Report and Minutes of the FIRST...

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Transcript of Report and Minutes of the FIRST...

Report and Minutes

of the


Held at Dairyville, NSW

18 December 2011 to 22 December 2011



List of people in attendance…………………………………………………………….……

Meeting Objectives………………………………………..…………………………….……

Meeting Summary………………………………………………………...……………..……

Minutes of the Meeting………………………………........……………………………..……

1. Business and Administration……………………………………………..…..

1.1: Australian Business Number (ABN) ………………………………

1.2: Bank Account………………………………………………………..

1.3: Membership………………………………………………………….

1.4: Name………………………………………………………………….

1.5: Website………………………………………………………………

1.6: Membership continued………………………………………………

1.7: Team Allocations…………………………………………………….

1.8: Funding……………………………………………………………….

1.9: Member Guidelines………………………………………………….


1.10: Fundraising…………………………………………………………

1.11: Communal Legalities (Cath McKimm) ………………………….

2. Community and Sustainability………………………………………………….

2.1: Criteria for Property Location and Resources……………………..

2.2: Decision-Making……………………………………………………..

2.3: Non-Violent Communication………………………………………..

2.4: Social Psychology (Jeremy Bowden)………………………………

2.5: Permaculture Medicinal Herb Garden………………………………

2.6: Architecture and Infrastructure………………………………………

2.7: Community and Communal Living…………………………………

2.8: Events…………………………………………………………………

3. Education…………………………………………………………………………

3.1: General Discussion………………………………………………….

3.2: Positive Psychology (Jeremy Bowden and Lilly Moody) ………..

3.3: Multiple Intelligences (Michael Morgan) …………………………..

3.4: Mind Map (Mojca Dezman)……………………………………… …


3.5: Metaphysics and Elemental Model of Community

(Sean Nesbitt and Rose Moody)………………………………….…….

Annex 1: Elemental Model of Community……….………………………………………..


List of people in attendance:

Lilly Moody

Jeremy Bowden

Rose Moody

Sean Nesbitt

Tony Hayes

Ama Cedar

Lucas Bowden

Alastair Llewelyn-Smith

Lucien Jankelson

Dylan Tonkin

Olivia Levy

Mojca Aniya Dezman

Richard Klein

Jared Glaser

Michael Morgan

Nikki Phillips

Scott McCormack

Josey Chan

James Shearer

Camilla Byrd

Meeting Objectives:

Business plan

Member guidelines & agreement

Website and name finalised

Mission Statement finalised

Brief Vision Statement

Flyer/Business cards

Group Bank Account

Financial Plan


15 year structural plan

Curriculum Outline/Writing

Team Allocations

o Website and Marketing

o Property Hunting

o Documentation

o Accounting and Finance

o Business and Law

o Fundraising

o Research

o Networking

o Sustainability

o Resource Management and




The First Annual Meeting of Minds was held at Dairyville, NSW from 18 December 2011 to 22

December 2011. Attendees convened to discuss initial stages and planning of the project (currently)

tentatively named Elemental Education. The goal of this group, as outlined in the meeting, is to

establish and develop a practical model of holistic, sustainable community which will serve as the

foundation for an innovative education centre. The aim of the meeting was to explicate the structural

underpinnings of the project, including business and administration practicalities, and elucidate the

ideals, philosophies and theories upon which the organisation will be founded. The group also

discussed and planned out further steps of action for the development of the organisation.

Approximately twenty-five people attended the meeting - representing a broad range of skill sets,

knowledge and experience - and participated in open discussion, brainstorming and creative activities.

