Report on Carbon Offsetting for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit...Carbon offsetting is an action to reduce...

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Transcript of Report on Carbon Offsetting for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit...Carbon offsetting is an action to reduce...

Report on Carbon Offsetting for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit

November 1, 2016

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Ministry of the Environment

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Summary .............................................................................................................................. 1

1.Introduction .................................................................................................................... 2

2.Implementation approach for carbon offsetting .............................................................. 2

3.Actions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions ........................................................... 3

4.Parties within the scope of GHG emission calculations and method of calculating

greenhouse gas emissions ............................................................................................ 3

4-1.Parties covered within the scope of calculation ........................................................ 3

4-2.Activities within the scope of calculation ................................................................... 4

4-3.Method of calculating GHG emissions ..................................................................... 5

5.Results of calculating GHG emissions ........................................................................... 9

5-1.Emissions by participant category ............................................................................ 9

5-2.Emissions by activity type ......................................................................................... 9

6.Implementation of carbon offsetting ............................................................................. 10

6-1.Public invitation for carbon-offset partners ............................................................. 10

(1)Process of the public invitation ........................................................................... 10

(2)Campaign on the public invitation ....................................................................... 11

(3)Result of the public invitation .............................................................................. 12

6-2.Invalidation and retirement of credits ...................................................................... 12

7.Publication of the carbon offsetting practice ................................................................ 17

8.Certification report by independent third party ........................................................... 19


Summary The Government of Japan implemented carbon offsetting1 for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit held

on May 26 and 27, 2016, in partnership with Japanese companies and local governments.

The aim was to demonstrate Japan’s climate actions to the global society as well as

domestically foster public understanding and momentum for cooperation on global warming


Holding the Presidency, the Government of Japan (hereinafter referred to as the “GoJ”) has

made its best efforts to organize an environmentally friendly Summit. For example, the venue

was selected based on actual measures for reducing greenhouse gas (hereinafter referred to

as “GHG”) emissions such as by installing energy-efficient equipment (LEDs, window

sashes); and government officials used public transportation systems, etc. For emissions that

cannot be avoided, the GoJ implemented carbon offsetting by utilizing GHG emission

reduction/removal credits certified under governmental schemes such as the J-Credit

Scheme2 (managed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (hereinafter referred to

as “METI”), the Ministry of the Environment (hereinafter referred to as “MOE”) and the

Ministry of Agriculture, Forest and Fisheries (hereinafter referred to as “MAFF”)).

The parties within the scope of GHG emission calculations for carbon offsetting include

representatives of G7 participating countries, outreach countries and international

organizations, the press and supporting entities. Activities included in the calculation of GHG

emissions are transport to/from Japan, transport within Japan, accommodations, and use of

the venue and the International Media Center. As a result of measures conducted to reduce

GHG emissions, the total amount of such emissions produced by the G7 Ise-Shima Summit is

calculated as 26,050 t-CO2.

Meanwhile, the GoJ made a public invitation for private companies and local governments

in Japan to offer credits certified under governmental schemes (J-Credit, Domestic Credits3,

J-VER4(Offset Credit)) on a voluntary basis. During this invitation period from April 26 to May

27, 2016, the total amount of credits offered from 111 companies and local governments (85

companies and 26 local governments) came to 13,130 t-CO2 of credits. The GoJ also offered

12,920 t-CO2 from its holding credits, and a total of 26,050t-CO2 of credits were retired to

offset relevant GHG emissions produced by the G7 Ise-Shima Summit. This was the first time

that carbon offsetting through public-private-local partnership had been implemented in the

history of the Summit.

