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For VII Presidential Council in March 6-8, Lima Peru 2013 Report 2012 Athens, Greece 40, Zan Moreas str, 117 45 Athens, GREECE Tel: +30210 9214417, +30210 9236700, Fax: +30210 9214517 E-mails:, Website:



VII Presidential Council


March 6-8, Lima Peru 2013

REPORT 2012PART A: Monthly report of WFTU activitiesPART B: Hosting of foreign delegationsPART C: PostersPART D: Publications

WFTU Report 2012

Dear comrades and friends

For one more year the Action of WFTU and its member-organizations was RICH. Many initiatives, many activities, that reaffirm the upward course of the class-oriented family in worldwide level. Our action shows dynamism and perspective.

Please see below in calendar format the initiatives and activities undertaken by the WFTU in 2012. This summary includes only the most important activities and those international activities in which the Central Office of the WFTU has participated. In addition, many other initiatives were organized by our Regional Offices, by our TUI’s – our branch organizations – and by the National Organizations which are affiliates and friends of the WFTU.

From this summary report, the growth and development of the WFTU and its class- oriented trade union activities during 2012 can clearly be seen.

As a result of all this action, 61 trade union organizations from all over the world requested their affiliation to the WFTU in 2012.

We ask for your understanding in case of omissions in the Report of the WFTU Activities for 2012.


Monthly report of WFTU activities in 2012


• 9-11: The first meeting of the Finance Control Committee after the 16th Congress was held in the WFTU Headquarters in Athens.Com. George Mavrikos, General Secretary of WFTU participated in the meeting. The meeting unanimously elected Com. C.H. Venkatachalam from India as President of the Committee.

• 21: Meeting of class-oriented unions held in Spain. WFTU was represented by comrade Quim Boix.

• 26-28: XII Congress of CGTP-IN held in Portugal. WFTU was represented by Valentin Pacho, WFTU Deputy General Secretary and Osiris Oviedo de la Torre, WFTU Permanent Representative in ILO. The WFTU representatives attended also the International Conference of CGTP-IN on “The International crisis – impacts on employment & on labour and social rights – trade union response”.


• 6-7: UN Seminar on Assistance to the Palestinian People held in Cairo, Egypt. WFTU was represented by Mohammed Iqnaibi, WFTU Representative for Palestine, Adviser on Arab Issues.

• 8-12: The South Africa’s affiliated unions to the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), namely National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), National Education, Health and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU), Police, Prisons and Civil Rights Union (POPCRU) and Chemical Energy Paper Printing Wood and Allied Workers Union (CEPPWAWU) hosted the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) Presidential Council (PC) in Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa. The Presidential Council addressed by WFTU General Secretary GEORGE MAVRIKOS, ANC President JACOB ZUMA, SACP General Secretary Dr BLADE NZIMANDE and COSATU President S’DUMO DLAMINI. The Presidential Council was held under the theme of action “Capitalist Barbarism, Crisis and Imperialist Wars or Socialism”, and attended by trade union leaders from DPR Korea, China, Greece, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, India, Bangladesh, Philippines, Belarus, Nepal, Spain, Basque Country, Portugal, France, Bulgaria, Australia, Guyana, Costa Rica, Panama, Chile, Peru, Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil, Guatemala, Nigeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Gabon and Swaziland.

• 11: Opening of the WFTU Regional Office in Johannesburg, South Africa. With the substantial and irreplaceable support by the WFTU affiliates in South Africa, the WFTU Africa Regional Office will play its protagonist role in the enhancement of the class-oriented struggles in the African Region for the benefit of the working class and the peoples of Africa.



• 10-12: 14th General Assembly of DISK held in Istanbul, Turkey. WFTU was represented by Mr. Ferchat Toum, Member of the Administration of Telecommunication Union of Athens and Mrs. Olga Pliatsika, Member of the Finance and Banking Union of Athens.

• 18-22: Comrade Mohammed Iqnaibi, WFTU Representative for Palestine Adviser on Arab Issues visited Tunisia. He met trade unionists and had bilateral meetings with friends of WFTU in Tunisia.

• 20-21: EUROF Meeting held in Athens. WFTU was represented by Valentin Pacho, WFTU Deputy General Secretary.

• 22-23: ILO Global Dialogue Forum on Conditions of Personnel in Early Childhood Education held in Geneva, Switzerland. WFTU was represented by comrade Chrysoula Lampoudi from PAME.

• 23: European Action Day for the protection of public services and workers’ rights in Europe, organized by the TUI Public Services Europe of WFTU. The European class-oriented trade union forces organized several initiatives in many European cities.

• 28:With massive participation the major trade union organizations in India jointly organized a 24hour general strike on Tuesday 28th of February in many cities of India against the high prices in the daily essentials which has a huge impact in the further pauperization of the people of India. WFTU members and friends in India played leading role in this initiative. The millions of workers who participated in this successful strike demanded a basic salary according to their needs, enhancement of the labour rights, social security for all workers of all sectors and a series for other social and labour rights. The strike was particularly successful in the bank and finance sector, the telecommunications, the transport, the mining, the public sector, the commerce.