The meeting spanned three full days which were each allocated an area for discussion. The main

points raised on each of these days were as follows:

Day I: Business and Administration

ABN, business structure and bank account details were discussed and preliminary objectives

were agreed upon (see 1.1 and 1.2)

Membership was discussed, including fees, guidelines and possible internal core structure (see

1.3, 1.6 and 1.9)


Potential names were discussed, and Elemental Education was agreed to be the organisation

name for now (see 1.4)

Website basics were established and a website team formed (see 1.5)

Teams were allocated in specific areas according to attendees‟ interests, skills and preferences

(see 1.7)

Funding was discussed in regards to membership and financial planning (see 1.8)

Fundraising ideas were brainstormed, some options were decided and elaborated upon (see


Cath McKimm, a retired solicitor from Coffs Harbour, joined the meeting for a Skype Talk on

business structure and the legalities of communal land ownership (see 1.11)

Day 2: Community and Sustainability

Attendees brainstormed and agreed on a set criteria list for the selection of land which would

meet the project requirements and needs of the members (see 2.1)

Decision-making processes were discussed and a model for decision making within the group

was outlined (see 2.2)

Non-Violent Communication methods were explained and some agreements were outlined

(see 2.3)

Jeremy presented on Social Psychology and its implications for group work and co-operation

(see 2.4)

Ideas for a permaculture herb garden and architecture and infrastructure were briefly discussed

(see 2.5 an d 2.6)


Future potential for hosting a range of events - across arts, music, lifestyle, education and

learning – was discussed and suggestions raised (see 2.8)

Day 3: Education

Attendees discussed educational ideals and ideas, including the role of technology, classroom

dynamics and structure (see 3.1)

Jeremy outlined a psychobiological principle that impacts learning and well-being. Lilly

continued to suggest ways that positive psychology can be incorporated into an education

environment to promote well-being (see 3.2)

Michael explained Gardner‟s theory of Multiple Intelligences and how it applies to an education

environment as well as its potential to enlighten internal group dynamics (see 3.3)

Mojca presented a Mind Map of the project as a whole, to be expanded upon as we progress

(see 3.4)

Rose and Sean presented their ideas on our metaphysical reality and outlined the esoteric,

philosophical and elemental foundations that underlie our project (see 3.5 and annex 1)


Minutes of the Inaugural Gathering of “Meeting of the Minds”

1. Business and Administration

Day 1 (19 December 2011)

Meeting called to order at 11am by Jeremy Bowden. Meeting objectives were established and

explained; objectives for the 2 days elaborated upon.

This will be a not-for-profit organisation.

Attendees introduced themselves and described their areas of interest and capacity to contribute.

1.1: ABN -

“CyberTrybe” (Jeremy)

Overview of not-for-profit operation

Opportunity for subdivision for profit to be as subgroups (e.g. trading co-op)

Lilly proposed an incorporated association. Umbrella Group. (unanimous)

Tony suggested a Trust for the land ownership. Market to investors. (Jeremy). (unanimous

later contested by Cath)


1.2: Bank Account -

Lilly proposed an initial private bank account, which could later be transferred into the name of

the organisation when funds deem it necessary. To be evolved further as necessary.

Volunteers to be acting accountant Jeremy, Ama, Lilly. (unanimous)

Agreed that the initial bank account would be opened under Lilly‟s name at a Credit Union.

1.3: Membership -

Jeremy proposed that everyone interested put in money on a regular basis as membership

basis which becomes shares as investment/or time contribution equivalent. Also translates to

internal trade exchange. Initial $200 + monthly instalments.

Tony clarified the details of membership rights etc. under Incorporated Association (Ama).


Tony proposed private loans to provide start up capital which can be refunded later.

1.4: Name -

„Elemental Education‟ proposed at an earlier stage.

Brainstorming sessions were held and a number of different names proposed, but attendees

agreed before the end of the meeting to operate under Elemental Education for the time being.

1.5: Website -

Basic design theme by Dylan

Tony proposed WordPress as system as it is good for marketing, versatile and an inexpensive

resource centre.


Tony to manage overview.

Lilly suggested home page to be clear and simple; clear, professional, important key to

promotion. 2nd Dylan.