1 Carbon offsetting is one way to reduce carbon emissions for any entity in society (citizens, companies, NPOs/NGOs, national or local governments, etc.) that knows the amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by its own activities and makes efforts to reduce them. For emissions that cannot be avoided, the entity may offset all or part of such emissions by purchasing reduction/sink credits from other parties, or by implementing carbon reduction/sink projects/activities in different locations. (Source: Ministry of the Environment, 2014, “The Concept of Japan’s Carbon Offsetting (Guideline), March 31, 2014.” 2 3 4



Japan hosted the G7 Summit meetings in the Ise-Shima area of Mie Prefecture from May

26 to 27, 2016. In light of the first G7 Summit after the adoption of the Paris Agreement at the

21st session of the conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on

Climate Change, the GoJ implemented carbon offsetting for the Summit meetings in

partnership with Japanese private companies and local governments. The aim was to

demonstrate Japan’s climate actions to the global society as well as domestically foster public

understanding and momentum for cooperation global warming countermeasures.

Carbon offsetting is an action to reduce carbon emissions from certain activities carried out

by constituent members of society (citizens, companies, NPOs/NGOs, national or local

governments, etc.), for those who recognize the amount of their own GHG emissions from

their own activities and make efforts to reduce them. For emissions that cannot be avoided

despite their own efforts, constituent members of society compensate by purchasing emission

reduction/removal elsewhere credits (hereafter referred as “Credits”), or by implementing

emission reduction/removal projects or activities elsewhere.

The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the carbon offsetting practice in the

G7 Ise-Shima Summit. It introduces actions for reducing GHG emissions, calculation formula,

calculation results, approaches/outcomes for carbon offsetting, and promotion activities.

2.Implementation approach for carbon offsetting

In hosting the G7 Ise-Shima Summit, the GoJ aimed to organize GHG net zero-emission

meetings. It implemented carbon offsetting by utilizing offset credits that were generated from

GHG emission reduction/removal activities inside the domestic area, and certified under

official programs such as the J-Credit Scheme (GHG emissions that have been certified

under a scheme operated by METI, MOE, and MAFF).

Facilitating carbon offsetting is one of the action policies for “Promotion of a nationwide

campaign” under the “Polices and measures for achieving targets” in the “Plan for Global

Warming Countermeasures” (cabinet decision on May 13, 2016), which has been established

in light of the Paris Agreement. Considering this plan, the GoJ called for Japanese companies

and local governments to provide their credits on a voluntary basis. At the same time, the GoJ

made and provided a logo to show cooperation with the carbon offsetting system, etc. In

addition, it also conducted public promotion activities for this project, with a view to providing

benefits for partners, raising public awareness, and demonstrating Japan’s nationwide carbon

offsetting. This was the first time that carbon offsetting through public-private-local partnership

had been implemented in the history of the Summit


3.Actions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions

While organizing the G7 Ise-Shima Summit, the GoJ took various environmentally friendly

actions to make its best effort to reduce GHG emissions.

Specifically, the GoJ considered environmental consciousness in selecting facilities such as

the venue and accommodations, which included: replacing lighting appliance with LEDs;

upgrading window sashes to highly efficient double-glazed glass; installing transparent glass

panels in stairwells to improve heating/cooling efficiency; installing highly efficient

transformers in substation facilities; setting up water purification facilities in wastewater

treatment systems and utilizing purified water for sprinkling plants; checking that any

unnecessary lighting appliances are not used and checking for any improper

room-temperature settings, etc. Moreover, each official from the GoJ used a public

transportation system, such as shuttle-bus services that operate between train stations and

hotels, to go to and from the Summit venue as much as possible.

4.Parties within the scope of GHG emission calculations and method of

calculating greenhouse gas emissions

Carbon offsetting for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit covered a major part of additional

emissions of GHG generated from the meetings. The GoJ not only referred to Japan’s official

guidelines56 on carbon offsetting and recent examples7, but also determined the parties

within the scope of GHG emission calculations and the method of calculating GHG emissions,

taking into consideration emission sources, volume and data availability in a comprehensive


4-1.Parties covered within the scope of calculation

Table 1 shows the parties within the scope of GHG emission calculations among the

participants of the G7 Ise-Shima Summit.

5 Ministry of the Environment, “Carbon Offset: Certification standard for third parties” 6 Carbon Footprint Communication Program, “Carbon Footprint of a Product -- Product Category Rule (CFP-PCR),” (No. of certified CFP-PCR: PA-DF-02; Product name: Events) 7 Reference was made to the “Conferences, events” section among carbon offset examples posted on the Carbon Offset Forum (J-COF) website.