• 8: International Women’s Day celebrated with grand manner in many countries. On the occasion a training oriented seminar on the topic of “International women workers Day and women workers’ issues” has been organized by CONEP in Nepal, Kathmandu. About 200 professional woman workers participated in the program.

• 9-11: Founding Congress of the TUCOSWA held in Manzini, Swaziland. WFTU was represented by Lulamile Sotaka, WFTU Regional Coordinator.

• 9-14: The TUI Metal and Mining along with the European Regional Office organized an International Solidarity Week with the workers of Helleniki Halivourgia, who were in a long strike.

• 12-16: 31st FAO Regional Meeting for Asia Pacific region held in Vietnam. WFTU was represented by comrade Bach Quoc Khang from VGCL,Vietnam.

• 13: 13th Convention of INTER COMPANY EMPLOYEES’ UNION held in Sri Lanka. WFTU was represented by H. Mahadevan, WFTU Deputy General Secretary. During the works of this convention it was decided that a WFTU Asia-Pacific Regional Office Meeting would be organized in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

• 14-17: UITBB EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE met in Larnaca, Cyprus. 35 delegates from 15 countries representing 20 class-based trade unions of building, wood and buildng materials industries affiliated with the UITBB took part in the meeting. They discussed and decided about the following programme of action that was adopted by the Executive committee.

• 15-30: 313th Session of the ILO Governing Body held in Geneva. WFTU was represented by Osiris Oviedo de la Torre, WFTU Permanent Representative in ILO.

• 22: WFTU organized a wide international conference in Ramallah, Palestine in solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian People against the aggressiveness of USA-backed Israel. The World Federation of Trade Unions and the class-oriented trade union organizations demand the immediate recognition of the Palestinian state in the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. The conference was attended by WFTU General Secretary, George Mavrikos and trade unionists from Brazil, Cyprus, France, Galicia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Un. Kingdom and USA. The WFTU delegation to Ramallah attended the 9th Congress of GUPW and participated in Nabi Saleh Demonstration on the 23rd March 2012 expressing the internationalist solidarity to the Palestinian Struggle.

• 26-30: FAO Regional Meeting Latin America held in Buenos Aires. The WFTU was represented by comrade José Luis Livolti from Argentina.

• 29-31: XXIV National Congress of CTE Ecuador held in Santa Elena. The WFTU was represented by Valentin Pacho, Deputy General Secretary and Ramon Cardona, Regional Secretary.

• 31: 1st National Meeting of ODT held in Rabat. Morocco. WFTU was represented by Apostolos Sotiropoulos, WFTU Permanent Representative in UNESCO.

WFTU Report 2012


• 1-8: 39th ALO Conference held in Cairo, Egypt. WFTU was represented by Castro Abdallah, member of WFTU Presidential Council from FENASOL, Lebanon.

• 1-6: Comrade Alexandra Liberi, Head of the Mass Media & Communications Department of the WFTU visited Nigeria and Cameroon. She met trade unionists and members of WFTU in these countries. They had bilateral meetings and they discussed about the trade union situation in Africa, the role of WFTU in the trade union movement and the action of the WFTU.

• 4-5: United Nations International Meeting on legal and political implications of Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli prisons held in Geneva. WFTU was represented by Osiris Oviedo, Main Representative of WFTU in UN Geneva. Comrade Osiris participated and intervened in the consultations with civil society organisations in support of the recognition of the State of Palestine and current and future ways of cooperation in support of the Palestinian cause among civil society organizations.

• 6-12: UIS FNAF Executive Committee met in Dakar, Senegal. WFTU was represented by Apostolos Sotiropoulos, WFTU Permanent Representative in UNESCO and Alexandra Liberi, Head of the Mass Media & Communications Department of the WFTU

• 10-11: WFTU International Seminar held in Brussels, Belgium on the developments in the region of Northern Africa, the Middle East and the Arab world. The seminar was attended by representatives from the countries of Northern Africa, Middle East and Arab world.

• 17: WFTU International Campaign for Palestine. The WFTU in a joint meeting with the GUPW held in Ramallah decided to call upon all affiliates and friends to act. To submit statements to the Israeli embassies in their countries, as well as international organizations and to demand the immediate release of all the militants from Israeli prisons. The demonstrators delivered written memorandums and sent letters of protest to the Embassies of Israel demanded the immediate release of 4.600 political prisoners, calling for:

- The immediate release of all political prisoners kept unfairly in Israeli prisons.

- To stop the settlement activity and the dismantling of the settlements.

- The immediate lifting of the unfair and inhumane blockade of Gaza Strip, the withdrawal of the Israeli army from all occupied territories, which is there since 1967, including the Golan Height and the Shebaa area of southern Lebanon.

- The demolition of the racist wall.

- The creation of an independent, democratic and truly free Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital and the return of all Palestinian refugees to their homeland.