Social media important (unanimous)

Potential for YouTube video as promotion

Team: - Tony; Dylan; Rose; Sean.

Content Management: Jeremy

1.6: Membership Continued -

12 people as core group Board of Directors.

Ama; Tony; Jeremy; Lilly; Dylan; Olivia; Ricky; Jared; Lucien; Sean; Scotty; Mojca – committed

group volunteers present at meeting.

This would later be explained by the Elemental Model of Community proposed by Sean Nesbitt

and Rose Moody.

1.7: Team Allocations -

Teams were formed to focus on specific areas of development or to fill certain roles/jobs.

1. Property Alastair; Ama; Shearer; Property

2. Website Tony; Dyl; Rose; Lucien

3. Documentation Ama; Jeremy; Tony.

4. Accounting and Finance Lilly


5. Business and Law Mojca; Jeremy; Lilly;

6. Fundraising Jeremy; Ricky; Jabba

7. Research Olivia; Lilly

8. Curriculum writing Mojca; Lilly; Ricky; Olivia; Michael Morgan

9. Networking Jabba; Scotty; Michael

10. Sustainability Ama; Olivia; Lucas; Lucien; Shearer; Camilla

11. Resource Management and Acquisition Everyone

1.8: Funding -

$200 start up fee x 20 = $4000

$100 per month x 20 x 12 = $24,000

This becomes individual stake in the project over 1 year minimum

Tony suggests this should be targeted towards:

1. Marketing to investors

2. Property & Permaculture

1.9: Member Guidelines -

Attendees discussed shared values and proposed a document of understanding between members

committed to the project. These were open for review. Suggested as similar to a Memorandum of

Understanding. The following points were raised and then elaborated on:

Strive to maintain a completely chemical free agricultural and construction process.

Recognise the interconnectedness of community and environment


Be capable of self-reflection and analysis in order to maintain both individual clarity and group


Recognition of a higher purpose that transcends individual differences.

Respect for the individuality of each persons spiritual and educational journey

Alignment with project mission

Honesty, integrity and temperance

Non-violent conflict resolution guidelines will be encouraged

Recognition of individual differences in background and perspective

Capacity to treat all others, children and elders alike, as equals and interact with them as


To sign agreement for residential members

1.10: Fundraising -

E.g. Kickstarter – funding platform online for art, etc.


Need mission statement finalised and business plan.

Art exhibition/New Moon Blues fundraiser opportunities

Arts grants

Presentations at Confest/Woodford etc.


1.11: Communal Legalities -

The group convened for a Skype talk with Cath McKimm, a retired solicitor from Coffs Harbour, who is

currently in Istanbul. Cath has experience in communal legalities. The purpose of the talk was to

discuss the possibilities of land ownership and business structure.

Cath recommended Community Title for land ownership

Tony suggested a land Trust Fund would isolate the land from the business and protect land

funding and ownership.

Cath advised caution with trust fund. Michael agreed this to be the case from his experience.

Cath recommended talking to a good lawyer who has experience in different kinds of

communal land ownership structures. Emphasised a good and concise contract agreement.

Recommended operating under an Incorporated Association for now and potentially later

transferring to a different structure. Cath explained from her experience with clients that Co-

operatives had not been very successful, but may have potential. Stace later said that

Wytalibah operates as a Rural Co-operative which so far has been effective and has some



2. Community and Sustainability

Day 2 (20 December 2011)

2.1: Criteria for Property Location and Resources -

Members brainstormed and agreed on a set criteria list for the selection of land which would meet the

project requirements and needs of the members. The following points were raised:

Minimum 100 acres

Ideally located in the NSW Mid-North Coast region between Port Macquarie and Byron Bay,

but agreed to extend search to include locations between Brisbane and the South Coast of


Situated in an area with a strong sense of community, communal support and values which

align with the values of the project and group.