Table 1 Parties within the scope of calculation

Participant category Breakdown

1 Representatives

- Representatives from G7 Summit members (Japan, U.S., France,

Germany, UK, Italy, Canada and the EU).

- Representatives from outreach countries (Chad, Indonesia, Sri

Lanka, Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, Laos).

- Representatives from outreach organizations (United Nations

(UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB),

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

(OECD), Asia Development Bank (ADB)).

2 Press

People from domestic/foreign media organizations

3 Cooperative


Business operators that helped the government to organize the G7

Ise-Shima Summit.8

4-2.Activities within the scope of calculation

Table 2 shows the activities and emission sources within the scope of GHG emission

calculations in relation to the G7 Ise-Shima Summit.

Table 2 Activities and GHG sources within the scope of the calculation

Activity within the scope of the calculation GHG source

1 Transport of summit participants (including the press) to/from Japan

・Aviation fuel

2 Transport of summit participants (including the press and cooperative operators) in Japan

・Railway electricity

・Auto fuel

3 Use of facilities for the venue and accommodations for participants (including the press)

・Electricity for using facilities

・Fuel for facilities in use.

4 Use of the International Media Center (IMC)

・Electricity for using the IMC

・Fuel for using the IMC

8 Cooperative operators are assumed to be those located mainly in Mie Prefecture.


4-3.Method of calculating GHG emissions

Table 3 shows the method of calculating GHG emissions produced by the G7 Ise-Shima


Table 3 Activities within the scope of the calculation and calculation method

Activity within the scope of

the calculation Calculation method

1 Summit participant (incl. the

press) – Transport to/from


[Government aircraft]

- Calculate GHG emissions from air travel between a major airport at home and

Chubu International Airport.

- Divide flight distance (km) for a return trip by aviation fuel (km/l) to obtain fuel

consumption, which is then multiplied by unit calorific value for jet fuel (GJ/kl)

and emission factor per unit calorific value for jet fuel (t-CO2/GJ).

- Flight distance is estimated based on “Air transport” data from the “Database on

distance between countries/regions” of the Carbon Footprint Communication


- Fuel efficiency of aircraft is estimated with reference to open data provided by

aircraft manufacturers.

- Value used for unit calorific value for jet fuel is based on “Japan Greenhouse Gas

Emission Reduction/Removal Certification Scheme (J-Credit Scheme):

Monitoring and calculation rule (for emission reduction projects) Version 2.59”

(36.3 GJ/kl).

- Value used for emission factor per unit emission for jet fuel is based on “Japan

Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction/Removal Certification Scheme (J-Credit

Scheme): Monitoring and calculation rule (for emission reduction projects)

Version 2.5” (0.0682t CO2/GJ), which is multiplied by the value (1.89) obtained

based on the UK’s “Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse

gas company reporting10” (“Conversion factors 201611”) to reflect a radiation

forcing indicator.

[Commercial airlines]

- Calculate GHG emissions from air travel between a major airport at home and

Narita International Airport.

- Multiply flight distance for a return trip (km) by emission factor per airline

passenger (kgCO2/person/km) and the number of passengers.

- The “country” of a press organization is assumed to be the country where its

headquarters is located.

- Flight distance is assumed based on “Air transport” data from the “Database on

distance between countries/regions12” of the Carbon Footprint Communication


9 10 11 12


- GHG emission factor per air passenger indicates that for an international service

(airline) (kgCO2/km/person). Values for an international service are from “Long

haul – International” of “Business travel – air” listed in the UK’s “Government

emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting 13 ”

(Conversion factor 2016), assuming business class for government

representatives who used commercial airlines (0.225 kgCO2/km/person) and

premium economy class for the press (0.124 kgCO2/km/person), which is

multiplied by the value (1.89) obtained based on the UK’s “Government emission

conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting 14 ” (“Conversion

factors 201615”) to reflect a radiation forcing indicator.

- The value for air passengers is obtained by subtracting the number of

passengers on government airplanes from the number of IDs issued for

government representatives.