- The international community to undertake its responsibilities and to implement all decisions of the United Nations and the Security Council!

• 18-20: Under the slogan “For a free public and quality education for all”, and for the first in Africa, WFTU organized in coordination with the Organisation Démocratique de Travail of Morocco (ODT), the WFTU Regional Congress in Africa for the education sector in Rabat, Morocco. WFTU was represented by Elsadig Ali, WFTU Secretariat member from SWTUF Sudan. The Congress was held with great success and with a massive presence.Trade unionist and militants from organizations of class struggle attended the Congress as well as many WFTU friends and experts in the education sector in Africa from countries such as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Mauritania , the Central African Republic and immigrant trade unionist in Morocco from Guinea Bissau, Congo, Mali, Botswana, Rwanda. A committee of seven members was elected at the end of this congress. This committee will be tasked to promote the primary objectives of the WFTU, where education will seek the welfare of the whole African society and the continued satisfaction of the growing needs of people and not for the benefit of capitalists.

• 21-23: Patriotic March Meeting in Colombia. The WFTU was represented by comrade Valentin Pacho, Deputy General Secretary

• 28: Latin America Regional Office Meeting. Comrade Ramon Cardona, responsible for the WFTU Latin America Regional Office and comrade Valentin Pacho, WFTU Deputy General Secretary participated at the meeting, as well as several WFTU Vice-Presidents and members of the Presidential Council, WFTU Coordinators in the region and representatives of affiliated organizations.

• 28: General Assembly of KTAMS held in Cyprus. WFTU was represented by Pieris Pieri, Coordinator of WFTU European Regional Office.


• 29-30: The 2nd International Conference of Working Youth of the WFTU took place in Havana, Cuba. For two days, 135 young trade union workers from WFTU affiliated and friendly organizations from 35 countries around the World discussed with maturity, enthusiasm and inspired by the principles and values of the international class-oriented trade union movement. The delegates discussed about Youth Unemployment and the current challenges of the Working Youth also took part in the great demonstration of May Day in Havana. A new WFTU Youth Secretariat was elected, that will be in charge to materialize the action plan approved by the Conference. The WFTU was represented by Ramon Cardona and Valentin Pacho.


• 1: With his participation in the May Day Demonstration organised by PAME in Greece, the General Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Unions expressed once more the warm internationalist solidarity of the workers of the world to the hard and long-lasting struggle of the Greek Workers against the barbaric policy implemented by the Greek government in cooperation with the European Union, the IMF and the European Central Bank. The May Day Demonstration was organised by the Greek class-oriented trade unions outside the Steel industry “Helliniki Halivourgia” whose workers have been on continuous strike for almost six month being in the frontline of the struggle for all the Greek working class against dismissals, huge salary cuts, heavy taxation etc. The World Federation has been on their side since the very beginning by organising important initiatives such as International Action Days in solidarity with their struggle. Dozens of foreign delegations have visited the steel-industry and addressed their workers throughout this period.

• 1: 5th National Congress of CONEP held in Kathmandu, NEPAL.WFTU was represented by Swadesh Dev Roye, Deputy General Secretary of WFTU, from CITU India. The Congress was participated by 350 delegates who took part also at the grand rally on the occasion of May Day. The Congress elected Executive Committee of 65 members and adopted 22 resolutions analyzing the critical situation of Nepal and future direction of the Nepalese trade union movement.

• 8:The yearly meeting between the WFTU Secretariat, the TUIs’ leadership and the Heads of the Regional Offices of WFTU was held in Athens, Greece. The meeting was one more step in the course of implementing the resolutions of the 16th World Trade Union Congress for the strengthening of the Trade Union Internationals and the Regional Offices of WFTU. The main point in the agenda of the meeting, the preparation of the International Action Day on the 3rd October 2012, was thoroughly discussed. On the 3rd of October 2012, the International Action Day 2012, the participants reaffirmed their determination to organize the struggle in international level with strikes, demonstrations, mobilizations, activities in dozens of countries of the five continents to end the multinationals’ predatory exploitation, to demand the right in Food, Clean Water, Housing, Medication, Education, Transport and Free and Qualitative Public Services for all.

• 9: Meeting for the founding of TUI Pensioners held in Athens, Greece. A preparatory committee was elected to move forward with the preparations of the founding Congress to be held in Spain beginning of 2013.

• 10-30: International training course of ILO on “social policies for the promotion of decent work” held in Geneva, Switzerland. WFTU was represented by Ms. Léa Florence BAMBERT from CGT-FL, Gabon.

• 15-16: Meeting of the General Trade Union of administrative & social services held in Cairo, Egypt on the subject “The problems of the workers in Gaza Strip. Consequences of poverty and unemployment to the Palestinians”. WFTU was represented by WFTU General Secretary, George Mavrikos and Mohammed Iqnaibi, WFTU Representative for Palestine Adviser on Arab Issues.

• 21-23: 5th Nuestra America Trade Union Meeting in Mexico. The WFTU Secretariat was represented by comrade Valentin Pacho, WFTU Deputy General Secretary.