Situated within easy travelling distance from a central town/city hub

Easy road access

Areas which will not be affected by future development, e.g. Fracking, Mining etc.

Northern Facing Hillsides

Permanent creeks/water source

Pre-existing structures, e.g. dams, fences, sheds etc.


Good amount of clear, flat land that is not prone to floods

Good amount of forests, and old growth timber for building

Pre-existing power lines

Research into prior history (development, industry etc.)

2.2: Decision-Making -

Members agreed on the following process for decision making:

Allow decent reflection time for complex decisions

All voting and decision making processes must be completely transparent

Aim for unanimous vote, but if not possible, resort to an 85% majority vote and allow extra time

for 15% members to be talked around to decision

If voting process meets challenges, resort to a Board of Directors (constituted of 12 members

who are decided on a Democratic Meritocracy basis) who will have the final say in order to

avoid stagnant decisions.

Financial and Human Impact Ratio must be made available

Decisions for which person will fill a particular role will be based on a Democractic Meritocracy,

i.e. the role will only be available to the persons whom are best equipped and experienced for

the job. If in the event that there is debate as to who this person may be, members will resort to

a group democratic vote.

Once decision has been agreed upon, there must be a standardised trial period which is

reviewed by all members when complete


2.3: Non-Violent Communication -

Members discussed the need to develop a system of communication between members which would

avoid the pitfalls of personal biases and individual grudges and focus on the overall progress and

betterment of the group and project.


Never take anything personally

Don‟t make assumptions

Always do your best

Be impeccable with your word

Honour Your Agreements

Some things to remember (from, Centre for Non-Violent

Communication, ‟10 Steps to Peace‟):

Spend some time each day quietly reflecting on how we would like to relate to ourselves and


Remember that all human beings have the same needs.

Check our intention to see if we are as interested in others getting their needs met as our own.

When asking someone to do something, check first to see if we are making a request or a


Instead of saying what we DON'T want someone to do, say what we DO want the person to do.


Instead of saying what we want someone to BE, say what action we'd like the person to take

that we hope will help the person be that way.

Before agreeing or disagreeing with anyone's opinions, try to tune in to what the person is

feeling and needing.

Instead of saying "No," say what need of ours prevents us from saying "Yes."

If we are feeling upset, think about what need of ours is not being met, and what we could do to

meet it, instead of thinking about what's wrong with others or ourselves.

Instead of praising someone who did something we like, express our gratitude by telling the

person what need of ours that action met.

2.4: Social Psychology -

Jeremy presented on Social Psychology and its implications for group work and co-operation. The

areas covered included:

Fundamental attribution error (self-serving bias) – attribute other people‟s actions to their

character and our own actions to our environment. Explains why people often blame other

people for things over which they have no control.

The bystander effect – the tendency to stand by and be passive when there are large amounts

of people present (even when others are at risk).

Social Loafing – tendency to put forth less effort when in a group.

Group Processes – groups of 3-5 are stronger than groups of 1 & 2 or 6+

Group discussed ways to avoid these social psychological phenomena and agreed upon the following:


Smaller groups (3 or 4)

Designation of tasks and deadlines

Focusing on the sentiment of serving a higher purpose rather than individual interests

Communication and sensitivity to communication

2.5: Permaculture Medicinal Herb Garden -

Lucien discussed with the group his hopes of developing a Chinese Herb Permaculture Garden within

the Health sector of the project. This proposal was met with enthusiasm.

Suggestions from the group included:

Extend beyond just Chinese herbs – researching into Aboriginal localities and healing herbs

Market for Chinese and other medicinal herbs as a means of producing income in larger crops

Creating a full ecosystem to support the Herb Garden

2.6: Architecture and Infrastructure -

Briefing discussed. The group agreed on:

The need for early construction of sleeping accommodation (potentially in dormitories, tipi style

accommodation or humpies) for initial workers, WWOOFers, HelpXers etc. that come to work

on the site in early stages

Early infrastructure must be mobile, deconstructable and/or recyclable

Shweebs (Google-funded transport devices)


2.7: Community and Communal Living -

Rural Co-operatives: Stace suggested that Wytalibah operates successfully under a Rural Co-operative.