2 Summit participant (incl. the

press and cooperative

operators) – Transport in


[Participants who used a government airplane]

- Calculate GHG emissions from transport in Japan, assuming that a helicopter is

used from Chubu International Airport to Kashiko-jima Island (where the venue is


- Multiply the travel distance for a return trip (km) by emission factor per passenger


- Travel distance by helicopter (km) is obtained by using a route search on the

internet (Google).

- The value used for GHG emission factor per air passenger is the domestic value

of emission factor for “Passenger airline” in the Ministry of the Environment’s

“Emission factor database to calculate organization’s GHG emissions through

supply chain (ver. 2.2)” (0.110 kgCO2/person/km).

[Participants who used a commercial airline]

- Calculate GHG emissions from transport in Japan, assuming that a train is used

from Narita Airport to Nagoya Station and a car from Nagoya Station to

Kashiko-jima Island.

- Multiply the travel distance for a return trip (km) by emission factor per

train/automobile passenger (kgCO2/person/km).

- Travel distance (km) is obtained by using Yahoo! transfer guide16 for a train and a

route search on the internet (Google)17 for a passenger car.

- Values used for GHG emission factor per passenger are from “Passenger train”

and “Private automobile” in the Ministry of the Environment’s “Emission factor

database to calculate organization’s GHG emissions through a supply chain

(ver. 2.2).” (0.0236 kgCO2/person/km for a passenger train; 0.198

kgCO2/person/km for a private automobile)

[Participants who reside in Japan]

- Calculate GHG emissions from transport in Japan, assuming that a train is used

13 14 15 16 17


from Tokyo Station to Kashiko-jima Island.

- Multiply the travel distance for a return trip (km) by emission factor per train

passenger (kgCO2/person/km).

- Travel distance (km) is obtained by using Yahoo! transfer guide for a train and a

route search on the internet (Google) for a passenger car.

- The value used for GHG emission factor per train passenger is from “Passenger

train” in the Ministry of the Environment’s “Emission factor database to calculate

an organization’s GHG emissions through a supply chain (ver. 2.2).” (0.0236

kgCO2/person/km for train)

- For supportive operators (all assumed to be local operators), travel distance is

assumed to be one round trip for each of the three days (same as the number of

nights to stay for representatives) between Tsu City (in the center of Mie Pref.)

and Kashiko-jima Island.

3 Use of facilities for the venue

and accommodations for

participants (including the


[Use of the Summit venue, and accommodations for representatives]

- Calculate GHG emissions from energy use (electricity, LPG, heavy fuel oil) in the


- Obtain GHG emissions per room by multiplying actual energy use in some

facilities by the GHG emission factor per unit energy, which is then divided by the

number of rooms in the facilities. Multiply GHG emissions per room by the

number of representatives, based on an assumption that one person occupies a


- Calculate average emissions per room by using actual data for electricity

consumption and fuel consumption in Shima Kanko Hotel (used for the Summit

venue and accommodations) and some other hotels (accommodations for


- The value used for GHG emission factor per instance of electricity use is from

Chubu Electric Power Co. based on actual data for FY2013 (partial revision on

August 27, 2015). (0.000509 tCO2/kWh)

- Emission factors per fuel use are 2.75412 t-CO2 for heavy fuel oil and 0.00301

t-CO2/t for LPG, calculated based on “Japan Greenhouse Gas Emission

Reduction/Removal Certification Scheme (J-Credit Scheme): Monitoring and

calculation rule (for emission reduction projects) Version 2.5.” Specifically, these

values are obtained by multiplying the emission factor for “Bunker A” (0.0708

t-CO2/GJ) by the unit calorific value (38.9 GJ/kl) and that for “LPG” (0.0601

t-CO2/GJ) by the relevant factor (0.00301 t-CO2/t), respectively.

- The number of nights of stay is set as three days, assuming arrival on a day

before the session (May 26, May 27).

[Accommodations for the press]

- Calculate GHG emissions from energy use in facilities.