• 22-25: First International Trade Union Court organized by the WFTU and the Association of Labour Lawyers of Colombia in Bogota.

• 22: Joint seminar of WFTU and ILO on “Maternity Protection at work” held in Johannesburg, South Africa. The seminar hosted by NEHAWU. Alexandra Liberi, Head of the WFTU Mass Media & Communications Department addressed the issues and maternity rights in day – to – day activities and pointed out the overall objective of this project which is to protect workers maternity rights, to enhance their voice and representation through organizing, and to develop union policies and strategies for struggling for maternity rights.

• 23-26: NUM National Congress held in Johannesburg, South Africa. WFTU was represented by Swadesh Dev Roye, Deputy General Secretary of WFTU, from CITU India and Alexandra Liberi, Head of the Mass Media & Communications Department of the WFTU.

• 25: Executive Council Meeting of CGTL Lebanon on the occasion of the Liberation Day. The WFTU was represented by comrade Apostolos Sotiropoulos, WFTU Permanent Representative in UNESCO.

• 29: WFTU preparatory meeting of WFTU affiliates and friends for the 101 ILC in Geneva, Switzerland.

WFTU Report 2012


• 30-14: The WFTU participated with a high level delegation at the 101st Session of the International Labour Conference and expressed in the committees and the plenary the demands of the WFTU for the benefit of the working class in all national and international issues.

• 4-8: 9th Congress of NUMSA held in Durban, South Africa. WFTU was represented by WFTU General Secretary, George Mavrikos and Mohammed Iqnaibi, WFTU Representative for Palestine Adviser on Arab Issues.

• 7: WFTU Meeting on Transnational held in ILO Geneva in the framework of the 101th International Labour Conference.

• 11: WFTU’s Informal Presidential Council and Council of Friends – activity on Freedom of Association and Trade Union Rights.

• 13: WFTU’s activity of Solidarity with Palestine in the framework of the 101st ILC.

• 12-14: WFTU and its affiliated organizations TUPAS, NATU, KATIPUNAN, BMP organized a joint seminar on the subject of “Women and Child Trafficking”. The seminar took place on June 12, the World Day of Child Labour and was held in Manila, Philippines, a city where the figures of women and child trafficking are sky high. The WFTU was represented by Tasia Koutsoupi.

• 20-22: LAB Sindikatua holds its National Congress in the Basque Country. WFTU is represented by cde Valentin Pacho, Deputy General Secretary.

• 21: The WFTU Regional Office in South Africa in coordination with the WFTU affiliated unions NUMSA, NEHAWU POPCRU, CEPPWAWU organised on June 21st in Pretoria, South Africa a Shop-Steward Council which concluded in a solidarity march with the Palestinian struggle towards the Israeli Embassy. The demonstrators delivered the following Statement demanding the release of all 4,700 political prisoners held in Israeli Jails.

• 29-30: On 29-30 June, the Meeting of WFTU Young Workers in the Southern Cone was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The main topics discussed at the meeting were the struggle against unemployment, for full rights in social security, labor and wages and against labor flexibility.WFTU was represented by Ramon Cardona, Regional Coordinator. 65 delegates from 32 organizations from Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico and Cuba elaborated an action plan with initiatives that will take place in different countries of Latin America. Uruguay was proposed to host the WFTU Working Youth Meeting of the Southern Cone in 2013. The main initiatives of the WFTU Youth Secretariat were supported by the workers gathered in Argentina. Regional meetings, Internationalist Solidarity, trade union training and education will be organized. The Youth Secretariat will meet and organize international action for the release of the Cuban 5, for the recognition of the Palestinian State, for the strengthening of the anti-imperialist struggle, for solidarity with the people of Western Sahara and the Swazi people.


• 13-16: A seminar on “Mass-Media and the Trade Union Movement” was jointly organized in Kathmandu, Nepal with the WFTU affiliates. WFTU was represented by the Head of Mass Media and Communications Department, Alexandra Liberi. WFTU was also invited and addressed a greeting speech to the Council Meeting of the Nepal National Teachers Association (NNTA).

• 12-17: A WFTU Summer School was jointly organized with SNAPEST in Algeria under the title “Public School, citizenship and trade union mobilization”. WFTU was represented by Yacine Ben Chikha, Councilor in Africa.

• 17: The Nile Basin Land Transport Meeting was held in Cairo, Egypt with big success. The WFTU was represented by Lulamile Sotaka, Member of WFTU Presidential Council from South Africa and Coordinator of WFTU South Africa Office, Motajo Abdul Kareem, Member of WFTU Presidential Council from Nigeria and General Secretary of National Union of Air Transport Employees - Transport Sector and George Pontikos, Head of International Relations Department of PAME.

• 17: CTA of Andalusia organized its 3rd Congress. Quim Boix, member of the Presidential Council represented the WFTU.