Pros for running a Rural Co-operative include:

Funding and grants from government sectors

Protection against floods and droughts

Condition that food must be grown on the property

2.8: Events -

Once established, the group discussed the possibility of launching and hosting events from the site. A

number of members involved in the group are already involved or interested in running such events.

Suggestions raised were:

Genesis Gathering. Once land has been purchased, the site could host a working-bee genesis

event with the intention of attracting WWOOFers, HelpXers etc. and other willing workers in

order to kick start initial building, infrastructure and development of land.

Events held on site would need to avoid stereotyping of festivals. Suggestions were:

Charity based events

Education focused

Healing events

Music curfews

Wholesome festivals – meditations, building, communal eating, music and



Regional arts events – grants and funding to create and build infrastructure

Multiple sites – separating the agricultural & resource and festival site from the education and

healing site.


3. Education

Day 3 (21 December 2011)

3.1: General Discussion –

Education ideals and ideas were discussed broadly. The following points were raised:

Creativity in all areas

Emphasis on collaboration

Flexible grading system (3 or 4 year age groups)

Student-led learning

Meditation and yoga integration for focus and academic performance as well as self awareness

Teacher as facilitator rather than stern authority figure

Children‟s courses contributing to the progress of the community

Sound healing

Smaller classes of cohorts

Teacher spends up to four years with one group to enhance intimacy and comfort in the

learning environment

Transparency across all areas


Online resource database – enables students to independently progress through course

content at their own speed

Technology at varying degrees depending on subject area and student preferences

Human-centred technology

Teachers and administrators must practice what they preach

No need for homework if students are actively learning and applying knowledge

Monitor outcome rather than need to restrict teaching methods

NB: The subject of the role that technology should play in the class room was a heated debate, with

many members feeling passionate about either the necessity for technology or the detriments that

come with technology. This is a topic which may be broached at a later date when the need to make a

decision is necessary.

3.2: Positive Psychology -

Jeremy presented on Jerrison‟s Principle of Proper Mass which elucidates that the brain is a muscle

and exercising certain pathways in the mind strengthens those qualities, characteristics or abilities.

Lilly proceeded to briefly outline Positive Psychology and its potential to be integrated across all

aspects of the educational sector, into internal group dynamics and the personal lives of members.

In the classroom the aspects of well-being (as outlined in Martin Seligman‟s „Flourish‟) could be

nurtured through:

Encouraging students to exercise positive emotion and thought in all areas

(through meditation and Positive Psychology exercises)


Engagement through stimulating subject matter and through encouraging

children find their „element‟ (the place where passion and talent coincide – Ken


Emphasis on deeper meaning and patterns, interpreting experiences in the

greater scheme of their own lives and the life of the world and universe

Accomplishment through varied assessment methods

Educating students on the importance of healthy and positive relationships and

the ethical and energetic aspects of relationships

3.3: Multiple Intelligences -

Michael presented on the concept of Multiple Intelligences (Gardner).




Bodily Kinaesthetic







He suggested that an all-bases approach to curriculum writing would be to integrate the Key Learning

Areas into Multiple Intelligences subject areas.

Michael also suggested that the members of the group should each take a MI quiz in order to better

understand each other‟s processes and thereby work better together as a group.

3.4: Mind Map -

Mojca presented a mind map which essentially summarised our entire project scope.

For more information and diagrams, see presentation. Mind Map to be published as an online resource

on the website.

3.5: Metaphysics and Elemental Model of Community -

Sean and Rose outlined the esoteric, philosophical and elemental foundations which underlie our


For more information and diagrams, see annex 1 and video presentation.


Annex 1

Elemental Model of Education
