of patients were conducted for the

advocacy and self-empowerment project of the Happy Sharing Group (樂協社) which was

run under the supervision of the Mindset Club of CPH, including:

“玩醒快樂心靈” which was jointly organised with the volunteers of YMCA on 31 August

2013, with six patients attended.

“幻聽幻覺” which was conducted on 11 November 2013, with 30 patients attended.


(4) Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training

Originated from Australia, a 12-hour MHFA training programme was re-run in the morning of

four consecutive Saturdays from 17 August to 7 September 2013. A total of 19 participants,

including carers, patients and the public attended the course.


Hospital Archives & Gallery Exhibition

(1) Annual History Lecture 2013

The Annual History Lecture 2013 entitled “History of Community Mental Health Care in

Hong Kong” was successfully conducted on 17 July 2013. Ms. Jolene MUI covered the

evolution of the community psychiatric service provision in Hong Kong in the past 30 years.

Over 110 audiences including psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, welfare workers, social

workers, occupational therapists as well as pupil nurses attended the lecture. Participants

found the lecture very interesting and informative.

(2) Exhibition “Long Road to Our Verdant Peak: The History and Relics

of Psychiatry in Hong Kong”

An exhibition entitled “Long Road to Our Verdant Peak: The History and Relics of

Psychiatry in Hong Kong (道遠山青—香港精神科歷史與發展)” was held at the Hong

Kong Museum of History (HKMH) from 30 October to 9 December 2013, with over 15,000

attendance. The exhibition featured various historical documents, photographs and artifacts,

such as restrainer and obituary register. The “Art-in-CPH” project and the artwork created by

psychiatric patients were also on display in the exhibition whereas a public talk on mental

health was conducted at the HKMH on 17 November.

This project aimed at reducing stigma towards mental illness by illustrating the development

of the psychiatric services in Hong Kong in line with the society’s changing needs.


(3) Art-in-CPH photography class “一刻美撮”

An “Art-in-CPH” photography class was conducted from November 2013 and targeted to be

completed in January 2014. There were 18 psychiatric patients being invited from Yuen Long

Day Service Centre to join this three-session activity, including an outing to Yuen Long Tai

Tong on 19 December 2013. The programme aimed at helping patients to build up their



V. Statistics of Educational Activities (Organised by the IMH and Invitations


The summary of all educational activities conducted by the IMH from July to December 2013

was presented as per Appendix I. The activities were categorised into two types. The first type

refers to the activities that were initiated and organised by the IMH and the other type is

invitations received from other organisations for conducting talks or training courses.

A total of 56 activities were conducted, among which 35 activities were organised by the

IMH. A total projected net income of $573,367 was earned from the activities with 4627

overall attendances. The breakdown of the activities by topics, target groups and geographical

locations of the participants is presented as per Appendix I.

Activities Organised by the IMH

A substantial fraction of the activities organised by the IMH during the reporting period

focused on topics related to general adult psychiatry, which accounted for 66% of the

activities held. The activities organised by the IMH mainly targeted at professional carers and

patients. A projected net income of $251,958 was generated from the activities organised by

the IMH.

Invitations from Other Organisations Among the 21 invitations that we received from external organisations, including government

departments, non-government organisations (NGO) and educational institutions, most

requested for delivering training courses targeted mainly for the public. The projected net

income was $321,409.

Loan Record of Mental Health Educational Products Two application from NGO / educational institution for borrowing our educational exhibition

boards / obtaining pamphlets or quoting / copying our publications, and linking up the IMH

website were received and approved.


VI. Institute of Mental Health, Castle Peak Hospital

Financial Report as at 31 December 2013