• 17-18: The 3rd Meeting of Young Workers of Central America was hosted in Managua, Nicaragua under the theme “Young workers facing new challenges”. The event built consensus and coordination on the issues of the youth in the region which is facing problems such as poverty, unemployment, crime, lack of education, drug addiction etc. as consequences of the capitalist system.

• 18-19: Mohammed Iqnaibi, WFTU Representative of Palestine and Adviser on Arab Issues represented WFTU in the Founding Congress of the Bahrain Labour Union Free Federation (BLUFF).


• 20: WFTU organized mobilizations at the Embassies and Consulates of the Kingdom of Swaziland and delivered memorandums denouncing the antilabour policy of the Swazi government and demanding the immediate recognition of the new Swazi trade union confederation TUCOSWA.

• 21-23: Premal Kumar Khanal, Member of the WFTU Presidential Council participated in the World Peace Council Assembly and the World Peace Conference that took place in Kathmandu, Nepal organized by the World Peace Council.

• 21-25: The General Secretary of the WFTU, cde George Mavrikos visited New York and held bilateral meeting with trade union organizations and militant trade unionists, friends of the WFTU in North America. During his visit he addressed a meeting of the 1199 Hospital and Health Care Workers, held a lecture at the Murphy Institute, Center for Workers Education and Labour Studies, participated in a workers rally and held bilaterals with leaders of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.


• 29-12: The WFTU Central Offices organized in Athens, Greece a two-weeks trade union course for trade unionists from South Africa in the spirit of the resolutions of the VI Presidential Council to enhance the trade union education.

• 20-23: Valentin Pacho, Deputy General Secretary, represented the WFTU at the XII National Congress of FNTMMSP in Peru.

• 24-26: Lulamile Sotaka, WFTU Regional Coordinator and Alexandra Liberi, Head of Mass Media and Communications Department represented the WFTU at the 8th Congress of the Metal and Allied Namibian Workers Union (MANWU) in Namibia.

• 25-28: Marcela Maspero, Member of the WFTU Presidential Council represented the WFTU at the 20th National Congress of GAWU (Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union) in Guyana.

• 28-30: The 2012 International Trade Union Forum held in Beijing China on August 28-30, 2012 by ACFTU was entitled “Respecting Labour and Protecting workers rights”. The WFTU participated in its works with a high level delegation headed by comrades H. Mahadevan and Swadesh Dev Roye, Deputy General Secretaries, comrade Abdulkarem Motajo, Member of the WFTU Presidential Council and Fikile Majola, General Secretary of NEHAWU South Africa. This is the 8th Forum in which participated 115 delegates representing more than 64 trade unions from 54 countries of the world. On behalf of WFTU comrade Mahadevan addressed the Plenary session with a greeting speech. The young trade unionists, participated in the opening of the 2012 International Trade Union Forum and will follow a separate training program in Beijing and in other cities specially prepared by the ACFTU International Department.

• 28-30: In the framework of mutual cooperation between WFTU and ACFTU China, an 8-member WFTU Youth Delegation composed by African trade unionists from South Africa, Nigeria, Gabon, Senegal, Cameroun Gambia and Ivory Coast representing affiliates of WFTU, travelled to Beijing China for a two weeks program of trade union training.

• 29-31: The World Congress of Mining was organized by the Trade Union International of Metal and Mining (TUI MM), the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) and the Mining Confederation of Chile in Santiago, Chile with great success. More than 112 delegates took part in the Congress from various countries in Europe, America and Asia, where mining is especially relevant, such as Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Quebec, Colombia, Portugal, India, and others. The Presidential Council of the WFTU was represented by Jose Ortiz. There were rich discussions on different aspects and issues of mining and quarrying activity, such as safety and health in the sector, the situation of mining in high altitude, outsourcing or environmental responsibility of transnational mining corporations.


• 8-9: The 16th National Congress of NFIRTW was held in Hyderabad, India. The WFTU was represented by a delegation of VGCL.

• 14-15: A National Meeting of workers and class oriented trade unionists was organized in Bogota, Colombia. WFTU was represented by Ramon Cardona, Regional Coordinator.

• 17-21: A high level delegation headed by George Mavrikos, GS of WFTU including Swadesh Dev Roye, DGS of WFTU participated at the 11th National Congress of COSATU in Johannesburg, South Africa were the Congress took the resolution that COSATU must affiliate to the WFTU.

• 19-20: The 20th Congress of the World Federation of Teachers Unions (FISE) took place in Caracas Venezuela organized by the World Federation of Trade Unions, the World Federation of Teachers Unions (FISE) and Sindicato Nacional Fuerza Unitaria Magisterial - National Union of Teachers Unitary Force (SINAFUM). 24 countries (Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, North America, Middle East), 31 unions, 250 delegates - teachers participated in. The leadership of the WFTU was represented by Comrade Valentin Pacho, WFTU Deputy General Secretary. The Congress: voted the document Caracas Declaration on Education, voted the FISE Action Plan 2012-2013, elected by voting the new FISE

WFTU Report 2012

leadership headed by the new General Secretary, Comrade Orlando Perez and President comrade Hassan Ismail. During the Congress, 10 new unions requested official affiliation to FISE.