- Multiply GHG emissions per person per night by the number of members of the


- GHG emission factors per person per night are based on the value of


“Accommodations” (0.0315t CO2/night/person) in “Japan Greenhouse Gas

Emission Reduction/Removal Certification Scheme (J-Credit Scheme):

Monitoring and calculation rule (for emission reduction projects) Version 2.2”

(Ministry of the Environment).

- The number of nights of stay is set as three days in line with the assumption for


4 Use of the International

Media Center (IMC)

- Calculate GHG emissions from energy use (electricity, LPG) in the facilities.

- For energy use in the IMC, multiply electricity consumption and LPG consumption

during the session by the emission factor per instance of energy use. For LPG,

obtain the daily average of LPG consumption in May and multiply it by the

number of days of the session.

- The value used for the GHG emission factor per instance of electricity use is from

Chubu Electric Power Co. based on actual data for FY2013 (partly revised on

August 27, 2015). (0.000509 tCO2/kWh)

- Emission factors per instance of fuel use are 2.75412 t-CO2 for heavy fuel oil and

0.00301 t-CO2/t for LPG, calculated based on “Japan Greenhouse Gas

Emission Reduction/Removal Certification Scheme (J-Credit Scheme):

Monitoring and calculation rule (for emission reduction projects) Version 2.5.”

Specifically, these values are obtained by multiplying emission factor for “Bunker

A” (0.0708 t-CO2/GJ) by the unit calorific value (38.9 GJ/kl) and that for “LPG”

(0.0601 t-CO2/GJ) by the relevant factor (0.00301 t-CO2/t), respectively.


5.Results of calculating GHG emissions

This section provides the results of calculating GHG emissions based on the parties within

the scope of calculation and method described in Section 4. The calculation is based on

values of actual performance such as energy consumption, apart from estimates based on

forecasts and interim values before the session.

5-1.Emissions by participant category

Table 4 shows the GHG emissions produced by the G7 Ise-Shima Summit by participant


Table 4 Number of participants and GHG emissions by participant category

Participant category Number of participants

(persons) GHG emissions (t-CO2)

1 Representatives from G7 Summit members,

representatives from outreach countries and


Approx. 2,300 22,118

2 The Press Approx. 5,900 3,810

3 Supportive operators Approx. 10,700 122

Total Approx. 18,900 26,050

5-2.Emissions by activity type

Table 5 shows GHG emissions produced by the G7 Ise-Shima Summit by type of activity.

Table 5 GHG emissions by type of activity

Type of activity GHG emissions (t-CO2)

1 Summit participant (incl. the press) – Transport to/from Japan


2 Summit participants (incl. the press and cooperative operators) – Transport

in Japan


3 Use of facilities for the venue and accommodations for participants

(including the press).


4 Use of the International Media Centre (IMC)


Total 26,050


6.Implementation of carbon offsetting

6-1.Public invitation for carbon-offset partners

To offset GHG emissions produced by the G7 Ise-Shima Summit, the GoJ publicly invited

Japanese private companies and local governments to provide their credits certified under

Japan’s official schemes such as J-Credit, Domestic credits and J-VER.

(1)Process of the public invitation

The public invitation was announced on a special webpage18 on the official J-Credit

Scheme website. Information on the volume of offerings was posted on May 17, and it was

updated on the webpage every day after May 17. Furthermore, from May 20, the names of

entities that voluntarily offered their credits were also publicized and updated every day.

(i) Invitation period

From Tuesday, April 26, 2016 to Friday, May 27 at 17:00.

(ii) Eligibility requirements

Japanese private companies or local governments that voluntarily provide credits of 50

t-CO2 or more.

(iii) Application procedure

The applicants had to fill in the document required and submit it to the secretariat of the

J-Credit Scheme.

(iv) Emissions to be offset

Emissions to be offset were estimated to be approximately 20,000 t-CO2, generated from:

- transport to/from the Summit venue and accommodations of the G7 Ise-Shima Summit

participants on May 26 and 27, 2016.

- operation of the Summit venues during the G7 Ise-Shima Summit on May 26 and 27, 2016.