• 3: A successful International Action Day was organized by the WFTU, its affiliates and friends on the vital demands of “food, water, medicine, books, housing for all”, denouncing the activity of the transnational corporations which are plundering the natural resources of the people. Strikes, demonstations, activities were organized in more than 45 countries, with the participation of hundreds of thousands of workers around the world. Significant informative materials and publications with this content and demands was distributed and discussed all over the world. The central activity of the WFTU was jointly organized by USB Italy, PAME Greece and the TUI Agro-alimentary in Rome, Italy as a protestation towards the offices of FAO demanding cheap prices for the daily essentials for all the people around the world. This protestation was joined also by other trade unionists from various continents. On the same days the USB of Italy and TUI Agro-alimentary jointly organized a seminar. Equally important initiatives were taken in other countries. For example, in India all the six affiliates took part in the demonstrations in various centers/cities. There were also actions separately initiated by some TUIs (Construction, Finance). Further posters, based on the same design made by WFTU, were brought out in different Indian languages such as Hindi, Tamil, Bengali etc. Several thousands of pamphlets were distributed as campaign materials in different Indian languages during the campaign period, thus giving publicity for WFTU.

• 6-7: The Asia Pacific Regional Summit of the World Federation of Trade Unions commenced at Foundation Institute in Colombo, Sri Lanka with the participation of a large number of delegates from the Asian and Pacific region. Representatives of several trade unions in the island participated in the summit which was successfully organized by the Inter Company Employees Union and All Ceylon Trade Union Federation. Trade union representatives from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia including 24 members and the Deputy General Secretary of WFTU, H. Mahadevan, participated in this meeting and discussed thoroughly on the working and living conditions of the workers in the region, the action plan of the WFTU Regional Office and the need to coordinate the actions of the members and friends of the WFTU in joint struggles.

• 11-12: WFTU was represented at the International Conference on Rubber Industry organized by FNIC (Federation of Workers in Chemicals) of CGT in France by cde Alexandra Liberi, Head of Mass Media and Communications Department.

• 12-14: Lulamile Sibanda, member of the Youth Committee addressed a message of support to the struggles of the working youth in South Africa participating at the NUMSA Youth Forum Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa

• 21-23: Quim Boix, Member of the Presidential Council and Vuyo Bikitsha, International Officer of the WFTU Africa Regional Office represented the WFTU at the 7th UGTSARIO Congress in Western Sahara.

• 22: With a letter addressed to the government of Cameroon and to the International Labour Office (ILO), the WFTU Secretariat denounced on October 22nd, 2012, the imprisonment of the FESCOS-CAM leader, Boris Boniface Mbah, under the orders of MTN Cameroon.

• 25-28: Expressing the solidarity to the struggles of the South African Workers, Lulamile Sotaka and Vuyo Bikitsha from the WFTU Africa Regional Office represented the WFTU at the International Solidarity Conference that was held in Johannesburg, South Africa.


• 1-2: A meeting of the TUI’s with the Secretariat of the WFTU was organized in Cyprus under the theme: “Close to the work places, build militant sectoral organizations everywhere. We coordinate our struggles on international level”.

• 1-16: The WFTU participated at the 316th Session of the Governing Body of the ILO held in Geneva, Switzerland. The delegation represented the resolutions of the collective bodies of the WFTU for the enhancement of the presence of the WFTU at the International Organizations and the defending of the rights of the working people on the regional and international issues.

• 7-8: WFTU International Conference in Energy took place in Tehran, Iran. The Conference entitled “The roads of Energy – the aggressiveness of imperialists at the expense of workers and people” was hosted by Workers House of Iran. An important resolution adopted by the Conference for the workers in energy sector all over the world. 45 delegates from 13 countries participated in the Conference.

• 9: A preparatory meeting for the forthcoming Congress of the new TUI of Pensioners was hosted in Athens, Greece. Valentin Pacho, DGS of WFTU represented the Secretariat.

• 10: Valentin Pacho, DGS of WFTU represented the organization at the 20th Congress of the Federation of Pensioners of the private sector in Athens Greece


• 17: While the Israeli massacre against the Palestinian people was unfolding, the WFTU expressed its strong condemnation against the policy of the Israeli government with the support of the USA and organized solidarity events with the struggle of the Palestinian people. In this framework, a delegation of the WFTU headed by the General Secretary and accompanied by Palestinian militants in Greece laid a wreath in an honorary event for the victims in Gaza Strip.

• 17-27: A two-part seminar was co-organized by the WFTU and its affiliates in Central America and specifically in Panama, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica in the framework of the collective resolutions of the WFTU for the enhancement of the trade union education. The lectures that were delivered by Alexandra Liberi, Head of Mass Media and Communications Department and Ilias Baltas, Journalist in cooperation with the WFTU referred to the role of Mass Media in the struggles of the international trade union movement.

• 27-30: The 40th National Congress of All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC), one of the founding members of WFTU and known worldwide for its historical role in the trade union movement of India took place in Mumbai, India. WFTU was represented by comrade Mzwandile Michael Makwayiba, Member of WFTU Presidentail Council and President of NEHAWU, South Africa.

• 29-30: The International Congress of the TUI Energy took place in Caracas, Venezuela. More than 70 delegates from 29 countries participated in it, enriched the resolutions and the action plan of the TUI Energy and elected new leadership. The new leadership is consisted by the President Martin Esparza from SME Mexico and the General Secretary, Simon Mofokeng from CEPPWAWU, South Africa. Furthermore, Vice-Presidents were elected from each region as well as a Finance Committee to improve the coordination and the activity of the TUI Energy. The WFTU was represented by cde. Valentin Pacho

• 29-30: With great success the WFTU Affiliates in Dakar, Senegal hosted a seminar in coordination with the World Federation of Trade Unions on the subject of “Labour Migration”. WFTU was represented by comrade Quim Boix, Member of WFTU Presidential Council and Yacine Ben Chicka, Councilor of the WFTU in Africa.


• 1-7: The 10th Ordinary Congress of OATUU took place in Algiers, Algeria, from the 1st to the 7th of December 2012. 150 delegates from all African countries participated in the Congress as well as many representatives from other continents. WFTU was represented by Muhammad Shabban Azzouz, President of WFTU and Motajo Abdul Kareem, Member of WFTU Presidential Council from Nigeria.

• 3: Cde Apostolos Sotiropoulos, permanent representative of the WFTU in UNESCO, participated in the event organized for the International Day for people with Disabilities

• 3-4: A UITBB Secretariat meeting took place in Vigo, Calicia in which the WFTU Secretariat was represented by Arthur Sequeira, member of the Secretariat.

• 5-16: The WFTU Central Offices organized in Athens, Greece a two-weeks trade union course for trade unionists from Latin and Central America in the spirit of the resolutions of the VI Presidential Council to enhance the trade union education.

• 6-7: The General Secretary addressed the 26th National Congress of PEO in Cyprus, Larnaka.

• 12-14: At the International Conference of NGO’s organized by UNESCO, WFTU was represented by cde Apostolos Sotiropoulos, permanent representative in UNESCO.

• 14-15: At the trade union solidarity conference with Palestine organized in Portugal by the CGTP-IN, the WFTU was represented by Valentin Pacho, Deputy General Secretary.

WFTU Report 2012


Hosting of Foreign Delegations:


• 22-27: Accepting invitation of WFTU the leadership of POLICE AND PRISONS CIVIL RIGHTS UNION (POPCRU), officially visits WFTU. The 6-members delegation composed by Nkosinathi Theledi, General Secretary of POPCRU, Nkosinathi Mabhida, Deputy President of POPCRU, Thandi Shimange, 1st Vice President of POPCRU, Prudence Marekwa, 2nd Vice President of POPCRU, Thulani Sibusiso Nsele, Mpumalanga Provincial Treasurer of POPCRU and Marurung Masemola Frans, Limpopo Provincial Treasurer of POPCRU officially met and discussed with the leadership of WFTU at the WFTU Headquarters. During its staying in Athens POPCRU had a rich program of trade union and political meetings and discussions. As a result of these meetings POPCRU submitted an official affiliation request as a full member of WFTU.


• 28-29: A three-member delegation of the Botswana Federation of Trade Unions (BFTU), comrade Allan Keitseng, BFTU President, comrade Gadzani Mhotsha, General Secretary and comrade Amelia Seitshiro, BFTU Women’s Council Secretary visited the Central Offices of the World Federation of Trade Unions and held bilateral meetings with the WFTU Secretariat. In a warm fraternal environment the BFTU and WFTU agreed to strengthen their relations and to fulfill a common action plan in the near future as well as the need for the formation of close cooperation between BFTU and the new WFTU Africa Regional Office, in Johannesburg, South Africa. During their visit to Athens, Greece, the Botswana delegation also held meetings with Greek militant trade union organizations and the leadership of the All Workers Militant Front (PAME).


• 3-5: A delegation from Egypt composed by Mahmoud Sami Ahmed Mohamed Ali, President GENERAL TRADE UNION OF PUBLIC & ADMINISTRATIVE WORKERS UNION (GTUPAWU) and Mostafa Mohamed Zaki Rostom, Head of international relations department visited the WFTU Headquarters after an official invitation from the WFTU. GTUPAWU submitted an official affiliation request as a full member of WFTU and agreed to strengthen their relations with WFTU.

• 21-25: In a fraternal and militant spirit, the General Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Unions held bilateral meetings with comrade Andrey Prigor, representative of ZHANARTU of Kazakhstan. Accepting invitation of WFTU comrade Prigor visited the Headquarters April 22-25, 2012 and had bilateral meeting with Greek Trade Union leaders and the leadership of PAME (All-Workers Militant Front). During the WFTU-ZHANARTU bilateral meetings both sides had the opportunity to exchange experience about the conditions of the working class in Kazakhstan and the world, the challenges and the struggles of the trade union movement, the type of trade union movement the working class needs today in an environment where the inter-imperialist rivalries intensify. WFTU and ZHANARTU will coordinate their action in national and international level aiming to strengthen the free and democratic trade union activity. Both sides have agreed to strengthen their relations and promote a common action plan in the near future.