(iv) Other

Several benefits were provided to partner entities in return for supporting carbon offsetting

for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit. These included: use of the G7 Ise-Shima Summit logo, use of

carbon-offset partner logo (see Figure 1), and use of photos posted on the official website of

the G7 Ise-Shima Summit. Entities were allowed to use such materials for external promotion

of this carbon offsetting practice.



Figure 1. The logo that indicates a carbon-offset partner for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit

(2)Campaign on the public invitation

・Public invitation for this carbon offsetting practice was posted on the website of ministries19

including METI, MOE, MAFF and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), as well as the

J-Credit Scheme website. Details of the progress of the application were released on May

20 and updated every day on the J-Credit Scheme website.

・In addition to those webpages, METI, MOE and MAFF used Twitter to publicize this action

along with a PR image. (Figure 2).

・METI posted an article on this public invitation in its “60-second commentary” series (short,

easy-to-understand explanation on METI’s policies to the public) 20.

・METI’s regional bureaus sent off a notice to companies/local governments through their own

tools such as mail magazines, calling for parties to join in the public invitation.

・The secretariat of the J-Credit Scheme sent off a notice to account holders by e-mail, calling

for them to join in the public invitation.

Figure 2. A PR image used for public invitation posted on Twitter by METI, MOE and MAFF

19 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI): Ministry of the Environment (MOE): Ministry of Agriculture, Forest & Fisheries (MAFF): Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA):

20 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) “60-minute commentary”:


(3)Result of the public invitation

By the end of the invitation period, 111 entities (85 companies and 26 local governments)

had offered credits which amounted to 13,130 t-CO2 in total. The final value was posted on

the J-Credit Scheme website both in Japanese and English. 21

6-2.Invalidation and retirement of credits

The total amount of credits offered from companies and local governments came to 13,130

t-CO2 of credits. The GoJ also offered 12,920 t-CO2 from its holding credits, and a total of

26,050t-CO2 of credits were retired to offset relevant GHG emissions produced by the G7

Ise-Shima Summit. The secretariat confirmed that credit invalidation had been completed

based on a notification submitted by partner entities.

The entities that responded to the public invitation and credits used for this offsetting

practice were as follows.

Participants (111 entities)


Aoki Environmental Enterprise Co., Ltd. Aomori Pref.

Ashibetsu City Azbil Corporation

Azbil Kyoto Co., Ltd. Azbil Taishin Co., Ltd

Azbil Trading Co., Ltd.


Bright Innovation Co., Ltd.



Carbontrade Inc. Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.

Chubu University


Daifuku Co., Ltd. Daimarufujii Inc.



Energy Management Association Environmental Technology Service Co., Ltd.

21 Final result of application for carbon offsetting (Japanese)

Final result of application for carbon offsetting (English)



58Golfclub Co., Ltd. Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.

Fukuoka City Fukushima Midori Anzen Inc.



HOKUETSU KISHU PAPER CO., LTD. Hokuriku Techno Co., Ltd.



IZAK CO., LTD. Izumo City


JFE Plastic Resource Corporation JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation


K.K. U'S, TOKYO YUDEN Kajima Corporation

Kankyo-Keizai Co., Ltd Kintetsu Corporation

Kochi Pref. Koeishoji Co., Ltd.


Kurashiki City


Lawson, Inc. Low Carbonization Support Co., Ltd.


Mansei Recycle Systems Co., Ltd. Marugo Rubber Industries, Ltd.

Material Bank Co., Ltd. Mie Kotsu Group Holdings, Inc.

Mie Pref. Minamiuonuma City

Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co., Ltd.

Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting Co., Ltd.

Mitsui Bussan Forest Co., Ltd. Miyazaki Pref.

Mizuho Information & Research Institute

Mombetsu City More Trees

myclimate Japan Co., Ltd.



Nagasaki Forestry Public Interest Incorporated Association

Nagasaki Pref. Nakae Sangyo Co., Ltd.

Nakanishi Metal Works Co., Ltd. Nankai Electric Railway Co., Ltd.

NEC Corporation Next Energy & Resources Co., Ltd.




Oita Pref. Oji Holdings Corporation

Okayama City ORIX Corporation


Osumi Co., Ltd.


Panasonic Corporation Pref. Niigata agriculture and forestry public corporation


Rengo Co., Ltd.


Sagawa Forestry Co., Ltd. SAIBU GAS CO., LTD.

SCI-PAINT JAPAN, Inc. Shima Kanko Hotel

SHIZUOKA GAS CO., LTD. Sony Corporation

Sumita Town Sumitomo Forestry Co., Ltd.



TOHO GAS Co., Ltd. Tokamachi City

Tokushima Pref. Tokushima-godo Securities Co., Ltd.

TOKYO GAS Co., Ltd. Toon City

Tottori Pref. Toyama city carbon offset management council

TRYWOOD Co., Ltd. Tsubetsu Town

Tsuruga Group Tsuyama City


Urakawa Town



WasteBox, Inc.



Yabu City Yamakou Construction Co., Ltd.

Yashima Kogyo Co., Ltd. Yokote City

Credits from partner entities: 13,130 t-CO2

No. Type of project that generates credit Offset volume


J-Credit Scheme (Total: 5,387 t-CO2)

1 Introduction of solar power generation 3,276

2 Introduction of high-efficient boilers 1,100

3 Fuel switch from fossil fuel to biomass solid fuel (woody biomass fuel), with renewal of air conditioning facilities 227

4 Introduction of fuel cells 200

5 Forest management activity 120

6 Introduction of high-efficient heat pumps 100

7 Electricity generation from waste 100

8 Introduction of electric vehicles 50

9 Fuel switch to biodiesel 50

10 Fuel switch from fossil fuel to biomass solid fuel (woody biomass fuel) 50

11 Greenhouse gas emission reduction projects 50

12 Utilizing thermal heat and recovered heat of hot spring 50

13 Introduction of high-efficient air conditioning facilities 13

14 Introduction of high-efficient refrigeration equipment 1

Japan’s Domestic Credits (Total: 2,912 t-CO2)

15 Introduction of high-efficient boilers 893

16 Introduction of solar power generation 458

17 Introduction of high-efficient heat pumps; Introduction of high-efficient air conditioning facilities


18 Introduction of high-efficient air conditioning facilities 298

19 Installation of inverter and controlling equipment 250

20 Introduction of high-efficient lighting facilities 236

21 Renewal of heat source equipment by introducing high-efficient heat pumps


22 Introduction of high efficiency industrial furnaces 61

23 Introduction of high-efficient heat pumps 60

24 Fuel switch to biodiesel 50


25 Introduction of high-efficient air conditioning facilities; Introduction of high-efficient lighting facilities


26 Utilizing recovered waste heat as thermal source 22

J-VER (Total: 4,831 t-CO2)

27 Forest management projects 4,451

28 Fuel switching to biodiesel fuels 80

29 Fuel substitution with unused wood residues 50

30 J-VER in Kochi Prefecture: Forest management project 150

31 J-VER in Niigata Prefecture: Forest management project 100

Credits from the Government: 12,920t-CO2

No. Type of project that generates credit Offset volume


J-Credit Scheme (Total: 12,920 t-CO2)

1 Introduction of solar power generation 11,300

2 Introduction of fuel cells 1,220

3 Introduction of electric vehicles 400


7.Publication of the carbon offsetting practice

The GoJ prepared a leaflet to promote its carbon offsetting practice in the G7 Ise-Shima

Summit, both in Japanese and in English. During the Summit period, an English version of the

leaflet was distributed in the International Media Center as part of PR activities for foreign

press companies.

Figure 3 Leaflet on carbon offsetting in the G7 Ise-Shima Summit (Japanese version)


Figure 4 Leaflet on carbon offsetting in the G7 Ise-Shima Summit (English version)


8.Certification report by independent third party

To ensure the credibility of the carbon offsetting practice, an evaluation was conducted by a

third-party auditor for GHG emissions subject to offsetting in the Summit. The result is as

described in the following certification report (Japanese only).