• 28-1: Mohammed Hamzeh and Nasreen Mohammadifar from the Workers House of Iran visited the Central Offices of the WFTU


• 1-6: The General Secretary of the WFTU had a bilateral meeting with the delegation of General Trade Union of Postal Workers & General Trade Union of Communications of Egypt


• 11-15: A high-delegation meeting was held in Athens between the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) of South Africa represented by its President comrade Senzeni Zokwana and Madoda Sambatha Regional Coordinator for Carletonville and WFTU represented by comrades George Mavrikos General Secretary, Mohammed Iqnaibi-of GUPW Palestine-Councilor for Middle East issues and Apostolos Sotiropoulos, Permanent representative of WFTU in UNESCO. The meeting took place in a comradely, sincere and militant spirit. There was an exchange of experiences and a profound debate on the situation of workers in South Africa and around the world. There was discussion on the developments in the mines of Lonmin multinational and the situation was analyzed from NUM. There was also discussion on the importance of the forthcoming 11th Congress of COSATU and the next Congress of ANC. Through the open, democratic and fraternal discussion, there was agreement between the two delegations about:

- Joint initiatives for the rights of miners, the conditions of health and safety, the wages, the labor relations, the social security rights.


- The continuation of the joint comradely effort for COSATU to play a first role in the international level through the lines of the WFTU.

- The joint position of defending the Palestinian People, the Cuban revolution to beat off the imperialist plans. - Our coordination within the framework of the International Organizations for the benefit of the workers and the unemployed.



• 22-24: A high level delegation of the Liberia Labour Congress (LLC) headed by the General Secretary Moses P. Barwror visited the Central Offices for bilateral discussions with the WFTU Secretariat.


• 17-21: In a fraternal and militant spirit, the General Secretary of the World Federation of Trade Unions held bilateral meeting with comrade Anyango Lucy Ekadu, President of Uganda Journalists Union. During the meeting both sides had the opportunity to exchange experience about the conditions of the working class in Uganda and the world, the challenges and the struggles of the trade union movement. Both sides have agreed to strengthen their relations and promote a common action plan in the near future.

• 26-29: A delegation of the newly founded Bahrain Labour Union Free Federation (BLUFF) visited the Central Offices and held bilateral discussions with the Secretariat of the WFTU to built the framework of the common cooperation and coordination for the benefit of the struggles of the Bahraini workers and the international working class.


• 9-11: A delegation of the CGTP-IN from Portugal headed by the Secretary General cde Armenio Carlos, visited the Central Offices and held bilateral discussions with the WFTU Secretariat for the deepening of the cooperation amongst the organizations and the coordination of the struggle especially in Europe and the framework of the struggles of the working class and the poor people for their rights against the anti-labour measures imposed for the overcoming of the capitalist crisis in Europe.

• 12-18: A high level delegation of CONEP Nepal visited the Central Offices of the WFTU for bilateral discussions with the Secretariat to deepen the relations amongst the organizations and the coordination for the struggle of the workers in Nepal, Asia and the world.

• 14-16: A high level delegation from CGT Lebanon visited the Central Offices of the WFTU for bilateral discussions with the Secretariat to deepen the relations amongst the organizations and the coordination for the struggle of the workers in Lebanon, Middle East and the world.

WFTU Report 2012


1. WFTU International Conference in solidarity with Palestine, March 22nd, 2012, Ramallah, Palestine

2. 2nd International Conference of WFTU Working Youth, April 29-30, Havana Cuba

3.WFTU Regional Congress Africa on Teachers and Education, 18-20 April 2012, Rabat Morocco


4. May Day 2012

5. Seminar on Woman and Child Trafficking, June 12th, Manila, Philippines

6. Solidarity to the farmers in Paraguay, June 2012

WFTU Report 2012

7.International Action Day, October 3rd, 2012

8. FISE Congress, 19-20 September 2012, Caracas Venezuela

9. Seminar on Labour Migration, 29-30 November 2012, Dakar Senegal



1. “South African Worker and WFTU - Shoulder to shoulder”.

Edition published by WFTU and WFTU Africa Regional Office, Johannesburg, South Africa on February 2012

2. “World Media Story”

Collection of publications in printed & electronic media around the world on the subject of the 16th World Trade Union Congress

3. Declaration for the International Action Day 2012

4. Electronic Photo-Album for the Action organized during the International Action Day, October 3,2012


Report 2012Athens, Greece

40, Zan Moreas str, 117 45 Athens, GREECETel: +30210 9214417, +30210 9236700, Fax: +30210 9214517

E-mails:, international@wftucentral.orgWebsite: